/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/narrate/VoiceSelect.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/narrate/Narrator.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AsyncPrefs.jsm"); this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["NarrateControls"]; var gStrings = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://global/locale/narrate.properties"); function NarrateControls(mm, win) { this._mm = mm; this._winRef = Cu.getWeakReference(win); // Append content style sheet in document head let style = win.document.createElement("link"); style.rel = "stylesheet"; style.href = "chrome://global/skin/narrate.css"; win.document.head.appendChild(style); function localize(pieces, ...substitutions) { let result = pieces[0]; for (let i = 0; i < substitutions.length; ++i) { result += gStrings.GetStringFromName(substitutions[i]) + pieces[i + 1]; } return result; } let dropdown = win.document.createElement("ul"); dropdown.className = "dropdown"; dropdown.id = "narrate-dropdown"; // We need inline svg here for the animation to work (bug 908634 & 1190881). // The style animation can't be scoped (bug 830056). dropdown.innerHTML = localize`
  • `; this.narrator = new Narrator(win); let branch = Services.prefs.getBranch("narrate."); let selectLabel = gStrings.GetStringFromName("selectvoicelabel"); this.voiceSelect = new VoiceSelect(win, selectLabel); this.voiceSelect.element.addEventListener("change", this); this.voiceSelect.element.id = "voice-select"; win.speechSynthesis.addEventListener("voiceschanged", this); dropdown.querySelector("#narrate-voices").appendChild( this.voiceSelect.element); dropdown.addEventListener("click", this, true); let rateRange = dropdown.querySelector("#narrate-rate > input"); rateRange.addEventListener("change", this); // The rate is stored as an integer. rateRange.value = branch.getIntPref("rate"); this._setupVoices(); let tb = win.document.getElementById("reader-toolbar"); tb.appendChild(dropdown); } NarrateControls.prototype = { handleEvent: function(evt) { switch (evt.type) { case "change": if (evt.target.id == "narrate-rate-input") { this._onRateInput(evt); } else { this._onVoiceChange(); } break; case "click": this._onButtonClick(evt); break; case "voiceschanged": this._setupVoices(); break; } }, /** * Returns true if synth voices are available. */ _setupVoices: function() { return this.narrator.languagePromise.then(language => { this.voiceSelect.clear(); let win = this._win; let doc = win.document; let voicePrefs = this._getVoicePref(); let selectedVoice = voicePrefs[language || "default"]; let comparer = win.Intl ? (new Intl.Collator()).compare : (a, b) => a.localeCompare(b); let filter = !Services.prefs.getBoolPref("narrate.filter-voices"); let options = win.speechSynthesis.getVoices().filter(v => { return filter || !language || v.lang.split("-")[0] == language; }).map(v => { return { label: this._createVoiceLabel(v), value: v.voiceURI, selected: selectedVoice == v.voiceURI }; }).sort((a, b) => comparer(a.label, b.label)); if (options.length) { options.unshift({ label: gStrings.GetStringFromName("defaultvoice"), value: "automatic", selected: selectedVoice == "automatic" }); this.voiceSelect.addOptions(options); } // We disable this entire feature if there are no available voices. doc.getElementById("narrate-toggle").hidden = !options.length; }); }, _getVoicePref: function() { let voicePref = Services.prefs.getCharPref("narrate.voice"); try { return JSON.parse(voicePref); } catch (e) { return { default: voicePref }; } }, _onRateInput: function(evt) { AsyncPrefs.set("narrate.rate", parseInt(evt.target.value, 10)); this.narrator.setRate(this._convertRate(evt.target.value)); }, _onVoiceChange: function() { let voice = this.voice; this.narrator.setVoice(voice); this.narrator.languagePromise.then(language => { if (language) { let voicePref = this._getVoicePref(); voicePref[language || "default"] = voice; AsyncPrefs.set("narrate.voice", JSON.stringify(voicePref)); } }); }, _onButtonClick: function(evt) { switch (evt.target.id) { case "narrate-skip-previous": this.narrator.skipPrevious(); break; case "narrate-skip-next": this.narrator.skipNext(); break; case "narrate-start-stop": if (this.narrator.speaking) { this.narrator.stop(); } else { this._updateSpeechControls(true); let options = { rate: this.rate, voice: this.voice }; this.narrator.start(options).then(() => { this._updateSpeechControls(false); }, err => { Cu.reportError(`Narrate failed: ${err}.`); this._updateSpeechControls(false); }); } break; } }, _updateSpeechControls: function(speaking) { let dropdown = this._doc.getElementById("narrate-dropdown"); dropdown.classList.toggle("keep-open", speaking); dropdown.classList.toggle("speaking", speaking); let startStopButton = this._doc.getElementById("narrate-start-stop"); startStopButton.title = gStrings.GetStringFromName(speaking ? "stop" : "start"); this._doc.getElementById("narrate-skip-previous").disabled = !speaking; this._doc.getElementById("narrate-skip-next").disabled = !speaking; }, _createVoiceLabel: function(voice) { // This is a highly imperfect method of making human-readable labels // for system voices. Because each platform has a different naming scheme // for voices, we use a different method for each platform. switch (Services.appinfo.OS) { case "WINNT": // On windows the language is included in the name, so just use the name return voice.name; case "Linux": // On Linux, the name is usually the unlocalized language name. // Use a localized language name, and have the language tag in // parenthisis. This is to avoid six languages called "English". return gStrings.formatStringFromName("voiceLabel", [this._getLanguageName(voice.lang) || voice.name, voice.lang], 2); default: // On Mac the language is not included in the name, find a localized // language name or show the tag if none exists. // This is the ideal naming scheme so it is also the "default". return gStrings.formatStringFromName("voiceLabel", [voice.name, this._getLanguageName(voice.lang) || voice.lang], 2); } }, _getLanguageName: function(lang) { if (!this._langStrings) { this._langStrings = Services.strings.createBundle( "chrome://global/locale/languageNames.properties "); } try { // language tags will be lower case ascii between 2 and 3 characters long. return this._langStrings.GetStringFromName(lang.match(/^[a-z]{2,3}/)[0]); } catch (e) { return ""; } }, _convertRate: function(rate) { // We need to convert a relative percentage value to a fraction rate value. // eg. -100 is half the speed, 100 is twice the speed in percentage, // 0.5 is half the speed and 2 is twice the speed in fractions. return Math.pow(Math.abs(rate / 100) + 1, rate < 0 ? -1 : 1); }, get _win() { return this._winRef.get(); }, get _doc() { return this._win.document; }, get rate() { return this._convertRate( this._doc.getElementById("narrate-rate-input").value); }, get voice() { return this.voiceSelect.value; } };