#!/usr/bin/perl # xls: an XMLterm wrapper for the UNIX "ls" command # Usage: xls [-c|--cols] [-h|help] [-t||--text] use Cwd; use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::config('bundling'); &GetOptions("cols|c=i", "help|h!", "text|t!"); if ($opt_help) { print "Usage: xls [-c|--cols] [-t||--text] []\n"; exit; } # Icon details #my $imgdir="chrome://xmlterm/skin/default/images" my $imgdir = "file:///usr/share/pixmaps/mc"; my %img; ($img{'directory'}, $img{'executable'}, $img{'plainfile'}, $img{'urlfile'}) = ('i-directory.png', 'i-executable.png', 'i-regular.png', 'i-regular.png'); my $ncols = 5; $ncols = $opt_cols if ($opt_cols); my $dir = cwd(); my $rowimg = ""; my $rowtxt = ""; my $nfile = 0; my $filelist; if (@ARGV) { if ((@ARGV == 1) && (-d $ARGV[0])) { @filelist = glob("$ARGV[0]/*"); # specified directory } else { @filelist = @ARGV; # specified file(s) } } else { @filelist = glob("*"); # all files in current directory } my $cookie = $ENV{LTERM_COOKIE}; # XMLTerm cookie print "\e{S$cookie\a"; # HTML stream escape sequence print ""; print ""; foreach $file (@filelist) { # for each file in the list $file =~ m%\A(.*?) (\.[^/.]*)?\Z%x # Deconstruct file name or die "xls: Internal error; unable to deconstruct file name\n"; my ($filename, $extension) = ($1, $2); my ($filetype, $fileimg, $sendcmd, $sendtxt1, $sendtxt2); $sendtxt1 = $file; if ($dir eq "/") { $sendtxt2 = "/"; } else { $sendtxt2 = "$dir/"; } if (-d $file) { # directory $filetype = "directory"; $fileimg = "$imgdir/$img{$filetype}"; $sendcmd = "cdxls"; } elsif (-x $file) { # executable $filetype = "executable"; $fileimg = "$imgdir/$img{$filetype}"; $sendcmd = "exec"; } elsif (($extension eq ".gif") || ($extension eq ".png") || ($extension eq ".jpg")) { # image $filetype = "imagefile"; $fileimg = "file://$dir/$file"; $sendcmd = "xcat"; } elsif ($extension eq ".ps") { # postscript $filetype = "plainfile"; $fileimg = "$imgdir/$img{$filetype}"; $sendcmd = "xcat"; } elsif ($extension eq ".url") { # URL open INFILE, $file or next; $_ = ; close INFILE; # Extract content URL and the icon URL (if any) my @urlvals; my $nurl = 0; while ( m%\b # URL word boundary (http|file|mailto): # protocol (?=/) # lookahead (?:// # slashpair (?:([\w.]+)@)? # username ([\w\-]+(?:\.[\w\-]+)*)? # host (?::(\d+))? # port )? (/|/[^/\s]\S*?)? # pathname (?=>|\"|\'|\s|[.,!](?:\s|\Z)|\Z) # URL terminator (look ahead) %x ) { $urlvals[$nurl] = $&; s%$&%%; $nurl++; } s%\A\s*(\S.*?)?\s*\Z%$1%; # trim leading/trailing space if ($nurl >= 1) { my $urldesc = $_; my $urlstr = $urlvals[0]; $urldesc = $urlstr if !$urldesc; $sendcmd = "textlink"; # override send command $sendtxt1 = "$urlstr"; $sendtxt2 = "$urlstr"; $filetype = "urlfile"; if ($nurl >= 2) { $fileimg = "$urlvals[1]"; # use icon URL } else { $fileimg = "$imgdir/$img{$filetype}"; #default URL icon } } else { $filetype = "plainfile"; $fileimg = "$imgdir/$img{$filetype}"; $sendcmd = "xcat"; } } else { # plain file $filetype = "plainfile"; $fileimg = "$imgdir/$img{$filetype}"; $sendcmd = "xcat"; } my @comps = split(m./.,$file); my $tail = $comps[$#comps]; # file name my $clickcmd = qq%onClick="return HandleEvent(event,'click','$sendcmd',-\#,'$sendtxt1','$sendtxt2')"%; $rowimg .= "$rowimg" unless $opt_text; print "$rowtxt"; $rowimg = ""; $rowtxt = ""; } } if ($rowtxt) { print "$rowimg" unless $opt_text; print "$rowtxt"; } print "
"; $rowtxt .= ""; $rowtxt .= "$tail"; $nfile++; if (($nfile % $ncols) == 0) { # print complete table row print "
"; print "
"; print "Double-click on file/directory name to execute file/open directory."; print "
Set Icons setting to on to enable icon display.
"; print "
Set Icons setting to off to disable icon display.
"; print "
"; print "\000"; # Terminate HTML stream