/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsLookAndFeel.h" #include "nsCocoaFeatures.h" #include "nsIServiceManager.h" #include "nsNativeThemeColors.h" #include "nsStyleConsts.h" #include "nsCocoaFeatures.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "gfxFont.h" #include "gfxFontConstants.h" #include "gfxPlatformMac.h" #include "nsCSSColorUtils.h" #include "mozilla/FontPropertyTypes.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/2D.h" #include "mozilla/widget/WidgetMessageUtils.h" #import // This must be included last: #include "nsObjCExceptions.h" enum { mozNSScrollerStyleLegacy = 0, mozNSScrollerStyleOverlay = 1 }; typedef NSInteger mozNSScrollerStyle; @interface NSScroller(AvailableSinceLion) + (mozNSScrollerStyle)preferredScrollerStyle; @end // Available from 10.12 onwards; test availability at runtime before using @interface NSWorkspace(AvailableSinceSierra) @property (readonly) BOOL accessibilityDisplayShouldReduceMotion; @end nsLookAndFeel::nsLookAndFeel() : nsXPLookAndFeel() , mUseOverlayScrollbars(-1) , mUseOverlayScrollbarsCached(false) , mAllowOverlayScrollbarsOverlap(-1) , mAllowOverlayScrollbarsOverlapCached(false) , mPrefersReducedMotion(-1) , mPrefersReducedMotionCached(false) , mColorTextSelectBackground(0) , mColorTextSelectBackgroundDisabled(0) , mColorHighlight(0) , mColorMenuHover(0) , mColorTextSelectForeground(0) , mColorMenuHoverText(0) , mColorButtonText(0) , mHasColorButtonText(false) , mColorButtonHoverText(0) , mColorText(0) , mColorWindowText(0) , mColorActiveCaption(0) , mColorActiveBorder(0) , mColorGrayText(0) , mColorInactiveBorder(0) , mColorInactiveCaption(0) , mColorScrollbar(0) , mColorThreeDHighlight(0) , mColorMenu(0) , mColorWindowFrame(0) , mColorFieldText(0) , mColorDialog(0) , mColorDialogText(0) , mColorDragTargetZone(0) , mColorChromeActive(0) , mColorChromeInactive(0) , mColorFocusRing(0) , mColorTextSelect(0) , mColorDisabledToolbarText(0) , mColorMenuSelect(0) , mColorCellHighlight(0) , mColorEvenTreeRow(0) , mColorOddTreeRow(0) , mColorActiveSourceListSelection(0) , mInitialized(false) { } nsLookAndFeel::~nsLookAndFeel() { } static nscolor GetColorFromNSColor(NSColor* aColor) { NSColor* deviceColor = [aColor colorUsingColorSpaceName:NSDeviceRGBColorSpace]; return NS_RGB((unsigned int)([deviceColor redComponent] * 255.0), (unsigned int)([deviceColor greenComponent] * 255.0), (unsigned int)([deviceColor blueComponent] * 255.0)); } static nscolor GetColorFromNSColorWithAlpha(NSColor* aColor, float alpha) { NSColor* deviceColor = [aColor colorUsingColorSpaceName:NSDeviceRGBColorSpace]; return NS_RGBA((unsigned int)([deviceColor redComponent] * 255.0), (unsigned int)([deviceColor greenComponent] * 255.0), (unsigned int)([deviceColor blueComponent] * 255.0), (unsigned int)(alpha * 255.0)); } void nsLookAndFeel::NativeInit() { EnsureInit(); } void nsLookAndFeel::RefreshImpl() { if (mShouldRetainCacheForTest) { return; } nsXPLookAndFeel::RefreshImpl(); // We should only clear the cache if we're in the main browser process. // Otherwise, we should wait for the parent to inform us of new values // to cache via LookAndFeel::SetIntCache. if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) { mUseOverlayScrollbarsCached = false; mAllowOverlayScrollbarsOverlapCached = false; mPrefersReducedMotionCached = false; } // Fetch colors next time they are requested. mInitialized = false; } // Turns an opaque selection color into a partially transparent selection color, // which usually leads to better contrast with the text color and which should // look more visually appealing in most contexts. // The idea is that the text and its regular, non-selected background are // usually chosen in such a way that they contrast well. Making the selection // color partially transparent causes the selection color to mix with the text's // regular background, so the end result will often have better contrast with // the text than an arbitrary opaque selection color. // The motivating example for this is the URL bar text field in the dark theme: // White text on a light blue selection color has very bad contrast, whereas // white text on dark blue (which what you get if you mix partially-transparent // light blue with the black textbox background) has much better contrast. nscolor nsLookAndFeel::ProcessSelectionBackground(nscolor aColor) { uint16_t hue, sat, value; uint8_t alpha; nscolor resultColor = aColor; NS_RGB2HSV(resultColor, hue, sat, value, alpha); int factor = 2; alpha = alpha / factor; if (sat > 0) { // The color is not a shade of grey, restore the saturation taken away by // the transparency. sat = sat * factor; } else { // The color is a shade of grey, find the value that looks equivalent // on a white background with the given opacity. value = mozilla::clamped(255 - (255 - value) * factor, 0, 255); } NS_HSV2RGB(resultColor, hue, sat, value, alpha); return resultColor; } nsresult nsLookAndFeel::NativeGetColor(ColorID aID, nscolor &aColor) { EnsureInit(); nsresult res = NS_OK; switch (aID) { case eColorID_WindowBackground: aColor = NS_RGB(0xff,0xff,0xff); break; case eColorID_WindowForeground: aColor = NS_RGB(0x00,0x00,0x00); break; case eColorID_WidgetBackground: aColor = NS_RGB(0xdd,0xdd,0xdd); break; case eColorID_WidgetForeground: aColor = NS_RGB(0x00,0x00,0x00); break; case eColorID_WidgetSelectBackground: aColor = NS_RGB(0x80,0x80,0x80); break; case eColorID_WidgetSelectForeground: aColor = NS_RGB(0x00,0x00,0x80); break; case eColorID_Widget3DHighlight: aColor = NS_RGB(0xa0,0xa0,0xa0); break; case eColorID_Widget3DShadow: aColor = NS_RGB(0x40,0x40,0x40); break; case eColorID_TextBackground: aColor = NS_RGB(0xff,0xff,0xff); break; case eColorID_TextForeground: aColor = NS_RGB(0x00,0x00,0x00); break; case eColorID_TextSelectBackground: aColor = ProcessSelectionBackground(mColorTextSelectBackground); break; // This is used to gray out the selection when it's not focused. Used with // nsISelectionController::SELECTION_DISABLED. case eColorID_TextSelectBackgroundDisabled: aColor = ProcessSelectionBackground(mColorTextSelectBackgroundDisabled); break; case eColorID_highlight: // CSS2 color aColor = mColorHighlight; break; case eColorID__moz_menuhover: aColor = mColorMenuHover; break; case eColorID_TextSelectForeground: aColor = mColorTextSelectForeground; break; case eColorID_highlighttext: // CSS2 color case eColorID__moz_menuhovertext: aColor = mColorMenuHoverText; break; case eColorID_IMESelectedRawTextBackground: case eColorID_IMESelectedConvertedTextBackground: case eColorID_IMERawInputBackground: case eColorID_IMEConvertedTextBackground: aColor = NS_TRANSPARENT; break; case eColorID_IMESelectedRawTextForeground: case eColorID_IMESelectedConvertedTextForeground: case eColorID_IMERawInputForeground: case eColorID_IMEConvertedTextForeground: aColor = NS_SAME_AS_FOREGROUND_COLOR; break; case eColorID_IMERawInputUnderline: case eColorID_IMEConvertedTextUnderline: aColor = NS_40PERCENT_FOREGROUND_COLOR; break; case eColorID_IMESelectedRawTextUnderline: case eColorID_IMESelectedConvertedTextUnderline: aColor = NS_SAME_AS_FOREGROUND_COLOR; break; case eColorID_SpellCheckerUnderline: aColor = NS_RGB(0xff, 0, 0); break; // // css2 system colors http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/ui.html#system-colors // // It's really hard to effectively map these to the Appearance Manager properly, // since they are modeled word for word after the win32 system colors and don't have any // real counterparts in the Mac world. I'm sure we'll be tweaking these for // years to come. // // Thanks to mpt26@student.canterbury.ac.nz for the hardcoded values that form the defaults // if querying the Appearance Manager fails ;) // case eColorID__moz_mac_buttonactivetext: case eColorID__moz_mac_defaultbuttontext: if (mHasColorButtonText) { aColor = mColorButtonText; break; } // Otherwise fall through and return the regular button text: MOZ_FALLTHROUGH; case eColorID_buttontext: case eColorID__moz_buttonhovertext: aColor = mColorButtonHoverText; break; case eColorID_captiontext: case eColorID_menutext: case eColorID_infotext: case eColorID__moz_menubartext: aColor = mColorText; break; case eColorID_windowtext: aColor = mColorWindowText; break; case eColorID_activecaption: aColor = mColorActiveCaption; break; case eColorID_activeborder: aColor = mColorActiveBorder; break; case eColorID_appworkspace: aColor = NS_RGB(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF); break; case eColorID_background: aColor = NS_RGB(0x63,0x63,0xCE); break; case eColorID_buttonface: case eColorID__moz_buttonhoverface: aColor = NS_RGB(0xF0,0xF0,0xF0); break; case eColorID_buttonhighlight: aColor = NS_RGB(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF); break; case eColorID_buttonshadow: aColor = NS_RGB(0xDC,0xDC,0xDC); break; case eColorID_graytext: aColor = mColorGrayText; break; case eColorID_inactiveborder: aColor = mColorInactiveBorder; break; case eColorID_inactivecaption: aColor = mColorInactiveCaption; break; case eColorID_inactivecaptiontext: aColor = NS_RGB(0x45,0x45,0x45); break; case eColorID_scrollbar: aColor = mColorScrollbar; break; case eColorID_threeddarkshadow: aColor = NS_RGB(0xDC,0xDC,0xDC); break; case eColorID_threedshadow: aColor = NS_RGB(0xE0,0xE0,0xE0); break; case eColorID_threedface: aColor = NS_RGB(0xF0,0xF0,0xF0); break; case eColorID_threedhighlight: aColor = mColorThreeDHighlight; break; case eColorID_threedlightshadow: aColor = NS_RGB(0xDA,0xDA,0xDA); break; case eColorID_menu: aColor = mColorMenu; break; case eColorID_infobackground: aColor = NS_RGB(0xFF,0xFF,0xC7); break; case eColorID_windowframe: aColor = mColorWindowFrame; break; case eColorID_window: case eColorID__moz_field: case eColorID__moz_combobox: aColor = NS_RGB(0xff,0xff,0xff); break; case eColorID__moz_fieldtext: case eColorID__moz_comboboxtext: aColor = mColorFieldText; break; case eColorID__moz_dialog: aColor = mColorDialog; break; case eColorID__moz_dialogtext: case eColorID__moz_cellhighlighttext: case eColorID__moz_html_cellhighlighttext: aColor = mColorDialogText; break; case eColorID__moz_dragtargetzone: aColor = mColorDragTargetZone; break; case eColorID__moz_mac_chrome_active: aColor = mColorChromeActive; break; case eColorID__moz_mac_chrome_inactive: aColor = mColorChromeInactive; break; case eColorID__moz_mac_focusring: aColor = mColorFocusRing; break; case eColorID__moz_mac_menushadow: aColor = NS_RGB(0xA3,0xA3,0xA3); break; case eColorID__moz_mac_menutextdisable: aColor = NS_RGB(0x98,0x98,0x98); break; case eColorID__moz_mac_menutextselect: aColor = mColorTextSelect; break; case eColorID__moz_mac_disabledtoolbartext: aColor = mColorDisabledToolbarText; break; case eColorID__moz_mac_menuselect: aColor = mColorMenuSelect; break; case eColorID__moz_buttondefault: aColor = NS_RGB(0xDC,0xDC,0xDC); break; case eColorID__moz_cellhighlight: case eColorID__moz_html_cellhighlight: case eColorID__moz_mac_secondaryhighlight: // For inactive list selection aColor = mColorCellHighlight; break; case eColorID__moz_eventreerow: // Background color of even list rows. aColor = mColorEvenTreeRow; break; case eColorID__moz_oddtreerow: // Background color of odd list rows. aColor = mColorOddTreeRow; break; case eColorID__moz_nativehyperlinktext: // There appears to be no available system defined color. HARDCODING to the appropriate color. aColor = NS_RGB(0x14,0x4F,0xAE); break; // The following colors are supposed to be used as font-smoothing background // colors, in the chrome-only -moz-font-smoothing-background-color property. // This property is used for text on "vibrant" -moz-appearances. // The colors have been obtained from the system on 10.12.6 using the // program at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=8907533 . // We could obtain them at runtime, but doing so may be expensive and // requires the use of the private API // -[NSVisualEffectView fontSmoothingBackgroundColor]. case eColorID__moz_mac_vibrancy_light: case eColorID__moz_mac_vibrant_titlebar_light: case eColorID__moz_mac_source_list: case eColorID__moz_mac_tooltip: aColor = NS_RGB(0xf7,0xf7,0xf7); break; case eColorID__moz_mac_vibrancy_dark: case eColorID__moz_mac_vibrant_titlebar_dark: aColor = NS_RGB(0x28,0x28,0x28); break; case eColorID__moz_mac_menupopup: case eColorID__moz_mac_menuitem: aColor = NS_RGB(0xe6,0xe6,0xe6); break; case eColorID__moz_mac_source_list_selection: aColor = NS_RGB(0xc8,0xc8,0xc8); break; case eColorID__moz_mac_active_menuitem: case eColorID__moz_mac_active_source_list_selection: aColor = mColorActiveSourceListSelection; break; default: NS_WARNING("Someone asked nsILookAndFeel for a color I don't know about"); aColor = NS_RGB(0xff,0xff,0xff); res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; break; } return res; } nsresult nsLookAndFeel::GetIntImpl(IntID aID, int32_t &aResult) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK_NSRESULT; nsresult res = nsXPLookAndFeel::GetIntImpl(aID, aResult); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) return res; res = NS_OK; switch (aID) { case eIntID_CaretBlinkTime: aResult = 567; break; case eIntID_CaretWidth: aResult = 1; break; case eIntID_ShowCaretDuringSelection: aResult = 0; break; case eIntID_SelectTextfieldsOnKeyFocus: // Select textfield content when focused by kbd // used by EventStateManager::sTextfieldSelectModel aResult = 1; break; case eIntID_SubmenuDelay: aResult = 200; break; case eIntID_TooltipDelay: aResult = 500; break; case eIntID_MenusCanOverlapOSBar: // xul popups are not allowed to overlap the menubar. aResult = 0; break; case eIntID_SkipNavigatingDisabledMenuItem: aResult = 1; break; case eIntID_DragThresholdX: case eIntID_DragThresholdY: aResult = 4; break; case eIntID_ScrollArrowStyle: aResult = eScrollArrow_None; break; case eIntID_ScrollSliderStyle: aResult = eScrollThumbStyle_Proportional; break; case eIntID_UseOverlayScrollbars: if (!mUseOverlayScrollbarsCached) { mUseOverlayScrollbars = SystemWantsOverlayScrollbars() ? 1 : 0; mUseOverlayScrollbarsCached = true; } aResult = mUseOverlayScrollbars; break; case eIntID_AllowOverlayScrollbarsOverlap: if (!mAllowOverlayScrollbarsOverlapCached) { mAllowOverlayScrollbarsOverlap = AllowOverlayScrollbarsOverlap() ? 1 : 0; mAllowOverlayScrollbarsOverlapCached = true; } aResult = mAllowOverlayScrollbarsOverlap; break; case eIntID_ScrollbarDisplayOnMouseMove: aResult = 0; break; case eIntID_ScrollbarFadeBeginDelay: aResult = 450; break; case eIntID_ScrollbarFadeDuration: aResult = 200; break; case eIntID_TreeOpenDelay: aResult = 1000; break; case eIntID_TreeCloseDelay: aResult = 1000; break; case eIntID_TreeLazyScrollDelay: aResult = 150; break; case eIntID_TreeScrollDelay: aResult = 100; break; case eIntID_TreeScrollLinesMax: aResult = 3; break; case eIntID_DWMCompositor: case eIntID_WindowsClassic: case eIntID_WindowsDefaultTheme: case eIntID_TouchEnabled: case eIntID_WindowsThemeIdentifier: case eIntID_OperatingSystemVersionIdentifier: aResult = 0; res = NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; case eIntID_MacGraphiteTheme: aResult = [NSColor currentControlTint] == NSGraphiteControlTint; break; case eIntID_MacYosemiteTheme: aResult = nsCocoaFeatures::OnYosemiteOrLater(); break; case eIntID_AlertNotificationOrigin: aResult = NS_ALERT_TOP; break; case eIntID_TabFocusModel: aResult = [NSApp isFullKeyboardAccessEnabled] ? nsIContent::eTabFocus_any : nsIContent::eTabFocus_textControlsMask; break; case eIntID_ScrollToClick: { aResult = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"AppleScrollerPagingBehavior"]; } break; case eIntID_ChosenMenuItemsShouldBlink: aResult = 1; break; case eIntID_IMERawInputUnderlineStyle: case eIntID_IMEConvertedTextUnderlineStyle: case eIntID_IMESelectedRawTextUnderlineStyle: case eIntID_IMESelectedConvertedTextUnderline: aResult = NS_STYLE_TEXT_DECORATION_STYLE_SOLID; break; case eIntID_SpellCheckerUnderlineStyle: aResult = NS_STYLE_TEXT_DECORATION_STYLE_DOTTED; break; case eIntID_ScrollbarButtonAutoRepeatBehavior: aResult = 0; break; case eIntID_SwipeAnimationEnabled: aResult = 0; if ([NSEvent respondsToSelector:@selector( isSwipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled)]) { aResult = [NSEvent isSwipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled] ? 1 : 0; } break; case eIntID_ContextMenuOffsetVertical: aResult = -6; break; case eIntID_ContextMenuOffsetHorizontal: aResult = 1; break; case eIntID_SystemUsesDarkTheme: aResult = SystemWantsDarkTheme(); break; case eIntID_PrefersReducedMotion: // Without native event loops, // NSWorkspace.accessibilityDisplayShouldReduceMotion returns stale // information, so we get the information only on the parent processes // or when it's the initial query on child processes. Otherwise we will // get the info via LookAndFeel::SetIntCache on child processes. if (!mPrefersReducedMotionCached && [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] respondsToSelector:@selector( accessibilityDisplayShouldReduceMotion)]) { mPrefersReducedMotion = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] accessibilityDisplayShouldReduceMotion] ? 1 : 0; mPrefersReducedMotionCached = true; } aResult = mPrefersReducedMotion; break; default: aResult = 0; res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return res; NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK_NSRESULT; } nsresult nsLookAndFeel::GetFloatImpl(FloatID aID, float &aResult) { nsresult res = nsXPLookAndFeel::GetFloatImpl(aID, aResult); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) return res; res = NS_OK; switch (aID) { case eFloatID_IMEUnderlineRelativeSize: aResult = 2.0f; break; case eFloatID_SpellCheckerUnderlineRelativeSize: aResult = 2.0f; break; default: aResult = -1.0; res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return res; } bool nsLookAndFeel::UseOverlayScrollbars() { return GetInt(eIntID_UseOverlayScrollbars) != 0; } bool nsLookAndFeel::SystemWantsOverlayScrollbars() { return ([NSScroller respondsToSelector:@selector(preferredScrollerStyle)] && [NSScroller preferredScrollerStyle] == mozNSScrollerStyleOverlay); } bool nsLookAndFeel::AllowOverlayScrollbarsOverlap() { return (UseOverlayScrollbars()); } bool nsLookAndFeel::SystemWantsDarkTheme() { // This returns true if the macOS system appearance is set to dark mode on // 10.14+, false otherwise. if (nsCocoaFeatures::OnMojaveOrLater()) { return !![[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"AppleInterfaceStyle"]; } return false; } bool nsLookAndFeel::GetFontImpl(FontID aID, nsString &aFontName, gfxFontStyle &aFontStyle, float aDevPixPerCSSPixel) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK_RETURN; // hack for now if (aID == eFont_Window || aID == eFont_Document) { aFontStyle.style = mozilla::FontSlantStyle::Normal(); aFontStyle.weight = mozilla::FontWeight::Normal(); aFontStyle.stretch = mozilla::FontStretch::Normal(); aFontStyle.size = 14 * aDevPixPerCSSPixel; aFontStyle.systemFont = true; aFontName.AssignLiteral("sans-serif"); return true; } nsAutoCString name; gfxPlatformMac::LookupSystemFont(aID, name, aFontStyle, aDevPixPerCSSPixel); aFontName.Append(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(name)); return true; NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK_RETURN(false); } nsTArray nsLookAndFeel::GetIntCacheImpl() { nsTArray lookAndFeelIntCache = nsXPLookAndFeel::GetIntCacheImpl(); LookAndFeelInt useOverlayScrollbars; useOverlayScrollbars.id = eIntID_UseOverlayScrollbars; useOverlayScrollbars.value = GetInt(eIntID_UseOverlayScrollbars); lookAndFeelIntCache.AppendElement(useOverlayScrollbars); LookAndFeelInt allowOverlayScrollbarsOverlap; allowOverlayScrollbarsOverlap.id = eIntID_AllowOverlayScrollbarsOverlap; allowOverlayScrollbarsOverlap.value = GetInt(eIntID_AllowOverlayScrollbarsOverlap); lookAndFeelIntCache.AppendElement(allowOverlayScrollbarsOverlap); LookAndFeelInt prefersReducedMotion; prefersReducedMotion.id = eIntID_PrefersReducedMotion; prefersReducedMotion.value = GetInt(eIntID_PrefersReducedMotion); lookAndFeelIntCache.AppendElement(prefersReducedMotion); return lookAndFeelIntCache; } void nsLookAndFeel::SetIntCacheImpl(const nsTArray& aLookAndFeelIntCache) { for (auto entry : aLookAndFeelIntCache) { switch(entry.id) { case eIntID_UseOverlayScrollbars: mUseOverlayScrollbars = entry.value; mUseOverlayScrollbarsCached = true; break; case eIntID_AllowOverlayScrollbarsOverlap: mAllowOverlayScrollbarsOverlap = entry.value; mAllowOverlayScrollbarsOverlapCached = true; break; case eIntID_PrefersReducedMotion: mPrefersReducedMotion = entry.value; mPrefersReducedMotionCached = true; break; } } } void nsLookAndFeel::EnsureInit() { if (mInitialized) { return; } mInitialized = true; NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK nscolor color; mColorTextSelectBackground = GetColorFromNSColor( [NSColor selectedTextBackgroundColor]); mColorTextSelectBackgroundDisabled = GetColorFromNSColor( [NSColor secondarySelectedControlColor]); mColorHighlight = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor alternateSelectedControlColor]); mColorMenuHover = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor alternateSelectedControlColor]); GetColor(eColorID_TextSelectBackground, color); if (color == 0x000000) { mColorTextSelectForeground = NS_RGB(0xff,0xff,0xff); } else { mColorTextSelectForeground = NS_DONT_CHANGE_COLOR; } mColorMenuHoverText = GetColorFromNSColor( [NSColor alternateSelectedControlTextColor]); if (nsCocoaFeatures::OnYosemiteOrLater()) { mColorButtonText = NS_RGB(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF); mHasColorButtonText = true; } mColorButtonHoverText = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor controlTextColor]); mColorText = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor textColor]); mColorWindowText = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor windowFrameTextColor]); mColorActiveCaption = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor gridColor]); mColorActiveBorder = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor keyboardFocusIndicatorColor]); mColorGrayText = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor disabledControlTextColor]); mColorInactiveBorder = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor controlBackgroundColor]); mColorInactiveCaption = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor controlBackgroundColor]); mColorScrollbar = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor scrollBarColor]); mColorThreeDHighlight = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor highlightColor]); mColorMenu = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor alternateSelectedControlTextColor]); mColorWindowFrame = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor gridColor]); mColorFieldText = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor controlTextColor]); mColorDialog = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor controlHighlightColor]); mColorDialogText = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor controlTextColor]); mColorDragTargetZone = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor selectedControlColor]); int grey = NativeGreyColorAsInt(toolbarFillGrey, true); mColorChromeActive = NS_RGB(grey, grey, grey); grey = NativeGreyColorAsInt(toolbarFillGrey, false); mColorChromeInactive = NS_RGB(grey, grey, grey); mColorFocusRing = GetColorFromNSColorWithAlpha([NSColor keyboardFocusIndicatorColor], 0.48); mColorTextSelect = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor selectedMenuItemTextColor]); mColorDisabledToolbarText = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor disabledControlTextColor]); mColorMenuSelect = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor alternateSelectedControlColor]); mColorCellHighlight = GetColorFromNSColor([NSColor secondarySelectedControlColor]); mColorEvenTreeRow = GetColorFromNSColor([[NSColor controlAlternatingRowBackgroundColors] objectAtIndex:0]); mColorOddTreeRow = GetColorFromNSColor([[NSColor controlAlternatingRowBackgroundColors] objectAtIndex:1]); color = [NSColor currentControlTint]; mColorActiveSourceListSelection = (color == NSGraphiteControlTint) ? NS_RGB(0xa0,0xa0,0xa0) : NS_RGB(0x0a,0x64,0xdc); NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK }