/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License * Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * NPL. * * The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights * Reserved. */ // mainfrm.cpp : implementation of the CMainFrame class // #include "stdafx.h" #include "dialog.h" #include "mainfrm.h" #include "netsvw.h" #include "toolbar.cpp" #include "usertlbr.h" #include "urlbar.h" #include "prefapi.h" #include "csttlbr2.h" #include "prefinfo.h" #include "libevent.h" #include "navfram.h" #include "edview.h" #include "vocab.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMainFrame #ifndef _AFXDLL #undef new #endif IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CMainFrame, CGenericFrame) #ifndef _AFXDLL #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif const UINT NEAR msg_RegistrationComplete = RegisterWindowMessage("NetscapeRegistrationComplete"); const UINT NEAR msg_AbortRegistration = RegisterWindowMessage("NetscapeAbortRegistration"); #define FILEMENU 0 #define EDITMENU 1 #define VIEWMENU 2 #define GOMENU 3 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMainFrame, CGenericFrame) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CMainFrame) ON_WM_INITMENUPOPUP() ON_WM_MENUSELECT() ON_WM_SHOWWINDOW() ON_COMMAND(ID_OPTIONS_TITLELOCATION_BAR, OnOptionsTitlelocationBar) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_OPTIONS_TITLELOCATION_BAR, OnUpdateOptionsTitlelocationBar) ON_WM_TIMER() ON_WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED() ON_WM_CREATE() ON_WM_DESTROY() ON_COMMAND(ID_OPTIONS_TOGGLENETDEBUG, OnOptionsTogglenetdebug) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_OPTIONS_LOADINLINEDIMAGES, OnUpdateToggleImageLoad) ON_COMMAND(ID_HOTLIST_MCOM, OnNetscapeHome) ON_COMMAND(ID_PLACES, OnGuide) ON_COMMAND(ID_OPTIONS_FLUSHCACHE, OnFlushCache) ON_COMMAND(ID_OPTIONS_SHOWFTPFILEINFORMATION, OnToggleFancyFtp) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_OPTIONS_SHOWFTPFILEINFORMATION, OnUpdateToggleFancyFtp) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_OPTIONS_SHOWSTARTERBUTTONS, OnUpdateOptionsShowstarterbuttons) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_EDIT_UNDO, OnUpdateEditUndo) ON_WM_CLOSE() ON_WM_DROPFILES() ON_COMMAND(ID_HELP_SECURITY, OnHelpSecurity) ON_WM_SYSCOMMAND() ON_WM_SETFOCUS() ON_COMMAND(ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR, OnOptionsViewToolBar) ON_COMMAND(ID_OPTIONS_LOADINLINEDIMAGES, OnToggleImageLoad) ON_COMMAND(ID_OPTIONS_SHOWSTARTERBUTTONS, OnOptionsShowstarterbuttons) ON_COMMAND(ID_OPEN_MAIL_WINDOW, OnOpenMailWindow) ON_COMMAND(ID_COMMAND_HELPINDEX, OnHelpMenu) ON_MESSAGE(NSBUTTONMENUOPEN, OnButtonMenuOpen) ON_MESSAGE(TB_FILLINTOOLTIP, OnFillInToolTip) ON_MESSAGE(TB_FILLINSTATUS, OnFillInToolbarButtonStatus) ON_COMMAND(ID_VIEW_INCREASEFONT, OnIncreaseFont) ON_COMMAND(ID_VIEW_DECREASEFONT, OnDecreaseFont) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_NETSEARCH, OnUpdateNetSearch) ON_COMMAND(ID_NETSEARCH, OnNetSearch) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SECURITY, OnUpdateSecurity) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(IDS_SECURITY_STATUS, OnUpdateSecurityStatus) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_VIEW_COMMANDTOOLBAR, OnUpdateViewCommandToolbar) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_VIEW_LOCATIONTOOLBAR, OnUpdateViewLocationToolbar) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_VIEW_CUSTOMTOOLBAR, OnUpdateViewCustomToolbar) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() #ifndef _AFXDLL #define new DEBUG_NEW // MSVC Debugging new...goes to regular new in release mode #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMainFrame construction/destruction CMainFrame::CMainFrame() { m_pNext = NULL; m_pHistoryWindow = NULL; m_pDocInfoWindow = NULL; m_barLocation = NULL; m_barLinks = NULL; m_pCommandToolbar = NULL; m_tabFocusInMainFrm = TAB_FOCUS_IN_NULL ; m_SrvrItemCount = 0; m_bAutoMenuEnable = FALSE; // enable all items by default -- needed for hotlist/etc which have no handler } CMainFrame::~CMainFrame() { if(m_barLinks) delete m_barLinks; if(m_barLocation) delete m_barLocation; if(m_pCommandToolbar) delete m_pCommandToolbar; } // // Create the ledges // BOOL CMainFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext *pContext) { // Call the base, have it do the creation magic. BOOL bRetval = CGenericFrame::OnCreateClient(lpcs, pContext); if(bRetval == TRUE) { // Context Forever // We know that the view that was made for the frame was the very last one // created, use it to construct the context. // Create a grid for each initial view. CWnd *pView = GetDescendantWindow(AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST, TRUE); ASSERT(pView); CWinCX *pDontCare = new CWinCX((CGenericDoc *)pContext->m_pCurrentDoc, this, (CGenericView *)pView); SetMainContext(pDontCare); // This is the main context. SetActiveContext(pDontCare); // And the active one // cmanske: The following SetFocus() causes trouble for the Editor! // We don't have our pMWContext->is_editor flag set yet // and we have problems with JavaScript message processing // caused by the SetFocus message. // So test for Edit frame and set the context flag now #ifdef EDITOR if( IsEditFrame() && pDontCare->GetContext() ) { pDontCare->GetContext()->is_editor = TRUE; } #endif //EDITOR // mwh - CDCCX::Initialize() will initialize the color palette, but we have to make sure we have // the focus first for realizePalette() to work. ::SetFocus(pView->m_hWnd); RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect); pDontCare->Initialize(pDontCare->CDCCX::IsOwnDC(), &rect); #pragma message(__FILE__ ": move all this into the context constructor") pDontCare->GetContext()->fancyFTP = TRUE; pDontCare->GetContext()->fancyNews = TRUE; pDontCare->GetContext()->intrupt = FALSE; pDontCare->GetContext()->reSize = FALSE; } return bRetval; } int CMainFrame::m_FirstFrame = 1; // Read the initial sizes out of preferences file // BOOL CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { int16 iLeft,iRight,iTop,iBottom; PREF_GetRectPref("browser.window_rect", &iLeft, &iTop, &iRight, &iBottom); if (iLeft != -1) { cs.x = iLeft; cs.y = iTop; cs.cx = iRight - cs.x; cs.cy = iBottom - cs.y; } if(theApp.m_iCmdLnCX != -1) { cs.cx = theApp.m_iCmdLnCX; } if(theApp.m_iCmdLnCY != -1) { cs.cy = theApp.m_iCmdLnCY; } // no menu in kiosk mode. duh. if (theApp.m_bKioskMode || theApp.m_ParentAppWindow) cs.hMenu = NULL; return(CGenericFrame::PreCreateWindow(cs)); } // // Initialize the Frame window // //#define DONT_DO_ANIM_PAL #ifndef DONT_DO_ANIM_PAL IL_RGB animationPalette[] = { // R G B {255,255,204,0}, {204,153,102,0}, {255,102,51, 0}, { 66,154,167,0}, { 0, 55, 60,0}, { 0,153,255,0}, { 51, 51,102,0}, {128, 0, 0,0}, {255,102,204,0}, {153, 0,102,0}, {153,102,204,0}, { 34, 34 ,34,0}, {204,204,255,0}, {153,153,255,0}, {102,102,204,0}, { 51,255,153,0} }; int iLowerSystemColors = 10; // int iLowerAnimationColors = 12; int iLowerAnimationColors = 16; int iLowerColors = 26; // iLowerSystemColors + iLowerAnimationColors; int colorCubeSize = 216; #endif // Toolbar width and heights. #define MIXED_HEIGHT 32 #define MIXED_WIDTH 40 #define PICT_HEIGHT 21 #define PICT_WIDTH 23 #ifdef XP_WIN32 #define TEXT_HEIGHT 14 #define TEXT_WIDTH 42 #else #define TEXT_HEIGHT 14 #define TEXT_WIDTH 49 #endif // The Event Handler for the top-level bookmarks menu in a frame. static void qfNotifyProcedure (HT_Notification ns, HT_Resource n, HT_Event whatHappened, void *token, uint32 tokenType) { if (whatHappened == HT_EVENT_NODE_OPENCLOSE_CHANGED) { // The node was opened. PRBool openState; HT_GetOpenState(n, &openState); if (openState) { CGenericFrame* pFrame = (CGenericFrame*)ns->data; pFrame->FinishMenuExpansion(n); } } } int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CGenericFrame::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; if( IsEditFrame() ){ // Note: Don't create the Browser toolbars in Editor frame, // except for the status bar LPNSSTATUSBAR pIStatusBar = NULL; GetChrome()->QueryInterface( IID_INSStatusBar, (LPVOID *) &pIStatusBar ); if ( pIStatusBar ) { pIStatusBar->Create( this ); pIStatusBar->Release(); } if (!theApp.m_bInGetCriticalFiles) { // Get the top level menu going. // Construct the notification struct used by HT HT_Notification ns = new HT_NotificationStruct; XP_BZERO(ns, sizeof(HT_NotificationStruct)); ns->notifyProc = qfNotifyProcedure; ns->data = this; m_BookmarkMenuPane = theApp.m_bInGetCriticalFiles ? NULL : HT_NewQuickFilePane(ns); } } else { LPNSSTATUSBAR pIStatusBar = NULL; GetChrome()->QueryInterface( IID_INSStatusBar, (LPVOID *) &pIStatusBar ); if( pIStatusBar ) { pIStatusBar->Create( this ); pIStatusBar->Release(); if (theApp.m_ParentAppWindow || theApp.m_bKioskMode) pIStatusBar->Show(FALSE); } if(!IsEditFrame()) { AddToMenuMap(FILEMENU, IDM_MAINFRAMEFILEMENU); AddToMenuMap(EDITMENU, IDM_MAINFRAMEEDITMENU); AddToMenuMap(VIEWMENU, IDM_MAINFRAMEVIEWMENU); AddToMenuMap(GOMENU, IDM_MAINFRAMEGOMENU); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Turn off widgets on demand m_iCSID = INTL_DefaultDocCharSetID(0); // Set Global default. m_iCSID = INTL_DefaultDocCharSetID(0); // Set Global default. // Success so far. Also, accept drag and drop files from // the file manager. // DragAcceptFiles(); return 0; } int CMainFrame::CreateLocationBar() { /* >>>>>>> m_barLocation=new CURLBar(); if (!m_barLocation->Create(this, CURLBar::IDD, CBRS_TOP,CURLBar::IDD)) { return FALSE; } CToolbarWindow *pWindow = new CToolbarWindow(m_barLocation, theApp.m_pToolbarStyle, 23, 23, eSMALL_HTAB); BOOL bOpen, bShowing; int32 nPos; //I'm hardcoding because I don't want this translated GetChrome()->LoadToolbarConfiguration(ID_LOCATION_TOOLBAR, CString("Location_Toolbar"), nPos, bOpen, bShowing); if(PREF_PrefIsLocked("browser.chrome.show_url_bar")) { bShowing = m_bLocationBar; } GetChrome()->GetCustomizableToolbar()->AddNewWindow(ID_LOCATION_TOOLBAR, pWindow, nPos, 21, 21, 3, CString(szLoadString(ID_LOCATION_TOOLBAR)), theApp.m_pToolbarStyle, bOpen, FALSE); if (theApp.m_ParentAppWindow || theApp.m_bKioskMode) GetChrome()->ShowToolbar(ID_LOCATION_TOOLBAR, FALSE); else GetChrome()->ShowToolbar(ID_LOCATION_TOOLBAR, bShowing); m_barLocation->SetContext((LPUNKNOWN)GetMainContext()); RecalcLayout(); */ return TRUE; } int CMainFrame::CreateLinkBar(void) { m_barLinks = CRDFToolbar::CreateUserToolbar(NULL, this); CButtonToolbarWindow *pWindow = new CButtonToolbarWindow(m_barLinks, theApp.m_pToolbarStyle, 43, 27, eSMALL_HTAB); BOOL bOpen, bShowing; int32 nPos; //I'm hardcoding because I don't want this translated GetChrome()->LoadToolbarConfiguration(ID_PERSONAL_TOOLBAR, CString("Personal_Toolbar"), nPos, bOpen, bShowing); if(PREF_PrefIsLocked("browser.chrome.show_directory_buttons")) { bShowing = m_bStarter; } GetChrome()->GetCustomizableToolbar()->AddNewWindow(ID_PERSONAL_TOOLBAR, pWindow, nPos, 43, 27, 1, CString(szLoadString(ID_PERSONAL_TOOLBAR)),theApp.m_pToolbarStyle, bOpen, FALSE); if (theApp.m_ParentAppWindow || theApp.m_bKioskMode) GetChrome()->ShowToolbar(ID_PERSONAL_TOOLBAR, FALSE); else GetChrome()->ShowToolbar(ID_PERSONAL_TOOLBAR, bShowing); RecalcLayout(); return TRUE; } int CMainFrame::CreateMainToolbar(void) { m_pCommandToolbar =new CCommandToolbar(15, theApp.m_pToolbarStyle, 43, 27, 27); if (!m_pCommandToolbar->Create(this)) { return FALSE; } m_pCommandToolbar->SetBitmap(IDB_PICTURES); CButtonToolbarWindow *pWindow = new CButtonToolbarWindow(m_pCommandToolbar, theApp.m_pToolbarStyle, 43, 27, eLARGE_HTAB); CString statusStr, toolTipStr, textStr; int nBitmapIndex = 0; int nCount = theApp.m_bShowNetscapeButton ? sizeof(buttons)/sizeof(UINT) : (sizeof(buttons)/sizeof(UINT)) - 1; for(int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { CCommandToolbarButton *pCommandButton = new CCommandToolbarButton; WFE_ParseButtonString(buttons[i], statusStr, toolTipStr, textStr); DWORD dwButtonStyle = 0; if(buttons[i] == ID_NAVIGATE_FORWARD || buttons[i] == ID_NAVIGATE_BACK) { dwButtonStyle = TB_HAS_TIMED_MENU | TB_DYNAMIC_TOOLTIP; } else if(buttons[i] == ID_GO_HOME) { dwButtonStyle = TB_DYNAMIC_TOOLTIP; } else if(buttons[i] == ID_FILE_PRINT) { dwButtonStyle = TB_DYNAMIC_TOOLTIP | TB_DYNAMIC_STATUS; } else if(buttons[i] == ID_PLACES) { dwButtonStyle = TB_HAS_TIMED_MENU; } else if(buttons[i]== ID_NAVIGATE_INTERRUPT) { toolTipStr.LoadString(IDS_BROWSER_STOP_TIP); } pCommandButton->Create(m_pCommandToolbar, theApp.m_pToolbarStyle, CSize(44, 37), CSize(25, 25), (const char*) textStr,(const char*) toolTipStr, (const char*) statusStr, 0, nBitmapIndex, CSize(23,21), buttons[i], -1, dwButtonStyle); pCommandButton->SetBitmap(m_pCommandToolbar->GetBitmap(), TRUE); m_pCommandToolbar->AddButton(pCommandButton, i); if(buttons[i] == ID_FILE_PRINT) nBitmapIndex+=2; nBitmapIndex++; } if(prefInfo.m_bAutoLoadImages) { m_pCommandToolbar->HideButtonByCommand(ID_VIEW_LOADIMAGES); } BOOL bOpen, bShowing; int32 nPos; //I'm hardcoding because I don't want this translated GetChrome()->LoadToolbarConfiguration(ID_NAVIGATION_TOOLBAR, CString("Navigation_Toolbar"), nPos, bOpen, bShowing); if(PREF_PrefIsLocked("browser.chrome.show_toolbar")) { bShowing = m_bShowToolbar; } GetChrome()->GetCustomizableToolbar()->AddNewWindow(ID_NAVIGATION_TOOLBAR, pWindow,nPos, 50, 37, 0, CString(szLoadString(ID_NAVIGATION_TOOLBAR)),theApp.m_pToolbarStyle, bOpen, FALSE); if (theApp.m_ParentAppWindow || theApp.m_bKioskMode) GetChrome()->ShowToolbar(ID_NAVIGATION_TOOLBAR, FALSE); else GetChrome()->ShowToolbar(ID_NAVIGATION_TOOLBAR, bShowing); RecalcLayout(); return TRUE; } void CMainFrame::BeginStreamingOfRDFToolbars() { GetChrome()->CreateRDFToolbar("Browser", 5, TRUE); if (!theApp.m_bInGetCriticalFiles) { // Get the top level menu going. // Construct the notification struct used by HT HT_Notification ns = new HT_NotificationStruct; XP_BZERO(ns, sizeof(HT_NotificationStruct)); ns->notifyProc = qfNotifyProcedure; ns->data = this; m_BookmarkMenuPane = theApp.m_bInGetCriticalFiles ? NULL : HT_NewQuickFilePane(ns); } /* if (!theApp.m_bInGetCriticalFiles && AllowDocking() && !theApp.m_ParentAppWindow && !theApp.m_bKioskMode) { // Show the selector if the pref says we should. BOOL bSelVisible; PREF_GetBoolPref(gPrefSelectorVisible, &bSelVisible); if (bSelVisible) theApp.CreateNewNavCenter(this); } */ } void CMainFrame::OnShowWindow (BOOL bShow, UINT nStatus) { CGenericFrame::OnShowWindow(bShow,nStatus); // We don't seem to draw correctly as a child window on the initial pass. if(theApp.m_bChildWindow) RecalcLayout(); } // returns TRUE if something was added to the folder, false otherwise BOOL CMainFrame::FileBookmark(HT_Resource pFolder) { History_entry *pHistEnt = SHIST_GetCurrent( &(GetMainContext()->GetContext()->hist) ); if(pHistEnt) { HT_AddToContainer(pFolder, GetMainContext()->GetContext()->title, pHistEnt->address); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // // The window has been created and activated so the user can // see it. Only now is it safe to load the home page // void CMainFrame::OnLoadHomePage() { // Sometimes on startup the hourglass will remain if we use a blank // page as the home page. // We can avoid this by simply sticking the arrow in. If we do load // a page, the hourglass will appear again in GetUrl, and stay // around until LayoutNewDocument. HCURSOR hCurrent = ::GetCursor(); if(hCurrent) { HCURSOR hWait = ::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT); if(hCurrent == hWait) { HCURSOR hArrow = ::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); if(hArrow) { ::SetCursor(hArrow); } } } #ifdef EDITOR if ( IsEditFrame() ) { if ( theApp.m_CmdLineLoadURL ) { // Load command line URL, FALSE = do NOT start new window LoadUrlEditor(theApp.m_CmdLineLoadURL, FALSE); // The filename supplied with the -EDIT switch // should NOT be stored as the "home page", // load it only once then remove the URL XP_FREE(theApp.m_CmdLineLoadURL); theApp.m_CmdLineLoadURL = NULL; } else { // Start new doc with URL GetMainContext()->NormalGetUrl("about:editfilenew"); } return; } #endif /* EDITOR */ LPCSTR lpszHomePage = (LPCSTR)theApp.m_pHomePage; int32 nStartup = 1; // 0 = blank, 1 = home, 2 = last CString strLastURL; CString csTmp; char *tmpBuf; XP_Bool bOverride = FALSE; PREF_GetBoolPref("browser.startup.homepage_override",&bOverride); if (bOverride) { // if the over-ride preference is set, use that instead tmpBuf = NULL; int iError = PREF_CopyConfigString("startup.homepage_override_url",&tmpBuf); if (PREF_ERROR != iError && tmpBuf && tmpBuf[0]) { csTmp = tmpBuf; lpszHomePage = csTmp; XP_FREE(tmpBuf); } PREF_SetBoolPref("browser.startup.homepage_override",FALSE); } // If the user has specified a URL on the command line assume they want // to load it; otherwise don't load the homepage if the autoload entry // isn't "yes" if (theApp.m_CmdLineLoadURL && theApp.m_nChangeHomePage) { lpszHomePage = (LPCSTR)theApp.m_CmdLineLoadURL; } else { // There was neither a command line home page nor an Initial Home // Page entry so see if the user wants to load their default // home page or not if (theApp.m_bDontLoadHome) nStartup = 0; else PREF_GetIntPref("browser.startup.page", &nStartup); } // See if they want us to load the last page they viewed if (nStartup == 2) { if (GH_GetMRUPage(strLastURL.GetBufferSetLength(1024), 1024) > 0) lpszHomePage = (LPCSTR)strLastURL; } // If there is a home page location put it in the URL bar only if we // autoload if (lpszHomePage) { if (nStartup != 0){ GetMainContext()->NormalGetUrl(lpszHomePage); GetChrome()->UpdateURLBars((char*)lpszHomePage); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CMainFrame::OnDestroy() { // The maps should be empty, because the dynamic menu items are // freed when the pop-up menus go away ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Clean up the location/starter button bars CGenericFrame::OnDestroy(); } void CMainFrame::OnClose() { // Purpose: Close a window. // Arguments: void // Return Value: void // Comments: Wrap up any processing of frame that // needs to be handled, such as // shutting down print preview. // Revision History: // 11-06-94 created GAB // // This frame still begin used by OLE server. if (HasSrvrItem()) { return; } // See if the document will allow closing. // Do not only query the active document as MFC does. // Instead, query the main context document, and it will check children also. CDocument* pDocument = NULL; if(GetMainWinContext()) { pDocument = (CDocument *)GetMainWinContext()->GetDocument(); } if (pDocument != NULL && !pDocument->CanCloseFrame(this)) { // document can't close right now -- don't close it return; } // Only save the window position if we're an browser context and the size wasn't chrome specified. // This blocks saving the size/pos on things like html dialogs, // view source, and document info. if(GetMainWinContext() && GetMainWinContext()->GetContext()->type == MWContextBrowser && GetMainWinContext()->m_bSizeIsChrome == FALSE) { WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; FEU_InitWINDOWPLACEMENT(GetSafeHwnd(), &wp); PREF_SetRectPref("browser.window_rect", (int)wp.rcNormalPosition.left, (int)wp.rcNormalPosition.top, (int)wp.rcNormalPosition.right, (int)wp.rcNormalPosition.bottom); //I'm hardcoding because I don't want this translated GetChrome()->SaveToolbarConfiguration(ID_NAVIGATION_TOOLBAR, CString("Navigation_Toolbar")); GetChrome()->SaveToolbarConfiguration(ID_LOCATION_TOOLBAR, CString("Location_Toolbar")); GetChrome()->SaveToolbarConfiguration(ID_PERSONAL_TOOLBAR, CString("Personal_Toolbar")); PREF_SetIntPref("browser.wfe.show_value",(int)wp.showCmd); } // Tell our views to get rid of their contexts. if(GetMainWinContext()) { GetMainWinContext()->GetView()->FrameClosing(); } // Call base to close. // CGenericFrame::OnClose(); } typedef struct drop_files_closure { HDROP hDropInfo; CMainFrame * pMain; char ** urlArray; } drop_files_closure; /* Mocha has processed the event handler for the drop event. Now come back and execute * the drop files call if EVENT_OK or cleanup and go away. */ static void win_drop_files_callback(MWContext * pContext, LO_Element * pEle, int32 event, void * pObj, ETEventStatus status) { HDROP hDropInfo; drop_files_closure * pClose = (drop_files_closure *) pObj; hDropInfo = pClose->hDropInfo; // make sure document hasn't gone away or event cancelled if(status == EVENT_PANIC || status == EVENT_CANCEL) { int i_loop=0; while ((pClose->urlArray)[i_loop]) XP_FREE((pClose->urlArray)[i_loop++]); XP_FREE(pClose->urlArray); XP_FREE(pClose); ::DragFinish(hDropInfo); return; } // find out who we are CMainFrame * pMain = pClose->pMain; // First, check the number of files dropped. // auto int i_num = ::DragQueryFile(hDropInfo, (UINT)-1, NULL, 0); // Get the current history entry History_entry * his = SHIST_GetCurrent(&(pMain->GetMainContext()->GetContext()->hist)); // If we got a history entry, see if it's an // FTP directory listing. If it is then lets ask the // user if they want to upload the dropped files. if(his && !strncasecomp(his->address, "ftp", 3) && his->address[strlen(his->address)-1] == '/' && FE_Confirm(pMain->GetMainContext()->GetContext(), szLoadString(IDS_UPLOAD_FILES))) { // If the user wants to upload them, stuff the files // in the URL struct and start the load URL_Struct * URL_s = NET_CreateURLStruct(his->address, NET_SUPER_RELOAD); if(!URL_s) goto clean_up; URL_s->method = URL_POST_METHOD; URL_s->files_to_post = (char **)XP_ALLOC((i_num+1) * sizeof(char*)); if(!URL_s->files_to_post) { NET_FreeURLStruct(URL_s); goto clean_up; } // load the file names into the files_to_post array auto char ca_drop[_MAX_PATH]; for(auto int i_loop = 0; i_loop < i_num; i_loop++) { ::DragQueryFile(hDropInfo, i_loop, ca_drop, _MAX_PATH); URL_s->files_to_post[i_loop] = XP_STRDUP((const char*)ca_drop); } URL_s->files_to_post[i_loop] = NULL; // terminate array pMain->GetMainContext()->GetUrl(URL_s, FO_CACHE_AND_PRESENT); } else { // Loop through them, each doing a load. // This should be insane fun with external viewers. // auto char ca_drop[_MAX_PATH]; CString csUrl; for(auto int i_loop = 0; i_loop < i_num; i_loop++) { ::DragQueryFile(hDropInfo, i_loop, ca_drop, _MAX_PATH); // Convert to an acceptable URL. // It always has the full path! // WFE_ConvertFile2Url(csUrl, ca_drop); pMain->GetMainContext()->NormalGetUrl(csUrl); // Block until load is complete, if they did multiple // files. // if(i_loop != i_num - 1) { auto int net_ret = 1; winfeInProcessNet = TRUE; while(net_ret) { net_ret = NET_ProcessNet(NULL, NET_EVERYTIME_TYPE); } winfeInProcessNet = FALSE; } } } clean_up: // Clean up // // Free mocha closure obj int i_loop=0; while ((pClose->urlArray)[i_loop]) XP_FREE((pClose->urlArray)[i_loop++]); XP_FREE(pClose->urlArray); XP_FREE(pClose); ::DragFinish(hDropInfo); // Don't call this, or GPF, since we do it all anyways.... // //CGenericFrame::OnDropFiles(hDropInfo); } void CMainFrame::OnDropFiles(HDROP hDropInfo) { #ifdef MOZ_NGLAYOUT XP_ASSERT(0); #else // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default // // Make sure we have a main context. if(GetMainContext() == NULL) { return; } #ifdef EDITOR // The view handles all dragNdrop in editor if( IsEditFrame() ){ CWnd * pWnd = FromHandle(GetMainWinContext()->GetPane()); if( pWnd ){ ((CNetscapeEditView*)pWnd)->DropFiles(hDropInfo, TRUE); } return; } #endif // First, check the number of files dropped. // auto int i_num = ::DragQueryFile(hDropInfo, (UINT)-1, NULL, 0); // Mocha sends an event here now to allow cancellation of OnDropFiles message. auto char ca_drop[_MAX_PATH]; CString csUrl; int size = sizeof(char*) * (i_num + 1); char ** urlArray = (char**)XP_ALLOC(size); XP_ASSERT(urlArray); int i_loop; for(i_loop = 0; i_loop < i_num; i_loop++) { ::DragQueryFile(hDropInfo, i_loop, ca_drop, _MAX_PATH); // Convert to an acceptable URL. // It always has the full path! // WFE_ConvertFile2Url(csUrl, ca_drop); urlArray[i_loop] = XP_STRDUP(csUrl); } urlArray[i_loop] = 0; drop_files_closure * pClosure = XP_NEW_ZAP(drop_files_closure); pClosure->pMain = this; pClosure->hDropInfo = hDropInfo; pClosure->urlArray = urlArray; // Get mouse at time of drop POINT pointDrop; ::DragQueryPoint( hDropInfo, &pointDrop); ClientToScreen( &pointDrop ); JSEvent *event; event = XP_NEW_ZAP(JSEvent); event->type = EVENT_DRAGDROP; event->screenx = pointDrop.x; event->screeny = pointDrop.y; event->modifiers = (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0 ? EVENT_SHIFT_MASK : 0) | (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0 ? EVENT_CONTROL_MASK : 0) | (GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0 ? EVENT_ALT_MASK : 0); event->data = (void *)urlArray; event->dataSize = i_num; ET_SendEvent(GetMainContext()->GetContext(), 0, event, win_drop_files_callback, pClosure); return; //Mocha will handle cleanup and DragFinish when it calls back in. #endif /* MOZ_NGLAYOUT */ }