/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the * terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the * "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable * instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your * version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and not to * allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL, * indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and * replace them with the notice and other provisions required by * the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient * may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the * GPL. */ #include "signtool.h" #include "zip.h" #include "prmem.h" #include "blapi.h" #include "sechash.h" /* for HASH_GetHashObject() */ static int create_pk7 (char *dir, char *keyName, int *keyType); static int jar_find_key_type (CERTCertificate *cert); static int manifesto (char *dirname, char *install_script, PRBool recurse); static int manifesto_fn(char *relpath, char *basedir, char *reldir, char *filename, void *arg); static int sign_all_arc_fn(char *relpath, char *basedir, char *reldir, char *filename, void *arg); static int add_meta (FILE *fp, char *name); static int SignFile (FILE *outFile, FILE *inFile, CERTCertificate *cert); static int generate_SF_file (char *manifile, char *who); static int calculate_MD5_range (FILE *fp, long r1, long r2, JAR_Digest *dig); static void SignOut (void *arg, const char *buf, unsigned long len); static char *metafile = NULL; static int optimize = 0; static FILE *mf; static ZIPfile *zipfile=NULL; /* * S i g n A r c h i v e * * Sign an individual archive tree. A directory * called META-INF is created underneath this. * */ int SignArchive(char *tree, char *keyName, char *zip_file, int javascript, char *meta_file, char *install_script, int _optimize, PRBool recurse) { int status; char tempfn [FNSIZE], fullfn [FNSIZE]; int keyType = rsaKey; metafile = meta_file; optimize = _optimize; if(zip_file) { zipfile = JzipOpen(zip_file, NULL /*no comment*/); } manifesto (tree, install_script, recurse); if (keyName) { status = create_pk7 (tree, keyName, &keyType); if (status < 0) { PR_fprintf(errorFD, "the tree \"%s\" was NOT SUCCESSFULLY SIGNED\n", tree); errorCount++; exit (ERRX); } } /* mf to zip */ strcpy (tempfn, "META-INF/manifest.mf"); sprintf (fullfn, "%s/%s", tree, tempfn); JzipAdd(fullfn, tempfn, zipfile, compression_level); /* sf to zip */ sprintf (tempfn, "META-INF/%s.sf", base); sprintf (fullfn, "%s/%s", tree, tempfn); JzipAdd(fullfn, tempfn, zipfile, compression_level); /* rsa/dsa to zip */ sprintf (tempfn, "META-INF/%s.%s", base, (keyType==dsaKey ? "dsa" : "rsa")); sprintf (fullfn, "%s/%s", tree, tempfn); JzipAdd(fullfn, tempfn, zipfile, compression_level); JzipClose(zipfile); if(verbosity >= 0) { if (javascript) { PR_fprintf(outputFD,"jarfile \"%s\" signed successfully\n", zip_file); } else { PR_fprintf(outputFD, "tree \"%s\" signed successfully\n", tree); } } return 0; } typedef struct { char *keyName; int javascript; char *metafile; char *install_script; int optimize; } SignArcInfo; /* * S i g n A l l A r c * * Javascript may generate multiple .arc directories, one * for each jar archive needed. Sign them all. * */ int SignAllArc(char *jartree, char *keyName, int javascript, char *metafile, char *install_script, int optimize, PRBool recurse) { SignArcInfo info; info.keyName = keyName; info.javascript = javascript; info.metafile = metafile; info.install_script = install_script; info.optimize = optimize; return foreach(jartree, "", sign_all_arc_fn, recurse, PR_TRUE /*include dirs*/, (void*)&info); } static int sign_all_arc_fn(char *relpath, char *basedir, char *reldir, char *filename, void *arg) { char *zipfile=NULL; char *arc=NULL, *archive=NULL; int retval=0; SignArcInfo *infop = (SignArcInfo*)arg; /* Make sure there is one and only one ".arc" in the relative path, * and that it is at the end of the path (don't sign .arcs within .arcs) */ if ( (PL_strcaserstr(relpath, ".arc") == relpath + strlen(relpath) - 4) && (PL_strcasestr(relpath, ".arc") == relpath + strlen(relpath) - 4) ) { if(!infop) { PR_fprintf(errorFD, "%s: Internal failure\n", PROGRAM_NAME); errorCount++; retval = -1; goto finish; } archive = PR_smprintf("%s/%s", basedir, relpath); zipfile = PL_strdup(archive); arc = PORT_Strrchr (zipfile, '.'); if (arc == NULL) { PR_fprintf(errorFD, "%s: Internal failure\n", PROGRAM_NAME); errorCount++; retval = -1; goto finish; } PL_strcpy (arc, ".jar"); if(verbosity >= 0) { PR_fprintf(outputFD, "\nsigning: %s\n", zipfile); } retval = SignArchive(archive, infop->keyName, zipfile, infop->javascript, infop->metafile, infop->install_script, infop->optimize, PR_TRUE /* recurse */); } finish: if(archive) PR_Free(archive); if(zipfile) PR_Free(zipfile); return retval; } /********************************************************************* * * c r e a t e _ p k 7 */ static int create_pk7 (char *dir, char *keyName, int *keyType) { int status = 0; char *file_ext; CERTCertificate *cert; CERTCertDBHandle *db; FILE *in, *out; char sf_file [FNSIZE]; char pk7_file [FNSIZE]; /* open cert database */ db = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(); if (db == NULL) return -1; /* find cert */ /*cert = CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddr(db, keyName);*/ cert = PK11_FindCertFromNickname(keyName, NULL /*wincx*/); if (cert == NULL) { SECU_PrintError ( PROGRAM_NAME, "the cert \"%s\" does not exist in the database", keyName ); return -1; } /* determine the key type, which sets the extension for pkcs7 object */ *keyType = jar_find_key_type (cert); file_ext = (*keyType == dsaKey) ? "dsa" : "rsa"; sprintf (sf_file, "%s/META-INF/%s.sf", dir, base); sprintf (pk7_file, "%s/META-INF/%s.%s", dir, base, file_ext); if ((in = fopen (sf_file, "rb")) == NULL) { PR_fprintf(errorFD, "%s: Can't open %s for reading\n", PROGRAM_NAME, sf_file); errorCount++; exit (ERRX); } if ((out = fopen (pk7_file, "wb")) == NULL) { PR_fprintf(errorFD, "%s: Can't open %s for writing\n", PROGRAM_NAME, sf_file); errorCount++; exit (ERRX); } status = SignFile (out, in, cert); fclose (in); fclose (out); if (status) { PR_fprintf(errorFD, "%s: PROBLEM signing data (%s)\n", PROGRAM_NAME, SECU_ErrorString ((int16) PORT_GetError())); errorCount++; return -1; } return 0; } /* * j a r _ f i n d _ k e y _ t y p e * * Determine the key type for a given cert, which * should be rsaKey or dsaKey. Any error return 0. * */ static int jar_find_key_type (CERTCertificate *cert) { PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL; SECKEYPrivateKey *privk = NULL; /* determine its type */ PK11_FindObjectForCert (cert, /*wincx*/ NULL, &slot); if (slot == NULL) { PR_fprintf(errorFD, "warning - can't find slot for this cert\n"); warningCount++; return 0; } privk = PK11_FindPrivateKeyFromCert (slot, cert, /*wincx*/ NULL); if (privk == NULL) { PR_fprintf(errorFD, "warning - can't find private key for this cert\n"); warningCount++; return 0; } return privk->keyType; } /* * m a n i f e s t o * * Run once for every subdirectory in which a * manifest is to be created -- usually exactly once. * */ static int manifesto (char *dirname, char *install_script, PRBool recurse) { char metadir [FNSIZE], sfname [FNSIZE]; /* Create the META-INF directory to hold signing info */ if (PR_Access (dirname, PR_ACCESS_READ_OK)) { PR_fprintf(errorFD, "%s: unable to read your directory: %s\n", PROGRAM_NAME, dirname); errorCount++; perror (dirname); exit (ERRX); } if (PR_Access (dirname, PR_ACCESS_WRITE_OK)) { PR_fprintf(errorFD, "%s: unable to write to your directory: %s\n", PROGRAM_NAME, dirname); errorCount++; perror(dirname); exit(ERRX); } sprintf (metadir, "%s/META-INF", dirname); strcpy (sfname, metadir); PR_MkDir (metadir, 0777); strcat (metadir, "/"); strcat (metadir, MANIFEST); if ((mf = fopen (metadir, "wb")) == NULL) { perror (MANIFEST); PR_fprintf(errorFD, "%s: Probably, the directory you are trying to" " sign has\n", PROGRAM_NAME); PR_fprintf(errorFD, "%s: permissions problems or may not exist.\n", PROGRAM_NAME); errorCount++; exit (ERRX); } if(verbosity >= 0) { PR_fprintf(outputFD, "Generating %s file..\n", metadir); } fprintf(mf, "Manifest-Version: 1.0\n"); fprintf (mf, "Created-By: %s\n", CREATOR); fprintf (mf, "Comments: %s\n", BREAKAGE); if (scriptdir) { fprintf (mf, "Comments: --\n"); fprintf (mf, "Comments: --\n"); fprintf (mf, "Comments: -- This archive signs Javascripts which may not necessarily\n"); fprintf (mf, "Comments: -- be included in the physical jar file.\n"); fprintf (mf, "Comments: --\n"); fprintf (mf, "Comments: --\n"); } if (install_script) fprintf (mf, "Install-Script: %s\n", install_script); if (metafile) add_meta (mf, "+"); /* Loop through all files & subdirectories */ foreach (dirname, "", manifesto_fn, recurse, PR_FALSE /*include dirs */, (void*)NULL); fclose (mf); strcat (sfname, "/"); strcat (sfname, base); strcat (sfname, ".sf"); if(verbosity >= 0) { PR_fprintf(outputFD, "Generating %s.sf file..\n", base); } generate_SF_file (metadir, sfname); return 0; } /* * m a n i f e s t o _ f n * * Called by pointer from manifesto(), once for * each file within the directory. * */ static int manifesto_fn (char *relpath, char *basedir, char *reldir, char *filename, void *arg) { int use_js; JAR_Digest dig; char fullname [FNSIZE]; if(verbosity >= 0) { PR_fprintf(outputFD, "--> %s\n", relpath); } /* extension matching */ if(extensionsGiven) { char *ext; ext = PL_strrchr(relpath, '.'); if(!ext) { return 0; } else { if(!PL_HashTableLookup(extensions, ext)) { return 0; } } } sprintf (fullname, "%s/%s", basedir, relpath); fprintf (mf, "\n"); use_js = 0; if (scriptdir && !PORT_Strcmp (scriptdir, reldir)) use_js++; /* sign non-.js files inside .arc directories using the javascript magic */ if ( (PL_strcaserstr(filename, ".js") != filename + strlen(filename) - 3) && (PL_strcaserstr(reldir, ".arc") == reldir + strlen(filename)-4)) use_js++; if (use_js) { fprintf (mf, "Name: %s\n", filename); fprintf (mf, "Magic: javascript\n"); if (optimize == 0) fprintf (mf, "javascript.id: %s\n", filename); if (metafile) add_meta (mf, filename); } else { fprintf (mf, "Name: %s\n", relpath); if (metafile) add_meta (mf, relpath); } JAR_digest_file (fullname, &dig); if (optimize == 0) { fprintf (mf, "Digest-Algorithms: MD5 SHA1\n"); fprintf (mf, "MD5-Digest: %s\n", BTOA_DataToAscii (dig.md5, MD5_LENGTH)); } fprintf (mf, "SHA1-Digest: %s\n", BTOA_DataToAscii (dig.sha1, SHA1_LENGTH)); if(!use_js) { JzipAdd(fullname, relpath, zipfile, compression_level); } return 0; } /* * a d d _ m e t a * * Parse the metainfo file, and add any details * necessary to the manifest file. In most cases you * should be using the -i option (ie, for SmartUpdate). * */ static int add_meta (FILE *fp, char *name) { FILE *met; char buf [BUFSIZ]; int place; char *pattern, *meta; int num = 0; if ((met = fopen (metafile, "r")) != NULL) { while (fgets (buf, BUFSIZ, met)) { char *s; for (s = buf; *s && *s != '\n' && *s != '\r'; s++); *s = 0; if (*buf == 0) continue; pattern = buf; /* skip to whitespace */ for (s = buf; *s && *s != ' ' && *s != '\t'; s++); /* terminate pattern */ if (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') *s++ = 0; /* eat through whitespace */ while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') s++; meta = s; /* this will eventually be regexp matching */ place = 0; if (!PORT_Strcmp (pattern, name)) place = 1; if (place) { num++; if(verbosity >= 0) { PR_fprintf(outputFD, "[%s] %s\n", name, meta); } fprintf (fp, "%s\n", meta); } } fclose (met); } else { PR_fprintf(errorFD, "%s: can't open metafile: %s\n", PROGRAM_NAME, metafile); errorCount++; exit (ERRX); } return num; } /********************************************************************** * * S i g n F i l e */ static int SignFile (FILE *outFile, FILE *inFile, CERTCertificate *cert) { int nb; char ibuf[4096], digestdata[32]; const SECHashObject *hashObj; void *hashcx; unsigned int len; SECItem digest; SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo; SECStatus rv; if (outFile == NULL || inFile == NULL || cert == NULL) return -1; /* XXX probably want to extend interface to allow other hash algorithms */ hashObj = HASH_GetHashObject(HASH_AlgSHA1); hashcx = (* hashObj->create)(); if (hashcx == NULL) return -1; (* hashObj->begin)(hashcx); for (;;) { if (feof(inFile)) break; nb = fread(ibuf, 1, sizeof(ibuf), inFile); if (nb == 0) { if (ferror(inFile)) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_IO); (* hashObj->destroy)(hashcx, PR_TRUE); return -1; } /* eof */ break; } (* hashObj->update)(hashcx, (unsigned char *) ibuf, nb); } (* hashObj->end)(hashcx, (unsigned char *) digestdata, &len, 32); (* hashObj->destroy)(hashcx, PR_TRUE); digest.data = (unsigned char *) digestdata; digest.len = len; cinfo = SEC_PKCS7CreateSignedData (cert, certUsageObjectSigner, NULL, SEC_OID_SHA1, &digest, NULL, NULL); if (cinfo == NULL) return -1; rv = SEC_PKCS7IncludeCertChain (cinfo, NULL); if (rv != SECSuccess) { SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo (cinfo); return -1; } if (no_time == 0) { rv = SEC_PKCS7AddSigningTime (cinfo); if (rv != SECSuccess) { /* don't check error */ } } if(password) { rv = SEC_PKCS7Encode(cinfo, SignOut, outFile, NULL, (SECKEYGetPasswordKey) password_hardcode, NULL); } else { rv = SEC_PKCS7Encode(cinfo, SignOut, outFile, NULL, NULL, NULL); } SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo (cinfo); if (rv != SECSuccess) return -1; return 0; } /* * g e n e r a t e _ S F _ f i l e * * From the supplied manifest file, calculates * digests on the various sections, creating a .SF * file in the process. * */ static int generate_SF_file (char *manifile, char *who) { FILE *sf; FILE *mf; long r1, r2, r3; char whofile [FNSIZE]; char *buf, *name; JAR_Digest dig; int line = 0; strcpy (whofile, who); if ((mf = fopen (manifile, "rb")) == NULL) { perror (manifile); exit (ERRX); } if ((sf = fopen (whofile, "wb")) == NULL) { perror (who); exit (ERRX); } buf = (char *) PORT_ZAlloc (BUFSIZ); if (buf) name = (char *) PORT_ZAlloc (BUFSIZ); if (buf == NULL || name == NULL) out_of_memory(); fprintf (sf, "Signature-Version: 1.0\n"); fprintf (sf, "Created-By: %s\n", CREATOR); fprintf (sf, "Comments: %s\n", BREAKAGE); if (fgets (buf, BUFSIZ, mf) == NULL) { PR_fprintf(errorFD, "%s: empty manifest file!\n", PROGRAM_NAME); errorCount++; exit (ERRX); } if (strncmp (buf, "Manifest-Version:", 17)) { PR_fprintf(errorFD, "%s: not a manifest file!\n", PROGRAM_NAME); errorCount++; exit (ERRX); } fseek (mf, 0L, SEEK_SET); /* Process blocks of headers, and calculate their hashen */ while (1) { /* Beginning range */ r1 = ftell (mf); if (fgets (name, BUFSIZ, mf) == NULL) break; line++; if (r1 != 0 && strncmp (name, "Name:", 5)) { PR_fprintf(errorFD, "warning: unexpected input in manifest file \"%s\" at line %d:\n", manifile, line); PR_fprintf(errorFD, "%s\n", name); warningCount++; } while (fgets (buf, BUFSIZ, mf)) { if (*buf == 0 || *buf == '\n' || *buf == '\r') break; line++; /* Ending range for hashing */ r2 = ftell (mf); } r3 = ftell (mf); if (r1) { fprintf (sf, "\n"); fprintf (sf, "%s", name); } calculate_MD5_range (mf, r1, r2, &dig); if (optimize == 0) { fprintf (sf, "Digest-Algorithms: MD5 SHA1\n"); fprintf (sf, "MD5-Digest: %s\n", BTOA_DataToAscii (dig.md5, MD5_LENGTH)); } fprintf (sf, "SHA1-Digest: %s\n", BTOA_DataToAscii (dig.sha1, SHA1_LENGTH)); /* restore normalcy after changing offset position */ fseek (mf, r3, SEEK_SET); } PORT_Free (buf); PORT_Free (name); fclose (sf); fclose (mf); return 0; } /* * c a l c u l a t e _ M D 5 _ r a n g e * * Calculate the MD5 digest on a range of bytes in * the specified fopen'd file. Returns base64. * */ static int calculate_MD5_range (FILE *fp, long r1, long r2, JAR_Digest *dig) { int num; int range; unsigned char *buf; MD5Context *md5 = 0; SHA1Context *sha1 = 0; unsigned int sha1_length, md5_length; range = r2 - r1; /* position to the beginning of range */ fseek (fp, r1, SEEK_SET); buf = (unsigned char *) PORT_ZAlloc (range); if (buf == NULL) out_of_memory(); if ((num = fread (buf, 1, range, fp)) != range) { PR_fprintf(errorFD, "%s: expected %d bytes, got %d\n", PROGRAM_NAME, range, num); errorCount++; exit (ERRX); } md5 = MD5_NewContext(); sha1 = SHA1_NewContext(); if (md5 == NULL || sha1 == NULL) { PR_fprintf(errorFD, "%s: can't generate digest context\n", PROGRAM_NAME); errorCount++; exit (ERRX); } MD5_Begin (md5); SHA1_Begin (sha1); MD5_Update (md5, buf, range); SHA1_Update (sha1, buf, range); MD5_End (md5, dig->md5, &md5_length, MD5_LENGTH); SHA1_End (sha1, dig->sha1, &sha1_length, SHA1_LENGTH); MD5_DestroyContext (md5, PR_TRUE); SHA1_DestroyContext (sha1, PR_TRUE); PORT_Free (buf); return 0; } static void SignOut (void *arg, const char *buf, unsigned long len) { fwrite (buf, len, 1, (FILE *) arg); }