/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /** * General utilities used throughout devtools that can also be used in * workers. */ /** * Immutably reduce the given `...objs` into one object. The reduction is * applied from left to right, so `immutableUpdate({ a: 1 }, { a: 2 })` will * result in `{ a: 2 }`. The resulting object is frozen. * * Example usage: * * const original = { foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3 }; * const modified = immutableUpdate(original, { baz: 0, bang: 4 }); * * // We get the new object that we expect... * assert(modified.baz === 0); * assert(modified.bang === 4); * * // However, the original is not modified. * assert(original.baz === 2); * assert(original.bang === undefined); * * @param {...Object} ...objs * @returns {Object} */ exports.immutableUpdate = function (...objs) { return Object.freeze(Object.assign({}, ...objs)); }; /** * Utility function for updating an object with the properties of * other objects. * * DEPRECATED: Just use Object.assign() instead! * * @param aTarget Object * The object being updated. * @param aNewAttrs Object * The rest params are objects to update aTarget with. You * can pass as many as you like. */ exports.update = function update(target, ...args) { for (let attrs of args) { for (let key in attrs) { let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(attrs, key); if (desc) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, desc); } } } return target; }; /** * Utility function for getting the values from an object as an array * * @param object Object * The object to iterate over */ exports.values = function values(object) { return Object.keys(object).map(k => object[k]); }; /** * Report that |who| threw an exception, |exception|. */ exports.reportException = function reportException(who, exception) { const msg = `${who} threw an exception: ${exports.safeErrorString(exception)}`; dump(msg + "\n"); if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console && console.error) { console.error(msg); } }; /** * Given a handler function that may throw, return an infallible handler * function that calls the fallible handler, and logs any exceptions it * throws. * * @param handler function * A handler function, which may throw. * @param aName string * A name for handler, for use in error messages. If omitted, we use * handler.name. * * (SpiderMonkey does generate good names for anonymous functions, but we * don't have a way to get at them from JavaScript at the moment.) */ exports.makeInfallible = function (handler, name = handler.name) { return function () { try { return handler.apply(this, arguments); } catch (ex) { let who = "Handler function"; if (name) { who += " " + name; } exports.reportException(who, ex); return undefined; } }; }; /** * Turn the |error| into a string, without fail. * * @param {Error|any} error */ exports.safeErrorString = function (error) { try { let errorString = error.toString(); if (typeof errorString == "string") { // Attempt to attach a stack to |errorString|. If it throws an error, or // isn't a string, don't use it. try { if (error.stack) { let stack = error.stack.toString(); if (typeof stack == "string") { errorString += "\nStack: " + stack; } } } catch (ee) { // Ignore. } // Append additional line and column number information to the output, // since it might not be part of the stringified error. if (typeof error.lineNumber == "number" && typeof error.columnNumber == "number") { errorString += "Line: " + error.lineNumber + ", column: " + error.columnNumber; } return errorString; } } catch (ee) { // Ignore. } // We failed to find a good error description, so do the next best thing. return Object.prototype.toString.call(error); }; /** * Interleaves two arrays element by element, returning the combined array, like * a zip. In the case of arrays with different sizes, undefined values will be * interleaved at the end along with the extra values of the larger array. * * @param Array a * @param Array b * @returns Array * The combined array, in the form [a1, b1, a2, b2, ...] */ exports.zip = function (a, b) { if (!b) { return a; } if (!a) { return b; } const pairs = []; for (let i = 0, aLength = a.length, bLength = b.length; i < aLength || i < bLength; i++) { pairs.push([a[i], b[i]]); } return pairs; }; /** * Converts an object into an array with 2-element arrays as key/value * pairs of the object. `{ foo: 1, bar: 2}` would become * `[[foo, 1], [bar 2]]` (order not guaranteed). * * @param object obj * @returns array */ exports.entries = function entries(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).map(k => [k, obj[k]]); }; /* * Takes an array of 2-element arrays as key/values pairs and * constructs an object using them. */ exports.toObject = function (arr) { const obj = {}; for (let [k, v] of arr) { obj[k] = v; } return obj; }; /** * Composes the given functions into a single function, which will * apply the results of each function right-to-left, starting with * applying the given arguments to the right-most function. * `compose(foo, bar, baz)` === `args => foo(bar(baz(args)))` * * @param ...function funcs * @returns function */ exports.compose = function compose(...funcs) { return (...args) => { const initialValue = funcs[funcs.length - 1](...args); const leftFuncs = funcs.slice(0, -1); return leftFuncs.reduceRight((composed, f) => f(composed), initialValue); }; }; /** * Return true if `thing` is a generator function, false otherwise. */ exports.isGenerator = function (fn) { if (typeof fn !== "function") { return false; } let proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(fn); if (!proto) { return false; } let ctor = proto.constructor; if (!ctor) { return false; } return ctor.name == "GeneratorFunction"; }; /** * Return true if `thing` is a Promise or then-able, false otherwise. */ exports.isPromise = function (p) { return p && typeof p.then === "function"; }; /** * Return true if `thing` is a SavedFrame, false otherwise. */ exports.isSavedFrame = function (thing) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(thing) === "[object SavedFrame]"; }; /** * Return true iff `thing` is a `Set` object (possibly from another global). */ exports.isSet = function (thing) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(thing) === "[object Set]"; }; /** * Given a list of lists, flatten it. Only flattens one level; does not * recursively flatten all levels. * * @param {Array>} lists * @return {Array} */ exports.flatten = function (lists) { return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], lists); }; /** * Returns a promise that is resolved or rejected when all promises have settled * (resolved or rejected). * * This differs from Promise.all, which will reject immediately after the first * rejection, instead of waiting for the remaining promises to settle. * * @param values * Iterable of promises that may be pending, resolved, or rejected. When * when all promises have settled (resolved or rejected), the returned * promise will be resolved or rejected as well. * * @return A new promise that is fulfilled when all values have settled * (resolved or rejected). Its resolution value will be an array of all * resolved values in the given order, or undefined if values is an * empty array. The reject reason will be forwarded from the first * promise in the list of given promises to be rejected. */ exports.settleAll = values => { if (values === null || typeof (values[Symbol.iterator]) != "function") { throw new Error("settleAll() expects an iterable."); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { values = Array.isArray(values) ? values : [...values]; let countdown = values.length; let resolutionValues = new Array(countdown); let rejectionValue; let rejectionOccurred = false; if (!countdown) { resolve(resolutionValues); return; } function checkForCompletion() { if (--countdown > 0) { return; } if (!rejectionOccurred) { resolve(resolutionValues); } else { reject(rejectionValue); } } for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { let index = i; let value = values[i]; let resolver = result => { resolutionValues[index] = result; checkForCompletion(); }; let rejecter = error => { if (!rejectionOccurred) { rejectionValue = error; rejectionOccurred = true; } checkForCompletion(); }; if (value && typeof (value.then) == "function") { value.then(resolver, rejecter); } else { // Given value is not a promise, forward it as a resolution value. resolver(value); } } }); };