# This must be the first Python variable set in this file script ignore__see_bug_1605268 = True #filter substitution script topsrcdir = "@topsrcdir@"; lldb.debugger.HandleCommand("command source -s true '%s'" % os.path.join(topsrcdir, ".lldbinit")) #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID settings set symbols.enable-external-lookup true # This is where libxul.so and libmozglue.so are produced in full builds. settings append target.exec-search-paths @topobjdir@/toolkit/library settings append target.exec-search-paths @topobjdir@/mozglue/build # This is where artifact builds unpacks "crashreporter-symbols-full" uncompressed ELF debug symbols. settings append target.debug-file-search-paths @topobjdir@/dist/crashreporter-symbols # These are specific paths encoded into Mozilla's automation outputs. settings append target.source-map /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/obj-firefox @topobjdir@ settings append target.source-map /builds/worker/workspace/build/src @topsrcdir@ #endif