// GENERATED CODE // Generated by the Java program at /build/annotationProcessors at compile time // from annotations on Java methods. To update, change the annotations on the // corresponding Java methods and rerun the build. Manually updating this file // will cause your build to fail. #ifndef GeneratedJNIWrappers_h #define GeneratedJNIWrappers_h #include "mozilla/jni/Refs.h" namespace mozilla { namespace widget { class ANRReporter : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/ANRReporter"; protected: ANRReporter(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct GetNativeStack_t { typedef ANRReporter Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getNativeStack"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Ljava/lang/String;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct ReleaseNativeStack_t { typedef ANRReporter Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "releaseNativeStack"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct RequestNativeStack_t { typedef ANRReporter Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< bool> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "requestNativeStack"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Z)Z"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: template class Natives; }; class AlarmReceiver : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/AlarmReceiver"; protected: AlarmReceiver(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct NotifyAlarmFired_t { typedef AlarmReceiver Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifyAlarmFired"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: template class Natives; }; class DownloadsIntegration : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/DownloadsIntegration"; protected: DownloadsIntegration(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct ScanMedia_t { typedef DownloadsIntegration Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "scanMedia"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto ScanMedia(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void; }; class GeckoAppShell : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/GeckoAppShell"; protected: GeckoAppShell(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct AcknowledgeEvent_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "acknowledgeEvent"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto AcknowledgeEvent() -> void; public: struct AddPluginViewWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::Object::Param, float, float, float, float, bool> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "addPluginView"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Landroid/view/View;FFFFZ)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto AddPluginViewWrapper(mozilla::jni::Object::Param, float, float, float, float, bool) -> void; public: struct AlertsProgressListener_OnProgress_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, int64_t, int64_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "alertsProgressListener_OnProgress"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;JJLjava/lang/String;)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto AlertsProgressListener_OnProgress(mozilla::jni::String::Param, int64_t, int64_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void; public: struct CancelVibrate_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "cancelVibrate"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto CancelVibrate() -> void; public: struct CheckURIVisited_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "checkUriVisited"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto CheckURIVisited(mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void; public: struct CloseCamera_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "closeCamera"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto CloseCamera() -> void; public: struct CloseNotification_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "closeNotification"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto CloseNotification(mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void; public: struct ConnectionGetMimeType_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "connectionGetMimeType"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/net/URLConnection;)Ljava/lang/String;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto ConnectionGetMimeType(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef; public: struct CreateInputStream_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "createInputStream"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/net/URLConnection;)Ljava/io/InputStream;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto CreateInputStream(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef; public: struct CreateMessageCursorWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int64_t, int64_t, mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param, int32_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param, bool, bool, bool, int64_t, bool, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "createMessageCursor"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(JJ[Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;ZZZJZI)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto CreateMessageCursorWrapper(int64_t, int64_t, mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param, int32_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param, bool, bool, bool, int64_t, bool, int32_t) -> void; public: struct CreateShortcut_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "createShortcut"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto CreateShortcut(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void; public: struct CreateThreadCursorWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "createThreadCursor"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(I)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto CreateThreadCursorWrapper(int32_t) -> void; public: struct DeleteMessageWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "deleteMessage"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(II)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto DeleteMessageWrapper(int32_t, int32_t) -> void; public: struct DisableAlarm_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "disableAlarm"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto DisableAlarm() -> void; public: struct DisableBatteryNotifications_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "disableBatteryNotifications"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto DisableBatteryNotifications() -> void; public: struct DisableNetworkNotifications_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "disableNetworkNotifications"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto DisableNetworkNotifications() -> void; public: struct DisableScreenOrientationNotifications_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "disableScreenOrientationNotifications"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto DisableScreenOrientationNotifications() -> void; public: struct DisableSensor_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "disableSensor"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(I)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto DisableSensor(int32_t) -> void; public: struct EnableBatteryNotifications_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "enableBatteryNotifications"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto EnableBatteryNotifications() -> void; public: struct EnableLocation_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< bool> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "enableLocation"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Z)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto EnableLocation(bool) -> void; public: struct EnableLocationHighAccuracy_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< bool> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "enableLocationHighAccuracy"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Z)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto EnableLocationHighAccuracy(bool) -> void; public: struct EnableNetworkNotifications_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "enableNetworkNotifications"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto EnableNetworkNotifications() -> void; public: struct EnableScreenOrientationNotifications_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "enableScreenOrientationNotifications"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto EnableScreenOrientationNotifications() -> void; public: struct EnableSensor_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "enableSensor"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(I)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto EnableSensor(int32_t) -> void; public: struct GamepadAdded_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "gamepadAdded"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(II)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GamepadAdded(int32_t, int32_t) -> void; public: struct GetConnection_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getConnection"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/URLConnection;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetConnection(mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef; public: struct GetContext_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getContext"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Landroid/content/Context;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetContext() -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef; public: struct GetCurrentBatteryInformationWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getCurrentBatteryInformation"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()[D"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetCurrentBatteryInformationWrapper() -> mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::LocalRef; public: struct GetCurrentNetworkInformationWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getCurrentNetworkInformation"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()[D"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetCurrentNetworkInformationWrapper() -> mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::LocalRef; public: struct GetDensity_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef float ReturnType; typedef float SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getDensity"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()F"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetDensity() -> float; public: struct GetDpiWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef int32_t ReturnType; typedef int32_t SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getDpi"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()I"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetDpiWrapper() -> int32_t; public: struct GetExtensionFromMimeTypeWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getExtensionFromMimeType"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetExtensionFromMimeTypeWrapper(mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef; public: struct GetExternalPublicDirectory_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getExternalPublicDirectory"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetExternalPublicDirectory(mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef; public: struct GetHWDecoderCapability_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getHWDecoderCapability"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Z"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetHWDecoderCapability() -> bool; public: struct GetHWEncoderCapability_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getHWEncoderCapability"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Z"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetHWEncoderCapability() -> bool; public: struct GetHandlersForMimeTypeWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getHandlersForMimeType"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetHandlersForMimeTypeWrapper(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef; public: struct GetHandlersForURLWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getHandlersForURL"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetHandlersForURLWrapper(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef; public: struct GetIconForExtensionWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::ByteArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::ByteArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getIconForExtension"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;I)[B"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetIconForExtensionWrapper(mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t) -> mozilla::jni::ByteArray::LocalRef; public: struct GetMaxTouchPoints_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef int32_t ReturnType; typedef int32_t SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getMaxTouchPoints"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()I"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetMaxTouchPoints() -> int32_t; public: struct GetMessageWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getMessage"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(II)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetMessageWrapper(int32_t, int32_t) -> void; public: struct GetMimeTypeFromExtensionsWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getMimeTypeFromExtensions"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetMimeTypeFromExtensionsWrapper(mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef; public: struct GetNextMessageWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getNextMessage"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(I)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetNextMessageWrapper(int32_t) -> void; public: struct GetNextThreadWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getNextThread"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(I)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetNextThreadWrapper(int32_t) -> void; public: struct GetProxyForURIWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getProxyForURI"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetProxyForURIWrapper(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t) -> mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef; public: struct GetScreenAngle_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef int32_t ReturnType; typedef int32_t SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getScreenAngle"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()I"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetScreenAngle() -> int32_t; public: struct GetScreenDepthWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef int32_t ReturnType; typedef int32_t SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getScreenDepth"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()I"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetScreenDepthWrapper() -> int32_t; public: struct GetScreenOrientationWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef int16_t ReturnType; typedef int16_t SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getScreenOrientation"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()S"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetScreenOrientationWrapper() -> int16_t; public: struct GetScreenSize_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getScreenSize"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Landroid/graphics/Rect;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetScreenSize() -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef; public: struct GetShowPasswordSetting_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getShowPasswordSetting"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Z"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetShowPasswordSetting() -> bool; public: struct GetSystemColoursWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::IntArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::IntArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getSystemColors"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()[I"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetSystemColoursWrapper() -> mozilla::jni::IntArray::LocalRef; public: struct HandleGeckoMessageWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "handleGeckoMessage"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/util/NativeJSContainer;)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto HandleGeckoMessageWrapper(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> void; public: struct HandleUncaughtException_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::Throwable::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "handleUncaughtException"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/String;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::IGNORE; }; static auto HandleUncaughtException(mozilla::jni::Throwable::Param) -> mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef; public: struct HideProgressDialog_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "hideProgressDialog"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto HideProgressDialog() -> void; public: struct InitCameraWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::IntArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::IntArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "initCamera"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;III)[I"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto InitCameraWrapper(mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) -> mozilla::jni::IntArray::LocalRef; public: struct IsNetworkLinkKnown_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "isNetworkLinkKnown"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Z"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto IsNetworkLinkKnown() -> bool; public: struct IsNetworkLinkUp_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "isNetworkLinkUp"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Z"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto IsNetworkLinkUp() -> bool; public: struct IsTablet_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "isTablet"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Z"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto IsTablet() -> bool; public: struct KillAnyZombies_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "killAnyZombies"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto KillAnyZombies() -> void; public: struct LoadPluginClass_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::ClassObject::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::ClassObject::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "loadPluginClass"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto LoadPluginClass(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> mozilla::jni::ClassObject::LocalRef; public: struct LockScreenOrientation_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "lockScreenOrientation"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(I)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto LockScreenOrientation(int32_t) -> void; public: struct MarkMessageRead_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, bool, bool, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "markMessageRead"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(IZZI)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto MarkMessageRead(int32_t, bool, bool, int32_t) -> void; public: struct MarkURIVisited_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "markUriVisited"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto MarkURIVisited(mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void; public: struct MoveTaskToBack_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "moveTaskToBack"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto MoveTaskToBack() -> void; public: struct NetworkLinkType_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef int32_t ReturnType; typedef int32_t SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "networkLinkType"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()I"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto NetworkLinkType() -> int32_t; public: struct NotifyDefaultPrevented_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< bool> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifyDefaultPrevented"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Z)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto NotifyDefaultPrevented(bool) -> void; public: struct NotifyWakeLockChanged_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifyWakeLockChanged"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto NotifyWakeLockChanged(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void; public: struct OpenUriExternal_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "openUriExternal"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto OpenUriExternal(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> bool; public: struct PerformHapticFeedback_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< bool> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "performHapticFeedback"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Z)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto PerformHapticFeedback(bool) -> void; public: struct RegisterSurfaceTextureFrameListener_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::Object::Param, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "registerSurfaceTextureFrameListener"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/Object;I)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto RegisterSurfaceTextureFrameListener(mozilla::jni::Object::Param, int32_t) -> void; public: struct RemovePluginView_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::Object::Param, bool> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "removePluginView"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Landroid/view/View;Z)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto RemovePluginView(mozilla::jni::Object::Param, bool) -> void; public: struct RequestUiThreadCallback_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int64_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "requestUiThreadCallback"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(J)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto RequestUiThreadCallback(int64_t) -> void; public: struct ScheduleRestart_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "scheduleRestart"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto ScheduleRestart() -> void; public: struct SendMessageWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "sendMessage"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto SendMessageWrapper(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t) -> void; public: struct SetAlarm_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "setAlarm"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(II)Z"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto SetAlarm(int32_t, int32_t) -> bool; public: struct SetFullScreen_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< bool> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "setFullScreen"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Z)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto SetFullScreen(bool) -> void; public: struct SetKeepScreenOn_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< bool> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "setKeepScreenOn"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Z)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto SetKeepScreenOn(bool) -> void; public: struct SetScreenDepthOverride_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "setScreenDepthOverride"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(I)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto SetScreenDepthOverride(int32_t) -> void; public: struct SetURITitle_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "setUriTitle"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto SetURITitle(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void; public: struct ShowAlertNotificationWrapper_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "showAlertNotification"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto ShowAlertNotificationWrapper(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void; public: struct ShowInputMethodPicker_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "showInputMethodPicker"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto ShowInputMethodPicker() -> void; public: struct StartMonitoringGamepad_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "startMonitoringGamepad"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto StartMonitoringGamepad() -> void; public: struct StopMonitoringGamepad_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "stopMonitoringGamepad"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto StopMonitoringGamepad() -> void; public: struct UnlockProfile_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "unlockProfile"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Z"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto UnlockProfile() -> bool; public: struct UnlockScreenOrientation_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "unlockScreenOrientation"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto UnlockScreenOrientation() -> void; public: struct UnregisterSurfaceTextureFrameListener_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "unregisterSurfaceTextureFrameListener"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto UnregisterSurfaceTextureFrameListener(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> void; public: struct Vibrate1_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int64_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "vibrate"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(J)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto Vibrate1(int64_t) -> void; public: struct VibrateA_t { typedef GeckoAppShell Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::LongArray::Param, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "vibrate"; static constexpr char signature[] = "([JI)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto VibrateA(mozilla::jni::LongArray::Param, int32_t) -> void; }; class GeckoEditable : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/GeckoEditable"; protected: GeckoEditable(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct New_t { typedef GeckoEditable Owner; typedef GeckoEditable::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef GeckoEditable::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = ""; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoView;)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto New(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> GeckoEditable::LocalRef; public: struct DisposeNative_t { typedef GeckoEditable Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "disposeNative"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct NotifyIME_t { typedef GeckoEditable Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifyIME"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(I)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto NotifyIME(int32_t) const -> void; public: struct NotifyIMEContext_t { typedef GeckoEditable Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifyIMEContext"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto NotifyIMEContext(int32_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) const -> void; public: struct OnImeAcknowledgeFocus_t { typedef GeckoEditable Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "onImeAcknowledgeFocus"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct OnImeAddCompositionRange_t { typedef GeckoEditable Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, bool, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "onImeAddCompositionRange"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(IIIIIZIII)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct OnImeReplaceText_t { typedef GeckoEditable Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "onImeReplaceText"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(IILjava/lang/String;)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct OnImeSynchronize_t { typedef GeckoEditable Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "onImeSynchronize"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct OnImeUpdateComposition_t { typedef GeckoEditable Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "onImeUpdateComposition"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(II)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct OnKeyEvent_t { typedef GeckoEditable Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int64_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, bool> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "onKeyEvent"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(IIIIJIIIIIZ)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct OnSelectionChange_t { typedef GeckoEditable Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "onSelectionChange"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(II)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto OnSelectionChange(int32_t, int32_t) const -> void; public: struct OnTextChange_t { typedef GeckoEditable Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "onTextChange"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;III)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto OnTextChange(mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) const -> void; public: struct OnViewChange_t { typedef GeckoEditable Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "onViewChange"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoView;)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto OnViewChange(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) const -> void; public: template class Natives; }; class GeckoEditableListener : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/GeckoEditableListener"; protected: GeckoEditableListener(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: static const int32_t NOTIFY_IME_OPEN_VKB = -2; public: static const int32_t NOTIFY_IME_REPLY_EVENT = -1; }; class GeckoJavaSampler : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/GeckoJavaSampler"; protected: GeckoJavaSampler(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct GetFrameNameJavaProfilingWrapper_t { typedef GeckoJavaSampler Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getFrameName"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(III)Ljava/lang/String;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetFrameNameJavaProfilingWrapper(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) -> mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef; public: struct GetProfilerTime_t { typedef GeckoJavaSampler Owner; typedef double ReturnType; typedef double SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getProfilerTime"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()D"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct GetSampleTimeJavaProfiling_t { typedef GeckoJavaSampler Owner; typedef double ReturnType; typedef double SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getSampleTime"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(II)D"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetSampleTimeJavaProfiling(int32_t, int32_t) -> double; public: struct GetThreadNameJavaProfilingWrapper_t { typedef GeckoJavaSampler Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getThreadName"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(I)Ljava/lang/String;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetThreadNameJavaProfilingWrapper(int32_t) -> mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef; public: struct PauseJavaProfiling_t { typedef GeckoJavaSampler Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "pause"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto PauseJavaProfiling() -> void; public: struct StartJavaProfiling_t { typedef GeckoJavaSampler Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "start"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(II)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto StartJavaProfiling(int32_t, int32_t) -> void; public: struct StopJavaProfiling_t { typedef GeckoJavaSampler Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "stop"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto StopJavaProfiling() -> void; public: struct UnpauseJavaProfiling_t { typedef GeckoJavaSampler Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "unpause"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto UnpauseJavaProfiling() -> void; public: template class Natives; }; class GeckoSmsManager : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/GeckoSmsManager"; protected: GeckoSmsManager(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct NotifyCursorDone_t { typedef GeckoSmsManager Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifyCursorDone"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(I)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct NotifyCursorError_t { typedef GeckoSmsManager Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifyCursorError"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(II)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct NotifyGetSms_t { typedef GeckoSmsManager Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, int64_t, bool, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifyGetSms"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;JZI)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct NotifyGetSmsFailed_t { typedef GeckoSmsManager Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifyGetSmsFailed"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(II)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct NotifyMessageCursorResult_t { typedef GeckoSmsManager Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, int64_t, int64_t, bool, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifyMessageCursorResult"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;JJZI)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct NotifySmsDeleteFailed_t { typedef GeckoSmsManager Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifySmsDeleteFailed"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(II)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct NotifySmsDeleted_t { typedef GeckoSmsManager Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< bool, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifySmsDeleted"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(ZI)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct NotifySmsDelivery_t { typedef GeckoSmsManager Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, int64_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifySmsDelivery"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;J)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct NotifySmsMarkAsReadFailed_t { typedef GeckoSmsManager Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifySmsMarkAsReadFailed"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(II)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct NotifySmsMarkedAsRead_t { typedef GeckoSmsManager Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< bool, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifySmsMarkedAsRead"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(ZI)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct NotifySmsReceived_t { typedef GeckoSmsManager Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t, int64_t, int64_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifySmsReceived"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;IJJ)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct NotifySmsSendFailed_t { typedef GeckoSmsManager Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifySmsSendFailed"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(II)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct NotifySmsSent_t { typedef GeckoSmsManager Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, int64_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifySmsSent"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;JI)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct NotifyThreadCursorResult_t { typedef GeckoSmsManager Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int64_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, int64_t, mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param, int64_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifyThreadCursorResult"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(JLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;J[Ljava/lang/Object;JLjava/lang/String;I)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: template class Natives; }; class GeckoThread : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread"; protected: GeckoThread(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: class State; public: struct PumpMessageLoop_t { typedef GeckoThread Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "pumpMessageLoop"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Landroid/os/Message;)Z"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto PumpMessageLoop(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> bool; public: struct SetState_t { typedef GeckoThread Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "setState"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto SetState(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> void; public: struct SpeculativeConnect_t { typedef GeckoThread Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "speculativeConnectNative"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct ClsLoader_t { typedef GeckoThread Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "clsLoader"; static constexpr char signature[] = "Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto ClsLoader() -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef; public: struct MsgQueue_t { typedef GeckoThread Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "msgQueue"; static constexpr char signature[] = "Landroid/os/MessageQueue;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto MsgQueue() -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef; static auto MsgQueue(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> void; public: template class Natives; }; class GeckoThread::State : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State"; protected: State(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct New_t { typedef State Owner; typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef State::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = ""; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto New(mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t) -> State::LocalRef; public: struct Is_t { typedef State Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< State::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "is"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;)Z"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto Is(State::Param) const -> bool; public: struct IsAtLeast_t { typedef State Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< State::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "isAtLeast"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;)Z"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto IsAtLeast(State::Param) const -> bool; public: struct IsAtMost_t { typedef State Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< State::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "isAtMost"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;)Z"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto IsAtMost(State::Param) const -> bool; public: struct IsBetween_t { typedef State Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< State::Param, State::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "isBetween"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;)Z"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto IsBetween(State::Param, State::Param) const -> bool; public: struct ValueOf_t { typedef State Owner; typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef State::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "valueOf"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto ValueOf(mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> State::LocalRef; public: struct Values_t { typedef State Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "values"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()[Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto Values() -> mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef; public: struct EXITED_t { typedef State Owner; typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef State::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "EXITED"; static constexpr char signature[] = "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto EXITED() -> State::LocalRef; public: struct EXITING_t { typedef State Owner; typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef State::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "EXITING"; static constexpr char signature[] = "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto EXITING() -> State::LocalRef; public: struct INITIAL_t { typedef State Owner; typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef State::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "INITIAL"; static constexpr char signature[] = "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto INITIAL() -> State::LocalRef; public: struct JNI_READY_t { typedef State Owner; typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef State::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "JNI_READY"; static constexpr char signature[] = "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto JNI_READY() -> State::LocalRef; public: struct LAUNCHED_t { typedef State Owner; typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef State::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "LAUNCHED"; static constexpr char signature[] = "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto LAUNCHED() -> State::LocalRef; public: struct LIBS_READY_t { typedef State Owner; typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef State::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "LIBS_READY"; static constexpr char signature[] = "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto LIBS_READY() -> State::LocalRef; public: struct MOZGLUE_READY_t { typedef State Owner; typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef State::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "MOZGLUE_READY"; static constexpr char signature[] = "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto MOZGLUE_READY() -> State::LocalRef; public: struct PROFILE_READY_t { typedef State Owner; typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef State::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "PROFILE_READY"; static constexpr char signature[] = "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto PROFILE_READY() -> State::LocalRef; public: struct RUNNING_t { typedef State Owner; typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef State::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "RUNNING"; static constexpr char signature[] = "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto RUNNING() -> State::LocalRef; }; class GeckoView : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/GeckoView"; protected: GeckoView(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: class Window; }; class GeckoView::Window : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/GeckoView$Window"; protected: Window(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct New_t { typedef Window Owner; typedef Window::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef Window::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = ""; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto New() -> Window::LocalRef; public: struct Close_t { typedef Window Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "close"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct DisposeNative_t { typedef Window Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "disposeNative"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct Open_t { typedef Window Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< Window::Param, GeckoView::Param, mozilla::jni::Object::Param, int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "open"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoView$Window;Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoView;Lorg/mozilla/gecko/gfx/GLController;II)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct Reattach_t { typedef Window Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< GeckoView::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "reattach"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoView;)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct GlController_t { typedef Window Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "glController"; static constexpr char signature[] = "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/gfx/GLController;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto GlController() const -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef; public: template class Natives; }; class PrefsHelper : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/PrefsHelper"; protected: PrefsHelper(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct GetPrefsById_t { typedef PrefsHelper Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param, bool> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getPrefsById"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(I[Ljava/lang/String;Z)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct RemovePrefsObserver_t { typedef PrefsHelper Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "removePrefsObserver"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(I)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: template class Natives; }; class Restrictions : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/Restrictions"; protected: Restrictions(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct IsAllowed_t { typedef Restrictions Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "isAllowed"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(ILjava/lang/String;)Z"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto IsAllowed(int32_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> bool; public: struct IsUserRestricted_t { typedef Restrictions Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "isUserRestricted"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Z"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto IsUserRestricted() -> bool; }; class SurfaceBits : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/SurfaceBits"; protected: SurfaceBits(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct New_t { typedef SurfaceBits Owner; typedef SurfaceBits::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef SurfaceBits::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = ""; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto New() -> SurfaceBits::LocalRef; public: struct Buffer_t { typedef SurfaceBits Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "buffer"; static constexpr char signature[] = "Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto Buffer() const -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef; auto Buffer(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) const -> void; public: struct Format_t { typedef SurfaceBits Owner; typedef int32_t ReturnType; typedef int32_t SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "format"; static constexpr char signature[] = "I"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto Format() const -> int32_t; auto Format(int32_t) const -> void; public: struct Height_t { typedef SurfaceBits Owner; typedef int32_t ReturnType; typedef int32_t SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "height"; static constexpr char signature[] = "I"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto Height() const -> int32_t; auto Height(int32_t) const -> void; public: struct Width_t { typedef SurfaceBits Owner; typedef int32_t ReturnType; typedef int32_t SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "width"; static constexpr char signature[] = "I"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto Width() const -> int32_t; auto Width(int32_t) const -> void; }; class ThumbnailHelper : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/ThumbnailHelper"; protected: ThumbnailHelper(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct SendThumbnail_t { typedef ThumbnailHelper Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::Object::Param, int32_t, bool, bool> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "notifyThumbnail"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;IZZ)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto SendThumbnail(mozilla::jni::Object::Param, int32_t, bool, bool) -> void; }; class DisplayPortMetrics : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/DisplayPortMetrics"; protected: DisplayPortMetrics(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct New_t { typedef DisplayPortMetrics Owner; typedef DisplayPortMetrics::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef DisplayPortMetrics::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< float, float, float, float, float> Args; static constexpr char name[] = ""; static constexpr char signature[] = "(FFFFF)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto New(float, float, float, float, float) -> DisplayPortMetrics::LocalRef; public: struct MPosition_t { typedef DisplayPortMetrics Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "mPosition"; static constexpr char signature[] = "Landroid/graphics/RectF;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto MPosition() const -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef; public: struct Resolution_t { typedef DisplayPortMetrics Owner; typedef float ReturnType; typedef float SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "resolution"; static constexpr char signature[] = "F"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto Resolution() const -> float; }; class GLController : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/GLController"; protected: GLController(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct AttachToJava_t { typedef GLController Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::Object::Param, mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "attachToJava"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/gfx/GeckoLayerClient;Lorg/mozilla/gecko/gfx/NativePanZoomController;)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct CreateCompositor_t { typedef GLController Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "createCompositor"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(II)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct CreateEGLSurface_t { typedef GLController Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "createEGLSurface"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Ljavax/microedition/khronos/egl/EGLSurface;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto CreateEGLSurface() const -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef; public: struct Destroy_t { typedef GLController Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "destroy"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto Destroy() const -> void; public: struct DisposeNative_t { typedef GLController Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "disposeNative"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct PauseCompositor_t { typedef GLController Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "pauseCompositor"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct SyncInvalidateAndScheduleComposite_t { typedef GLController Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "syncInvalidateAndScheduleComposite"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct SyncResumeResizeCompositor_t { typedef GLController Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "syncResumeResizeCompositor"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(II)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: template class Natives; }; class GeckoLayerClient : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/GeckoLayerClient"; protected: GeckoLayerClient(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct ActivateProgram_t { typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "activateProgram"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto ActivateProgram() const -> void; public: struct ContentDocumentChanged_t { typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "contentDocumentChanged"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto ContentDocumentChanged() const -> void; public: struct CreateFrame_t { typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "createFrame"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Lorg/mozilla/gecko/gfx/LayerRenderer$Frame;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto CreateFrame() const -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef; public: struct DeactivateProgramAndRestoreState_t { typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< bool, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "deactivateProgramAndRestoreState"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(ZIIII)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto DeactivateProgramAndRestoreState(bool, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) const -> void; public: struct GetDisplayPort_t { typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< bool, bool, int32_t, mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getDisplayPort"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(ZZILorg/mozilla/gecko/gfx/ImmutableViewportMetrics;)Lorg/mozilla/gecko/gfx/DisplayPortMetrics;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto GetDisplayPort(bool, bool, int32_t, mozilla::jni::Object::Param) const -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef; public: struct IsContentDocumentDisplayed_t { typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "isContentDocumentDisplayed"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Z"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto IsContentDocumentDisplayed() const -> bool; public: struct OnGeckoReady_t { typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "onGeckoReady"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto OnGeckoReady() const -> void; public: struct ProgressiveUpdateCallback_t { typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< bool, float, float, float, float, float, bool> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "progressiveUpdateCallback"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(ZFFFFFZ)Lorg/mozilla/gecko/gfx/ProgressiveUpdateData;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto ProgressiveUpdateCallback(bool, float, float, float, float, float, bool) const -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef; public: struct SetFirstPaintViewport_t { typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< float, float, float, float, float, float, float> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "setFirstPaintViewport"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(FFFFFFF)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto SetFirstPaintViewport(float, float, float, float, float, float, float) const -> void; public: struct SetPageRect_t { typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< float, float, float, float> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "setPageRect"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(FFFF)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto SetPageRect(float, float, float, float) const -> void; public: struct SyncFrameMetrics_t { typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, float, bool, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "syncFrameMetrics"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(FFFFFFFIIIIFZI)Lorg/mozilla/gecko/gfx/ViewTransform;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto SyncFrameMetrics(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, float, bool, int32_t) const -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef; public: struct SyncViewportInfo_t { typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, float, bool, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "syncViewportInfo"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(IIIIFZI)Lorg/mozilla/gecko/gfx/ViewTransform;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto SyncViewportInfo(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, float, bool, int32_t) const -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef; }; class ImmutableViewportMetrics : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/ImmutableViewportMetrics"; protected: ImmutableViewportMetrics(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct New_t { typedef ImmutableViewportMetrics Owner; typedef ImmutableViewportMetrics::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef ImmutableViewportMetrics::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int32_t, int32_t, float> Args; static constexpr char name[] = ""; static constexpr char signature[] = "(FFFFFFFFFFIIF)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto New(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int32_t, int32_t, float) -> ImmutableViewportMetrics::LocalRef; }; class LayerRenderer : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/LayerRenderer"; protected: LayerRenderer(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: class Frame; }; class LayerRenderer::Frame : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/LayerRenderer$Frame"; protected: Frame(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct BeginDrawing_t { typedef Frame Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "beginDrawing"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto BeginDrawing() const -> void; public: struct DrawBackground_t { typedef Frame Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "drawBackground"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto DrawBackground() const -> void; public: struct DrawForeground_t { typedef Frame Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "drawForeground"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto DrawForeground() const -> void; public: struct EndDrawing_t { typedef Frame Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "endDrawing"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto EndDrawing() const -> void; }; class LayerView : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/LayerView"; protected: LayerView(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct updateZoomedView_t { typedef LayerView Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "updateZoomedView"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto updateZoomedView(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> void; }; class NativePanZoomController : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/NativePanZoomController"; protected: NativePanZoomController(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct Destroy_t { typedef NativePanZoomController Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "destroy"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto Destroy() const -> void; public: struct DisposeNative_t { typedef NativePanZoomController Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "disposeNative"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct HandleMotionEvent_t { typedef NativePanZoomController Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< int32_t, int32_t, int64_t, int32_t, mozilla::jni::IntArray::Param, mozilla::jni::FloatArray::Param, mozilla::jni::FloatArray::Param, mozilla::jni::FloatArray::Param, mozilla::jni::FloatArray::Param, mozilla::jni::FloatArray::Param, mozilla::jni::FloatArray::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "handleMotionEvent"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(IIJI[I[F[F[F[F[F[F)Z"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct AbortAnimation_t { typedef NativePanZoomController Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "nativeAbortAnimation"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct SetIsLongpressEnabled_t { typedef NativePanZoomController Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< bool> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "nativeSetIsLongpressEnabled"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Z)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct RequestContentRepaintWrapper_t { typedef NativePanZoomController Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< float, float, float, float, float> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "requestContentRepaint"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(FFFFF)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto RequestContentRepaintWrapper(float, float, float, float, float) const -> void; public: template class Natives; }; class ProgressiveUpdateData : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/ProgressiveUpdateData"; protected: ProgressiveUpdateData(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct New_t { typedef ProgressiveUpdateData Owner; typedef ProgressiveUpdateData::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef ProgressiveUpdateData::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = ""; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto New() -> ProgressiveUpdateData::LocalRef; public: struct SetViewport_t { typedef ProgressiveUpdateData Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "setViewport"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/gfx/ImmutableViewportMetrics;)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto SetViewport(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) const -> void; public: struct Abort_t { typedef ProgressiveUpdateData Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "abort"; static constexpr char signature[] = "Z"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto Abort() const -> bool; auto Abort(bool) const -> void; public: struct Scale_t { typedef ProgressiveUpdateData Owner; typedef float ReturnType; typedef float SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "scale"; static constexpr char signature[] = "F"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto Scale() const -> float; auto Scale(float) const -> void; public: struct X_t { typedef ProgressiveUpdateData Owner; typedef float ReturnType; typedef float SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "x"; static constexpr char signature[] = "F"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto X() const -> float; auto X(float) const -> void; public: struct Y_t { typedef ProgressiveUpdateData Owner; typedef float ReturnType; typedef float SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "y"; static constexpr char signature[] = "F"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto Y() const -> float; auto Y(float) const -> void; }; class ViewTransform : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/ViewTransform"; protected: ViewTransform(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct New_t { typedef ViewTransform Owner; typedef ViewTransform::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef ViewTransform::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< float, float, float> Args; static constexpr char name[] = ""; static constexpr char signature[] = "(FFF)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto New(float, float, float) -> ViewTransform::LocalRef; public: struct FixedLayerMarginBottom_t { typedef ViewTransform Owner; typedef float ReturnType; typedef float SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "fixedLayerMarginBottom"; static constexpr char signature[] = "F"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto FixedLayerMarginBottom() const -> float; auto FixedLayerMarginBottom(float) const -> void; public: struct FixedLayerMarginLeft_t { typedef ViewTransform Owner; typedef float ReturnType; typedef float SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "fixedLayerMarginLeft"; static constexpr char signature[] = "F"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto FixedLayerMarginLeft() const -> float; auto FixedLayerMarginLeft(float) const -> void; public: struct FixedLayerMarginRight_t { typedef ViewTransform Owner; typedef float ReturnType; typedef float SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "fixedLayerMarginRight"; static constexpr char signature[] = "F"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto FixedLayerMarginRight() const -> float; auto FixedLayerMarginRight(float) const -> void; public: struct FixedLayerMarginTop_t { typedef ViewTransform Owner; typedef float ReturnType; typedef float SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "fixedLayerMarginTop"; static constexpr char signature[] = "F"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto FixedLayerMarginTop() const -> float; auto FixedLayerMarginTop(float) const -> void; public: struct Height_t { typedef ViewTransform Owner; typedef float ReturnType; typedef float SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "height"; static constexpr char signature[] = "F"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto Height() const -> float; auto Height(float) const -> void; public: struct Scale_t { typedef ViewTransform Owner; typedef float ReturnType; typedef float SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "scale"; static constexpr char signature[] = "F"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto Scale() const -> float; auto Scale(float) const -> void; public: struct Width_t { typedef ViewTransform Owner; typedef float ReturnType; typedef float SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "width"; static constexpr char signature[] = "F"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto Width() const -> float; auto Width(float) const -> void; public: struct X_t { typedef ViewTransform Owner; typedef float ReturnType; typedef float SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "x"; static constexpr char signature[] = "F"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto X() const -> float; auto X(float) const -> void; public: struct Y_t { typedef ViewTransform Owner; typedef float ReturnType; typedef float SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "y"; static constexpr char signature[] = "F"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto Y() const -> float; auto Y(float) const -> void; }; class MatrixBlobCursor : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/sqlite/MatrixBlobCursor"; protected: MatrixBlobCursor(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct New_t { typedef MatrixBlobCursor Owner; typedef MatrixBlobCursor::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef MatrixBlobCursor::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = ""; static constexpr char signature[] = "([Ljava/lang/String;)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto New(mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param) -> MatrixBlobCursor::LocalRef; public: struct New2_t { typedef MatrixBlobCursor Owner; typedef MatrixBlobCursor::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef MatrixBlobCursor::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = ""; static constexpr char signature[] = "([Ljava/lang/String;I)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto New(mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param, int32_t) -> MatrixBlobCursor::LocalRef; public: struct AddRow_t { typedef MatrixBlobCursor Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "addRow"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/Iterable;)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto AddRow(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) const -> void; public: struct AddRow2_t { typedef MatrixBlobCursor Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::Object::Param, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "addRow"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/util/ArrayList;I)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto AddRow(mozilla::jni::Object::Param, int32_t) const -> void; public: struct AddRow3_t { typedef MatrixBlobCursor Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "addRow"; static constexpr char signature[] = "([Ljava/lang/Object;)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto AddRow(mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param) const -> void; }; class SQLiteBridgeException : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/sqlite/SQLiteBridgeException"; protected: SQLiteBridgeException(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct New_t { typedef SQLiteBridgeException Owner; typedef SQLiteBridgeException::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef SQLiteBridgeException::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = ""; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto New() -> SQLiteBridgeException::LocalRef; public: struct New2_t { typedef SQLiteBridgeException Owner; typedef SQLiteBridgeException::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef SQLiteBridgeException::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = ""; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto New(mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> SQLiteBridgeException::LocalRef; public: static const int64_t SerialVersionUID = 1; }; class Clipboard : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/util/Clipboard"; protected: Clipboard(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct ClearText_t { typedef Clipboard Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "clearText"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto ClearText() -> void; public: struct GetClipboardTextWrapper_t { typedef Clipboard Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getText"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Ljava/lang/String;"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto GetClipboardTextWrapper() -> mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef; public: struct HasText_t { typedef Clipboard Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "hasText"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Z"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto HasText() -> bool; public: struct SetClipboardText_t { typedef Clipboard Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "setText"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V"; static const bool isStatic = true; static const bool isMultithreaded = false; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto SetClipboardText(mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void; }; class NativeJSContainer : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/util/NativeJSContainer"; protected: NativeJSContainer(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct New_t { typedef NativeJSContainer Owner; typedef NativeJSContainer::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef NativeJSContainer::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = ""; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto New() -> NativeJSContainer::LocalRef; public: struct Clone2_t { typedef NativeJSContainer Owner; typedef NativeJSContainer::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef NativeJSContainer::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "clone"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Lorg/mozilla/gecko/util/NativeJSContainer;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct DisposeNative_t { typedef NativeJSContainer Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "disposeNative"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: template class Natives; }; class NativeJSObject : public mozilla::jni::Class { public: typedef mozilla::jni::Ref Ref; typedef mozilla::jni::LocalRef LocalRef; typedef mozilla::jni::GlobalRef GlobalRef; typedef const mozilla::jni::Param& Param; static constexpr char name[] = "org/mozilla/gecko/util/NativeJSObject"; protected: NativeJSObject(jobject instance) : Class(instance) {} public: struct New_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef NativeJSObject::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef NativeJSObject::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = ""; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; static auto New() -> NativeJSObject::LocalRef; public: struct DisposeNative_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef void ReturnType; typedef void SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "disposeNative"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()V"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; auto DisposeNative() const -> void; public: struct GetBoolean_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getBoolean"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct GetBooleanArray_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::BooleanArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::BooleanArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getBooleanArray"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)[Z"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct GetBundle_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getBundle"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/os/Bundle;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct GetBundleArray_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getBundleArray"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)[Landroid/os/Bundle;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct GetDouble_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef double ReturnType; typedef double SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getDouble"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)D"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct GetDoubleArray_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getDoubleArray"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)[D"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct GetInt_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef int32_t ReturnType; typedef int32_t SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getInt"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)I"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct GetIntArray_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::IntArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::IntArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getIntArray"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)[I"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct GetObject_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef NativeJSObject::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef NativeJSObject::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getObject"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/mozilla/gecko/util/NativeJSObject;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct GetObjectArray_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getObjectArray"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)[Lorg/mozilla/gecko/util/NativeJSObject;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct GetString_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getString"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct GetStringArray_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "getStringArray"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct Has_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "has"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct OptBoolean_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef bool ReturnType; typedef bool SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, bool> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "optBoolean"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct OptBooleanArray_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::BooleanArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::BooleanArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::BooleanArray::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "optBooleanArray"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;[Z)[Z"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct OptBundle_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "optBundle"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/os/Bundle;)Landroid/os/Bundle;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct OptBundleArray_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "optBundleArray"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;[Landroid/os/Bundle;)[Landroid/os/Bundle;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct OptDouble_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef double ReturnType; typedef double SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, double> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "optDouble"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;D)D"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct OptDoubleArray_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "optDoubleArray"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;[D)[D"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct OptInt_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef int32_t ReturnType; typedef int32_t SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "optInt"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;I)I"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct OptIntArray_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::IntArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::IntArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::IntArray::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "optIntArray"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;[I)[I"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct OptObject_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef NativeJSObject::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef NativeJSObject::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, NativeJSObject::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "optObject"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/mozilla/gecko/util/NativeJSObject;)Lorg/mozilla/gecko/util/NativeJSObject;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct OptObjectArray_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "optObjectArray"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;[Lorg/mozilla/gecko/util/NativeJSObject;)[Lorg/mozilla/gecko/util/NativeJSObject;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct OptString_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "optString"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct OptStringArray_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args< mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "optStringArray"; static constexpr char signature[] = "(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct ToBundle_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "toBundle"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Landroid/os/Bundle;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: struct ToString_t { typedef NativeJSObject Owner; typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType; typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType; typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args; static constexpr char name[] = "toString"; static constexpr char signature[] = "()Ljava/lang/String;"; static const bool isStatic = false; static const bool isMultithreaded = true; static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode = mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT; }; public: template class Natives; }; } /* widget */ } /* mozilla */ #endif // GeneratedJNIWrappers_h