/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is mozilla.org code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Netscape Communications Corporation * * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2002 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Rajiv Dayal * David Bienvenu * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CondMgr.h" #include "HSAPI.h" #include "resource.h" #define MOZ_PALMSYNC_PROXY ".\\PalmSyncProxy.dll" #define CREATOR "addr" #define CONDUIT_FILENAME "mozABConduit.dll" #define REMOTE_DB "AddressDB" #define CONDUIT_NAME "address" #define CONDUIT_PRIORITY 2 #define CONDMGR_FILENAME "CondMgr.dll" #define HSAPI_FILENAME "HsApi.dll" #define DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR '\\' #define DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_STR "\\" #define EXECUTABLE_EXTENSION ".exe" #define HOTSYNC_MAX_WAIT 30 // wait for HotSync to start/stop in seconds #define MAX_LOADSTRING 256 // Define any Conduit Manager function pointer types typedef int (WINAPI *CmGetCorePathPtr)(TCHAR *pPath, int *piSize); typedef int (WINAPI *CmGetHotSyncExecPathPtr)(char *szPath, int *iSize); typedef int (WINAPI *CmInstallCreatorPtr)(const char *pCreator, int iType); typedef int (WINAPI *CmRemoveConduitByCreatorIDPtr)(const char *pCreator); typedef int (WINAPI *CmRestoreHotSyncSettingsPtr)(BOOL bToDefaults); typedef int (WINAPI *CmSetCreatorRemotePtr)(const char *pCreator, const TCHAR *pRemote); typedef int (WINAPI *CmSetCreatorNamePtr)(const char *pCreator, const TCHAR *pConduitName); typedef int (WINAPI *CmSetCreatorTitlePtr)(const char *pCreator, const TCHAR *pConduitTitle); typedef int (WINAPI *CmSetCreatorFilePtr)(const char *pCreator, const TCHAR *pConduitFile); typedef int (WINAPI *CmSetCreatorDirectoryPtr)(const char *pCreator, const TCHAR *pConduitDirectory); typedef int (WINAPI *CmSetCreatorPriorityPtr)(const char *pCreator, DWORD dwPriority); typedef int (WINAPI *CmSetCreatorIntegratePtr)(const char *pCreator, DWORD dwIntegrate); typedef int (WINAPI *CmSetCreatorValueDwordPtr)(const char *pCreator, TCHAR *pValue, DWORD dwValue); typedef int (WINAPI *CmSetCreatorValueStringPtr)(const char *pCreator, TCHAR *pValueName, TCHAR *value); typedef int (WINAPI *CmSetCorePathPtr) (const char *pPath); typedef int (WINAPI *CmSetHotSyncExePathPtr) (const char *pPath); typedef int (WINAPI *CmSetCreatorModulePtr) (const char *pCreatorID, const TCHAR *pModule); typedef int (WINAPI *CmGetCreatorNamePtr)(const char *pCreator, TCHAR *pConduitName, int *pSize); typedef int (WINAPI *CmGetCreatorTitlePtr)(const char *pCreator, TCHAR *pConduitTitle, int *pSize); typedef int (WINAPI *CmGetCreatorPriorityPtr)(const char *pCreator, DWORD *dwPriority); typedef int (WINAPI *CmGetCreatorTypePtr)(const char *pCreator); typedef int (WINAPI *CmGetCreatorIntegratePtr)(const char *pCreator, DWORD *dwIntegrate); typedef int (WINAPI *CmGetCreatorValueDwordPtr)(const char *pCreator, TCHAR *pValueName, DWORD dwValue, DWORD dwDefault); typedef int (WINAPI *CmGetCreatorValueStringPtr)(const char *pCreator, TCHAR *pValueName, TCHAR *pValue, int *pSize, TCHAR *pDefault); typedef int (WINAPI *CmGetCreatorFilePtr) (const TCHAR *pCreatorID, TCHAR *pFile, int *piSize); typedef int (WINAPI *CmGetCreatorDirectoryPtr) (const TCHAR *pCreatorID, TCHAR *pFile, int *piSize); typedef int (WINAPI *CmGetCreatorModulePtr) (const char *pCreatorID, TCHAR *pModule, int *piSize); typedef int (WINAPI *CmGetCreatorRemotePtr)(const char *pCreator, const TCHAR *pRemote, int*pSize); // Define any HSAPI function pointer types typedef int (WINAPI *HsCheckApiStatusPtr)(void); typedef int (WINAPI *HsGetSyncStatusPtr)(DWORD *dwStatus); typedef int (WINAPI *HsSetAppStatusPtr)(HsStatusType statusType, DWORD dwStartFlags); // Define general registration fn pointer types typedef int (WINAPI *mozDllRegisterServerPtr)(void); typedef int (WINAPI *mozDllUnregisterServerPtr)(void); // forward declaration int InstallConduit(HINSTANCE hInstance, TCHAR *installPath); int UninstallConduit(); void ConstructMessage(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwMessageId, TCHAR *formattedMsg); // Global vars BOOL gWasHotSyncRunning = FALSE; void ConstructMessage(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwMessageId, TCHAR *formattedMsg) { // Load brand name and the format string. TCHAR brandName[MAX_LOADSTRING]; TCHAR formatString[MAX_LOADSTRING]; LoadString(hInstance, IDS_BRAND_NAME, brandName, MAX_LOADSTRING-1); LoadString(hInstance, dwMessageId, formatString, MAX_LOADSTRING-1); // A few msgs needs two brand name substitutions. if ((dwMessageId == IDS_SUCCESS_INSTALL) || (dwMessageId == IDS_CONFIRM_INSTALL) || (dwMessageId == IDS_ERR_REGISTERING_MOZ_DLL)) _sntprintf(formattedMsg, MAX_LOADSTRING-1, formatString, brandName, brandName); else _sntprintf(formattedMsg, MAX_LOADSTRING-1, formatString, brandName); formattedMsg[MAX_LOADSTRING-1]='\0'; } int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { TCHAR appTitle[MAX_LOADSTRING]; TCHAR msgStr[MAX_LOADSTRING]; int strResource=0; int res=-1; // /p can only be used with a standard install, i.e., non-silent install char *installDir = strstr(lpCmdLine, "/p"); if (installDir) installDir += 2; // advance past "/p", e.g., "/pC:/program files/mozilla/dist/bin" if(!strcmpi(lpCmdLine,"/u")) // un-install { ConstructMessage(hInstance, IDS_APP_TITLE_UNINSTALL, appTitle); ConstructMessage(hInstance, IDS_CONFIRM_UNINSTALL, msgStr); if (MessageBox(NULL, msgStr, appTitle, MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { res = UninstallConduit(); if(!res) res = IDS_SUCCESS_UNINSTALL; } else return 0; } else if (!strcmpi(lpCmdLine,"/us")) // silent un-install { return UninstallConduit(); } else if (!strcmpi(lpCmdLine,"/s")) // silent install { return InstallConduit(hInstance, installDir); } else // install { ConstructMessage(hInstance, IDS_APP_TITLE_INSTALL, appTitle); ConstructMessage(hInstance, IDS_CONFIRM_INSTALL, msgStr); if (MessageBox(NULL, msgStr, appTitle, MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { res = InstallConduit(hInstance, installDir); if(!res) res = IDS_SUCCESS_INSTALL; } } if(res > IDS_ERR_MAX || res < IDS_ERR_GENERAL) res = IDS_ERR_GENERAL; ConstructMessage(hInstance, res, msgStr); MessageBox(NULL, msgStr, appTitle, MB_OK); return 0; } // this function gets the install dir for installation int GetPalmDesktopInstallDirectory(TCHAR *pPDInstallDirectory, unsigned long *pSize) { HKEY key; // open the key LONG rc = ::RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\U.S. Robotics\\Pilot Desktop\\Core", &key); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // get key value rc = ::RegQueryValueEx(key, "Path", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)pPDInstallDirectory, pSize); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *pSize = _tcslen(pPDInstallDirectory); // windows only rc=0; // 0 is success for us } // close the key ::RegCloseKey(key); } if(rc) { HKEY key2; // open the key rc = ::RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\palm.exe", &key2); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // get the default key value rc = ::RegQueryValueEx(key2, "", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)pPDInstallDirectory, pSize); // get only the path (ie, strip out the exe name). note that we don't use string match // for the exe name here since it's possilbe that the exe name in the default setting // is different from the exe name in RegOpenKey() call. For example, the exe name in // the default setting for "Software\\...\\App Paths\\pbrush.exe" is mspaint.exe. if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR *end = pPDInstallDirectory + _tcslen(pPDInstallDirectory); while ((*end != '\\') && (end != pPDInstallDirectory)) end--; *end = '\0'; rc=0; // 0 is success for us } // close the key ::RegCloseKey(key2); } } return rc; } // this function loads the Conduit Manager int LoadConduitManagerDll(HINSTANCE* hCondMgrDll, const TCHAR * szPalmDesktopDirectory) { // Initialize the return value *hCondMgrDll=NULL; // Construct the path of the Palm Desktop Conduit Manager TCHAR szPDCondMgrPath[_MAX_PATH]; // take care of any possible string overwrites if((strlen(szPalmDesktopDirectory) + strlen(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_STR) + strlen(CONDMGR_FILENAME)) >= _MAX_PATH) return IDS_ERR_LOADING_CONDMGR; strcpy(szPDCondMgrPath, szPalmDesktopDirectory); strcat(szPDCondMgrPath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_STR); strcat(szPDCondMgrPath, CONDMGR_FILENAME); // Load the Conduit Manager library from the Palm Desktop directory if( (*hCondMgrDll=LoadLibrary(szPDCondMgrPath)) != NULL ) // Successfully loaded CondMgr Library from Palm Desktop Directory return 0; return IDS_ERR_LOADING_CONDMGR; } // this function loads the Hsapi Dll int LoadHsapiDll(HINSTANCE* hHsapiDLL, const TCHAR * szPalmDesktopDirectory) { // Initialize the return value *hHsapiDLL=NULL; TCHAR szHsapiPath[_MAX_PATH]; // take care of any possible string overwrites if((strlen(szPalmDesktopDirectory) + strlen(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_STR) + strlen(HSAPI_FILENAME)) >= _MAX_PATH) return IDS_ERR_LOADING_CONDMGR; strcpy(szHsapiPath, szPalmDesktopDirectory); strcat(szHsapiPath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_STR); strcat(szHsapiPath, HSAPI_FILENAME); if( (*hHsapiDLL=LoadLibrary(szHsapiPath)) != NULL ) // Successfully loaded HSAPI Library from Palm Desktop Directory return 0; // If we get here, then there was an error loading the library return IDS_ERR_HSAPI_NOT_FOUND; } // finds if HotSync Manager is running BOOL IsHotSyncRunning(HINSTANCE hHsapiDLL) { BOOL bRetVal = FALSE; if(!hHsapiDLL) return bRetVal; // Prepare to use the HSAPI functions HsCheckApiStatusPtr lpfnHsCheckApiStatus; lpfnHsCheckApiStatus = (HsCheckApiStatusPtr) GetProcAddress(hHsapiDLL, "HsCheckApiStatus"); if( lpfnHsCheckApiStatus ) { if( (*lpfnHsCheckApiStatus)() == 0 ) bRetVal = TRUE; } return bRetVal; } // finds if a sync process is going on BOOL IsHotSyncInProgress(HINSTANCE hHsapiDLL) { DWORD dwStatus; if(!hHsapiDLL) return FALSE; if(IsHotSyncRunning(hHsapiDLL)) { // Prepare to use the HSAPI functions HsGetSyncStatusPtr lpfnHsGetSyncStatus; lpfnHsGetSyncStatus = (HsGetSyncStatusPtr) GetProcAddress(hHsapiDLL, "HsGetSyncStatus"); if( lpfnHsGetSyncStatus ) { if( (*lpfnHsGetSyncStatus)(&dwStatus) == 0 ) if( dwStatus == HOTSYNC_STATUS_IDLE ) return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } // shuts down the HotSync Manager void ShutdownHotSync(HINSTANCE hHsapiDLL) { if(!hHsapiDLL) return; BOOL bHotSyncRunning=IsHotSyncRunning(hHsapiDLL); if(bHotSyncRunning) { // Prepare to use the HSAPI functions HsSetAppStatusPtr lpfnHsSetAppStatus; lpfnHsSetAppStatus = (HsSetAppStatusPtr) GetProcAddress(hHsapiDLL, "HsSetAppStatus"); if( lpfnHsSetAppStatus ) (*lpfnHsSetAppStatus)(HsCloseApp, HSFLAG_NONE); // Wait for HotSync to stop for( int i=0; (i _MAX_PATH) return IDS_ERR_LOADING_CONDMGR; // might already have conduit filename in szConduitPath if we're called recursively if (!strstr(szConduitPath, CONDUIT_FILENAME)) { if (szConduitPath[strlen(szConduitPath) - 1] != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) strcat(szConduitPath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_STR); strcat(szConduitPath, CONDUIT_FILENAME); } // Make sure the conduit dll exists struct _finddata_t dll_file; long hFile; if( (hFile = _findfirst( szConduitPath, &dll_file )) == -1L ) return IDS_ERR_CONDUIT_NOT_FOUND; // now register the Mozilla Palm Sync Support Dll if( (dwReturnCode = RegisterMozPalmSyncDll()) != 0) return dwReturnCode; // Get the Palm Desktop Installation directory TCHAR szPalmDesktopDir[_MAX_PATH]; unsigned long desktopSize=_MAX_PATH; // old conduit settings - MAX_PATH is arbitrarily long... TCHAR szOldCreatorName[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szOldRemote[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szOldCreatorTitle[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szOldCreatorFile[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szOldCreatorDirectory[_MAX_PATH]; DWORD oldPriority; DWORD oldIntegrate; int oldType; // Load the Conduit Manager DLL. HINSTANCE hConduitManagerDLL; if( (dwReturnCode=GetPalmDesktopInstallDirectory(szPalmDesktopDir, &desktopSize)) == 0 ) { // need to switch current working directory to directory with palm dlls // because of a bug in Palm Desktop 6.01 GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(gSavedCwd), gSavedCwd); SetCurrentDirectory(szPalmDesktopDir); if( (dwReturnCode = LoadConduitManagerDll(&hConduitManagerDLL, szPalmDesktopDir)) != 0 ) // load it from local dir if present by any chance if( (dwReturnCode = LoadConduitManagerDll(&hConduitManagerDLL, ".")) != 0 ) return(dwReturnCode); } else // if registery key not load it from local dir if present by any chance if( (dwReturnCode = LoadConduitManagerDll(&hConduitManagerDLL, ".")) != 0 ) return(dwReturnCode); // Prepare to install the conduit using Conduit Manager functions CmInstallCreatorPtr lpfnCmInstallCreator; lpfnCmInstallCreator = (CmInstallCreatorPtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmInstallCreator"); CmSetCreatorRemotePtr lpfnCmSetCreatorRemote; lpfnCmSetCreatorRemote = (CmSetCreatorRemotePtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmSetCreatorRemote"); CmSetCreatorNamePtr lpfnCmSetCreatorName; lpfnCmSetCreatorName = (CmSetCreatorNamePtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmSetCreatorName"); CmSetCreatorTitlePtr lpfnCmSetCreatorTitle; lpfnCmSetCreatorTitle = (CmSetCreatorTitlePtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmSetCreatorTitle"); CmSetCreatorPriorityPtr lpfnCmSetCreatorPriority; lpfnCmSetCreatorPriority = (CmSetCreatorPriorityPtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmSetCreatorPriority"); CmSetCreatorIntegratePtr lpfnCmSetCreatorIntegrate; lpfnCmSetCreatorIntegrate = (CmSetCreatorIntegratePtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmSetCreatorIntegrate"); CmRemoveConduitByCreatorIDPtr lpfnCmRemoveConduitByCreatorID; lpfnCmRemoveConduitByCreatorID = (CmRemoveConduitByCreatorIDPtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmRemoveConduitByCreatorID"); CmSetCreatorValueStringPtr lpfnCmSetCreatorValueString = (CmSetCreatorValueStringPtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmSetCreatorValueString"); CmGetCreatorRemotePtr lpfnCmGetCreatorRemote; lpfnCmGetCreatorRemote = (CmGetCreatorRemotePtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmGetCreatorRemote"); CmGetCreatorNamePtr lpfnCmGetCreatorName; lpfnCmGetCreatorName = (CmGetCreatorNamePtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmGetCreatorName"); CmGetCreatorTitlePtr lpfnCmGetCreatorTitle; lpfnCmGetCreatorTitle = (CmGetCreatorTitlePtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmGetCreatorTitle"); CmGetCreatorPriorityPtr lpfnCmGetCreatorPriority; lpfnCmGetCreatorPriority = (CmGetCreatorPriorityPtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmGetCreatorPriority"); CmGetCreatorIntegratePtr lpfnCmGetCreatorIntegrate; lpfnCmGetCreatorIntegrate = (CmGetCreatorIntegratePtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmGetCreatorIntegrate"); CmGetCreatorTypePtr lpfnCmGetCreatorType = (CmGetCreatorTypePtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmGetCreatorType"); CmGetCreatorFilePtr lpfnCmGetCreatorFile = (CmGetCreatorFilePtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmGetCreatorFile"); CmGetCreatorDirectoryPtr lpfnCmGetCreatorDirectory = (CmGetCreatorDirectoryPtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmGetCreatorDirectory"); if( (lpfnCmInstallCreator == NULL) || (lpfnCmSetCreatorRemote == NULL) || (lpfnCmSetCreatorName == NULL) || (lpfnCmSetCreatorTitle == NULL) || (lpfnCmSetCreatorPriority == NULL) || (lpfnCmSetCreatorIntegrate == NULL) ) { // Return error code. return(IDS_ERR_LOADING_CONDMGR); } szOldCreatorTitle[0] = '\0'; szOldCreatorName[0] = '\0'; szOldRemote[0] = '\0'; szOldCreatorTitle[0] = '\0'; szOldCreatorFile[0] = '\0'; szOldCreatorDirectory[0] = '\0'; // get settings for old conduit int remoteBufSize = sizeof(szOldRemote); (*lpfnCmGetCreatorRemote) (CREATOR, szOldRemote, &remoteBufSize); int creatorBufSize = sizeof(szOldCreatorName); (*lpfnCmGetCreatorName)(CREATOR, szOldCreatorName, &creatorBufSize); int creatorTitleBufSize = sizeof(szOldCreatorTitle); (*lpfnCmGetCreatorTitle)(CREATOR, szOldCreatorTitle, &creatorTitleBufSize); int creatorFileBufSize = sizeof(szOldCreatorFile); int creatorDirectoryBufSize = sizeof(szOldCreatorDirectory); (*lpfnCmGetCreatorFile)(CREATOR, szOldCreatorFile, &creatorFileBufSize); (*lpfnCmGetCreatorDirectory)(CREATOR, szOldCreatorDirectory, &creatorDirectoryBufSize); (*lpfnCmGetCreatorPriority)(CREATOR, &oldPriority); (*lpfnCmGetCreatorIntegrate)(CREATOR, &oldIntegrate); oldType = (*lpfnCmGetCreatorType) (CREATOR); // if not set by previous pass through here if (!oldSettingsStr[0]) _snprintf(oldSettingsStr, sizeof(oldSettingsStr), "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%d,%d,%d", szOldRemote, szOldCreatorName, szOldCreatorTitle, szOldCreatorFile, szOldCreatorDirectory, oldType, oldPriority, oldIntegrate); // Load the HSAPI DLL. HINSTANCE hHsapiDLL; if( (dwReturnCode = LoadHsapiDll(&hHsapiDLL, szPalmDesktopDir)) != 0 ) // load it from local dir if present by any chance if( (dwReturnCode = LoadHsapiDll(&hHsapiDLL, ".")) != 0 ) return(dwReturnCode); // Shutdown the HotSync Process if it is running if( (bHotSyncRunning=IsHotSyncRunning(hHsapiDLL)) ) { // Check for any synchronizations in progress if( IsHotSyncInProgress(hHsapiDLL) ) return IDS_ERR_HOTSYNC_IN_PROGRESS; ShutdownHotSync(hHsapiDLL); // store the flag in temp global so that in the recursive call it is restarted gWasHotSyncRunning = TRUE; } // Actually install the conduit as an Application Conduit dwReturnCode = (*lpfnCmInstallCreator)(CREATOR, CONDUIT_APPLICATION); if(dwReturnCode == ERR_CREATORID_ALREADY_IN_USE) { dwReturnCode = (*lpfnCmRemoveConduitByCreatorID)(CREATOR); if(dwReturnCode >= 0 ) { //free the library so that the existing AB Conduit is unloaded properly FreeLibrary(hConduitManagerDLL); FreeLibrary(hHsapiDLL); return InstallConduit(hInstance, szConduitPath); } } if( dwReturnCode == 0 ) { (*lpfnCmSetCreatorValueString) (CREATOR, "oldConduitSettings", oldSettingsStr); dwReturnCode = (*lpfnCmSetCreatorName)(CREATOR, szConduitPath); if( dwReturnCode != 0 ) return dwReturnCode; TCHAR title[MAX_LOADSTRING]; // Construct conduit title (the one displayed in HotSync Mgr's Custom...list).. ConstructMessage(hInstance, IDS_CONDUIT_TITLE, title); dwReturnCode = (*lpfnCmSetCreatorTitle)(CREATOR, title); if( dwReturnCode != 0 ) return dwReturnCode; dwReturnCode = (*lpfnCmSetCreatorRemote)(CREATOR, REMOTE_DB); if( dwReturnCode != 0 ) return dwReturnCode; dwReturnCode = (*lpfnCmSetCreatorPriority)(CREATOR, CONDUIT_PRIORITY); if( dwReturnCode != 0 ) return dwReturnCode; // Applications should always set Integrate to 0 dwReturnCode = (*lpfnCmSetCreatorIntegrate)(CREATOR, (DWORD)0); (*lpfnCmSetCreatorValueString) (CREATOR, "oldConduitSettings", oldSettingsStr); } // Re-start HotSync if it was running before if( gWasHotSyncRunning ) StartHotSync(hHsapiDLL); // restore cwd, if we changed it. if (gSavedCwd[0]) SetCurrentDirectory(gSavedCwd); return(dwReturnCode); } // uninstalls our conduit int UninstallConduit() { int dwReturnCode; BOOL bHotSyncRunning = FALSE; // Get the Palm Desktop Installation directory TCHAR szPalmDesktopDir[_MAX_PATH]; unsigned long desktopSize=_MAX_PATH; // Load the Conduit Manager DLL. HINSTANCE hConduitManagerDLL; if( (dwReturnCode=GetPalmDesktopInstallDirectory(szPalmDesktopDir, &desktopSize)) == 0 ) { if( (dwReturnCode = LoadConduitManagerDll(&hConduitManagerDLL, szPalmDesktopDir)) != 0 ) // load it from local dir if present by any chance if( (dwReturnCode = LoadConduitManagerDll(&hConduitManagerDLL, ".")) != 0 ) return(dwReturnCode); } // if registery key not load it from local dir if present by any chance else if( (dwReturnCode = LoadConduitManagerDll(&hConduitManagerDLL, ".")) != 0 ) return(dwReturnCode); // need to switch current working directory to directory with palm dlls // because of a bug in Palm Desktop 6.01 GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(gSavedCwd), gSavedCwd); SetCurrentDirectory(szPalmDesktopDir); // Prepare to uninstall the conduit using Conduit Manager functions CmRemoveConduitByCreatorIDPtr lpfnCmRemoveConduitByCreatorID; lpfnCmRemoveConduitByCreatorID = (CmRemoveConduitByCreatorIDPtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmRemoveConduitByCreatorID"); if( (lpfnCmRemoveConduitByCreatorID == NULL) ) return(IDS_ERR_LOADING_CONDMGR); CmSetCorePathPtr lpfnCmSetCorePath = (CmSetCorePathPtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmSetCorePath"); CmSetHotSyncExePathPtr lpfnCmSetHotSyncExePath = (CmSetHotSyncExePathPtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmSetHotSyncExecPath"); CmRestoreHotSyncSettingsPtr lpfnCmRestoreHotSyncSettings; lpfnCmRestoreHotSyncSettings = (CmRestoreHotSyncSettingsPtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmRestoreHotSyncSettings"); CmGetCreatorValueStringPtr lpfnCmGetCreatorValueString = (CmGetCreatorValueStringPtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmGetCreatorValueString"); CmInstallCreatorPtr lpfnCmInstallCreator; lpfnCmInstallCreator = (CmInstallCreatorPtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmInstallCreator"); CmSetCreatorRemotePtr lpfnCmSetCreatorRemote; lpfnCmSetCreatorRemote = (CmSetCreatorRemotePtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmSetCreatorRemote"); CmSetCreatorNamePtr lpfnCmSetCreatorName; lpfnCmSetCreatorName = (CmSetCreatorNamePtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmSetCreatorName"); CmSetCreatorTitlePtr lpfnCmSetCreatorTitle; lpfnCmSetCreatorTitle = (CmSetCreatorTitlePtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmSetCreatorTitle"); CmSetCreatorPriorityPtr lpfnCmSetCreatorPriority; lpfnCmSetCreatorPriority = (CmSetCreatorPriorityPtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmSetCreatorPriority"); CmSetCreatorIntegratePtr lpfnCmSetCreatorIntegrate; lpfnCmSetCreatorIntegrate = (CmSetCreatorIntegratePtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmSetCreatorIntegrate"); CmSetCreatorFilePtr lpfnCmSetCreatorFile = (CmSetCreatorFilePtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmSetCreatorFile"); CmSetCreatorDirectoryPtr lpfnCmSetCreatorDirectory = (CmSetCreatorDirectoryPtr) GetProcAddress(hConduitManagerDLL, "CmSetCreatorDirectory"); if( (lpfnCmRestoreHotSyncSettings == NULL) ) return(IDS_ERR_LOADING_CONDMGR); // Load the HSAPI DLL. HINSTANCE hHsapiDLL; if( (dwReturnCode = LoadHsapiDll(&hHsapiDLL, szPalmDesktopDir)) != 0 ) // load it from local dir if present by any chance if( (dwReturnCode = LoadHsapiDll(&hHsapiDLL, ".")) != 0 ) return(dwReturnCode); // Shutdown the HotSync Process if it is running if( (bHotSyncRunning=IsHotSyncRunning(hHsapiDLL)) ) { // Check for any synchronizations in progress if( IsHotSyncInProgress(hHsapiDLL) ) return IDS_ERR_HOTSYNC_IN_PROGRESS; ShutdownHotSync(hHsapiDLL); } TCHAR oldConduitSettings[500]; int strSize = sizeof(oldConduitSettings); dwReturnCode = (*lpfnCmGetCreatorValueString)(CREATOR, "oldConduitSettings", oldConduitSettings, &strSize, ""); // Actually uninstall the conduit dwReturnCode = (*lpfnCmRemoveConduitByCreatorID)(CREATOR); if(dwReturnCode >= 0) { // uninstall Mozilla Palm Sync Support Proxy Dll dwReturnCode = UnregisterMozPalmSyncDll(); // dwReturnCode = (*lpfnCmRestoreHotSyncSettings)(TRUE); } if (dwReturnCode >= 0) { char * szOldCreatorName; char *szOldRemote; char *szOldCreatorTitle; char *szOldCreatorFile; char *szOldCreatorDirectory; char *oldIntStr; DWORD oldPriority; DWORD oldIntegrate; int oldType; char *strPtr = oldConduitSettings; szOldRemote = mystrsep(&strPtr, ','); szOldCreatorName = mystrsep(&strPtr, ','); szOldCreatorTitle = mystrsep(&strPtr, ','); szOldCreatorFile = mystrsep(&strPtr, ','); szOldCreatorDirectory = mystrsep(&strPtr, ','); oldIntStr = mystrsep(&strPtr, ','); oldType = (oldIntStr) ? atoi(oldIntStr) : 0; oldIntStr = mystrsep(&strPtr, ','); oldPriority = (oldIntStr) ? atoi(oldIntStr) : 0; oldIntStr = mystrsep(&strPtr, ','); oldIntegrate = (oldIntStr) ? atoi(oldIntStr) : 0; dwReturnCode = (*lpfnCmInstallCreator)(CREATOR, oldType); if( dwReturnCode == 0 ) { dwReturnCode = (*lpfnCmSetCreatorName)(CREATOR, szOldCreatorName); if( dwReturnCode != 0 ) return dwReturnCode; // Construct conduit title (the one displayed in HotSync Mgr's Custom...list).. dwReturnCode = (*lpfnCmSetCreatorTitle)(CREATOR, szOldCreatorTitle); if( dwReturnCode != 0 ) return dwReturnCode; dwReturnCode = (*lpfnCmSetCreatorRemote)(CREATOR, szOldRemote); if( dwReturnCode != 0 ) return dwReturnCode; dwReturnCode = (*lpfnCmSetCreatorFile)(CREATOR, szOldCreatorFile); if( dwReturnCode != 0 ) return dwReturnCode; dwReturnCode = (*lpfnCmSetCreatorDirectory)(CREATOR, szOldCreatorDirectory); if( dwReturnCode != 0 ) return dwReturnCode; dwReturnCode = (*lpfnCmSetCreatorPriority)(CREATOR, oldPriority); if( dwReturnCode != 0 ) return dwReturnCode; // Applications should always set Integrate to 0 dwReturnCode = (*lpfnCmSetCreatorIntegrate)(CREATOR, oldIntegrate); } } // if (lpfnCmSetCorePath) // (*lpfnCmSetCorePath)(szPalmDesktopDir); // if (lpfnCmSetHotSyncExePath) // (*lpfnCmSetHotSyncExePath)(szPalmHotSyncInstallDir); // this registry key is set by the RestoreHotSyncSettings to point incorrectly to Mozilla dir // this should point to the Palm directory to enable sync with Palm Desktop. #if 0 HKEY key; LONG rc = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\U.S. Robotics\\Pilot Desktop\\Core", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &key); if(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) ::RegSetValueEx(key, "Path", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *) szPalmDesktopDir, desktopSize); if(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) ::RegSetValueEx(key, "HotSyncPath", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *) szPalmHotSyncInstallDir, installSize); #endif // Re-start HotSync if it was running before if( bHotSyncRunning ) StartHotSync(hHsapiDLL); // restore cwd, if we changed it. if (gSavedCwd[0]) SetCurrentDirectory(gSavedCwd); if( dwReturnCode < 0 ) return dwReturnCode; else return(0); }