#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl -w # -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # cvsview.cgi - fake up some HTML based on RCS logs and diffs # # The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bonsai CVS tool. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # brendan and fur # # TODO in no particular order: # - Mocha-automate the main page's form so clicking on rev links in the table # change the default filename and revisions. # - Add a tab width input to the main page's form. # - Include log message in wasted horizontal real-estate of Shortcuts frame. # - Make old and new diff lines go to separate, side-by-side frames, and use # Mocha to slave their scrollbars together. # - Allow expansion of the top-level table to include the revision histories # of all the files in the directory. # - More more more xdiff/gdiff-like features... # # # SRCROOTS is an array of repository roots under which to look for CVS files. # use diagnostics; use strict; # Shut up misguided -w warnings about "used only once". "use vars" just # doesn't work for me. sub sillyness { my $zz; $zz = $::TreeInfo; $zz = $::TreeList; $zz = $::file_description; $zz = $::principal_branch; $zz = %::timestamp; } my $opt_command; my $anchor_num = 0; my $font_tag = ""; # Figure out which directory bonsai is in by looking at argv[0] my $bonsaidir = $0; $bonsaidir =~ s:/[^/]*$::; # Remove last word, and slash before it. if ($bonsaidir eq '') { $bonsaidir = '.'; } chdir $bonsaidir || die "Can't chdir to $bonsaidir"; require 'CGI.pl'; my $cocommand = Param('cocommand'); my $rcsdiffcommand = Param('rcsdiffcommand'); LoadTreeConfig(); my @SRCROOTS; NEXTTREE: foreach my $i (@::TreeList) { my $r = $::TreeInfo{$i}->{'repository'}; foreach my $j (@SRCROOTS) { if ($r eq $j) { next NEXTTREE; } } push @SRCROOTS, $r; } my $opt_rev1 = ''; my $opt_rev2 = ''; my $opt_root = ''; my $opt_files = ''; my $opt_branch = ''; my $opt_skip = 0; my $debug = 0; my $MAX_REVS = 8; # # Make sure both kinds of standard output go to STDOUT. # XXX dup stdout onto stderr and flush stdout after the following prints # # Until then, replace standard die built-in with our own. # sub die { # print 'fatal error: '; # print @_; # exit; # } my $line_buffer; # Consume one token from the already opened RCSFILE filehandle. # Unescape string tokens, if necessary. sub get_token { # Erase all-whitespace lines. while ($line_buffer =~ /^$/) { die ('Unexpected EOF') if eof(RCSFILE); $line_buffer = ; $line_buffer =~ s/^\s+//; # Erase leading whitespace } # A string of non-whitespace characters is a token ... return $1 if ($line_buffer =~ s/^([^;@][^;\s]*)\s*//o); # ...and so is a single semicolon ... return ';' if ($line_buffer =~ s/^;\s*//o); # ...or an RCS-encoded string that starts with an @ character. $line_buffer =~ s/^@([^@]*)//o; my $token = $1; # Detect single @ character used to close RCS-encoded string. while ($line_buffer !~ /^@[^@]*$/o) { $token .= $line_buffer; die ('Unexpected EOF') if eof(RCSFILE); $line_buffer = ; } # Retain the remainder of the line after the terminating @ character. ($line_buffer) = ($line_buffer =~ /^@\s*([^@]*)/o); # Undo escape-coding of @ characters. $token =~ s/@@/@/og; return $token; } # Consume a token from RCS filehandle and ensure that it matches # the given string constant. sub match_token { my ($match) = @_; my ($token) = &get_token; die ("Unexpected parsing error in RCS file.\n", "Expected token: $match, but saw: $token\n") if ($token ne $match); } # Push RCS token back into the input buffer. sub unget_token { my ($token) = @_; $line_buffer = "$token $line_buffer"; } # Parses "administrative" header of RCS files, setting these globals: # # $::head_revision -- Revision for which cleartext is stored # $::principal_branch # $::file_description # %::revision_symbolic_name -- maps from numerical revision # to symbolic tag # %::tag_revision -- maps from symbolic tag to numerical revision # # sub parse_rcs_admin { my ($token, $tag, $tag_name, $tag_revision); my (@tags); # Undefine variables, because we may have already read another RCS file undef %::tag_revision; undef %::revision_symbolic_name; while (1) { # Read initial token at beginning of line $token = &get_token(); # We're done once we reach the description of the RCS tree if ($token =~ /^\d/o) { &unget_token($token); return; } # print "token: $token\n"; if ($token eq 'head') { $::head_revision = &get_token; &get_token; # Eat semicolon } elsif ($token eq 'branch') { $::principal_branch = &get_token; &get_token; # Eat semicolon } elsif ($token eq 'symbols') { # Create an associate array that maps from tag name to # revision number and vice-versa. while (($tag = &get_token) ne ';') { ($tag_name, $tag_revision) = split(':', $tag); $::tag_revision{$tag_name} = $tag_revision; $::revision_symbolic_name{$tag_revision} = $tag_name; } } elsif ($token eq 'comment') { $::file_description = &get_token; &get_token; # Eat semicolon # Ignore all these other fields - We don't care about them. } elsif (($token eq 'locks') || ($token eq 'strict') || ($token eq 'expand') || ($token eq 'access')) { (1) while (&get_token ne ';'); } else { warn ("Unexpected RCS token: $token\n"); } } die('Unexpected EOF'); } # Construct associative arrays that represent the topology of the RCS tree # and other arrays that contain info about individual revisions. # # The following associative arrays are created, keyed by revision number: # %::revision_date -- e.g. "" # %::timestamp -- seconds since 12:00 AM, Jan 1, 1970 GMT # %::revision_author -- e.g. "tom" # %::revision_branches -- descendant branch revisions, separated by spaces, # e.g. "" # %::prev_revision -- revision number of previous *ancestor* in RCS tree. # Traversal of this array occurs in the direction # of the primordial (1.1) revision. # %::prev_delta -- revision number of previous revision which forms the # basis for the edit commands in this revision. # This causes the tree to be traversed towards the # trunk when on a branch, and towards the latest trunk # revision when on the trunk. # %::next_delta -- revision number of next "delta". Inverts %::prev_delta. # # Also creates %::last_revision, keyed by a branch revision number, which # indicates the latest revision on a given branch, # e.g. $::last_revision{"1.2.8"} == # sub parse_rcs_tree { my($revision, $date, $author, $branches, $next); my($branch, $is_trunk_revision); # Undefine variables, because we may have already read another RCS file undef %::revision_date; undef %::timestamp; undef %::revision_author; undef %::revision_branches; undef %::prev_revision; undef %::prev_delta; undef %::next_delta; undef %::last_revision; while (1) { $revision = &get_token; # End of RCS tree description ? if ($revision eq 'desc') { &unget_token($revision); return; } $is_trunk_revision = ($revision =~ /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/); $::tag_revision{$revision} = $revision; ($branch) = $revision =~ /(.*)\.[0-9]+/o; $::last_revision{$branch} = $revision; # Parse date &match_token('date'); $date = &get_token; $::revision_date{$revision} = $date; &match_token(';'); # Convert date into timestamp # @date_fields = reverse(split(/\./, $date)); # $date_fields[4]--; # Month ranges from 0-11, not 1-12 # $::timestamp{$revision} = &timegm(@date_fields); # Parse author &match_token('author'); $author = &get_token; $::revision_author{$revision} = $author; &match_token(';'); # Parse state; &match_token('state'); (1) while (&get_token ne ';'); # Parse branches &match_token('branches'); $branches = ''; my $token; while (($token = &get_token) ne ';') { $::prev_revision{$token} = $revision; $::prev_delta{$token} = $revision; $branches .= "$token "; } $::revision_branches{$revision} = $branches; # Parse revision of next delta in chain &match_token('next'); $next = ''; if (($token = &get_token) ne ';') { $next = $token; &get_token; # Eat semicolon $::next_delta{$revision} = $next; $::prev_delta{$next} = $revision; if ($is_trunk_revision) { $::prev_revision{$revision} = $next; } else { $::prev_revision{$next} = $revision; } } if ($debug > 1) { print "revision = $revision\n"; print "date = $date\n"; print "author = $author\n"; print "branches = $branches\n"; print "next = $next\n\n"; } } } # Reads and parses complete RCS file from already-opened RCSFILE descriptor. sub parse_rcs_file { my ($file) = @_; die("Couldn't open $file\n") if !open(RCSFILE, "< $file"); $line_buffer = ''; print "Reading RCS admin...\n" if ($debug); &parse_rcs_admin(); print "Reading RCS revision tree topology...\n" if ($debug); &parse_rcs_tree(); print "Done reading RCS file...\n" if ($debug); close(RCSFILE); } # Map a tag to a numerical revision number. The tag can be a symbolic # branch tag, a symbolic revision tag, or an ordinary numerical # revision number. sub map_tag_to_revision { my($tag_or_revision) = @_; my ($revision) = $::tag_revision{$tag_or_revision}; # Is this a branch tag, e.g. xxx.yyy.0.zzz if ($revision =~ /(.*)\.0\.([0-9]+)/o) { my $branch = $1 . '.' . $2; # Return latest revision on the branch, if any. return $::last_revision{$branch} if (defined($::last_revision{$branch})); return $1; # No revisions on branch - return branch point } else { return $revision; } } # # Print HTTP content-type header and the header-delimiting extra newline. # print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $request_method = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}; # e.g., "GET", "POST", etc. my $script_name = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}; my $prefix = $script_name . '?'; # prefix for HREF= entries $prefix = $script_name . $ENV{PATH_INFO} . '?' if (exists($ENV{PATH_INFO})); my $query_string = $ENV{QUERY_STRING}; # Undo % URL-encoding while ($query_string =~ /(.*)\%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])(.*)/) { # XXX - inefficient $query_string = $1 . pack('c', hex($2)) . $3; } die("REQUEST_METHOD 'GET' expected: got '$request_method'\n") if ($request_method ne 'GET'); # Default option values my $opt_diff_mode = 'context'; my $opt_whitespace_mode = 'show'; my $opt_file; my $opt_rev; my $opt_subdir; # Parse options in URL. For example, # http://w3/cgi/cvsview.pl?subdir=foo&file=bar would assign # $opt_subdir = foo and $opt_file = bar. foreach my $option (split(/&/, $query_string)) { die("command $opt_command: garbled option $option\n") if ($option !~ /^([^=]+)=(.*)/); eval('$opt_' . $1 . '=' . SqlQuote($2)); } if (defined($opt_branch) && $opt_branch eq 'HEAD' ) { $opt_branch = ''; } # Configuration colors for diff output. my $stable_bg_color = 'White'; my $skipping_bg_color = '#c0c0c0'; my $header_bg_color = 'Orange'; my $change_bg_color = 'LightBlue'; my $addition_bg_color = 'LightGreen'; my $deletion_bg_color = 'LightGreen'; my $diff_bg_color = 'White'; # Ensure that necessary arguments are present die("command not defined in URL\n") if $opt_command eq ''; die("command $opt_command: subdir not defined\n") if $opt_subdir eq ''; if ($opt_command eq 'DIFF' || $opt_command eq 'DIFF_FRAMESET' || $opt_command eq 'DIFF_LINKS') { die("command $opt_command: file not defined in URL\n") if $opt_file eq ''; die("command $opt_command: rev1 not defined in URL\n") if $opt_rev1 eq ''; die("command $opt_command: rev2 not defined in URL\n") if $opt_rev2 eq ''; } # Propagate diff options to created links $prefix .= "diff_mode=$opt_diff_mode"; $prefix .= "&whitespace_mode=$opt_whitespace_mode"; $prefix .= "&root=$opt_root"; # Create a shorthand for the longest common initial substring of our URL. my $magic_url = "$prefix&subdir=$opt_subdir"; # Now that we've munged QUERY_STRING into perl variables, set rcsdiff options. my $rcsdiff = "$rcsdiffcommand -f"; $rcsdiff .= ' -w' if ($opt_whitespace_mode eq 'ignore'); # Handle the "root" argument # my $root = $opt_root; if (defined $root && $root ne '') { $root =~ s|/$||; if (-d $root) { unshift(@SRCROOTS, $root); } else { print "Error: Root, $root, is not a directory.
\n"; print "\n"; exit; } } my $found = 0; my $dir; foreach $root (@SRCROOTS) { $dir = "$root/$opt_subdir"; if (-d $dir) { $found = 1; last; } } if (!$found) { print "Error: $opt_subdir not found in " .join(',', @SRCROOTS), "\n"; exit; } # Create top-level frameset document. sub do_diff_frameset { chdir($dir); print "$opt_file: $opt_rev1 vs. $opt_rev2\n"; print "\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print "\n"; } # Create links to document created by DIFF command. sub do_diff_links { print qq{ $opt_file: $opt_rev1 vs. $opt_rev2 }; CheckHidden("$dir/$opt_file"); chdir($dir); open(RCSDIFF, "$rcsdiff -r$opt_rev1 -r$opt_rev2 $opt_file 2>/dev/null |"); print '
'; my $diff_base = "cvsview2.cgi"; my $blame_base = "cvsblame.cgi"; my $lxr_path = "$opt_subdir/$opt_file"; my $lxr_link = Fix_LxrLink($lxr_path); my $blame_link = "$blame_base?file=$opt_subdir/$opt_file"; $blame_link .= "&root=$opt_root" if defined($opt_root); my $diff_link = "$magic_url&command=DIRECTORY&file=$opt_file&rev1=$opt_rev1&rev2=$opt_rev2"; $diff_link .= "&root=$opt_root" if defined($opt_root); print ""; print ""; print ""; print "
"; print ""; print ""; print "\n"; print ""; print "\n"; print ""; print "\n"; print "
diff: Change diff parameters.
blame:Annotate line authors.
lxr: Browse source as hypertext.
"; print "
"; print ""; print "
"; print ""; print "
"; $anchor_num = 0; while () { # Get one command from the diff file my $line = ""; if (/^(c|a)(\d+)/) { $line = $2; while () { last if /^\.$/; } } elsif (/^d(\d+)/) { $line = $1; } else { print "Internal error:", " unknown command $_", " at $. in $opt_file $opt_rev1\n"; } print ' ' x (4 - length($line)); print "$line "; $anchor_num++; } close(RCSDIFF); print '
'; print "
\n"; } # Default tab width, although it's frequently 4. my $tab_width = 8; sub next_tab_stop { my ($pos) = @_; return int(($pos + $tab_width) / $tab_width) * $tab_width; } # # Look for the magic emacs tab width comment, or for long lines with more # than 4 leading tabs in more than 50% of the lines that start with a tab. # In the latter case, set $tab_width to 4. # sub guess_tab_width { my ($opt_file) = @_; my ($found_tab_width) = 0; my ($many_tabs, $any_tabs) = (0, 0); open(RCSFILE, "$opt_file"); while () { if (/tab-width: (\d)/) { $tab_width = $1; $found_tab_width = 1; last; } if (/^(\t+)/) { $many_tabs++ if (length($1) >= 4); $any_tabs++; } } if (!$found_tab_width && $many_tabs > $any_tabs / 2) { $tab_width = 4; } close(RCSFILE); } # Create gdiff-like output. sub do_diff { print ""; print "$opt_file: $opt_rev1 vs. $opt_rev2\n"; print ""; print ""; CheckHidden("$dir/$opt_file"); chdir($dir); my ($rcsfile) = "$opt_file,v"; $rcsfile = "Attic/$opt_file,v" if (! -r $rcsfile); &guess_tab_width($rcsfile); &html_diff($rcsfile, $opt_rev1, $opt_rev2); print "\n\n"; } # Show specified CVS log entry. sub do_log { print "$opt_file: $opt_rev CVS log entry\n"; print '



    open(RCSLOG, "rlog -r$opt_rev $opt_file |");

    while () {
        last if (/^revision $opt_rev$/);

    while () {
        last if (/^===============================================/);
        print "$_
"; } close(RCSLOG); print '
'; } # # Main script: generate a table of revision diff and log message hotlinks # for each modified file in $opt_subdir, and a form for choosing a file and any # two of its revisions. # sub do_directory { my $output = "
"; my $link_path = ""; foreach my $path (split('/',$opt_subdir)) { $link_path .= $path; $output .= "$path/ "; $link_path .= '/'; } chop ($output); if ($opt_branch) { $output .= "
Branch: $opt_branch"; } $output .= "
"; PutsHeader("CVS Differences", $output); CheckHidden($dir); chdir($dir); print "\n"; foreach my $file (split(/\+/, $opt_files)) { my ($path) = "$dir/$file,v"; CheckHidden($path); $path = "$dir/Attic/$file,v" if (! -r $path); &parse_rcs_file($path); my $lxr_path = "$opt_subdir/$file"; my $lxr_link = Fix_LxrLink($lxr_path); print "\n"; my $first_rev; if ($opt_branch) { $first_rev = &map_tag_to_revision($opt_branch); die("$0: error: -r: No such revision: $opt_branch\n") if ($first_rev eq ''); } else { $first_rev = $::head_revision; } my $skip = $opt_skip; my $revs_remaining = $MAX_REVS; my $prev; for (my $rev = $first_rev; $rev; $rev = $prev) { $prev = $::prev_revision{$rev}; next if $skip-- > 0; if (!$revs_remaining--) { #print '\n"; last; } my $href_open = ""; my $href_close = ""; if ( $prev && $rev ) { $href_open = "$href_open$rev$href_close
"; print "$::revision_author{$rev}"; } print "
\n"; if (0) { print "\n"; $skip = $opt_skip; $revs_remaining = $MAX_REVS; for (my $rev = $first_rev; $rev; $rev = $::prev_revision{$rev}) { next if $skip-- > 0; last if !$revs_remaining--; print "\n"; } print "\n";} } print "
"; print "$file
"; print "Change Log
'; print ''; print "Prior revisions", "
$::revision_author{$rev}", "
\n"; print '
'; print ''; print ""; print 'New Query:'; print '
    '; # pick something remotely sensible to put in the "Filename" field. my $file = $opt_file; if ( !$file && $opt_files ) { $file = $opt_files; $file =~ s@\+.*@@; } print "\n
    \n", 'Filename:', '', '', "\n
    \n", 'Old version:', '', '', "\n
    \n", 'New version:', '', '', "\n
    \n"; print '
    ', '', ' Show Whitespace', '
    ', ' Ignore Whitespace', '
    ', '', ' Context Diffs', '
    ', ' Full Source Diffs'; print '
    '; print "\n"; print '
'; print "
\n"; &print_bottom; } # # This function generates a gdiff-style, side-by-side display using HTML. # It requires two arguments, each of which must be an open filehandle. # The first filehandle, DIFF, must be a `diff -f` style output containing # commands to convert the contents of the second filehandle, OLDREV, into # a later version of OLDREV's file. # sub html_diff { my ($file, $rev1, $rev2) = @_; my ($old_line_num) = 1; my ($old_line); my ($point, $mark); open(DIFF, "$rcsdiff -f -r$rev1 -r$rev2 $file 2>/dev/null |"); open(OLDREV, "$cocommand -p$rev1 $file 2>/dev/null |"); $anchor_num = 0; if ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ /Win/) { $font_tag = "
    } else {
        # We don't want your stinking Windows font
        $font_tag = "
    print "';
    print "";
    while () {
        $mark = 0;
        if (/^a(\d+)/) {
            $point = $1;
            $old_line_num = skip_to_line($point + 1, $old_line_num);
            while () {
                last if (/^\.$/);
                &print_row('', $stable_bg_color, $_, $addition_bg_color);
        } elsif ((($point, $mark) = /^c(\d+) (\d+)$/) ||
                 (($point) = /^c(\d+)$/)) {
            $mark = $point if (!$mark);
            $old_line_num = skip_to_line($point, $old_line_num);
            while () {
                last if (/^\.$/);
                if ($old_line_num <= $mark) {
                    $old_line = ;
                } else {
                    $old_line = ''
                &print_row($old_line, $change_bg_color, $_, $change_bg_color);
            while ($old_line_num <= $mark) {
                $old_line = ;
                &print_row($old_line, $change_bg_color, '', $change_bg_color);
        } elsif ((($point, $mark) = /^d(\d+) (\d+)$/) ||
                 (($point) = /^d(\d+)$/)) {
            $mark = $point if (!$mark);
            $old_line_num = skip_to_line($point, $old_line_num);
            while (1) {
                $old_line = ;
                last unless defined $old_line;
                &print_row($old_line, $deletion_bg_color, '', $stable_bg_color);
                last if ($. == $mark);
        } else {
            print "
Version $rev1Version $rev2
Internal error:", " unknown command $_", " at $. in $opt_file $opt_rev1\n"; exit; } } # # Print the remaining lines in the original file. These are lines that # were not modified in the later revision # my ($base_old_line_num) = $old_line_num; while (1) { $old_line = ; last unless defined $old_line; $old_line_num++; &print_row($old_line, $stable_bg_color, $old_line, $stable_bg_color) if ($opt_diff_mode eq 'full' || $old_line_num <= $base_old_line_num + 5); } # print "
\n"; print "
\n"; &print_bottom; close(OLDREV); close(DIFF); } sub skip_to_line { my ($line_num, $old_line_num); ($line_num, $old_line_num) = @_; my ($anchor_printed) = 0; my ($skip_line_printed) = ($line_num - $old_line_num <= 10); my ($base_old_line_num) = $old_line_num; while ($old_line_num < $line_num) { if (!$anchor_printed && $old_line_num >= $line_num - 10) { print "
"; $anchor_printed = 1; } if ($opt_diff_mode eq 'context' && !$skip_line_printed && $line_num - 5 <= $old_line_num) { print ""; print "'; print ""; $line1 = "" unless defined $line1; $line2 = "" unless defined $line2; &print_cell($line1, $color1); &print_cell($line2, $color2); } sub print_bottom { my $maintainer = Param('maintainer'); print <<__BOTTOM__;

", "Skipping to line $old_line_num: "; $skip_line_printed = 1; } my $old_line = ; $old_line_num++; &print_row($old_line, $stable_bg_color, $old_line, $stable_bg_color) if ($opt_diff_mode eq 'full' || $old_line_num <= $base_old_line_num + 5 || $line_num - 5 < $old_line_num); } print "" if (!$anchor_printed); print ''; $anchor_num++; return $old_line_num; } sub print_cell { my ($line, $color) = @_; my ($i, $j, $k, $n); my ($c, $newline); if ($color eq $stable_bg_color) { print "$font_tag"; } else { print "$font_tag"; } chomp $line; $n = length($line); $newline = ''; for ($i = $j = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $c = substr($line, $i, 1); if ($c eq "\t") { for ($k = &next_tab_stop($j); $j < $k; $j++) { $newline .= ' '; } } else { $newline .= $c; $j++; } } $newline =~ s/\s+$//; if (length($newline) <= 80) { $newline = sprintf("%-80.80s", $newline); } else { $newline =~ s/([^\n\r]{80})([^\n\r]*)/$1\n$2/g; } $newline =~ s/&/&/g; $newline =~ s//>/g; print $newline; } sub print_row { my ($line1, $color1, $line2, $color2) = @_; print "

  Mail feedback and feature requests to $maintainer.  
__BOTTOM__ } # print_bottom sub do_cmd { if ($opt_command eq 'DIFF_FRAMESET') { do_diff_frameset; } elsif ($opt_command eq 'DIFF_LINKS') { do_diff_links; } elsif ($opt_command eq 'DIFF') { do_diff; } elsif ($opt_command eq 'LOG') { do_log; } elsif ($opt_command eq 'DIRECTORY') { do_directory; } else { print "invalid command \"$opt_command\"."; } exit; } do_cmd;