/* jshint moz: true, esnext: true */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const {Preferences} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm"); const {Services} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const {XPCOMUtils} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); const {PushDB} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/PushDB.jsm"); const {PushRecord} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/PushRecord.jsm"); const {PushCrypto} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/PushCrypto.jsm"); const kPUSHWSDB_DB_NAME = "pushapi"; const kPUSHWSDB_DB_VERSION = 5; // Change this if the IndexedDB format changes const kPUSHWSDB_STORE_NAME = "pushapi"; // WebSocket close code sent by the server to indicate that the client should // not automatically reconnect. const kBACKOFF_WS_STATUS_CODE = 4774; // Maps ack statuses, unsubscribe reasons, and delivery error reasons to codes // included in request payloads. const kACK_STATUS_TO_CODE = { [Ci.nsIPushErrorReporter.ACK_DELIVERED]: 100, [Ci.nsIPushErrorReporter.ACK_DECRYPTION_ERROR]: 101, [Ci.nsIPushErrorReporter.ACK_NOT_DELIVERED]: 102, }; const kUNREGISTER_REASON_TO_CODE = { [Ci.nsIPushErrorReporter.UNSUBSCRIBE_MANUAL]: 200, [Ci.nsIPushErrorReporter.UNSUBSCRIBE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED]: 201, [Ci.nsIPushErrorReporter.UNSUBSCRIBE_PERMISSION_REVOKED]: 202, }; const kDELIVERY_REASON_TO_CODE = { [Ci.nsIPushErrorReporter.DELIVERY_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION]: 301, [Ci.nsIPushErrorReporter.DELIVERY_UNHANDLED_REJECTION]: 302, [Ci.nsIPushErrorReporter.DELIVERY_INTERNAL_ERROR]: 303, }; const prefs = new Preferences("dom.push."); var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["PushServiceWebSocket"]; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "console", () => { let {ConsoleAPI} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Console.jsm"); return new ConsoleAPI({ maxLogLevelPref: "dom.push.loglevel", prefix: "PushServiceWebSocket", }); }); /** * A proxy between the PushService and the WebSocket. The listener is used so * that the PushService can silence messages from the WebSocket by setting * PushWebSocketListener._pushService to null. This is required because * a WebSocket can continue to send messages or errors after it has been * closed but the PushService may not be interested in these. It's easier to * stop listening than to have checks at specific points. */ var PushWebSocketListener = function(pushService) { this._pushService = pushService; }; PushWebSocketListener.prototype = { onStart: function(context) { if (!this._pushService) { return; } this._pushService._wsOnStart(context); }, onStop: function(context, statusCode) { if (!this._pushService) { return; } this._pushService._wsOnStop(context, statusCode); }, onAcknowledge: function(context, size) { // EMPTY }, onBinaryMessageAvailable: function(context, message) { // EMPTY }, onMessageAvailable: function(context, message) { if (!this._pushService) { return; } this._pushService._wsOnMessageAvailable(context, message); }, onServerClose: function(context, aStatusCode, aReason) { if (!this._pushService) { return; } this._pushService._wsOnServerClose(context, aStatusCode, aReason); } }; // websocket states // websocket is off const STATE_SHUT_DOWN = 0; // Websocket has been opened on client side, waiting for successful open. // (_wsOnStart) const STATE_WAITING_FOR_WS_START = 1; // Websocket opened, hello sent, waiting for server reply (_handleHelloReply). const STATE_WAITING_FOR_HELLO = 2; // Websocket operational, handshake completed, begin protocol messaging. const STATE_READY = 3; var PushServiceWebSocket = { _mainPushService: null, _serverURI: null, newPushDB: function() { return new PushDB(kPUSHWSDB_DB_NAME, kPUSHWSDB_DB_VERSION, kPUSHWSDB_STORE_NAME, "channelID", PushRecordWebSocket); }, disconnect: function() { this._shutdownWS(); }, observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { if (aTopic == "nsPref:changed" && aData == "dom.push.userAgentID") { this._onUAIDChanged(); } else if (aTopic == "timer-callback") { this._onTimerFired(aSubject); } }, /** * Handles a UAID change. Unlike reconnects, we cancel all pending requests * after disconnecting. Existing subscriptions stored in IndexedDB will be * dropped on reconnect. */ _onUAIDChanged() { console.debug("onUAIDChanged()"); this._shutdownWS(); this._startBackoffTimer(); }, /** Handles a ping, backoff, or request timeout timer event. */ _onTimerFired(timer) { console.debug("onTimerFired()"); if (timer == this._pingTimer) { this._sendPing(); return; } if (timer == this._backoffTimer) { console.debug("onTimerFired: Reconnecting after backoff"); this._beginWSSetup(); return; } if (timer == this._requestTimeoutTimer) { this._timeOutRequests(); return; } }, /** * Sends a ping to the server. Bypasses the request queue, but starts the * request timeout timer. If the socket is already closed, or the server * does not respond within the timeout, the client will reconnect. */ _sendPing() { console.debug("sendPing()"); this._startRequestTimeoutTimer(); try { this._wsSendMessage({}); this._lastPingTime = Date.now(); } catch (e) { console.debug("sendPing: Error sending ping", e); this._reconnect(); } }, /** Times out any pending requests. */ _timeOutRequests() { console.debug("timeOutRequests()"); if (!this._hasPendingRequests()) { // Cancel the repeating timer and exit early if we aren't waiting for // pongs or requests. this._requestTimeoutTimer.cancel(); return; } let now = Date.now(); // Set to true if at least one request timed out, or we're still waiting // for a pong after the request timeout. let requestTimedOut = false; if (this._lastPingTime > 0 && now - this._lastPingTime > this._requestTimeout) { console.debug("timeOutRequests: Did not receive pong in time"); requestTimedOut = true; } else { for (let [key, request] of this._pendingRequests) { let duration = now - request.ctime; // If any of the registration requests time out, all the ones after it // also made to fail, since we are going to be disconnecting the // socket. requestTimedOut |= duration > this._requestTimeout; if (requestTimedOut) { request.reject(new Error("Request timed out: " + key)); this._pendingRequests.delete(key); } } } // The most likely reason for a pong or registration request timing out is // that the socket has disconnected. Best to reconnect. if (requestTimedOut) { this._reconnect(); } }, validServerURI: function(serverURI) { if (serverURI.scheme == "ws") { return !!prefs.get("testing.allowInsecureServerURL"); } return serverURI.scheme == "wss"; }, get _UAID() { return prefs.get("userAgentID"); }, set _UAID(newID) { if (typeof(newID) !== "string") { console.warn("Got invalid, non-string UAID", newID, "Not updating userAgentID"); return; } console.debug("New _UAID", newID); prefs.set("userAgentID", newID); }, _ws: null, _pendingRequests: new Map(), _currentState: STATE_SHUT_DOWN, _requestTimeout: 0, _requestTimeoutTimer: null, _retryFailCount: 0, /** * According to the WS spec, servers should immediately close the underlying * TCP connection after they close a WebSocket. This causes wsOnStop to be * called with error NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED. Since the client has to keep the * WebSocket up, it should try to reconnect. But if the server closes the * WebSocket because it wants the client to back off, then the client * shouldn't re-establish the connection. If the server sends the backoff * close code, this field will be set to true in wsOnServerClose. It is * checked in wsOnStop. */ _skipReconnect: false, /** Indicates whether the server supports Web Push-style message delivery. */ _dataEnabled: false, /** * The last time the client sent a ping to the server. If non-zero, keeps the * request timeout timer active. Reset to zero when the server responds with * a pong or pending messages. */ _lastPingTime: 0, /** * A one-shot timer used to ping the server, to avoid timing out idle * connections. Reset to the ping interval on each incoming message. */ _pingTimer: null, /** A one-shot timer fired after the reconnect backoff period. */ _backoffTimer: null, /** * Sends a message to the Push Server through an open websocket. * typeof(msg) shall be an object */ _wsSendMessage: function(msg) { if (!this._ws) { console.warn("wsSendMessage: No WebSocket initialized.", "Cannot send a message"); return; } msg = JSON.stringify(msg); console.debug("wsSendMessage: Sending message", msg); this._ws.sendMsg(msg); }, init: function(options, mainPushService, serverURI) { console.debug("init()"); this._mainPushService = mainPushService; this._serverURI = serverURI; // Filled in at connect() time this._broadcastListeners = null; // Override the default WebSocket factory function. The returned object // must be null or satisfy the nsIWebSocketChannel interface. Used by // the tests to provide a mock WebSocket implementation. if (options.makeWebSocket) { this._makeWebSocket = options.makeWebSocket; } this._requestTimeout = prefs.get("requestTimeout"); return Promise.resolve(); }, _reconnect: function () { console.debug("reconnect()"); this._shutdownWS(false); this._startBackoffTimer(); }, _shutdownWS: function(shouldCancelPending = true) { console.debug("shutdownWS()"); if (this._currentState == STATE_READY) { prefs.ignore("userAgentID", this); } this._currentState = STATE_SHUT_DOWN; this._skipReconnect = false; if (this._wsListener) { this._wsListener._pushService = null; } try { this._ws.close(0, null); } catch (e) {} this._ws = null; this._lastPingTime = 0; if (this._pingTimer) { this._pingTimer.cancel(); } if (shouldCancelPending) { this._cancelPendingRequests(); } if (this._notifyRequestQueue) { this._notifyRequestQueue(); this._notifyRequestQueue = null; } }, uninit: function() { // All pending requests (ideally none) are dropped at this point. We // shouldn't have any applications performing registration/unregistration // or receiving notifications. this._shutdownWS(); if (this._backoffTimer) { this._backoffTimer.cancel(); } if (this._requestTimeoutTimer) { this._requestTimeoutTimer.cancel(); } this._mainPushService = null; this._dataEnabled = false; }, /** * How retries work: If the WS is closed due to a socket error, * _startBackoffTimer() is called. The retry timer is started and when * it times out, beginWSSetup() is called again. * * If we are in the middle of a timeout (i.e. waiting), but * a register/unregister is called, we don't want to wait around anymore. * _sendRequest will automatically call beginWSSetup(), which will cancel the * timer. In addition since the state will have changed, even if a pending * timer event comes in (because the timer fired the event before it was * cancelled), so the connection won't be reset. */ _startBackoffTimer() { console.debug("startBackoffTimer()"); // Calculate new timeout, but cap it to pingInterval. let retryTimeout = prefs.get("retryBaseInterval") * Math.pow(2, this._retryFailCount); retryTimeout = Math.min(retryTimeout, prefs.get("pingInterval")); this._retryFailCount++; console.debug("startBackoffTimer: Retry in", retryTimeout, "Try number", this._retryFailCount); if (!this._backoffTimer) { this._backoffTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); } this._backoffTimer.init(this, retryTimeout, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); }, /** Indicates whether we're waiting for pongs or requests. */ _hasPendingRequests() { return this._lastPingTime > 0 || this._pendingRequests.size > 0; }, /** * Starts the request timeout timer unless we're already waiting for a pong * or register request. */ _startRequestTimeoutTimer() { if (this._hasPendingRequests()) { return; } if (!this._requestTimeoutTimer) { this._requestTimeoutTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); } this._requestTimeoutTimer.init(this, this._requestTimeout, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_REPEATING_SLACK); }, /** Starts or resets the ping timer. */ _startPingTimer() { if (!this._pingTimer) { this._pingTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); } this._pingTimer.init(this, prefs.get("pingInterval"), Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); }, _makeWebSocket: function(uri) { if (!prefs.get("connection.enabled")) { console.warn("makeWebSocket: connection.enabled is not set to true.", "Aborting."); return null; } if (Services.io.offline) { console.warn("makeWebSocket: Network is offline."); return null; } let contractId = uri.scheme == "ws" ? "@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=ws" : "@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=wss"; let socket = Cc[contractId].createInstance(Ci.nsIWebSocketChannel); socket.initLoadInfo(null, // aLoadingNode Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(), null, // aTriggeringPrincipal Ci.nsILoadInfo.SEC_ALLOW_CROSS_ORIGIN_DATA_IS_NULL, Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_WEBSOCKET); return socket; }, _beginWSSetup: function() { console.debug("beginWSSetup()"); if (this._currentState != STATE_SHUT_DOWN) { console.error("_beginWSSetup: Not in shutdown state! Current state", this._currentState); return; } // Stop any pending reconnects scheduled for the near future. if (this._backoffTimer) { this._backoffTimer.cancel(); } let uri = this._serverURI; if (!uri) { return; } let socket = this._makeWebSocket(uri); if (!socket) { return; } this._ws = socket.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebSocketChannel); console.debug("beginWSSetup: Connecting to", uri.spec); this._wsListener = new PushWebSocketListener(this); this._ws.protocol = "push-notification"; try { // Grab a wakelock before we open the socket to ensure we don't go to // sleep before connection the is opened. this._ws.asyncOpen(uri, uri.spec, 0, this._wsListener, null); this._currentState = STATE_WAITING_FOR_WS_START; } catch(e) { console.error("beginWSSetup: Error opening websocket.", "asyncOpen failed", e); this._reconnect(); } }, connect: function(records, broadcastListeners) { console.debug("connect()", broadcastListeners); this._broadcastListeners = broadcastListeners; this._beginWSSetup(); }, isConnected: function() { return !!this._ws; }, /** * Protocol handler invoked by server message. */ _handleHelloReply: function(reply) { console.debug("handleHelloReply()"); if (this._currentState != STATE_WAITING_FOR_HELLO) { console.error("handleHelloReply: Unexpected state", this._currentState, "(expected STATE_WAITING_FOR_HELLO)"); this._shutdownWS(); return; } if (typeof reply.uaid !== "string") { console.error("handleHelloReply: Received invalid UAID", reply.uaid); this._shutdownWS(); return; } if (reply.uaid === "") { console.error("handleHelloReply: Received empty UAID"); this._shutdownWS(); return; } // To avoid sticking extra large values sent by an evil server into prefs. if (reply.uaid.length > 128) { console.error("handleHelloReply: UAID received from server was too long", reply.uaid); this._shutdownWS(); return; } let sendRequests = () => { if (this._notifyRequestQueue) { this._notifyRequestQueue(); this._notifyRequestQueue = null; } this._sendPendingRequests(); }; function finishHandshake() { this._UAID = reply.uaid; this._currentState = STATE_READY; prefs.observe("userAgentID", this); // Handle broadcasts received in response to the "hello" message. if (reply.broadcasts) { // The reply isn't technically a broadcast message, but it has // the shape of a broadcast message (it has a broadcasts field). this._mainPushService.receivedBroadcastMessage(reply); } this._dataEnabled = !!reply.use_webpush; if (this._dataEnabled) { this._mainPushService.getAllUnexpired().then(records => Promise.all(records.map(record => this._mainPushService.ensureCrypto(record).catch(error => { console.error("finishHandshake: Error updating record", record.keyID, error); }) )) ).then(sendRequests); } else { sendRequests(); } } // By this point we've got a UAID from the server that we are ready to // accept. // // We unconditionally drop all existing registrations and notify service // workers if we receive a new UAID. This ensures we expunge all stale // registrations if the `userAgentID` pref is reset. if (this._UAID != reply.uaid) { console.debug("handleHelloReply: Received new UAID"); this._mainPushService.dropUnexpiredRegistrations() .then(finishHandshake.bind(this)); return; } // otherwise we are good to go finishHandshake.bind(this)(); }, /** * Protocol handler invoked by server message. */ _handleRegisterReply: function(reply) { console.debug("handleRegisterReply()"); let tmp = this._takeRequestForReply(reply); if (!tmp) { return; } if (reply.status == 200) { try { Services.io.newURI(reply.pushEndpoint); } catch (e) { tmp.reject(new Error("Invalid push endpoint: " + reply.pushEndpoint)); return; } let record = new PushRecordWebSocket({ channelID: reply.channelID, pushEndpoint: reply.pushEndpoint, scope: tmp.record.scope, originAttributes: tmp.record.originAttributes, version: null, systemRecord: tmp.record.systemRecord, appServerKey: tmp.record.appServerKey, ctime: Date.now(), }); tmp.resolve(record); } else { console.error("handleRegisterReply: Unexpected server response", reply); tmp.reject(new Error("Wrong status code for register reply: " + reply.status)); } }, _handleUnregisterReply(reply) { console.debug("handleUnregisterReply()"); let request = this._takeRequestForReply(reply); if (!request) { return; } let success = reply.status === 200; request.resolve(success); }, _handleDataUpdate: function(update) { let promise; if (typeof update.channelID != "string") { console.warn("handleDataUpdate: Discarding update without channel ID", update); return; } function updateRecord(record) { // Ignore messages that we've already processed. This can happen if the // connection drops between notifying the service worker and acking the // the message. In that case, the server will re-send the message on // reconnect. if (record.hasRecentMessageID(update.version)) { console.warn("handleDataUpdate: Ignoring duplicate message", update.version); return null; } record.noteRecentMessageID(update.version); return record; } if (typeof update.data != "string") { promise = this._mainPushService.receivedPushMessage( update.channelID, update.version, null, null, updateRecord ); } else { let message = ChromeUtils.base64URLDecode(update.data, { // The Push server may append padding. padding: "ignore", }); promise = this._mainPushService.receivedPushMessage( update.channelID, update.version, update.headers, message, updateRecord ); } promise.then(status => { this._sendAck(update.channelID, update.version, status); }, err => { console.error("handleDataUpdate: Error delivering message", update, err); this._sendAck(update.channelID, update.version, Ci.nsIPushErrorReporter.ACK_DECRYPTION_ERROR); }).catch(err => { console.error("handleDataUpdate: Error acknowledging message", update, err); }); }, /** * Protocol handler invoked by server message. */ _handleNotificationReply: function(reply) { console.debug("handleNotificationReply()"); if (this._dataEnabled) { this._handleDataUpdate(reply); return; } if (typeof reply.updates !== 'object') { console.warn("handleNotificationReply: Missing updates", reply.updates); return; } console.debug("handleNotificationReply: Got updates", reply.updates); for (let i = 0; i < reply.updates.length; i++) { let update = reply.updates[i]; console.debug("handleNotificationReply: Handling update", update); if (typeof update.channelID !== "string") { console.debug("handleNotificationReply: Invalid update at index", i, update); continue; } if (update.version === undefined) { console.debug("handleNotificationReply: Missing version", update); continue; } let version = update.version; if (typeof version === "string") { version = parseInt(version, 10); } if (typeof version === "number" && version >= 0) { // FIXME(nsm): this relies on app update notification being infallible! // eventually fix this this._receivedUpdate(update.channelID, version); } } }, _handleBroadcastReply: function(reply) { this._mainPushService.receivedBroadcastMessage(reply); }, reportDeliveryError(messageID, reason) { console.debug("reportDeliveryError()"); let code = kDELIVERY_REASON_TO_CODE[reason]; if (!code) { throw new Error('Invalid delivery error reason'); } let data = {messageType: 'nack', version: messageID, code: code}; this._queueRequest(data); }, _sendAck(channelID, version, status) { console.debug("sendAck()"); let code = kACK_STATUS_TO_CODE[status]; if (!code) { throw new Error('Invalid ack status'); } let data = {messageType: 'ack', updates: [{channelID: channelID, version: version, code: code}]}; this._queueRequest(data); }, _generateID: function() { let uuidGenerator = Cc["@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator); // generateUUID() gives a UUID surrounded by {...}, slice them off. return uuidGenerator.generateUUID().toString().slice(1, -1); }, register(record) { console.debug("register() ", record); let data = {channelID: this._generateID(), messageType: "register"}; if (record.appServerKey) { data.key = ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode(record.appServerKey, { // The Push server requires padding. pad: true, }); } return this._sendRequestForReply(record, data).then(record => { if (!this._dataEnabled) { return record; } return PushCrypto.generateKeys() .then(([publicKey, privateKey]) => { record.p256dhPublicKey = publicKey; record.p256dhPrivateKey = privateKey; record.authenticationSecret = PushCrypto.generateAuthenticationSecret(); return record; }); }); }, unregister(record, reason) { console.debug("unregister() ", record, reason); return Promise.resolve().then(_ => { let code = kUNREGISTER_REASON_TO_CODE[reason]; if (!code) { throw new Error('Invalid unregister reason'); } let data = {channelID: record.channelID, messageType: "unregister", code: code}; return this._sendRequestForReply(record, data); }); }, _queueStart: Promise.resolve(), _notifyRequestQueue: null, _queue: null, _enqueue: function(op) { console.debug("enqueue()"); if (!this._queue) { this._queue = this._queueStart; } this._queue = this._queue .then(op) .catch(_ => {}); }, /** Sends a request to the server. */ _send(data) { if (this._currentState != STATE_READY) { console.warn("send: Unexpected state; ignoring message", this._currentState); return; } if (!this._requestHasReply(data)) { this._wsSendMessage(data); return; } // If we're expecting a reply, check that we haven't cancelled the request. let key = this._makePendingRequestKey(data); if (!this._pendingRequests.has(key)) { console.log("send: Request cancelled; ignoring message", key); return; } this._wsSendMessage(data); }, /** Indicates whether a request has a corresponding reply from the server. */ _requestHasReply(data) { return data.messageType == "register" || data.messageType == "unregister"; }, /** * Sends all pending requests that expect replies. Called after the connection * is established and the handshake is complete. */ _sendPendingRequests() { this._enqueue(_ => { for (let request of this._pendingRequests.values()) { this._send(request.data); } }); }, /** Queues an outgoing request, establishing a connection if necessary. */ _queueRequest(data) { console.debug("queueRequest()", data); if (this._currentState == STATE_READY) { // If we're ready, no need to queue; just send the request. this._send(data); return; } // Otherwise, we're still setting up. If we don't have a request queue, // make one now. if (!this._notifyRequestQueue) { let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._notifyRequestQueue = resolve; }); this._enqueue(_ => promise); } let isRequest = this._requestHasReply(data); if (!isRequest) { // Don't queue requests, since they're stored in `_pendingRequests`, and // `_sendPendingRequests` will send them after reconnecting. Without this // check, we'd send requests twice. this._enqueue(_ => this._send(data)); } if (!this._ws) { // This will end up calling notifyRequestQueue(). this._beginWSSetup(); // If beginWSSetup does not succeed to make ws, notifyRequestQueue will // not be call. if (!this._ws && this._notifyRequestQueue) { this._notifyRequestQueue(); this._notifyRequestQueue = null; } } }, _receivedUpdate: function(aChannelID, aLatestVersion) { console.debug("receivedUpdate: Updating", aChannelID, "->", aLatestVersion); this._mainPushService.receivedPushMessage(aChannelID, "", null, null, record => { if (record.version === null || record.version < aLatestVersion) { console.debug("receivedUpdate: Version changed for", aChannelID, aLatestVersion); record.version = aLatestVersion; return record; } console.debug("receivedUpdate: No significant version change for", aChannelID, aLatestVersion); return null; }).then(status => { this._sendAck(aChannelID, aLatestVersion, status); }).catch(err => { console.error("receivedUpdate: Error acknowledging message", aChannelID, aLatestVersion, err); }); }, // begin Push protocol handshake _wsOnStart: function(context) { console.debug("wsOnStart()"); if (this._currentState != STATE_WAITING_FOR_WS_START) { console.error("wsOnStart: NOT in STATE_WAITING_FOR_WS_START. Current", "state", this._currentState, "Skipping"); return; } let data = { messageType: "hello", broadcasts: this._broadcastListeners, use_webpush: true, }; if (this._UAID) { data.uaid = this._UAID; } this._wsSendMessage(data); this._currentState = STATE_WAITING_FOR_HELLO; }, /** * This statusCode is not the websocket protocol status code, but the TCP * connection close status code. * * If we do not explicitly call ws.close() then statusCode is always * NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED, even on a successful close. */ _wsOnStop: function(context, statusCode) { console.debug("wsOnStop()"); if (statusCode != Cr.NS_OK && !this._skipReconnect) { console.debug("wsOnStop: Reconnecting after socket error", statusCode); this._reconnect(); return; } this._shutdownWS(); }, _wsOnMessageAvailable: function(context, message) { console.debug("wsOnMessageAvailable()", message); // Clearing the last ping time indicates we're no longer waiting for a pong. this._lastPingTime = 0; let reply; try { reply = JSON.parse(message); } catch(e) { console.warn("wsOnMessageAvailable: Invalid JSON", message, e); return; } // If we receive a message, we know the connection succeeded. Reset the // connection attempt and ping interval counters. this._retryFailCount = 0; let doNotHandle = false; if ((message === '{}') || (reply.messageType === undefined) || (reply.messageType === "ping") || (typeof reply.messageType != "string")) { console.debug("wsOnMessageAvailable: Pong received"); doNotHandle = true; } // Reset the ping timer. Note: This path is executed at every step of the // handshake, so this timer does not need to be set explicitly at startup. this._startPingTimer(); // If it is a ping, do not handle the message. if (doNotHandle) { return; } // A whitelist of protocol handlers. Add to these if new messages are added // in the protocol. let handlers = ["Hello", "Register", "Unregister", "Notification", "Broadcast"]; // Build up the handler name to call from messageType. // e.g. messageType == "register" -> _handleRegisterReply. let handlerName = reply.messageType[0].toUpperCase() + reply.messageType.slice(1).toLowerCase(); if (!handlers.includes(handlerName)) { console.warn("wsOnMessageAvailable: No whitelisted handler", handlerName, "for message", reply.messageType); return; } let handler = "_handle" + handlerName + "Reply"; if (typeof this[handler] !== "function") { console.warn("wsOnMessageAvailable: Handler", handler, "whitelisted but not implemented"); return; } this[handler](reply); }, /** * The websocket should never be closed. Since we don't call ws.close(), * _wsOnStop() receives error code NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED (see comment in that * function), which calls reconnect and re-establishes the WebSocket * connection. * * If the server requested that we back off, we won't reconnect until the * next network state change event, or until we need to send a new register * request. */ _wsOnServerClose: function(context, aStatusCode, aReason) { console.debug("wsOnServerClose()", aStatusCode, aReason); if (aStatusCode == kBACKOFF_WS_STATUS_CODE) { console.debug("wsOnServerClose: Skipping automatic reconnect"); this._skipReconnect = true; } }, /** * Rejects all pending register requests with errors. */ _cancelPendingRequests() { for (let request of this._pendingRequests.values()) { request.reject(new Error("Request aborted")); } this._pendingRequests.clear(); }, /** Creates a case-insensitive map key for a request that expects a reply. */ _makePendingRequestKey(data) { return (data.messageType + "|" + data.channelID).toLowerCase(); }, /** Sends a request and waits for a reply from the server. */ _sendRequestForReply(record, data) { return Promise.resolve().then(_ => { // start the timer since we now have at least one request this._startRequestTimeoutTimer(); let key = this._makePendingRequestKey(data); if (!this._pendingRequests.has(key)) { let request = { data: data, record: record, ctime: Date.now(), }; request.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { request.resolve = resolve; request.reject = reject; }); this._pendingRequests.set(key, request); this._queueRequest(data); } return this._pendingRequests.get(key).promise; }); }, /** Removes and returns a pending request for a server reply. */ _takeRequestForReply(reply) { if (typeof reply.channelID !== "string") { return null; } let key = this._makePendingRequestKey(reply); let request = this._pendingRequests.get(key); if (!request) { return null; } this._pendingRequests.delete(key); if (!this._hasPendingRequests()) { this._requestTimeoutTimer.cancel(); } return request; }, sendSubscribeBroadcast(serviceId, version) { let data = { messageType: "broadcast_subscribe", broadcasts: { [serviceId]: version }, }; this._queueRequest(data); }, }; function PushRecordWebSocket(record) { PushRecord.call(this, record); this.channelID = record.channelID; this.version = record.version; } PushRecordWebSocket.prototype = Object.create(PushRecord.prototype, { keyID: { get() { return this.channelID; }, }, }); PushRecordWebSocket.prototype.toSubscription = function() { let subscription = PushRecord.prototype.toSubscription.call(this); subscription.version = this.version; return subscription; };