/* -*- Mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */ /* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cu = Components.utils; const CONSOLEAPI_CLASS_ID = "{b49c18f8-3379-4fc0-8c90-d7772c1a9ff3}"; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Services", "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "WebConsoleUtils", "resource://gre/modules/devtools/WebConsoleUtils.jsm"); const STRINGS_URI = "chrome://browser/locale/devtools/webconsole.properties"; let l10n = new WebConsoleUtils.l10n(STRINGS_URI); var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["HUDService"]; function LogFactory(aMessagePrefix) { function log(aMessage) { var _msg = aMessagePrefix + " " + aMessage + "\n"; dump(_msg); } return log; } let log = LogFactory("*** HUDService:"); // The HTML namespace. const HTML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; // The XUL namespace. const XUL_NS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"; // Possible directions that can be passed to HUDService.animate(). const ANIMATE_OUT = 0; const ANIMATE_IN = 1; // Minimum console height, in pixels. const MINIMUM_CONSOLE_HEIGHT = 150; // Minimum page height, in pixels. This prevents the Web Console from // remembering a height that covers the whole page. const MINIMUM_PAGE_HEIGHT = 50; // The default console height, as a ratio from the content window inner height. const DEFAULT_CONSOLE_HEIGHT = 0.33; // points to the file to load in the Web Console iframe. const UI_IFRAME_URL = "chrome://browser/content/devtools/webconsole.xul"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// The HUD service function HUD_SERVICE() { // These methods access the "this" object, but they're registered as // event listeners. So we hammer in the "this" binding. this.onTabClose = this.onTabClose.bind(this); this.onTabSelect = this.onTabSelect.bind(this); this.onWindowUnload = this.onWindowUnload.bind(this); // Remembers the last console height, in pixels. this.lastConsoleHeight = Services.prefs.getIntPref("devtools.hud.height"); /** * Keeps a reference for each HeadsUpDisplay that is created */ this.hudReferences = {}; }; HUD_SERVICE.prototype = { /** * getter for UI commands to be used by the frontend * * @returns object */ get consoleUI() { return HeadsUpDisplayUICommands; }, /** * The sequencer is a generator (after initialization) that returns unique * integers */ sequencer: null, /** * Firefox-specific current tab getter * * @returns nsIDOMWindow */ currentContext: function HS_currentContext() { return Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); }, /** * Activate a HeadsUpDisplay for the given tab context. * * @param nsIDOMElement aTab * The xul:tab element. * @param boolean aAnimated * True if you want to animate the opening of the Web console. * @return object * The new HeadsUpDisplay instance. */ activateHUDForContext: function HS_activateHUDForContext(aTab, aAnimated) { let hudId = "hud_" + aTab.linkedPanel; if (hudId in this.hudReferences) { return this.hudReferences[hudId]; } this.wakeup(); let window = aTab.ownerDocument.defaultView; let gBrowser = window.gBrowser; gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabClose", this.onTabClose, false); gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabSelect", this.onTabSelect, false); window.addEventListener("unload", this.onWindowUnload, false); let hud = new WebConsole(aTab); this.hudReferences[hudId] = hud; if (!aAnimated || hud.consolePanel) { this.disableAnimation(hudId); } HeadsUpDisplayUICommands.refreshCommand(); return hud; }, /** * Deactivate a HeadsUpDisplay for the given tab context. * * @param nsIDOMElement aTab * The xul:tab element you want to enable the Web Console for. * @param boolean aAnimated * True if you want to animate the closing of the Web console. * @return void */ deactivateHUDForContext: function HS_deactivateHUDForContext(aTab, aAnimated) { let hudId = "hud_" + aTab.linkedPanel; if (!(hudId in this.hudReferences)) { return; } if (!aAnimated) { this.storeHeight(hudId); } let hud = this.getHudReferenceById(hudId); let document = hud.chromeDocument; hud.destroy(function() { let id = WebConsoleUtils.supportsString(hudId); Services.obs.notifyObservers(id, "web-console-destroyed", null); }); delete this.hudReferences[hudId]; if (Object.keys(this.hudReferences).length == 0) { let autocompletePopup = document. getElementById("webConsole_autocompletePopup"); if (autocompletePopup) { autocompletePopup.parentNode.removeChild(autocompletePopup); } let window = document.defaultView; window.removeEventListener("unload", this.onWindowUnload, false); let gBrowser = window.gBrowser; let tabContainer = gBrowser.tabContainer; tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabClose", this.onTabClose, false); tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabSelect", this.onTabSelect, false); this.suspend(); } let contentWindow = aTab.linkedBrowser.contentWindow; contentWindow.focus(); HeadsUpDisplayUICommands.refreshCommand(); }, /** * get a unique ID from the sequence generator * * @returns integer */ sequenceId: function HS_sequencerId() { if (!this.sequencer) { this.sequencer = this.createSequencer(-1); } return this.sequencer.next(); }, /** * "Wake up" the Web Console activity. This is called when the first Web * Console is open. This method initializes the various observers we have. * * @returns void */ wakeup: function HS_wakeup() { if (Object.keys(this.hudReferences).length > 0) { return; } WebConsoleObserver.init(); }, /** * Suspend Web Console activity. This is called when all Web Consoles are * closed. * * @returns void */ suspend: function HS_suspend() { delete this.lastFinishedRequestCallback; WebConsoleObserver.uninit(); }, /** * Shutdown all HeadsUpDisplays on quit-application-granted. * * @returns void */ shutdown: function HS_shutdown() { for (let hud of this.hudReferences) { this.deactivateHUDForContext(hud.tab, false); } }, /** * Returns the HeadsUpDisplay object associated to a content window. * * @param nsIDOMWindow aContentWindow * @returns object */ getHudByWindow: function HS_getHudByWindow(aContentWindow) { let hudId = this.getHudIdByWindow(aContentWindow); return hudId ? this.hudReferences[hudId] : null; }, /** * Returns the hudId that is corresponding to the hud activated for the * passed aContentWindow. If there is no matching hudId null is returned. * * @param nsIDOMWindow aContentWindow * @returns string or null */ getHudIdByWindow: function HS_getHudIdByWindow(aContentWindow) { let window = this.currentContext(); let index = window.gBrowser.getBrowserIndexForDocument(aContentWindow.document); if (index == -1) { return null; } let tab = window.gBrowser.tabs[index]; let hudId = "hud_" + tab.linkedPanel; return hudId in this.hudReferences ? hudId : null; }, /** * Returns the hudReference for a given id. * * @param string aId * @returns Object */ getHudReferenceById: function HS_getHudReferenceById(aId) { return aId in this.hudReferences ? this.hudReferences[aId] : null; }, /** * Assign a function to this property to listen for every request that * completes. Used by unit tests. The callback takes one argument: the HTTP * activity object as received from the remote Web Console. * * @type function */ lastFinishedRequestCallback: null, /** * Creates a generator that always returns a unique number for use in the * indexes * * @returns Generator */ createSequencer: function HS_createSequencer(aInt) { function sequencer(aInt) { while(1) { aInt++; yield aInt; } } return sequencer(aInt); }, /** * onTabClose event handler function * * @param aEvent * @returns void */ onTabClose: function HS_onTabClose(aEvent) { this.deactivateHUDForContext(aEvent.target, false); }, /** * onTabSelect event handler function * * @param aEvent * @returns void */ onTabSelect: function HS_onTabSelect(aEvent) { HeadsUpDisplayUICommands.refreshCommand(); }, /** * Called whenever a browser window closes. Cleans up any consoles still * around. * * @param nsIDOMEvent aEvent * The dispatched event. * @returns void */ onWindowUnload: function HS_onWindowUnload(aEvent) { let window = aEvent.target.defaultView; window.removeEventListener("unload", this.onWindowUnload, false); let gBrowser = window.gBrowser; let tabContainer = gBrowser.tabContainer; tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabClose", this.onTabClose, false); tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabSelect", this.onTabSelect, false); let tab = tabContainer.firstChild; while (tab != null) { this.deactivateHUDForContext(tab, false); tab = tab.nextSibling; } }, /** * Animates the Console appropriately. * * @param string aHUDId The ID of the console. * @param string aDirection Whether to animate the console appearing * (ANIMATE_IN) or disappearing (ANIMATE_OUT). * @param function aCallback An optional callback, which will be called with * the "transitionend" event passed as a parameter once the animation * finishes. */ animate: function HS_animate(aHUDId, aDirection, aCallback) { let hudBox = this.getHudReferenceById(aHUDId).iframe; if (!hudBox.hasAttribute("animated")) { if (aCallback) { aCallback(); } return; } switch (aDirection) { case ANIMATE_OUT: hudBox.style.height = 0; break; case ANIMATE_IN: this.resetHeight(aHUDId); break; } if (aCallback) { hudBox.addEventListener("transitionend", aCallback, false); } }, /** * Disables all animation for a console, for unit testing. After this call, * the console will instantly take on a reasonable height, and the close * animation will not occur. * * @param string aHUDId The ID of the console. */ disableAnimation: function HS_disableAnimation(aHUDId) { let hudBox = HUDService.hudReferences[aHUDId].iframe; if (hudBox.hasAttribute("animated")) { hudBox.removeAttribute("animated"); this.resetHeight(aHUDId); } }, /** * Reset the height of the Web Console. * * @param string aHUDId The ID of the Web Console. */ resetHeight: function HS_resetHeight(aHUDId) { let HUD = this.hudReferences[aHUDId]; let innerHeight = HUD.tab.linkedBrowser.clientHeight; let chromeWindow = HUD.chromeWindow; if (!HUD.consolePanel) { let splitterStyle = chromeWindow.getComputedStyle(HUD.splitter, null); innerHeight += parseInt(splitterStyle.height) + parseInt(splitterStyle.borderTopWidth) + parseInt(splitterStyle.borderBottomWidth) + parseInt(splitterStyle.marginTop) + parseInt(splitterStyle.marginBottom); } let boxStyle = chromeWindow.getComputedStyle(HUD.iframe, null); innerHeight += parseInt(boxStyle.height) + parseInt(boxStyle.borderTopWidth) + parseInt(boxStyle.borderBottomWidth); let height = this.lastConsoleHeight > 0 ? this.lastConsoleHeight : Math.ceil(innerHeight * DEFAULT_CONSOLE_HEIGHT); if ((innerHeight - height) < MINIMUM_PAGE_HEIGHT) { height = innerHeight - MINIMUM_PAGE_HEIGHT; } if (isNaN(height) || height < MINIMUM_CONSOLE_HEIGHT) { height = MINIMUM_CONSOLE_HEIGHT; } HUD.iframe.style.height = height + "px"; }, /** * Remember the height of the given Web Console, such that it can later be * reused when other Web Consoles are open. * * @param string aHUDId The ID of the Web Console. */ storeHeight: function HS_storeHeight(aHUDId) { let hudBox = this.hudReferences[aHUDId].iframe; let window = hudBox.ownerDocument.defaultView; let style = window.getComputedStyle(hudBox, null); let height = parseInt(style.height); height += parseInt(style.borderTopWidth); height += parseInt(style.borderBottomWidth); this.lastConsoleHeight = height; let pref = Services.prefs.getIntPref("devtools.hud.height"); if (pref > -1) { Services.prefs.setIntPref("devtools.hud.height", height); } }, }; /** * A WebConsole instance is an interactive console initialized *per tab* * that displays console log data as well as provides an interactive terminal to * manipulate the current tab's document content. * * This object only wraps the iframe that holds the Web Console UI. * * @param nsIDOMElement aTab * The xul:tab for which you want the WebConsole object. */ function WebConsole(aTab) { this.tab = aTab; this.chromeDocument = this.tab.ownerDocument; this.chromeWindow = this.chromeDocument.defaultView; this.hudId = "hud_" + this.tab.linkedPanel; this._onIframeLoad = this._onIframeLoad.bind(this); this._initUI(); } WebConsole.prototype = { /** * The xul:tab for which the current Web Console instance was created. * @type nsIDOMElement */ tab: null, chromeWindow: null, chromeDocument: null, /** * Getter for HUDService.lastFinishedRequestCallback. * * @see HUDService.lastFinishedRequestCallback * @type function */ get lastFinishedRequestCallback() HUDService.lastFinishedRequestCallback, /** * The xul:panel that holds the Web Console when it is positioned as a window. * @type nsIDOMElement */ consolePanel: null, /** * Getter for the xul:popupset that holds any popups we open. * @type nsIDOMElement */ get mainPopupSet() { return this.chromeDocument.getElementById("mainPopupSet"); }, /** * Getter for the output element that holds messages we display. * @type nsIDOMElement */ get outputNode() { return this.ui ? this.ui.outputNode : null; }, get gViewSourceUtils() this.chromeWindow.gViewSourceUtils, /** * Initialize the Web Console UI. This method sets up the iframe. * @private */ _initUI: function WC__initUI() { this.splitter = this.chromeDocument.createElement("splitter"); this.splitter.className = "devtools-horizontal-splitter"; this.iframe = this.chromeDocument.createElement("iframe"); this.iframe.setAttribute("id", this.hudId); this.iframe.className = "web-console-frame"; this.iframe.setAttribute("animated", "true"); this.iframe.setAttribute("tooltip", "aHTMLTooltip"); this.iframe.style.height = 0; this.iframe.addEventListener("load", this._onIframeLoad, true); this.iframe.setAttribute("src", UI_IFRAME_URL); let position = Services.prefs.getCharPref("devtools.webconsole.position"); this.positionConsole(position); }, /** * The "load" event handler for the Web Console iframe. * @private */ _onIframeLoad: function WC__onIframeLoad() { this.iframe.removeEventListener("load", this._onIframeLoad, true); let position = Services.prefs.getCharPref("devtools.webconsole.position"); this.iframeWindow = this.iframe.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject; this.ui = new this.iframeWindow.WebConsoleFrame(this, position); }, /** * Create a panel to open the web console if it should float above * the content in its own window. * @private */ _createOwnWindowPanel: function WC__createOwnWindowPanel() { if (this.consolePanel) { return; } let width = 0; try { width = Services.prefs.getIntPref("devtools.webconsole.width"); } catch (ex) {} if (width < 1) { width = this.iframe.clientWidth || this.chromeWindow.innerWidth; } let height = this.iframe.clientHeight; let top = 0; try { top = Services.prefs.getIntPref("devtools.webconsole.top"); } catch (ex) {} let left = 0; try { left = Services.prefs.getIntPref("devtools.webconsole.left"); } catch (ex) {} let panel = this.chromeDocument.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "panel"); let config = { id: "console_window_" + this.hudId, label: this.getPanelTitle(), titlebar: "normal", noautohide: "true", norestorefocus: "true", close: "true", flex: "1", hudId: this.hudId, width: width, position: "overlap", top: top, left: left, }; for (let attr in config) { panel.setAttribute(attr, config[attr]); } panel.classList.add("web-console-panel"); let onPopupShown = (function HUD_onPopupShown() { panel.removeEventListener("popupshown", onPopupShown, false); // Make sure that the HUDBox size updates when the panel is resized. let height = panel.clientHeight; this.iframe.style.height = "auto"; this.iframe.flex = 1; panel.setAttribute("height", height); }).bind(this); panel.addEventListener("popupshown", onPopupShown,false); let onPopupHidden = (function HUD_onPopupHidden(aEvent) { if (aEvent.target != panel) { return; } panel.removeEventListener("popuphidden", onPopupHidden, false); let width = 0; try { width = Services.prefs.getIntPref("devtools.webconsole.width"); } catch (ex) { } if (width > 0) { Services.prefs.setIntPref("devtools.webconsole.width", panel.clientWidth); } // Are we destroying the HUD or repositioning it? if (this.consoleWindowUnregisterOnHide) { HUDService.deactivateHUDForContext(this.tab, false); } }).bind(this); panel.addEventListener("popuphidden", onPopupHidden, false); let lastIndex = -1; if (this.outputNode && this.outputNode.getIndexOfFirstVisibleRow) { lastIndex = this.outputNode.getIndexOfFirstVisibleRow() + this.outputNode.getNumberOfVisibleRows() - 1; } if (this.splitter.parentNode) { this.splitter.parentNode.removeChild(this.splitter); } this._beforePositionConsole("window", lastIndex); panel.appendChild(this.iframe); let space = this.chromeDocument.createElement("spacer"); space.flex = 1; let bottomBox = this.chromeDocument.createElement("hbox"); let resizer = this.chromeDocument.createElement("resizer"); resizer.setAttribute("dir", "bottomend"); resizer.setAttribute("element", config.id); bottomBox.appendChild(space); bottomBox.appendChild(resizer); panel.appendChild(bottomBox); this.mainPopupSet.appendChild(panel); panel.openPopup(null, "overlay", left, top, false, false); this.consolePanel = panel; this.consoleWindowUnregisterOnHide = true; }, /** * Retrieve the Web Console panel title. * * @return string * The Web Console panel title. */ getPanelTitle: function WC_getPanelTitle() { let url = this.ui ? this.ui.contentLocation : ""; return l10n.getFormatStr("webConsoleWindowTitleAndURL", [url]); }, positions: { above: 0, // the childNode index below: 2, window: null }, consoleWindowUnregisterOnHide: true, /** * Position the Web Console UI. * * @param string aPosition * The desired Web Console UI location: above, below or window. */ positionConsole: function WC_positionConsole(aPosition) { if (!(aPosition in this.positions)) { throw new Error("Incorrect argument: " + aPosition + ". Cannot position Web Console"); } if (aPosition == "window") { this._createOwnWindowPanel(); return; } let height = this.iframe.clientHeight; // get the node position index let nodeIdx = this.positions[aPosition]; let nBox = this.chromeDocument.getElementById(this.tab.linkedPanel); let node = nBox.childNodes[nodeIdx]; // check to see if console is already positioned in aPosition if (node == this.iframe) { return; } let lastIndex = -1; if (this.outputNode && this.outputNode.getIndexOfFirstVisibleRow) { lastIndex = this.outputNode.getIndexOfFirstVisibleRow() + this.outputNode.getNumberOfVisibleRows() - 1; } // remove the console and splitter and reposition if (this.splitter.parentNode) { this.splitter.parentNode.removeChild(this.splitter); } this._beforePositionConsole(aPosition, lastIndex); if (aPosition == "below") { nBox.appendChild(this.splitter); nBox.appendChild(this.iframe); } else { nBox.insertBefore(this.splitter, node); nBox.insertBefore(this.iframe, this.splitter); } if (this.consolePanel) { // must destroy the consolePanel this.consoleWindowUnregisterOnHide = false; this.consolePanel.hidePopup(); this.consolePanel.parentNode.removeChild(this.consolePanel); this.consolePanel = null; // remove this as we're not in panel anymore this.iframe.removeAttribute("flex"); this.iframe.removeAttribute("height"); this.iframe.style.height = height + "px"; } }, /** * Common code that needs to execute before the Web Console is repositioned. * @private * @param string aPosition * The new position: "above", "below" or "window". * @param number aLastIndex * The last visible message in the console output before repositioning * occurred. */ _beforePositionConsole: function WC__beforePositionConsole(aPosition, aLastIndex) { if (!this.ui) { return; } let onLoad = function() { this.iframe.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true); this.iframeWindow = this.iframe.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject; this.ui.positionConsole(aPosition, this.iframeWindow); if (aLastIndex > -1 && aLastIndex < this.outputNode.getRowCount()) { this.outputNode.ensureIndexIsVisible(aLastIndex); } this._currentUIPosition = aPosition; Services.prefs.setCharPref("devtools.webconsole.position", aPosition); }.bind(this); this.iframe.addEventListener("load", onLoad, true); }, /** * The JSTerm object that manages the console's input. * @see webconsole.js::JSTerm * @type object */ get jsterm() { return this.ui ? this.ui.jsterm : null; }, /** * The close button handler. */ onCloseButton: function WC_onCloseButton() { HUDService.animate(this.hudId, ANIMATE_OUT, function() { HUDService.deactivateHUDForContext(this.tab, true); }.bind(this)); }, /** * The clear output button handler. * @private */ _onClearButton: function WC__onClearButton() { this.chromeWindow.DeveloperToolbar.resetErrorsCount(this.tab); }, /** * Handler for page location changes. If the Web Console is * opened in a panel the panel title is updated. * * @param string aURI * New page location. * @param string aTitle * New page title. */ onLocationChange: function WC_onLocationChange(aURI, aTitle) { if (this.consolePanel) { this.consolePanel.label = this.getPanelTitle(); } }, /** * Alias for the WebConsoleFrame.setFilterState() method. * @see webconsole.js::WebConsoleFrame.setFilterState() */ setFilterState: function WC_setFilterState() { this.ui && this.ui.setFilterState.apply(this.ui, arguments); }, /** * Open a link in a new tab. * * @param string aLink * The URL you want to open in a new tab. */ openLink: function WC_openLink(aLink) { this.chromeWindow.openUILinkIn(aLink, "tab"); }, /** * Open a link in Firefox's view source. * * @param string aSourceURL * The URL of the file. * @param integer aSourceLine * The line number which should be highlighted. */ viewSource: function WC_viewSource(aSourceURL, aSourceLine) { this.gViewSourceUtils.viewSource(aSourceURL, null, this.iframeWindow.document, aSourceLine); }, /** * Tries to open a Stylesheet file related to the web page for the web console * instance in the Style Editor. If the file is not found, it is opened in * source view instead. * * @param string aSourceURL * The URL of the file. * @param integer aSourceLine * The line number which you want to place the caret. * TODO: This function breaks the client-server boundaries. * To be fixed in bug 793259. */ viewSourceInStyleEditor: function WC_viewSourceInStyleEditor(aSourceURL, aSourceLine) { let styleSheets = this.tab.linkedBrowser.contentWindow.document.styleSheets; for each (let style in styleSheets) { if (style.href == aSourceURL) { let SEM = this.chromeWindow.StyleEditor.StyleEditorManager; let win = SEM.getEditorForWindow(this.chromeWindow.content.window); if (win) { SEM.selectEditor(win, style, aSourceLine); } else { this.chromeWindow.StyleEditor.openChrome(style, aSourceLine); } return; } } // Open view source if style editor fails. this.viewSource(aSourceURL, aSourceLine); }, /** * Destroy the object. Call this method to avoid memory leaks when the Web * Console is closed. * * @param function [aOnDestroy] * Optional function to invoke when the Web Console instance is * destroyed. */ destroy: function WC_destroy(aOnDestroy) { // Make sure that the console panel does not try to call // deactivateHUDForContext() again. this.consoleWindowUnregisterOnHide = false; let popupset = this.mainPopupSet; let panels = popupset.querySelectorAll("panel[hudId=" + this.hudId + "]"); for (let panel of panels) { if (panel != this.consolePanel) { panel.hidePopup(); } } let onDestroy = function WC_onDestroyUI() { // Remove the iframe and the consolePanel if the Web Console is inside a // floating panel. if (this.consolePanel && this.consolePanel.parentNode) { this.consolePanel.hidePopup(); this.consolePanel.parentNode.removeChild(this.consolePanel); this.consolePanel = null; } if (this.iframe.parentNode) { this.iframe.parentNode.removeChild(this.iframe); } if (this.splitter.parentNode) { this.splitter.parentNode.removeChild(this.splitter); } aOnDestroy && aOnDestroy(); }.bind(this); if (this.ui) { this.ui.destroy(onDestroy); } else { onDestroy(); } }, }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HeadsUpDisplayUICommands ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var HeadsUpDisplayUICommands = { refreshCommand: function UIC_refreshCommand() { var window = HUDService.currentContext(); if (!window) { return; } let command = window.document.getElementById("Tools:WebConsole"); if (this.getOpenHUD() != null) { command.setAttribute("checked", true); } else { command.setAttribute("checked", false); } }, toggleHUD: function UIC_toggleHUD() { var window = HUDService.currentContext(); var gBrowser = window.gBrowser; var linkedBrowser = gBrowser.selectedTab.linkedBrowser; var tabId = gBrowser.getNotificationBox(linkedBrowser).getAttribute("id"); var hudId = "hud_" + tabId; var ownerDocument = gBrowser.selectedTab.ownerDocument; var hud = ownerDocument.getElementById(hudId); var hudRef = HUDService.hudReferences[hudId]; if (hudRef && hud) { if (hudRef.consolePanel) { hudRef.consolePanel.hidePopup(); } else { HUDService.storeHeight(hudId); HUDService.animate(hudId, ANIMATE_OUT, function() { // If the user closes the console while the console is animating away, // then these callbacks will queue up, but all the callbacks after the // first will have no console to operate on. This test handles this // case gracefully. if (ownerDocument.getElementById(hudId)) { HUDService.deactivateHUDForContext(gBrowser.selectedTab, true); } }); } } else { HUDService.activateHUDForContext(gBrowser.selectedTab, true); HUDService.animate(hudId, ANIMATE_IN); } }, /** * Find the hudId for the active chrome window. * @return string|null * The hudId or null if the active chrome window has no open Web * Console. */ getOpenHUD: function UIC_getOpenHUD() { let chromeWindow = HUDService.currentContext(); let hudId = "hud_" + chromeWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab.linkedPanel; return hudId in HUDService.hudReferences ? hudId : null; }, }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WebConsoleObserver ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var WebConsoleObserver = { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver]), init: function WCO_init() { Services.obs.addObserver(this, "quit-application-granted", false); }, observe: function WCO_observe(aSubject, aTopic) { if (aTopic == "quit-application-granted") { HUDService.shutdown(); } }, uninit: function WCO_uninit() { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "quit-application-granted"); }, }; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "HUDService", function () { return new HUD_SERVICE(); });