/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["BrowserGlue", "ContentPermissionPrompt"]; const XULNS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"; const {XPCOMUtils} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); const {Services} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const {AppConstants} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm"); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "ActorManagerParent", "resource://gre/modules/ActorManagerParent.jsm"); const PREF_PDFJS_ENABLED_CACHE_STATE = "pdfjs.enabledCache.state"; let ACTORS = { SubframeCrash: { parent: { moduleURI: "resource:///actors/SubframeCrashParent.jsm", }, child: { moduleURI: "resource:///actors/SubframeCrashChild.jsm", }, allFrames: true, }, }; let LEGACY_ACTORS = { AboutReader: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/AboutReaderChild.jsm", group: "browsers", events: { "AboutReaderContentLoaded": {wantUntrusted: true}, "DOMContentLoaded": {}, "pageshow": {mozSystemGroup: true}, "pagehide": {mozSystemGroup: true}, }, messages: [ "Reader:ToggleReaderMode", "Reader:PushState", ], }, }, BlockedSite: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/BlockedSiteChild.jsm", events: { "AboutBlockedLoaded": {wantUntrusted: true}, "click": {}, }, matches: ["about:blocked?*"], allFrames: true, messages: [ "DeceptiveBlockedDetails", ], }, }, BrowserTab: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/BrowserTabChild.jsm", group: "browsers", events: { "DOMWindowCreated": {once: true}, "MozAfterPaint": {once: true}, "MozDOMPointerLock:Entered": {}, "MozDOMPointerLock:Exited": {}, }, messages: [ "AllowScriptsToClose", "Browser:AppTab", "Browser:HasSiblings", "Browser:Reload", "MixedContent:ReenableProtection", "SwitchDocumentDirection", "UpdateCharacterSet", ], }, }, ClickHandler: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/ClickHandlerChild.jsm", events: { "click": {capture: true, mozSystemGroup: true}, "auxclick": {capture: true, mozSystemGroup: true}, }, }, }, ContextMenu: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/ContextMenuChild.jsm", events: { "contextmenu": {mozSystemGroup: true}, }, }, }, ContentSearch: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/ContentSearchChild.jsm", group: "browsers", matches: ["about:home", "about:newtab", "about:welcome", "about:privatebrowsing", "chrome://mochitests/content/*"], events: { "ContentSearchClient": {capture: true, wantUntrusted: true}, }, messages: [ "ContentSearch", ], }, }, DOMFullscreen: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/DOMFullscreenChild.jsm", group: "browsers", events: { "MozDOMFullscreen:Request": {}, "MozDOMFullscreen:Entered": {}, "MozDOMFullscreen:NewOrigin": {}, "MozDOMFullscreen:Exit": {}, "MozDOMFullscreen:Exited": {}, }, messages: [ "DOMFullscreen:Entered", "DOMFullscreen:CleanUp", ], }, }, FormValidation: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/FormValidationChild.jsm", events: { "MozInvalidForm": {}, }, }, }, LightweightTheme: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/LightweightThemeChild.jsm", matches: ["about:home", "about:newtab", "about:welcome"], events: { "pageshow": {mozSystemGroup: true}, }, }, }, LinkHandler: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/LinkHandlerChild.jsm", events: { "DOMHeadElementParsed": {}, "DOMLinkAdded": {}, "DOMLinkChanged": {}, "pageshow": {}, "pagehide": {}, }, }, }, NetError: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/NetErrorChild.jsm", events: { "AboutNetErrorLoad": {wantUntrusted: true}, "AboutNetErrorOpenCaptivePortal": {wantUntrusted: true}, "AboutNetErrorSetAutomatic": {wantUntrusted: true}, "AboutNetErrorResetPreferences": {wantUntrusted: true}, "click": {}, }, matches: ["about:certerror?*", "about:neterror?*"], allFrames: true, messages: [ "Browser:CaptivePortalFreed", "CertErrorDetails", ], }, }, OfflineApps: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/OfflineAppsChild.jsm", events: { "MozApplicationManifest": {}, }, messages: [ "OfflineApps:StartFetching", ], }, }, PageInfo: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/PageInfoChild.jsm", messages: ["PageInfo:getData"], }, }, PageStyle: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/PageStyleChild.jsm", group: "browsers", events: { "pageshow": {}, }, messages: [ "PageStyle:Switch", "PageStyle:Disable", ], // Only matching web pages, as opposed to internal about:, chrome: or // resource: pages. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Match_patterns matches: ["*://*/*"], }, }, Plugin: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/PluginChild.jsm", events: { "PluginBindingAttached": {capture: true, wantUntrusted: true}, "PluginCrashed": {capture: true}, "PluginOutdated": {capture: true}, "PluginInstantiated": {capture: true}, "PluginRemoved": {capture: true}, "HiddenPlugin": {capture: true}, }, messages: [ "BrowserPlugins:ActivatePlugins", "BrowserPlugins:ContextMenuCommand", "BrowserPlugins:NPAPIPluginProcessCrashed", "BrowserPlugins:CrashReportSubmitted", "BrowserPlugins:Test:ClearCrashData", ], observers: [ "decoder-doctor-notification", ], }, }, RFPHelper: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/RFPHelperChild.jsm", group: "browsers", events: { "resize": {}, }, }, }, SearchTelemetry: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/SearchTelemetryChild.jsm", events: { DOMContentLoaded: {}, "pageshow": {mozSystemGroup: true}, }, }, }, ShieldFrame: { child: { module: "resource://normandy-content/ShieldFrameChild.jsm", events: { "ShieldPageEvent": {wantUntrusted: true}, }, matches: ["about:studies"], }, }, UITour: { child: { module: "resource:///modules/UITourChild.jsm", events: { "mozUITour": {wantUntrusted: true}, }, permissions: ["uitour"], }, }, URIFixup: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/URIFixupChild.jsm", group: "browsers", observers: ["keyword-uri-fixup"], }, }, WebRTC: { child: { module: "resource:///actors/WebRTCChild.jsm", messages: [ "rtcpeer:Allow", "rtcpeer:Deny", "webrtc:Allow", "webrtc:Deny", "webrtc:StopSharing", ], }, }, }; (function earlyBlankFirstPaint() { if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.startup.blankWindow", false)) return; // Until bug 1450626 and bug 1488384 are fixed, skip the blank window when // using a non-default theme. if (Services.prefs.getCharPref("extensions.activeThemeID", "default-theme@mozilla.org") != "default-theme@mozilla.org") return; let store = Services.xulStore; let getValue = attr => store.getValue(AppConstants.BROWSER_CHROME_URL, "main-window", attr); let width = getValue("width"); let height = getValue("height"); // The clean profile case isn't handled yet. Return early for now. if (!width || !height) return; let browserWindowFeatures = "chrome,all,dialog=no,extrachrome,menubar,resizable,scrollbars,status," + "location,toolbar,personalbar"; let win = Services.ww.openWindow(null, "about:blank", null, browserWindowFeatures, null); // Hide the titlebar if the actual browser window will draw in it. let hiddenTitlebar = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.drawInTitlebar", win.matchMedia("(-moz-gtk-csd-hide-titlebar-by-default)").matches); if (hiddenTitlebar) { win.windowUtils.setChromeMargin(0, 2, 2, 2); } let docElt = win.document.documentElement; docElt.setAttribute("screenX", getValue("screenX")); docElt.setAttribute("screenY", getValue("screenY")); // The sizemode="maximized" attribute needs to be set before first paint. let sizemode = getValue("sizemode"); if (sizemode == "maximized") { docElt.setAttribute("sizemode", sizemode); // Set the size to use when the user leaves the maximized mode. // The persisted size is the outer size, but the height/width // attributes set the inner size. let xulWin = win.docShell.treeOwner .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIXULWindow); height -= xulWin.outerToInnerHeightDifferenceInCSSPixels; width -= xulWin.outerToInnerWidthDifferenceInCSSPixels; docElt.setAttribute("height", height); docElt.setAttribute("width", width); } else { // Setting the size of the window in the features string instead of here // causes the window to grow by the size of the titlebar. win.resizeTo(width, height); } // Set this before showing the window so that graphics code can use it to // decide to skip some expensive code paths (eg. starting the GPU process). docElt.setAttribute("windowtype", "navigator:blank"); // The window becomes visible after OnStopRequest, so make this happen now. win.stop(); let { TelemetryTimestamps } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/TelemetryTimestamps.jsm"); TelemetryTimestamps.add("blankWindowShown"); })(); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetters(this, { aboutNewTabService: ["@mozilla.org/browser/aboutnewtab-service;1", "nsIAboutNewTabService"], }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "WeaveService", () => Cc["@mozilla.org/weave/service;1"].getService().wrappedJSObject ); // lazy module getters XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, { AboutPrivateBrowsingHandler: "resource:///modules/aboutpages/AboutPrivateBrowsingHandler.jsm", AddonManager: "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm", AppMenuNotifications: "resource://gre/modules/AppMenuNotifications.jsm", AsyncShutdown: "resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.jsm", AutoCompletePopup: "resource://gre/modules/AutoCompletePopup.jsm", Blocklist: "resource://gre/modules/Blocklist.jsm", BookmarkHTMLUtils: "resource://gre/modules/BookmarkHTMLUtils.jsm", BookmarkJSONUtils: "resource://gre/modules/BookmarkJSONUtils.jsm", BrowserUsageTelemetry: "resource:///modules/BrowserUsageTelemetry.jsm", BrowserWindowTracker: "resource:///modules/BrowserWindowTracker.jsm", ContextualIdentityService: "resource://gre/modules/ContextualIdentityService.jsm", Corroborate: "resource://gre/modules/Corroborate.jsm", DateTimePickerParent: "resource://gre/modules/DateTimePickerParent.jsm", Discovery: "resource:///modules/Discovery.jsm", ExtensionsUI: "resource:///modules/ExtensionsUI.jsm", FileSource: "resource://gre/modules/L10nRegistry.jsm", FxAccounts: "resource://gre/modules/FxAccounts.jsm", HomePage: "resource:///modules/HomePage.jsm", HybridContentTelemetry: "resource://gre/modules/HybridContentTelemetry.jsm", Integration: "resource://gre/modules/Integration.jsm", L10nRegistry: "resource://gre/modules/L10nRegistry.jsm", LiveBookmarkMigrator: "resource:///modules/LiveBookmarkMigrator.jsm", NewTabUtils: "resource://gre/modules/NewTabUtils.jsm", Normandy: "resource://normandy/Normandy.jsm", ObjectUtils: "resource://gre/modules/ObjectUtils.jsm", OS: "resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", PageActions: "resource:///modules/PageActions.jsm", PageThumbs: "resource://gre/modules/PageThumbs.jsm", PdfJs: "resource://pdf.js/PdfJs.jsm", PermissionUI: "resource:///modules/PermissionUI.jsm", PingCentre: "resource:///modules/PingCentre.jsm", PlacesBackups: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesBackups.jsm", PlacesUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm", PluralForm: "resource://gre/modules/PluralForm.jsm", PrivateBrowsingUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.jsm", ProcessHangMonitor: "resource:///modules/ProcessHangMonitor.jsm", RemoteSettings: "resource://services-settings/remote-settings.js", RFPHelper: "resource://gre/modules/RFPHelper.jsm", SafeBrowsing: "resource://gre/modules/SafeBrowsing.jsm", Sanitizer: "resource:///modules/Sanitizer.jsm", SaveToPocket: "chrome://pocket/content/SaveToPocket.jsm", SearchTelemetry: "resource:///modules/SearchTelemetry.jsm", SessionStartup: "resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionStartup.jsm", SessionStore: "resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionStore.jsm", ShellService: "resource:///modules/ShellService.jsm", TabCrashHandler: "resource:///modules/ContentCrashHandlers.jsm", TabUnloader: "resource:///modules/TabUnloader.jsm", UIState: "resource://services-sync/UIState.jsm", UITour: "resource:///modules/UITour.jsm", WebChannel: "resource://gre/modules/WebChannel.jsm", WindowsRegistry: "resource://gre/modules/WindowsRegistry.jsm", }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, { AsyncPrefs: "resource://gre/modules/AsyncPrefs.jsm", ContentClick: "resource:///modules/ContentClick.jsm", FormValidationHandler: "resource:///modules/FormValidationHandler.jsm", LoginManagerParent: "resource://gre/modules/LoginManagerParent.jsm", PictureInPicture: "resource://gre/modules/PictureInPicture.jsm", ReaderParent: "resource:///modules/ReaderParent.jsm", RemotePrompt: "resource:///modules/RemotePrompt.jsm", }); /* global ContentPrefServiceParent:false, ContentSearch:false, UpdateListener:false, webrtcUI:false */ /** * IF YOU ADD OR REMOVE FROM THIS LIST, PLEASE UPDATE THE LIST ABOVE AS WELL. * XXX Bug 1325373 is for making eslint detect these automatically. */ let initializedModules = {}; [ ["ContentPrefServiceParent", "resource://gre/modules/ContentPrefServiceParent.jsm", "alwaysInit"], ["ContentSearch", "resource:///modules/ContentSearch.jsm", "init"], ["UpdateListener", "resource://gre/modules/UpdateListener.jsm", "init"], ["webrtcUI", "resource:///modules/webrtcUI.jsm", "init"], ].forEach(([name, resource, init]) => { XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, name, () => { ChromeUtils.import(resource, initializedModules); initializedModules[name][init](); return initializedModules[name]; }); }); if (AppConstants.MOZ_CRASHREPORTER) { XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, { PluginCrashReporter: "resource:///modules/ContentCrashHandlers.jsm", UnsubmittedCrashHandler: "resource:///modules/ContentCrashHandlers.jsm", }); } XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gBrandBundle", function() { return Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://branding/locale/brand.properties"); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gBrowserBundle", function() { return Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://browser/locale/browser.properties"); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gTabbrowserBundle", function() { return Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://browser/locale/tabbrowser.properties"); }); const global = this; const listeners = { observers: { "update-staged": ["UpdateListener"], "update-downloaded": ["UpdateListener"], "update-available": ["UpdateListener"], "update-error": ["UpdateListener"], }, ppmm: { // PLEASE KEEP THIS LIST IN SYNC WITH THE LISTENERS ADDED IN ContentPrefServiceParent.init "ContentPrefs:FunctionCall": ["ContentPrefServiceParent"], "ContentPrefs:AddObserverForName": ["ContentPrefServiceParent"], "ContentPrefs:RemoveObserverForName": ["ContentPrefServiceParent"], // PLEASE KEEP THIS LIST IN SYNC WITH THE LISTENERS ADDED IN ContentPrefServiceParent.init // PLEASE KEEP THIS LIST IN SYNC WITH THE LISTENERS ADDED IN AsyncPrefs.init "AsyncPrefs:SetPref": ["AsyncPrefs"], "AsyncPrefs:ResetPref": ["AsyncPrefs"], // PLEASE KEEP THIS LIST IN SYNC WITH THE LISTENERS ADDED IN AsyncPrefs.init "webrtc:UpdateGlobalIndicators": ["webrtcUI"], "webrtc:UpdatingIndicators": ["webrtcUI"], }, mm: { "Content:Click": ["ContentClick"], "ContentSearch": ["ContentSearch"], "FormValidation:ShowPopup": ["FormValidationHandler"], "FormValidation:HidePopup": ["FormValidationHandler"], "PictureInPicture:Request": ["PictureInPicture"], "PictureInPicture:Close": ["PictureInPicture"], "PictureInPicture:Playing": ["PictureInPicture"], "PictureInPicture:Paused": ["PictureInPicture"], "Prompt:Open": ["RemotePrompt"], "Reader:FaviconRequest": ["ReaderParent"], "Reader:UpdateReaderButton": ["ReaderParent"], // PLEASE KEEP THIS LIST IN SYNC WITH THE MOBILE LISTENERS IN BrowserCLH.js "PasswordManager:findLogins": ["LoginManagerParent"], "PasswordManager:findRecipes": ["LoginManagerParent"], "PasswordManager:onFormSubmit": ["LoginManagerParent"], "PasswordManager:autoCompleteLogins": ["LoginManagerParent"], "PasswordManager:removeLogin": ["LoginManagerParent"], "PasswordManager:insecureLoginFormPresent": ["LoginManagerParent"], "PasswordManager:OpenPreferences": ["LoginManagerParent"], // PLEASE KEEP THIS LIST IN SYNC WITH THE MOBILE LISTENERS IN BrowserCLH.js "rtcpeer:CancelRequest": ["webrtcUI"], "rtcpeer:Request": ["webrtcUI"], "webrtc:CancelRequest": ["webrtcUI"], "webrtc:Request": ["webrtcUI"], "webrtc:StopRecording": ["webrtcUI"], "webrtc:UpdateBrowserIndicators": ["webrtcUI"], }, observe(subject, topic, data) { for (let module of this.observers[topic]) { try { global[module].observe(subject, topic, data); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); } } }, receiveMessage(modules, data) { let val; for (let module of modules[data.name]) { try { val = global[module].receiveMessage(data) || val; } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); } } return val; }, init() { for (let observer of Object.keys(this.observers)) { Services.obs.addObserver(this, observer); } let receiveMessageMM = this.receiveMessage.bind(this, this.mm); for (let message of Object.keys(this.mm)) { Services.mm.addMessageListener(message, receiveMessageMM); } let receiveMessagePPMM = this.receiveMessage.bind(this, this.ppmm); for (let message of Object.keys(this.ppmm)) { Services.ppmm.addMessageListener(message, receiveMessagePPMM); } }, }; // Seconds of idle before trying to create a bookmarks backup. const BOOKMARKS_BACKUP_IDLE_TIME_SEC = 8 * 60; // Minimum interval between backups. We try to not create more than one backup // per interval. const BOOKMARKS_BACKUP_MIN_INTERVAL_DAYS = 1; // Maximum interval between backups. If the last backup is older than these // days we will try to create a new one more aggressively. const BOOKMARKS_BACKUP_MAX_INTERVAL_DAYS = 3; // Seconds of idle time before the late idle tasks will be scheduled. const LATE_TASKS_IDLE_TIME_SEC = 20; // Time after we stop tracking startup crashes. const STARTUP_CRASHES_END_DELAY_MS = 30 * 1000; /* * OS X has the concept of zero-window sessions and therefore ignores the * browser-lastwindow-close-* topics. */ const OBSERVE_LASTWINDOW_CLOSE_TOPICS = AppConstants.platform != "macosx"; function BrowserGlue() { XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "_idleService", "@mozilla.org/widget/idleservice;1", "nsIIdleService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "_distributionCustomizer", function() { const {DistributionCustomizer} = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/distribution.js"); return new DistributionCustomizer(); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "AlertsService", "@mozilla.org/alerts-service;1", "nsIAlertsService"); this._init(); } BrowserGlue.prototype = { _saveSession: false, _migrationImportsDefaultBookmarks: false, _placesBrowserInitComplete: false, _setPrefToSaveSession: function BG__setPrefToSaveSession(aForce) { if (!this._saveSession && !aForce) return; if (!PrivateBrowsingUtils.permanentPrivateBrowsing) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.sessionstore.resume_session_once", true); } // This method can be called via [NSApplication terminate:] on Mac, which // ends up causing prefs not to be flushed to disk, so we need to do that // explicitly here. See bug 497652. Services.prefs.savePrefFile(null); }, _setSyncAutoconnectDelay: function BG__setSyncAutoconnectDelay() { // Assume that a non-zero value for services.sync.autoconnectDelay should override if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue("services.sync.autoconnectDelay")) { let prefDelay = Services.prefs.getIntPref("services.sync.autoconnectDelay"); if (prefDelay > 0) return; } // delays are in seconds const MAX_DELAY = 300; let delay = 3; for (let win of Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser")) { // browser windows without a gBrowser almost certainly means we are // shutting down, so instead of just ignoring that window we abort. if (win.closed || !win.gBrowser) { return; } delay += win.gBrowser.tabs.length; } delay = delay <= MAX_DELAY ? delay : MAX_DELAY; const {Weave} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://services-sync/main.js"); Weave.Service.scheduler.delayedAutoConnect(delay); }, /** * Lazily initialize PingCentre */ get pingCentre() { const MAIN_TOPIC_ID = "main"; Object.defineProperty(this, "pingCentre", { value: new PingCentre({ topic: MAIN_TOPIC_ID }), }); return this.pingCentre; }, _sendMainPingCentrePing() { let newTabSetting; let homePageSetting; // Check whether or not about:home and about:newtab have been overridden at this point. // Different settings are encoded as follows: // * Value 0: default // * Value 1: about:blank // * Value 2: web extension // * Value 3: other custom URL(s) // Settings for about:newtab and about:home are combined in a bitwise manner. // Note that a user could use about:blank and web extension at the same time // to overwrite the about:newtab, but the web extension takes priority, so the // ordering matters in the following check. if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.newtabpage.enabled") && !aboutNewTabService.overridden) { newTabSetting = 0; } else if (aboutNewTabService.newTabURL.startsWith("moz-extension://")) { newTabSetting = 2; } else if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.newtabpage.enabled")) { newTabSetting = 1; } else { newTabSetting = 3; } const homePageURL = HomePage.get(); if (homePageURL === "about:home") { homePageSetting = 0; } else if (homePageURL === "about:blank") { homePageSetting = 1; } else if (homePageURL.startsWith("moz-extension://")) { homePageSetting = 2; } else { homePageSetting = 3; } const payload = { event: "AS_ENABLED", value: newTabSetting | (homePageSetting << 2), }; const ACTIVITY_STREAM_ID = "activity-stream"; const options = {filter: ACTIVITY_STREAM_ID}; this.pingCentre.sendPing(payload, options); }, // nsIObserver implementation observe: async function BG_observe(subject, topic, data) { switch (topic) { case "notifications-open-settings": this._openPreferences("privacy-permissions"); break; case "final-ui-startup": this._beforeUIStartup(); break; case "browser-delayed-startup-finished": this._onFirstWindowLoaded(subject); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "browser-delayed-startup-finished"); break; case "sessionstore-windows-restored": this._onWindowsRestored(); break; case "browser:purge-session-history": // reset the console service's error buffer Services.console.logStringMessage(null); // clear the console (in case it's open) Services.console.reset(); break; case "restart-in-safe-mode": this._onSafeModeRestart(); break; case "quit-application-requested": this._onQuitRequest(subject, data); break; case "quit-application-granted": this._onQuitApplicationGranted(); break; case "browser-lastwindow-close-requested": if (OBSERVE_LASTWINDOW_CLOSE_TOPICS) { // The application is not actually quitting, but the last full browser // window is about to be closed. this._onQuitRequest(subject, "lastwindow"); } break; case "browser-lastwindow-close-granted": if (OBSERVE_LASTWINDOW_CLOSE_TOPICS) { this._setPrefToSaveSession(); } break; case "weave:service:ready": this._setSyncAutoconnectDelay(); break; case "fxaccounts:onverified": this._showSyncStartedDoorhanger(); break; case "fxaccounts:device_connected": this._onDeviceConnected(data); break; case "fxaccounts:verify_login": this._onVerifyLoginNotification(JSON.parse(data)); break; case "fxaccounts:device_disconnected": data = JSON.parse(data); if (data.isLocalDevice) { this._onDeviceDisconnected(); } break; case "fxaccounts:commands:open-uri": case "weave:engine:clients:display-uris": this._onDisplaySyncURIs(subject); break; case "session-save": this._setPrefToSaveSession(true); subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRBool); subject.data = true; break; case "places-init-complete": Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "places-init-complete"); if (!this._migrationImportsDefaultBookmarks) this._initPlaces(false); break; case "idle": this._backupBookmarks(); break; case "distribution-customization-complete": Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "distribution-customization-complete"); // Customization has finished, we don't need the customizer anymore. delete this._distributionCustomizer; break; case "browser-glue-test": // used by tests if (data == "post-update-notification") { if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue("app.update.postupdate")) this._showUpdateNotification(); } else if (data == "force-ui-migration") { this._migrateUI(); } else if (data == "force-distribution-customization") { this._distributionCustomizer.applyCustomizations(); // To apply distribution bookmarks use "places-init-complete". } else if (data == "force-places-init") { this._initPlaces(false); } else if (data == "mock-alerts-service") { Object.defineProperty(this, "AlertsService", { value: subject.wrappedJSObject, }); } else if (data == "places-browser-init-complete") { if (this._placesBrowserInitComplete) { Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "places-browser-init-complete"); } } else if (data == "migrateMatchBucketsPrefForUI66") { this._migrateMatchBucketsPrefForUI66().then(() => { Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "browser-glue-test", "migrateMatchBucketsPrefForUI66-done"); }); } break; case "initial-migration-will-import-default-bookmarks": this._migrationImportsDefaultBookmarks = true; break; case "initial-migration-did-import-default-bookmarks": this._initPlaces(true); break; case "handle-xul-text-link": let linkHandled = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRBool); if (!linkHandled.data) { let win = BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow(); if (win) { data = JSON.parse(data); let where = win.whereToOpenLink(data); // Preserve legacy behavior of non-modifier left-clicks // opening in a new selected tab. if (where == "current") { where = "tab"; } win.openTrustedLinkIn(data.href, where); linkHandled.data = true; } } break; case "profile-before-change": // Any component depending on Places should be finalized in // _onPlacesShutdown. Any component that doesn't need to act after // the UI has gone should be finalized in _onQuitApplicationGranted. this._dispose(); break; case "keyword-search": // This notification is broadcast by the docshell when it "fixes up" a // URI that it's been asked to load into a keyword search. let engine = null; try { engine = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISearchEngine); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError(ex); } let win = BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow(); win.BrowserSearch.recordSearchInTelemetry(engine, "urlbar"); break; case "browser-search-engine-modified": // Ensure we cleanup the hiddenOneOffs pref when removing // an engine, and that newly added engines are visible. if (data == "engine-added" || data == "engine-removed") { let engineName = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISearchEngine).name; let pref = Services.prefs.getStringPref("browser.search.hiddenOneOffs"); let hiddenList = pref ? pref.split(",") : []; hiddenList = hiddenList.filter(x => x !== engineName); Services.prefs.setStringPref("browser.search.hiddenOneOffs", hiddenList.join(",")); } break; case "flash-plugin-hang": this._handleFlashHang(); break; case "xpi-signature-changed": let disabledAddons = JSON.parse(data).disabled; let addons = await AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(disabledAddons); if (addons.some(addon => addon)) { this._notifyUnsignedAddonsDisabled(); } break; case "sync-ui-state:update": this._updateFxaBadges(); break; case "handlersvc-store-initialized": // Initialize PdfJs when running in-process and remote. This only // happens once since PdfJs registers global hooks. If the PdfJs // extension is installed the init method below will be overridden // leaving initialization to the extension. // parent only: configure default prefs, set up pref observers, register // pdf content handler, and initializes parent side message manager // shim for privileged api access. PdfJs.init(true); break; case "shield-init-complete": this._shieldInitComplete = true; this._sendMainPingCentrePing(); break; } }, // initialization (called on application startup) _init: function BG__init() { let os = Services.obs; os.addObserver(this, "notifications-open-settings"); os.addObserver(this, "final-ui-startup"); os.addObserver(this, "browser-delayed-startup-finished"); os.addObserver(this, "sessionstore-windows-restored"); os.addObserver(this, "browser:purge-session-history"); os.addObserver(this, "quit-application-requested"); os.addObserver(this, "quit-application-granted"); if (OBSERVE_LASTWINDOW_CLOSE_TOPICS) { os.addObserver(this, "browser-lastwindow-close-requested"); os.addObserver(this, "browser-lastwindow-close-granted"); } os.addObserver(this, "weave:service:ready"); os.addObserver(this, "fxaccounts:onverified"); os.addObserver(this, "fxaccounts:device_connected"); os.addObserver(this, "fxaccounts:verify_login"); os.addObserver(this, "fxaccounts:device_disconnected"); os.addObserver(this, "fxaccounts:commands:open-uri"); os.addObserver(this, "weave:engine:clients:display-uris"); os.addObserver(this, "session-save"); os.addObserver(this, "places-init-complete"); os.addObserver(this, "distribution-customization-complete"); os.addObserver(this, "handle-xul-text-link"); os.addObserver(this, "profile-before-change"); os.addObserver(this, "keyword-search"); os.addObserver(this, "browser-search-engine-modified"); os.addObserver(this, "restart-in-safe-mode"); os.addObserver(this, "flash-plugin-hang"); os.addObserver(this, "xpi-signature-changed"); os.addObserver(this, "sync-ui-state:update"); os.addObserver(this, "handlersvc-store-initialized"); os.addObserver(this, "shield-init-complete"); ActorManagerParent.addActors(ACTORS); ActorManagerParent.addLegacyActors(LEGACY_ACTORS); ActorManagerParent.flush(); this._flashHangCount = 0; this._firstWindowReady = new Promise(resolve => this._firstWindowLoaded = resolve); if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { JawsScreenReaderVersionCheck.init(); } }, // cleanup (called on application shutdown) _dispose: function BG__dispose() { let os = Services.obs; os.removeObserver(this, "notifications-open-settings"); os.removeObserver(this, "final-ui-startup"); os.removeObserver(this, "sessionstore-windows-restored"); os.removeObserver(this, "browser:purge-session-history"); os.removeObserver(this, "quit-application-requested"); os.removeObserver(this, "quit-application-granted"); os.removeObserver(this, "restart-in-safe-mode"); if (OBSERVE_LASTWINDOW_CLOSE_TOPICS) { os.removeObserver(this, "browser-lastwindow-close-requested"); os.removeObserver(this, "browser-lastwindow-close-granted"); } os.removeObserver(this, "weave:service:ready"); os.removeObserver(this, "fxaccounts:onverified"); os.removeObserver(this, "fxaccounts:device_connected"); os.removeObserver(this, "fxaccounts:verify_login"); os.removeObserver(this, "fxaccounts:device_disconnected"); os.removeObserver(this, "fxaccounts:commands:open-uri"); os.removeObserver(this, "weave:engine:clients:display-uris"); os.removeObserver(this, "session-save"); if (this._bookmarksBackupIdleTime) { this._idleService.removeIdleObserver(this, this._bookmarksBackupIdleTime); delete this._bookmarksBackupIdleTime; } if (this._lateTasksIdleObserver) { this._idleService.removeIdleObserver(this._lateTasksIdleObserver, LATE_TASKS_IDLE_TIME_SEC); delete this._lateTasksIdleObserver; } if (this._gmpInstallManager) { this._gmpInstallManager.uninit(); delete this._gmpInstallManager; } try { os.removeObserver(this, "places-init-complete"); } catch (ex) { /* Could have been removed already */ } os.removeObserver(this, "handle-xul-text-link"); os.removeObserver(this, "profile-before-change"); os.removeObserver(this, "keyword-search"); os.removeObserver(this, "browser-search-engine-modified"); os.removeObserver(this, "flash-plugin-hang"); os.removeObserver(this, "xpi-signature-changed"); os.removeObserver(this, "sync-ui-state:update"); os.removeObserver(this, "shield-init-complete"); Services.prefs.removeObserver("permissions.eventTelemetry.enabled", this._togglePermissionPromptTelemetry); Services.prefs.removeObserver("privacy.trackingprotection", this._matchCBCategory); Services.prefs.removeObserver("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", this._matchCBCategory); Services.prefs.removeObserver(ContentBlockingCategoriesPrefs.PREF_CB_CATEGORY, this._updateCBCategory); Services.prefs.removeObserver("browser.contentblocking.features.standard", this._setPrefExpectations); Services.prefs.removeObserver("browser.contentblocking.features.strict", this._setPrefExpectations); }, // runs on startup, before the first command line handler is invoked // (i.e. before the first window is opened) _beforeUIStartup: function BG__beforeUIStartup() { SessionStartup.init(); if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_PDFJS_ENABLED_CACHE_STATE)) { Services.ppmm.sharedData.set( "pdfjs.enabled", Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_PDFJS_ENABLED_CACHE_STATE)); } else { PdfJs.earlyInit(); } // Initialize the default l10n resource sources for L10nRegistry. let locales = Services.locale.packagedLocales; const greSource = new FileSource("toolkit", locales, "resource://gre/localization/{locale}/"); L10nRegistry.registerSource(greSource); const appSource = new FileSource("app", locales, "resource://app/localization/{locale}/"); L10nRegistry.registerSource(appSource); // check if we're in safe mode if (Services.appinfo.inSafeMode) { Services.ww.openWindow(null, "chrome://browser/content/safeMode.xul", "_blank", "chrome,centerscreen,modal,resizable=no", null); } // apply distribution customizations this._distributionCustomizer.applyCustomizations(); // handle any UI migration this._migrateUI(); listeners.init(); SessionStore.init(); AddonManager.maybeInstallBuiltinAddon( "firefox-compact-light@mozilla.org", "1.0", "resource:///modules/themes/light/"); AddonManager.maybeInstallBuiltinAddon( "firefox-compact-dark@mozilla.org", "1.0", "resource:///modules/themes/dark/"); Normandy.init(); SaveToPocket.init(); Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "browser-ui-startup-complete"); }, _checkForOldBuildUpdates() { // check for update if our build is old if (AppConstants.MOZ_UPDATER && Services.prefs.getBoolPref("app.update.checkInstallTime")) { let buildID = Services.appinfo.appBuildID; let today = new Date().getTime(); /* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */ let buildDate = new Date(buildID.slice(0, 4), // year buildID.slice(4, 6) - 1, // months are zero-based. buildID.slice(6, 8), // day buildID.slice(8, 10), // hour buildID.slice(10, 12), // min buildID.slice(12, 14)) // ms .getTime(); /* eslint-enable no-multi-spaces */ const millisecondsIn24Hours = 86400000; let acceptableAge = Services.prefs.getIntPref("app.update.checkInstallTime.days") * millisecondsIn24Hours; if (buildDate + acceptableAge < today) { Cc["@mozilla.org/updates/update-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService).checkForBackgroundUpdates(); } } }, _onSafeModeRestart: function BG_onSafeModeRestart() { // prompt the user to confirm let strings = gBrowserBundle; let promptTitle = strings.GetStringFromName("safeModeRestartPromptTitle"); let promptMessage = strings.GetStringFromName("safeModeRestartPromptMessage"); let restartText = strings.GetStringFromName("safeModeRestartButton"); let buttonFlags = (Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_0 * Services.prompt.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING) + (Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_1 * Services.prompt.BUTTON_TITLE_CANCEL) + Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_0_DEFAULT; let rv = Services.prompt.confirmEx(null, promptTitle, promptMessage, buttonFlags, restartText, null, null, null, {}); if (rv != 0) return; let cancelQuit = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-PRBool;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsPRBool); Services.obs.notifyObservers(cancelQuit, "quit-application-requested", "restart"); if (!cancelQuit.data) { Services.startup.restartInSafeMode(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit); } }, _trackSlowStartup() { if (Services.startup.interrupted || Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.slowStartup.notificationDisabled")) return; let currentTime = Date.now() - Services.startup.getStartupInfo().process; let averageTime = 0; let samples = 0; try { averageTime = Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.slowStartup.averageTime"); samples = Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.slowStartup.samples"); } catch (e) { } let totalTime = (averageTime * samples) + currentTime; samples++; averageTime = totalTime / samples; if (samples >= Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.slowStartup.maxSamples")) { if (averageTime > Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.slowStartup.timeThreshold")) this._calculateProfileAgeInDays().then(this._showSlowStartupNotification, null); averageTime = 0; samples = 0; } Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.slowStartup.averageTime", averageTime); Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.slowStartup.samples", samples); }, async _calculateProfileAgeInDays() { let ProfileAge = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/ProfileAge.jsm", {}).ProfileAge; let profileAge = await ProfileAge(); let creationDate = await profileAge.created; let resetDate = await profileAge.reset; // if the profile was reset, consider the // reset date for its age. let profileDate = resetDate || creationDate; const ONE_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; return (Date.now() - profileDate) / ONE_DAY; }, _showSlowStartupNotification(profileAge) { if (profileAge < 90) // 3 months return; let win = BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow(); if (!win) return; let productName = gBrandBundle.GetStringFromName("brandFullName"); let message = win.gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString("slowStartup.message", [productName]); let buttons = [ { label: win.gNavigatorBundle.getString("slowStartup.helpButton.label"), accessKey: win.gNavigatorBundle.getString("slowStartup.helpButton.accesskey"), callback() { win.openTrustedLinkIn("https://support.mozilla.org/kb/reset-firefox-easily-fix-most-problems", "tab"); }, }, { label: win.gNavigatorBundle.getString("slowStartup.disableNotificationButton.label"), accessKey: win.gNavigatorBundle.getString("slowStartup.disableNotificationButton.accesskey"), callback() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.slowStartup.notificationDisabled", true); }, }, ]; win.gNotificationBox.appendNotification(message, "slow-startup", "chrome://browser/skin/slowStartup-16.png", win.gNotificationBox.PRIORITY_INFO_LOW, buttons); }, /** * Show a notification bar offering a reset. * * @param reason * String of either "unused" or "uninstall", specifying the reason * why a profile reset is offered. */ _resetProfileNotification(reason) { let win = BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow(); if (!win) return; const {ResetProfile} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/ResetProfile.jsm"); if (!ResetProfile.resetSupported()) return; let productName = gBrandBundle.GetStringFromName("brandShortName"); let resetBundle = Services.strings .createBundle("chrome://global/locale/resetProfile.properties"); let message; if (reason == "unused") { message = resetBundle.formatStringFromName("resetUnusedProfile.message", [productName], 1); } else if (reason == "uninstall") { message = resetBundle.formatStringFromName("resetUninstalled.message", [productName], 1); } else { throw new Error(`Unknown reason (${reason}) given to _resetProfileNotification.`); } let buttons = [ { label: resetBundle.formatStringFromName("refreshProfile.resetButton.label", [productName], 1), accessKey: resetBundle.GetStringFromName("refreshProfile.resetButton.accesskey"), callback() { ResetProfile.openConfirmationDialog(win); }, }, ]; win.gNotificationBox.appendNotification(message, "reset-profile-notification", "chrome://global/skin/icons/question-16.png", win.gNotificationBox.PRIORITY_INFO_LOW, buttons); }, _notifyUnsignedAddonsDisabled() { let win = BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow(); if (!win) return; let message = win.gNavigatorBundle.getString("unsignedAddonsDisabled.message"); let buttons = [ { label: win.gNavigatorBundle.getString("unsignedAddonsDisabled.learnMore.label"), accessKey: win.gNavigatorBundle.getString("unsignedAddonsDisabled.learnMore.accesskey"), callback() { win.BrowserOpenAddonsMgr("addons://list/extension?unsigned=true"); }, }, ]; win.gHighPriorityNotificationBox.appendNotification(message, "unsigned-addons-disabled", "", win.gHighPriorityNotificationBox.PRIORITY_WARNING_MEDIUM, buttons); }, _firstWindowTelemetry(aWindow) { let scaling = aWindow.devicePixelRatio * 100; try { Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("DISPLAY_SCALING").add(scaling); } catch (ex) {} }, _collectStartupConditionsTelemetry() { let nowSeconds = Math.round(Date.now() / 1000); // Don't include cases where we don't have the pref. This rules out the first install // as well as the first run of a build since this was introduced. These could by some // definitions be referred to as "cold" startups, but probably not since we likely // just wrote many of the files we use to disk. This way we should approximate a lower // bound to the number of cold startups rather than an upper bound. let lastCheckSeconds = Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.startup.lastColdStartupCheck", nowSeconds); Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.startup.lastColdStartupCheck", nowSeconds); try { let secondsSinceLastOSRestart = Services.startup.secondsSinceLastOSRestart; let isColdStartup = nowSeconds - secondsSinceLastOSRestart > lastCheckSeconds; Services.telemetry.scalarSet("startup.is_cold", isColdStartup); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError(ex); } }, // the first browser window has finished initializing _onFirstWindowLoaded: function BG__onFirstWindowLoaded(aWindow) { TabCrashHandler.init(); if (AppConstants.MOZ_CRASHREPORTER) { PluginCrashReporter.init(); } ProcessHangMonitor.init(); // A channel for "remote troubleshooting" code... let channel = new WebChannel("remote-troubleshooting", "remote-troubleshooting"); channel.listen((id, data, target) => { if (data.command == "request") { let {Troubleshoot} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Troubleshoot.jsm"); Troubleshoot.snapshot(snapshotData => { // for privacy we remove crash IDs and all preferences (but bug 1091944 // exists to expose prefs once we are confident of privacy implications) delete snapshotData.crashes; delete snapshotData.modifiedPreferences; channel.send(snapshotData, target); }); } }); this._trackSlowStartup(); // Offer to reset a user's profile if it hasn't been used for 60 days. const OFFER_PROFILE_RESET_INTERVAL_MS = 60 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; let lastUse = Services.appinfo.replacedLockTime; let disableResetPrompt = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.disableResetPrompt", false); if (!disableResetPrompt && lastUse && Date.now() - lastUse >= OFFER_PROFILE_RESET_INTERVAL_MS) { this._resetProfileNotification("unused"); } else if (AppConstants.platform == "win" && !disableResetPrompt) { // Check if we were just re-installed and offer Firefox Reset let updateChannel; try { updateChannel = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/UpdateUtils.jsm", {}).UpdateUtils.UpdateChannel; } catch (ex) {} if (updateChannel) { let uninstalledValue = WindowsRegistry.readRegKey(Ci.nsIWindowsRegKey.ROOT_KEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Mozilla\\Firefox", `Uninstalled-${updateChannel}`); let removalSuccessful = WindowsRegistry.removeRegKey(Ci.nsIWindowsRegKey.ROOT_KEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Mozilla\\Firefox", `Uninstalled-${updateChannel}`); if (removalSuccessful && uninstalledValue == "True") { this._resetProfileNotification("uninstall"); } } } this._checkForOldBuildUpdates(); AutoCompletePopup.init(); DateTimePickerParent.init(); // Check if Sync is configured if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue("services.sync.username")) { WeaveService.init(); } PageThumbs.init(); NewTabUtils.init(); AboutPrivateBrowsingHandler.init(); PageActions.init(); this._firstWindowTelemetry(aWindow); this._firstWindowLoaded(); this._collectStartupConditionsTelemetry(); // Set the default favicon size for UI views that use the page-icon protocol. PlacesUtils.favicons.setDefaultIconURIPreferredSize(16 * aWindow.devicePixelRatio); this._setPrefExpectations(); this._matchCBCategory(); // This observes the entire privacy.trackingprotection.* pref tree. Services.prefs.addObserver("privacy.trackingprotection", this._matchCBCategory); Services.prefs.addObserver("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", this._matchCBCategory); Services.prefs.addObserver(ContentBlockingCategoriesPrefs.PREF_CB_CATEGORY, this._updateCBCategory); Services.prefs.addObserver("media.autoplay.default", this._updateAutoplayPref); Services.prefs.addObserver("browser.contentblocking.features.standard", this._setPrefExpectations); Services.prefs.addObserver("browser.contentblocking.features.strict", this._setPrefExpectations); }, _updateAutoplayPref() { let blocked = Services.prefs.getIntPref("media.autoplay.default", 1); Services.telemetry.scalarSet("media.autoplay_default_blocked", blocked); }, _setPrefExpectations() { ContentBlockingCategoriesPrefs.setPrefExpectations(); ContentBlockingCategoriesPrefs.updateCBCategory(); }, _matchCBCategory() { ContentBlockingCategoriesPrefs.matchCBCategory(); }, _updateCBCategory() { ContentBlockingCategoriesPrefs.updateCBCategory(); }, _togglePermissionPromptTelemetry() { let enablePermissionPromptTelemetry = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("permissions.eventTelemetry.enabled", false); Services.telemetry.setEventRecordingEnabled("security.ui.permissionprompt", enablePermissionPromptTelemetry); if (!enablePermissionPromptTelemetry) { // Remove the saved unique identifier to reduce the (remote) chance // of leaking it to our servers in the future. Services.prefs.clearUserPref("permissions.eventTelemetry.uuid"); } }, _recordContentBlockingTelemetry() { let recordIdentityPopupEvents = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("security.identitypopup.recordEventElemetry"); Services.telemetry.setEventRecordingEnabled("security.ui.identitypopup", recordIdentityPopupEvents); let tpEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("privacy.trackingprotection.enabled"); Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("TRACKING_PROTECTION_ENABLED").add(tpEnabled); let tpPBDisabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("privacy.trackingprotection.pbmode.enabled"); Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("TRACKING_PROTECTION_PBM_DISABLED").add(!tpPBDisabled); let cookieBehavior = Services.prefs.getIntPref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior"); Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("COOKIE_BEHAVIOR").add(cookieBehavior); let exceptions = 0; for (let permission of Services.perms.enumerator) { if (permission.type == "trackingprotection") { exceptions++; } } Services.telemetry.scalarSet("contentblocking.exceptions", exceptions); let fpEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("privacy.trackingprotection.fingerprinting.enabled"); let cmEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("privacy.trackingprotection.cryptomining.enabled"); let categoryPref; switch (Services.prefs.getStringPref("browser.contentblocking.category", null)) { case "standard": categoryPref = 0; break; case "strict": categoryPref = 1; break; case "custom": categoryPref = 2; break; default: // Any other value is unsupported. categoryPref = 3; break; } Services.telemetry.scalarSet("contentblocking.fingerprinting_blocking_enabled", fpEnabled); Services.telemetry.scalarSet("contentblocking.cryptomining_blocking_enabled", cmEnabled); Services.telemetry.scalarSet("contentblocking.category", categoryPref); }, _sendMediaTelemetry() { let win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); if (win) { let v = win.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "video"); v.reportCanPlayTelemetry(); } }, /** * Application shutdown handler. */ _onQuitApplicationGranted() { // This pref must be set here because SessionStore will use its value // on quit-application. this._setPrefToSaveSession(); // Call trackStartupCrashEnd here in case the delayed call on startup hasn't // yet occurred (see trackStartupCrashEnd caller in browser.js). try { Services.startup.trackStartupCrashEnd(); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError("Could not end startup crash tracking in quit-application-granted: " + e); } if (this._bookmarksBackupIdleTime) { this._idleService.removeIdleObserver(this, this._bookmarksBackupIdleTime); delete this._bookmarksBackupIdleTime; } for (let mod of Object.values(initializedModules)) { if (mod.uninit) { mod.uninit(); } } BrowserUsageTelemetry.uninit(); SearchTelemetry.uninit(); // Only uninit PingCentre if the getter has initialized it if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this, "pingCentre")) { this.pingCentre.uninit(); } PageThumbs.uninit(); NewTabUtils.uninit(); AboutPrivateBrowsingHandler.uninit(); AutoCompletePopup.uninit(); DateTimePickerParent.uninit(); Normandy.uninit(); RFPHelper.uninit(); }, // Set up a listener to enable/disable the screenshots extension // based on its preference. _monitorScreenshotsPref() { const PREF = "extensions.screenshots.disabled"; const ID = "screenshots@mozilla.org"; const _checkScreenshotsPref = async () => { let addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(ID); let disabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF, false); if (disabled) { await addon.disable({allowSystemAddons: true}); } else { await addon.enable({allowSystemAddons: true}); } }; Services.prefs.addObserver(PREF, _checkScreenshotsPref); _checkScreenshotsPref(); }, _monitorWebcompatReporterPref() { const PREF = "extensions.webcompat-reporter.enabled"; const ID = "webcompat-reporter@mozilla.org"; Services.prefs.addObserver(PREF, async () => { let addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(ID); let enabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF, false); if (enabled && !addon.isActive) { await addon.enable({allowSystemAddons: true}); } else if (!enabled && addon.isActive) { await addon.disable({allowSystemAddons: true}); } }); }, _showNewInstallModal() { // Allow other observers of the same topic to run while we open the dialog. Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread(() => { let win = BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow(); let stack = win.gBrowser.getPanel().querySelector(".browserStack"); let mask = win.document.createElementNS(XULNS, "box"); mask.setAttribute("id", "content-mask"); stack.appendChild(mask); Services.ww.openWindow(win, "chrome://browser/content/newInstall.xul", "_blank", "chrome,modal,resizable=no,centerscreen", null); mask.remove(); }); }, // All initial windows have opened. _onWindowsRestored: function BG__onWindowsRestored() { if (this._windowsWereRestored) { return; } this._windowsWereRestored = true; BrowserUsageTelemetry.init(); SearchTelemetry.init(); // Show update notification, if needed. if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue("app.update.postupdate")) this._showUpdateNotification(); ExtensionsUI.init(); let signingRequired; if (AppConstants.MOZ_REQUIRE_SIGNING) { signingRequired = true; } else { signingRequired = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("xpinstall.signatures.required"); } if (signingRequired) { let disabledAddons = AddonManager.getStartupChanges(AddonManager.STARTUP_CHANGE_DISABLED); AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(disabledAddons).then(addons => { for (let addon of addons) { if (addon.signedState <= AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_MISSING) { this._notifyUnsignedAddonsDisabled(); break; } } }); } if (AppConstants.MOZ_CRASHREPORTER) { UnsubmittedCrashHandler.init(); } Sanitizer.onStartup(); this._scheduleStartupIdleTasks(); this._lateTasksIdleObserver = (idleService, topic, data) => { if (topic == "idle") { idleService.removeIdleObserver(this._lateTasksIdleObserver, LATE_TASKS_IDLE_TIME_SEC); delete this._lateTasksIdleObserver; this._scheduleArbitrarilyLateIdleTasks(); } }; this._idleService.addIdleObserver( this._lateTasksIdleObserver, LATE_TASKS_IDLE_TIME_SEC); this._monitorScreenshotsPref(); this._monitorWebcompatReporterPref(); if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("corroborator.enabled", true)) { Corroborate.init().catch(Cu.reportError); } let pService = Cc["@mozilla.org/toolkit/profile-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIToolkitProfileService); if (pService.createdAlternateProfile) { this._showNewInstallModal(); } }, /** * Use this function as an entry point to schedule tasks that * need to run only once after startup, and can be scheduled * by using an idle callback. * * The functions scheduled here will fire from idle callbacks * once every window has finished being restored by session * restore, and it's guaranteed that they will run before * the equivalent per-window idle tasks * (from _schedulePerWindowIdleTasks in browser.js). * * If you have something that can wait even further than the * per-window initialization, please schedule them using * _scheduleArbitrarilyLateIdleTasks. * Don't be fooled by thinking that the use of the timeout parameter * will delay your function: it will just ensure that it potentially * happens _earlier_ than expected (when the timeout limit has been reached), * but it will not make it happen later (and out of order) compared * to the other ones scheduled together. */ _scheduleStartupIdleTasks() { Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(async () => { await ContextualIdentityService.load(); Discovery.update(); }); Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { let enableCertErrorUITelemetry = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("security.certerrors.recordEventTelemetry", false); Services.telemetry.setEventRecordingEnabled("security.ui.certerror", enableCertErrorUITelemetry); }); Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { Services.prefs.addObserver("permissions.eventTelemetry.enabled", this._togglePermissionPromptTelemetry); this._togglePermissionPromptTelemetry(); }); Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { this._recordContentBlockingTelemetry(); }); // Load the Login Manager data from disk off the main thread, some time // after startup. If the data is required before this runs, for example // because a restored page contains a password field, it will be loaded on // the main thread, and this initialization request will be ignored. Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { try { Services.logins; } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError(ex); } }, 3000); // It's important that SafeBrowsing is initialized reasonably // early, so we use a maximum timeout for it. Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { SafeBrowsing.init(); }, 5000); if (AppConstants.MOZ_CRASHREPORTER) { UnsubmittedCrashHandler.scheduleCheckForUnsubmittedCrashReports(); } if (AppConstants.ASAN_REPORTER) { var {AsanReporter} = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/AsanReporter.jsm"); AsanReporter.init(); } if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { // For Windows 7, initialize the jump list module. const WINTASKBAR_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/windows-taskbar;1"; if (WINTASKBAR_CONTRACTID in Cc && Cc[WINTASKBAR_CONTRACTID].getService(Ci.nsIWinTaskbar).available) { let temp = {}; ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/WindowsJumpLists.jsm", temp); temp.WinTaskbarJumpList.startup(); } }); } Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { this._checkForDefaultBrowser(); }); Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { let {setTimeout} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm"); setTimeout(function() { Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(Services.startup.trackStartupCrashEnd); }, STARTUP_CRASHES_END_DELAY_MS); }); Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { let handlerService = Cc["@mozilla.org/uriloader/handler-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIHandlerService); handlerService.asyncInit(); }); if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { JawsScreenReaderVersionCheck.onWindowsRestored(); }); } Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { RFPHelper.init(); }); Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { Blocklist.loadBlocklistAsync(); }); if (Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.livebookmarks.migrationAttemptsLeft", 0) > 0) { Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { LiveBookmarkMigrator.migrate().catch(Cu.reportError); }); } Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { TabUnloader.init(); }); // Marionette needs to be initialized as very last step Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "marionette-startup-requested"); }); }, /** * Use this function as an entry point to schedule tasks that need * to run once per session, at any arbitrary point in time. * This function will be called from an idle observer. Check the value of * LATE_TASKS_IDLE_TIME_SEC to see the current value for this idle * observer. * * Note: this function may never be called if the user is never idle for the * full length of the period of time specified. But given a reasonably low * value, this is unlikely. */ _scheduleArbitrarilyLateIdleTasks() { Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { this._sendMediaTelemetry(); }); Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { // Telemetry for master-password - we do this after a delay as it // can cause IO if NSS/PSM has not already initialized. let tokenDB = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/pk11tokendb;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIPK11TokenDB); let token = tokenDB.getInternalKeyToken(); let mpEnabled = token.hasPassword; if (mpEnabled) { Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("MASTER_PASSWORD_ENABLED").add(mpEnabled); } }); Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { let obj = {}; ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/GMPInstallManager.jsm", obj); this._gmpInstallManager = new obj.GMPInstallManager(); // We don't really care about the results, if someone is interested they // can check the log. this._gmpInstallManager.simpleCheckAndInstall().catch(() => {}); }); Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { RemoteSettings.init(); }); }, _onQuitRequest: function BG__onQuitRequest(aCancelQuit, aQuitType) { // If user has already dismissed quit request, then do nothing if ((aCancelQuit instanceof Ci.nsISupportsPRBool) && aCancelQuit.data) return; // There are several cases where we won't show a dialog here: // 1. There is only 1 tab open in 1 window // 2. browser.warnOnQuit == false // 3. The browser is currently in Private Browsing mode // 4. The browser will be restarted. // 5. The user has automatic session restore enabled and // browser.sessionstore.warnOnQuit is not set to true. // 6. The user doesn't have automatic session restore enabled // and browser.tabs.warnOnClose is not set to true. // // Otherwise, we will show the "closing multiple tabs" dialog. // // aQuitType == "lastwindow" is overloaded. "lastwindow" is used to indicate // "the last window is closing but we're not quitting (a non-browser window is open)" // and also "we're quitting by closing the last window". if (aQuitType == "restart" || aQuitType == "os-restart") return; var windowcount = 0; var pagecount = 0; for (let win of BrowserWindowTracker.orderedWindows) { if (win.closed) { continue; } windowcount++; let tabbrowser = win.gBrowser; if (tabbrowser) { pagecount += tabbrowser.browsers.length - tabbrowser._numPinnedTabs - tabbrowser._removingTabs.length; } } if (pagecount < 2) return; if (!aQuitType) aQuitType = "quit"; // browser.warnOnQuit is a hidden global boolean to override all quit prompts if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.warnOnQuit")) return; // If we're going to automatically restore the session, only warn if the user asked for that. let sessionWillBeRestored = Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.startup.page") == 3 || Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.sessionstore.resume_session_once"); // In the sessionWillBeRestored case, we only check the sessionstore-specific pref: if (sessionWillBeRestored) { if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.sessionstore.warnOnQuit", false)) { return; } // Otherwise, we check browser.tabs.warnOnClose } else if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.warnOnClose")) { return; } let win = BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow(); let warningMessage; // More than 1 window. Compose our own message. if (windowcount > 1) { let tabSubstring = gTabbrowserBundle.GetStringFromName("tabs.closeWarningMultipleWindowsTabSnippet"); tabSubstring = PluralForm.get(pagecount, tabSubstring).replace(/#1/, pagecount); let stringID = sessionWillBeRestored ? "tabs.closeWarningMultipleWindowsSessionRestore2" : "tabs.closeWarningMultipleWindows"; let windowString = gTabbrowserBundle.GetStringFromName(stringID); windowString = PluralForm.get(windowcount, windowString).replace(/#1/, windowcount); warningMessage = windowString.replace(/%(?:1\$)?S/i, tabSubstring); } else { let stringID = sessionWillBeRestored ? "tabs.closeWarningMultipleSessionRestore2" : "tabs.closeWarningMultiple"; warningMessage = gTabbrowserBundle.GetStringFromName(stringID); warningMessage = PluralForm.get(pagecount, warningMessage).replace("#1", pagecount); } let warnOnClose = {value: true}; let titleId = AppConstants.platform == "win" ? "tabs.closeAndQuitTitleTabsWin" : "tabs.closeAndQuitTitleTabs"; let flags = (Services.prompt.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING * Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_0) + (Services.prompt.BUTTON_TITLE_CANCEL * Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_1); // Only display the checkbox in the non-sessionrestore case. let checkboxLabel = !sessionWillBeRestored ? gTabbrowserBundle.GetStringFromName("tabs.closeWarningPromptMe") : null; // buttonPressed will be 0 for closing, 1 for cancel (don't close/quit) let buttonPressed = Services.prompt.confirmEx(win, gTabbrowserBundle.GetStringFromName(titleId), warningMessage, flags, gTabbrowserBundle.GetStringFromName("tabs.closeButtonMultiple"), null, null, checkboxLabel, warnOnClose); // If the user has unticked the box, and has confirmed closing, stop showing // the warning. if (!sessionWillBeRestored && buttonPressed == 0 && !warnOnClose.value) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.tabs.warnOnClose", false); } aCancelQuit.data = buttonPressed != 0; }, _showUpdateNotification: function BG__showUpdateNotification() { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("app.update.postupdate"); var um = Cc["@mozilla.org/updates/update-manager;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIUpdateManager); try { // If the updates.xml file is deleted then getUpdateAt will throw. var update = um.getUpdateAt(0).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag); } catch (e) { // This should never happen. Cu.reportError("Unable to find update: " + e); return; } var actions = update.getProperty("actions"); if (!actions || actions.includes("silent")) return; var appName = gBrandBundle.GetStringFromName("brandShortName"); function getNotifyString(aPropData) { var propValue = update.getProperty(aPropData.propName); if (!propValue) { if (aPropData.prefName) propValue = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref(aPropData.prefName); else if (aPropData.stringParams) propValue = gBrowserBundle.formatStringFromName(aPropData.stringName, aPropData.stringParams, aPropData.stringParams.length); else propValue = gBrowserBundle.GetStringFromName(aPropData.stringName); } return propValue; } if (actions.includes("showNotification")) { let text = getNotifyString({propName: "notificationText", stringName: "puNotifyText", stringParams: [appName]}); let url = getNotifyString({propName: "notificationURL", prefName: "startup.homepage_override_url"}); let label = getNotifyString({propName: "notificationButtonLabel", stringName: "pu.notifyButton.label"}); let key = getNotifyString({propName: "notificationButtonAccessKey", stringName: "pu.notifyButton.accesskey"}); let win = BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow(); let buttons = [ { label, accessKey: key, popup: null, callback(aNotificationBar, aButton) { win.openTrustedLinkIn(url, "tab"); }, }, ]; win.gHighPriorityNotificationBox.appendNotification(text, "post-update-notification", null, win.gHighPriorityNotificationBox.PRIORITY_INFO_LOW, buttons); } if (!actions.includes("showAlert")) return; let title = getNotifyString({propName: "alertTitle", stringName: "puAlertTitle", stringParams: [appName]}); let text = getNotifyString({propName: "alertText", stringName: "puAlertText", stringParams: [appName]}); let url = getNotifyString({propName: "alertURL", prefName: "startup.homepage_override_url"}); function clickCallback(subject, topic, data) { // This callback will be called twice but only once with this topic if (topic != "alertclickcallback") return; let win = BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow(); win.openTrustedLinkIn(data, "tab"); } try { // This will throw NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE if the notification cannot // be displayed per the idl. this.AlertsService.showAlertNotification(null, title, text, true, url, clickCallback); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); } }, /** * Initialize Places * - imports the bookmarks html file if bookmarks database is empty, try to * restore bookmarks from a JSON backup if the backend indicates that the * database was corrupt. * * These prefs can be set up by the frontend: * * WARNING: setting these preferences to true will overwite existing bookmarks * * - browser.places.importBookmarksHTML * Set to true will import the bookmarks.html file from the profile folder. * - browser.bookmarks.restore_default_bookmarks * Set to true by safe-mode dialog to indicate we must restore default * bookmarks. */ _initPlaces: function BG__initPlaces(aInitialMigrationPerformed) { // We must instantiate the history service since it will tell us if we // need to import or restore bookmarks due to first-run, corruption or // forced migration (due to a major schema change). // If the database is corrupt or has been newly created we should // import bookmarks. let dbStatus = PlacesUtils.history.databaseStatus; // Show a notification with a "more info" link for a locked places.sqlite. if (dbStatus == PlacesUtils.history.DATABASE_STATUS_LOCKED) { // Note: initPlaces should always happen when the first window is ready, // in any case, better safe than sorry. this._firstWindowReady.then(() => { this._showPlacesLockedNotificationBox(); this._placesBrowserInitComplete = true; Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "places-browser-init-complete"); }); return; } let importBookmarks = !aInitialMigrationPerformed && (dbStatus == PlacesUtils.history.DATABASE_STATUS_CREATE || dbStatus == PlacesUtils.history.DATABASE_STATUS_CORRUPT); // Check if user or an extension has required to import bookmarks.html let importBookmarksHTML = false; try { importBookmarksHTML = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.places.importBookmarksHTML"); if (importBookmarksHTML) importBookmarks = true; } catch (ex) {} // Support legacy bookmarks.html format for apps that depend on that format. let autoExportHTML = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.bookmarks.autoExportHTML", false); // Do not export. if (autoExportHTML) { // Sqlite.jsm and Places shutdown happen at profile-before-change, thus, // to be on the safe side, this should run earlier. AsyncShutdown.profileChangeTeardown.addBlocker( "Places: export bookmarks.html", () => BookmarkHTMLUtils.exportToFile(BookmarkHTMLUtils.defaultPath)); } (async () => { // Check if Safe Mode or the user has required to restore bookmarks from // default profile's bookmarks.html let restoreDefaultBookmarks = false; try { restoreDefaultBookmarks = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.bookmarks.restore_default_bookmarks"); if (restoreDefaultBookmarks) { // Ensure that we already have a bookmarks backup for today. await this._backupBookmarks(); importBookmarks = true; } } catch (ex) {} // This may be reused later, check for "=== undefined" to see if it has // been populated already. let lastBackupFile; // If the user did not require to restore default bookmarks, or import // from bookmarks.html, we will try to restore from JSON if (importBookmarks && !restoreDefaultBookmarks && !importBookmarksHTML) { // get latest JSON backup lastBackupFile = await PlacesBackups.getMostRecentBackup(); if (lastBackupFile) { // restore from JSON backup await BookmarkJSONUtils.importFromFile(lastBackupFile, { replace: true, source: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.RESTORE_ON_STARTUP, }); importBookmarks = false; } else { // We have created a new database but we don't have any backup available importBookmarks = true; if (await OS.File.exists(BookmarkHTMLUtils.defaultPath)) { // If bookmarks.html is available in current profile import it... importBookmarksHTML = true; } else { // ...otherwise we will restore defaults restoreDefaultBookmarks = true; } } } // Import default bookmarks when necessary. // Otherwise, if any kind of import runs, default bookmarks creation should be // delayed till the import operations has finished. Not doing so would // cause them to be overwritten by the newly imported bookmarks. if (!importBookmarks) { // Now apply distribution customized bookmarks. // This should always run after Places initialization. try { await this._distributionCustomizer.applyBookmarks(); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); } } else { // An import operation is about to run. let bookmarksUrl = null; if (restoreDefaultBookmarks) { // User wants to restore bookmarks.html file from default profile folder bookmarksUrl = "chrome://browser/locale/bookmarks.html"; } else if (await OS.File.exists(BookmarkHTMLUtils.defaultPath)) { bookmarksUrl = OS.Path.toFileURI(BookmarkHTMLUtils.defaultPath); } if (bookmarksUrl) { // Import from bookmarks.html file. try { if (Services.policies.isAllowed("defaultBookmarks")) { await BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromURL(bookmarksUrl, { replace: true, source: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.RESTORE_ON_STARTUP, }); } } catch (e) { Cu.reportError("Bookmarks.html file could be corrupt. " + e); } try { // Now apply distribution customized bookmarks. // This should always run after Places initialization. await this._distributionCustomizer.applyBookmarks(); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); } } else { Cu.reportError(new Error("Unable to find bookmarks.html file.")); } // Reset preferences, so we won't try to import again at next run if (importBookmarksHTML) Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.places.importBookmarksHTML", false); if (restoreDefaultBookmarks) Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.bookmarks.restore_default_bookmarks", false); } // Initialize bookmark archiving on idle. if (!this._bookmarksBackupIdleTime) { this._bookmarksBackupIdleTime = BOOKMARKS_BACKUP_IDLE_TIME_SEC; // If there is no backup, or the last bookmarks backup is too old, use // a more aggressive idle observer. if (lastBackupFile === undefined) lastBackupFile = await PlacesBackups.getMostRecentBackup(); if (!lastBackupFile) { this._bookmarksBackupIdleTime /= 2; } else { let lastBackupTime = PlacesBackups.getDateForFile(lastBackupFile); let profileLastUse = Services.appinfo.replacedLockTime || Date.now(); // If there is a backup after the last profile usage date it's fine, // regardless its age. Otherwise check how old is the last // available backup compared to that session. if (profileLastUse > lastBackupTime) { let backupAge = Math.round((profileLastUse - lastBackupTime) / 86400000); // Report the age of the last available backup. try { Services.telemetry .getHistogramById("PLACES_BACKUPS_DAYSFROMLAST") .add(backupAge); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError(new Error("Unable to report telemetry.")); } if (backupAge > BOOKMARKS_BACKUP_MAX_INTERVAL_DAYS) this._bookmarksBackupIdleTime /= 2; } } this._idleService.addIdleObserver(this, this._bookmarksBackupIdleTime); } })().catch(ex => { Cu.reportError(ex); }).then(() => { // NB: deliberately after the catch so that we always do this, even if // we threw halfway through initializing in the Task above. this._placesBrowserInitComplete = true; Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "places-browser-init-complete"); }); }, /** * If a backup for today doesn't exist, this creates one. */ _backupBookmarks: function BG__backupBookmarks() { return (async function() { let lastBackupFile = await PlacesBackups.getMostRecentBackup(); // Should backup bookmarks if there are no backups or the maximum // interval between backups elapsed. if (!lastBackupFile || new Date() - PlacesBackups.getDateForFile(lastBackupFile) > BOOKMARKS_BACKUP_MIN_INTERVAL_DAYS * 86400000) { let maxBackups = Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.bookmarks.max_backups"); await PlacesBackups.create(maxBackups); } })(); }, /** * Show the notificationBox for a locked places database. */ _showPlacesLockedNotificationBox: function BG__showPlacesLockedNotificationBox() { var applicationName = gBrandBundle.GetStringFromName("brandShortName"); var placesBundle = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://browser/locale/places/places.properties"); var title = placesBundle.GetStringFromName("lockPrompt.title"); var text = placesBundle.formatStringFromName("lockPrompt.text", [applicationName], 1); var buttonText = placesBundle.GetStringFromName("lockPromptInfoButton.label"); var accessKey = placesBundle.GetStringFromName("lockPromptInfoButton.accessKey"); var helpTopic = "places-locked"; var url = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("app.support.baseURL"); url += helpTopic; var win = BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow(); var buttons = [ { label: buttonText, accessKey, popup: null, callback(aNotificationBar, aButton) { win.openTrustedLinkIn(url, "tab"); }, }, ]; var notifyBox = win.gBrowser.getNotificationBox(); var notification = notifyBox.appendNotification(text, title, null, notifyBox.PRIORITY_CRITICAL_MEDIUM, buttons); notification.persistence = -1; // Until user closes it }, _showSyncStartedDoorhanger() { let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://browser/locale/accounts.properties"); let productName = gBrandBundle.GetStringFromName("brandShortName"); let title = bundle.GetStringFromName("syncStartNotification.title"); let body = bundle.formatStringFromName("syncStartNotification.body2", [productName], 1); let clickCallback = (subject, topic, data) => { if (topic != "alertclickcallback") return; this._openPreferences("sync"); }; this.AlertsService.showAlertNotification(null, title, body, true, null, clickCallback); }, /** * Uncollapses PersonalToolbar if its collapsed status is not * persisted, and user customized it or changed default bookmarks. * * If the user does not have a persisted value for the toolbar's * "collapsed" attribute, try to determine whether it's customized. */ _maybeToggleBookmarkToolbarVisibility() { const BROWSER_DOCURL = AppConstants.BROWSER_CHROME_URL; const NUM_TOOLBAR_BOOKMARKS_TO_UNHIDE = 3; let xulStore = Services.xulStore; if (!xulStore.hasValue(BROWSER_DOCURL, "PersonalToolbar", "collapsed")) { // We consider the toolbar customized if it has more than NUM_TOOLBAR_BOOKMARKS_TO_UNHIDE // children, or if it has a persisted currentset value. let toolbarIsCustomized = xulStore.hasValue(BROWSER_DOCURL, "PersonalToolbar", "currentset"); let getToolbarFolderCount = () => { let toolbarFolder = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid).root; let toolbarChildCount = toolbarFolder.childCount; toolbarFolder.containerOpen = false; return toolbarChildCount; }; if (toolbarIsCustomized || getToolbarFolderCount() > NUM_TOOLBAR_BOOKMARKS_TO_UNHIDE) { xulStore.setValue(BROWSER_DOCURL, "PersonalToolbar", "collapsed", "false"); } } }, // eslint-disable-next-line complexity _migrateUI: function BG__migrateUI() { // Use an increasing number to keep track of the current migration state. // Completely unrelated to the current Firefox release number. const UI_VERSION = 81; const BROWSER_DOCURL = AppConstants.BROWSER_CHROME_URL; let currentUIVersion; if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue("browser.migration.version")) { currentUIVersion = Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.migration.version"); } else { // This is a new profile, nothing to migrate. Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.migration.version", UI_VERSION); try { // New profiles may have existing bookmarks (imported from another browser or // copied into the profile) and we want to show the bookmark toolbar for them // in some cases. this._maybeToggleBookmarkToolbarVisibility(); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError(ex); } return; } if (currentUIVersion >= UI_VERSION) return; let xulStore = Services.xulStore; if (currentUIVersion < 52) { // Keep old devtools log persistence behavior after splitting netmonitor and // webconsole prefs (bug 1307881). if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("devtools.webconsole.persistlog", false)) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.netmonitor.persistlog", true); } } // Update user customizations that will interfere with the Safe Browsing V2 // to V4 migration (bug 1395419). if (currentUIVersion < 53) { const MALWARE_PREF = "urlclassifier.malwareTable"; if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(MALWARE_PREF)) { let malwareList = Services.prefs.getCharPref(MALWARE_PREF); if (malwareList.includes("goog-malware-shavar")) { malwareList.replace("goog-malware-shavar", "goog-malware-proto"); Services.prefs.setCharPref(MALWARE_PREF, malwareList); } } } if (currentUIVersion < 55) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.customizemode.tip0.shown"); } if (currentUIVersion < 56) { // Prior to the end of the Firefox 57 cycle, the sidebarcommand being present // or not was the only thing that distinguished whether the sidebar was open. // Now, the sidebarcommand always indicates the last opened sidebar, and we // correctly persist the checked attribute to indicate whether or not the // sidebar was open. We should set the checked attribute in case it wasn't: if (xulStore.getValue(BROWSER_DOCURL, "sidebar-box", "sidebarcommand")) { xulStore.setValue(BROWSER_DOCURL, "sidebar-box", "checked", "true"); } } if (currentUIVersion < 58) { // With Firefox 57, we are doing a one time reset of the geo prefs due to bug 1413652 Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.search.countryCode"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.search.region"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.search.isUS"); } if (currentUIVersion < 59) { let searchInitializedPromise = new Promise(resolve => { if (Services.search.isInitialized) { resolve(); } const SEARCH_SERVICE_TOPIC = "browser-search-service"; Services.obs.addObserver(function observer(subject, topic, data) { if (data != "init-complete") { return; } Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, SEARCH_SERVICE_TOPIC); resolve(); }, SEARCH_SERVICE_TOPIC); }); searchInitializedPromise.then(() => { let currentEngine = Services.search.defaultEngine.wrappedJSObject; // Only reset the current engine if it wasn't set by a WebExtension // and it is not one of the default engines. // If the original default is not a default, the user has a weird // configuration probably involving langpacks, it's not worth // attempting to reset their settings. if (currentEngine._extensionID || currentEngine._isDefault || !Services.search.originalDefaultEngine.wrappedJSObject._isDefault) return; if (currentEngine._loadPath.startsWith("[https]")) { Services.prefs.setCharPref("browser.search.reset.status", "pending"); } else { Services.search.resetToOriginalDefaultEngine(); Services.prefs.setCharPref("browser.search.reset.status", "silent"); } }); // Migrate the old requested locales prefs to use the new model const SELECTED_LOCALE_PREF = "general.useragent.locale"; const MATCHOS_LOCALE_PREF = "intl.locale.matchOS"; if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(MATCHOS_LOCALE_PREF) || Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(SELECTED_LOCALE_PREF)) { if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref(MATCHOS_LOCALE_PREF, false)) { Services.locale.requestedLocales = []; } else { let locale = Services.prefs.getComplexValue(SELECTED_LOCALE_PREF, Ci.nsIPrefLocalizedString); if (locale) { try { Services.locale.requestedLocales = [locale.data]; } catch (e) { /* Don't panic if the value is not a valid locale code. */ } } } Services.prefs.clearUserPref(SELECTED_LOCALE_PREF); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(MATCHOS_LOCALE_PREF); } } if (currentUIVersion < 61) { // Remove persisted toolbarset from navigator toolbox xulStore.removeValue(BROWSER_DOCURL, "navigator-toolbox", "toolbarset"); } if (currentUIVersion < 62) { // Remove iconsize and mode from all the toolbars let toolbars = ["navigator-toolbox", "nav-bar", "PersonalToolbar", "TabsToolbar", "toolbar-menubar"]; for (let resourceName of ["mode", "iconsize"]) { for (let toolbarId of toolbars) { xulStore.removeValue(BROWSER_DOCURL, toolbarId, resourceName); } } } if (currentUIVersion < 64) { OS.File.remove(OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "directoryLinks.json"), {ignoreAbsent: true}); } if (currentUIVersion < 65 && Services.prefs.getCharPref("general.config.filename", "") == "dsengine.cfg") { let searchInitializedPromise = new Promise(resolve => { if (Services.search.isInitialized) { resolve(); } const SEARCH_SERVICE_TOPIC = "browser-search-service"; Services.obs.addObserver(function observer(subject, topic, data) { if (data != "init-complete") { return; } Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, SEARCH_SERVICE_TOPIC); resolve(); }, SEARCH_SERVICE_TOPIC); }); searchInitializedPromise.then(() => { let engineNames = ["Bing Search Engine", "Yahoo! Search Engine", "Yandex Search Engine"]; for (let engineName of engineNames) { let engine = Services.search.getEngineByName(engineName); if (engine) { Services.search.removeEngine(engine); } } }); } if (currentUIVersion < 66) { // Set whether search suggestions or history/bookmarks results come first // in the urlbar results, and uninstall a related Shield study. this._migrateMatchBucketsPrefForUI66(); } if (currentUIVersion < 67) { // Migrate devtools firebug theme users to light theme (bug 1378108): if (Services.prefs.getCharPref("devtools.theme") == "firebug") { Services.prefs.setCharPref("devtools.theme", "light"); } } if (currentUIVersion < 68) { // Remove blocklists legacy storage, now relying on IndexedDB. OS.File.remove(OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "kinto.sqlite"), {ignoreAbsent: true}); } if (currentUIVersion < 69) { // Clear old social prefs from profile (bug 1460675) let socialPrefs = Services.prefs.getBranch("social."); if (socialPrefs) { let socialPrefsArray = socialPrefs.getChildList(""); for (let item of socialPrefsArray) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("social." + item); } } } if (currentUIVersion < 70) { // Migrate old ctrl-tab pref to new one in existing profiles. (This code // doesn't run at all in new profiles.) Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.ctrlTab.recentlyUsedOrder", Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.ctrlTab.previews", false)); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.ctrlTab.previews"); // Remember that we migrated the pref in case we decide to flip it for // these users. Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.ctrlTab.migrated", true); } if (currentUIVersion < 71) { // Clear legacy saved prefs for content handlers. let savedContentHandlers = Services.prefs.getChildList("browser.contentHandlers.types"); for (let savedHandlerPref of savedContentHandlers) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(savedHandlerPref); } } if (currentUIVersion < 72) { // Migrate performance tool's recording interval value from msec to usec. let pref = "devtools.performance.recording.interval"; Services.prefs.setIntPref(pref, Services.prefs.getIntPref(pref, 1) * 1000); } if (currentUIVersion < 73) { // Remove blocklist JSON local dumps in profile. OS.File.removeDir(OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "blocklists"), { ignoreAbsent: true }); OS.File.removeDir(OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "blocklists-preview"), { ignoreAbsent: true }); for (const filename of ["addons.json", "plugins.json", "gfx.json"]) { // Some old versions used to dump without subfolders. Clean them while we are at it. const path = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, `blocklists-${filename}`); OS.File.remove(path, { ignoreAbsent: true }); } } if (currentUIVersion < 75) { // Ensure we try to migrate any live bookmarks the user might have, trying up to // 5 times. We set this early, and here, to avoid running the migration on // new profile (or, indeed, ever creating the pref there). Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.livebookmarks.migrationAttemptsLeft", 5); } if (currentUIVersion < 76) { // Clear old onboarding prefs from profile (bug 1462415) let onboardingPrefs = Services.prefs.getBranch("browser.onboarding."); if (onboardingPrefs) { let onboardingPrefsArray = onboardingPrefs.getChildList(""); for (let item of onboardingPrefsArray) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.onboarding." + item); } } } if (currentUIVersion < 77) { // Remove currentset from all the toolbars let toolbars = ["nav-bar", "PersonalToolbar", "TabsToolbar", "toolbar-menubar"]; for (let toolbarId of toolbars) { xulStore.removeValue(BROWSER_DOCURL, toolbarId, "currentset"); } } if (currentUIVersion < 78) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.search.region"); } if (currentUIVersion < 79) { // The handler app service will read this. We need to wait with migrating // until the handler service has started up, so just set a pref here. Services.prefs.setCharPref("browser.handlers.migrations", "30boxes"); } if (currentUIVersion < 80) { let hosts = Services.prefs.getCharPref("network.proxy.no_proxies_on"); // remove "localhost" and "" from the no_proxies_on list const kLocalHosts = new Set(["localhost", ""]); hosts = hosts.split(/[ ,]+/).filter(host => !kLocalHosts.has(host)).join(", "); Services.prefs.setCharPref("network.proxy.no_proxies_on", hosts); } if (currentUIVersion < 81) { // Reset homepage pref for users who have it set to a default from before Firefox 4: // .(start|start2|start3).mozilla.(com|org) if (HomePage.overridden) { const DEFAULT = HomePage.getDefault(); let value = HomePage.get(); let updated = value.replace( /https?:\/\/([\w\-]+\.)?start\d*\.mozilla\.(org|com)[^|]*/ig, DEFAULT); if (updated != value) { if (updated == DEFAULT) { HomePage.reset(); } else { value = updated; HomePage.set(value); } } } } // Update the migration version. Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.migration.version", UI_VERSION); }, _checkForDefaultBrowser() { // Perform default browser checking. if (!ShellService) { return; } let shouldCheck = !AppConstants.DEBUG && ShellService.shouldCheckDefaultBrowser; const skipDefaultBrowserCheck = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.shell.skipDefaultBrowserCheckOnFirstRun") && !Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.shell.didSkipDefaultBrowserCheckOnFirstRun"); const usePromptLimit = !AppConstants.RELEASE_OR_BETA; let promptCount = usePromptLimit ? Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.shell.defaultBrowserCheckCount") : 0; let willRecoverSession = (SessionStartup.sessionType == SessionStartup.RECOVER_SESSION); // startup check, check all assoc let isDefault = false; let isDefaultError = false; try { isDefault = ShellService.isDefaultBrowser(true, false); } catch (ex) { isDefaultError = true; } if (isDefault) { let now = (Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)).toString(); Services.prefs.setCharPref("browser.shell.mostRecentDateSetAsDefault", now); } let willPrompt = shouldCheck && !isDefault && !willRecoverSession; // Skip the "Set Default Browser" check during first-run or after the // browser has been run a few times. if (willPrompt) { if (skipDefaultBrowserCheck) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.shell.didSkipDefaultBrowserCheckOnFirstRun", true); willPrompt = false; } else { promptCount++; } if (usePromptLimit && promptCount > 3) { willPrompt = false; } } if (usePromptLimit && willPrompt) { Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.shell.defaultBrowserCheckCount", promptCount); } try { // Report default browser status on startup to telemetry // so we can track whether we are the default. Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("BROWSER_IS_USER_DEFAULT") .add(isDefault); Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("BROWSER_IS_USER_DEFAULT_ERROR") .add(isDefaultError); Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("BROWSER_SET_DEFAULT_ALWAYS_CHECK") .add(shouldCheck); Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("BROWSER_SET_DEFAULT_DIALOG_PROMPT_RAWCOUNT") .add(promptCount); } catch (ex) { /* Don't break the default prompt if telemetry is broken. */ } if (willPrompt) { DefaultBrowserCheck.prompt(BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow()); } }, async _migrateMatchBucketsPrefForUI66() { // This does two related things. // // (1) Profiles created on or after Firefox 57's release date were eligible // for a Shield study that changed the browser.urlbar.matchBuckets pref in // order to show search suggestions above history/bookmarks in the urlbar // popup. This uninstalls that study. (It's actually slightly more // complex. The study set the pref to several possible values, but the // overwhelming number of profiles in the study got search suggestions // first, followed by history/bookmarks.) // // (2) This also ensures that (a) new users see search suggestions above // history/bookmarks, thereby effectively making the study permanent, and // (b) old users (including those in the study) continue to see whatever // they were seeing before. This works together with UnifiedComplete.js. // By default, the browser.urlbar.matchBuckets pref does not exist, and // UnifiedComplete.js internally hardcodes a default value for it. Before // Firefox 60, the hardcoded default was to show history/bookmarks first. // After 60, it's to show search suggestions first. // Wait for Shield init to complete. await new Promise(resolve => { if (this._shieldInitComplete) { resolve(); return; } let topic = "shield-init-complete"; Services.obs.addObserver(function obs() { Services.obs.removeObserver(obs, topic); resolve(); }, topic); }); // Now get the pref's value. If the study is active, the value will have // just been set (on the default branch) as part of Shield's init. The pref // should not exist otherwise (normally). let prefName = "browser.urlbar.matchBuckets"; let prefValue = Services.prefs.getCharPref(prefName, ""); // Get the study (aka experiment). It may not be installed. let experiment = null; let experimentName = "pref-flip-search-composition-57-release-1413565"; let {PreferenceExperiments} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://normandy/lib/PreferenceExperiments.jsm"); try { experiment = await PreferenceExperiments.get(experimentName); } catch (e) {} // Uninstall the study, resetting the pref to its state before the study. if (experiment && !experiment.expired) { await PreferenceExperiments.stop(experimentName, { resetValue: true, reason: "external:search-ui-migration", }); } // At this point, normally the pref should not exist. If it does, then it // either has a user value, or something unexpectedly set its value on the // default branch. Either way, preserve that value. if (Services.prefs.getCharPref(prefName, "")) { return; } // The new default is "suggestion:4,general:5" (show search suggestions // before history/bookmarks), but we implement that by leaving the pref // undefined, and UnifiedComplete.js hardcodes that value internally. So if // the pref was "suggestion:4,general:5" (modulo whitespace), we're done. if (prefValue) { let buckets = PlacesUtils.convertMatchBucketsStringToArray(prefValue); if (ObjectUtils.deepEqual(buckets, [["suggestion", 4], ["general", 5]])) { return; } } // Set the pref on the user branch. If the pref had a value, then preserve // it. Otherwise, set the previous default value, which was to show history // and bookmarks before search suggestions. prefValue = prefValue || "general:5,suggestion:Infinity"; Services.prefs.setCharPref(prefName, prefValue); }, /** * Open preferences even if there are no open windows. */ _openPreferences(...args) { let chromeWindow = BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow(); if (chromeWindow) { chromeWindow.openPreferences(...args); return; } if (Services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow.openPreferences) { Services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow.openPreferences(...args); } }, _openURLInNewWindow(url) { let urlString = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString); urlString.data = url; return new Promise(resolve => { let win = Services.ww.openWindow(null, AppConstants.BROWSER_CHROME_URL, "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", urlString); win.addEventListener("load", () => { resolve(win); }, {once: true}); }); }, /** * Called as an observer when Sync's "display URIs" notification is fired. * * We open the received URIs in background tabs. */ async _onDisplaySyncURIs(data) { try { // The payload is wrapped weirdly because of how Sync does notifications. const URIs = data.wrappedJSObject.object; // win can be null, but it's ok, we'll assign it later in openTab() let win = BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow({private: false}); const openTab = async (URI) => { let tab; if (!win) { win = await this._openURLInNewWindow(URI.uri); let tabs = win.gBrowser.tabs; tab = tabs[tabs.length - 1]; } else { tab = win.gBrowser.addWebTab(URI.uri); } tab.setAttribute("attention", true); return tab; }; const firstTab = await openTab(URIs[0]); await Promise.all(URIs.slice(1).map(URI => openTab(URI))); const deviceName = URIs[0].sender && URIs[0].sender.name; let title, body; const bundle = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://browser/locale/accounts.properties"); if (URIs.length == 1) { // Due to bug 1305895, tabs from iOS may not have device information, so // we have separate strings to handle those cases. (See Also // unnamedTabsArrivingNotificationNoDevice.body below) if (deviceName) { title = bundle.formatStringFromName("tabArrivingNotificationWithDevice.title", [deviceName], 1); } else { title = bundle.GetStringFromName("tabArrivingNotification.title"); } // Use the page URL as the body. We strip the fragment and query (after // the `?` and `#` respectively) to reduce size, and also format it the // same way that the url bar would. body = URIs[0].uri.replace(/([?#]).*$/, "$1"); let wasTruncated = body.length < URIs[0].uri.length; if (win.gURLBar) { body = win.gURLBar.trimValue(body); } if (wasTruncated) { body = bundle.formatStringFromName("singleTabArrivingWithTruncatedURL.body", [body], 1); } } else { title = bundle.GetStringFromName("multipleTabsArrivingNotification.title"); const allKnownSender = URIs.every(URI => URI.sender != null); const allSameDevice = allKnownSender && URIs.every(URI => URI.sender.id == URIs[0].sender.id); let tabArrivingBody; if (allSameDevice) { if (deviceName) { tabArrivingBody = "unnamedTabsArrivingNotification2.body"; } else { tabArrivingBody = "unnamedTabsArrivingNotificationNoDevice.body"; } } else { tabArrivingBody = "unnamedTabsArrivingNotificationMultiple2.body"; } body = bundle.GetStringFromName(tabArrivingBody); body = PluralForm.get(URIs.length, body); body = body.replace("#1", URIs.length); body = body.replace("#2", deviceName); } const clickCallback = (obsSubject, obsTopic, obsData) => { if (obsTopic == "alertclickcallback") { win.gBrowser.selectedTab = firstTab; } }; // Specify an icon because on Windows no icon is shown at the moment let imageURL; if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { imageURL = "chrome://branding/content/icon64.png"; } this.AlertsService.showAlertNotification(imageURL, title, body, true, null, clickCallback); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError("Error displaying tab(s) received by Sync: " + ex); } }, async _onVerifyLoginNotification({body, title, url}) { let tab; let imageURL; if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { imageURL = "chrome://branding/content/icon64.png"; } let win = BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow({private: false}); if (!win) { win = await this._openURLInNewWindow(url); let tabs = win.gBrowser.tabs; tab = tabs[tabs.length - 1]; } else { tab = win.gBrowser.addWebTab(url); } tab.setAttribute("attention", true); let clickCallback = (subject, topic, data) => { if (topic != "alertclickcallback") return; win.gBrowser.selectedTab = tab; }; try { this.AlertsService.showAlertNotification(imageURL, title, body, true, null, clickCallback); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError("Error notifying of a verify login event: " + ex); } }, _onDeviceConnected(deviceName) { let accountsBundle = Services.strings.createBundle( "chrome://browser/locale/accounts.properties" ); let title = accountsBundle.GetStringFromName("deviceConnectedTitle"); let body = accountsBundle.formatStringFromName("deviceConnectedBody" + (deviceName ? "" : ".noDeviceName"), [deviceName], 1); let clickCallback = async (subject, topic, data) => { if (topic != "alertclickcallback") return; let url = await FxAccounts.config.promiseManageDevicesURI("device-connected-notification"); let win = BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow({private: false}); if (!win) { this._openURLInNewWindow(url); } else { win.gBrowser.addWebTab(url); } }; try { this.AlertsService.showAlertNotification(null, title, body, true, null, clickCallback); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError("Error notifying of a new Sync device: " + ex); } }, _onDeviceDisconnected() { let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://browser/locale/accounts.properties"); let title = bundle.GetStringFromName("deviceDisconnectedNotification.title"); let body = bundle.GetStringFromName("deviceDisconnectedNotification.body"); let clickCallback = (subject, topic, data) => { if (topic != "alertclickcallback") return; this._openPreferences("sync"); }; this.AlertsService.showAlertNotification(null, title, body, true, null, clickCallback); }, _handleFlashHang() { ++this._flashHangCount; if (this._flashHangCount < 2) { return; } // protected mode only applies to win32 if (Services.appinfo.XPCOMABI != "x86-msvc") { return; } if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("dom.ipc.plugins.flash.disable-protected-mode")) { return; } if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.flash-protected-mode-flip.enable")) { return; } if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.flash-protected-mode-flip.done")) { return; } Services.prefs.setBoolPref("dom.ipc.plugins.flash.disable-protected-mode", true); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.flash-protected-mode-flip.done", true); let win = BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow(); if (!win) { return; } let productName = gBrandBundle.GetStringFromName("brandShortName"); let message = win.gNavigatorBundle. getFormattedString("flashHang.message", [productName]); let buttons = [{ label: win.gNavigatorBundle.getString("flashHang.helpButton.label"), accessKey: win.gNavigatorBundle.getString("flashHang.helpButton.accesskey"), callback() { win.openTrustedLinkIn("https://support.mozilla.org/kb/flash-protected-mode-autodisabled", "tab"); }, }]; win.gNotificationBox.appendNotification(message, "flash-hang", null, win.gNotificationBox.PRIORITY_INFO_MEDIUM, buttons); }, _updateFxaBadges() { let state = UIState.get(); if (state.status == UIState.STATUS_LOGIN_FAILED || state.status == UIState.STATUS_NOT_VERIFIED) { AppMenuNotifications.showBadgeOnlyNotification("fxa-needs-authentication"); } else { AppMenuNotifications.removeNotification("fxa-needs-authentication"); } }, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]), }; var ContentBlockingCategoriesPrefs = { PREF_CB_CATEGORY: "browser.contentblocking.category", PREF_STRICT_DEF: "browser.contentblocking.features.strict", PREF_STANDARD_DEF: "browser.contentblocking.features.standard", switchingCategory: false, setPrefExpectations() { // The prefs inside CATEGORY_PREFS are initial values, these values then get set. // If the pref remains null, then it will expect the default value, // but the UI will not respond correctly. this.CATEGORY_PREFS = { strict: { "network.cookie.cookieBehavior": null, "privacy.trackingprotection.pbmode.enabled": null, "privacy.trackingprotection.enabled": null, "privacy.trackingprotection.fingerprinting.enabled": null, "privacy.trackingprotection.cryptomining.enabled": null, }, standard: { "network.cookie.cookieBehavior": null, "privacy.trackingprotection.pbmode.enabled": null, "privacy.trackingprotection.enabled": null, "privacy.trackingprotection.fingerprinting.enabled": null, "privacy.trackingprotection.cryptomining.enabled": null, }, }; let types = ["strict", "standard"]; for (let type of types) { let rulesArray; if (type == "strict") { rulesArray = Services.prefs.getStringPref(this.PREF_STRICT_DEF).split(","); } else { rulesArray = Services.prefs.getStringPref(this.PREF_STANDARD_DEF).split(","); } for (let item of rulesArray) { switch (item) { case "tp": this.CATEGORY_PREFS[type]["privacy.trackingprotection.enabled"] = true; break; case "-tp": this.CATEGORY_PREFS[type]["privacy.trackingprotection.enabled"] = false; break; case "tpPrivate": this.CATEGORY_PREFS[type]["privacy.trackingprotection.pbmode.enabled"] = true; break; case "-tpPrivate": this.CATEGORY_PREFS[type]["privacy.trackingprotection.pbmode.enabled"] = false; break; case "fp": this.CATEGORY_PREFS[type]["privacy.trackingprotection.fingerprinting.enabled"] = true; break; case "-fp": this.CATEGORY_PREFS[type]["privacy.trackingprotection.fingerprinting.enabled"] = false; break; case "cm": this.CATEGORY_PREFS[type]["privacy.trackingprotection.cryptomining.enabled"] = true; break; case "-cm": this.CATEGORY_PREFS[type]["privacy.trackingprotection.cryptomining.enabled"] = false; break; case "cookieBehavior0": this.CATEGORY_PREFS[type]["network.cookie.cookieBehavior"] = Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_ACCEPT; break; case "cookieBehavior1": this.CATEGORY_PREFS[type]["network.cookie.cookieBehavior"] = Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT_FOREIGN; break; case "cookieBehavior2": this.CATEGORY_PREFS[type]["network.cookie.cookieBehavior"] = Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT; break; case "cookieBehavior3": this.CATEGORY_PREFS[type]["network.cookie.cookieBehavior"] = Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_LIMIT_FOREIGN; break; case "cookieBehavior4": this.CATEGORY_PREFS[type]["network.cookie.cookieBehavior"] = Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER; break; default: Cu.reportError(`Error: Unknown rule observed ${item}`); } } } }, /** * Checks if CB prefs match perfectly with one of our pre-defined categories. */ prefsMatch(category) { // The category pref must be either unset, or match. if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(this.PREF_CB_CATEGORY) && Services.prefs.getStringPref(this.PREF_CB_CATEGORY) != category) { return false; } for (let pref in this.CATEGORY_PREFS[category]) { let value = this.CATEGORY_PREFS[category][pref]; if (value == null) { Cu.reportError(`Error: ${pref} has not been defined in ${category}`); if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(pref)) { return false; } } else { let prefType = Services.prefs.getPrefType(pref); if ((prefType == Services.prefs.PREF_BOOL && Services.prefs.getBoolPref(pref) != value) || (prefType == Services.prefs.PREF_INT && Services.prefs.getIntPref(pref) != value) || (prefType == Services.prefs.PREF_STRING && Services.prefs.getStringPref(pref) != value)) { return false; } } } return true; }, matchCBCategory() { if (this.switchingCategory) { return; } // If PREF_CB_CATEGORY is not set match users to a Content Blocking category. Check if prefs fit // perfectly into strict or standard, otherwise match with custom. If PREF_CB_CATEGORY has previously been set, // a change of one of these prefs necessarily puts us in "custom". if (this.prefsMatch("standard")) { Services.prefs.setStringPref(this.PREF_CB_CATEGORY, "standard"); } else if (this.prefsMatch("strict")) { Services.prefs.setStringPref(this.PREF_CB_CATEGORY, "strict"); } else { Services.prefs.setStringPref(this.PREF_CB_CATEGORY, "custom"); } // If there is a custom policy which changes a related pref, then put the user in custom so // they still have access to other content blocking prefs, and to keep our default definitions // from changing. let policy = Services.policies.getActivePolicies(); if (policy && (policy.EnableTrackingProtection || policy.Cookies)) { Services.prefs.setStringPref(this.PREF_CB_CATEGORY, "custom"); } }, updateCBCategory() { if (this.switchingCategory || !Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(this.PREF_CB_CATEGORY)) { return; } // Turn on switchingCategory flag, to ensure that when the individual prefs that change as a result // of the category change do not trigger yet another category change. this.switchingCategory = true; let value = Services.prefs.getStringPref(this.PREF_CB_CATEGORY); this.setPrefsToCategory(value); this.switchingCategory = false; }, /** * Sets all user-exposed content blocking preferences to values that match the selected category. */ setPrefsToCategory(category) { // Leave prefs as they were if we are switching to "custom" category. if (category == "custom") { return; } for (let pref in this.CATEGORY_PREFS[category]) { let value = this.CATEGORY_PREFS[category][pref]; if (!Services.prefs.prefIsLocked(pref)) { if (value == null) { Cu.reportError(`Error: ${pref} has not been defined in ${category}`); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(pref); } else { switch (Services.prefs.getPrefType(pref)) { case Services.prefs.PREF_BOOL: Services.prefs.setBoolPref(pref, value); break; case Services.prefs.PREF_INT: Services.prefs.setIntPref(pref, value); break; case Services.prefs.PREF_STRING: Services.prefs.setStringPref(pref, value); break; } } } } }, }; /** * ContentPermissionIntegration is responsible for showing the user * simple permission prompts when content requests additional * capabilities. * * While there are some built-in permission prompts, createPermissionPrompt * can also be overridden by system add-ons or tests to provide new ones. * * This override ability is provided by Integration.jsm. See * PermissionUI.jsm for an example of how to provide a new prompt * from an add-on. */ const ContentPermissionIntegration = { /** * Creates a PermissionPrompt for a given permission type and * nsIContentPermissionRequest. * * @param {string} type * The type of the permission request from content. This normally * matches the "type" field of an nsIContentPermissionType, but it * can be something else if the permission does not use the * nsIContentPermissionRequest model. Note that this type might also * be different from the permission key used in the permissions * database. * Example: "geolocation" * @param {nsIContentPermissionRequest} request * The request for a permission from content. * @return {PermissionPrompt} (see PermissionUI.jsm), * or undefined if the type cannot be handled. */ createPermissionPrompt(type, request) { switch (type) { case "geolocation": { return new PermissionUI.GeolocationPermissionPrompt(request); } case "desktop-notification": { return new PermissionUI.DesktopNotificationPermissionPrompt(request); } case "persistent-storage": { return new PermissionUI.PersistentStoragePermissionPrompt(request); } case "midi": { return new PermissionUI.MIDIPermissionPrompt(request); } case "storage-access": { return new PermissionUI.StorageAccessPermissionPrompt(request); } } return undefined; }, }; function ContentPermissionPrompt() {} ContentPermissionPrompt.prototype = { classID: Components.ID("{d8903bf6-68d5-4e97-bcd1-e4d3012f721a}"), QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIContentPermissionPrompt]), /** * This implementation of nsIContentPermissionPrompt.prompt ensures * that there's only one nsIContentPermissionType in the request, * and that it's of type nsIContentPermissionType. Failing to * satisfy either of these conditions will result in this method * throwing NS_ERRORs. If the combined ContentPermissionIntegration * cannot construct a prompt for this particular request, an * NS_ERROR_FAILURE will be thrown. * * Any time an error is thrown, the nsIContentPermissionRequest is * cancelled automatically. * * @param {nsIContentPermissionRequest} request * The request that we're to show a prompt for. */ prompt(request) { let type; try { // Only allow exactly one permission request here. let types = request.types.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIArray); if (types.length != 1) { throw Components.Exception( "Expected an nsIContentPermissionRequest with only 1 type.", Cr.NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); } type = types.queryElementAt(0, Ci.nsIContentPermissionType).type; let combinedIntegration = Integration.contentPermission.getCombined(ContentPermissionIntegration); let permissionPrompt = combinedIntegration.createPermissionPrompt(type, request); if (!permissionPrompt) { throw Components.Exception( `Failed to handle permission of type ${type}`, Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE); } permissionPrompt.prompt(); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError(ex); request.cancel(); throw ex; } let schemeHistogram = Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById("PERMISSION_REQUEST_ORIGIN_SCHEME"); let scheme = 0; try { // URI is null for system principals. if (request.principal.URI) { switch (request.principal.URI.scheme) { case "http": scheme = 1; break; case "https": scheme = 2; break; } } } catch (ex) { // If the request principal is not available at this point, // the request has likely been cancelled before being shown to the // user. We shouldn't record this request. if (ex.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE) { Cu.reportError(ex); } return; } schemeHistogram.add(type, scheme); // request.element should be the browser element in e10s. if (request.element && request.element.contentPrincipal) { let thirdPartyHistogram = Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById("PERMISSION_REQUEST_THIRD_PARTY_ORIGIN"); let isThirdParty = request.principal.origin != request.element.contentPrincipal.origin; thirdPartyHistogram.add(type, isThirdParty); } let userInputHistogram = Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById("PERMISSION_REQUEST_HANDLING_USER_INPUT"); userInputHistogram.add(type, request.isHandlingUserInput); }, }; var DefaultBrowserCheck = { get OPTIONPOPUP() { return "defaultBrowserNotificationPopup"; }, closePrompt(aNode) { if (this._notification) { this._notification.close(); } }, setAsDefault() { let claimAllTypes = true; let setAsDefaultError = false; if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { try { // In Windows 8+, the UI for selecting default protocol is much // nicer than the UI for setting file type associations. So we // only show the protocol association screen on Windows 8+. // Windows 8 is version 6.2. let version = Services.sysinfo.getProperty("version"); claimAllTypes = (parseFloat(version) < 6.2); } catch (ex) { } } try { ShellService.setDefaultBrowser(claimAllTypes, false); } catch (ex) { setAsDefaultError = true; Cu.reportError(ex); } // Here BROWSER_IS_USER_DEFAULT and BROWSER_SET_USER_DEFAULT_ERROR appear // to be inverse of each other, but that is only because this function is // called when the browser is set as the default. During startup we record // the BROWSER_IS_USER_DEFAULT value without recording BROWSER_SET_USER_DEFAULT_ERROR. Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("BROWSER_IS_USER_DEFAULT") .add(!setAsDefaultError); Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("BROWSER_SET_DEFAULT_ERROR") .add(setAsDefaultError); }, _createPopup(win, notNowStrings, neverStrings) { let doc = win.document; let popup = doc.createElement("menupopup"); popup.id = this.OPTIONPOPUP; let notNowItem = doc.createElement("menuitem"); notNowItem.id = "defaultBrowserNotNow"; notNowItem.setAttribute("label", notNowStrings.label); notNowItem.setAttribute("accesskey", notNowStrings.accesskey); popup.appendChild(notNowItem); let neverItem = doc.createElement("menuitem"); neverItem.id = "defaultBrowserNever"; neverItem.setAttribute("label", neverStrings.label); neverItem.setAttribute("accesskey", neverStrings.accesskey); popup.appendChild(neverItem); popup.addEventListener("command", this); let popupset = doc.getElementById("mainPopupSet"); popupset.appendChild(popup); }, handleEvent(event) { if (event.type == "command") { if (event.target.id == "defaultBrowserNever") { ShellService.shouldCheckDefaultBrowser = false; } this.closePrompt(); } }, prompt(win) { let useNotificationBar = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.defaultbrowser.notificationbar"); let brandBundle = win.document.getElementById("bundle_brand"); let brandShortName = brandBundle.getString("brandShortName"); let shellBundle = win.document.getElementById("bundle_shell"); let buttonPrefix = "setDefaultBrowser" + (useNotificationBar ? "" : "Alert"); let yesButton = shellBundle.getFormattedString(buttonPrefix + "Confirm.label", [brandShortName]); let notNowButton = shellBundle.getString(buttonPrefix + "NotNow.label"); if (useNotificationBar) { let promptMessage = shellBundle.getFormattedString("setDefaultBrowserMessage2", [brandShortName]); let optionsMessage = shellBundle.getString("setDefaultBrowserOptions.label"); let optionsKey = shellBundle.getString("setDefaultBrowserOptions.accesskey"); let neverLabel = shellBundle.getString("setDefaultBrowserNever.label"); let neverKey = shellBundle.getString("setDefaultBrowserNever.accesskey"); let yesButtonKey = shellBundle.getString("setDefaultBrowserConfirm.accesskey"); let notNowButtonKey = shellBundle.getString("setDefaultBrowserNotNow.accesskey"); this._createPopup(win, { label: notNowButton, accesskey: notNowButtonKey, }, { label: neverLabel, accesskey: neverKey, }); let buttons = [ { label: yesButton, accessKey: yesButtonKey, callback: () => { this.setAsDefault(); this.closePrompt(); }, }, { label: optionsMessage, accessKey: optionsKey, popup: this.OPTIONPOPUP, }, ]; let iconPixels = win.devicePixelRatio > 1 ? "32" : "16"; let iconURL = "chrome://branding/content/icon" + iconPixels + ".png"; const priority = win.gHighPriorityNotificationBox.PRIORITY_WARNING_HIGH; let callback = this._onNotificationEvent.bind(this); this._notification = win.gHighPriorityNotificationBox.appendNotification( promptMessage, "default-browser", iconURL, priority, buttons, callback); } else { // Modal prompt let promptTitle = shellBundle.getString("setDefaultBrowserTitle"); let promptMessage = shellBundle.getFormattedString("setDefaultBrowserMessage", [brandShortName]); let askLabel = shellBundle.getFormattedString("setDefaultBrowserDontAsk", [brandShortName]); let ps = Services.prompt; let shouldAsk = { value: true }; let buttonFlags = (ps.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING * ps.BUTTON_POS_0) + (ps.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING * ps.BUTTON_POS_1) + ps.BUTTON_POS_0_DEFAULT; let rv = ps.confirmEx(win, promptTitle, promptMessage, buttonFlags, yesButton, notNowButton, null, askLabel, shouldAsk); if (rv == 0) { this.setAsDefault(); } else if (!shouldAsk.value) { ShellService.shouldCheckDefaultBrowser = false; } try { let resultEnum = rv * 2 + shouldAsk.value; Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("BROWSER_SET_DEFAULT_RESULT") .add(resultEnum); } catch (ex) { /* Don't break if Telemetry is acting up. */ } } }, _onNotificationEvent(eventType) { if (eventType == "removed") { let doc = this._notification.ownerDocument; let popup = doc.getElementById(this.OPTIONPOPUP); popup.removeEventListener("command", this); popup.remove(); delete this._notification; } }, }; /* * Prompts users who have an outdated JAWS screen reader informing * them they need to update JAWS or switch to esr. Can be removed * 12/31/2018. */ var JawsScreenReaderVersionCheck = { _prompted: false, init() { Services.obs.addObserver(this, "a11y-init-or-shutdown", true); }, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]), observe(subject, topic, data) { if (topic == "a11y-init-or-shutdown" && data == "1") { Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread(() => this._checkVersionAndPrompt()); } }, onWindowsRestored() { Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread(() => this._checkVersionAndPrompt()); }, _checkVersionAndPrompt() { // Make sure we only prompt for versions of JAWS we do not // support and never prompt if e10s is disabled or if we're on // nightly. if (!Services.appinfo.shouldBlockIncompatJaws || !Services.appinfo.browserTabsRemoteAutostart || AppConstants.NIGHTLY_BUILD) { return; } let win = BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow(); if (!win || !win.gBrowser || !win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser) { Services.console.logStringMessage( "Content access support for older versions of JAWS is disabled " + "due to compatibility issues with this version of Firefox."); this._prompted = false; return; } // Only prompt once per session if (this._prompted) { return; } this._prompted = true; let browser = win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser; // Prompt JAWS users to let them know they need to update let promptMessage = win.gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString( "e10s.accessibilityNotice.jawsMessage", [gBrandBundle.GetStringFromName("brandShortName")] ); let notification; // main option: an Ok button, keeps running with content accessibility disabled let mainAction = { label: win.gNavigatorBundle.getString("e10s.accessibilityNotice.acceptButton.label"), accessKey: win.gNavigatorBundle.getString("e10s.accessibilityNotice.acceptButton.accesskey"), callback() { // If the user invoked the button option remove the notification, // otherwise keep the alert icon around in the address bar. notification.remove(); }, }; let options = { popupIconURL: "chrome://browser/skin/e10s-64@2x.png", persistWhileVisible: true, persistent: true, persistence: 100, }; notification = win.PopupNotifications.show(browser, "e10s_enabled_with_incompat_jaws", promptMessage, null, mainAction, null, options); }, }; // Listen for UITour messages. // Do it here instead of the UITour module itself so that the UITour module is lazy loaded // when the first message is received. Services.mm.addMessageListener("UITour:onPageEvent", function(aMessage) { UITour.onPageEvent(aMessage, aMessage.data); }); // Listen for HybridContentTelemetry messages. // Do it here instead of HybridContentTelemetry.init() so that // the module can be lazily loaded on the first message. Services.mm.addMessageListener("HybridContentTelemetry:onTelemetryMessage", aMessage => { HybridContentTelemetry.onTelemetryMessage(aMessage, aMessage.data); });