===================== Version Control in CI ===================== Upgrading Mercurial =================== Upgrading Mercurial in CI requires touching a handful of different components. Vendored robustcheckout ----------------------- The ``robustcheckout`` Mercurial extension is used throughout CI to perform clones and working directory updates. The canonical home of the extension is in the https://hg.mozilla.org/hgcustom/version-control-tools repository at the path ``hgext/robustcheckout/__init__.py``. When upgrading Mercurial, the ``robustcheckout`` extension should also be updated to ensure it is compatible with the version of Mercurial being upgraded to. Typically, one simply copies the latest version from ``version-control-tools`` into the vendored locations. The locations are as follows: - In-tree: ``testing/mozharness/external_tools/robustcheckout.py`` - Treescript: ``https://github.com/mozilla-releng/scriptworker-scripts/blob/master/treescript/treescript/py2/robustcheckout.py`` - build-puppet: ``https://github.com/mozilla-releng/build-puppet/blob/master/modules/mercurial/files/robustcheckout.py`` - ronin_puppet: ``https://github.com/mozilla-platform-ops/ronin_puppet/blob/master/modules/mercurial/files/robustcheckout.py`` - OpenCloudConfig: ``https://github.com/mozilla-releng/OpenCloudConfig/blob/master/userdata/Configuration/FirefoxBuildResources/robustcheckout.py`` Debian Packages for Debian Based Docker Images ---------------------------------------------- ``taskcluster/ci/packages/kind.yml`` defines custom Debian packages for Mercurial. These are installed in various Docker images. To upgrade Mercurial, typically you just need to update the source URL and its hash in this file. Non-Debian Linux Docker Images ------------------------------ The ``taskcluster/docker/recipes/install-mercurial.sh`` script is sourced by a handful of Docker images to install Mercurial. The script references 3 tooltool artifacts: * A Mercurial source tarball (for ``pip`` installs). * A ``mercurial_*_amd64.deb`` Debian package. * A ``mercurial-common_*_all.deb`` Debian package. The source tarball is a vanilla Mercurial source distribution. The Debian archives will need to be produced manually. To produce the Debian archives, ``hg clone https://www.mercurial-scm.org/repo/hg`` and ``hg update`` to the tag being built. Then run ``make docker-ubuntu-xenial``. This will build the Mercurial Debian packages in a Docker container. It will deposit the produced packages in ``packages/ubuntu-xenial/``. Once all 3 files are available, copy them to the same directory and upload them to tooltool. $ tooltool.py add --public mercurial-x.y.z.tar.gz mercurial*.deb $ tooltool.py upload --message 'Bug XXX - Mercurial x.y.z' --authentication-file ~/.tooltoolauth .. note:: See https://wiki.mozilla.org/ReleaseEngineering/Applications/Tooltool#How_To_Upload_To_Tooltool for how to use tooltool and where to obtain ``tooltool.py``. Next, copy values from the ``manifest.tt`` file into ``taskcluster/docker/recipes/install-mercurial.sh``. See revision ``977768c296ca`` for an example upgrade. Windows AMIs ------------ https://github.com/mozilla-releng/OpenCloudConfig defines the Windows environment for various Windows AMIs used by Taskcluster. Several of the files reference a ``mercurial-x.y.z-*.msi`` installer. These references will need to be updated to the Mercurial version being upgraded to. The ``robustcheckout`` extension is also vendored into this repository at ``userdata/Configuration/FirefoxBuildResources/robustcheckout.py``. It should also be updated if needed. Puppet Maintained Hosts ----------------------- Some hosts (namely macOS machines) are managed by Puppet and Puppet is used to install Mercurial. Puppet code lives in the https://github.com/mozilla-releng/build-puppet repository. Relevant files are in ``modules/mercurial/``, ``modules/packages/manifests/mozilla/mozilla-python27-mercurial-debian/``, and ``modules/packages/manifests/mozilla/py27_mercurial*``. A copy of ``robustcheckout`` is also vendored at ``modules/mercurial/files/robustcheckout.py``. .. note:: The steps to upgrade Mercurial in Puppet aren't currently captured here. Someone should capture those...