/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et tw=78: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h" #ifdef XP_WIN #undef GetClassName #endif // JavaScript includes #include "jsapi.h" #include "jsfriendapi.h" #include "WrapperFactory.h" #include "AccessCheck.h" #include "XrayWrapper.h" #include "xpcpublic.h" #include "xpcprivate.h" #include "XPCWrapper.h" #include "mozilla/DOMEventTargetHelper.h" #include "mozilla/dom/RegisterBindings.h" #include "nscore.h" #include "nsDOMClassInfo.h" #include "nsCRT.h" #include "nsCRTGlue.h" #include "nsICategoryManager.h" #include "nsIComponentRegistrar.h" #include "nsXPCOM.h" #include "nsISupportsPrimitives.h" #include "nsIXPConnect.h" #include "xptcall.h" #include "nsTArray.h" // General helper includes #include "nsGlobalWindow.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsIDOMDocument.h" #include "nsIDOMEvent.h" #include "nsIDOMEventListener.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer.h" #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/Telemetry.h" // Window scriptable helper includes #include "nsScriptNameSpaceManager.h" // DOM base includes #include "nsIDOMWindow.h" #include "nsPIDOMWindow.h" #include "nsIDOMConstructor.h" // DOM core includes #include "nsError.h" #include "nsIDOMXULButtonElement.h" #include "nsIDOMXULCheckboxElement.h" #include "nsIDOMXULPopupElement.h" // Event related includes #include "nsIDOMEventTarget.h" // CSS related includes #include "nsCSSRules.h" #include "nsIDOMCSSRule.h" #include "nsAutoPtr.h" #include "nsMemory.h" // includes needed for the prototype chain interfaces #include "nsIDOMCSSCharsetRule.h" #include "nsIDOMCSSImportRule.h" #include "nsIDOMCSSMediaRule.h" #include "nsIDOMCSSFontFaceRule.h" #include "nsIDOMCSSMozDocumentRule.h" #include "nsIDOMCSSSupportsRule.h" #include "nsIDOMMozCSSKeyframeRule.h" #include "nsIDOMMozCSSKeyframesRule.h" #include "nsIDOMCSSCounterStyleRule.h" #include "nsIDOMCSSPageRule.h" #include "nsIDOMCSSStyleRule.h" #include "nsIDOMXULCommandDispatcher.h" #include "nsIControllers.h" #ifdef MOZ_XUL #include "nsITreeSelection.h" #include "nsITreeContentView.h" #include "nsITreeView.h" #include "nsIXULTemplateBuilder.h" #endif #include "nsIEventListenerService.h" #include "nsIMessageManager.h" #include "mozilla/dom/TouchEvent.h" #include "nsWrapperCacheInlines.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLCollectionBinding.h" #include "nsIDOMMozSmsMessage.h" #include "nsIDOMMozMmsMessage.h" #include "nsIDOMMozMobileMessageThread.h" #ifdef MOZ_B2G_FM #include "FMRadio.h" #endif #include "nsDebug.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BindingUtils.h" #include "mozilla/Likely.h" #include "nsIInterfaceInfoManager.h" #ifdef MOZ_TIME_MANAGER #include "TimeManager.h" #endif using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; static NS_DEFINE_CID(kDOMSOF_CID, NS_DOM_SCRIPT_OBJECT_FACTORY_CID); // NOTE: DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS and DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS // are defined in nsIDOMClassInfo.h. #define ARRAY_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS \ (DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS | \ nsIXPCScriptable::WANT_GETPROPERTY | \ nsIXPCScriptable::WANT_ENUMERATE) #define EVENTTARGET_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS \ (DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS | \ nsIXPCScriptable::WANT_ADDPROPERTY) #define DOMCLASSINFO_STANDARD_FLAGS \ (nsIClassInfo::MAIN_THREAD_ONLY | \ nsIClassInfo::DOM_OBJECT | \ nsIClassInfo::SINGLETON_CLASSINFO) #ifdef DEBUG #define NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA_DEBUG(_class) \ eDOMClassInfo_##_class##_id, #else #define NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA_DEBUG(_class) \ // nothing #endif #define NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA_HELPER(_class, _helper, _flags, \ _chromeOnly, _allowXBL) \ { #_class, \ nullptr, \ { _helper::doCreate }, \ nullptr, \ nullptr, \ nullptr, \ _flags, \ true, \ _chromeOnly, \ _allowXBL, \ false, \ NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA_DEBUG(_class) \ }, #define NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(_class, _helper, _flags) \ NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA_HELPER(_class, _helper, _flags, false, false) #define NS_DEFINE_CHROME_ONLY_CLASSINFO_DATA(_class, _helper, _flags) \ NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA_HELPER(_class, _helper, _flags, true, false) #define NS_DEFINE_CHROME_XBL_CLASSINFO_DATA(_class, _helper, _flags) \ NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA_HELPER(_class, _helper, _flags, true, true) // This list of NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA macros is what gives the DOM // classes their correct behavior when used through XPConnect. The // arguments that are passed to NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA are // // 1. Class name as it should appear in JavaScript, this name is also // used to find the id of the class in nsDOMClassInfo // (i.e. e_id) // 2. Scriptable helper class // 3. nsIClassInfo/nsIXPCScriptable flags (i.e. for GetScriptableFlags) static nsDOMClassInfoData sClassInfoData[] = { // Base classes NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(DOMPrototype, nsDOMConstructorSH, DOM_BASE_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS | nsIXPCScriptable::WANT_PRECREATE | nsIXPCScriptable::WANT_RESOLVE | nsIXPCScriptable::WANT_HASINSTANCE | nsIXPCScriptable::DONT_ENUM_QUERY_INTERFACE) NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(DOMConstructor, nsDOMConstructorSH, DOM_BASE_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS | nsIXPCScriptable::WANT_PRECREATE | nsIXPCScriptable::WANT_RESOLVE | nsIXPCScriptable::WANT_HASINSTANCE | nsIXPCScriptable::WANT_CALL | nsIXPCScriptable::WANT_CONSTRUCT | nsIXPCScriptable::DONT_ENUM_QUERY_INTERFACE) // Misc Core related classes // CSS classes NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(CSSStyleRule, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(CSSCharsetRule, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(CSSImportRule, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(CSSMediaRule, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(CSSNameSpaceRule, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) // XUL classes #ifdef MOZ_XUL NS_DEFINE_CHROME_XBL_CLASSINFO_DATA(XULCommandDispatcher, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) #endif NS_DEFINE_CHROME_XBL_CLASSINFO_DATA(XULControllers, nsNonDOMObjectSH, DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) #ifdef MOZ_XUL NS_DEFINE_CHROME_XBL_CLASSINFO_DATA(TreeSelection, nsDOMGenericSH, DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CHROME_XBL_CLASSINFO_DATA(TreeContentView, nsDOMGenericSH, DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) #endif #ifdef MOZ_XUL NS_DEFINE_CHROME_XBL_CLASSINFO_DATA(XULTemplateBuilder, nsDOMGenericSH, DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CHROME_XBL_CLASSINFO_DATA(XULTreeBuilder, nsDOMGenericSH, DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) #endif NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(CSSMozDocumentRule, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(CSSSupportsRule, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(MozSmsMessage, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(MozMmsMessage, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(MozMobileMessageThread, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(CSSFontFaceRule, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CHROME_ONLY_CLASSINFO_DATA(ContentFrameMessageManager, nsEventTargetSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS | nsIXPCScriptable::IS_GLOBAL_OBJECT) NS_DEFINE_CHROME_ONLY_CLASSINFO_DATA(ChromeMessageBroadcaster, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CHROME_ONLY_CLASSINFO_DATA(ChromeMessageSender, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(MozCSSKeyframeRule, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(MozCSSKeyframesRule, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(CSSCounterStyleRule, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(CSSPageRule, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CLASSINFO_DATA(CSSFontFeatureValuesRule, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CHROME_XBL_CLASSINFO_DATA(XULControlElement, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CHROME_XBL_CLASSINFO_DATA(XULLabeledControlElement, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CHROME_XBL_CLASSINFO_DATA(XULButtonElement, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CHROME_XBL_CLASSINFO_DATA(XULCheckboxElement, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) NS_DEFINE_CHROME_XBL_CLASSINFO_DATA(XULPopupElement, nsDOMGenericSH, DOM_DEFAULT_SCRIPTABLE_FLAGS) }; nsIXPConnect *nsDOMClassInfo::sXPConnect = nullptr; bool nsDOMClassInfo::sIsInitialized = false; jsid nsDOMClassInfo::sConstructor_id = JSID_VOID; jsid nsDOMClassInfo::sWrappedJSObject_id = JSID_VOID; static const JSClass *sObjectClass = nullptr; /** * Set our JSClass pointer for the Object class */ static void FindObjectClass(JSContext* cx, JSObject* aGlobalObject) { NS_ASSERTION(!sObjectClass, "Double set of sObjectClass"); JS::Rooted obj(cx), proto(cx, aGlobalObject); do { obj = proto; js::GetObjectProto(cx, obj, &proto); } while (proto); sObjectClass = js::GetObjectJSClass(obj); } static inline nsresult WrapNative(JSContext *cx, nsISupports *native, nsWrapperCache *cache, const nsIID* aIID, JS::MutableHandle vp, bool aAllowWrapping) { if (!native) { vp.setNull(); return NS_OK; } JSObject *wrapper = xpc_FastGetCachedWrapper(cx, cache, vp); if (wrapper) { return NS_OK; } JS::Rooted scope(cx, JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx)); return nsDOMClassInfo::XPConnect()->WrapNativeToJSVal(cx, scope, native, cache, aIID, aAllowWrapping, vp); } static inline nsresult WrapNative(JSContext *cx, nsISupports *native, const nsIID* aIID, bool aAllowWrapping, JS::MutableHandle vp) { return WrapNative(cx, native, nullptr, aIID, vp, aAllowWrapping); } // Same as the WrapNative above, but use these if aIID is nsISupports' IID. static inline nsresult WrapNative(JSContext *cx, nsISupports *native, bool aAllowWrapping, JS::MutableHandle vp) { return WrapNative(cx, native, nullptr, nullptr, vp, aAllowWrapping); } // Helper to handle torn-down inner windows. static inline nsresult SetParentToWindow(nsGlobalWindow *win, JSObject **parent) { MOZ_ASSERT(win); MOZ_ASSERT(win->IsInnerWindow()); *parent = win->FastGetGlobalJSObject(); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!*parent)) { // The inner window has been torn down. The scope is dying, so don't create // any new wrappers. return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return NS_OK; } // static nsISupports * nsDOMClassInfo::GetNative(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSObject *obj) { return wrapper ? wrapper->Native() : static_cast(js::GetObjectPrivate(obj)); } nsresult nsDOMClassInfo::DefineStaticJSVals(JSContext *cx) { #define SET_JSID_TO_STRING(_id, _cx, _str) \ if (JSString *str = ::JS_InternString(_cx, _str)) \ _id = INTERNED_STRING_TO_JSID(_cx, str); \ else \ return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; SET_JSID_TO_STRING(sConstructor_id, cx, "constructor"); SET_JSID_TO_STRING(sWrappedJSObject_id, cx, "wrappedJSObject"); return NS_OK; } // static bool nsDOMClassInfo::ObjectIsNativeWrapper(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj) { return xpc::WrapperFactory::IsXrayWrapper(obj) && xpc::AccessCheck::wrapperSubsumes(obj); } nsDOMClassInfo::nsDOMClassInfo(nsDOMClassInfoData* aData) : mData(aData) { } nsDOMClassInfo::~nsDOMClassInfo() { if (IS_EXTERNAL(mData->mCachedClassInfo)) { // Some compilers don't like delete'ing a const nsDOMClassInfo* nsDOMClassInfoData* data = const_cast(mData); delete static_cast(data); } } NS_IMPL_ADDREF(nsDOMClassInfo) NS_IMPL_RELEASE(nsDOMClassInfo) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN(nsDOMClassInfo) if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsXPCClassInfo))) foundInterface = static_cast( static_cast(this)); else NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIXPCScriptable) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIClassInfo) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_AMBIGUOUS(nsISupports, nsIClassInfo) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END static const JSClass sDOMConstructorProtoClass = { "DOM Constructor.prototype", 0 }; static const char * CutPrefix(const char *aName) { static const char prefix_nsIDOM[] = "nsIDOM"; static const char prefix_nsI[] = "nsI"; if (strncmp(aName, prefix_nsIDOM, sizeof(prefix_nsIDOM) - 1) == 0) { return aName + sizeof(prefix_nsIDOM) - 1; } if (strncmp(aName, prefix_nsI, sizeof(prefix_nsI) - 1) == 0) { return aName + sizeof(prefix_nsI) - 1; } return aName; } // static nsresult nsDOMClassInfo::RegisterClassProtos(int32_t aClassInfoID) { nsScriptNameSpaceManager *nameSpaceManager = GetNameSpaceManager(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(nameSpaceManager, NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); bool found_old; const nsIID *primary_iid = sClassInfoData[aClassInfoID].mProtoChainInterface; if (!primary_iid || primary_iid == &NS_GET_IID(nsISupports)) { return NS_OK; } nsCOMPtr iim(do_GetService(NS_INTERFACEINFOMANAGER_SERVICE_CONTRACTID)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(iim, NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE); nsCOMPtr if_info; bool first = true; iim->GetInfoForIID(primary_iid, getter_AddRefs(if_info)); while (if_info) { const nsIID *iid = nullptr; if_info->GetIIDShared(&iid); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(iid, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); if (iid->Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsISupports))) { break; } const char *name = nullptr; if_info->GetNameShared(&name); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(name, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); nameSpaceManager->RegisterClassProto(CutPrefix(name), iid, &found_old); if (first) { first = false; } else if (found_old) { break; } nsCOMPtr tmp(if_info); tmp->GetParent(getter_AddRefs(if_info)); } return NS_OK; } // static nsresult nsDOMClassInfo::RegisterExternalClasses() { nsScriptNameSpaceManager *nameSpaceManager = GetNameSpaceManager(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(nameSpaceManager, NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); nsCOMPtr registrar; nsresult rv = NS_GetComponentRegistrar(getter_AddRefs(registrar)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr cm = do_GetService(NS_CATEGORYMANAGER_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr e; rv = cm->EnumerateCategory(JAVASCRIPT_DOM_CLASS, getter_AddRefs(e)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsXPIDLCString contractId; nsAutoCString categoryEntry; nsCOMPtr entry; while (NS_SUCCEEDED(e->GetNext(getter_AddRefs(entry)))) { nsCOMPtr category(do_QueryInterface(entry)); if (!category) { NS_WARNING("Category entry not an nsISupportsCString!"); continue; } rv = category->GetData(categoryEntry); cm->GetCategoryEntry(JAVASCRIPT_DOM_CLASS, categoryEntry.get(), getter_Copies(contractId)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCID *cid; rv = registrar->ContractIDToCID(contractId, &cid); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("Bad contract id registered with the script namespace manager"); continue; } rv = nameSpaceManager->RegisterExternalClassName(categoryEntry.get(), *cid); nsMemory::Free(cid); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } return nameSpaceManager->RegisterExternalInterfaces(true); } #define _DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(_class, _ifptr, _has_class_if) \ { \ nsDOMClassInfoData &d = sClassInfoData[eDOMClassInfo_##_class##_id]; \ d.mProtoChainInterface = _ifptr; \ d.mHasClassInterface = _has_class_if; \ static const nsIID *interface_list[] = { #define DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(_class, _interface) \ _DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(_class, &NS_GET_IID(_interface), true) #define DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN_NO_CLASS_IF(_class, _interface) \ _DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(_class, &NS_GET_IID(_interface), false) #define DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(_if) \ &NS_GET_IID(_if), #define DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_CONDITIONAL_ENTRY(_if, _cond) \ (_cond) ? &NS_GET_IID(_if) : nullptr, #define DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END \ nullptr \ }; \ \ /* Compact the interface list */ \ size_t count = ArrayLength(interface_list); \ /* count is the number of array entries, which is one greater than the */ \ /* number of interfaces due to the terminating null */ \ for (size_t i = 0; i < count - 1; ++i) { \ if (!interface_list[i]) { \ /* We are moving the element at index i+1 and successors, */ \ /* so we must move only count - (i+1) elements total. */ \ memmove(&interface_list[i], &interface_list[i+1], \ sizeof(nsIID*) * (count - (i+1))); \ /* Make sure to examine the new pointer we ended up with at this */ \ /* slot, since it may be null too */ \ --i; \ --count; \ } \ } \ \ d.mInterfaces = interface_list; \ } nsresult nsDOMClassInfo::Init() { /* Errors that can trigger early returns are done first, otherwise nsDOMClassInfo is left in a half inited state. */ static_assert(sizeof(uintptr_t) == sizeof(void*), "BAD! You'll need to adjust the size of uintptr_t to the " "size of a pointer on your platform."); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!sIsInitialized, NS_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED); nsScriptNameSpaceManager *nameSpaceManager = GetNameSpaceManager(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(nameSpaceManager, NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); NS_ADDREF(sXPConnect = nsContentUtils::XPConnect()); nsCOMPtr elt = new nsEventListenerThisTranslator(); sXPConnect->SetFunctionThisTranslator(NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMEventListener), elt); AutoSafeJSContext cx; DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN_NO_CLASS_IF(DOMPrototype, nsIDOMDOMConstructor) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMDOMConstructor) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(DOMConstructor, nsIDOMDOMConstructor) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMDOMConstructor) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(CSSStyleRule, nsIDOMCSSStyleRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMCSSStyleRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(CSSCharsetRule, nsIDOMCSSCharsetRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMCSSCharsetRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(CSSImportRule, nsIDOMCSSImportRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMCSSImportRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(CSSMediaRule, nsIDOMCSSMediaRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMCSSMediaRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN_NO_CLASS_IF(CSSNameSpaceRule, nsIDOMCSSRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMCSSRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END #ifdef MOZ_XUL DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(XULCommandDispatcher, nsIDOMXULCommandDispatcher) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMXULCommandDispatcher) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END #endif DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN_NO_CLASS_IF(XULControllers, nsIControllers) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIControllers) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END #ifdef MOZ_XUL DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(TreeSelection, nsITreeSelection) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsITreeSelection) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(TreeContentView, nsITreeContentView) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsITreeContentView) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsITreeView) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END #endif #ifdef MOZ_XUL DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(XULTemplateBuilder, nsIXULTemplateBuilder) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIXULTemplateBuilder) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(XULTreeBuilder, nsIXULTreeBuilder) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIXULTreeBuilder) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIXULTemplateBuilder) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsITreeView) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END #endif DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(CSSMozDocumentRule, nsIDOMCSSMozDocumentRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMCSSMozDocumentRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(CSSSupportsRule, nsIDOMCSSSupportsRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMCSSSupportsRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(MozSmsMessage, nsIDOMMozSmsMessage) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMMozSmsMessage) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(MozMmsMessage, nsIDOMMozMmsMessage) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMMozMmsMessage) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(MozMobileMessageThread, nsIDOMMozMobileMessageThread) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMMozMobileMessageThread) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(CSSFontFaceRule, nsIDOMCSSFontFaceRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMCSSFontFaceRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN_NO_CLASS_IF(ContentFrameMessageManager, nsISupports) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMEventTarget) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIMessageListenerManager) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIMessageSender) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsISyncMessageSender) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIContentFrameMessageManager) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN_NO_CLASS_IF(ChromeMessageBroadcaster, nsISupports) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIFrameScriptLoader) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIMessageListenerManager) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIMessageBroadcaster) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN_NO_CLASS_IF(ChromeMessageSender, nsISupports) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIProcessChecker) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIFrameScriptLoader) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIMessageListenerManager) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIMessageSender) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(MozCSSKeyframeRule, nsIDOMMozCSSKeyframeRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMMozCSSKeyframeRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(MozCSSKeyframesRule, nsIDOMMozCSSKeyframesRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMMozCSSKeyframesRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(CSSCounterStyleRule, nsIDOMCSSCounterStyleRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMCSSCounterStyleRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(CSSPageRule, nsIDOMCSSPageRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMCSSPageRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN(CSSFontFeatureValuesRule, nsIDOMCSSFontFeatureValuesRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMCSSFontFeatureValuesRule) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN_NO_CLASS_IF(XULControlElement, nsIDOMXULControlElement) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMXULControlElement) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN_NO_CLASS_IF(XULLabeledControlElement, nsIDOMXULLabeledControlElement) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMXULLabeledControlElement) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN_NO_CLASS_IF(XULButtonElement, nsIDOMXULButtonElement) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMXULButtonElement) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN_NO_CLASS_IF(XULCheckboxElement, nsIDOMXULCheckboxElement) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMXULCheckboxElement) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_BEGIN_NO_CLASS_IF(XULPopupElement, nsIDOMXULPopupElement) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMXULPopupElement) DOM_CLASSINFO_MAP_END static_assert(MOZ_ARRAY_LENGTH(sClassInfoData) == eDOMClassInfoIDCount, "The number of items in sClassInfoData doesn't match the " "number of nsIDOMClassInfo ID's, this is bad! Fix it!"); #ifdef DEBUG for (size_t i = 0; i < eDOMClassInfoIDCount; i++) { if (!sClassInfoData[i].u.mConstructorFptr || sClassInfoData[i].mDebugID != i) { MOZ_CRASH("Class info data out of sync, you forgot to update " "nsDOMClassInfo.h and nsDOMClassInfo.cpp! Fix this, " "mozilla will not work without this fixed!"); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < eDOMClassInfoIDCount; i++) { if (!sClassInfoData[i].mInterfaces) { MOZ_CRASH("Class info data without an interface list! Fix this, " "mozilla will not work without this fixed!"); } } #endif // Initialize static JSString's DefineStaticJSVals(cx); int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < eDOMClassInfoIDCount; ++i) { if (i == eDOMClassInfo_DOMPrototype_id) { continue; } nsDOMClassInfoData& data = sClassInfoData[i]; nameSpaceManager->RegisterClassName(data.mName, i, data.mChromeOnly, data.mAllowXBL, &data.mNameUTF16); } for (i = 0; i < eDOMClassInfoIDCount; ++i) { RegisterClassProtos(i); } RegisterExternalClasses(); sIsInitialized = true; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::GetInterfaces(uint32_t *aCount, nsIID ***aArray) { uint32_t count = 0; while (mData->mInterfaces[count]) { count++; } *aCount = count; if (!count) { *aArray = nullptr; return NS_OK; } *aArray = static_cast(nsMemory::Alloc(count * sizeof(nsIID *))); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(*aArray, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { nsIID *iid = static_cast(nsMemory::Clone(mData->mInterfaces[i], sizeof(nsIID))); if (!iid) { NS_FREE_XPCOM_ALLOCATED_POINTER_ARRAY(i, *aArray); return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } *((*aArray) + i) = iid; } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::GetHelperForLanguage(uint32_t language, nsISupports **_retval) { if (language == nsIProgrammingLanguage::JAVASCRIPT) { *_retval = static_cast(this); NS_ADDREF(*_retval); } else { *_retval = nullptr; } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::GetContractID(char **aContractID) { *aContractID = nullptr; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::GetClassDescription(char **aClassDescription) { return GetClassName(aClassDescription); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::GetClassID(nsCID **aClassID) { *aClassID = nullptr; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::GetClassIDNoAlloc(nsCID *aClassID) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::GetImplementationLanguage(uint32_t *aImplLanguage) { *aImplLanguage = nsIProgrammingLanguage::CPLUSPLUS; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::GetFlags(uint32_t *aFlags) { *aFlags = DOMCLASSINFO_STANDARD_FLAGS; return NS_OK; } // nsIXPCScriptable NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::GetClassName(char **aClassName) { *aClassName = NS_strdup(mData->mName); return NS_OK; } // virtual uint32_t nsDOMClassInfo::GetScriptableFlags() { return mData->mScriptableFlags; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::PreCreate(nsISupports *nativeObj, JSContext *cx, JSObject *globalObj, JSObject **parentObj) { *parentObj = globalObj; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::Create(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj) { NS_WARNING("nsDOMClassInfo::Create Don't call me!"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::PostCreate(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj) { NS_WARNING("nsDOMClassInfo::PostCreate Don't call me!"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::PostTransplant(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj) { MOZ_CRASH("nsDOMClassInfo::PostTransplant Don't call me!"); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::AddProperty(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsid id, jsval *vp, bool *_retval) { NS_WARNING("nsDOMClassInfo::AddProperty Don't call me!"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::DelProperty(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsid id, bool *_retval) { NS_WARNING("nsDOMClassInfo::DelProperty Don't call me!"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::GetProperty(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsid id, jsval *vp, bool *_retval) { NS_WARNING("nsDOMClassInfo::GetProperty Don't call me!"); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::SetProperty(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsid id, jsval *vp, bool *_retval) { NS_WARNING("nsDOMClassInfo::SetProperty Don't call me!"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::Enumerate(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, bool *_retval) { return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::NewEnumerate(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JS::AutoIdVector &properties, bool *_retval) { NS_WARNING("nsDOMClassInfo::NewEnumerate Don't call me!"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::Resolve(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *aObj, jsid aId, bool *resolvedp, bool *_retval) { JS::Rooted obj(cx, aObj); JS::Rooted id(cx, aId); if (id != sConstructor_id) { *resolvedp = false; return NS_OK; } JS::Rooted global(cx, ::JS_GetGlobalForObject(cx, obj)); JS::Rooted desc(cx); if (!JS_GetPropertyDescriptor(cx, global, mData->mName, &desc)) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } if (desc.object() && !desc.hasGetterOrSetter() && desc.value().isObject()) { // If val is not an (non-null) object there either is no // constructor for this class, or someone messed with // window.classname, just fall through and let the JS engine // return the Object constructor. if (!::JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, id, desc.value(), JSPROP_ENUMERATE, JS_STUBGETTER, JS_STUBSETTER)) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } *resolvedp = true; } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::Convert(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uint32_t type, jsval *vp, bool *_retval) { NS_WARNING("nsDOMClassInfo::Convert Don't call me!"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::Finalize(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSFreeOp *fop, JSObject *obj) { NS_WARNING("nsDOMClassInfo::Finalize Don't call me!"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::Call(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const JS::CallArgs &args, bool *_retval) { NS_WARNING("nsDOMClassInfo::Call Don't call me!"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::Construct(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const JS::CallArgs &args, bool *_retval) { NS_WARNING("nsDOMClassInfo::Construct Don't call me!"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::HasInstance(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JS::Handle val, bool *bp, bool *_retval) { NS_WARNING("nsDOMClassInfo::HasInstance Don't call me!"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } static nsresult GetExternalClassInfo(nsScriptNameSpaceManager *aNameSpaceManager, const nsAString &aName, const nsGlobalNameStruct *aStruct, const nsGlobalNameStruct **aResult) { NS_ASSERTION(aStruct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalClassInfoCreator, "Wrong type!"); nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr creator(do_CreateInstance(aStruct->mCID, &rv)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr sof(do_GetService(kDOMSOF_CID)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(sof, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); rv = creator->RegisterDOMCI(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aName).get(), sof); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); const nsGlobalNameStruct *name_struct = aNameSpaceManager->LookupName(aName); if (name_struct && name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalClassInfo) { *aResult = name_struct; } else { NS_ERROR("Couldn't get the DOM ClassInfo data."); *aResult = nullptr; } return NS_OK; } static nsresult ResolvePrototype(nsIXPConnect *aXPConnect, nsGlobalWindow *aWin, JSContext *cx, JS::Handle obj, const char16_t *name, const nsDOMClassInfoData *ci_data, const nsGlobalNameStruct *name_struct, nsScriptNameSpaceManager *nameSpaceManager, JSObject *dot_prototype, JS::MutableHandle ctorDesc); NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMClassInfo::PostCreatePrototype(JSContext * cx, JSObject * aProto) { JS::Rooted proto(cx, aProto); // This is called before any other location that requires // sObjectClass, so compute it here. We assume that nobody has had a // chance to monkey around with proto's prototype chain before this. if (!sObjectClass) { FindObjectClass(cx, proto); NS_ASSERTION(sObjectClass && !strcmp(sObjectClass->name, "Object"), "Incorrect object class!"); } #ifdef DEBUG JS::Rooted proto2(cx); JS_GetPrototype(cx, proto, &proto2); NS_ASSERTION(proto2 && JS_GetClass(proto2) == sObjectClass, "Hmm, somebody did something evil?"); #endif #ifdef DEBUG if (mData->mHasClassInterface && mData->mProtoChainInterface && mData->mProtoChainInterface != &NS_GET_IID(nsISupports)) { nsCOMPtr iim(do_GetService(NS_INTERFACEINFOMANAGER_SERVICE_CONTRACTID)); if (iim) { nsCOMPtr if_info; iim->GetInfoForIID(mData->mProtoChainInterface, getter_AddRefs(if_info)); if (if_info) { nsXPIDLCString name; if_info->GetName(getter_Copies(name)); NS_ASSERTION(nsCRT::strcmp(CutPrefix(name), mData->mName) == 0, "Class name and proto chain interface name mismatch!"); } } } #endif // Make prototype delegation work correctly. Consider if a site sets // HTMLElement.prototype.foopy = function () { ... } Now, calling // document.body.foopy() needs to ensure that looking up foopy on // document.body's prototype will find the right function. JS::Rooted global(cx, ::JS_GetGlobalForObject(cx, proto)); // Only do this if the global object is a window. // XXX Is there a better way to check this? nsISupports *globalNative = XPConnect()->GetNativeOfWrapper(cx, global); nsCOMPtr piwin = do_QueryInterface(globalNative); if (!piwin) { return NS_OK; } nsGlobalWindow *win = nsGlobalWindow::FromSupports(globalNative); if (win->IsClosedOrClosing()) { return NS_OK; } // If the window is in a different compartment than the global object, then // it's likely that global is a sandbox object whose prototype is a window. // Don't do anything in this case. if (win->FastGetGlobalJSObject() && js::GetObjectCompartment(global) != js::GetObjectCompartment(win->FastGetGlobalJSObject())) { return NS_OK; } if (win->IsOuterWindow()) { // XXXjst: Do security checks here when we remove the security // checks on the inner window. win = win->GetCurrentInnerWindowInternal(); if (!win || !(global = win->GetGlobalJSObject()) || win->IsClosedOrClosing()) { return NS_OK; } } // Don't overwrite a property set by content. bool contentDefinedProperty; if (!::JS_AlreadyHasOwnUCProperty(cx, global, reinterpret_cast(mData->mNameUTF16), NS_strlen(mData->mNameUTF16), &contentDefinedProperty)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsScriptNameSpaceManager *nameSpaceManager = GetNameSpaceManager(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(nameSpaceManager, NS_OK); JS::Rooted desc(cx); nsresult rv = ResolvePrototype(sXPConnect, win, cx, global, mData->mNameUTF16, mData, nullptr, nameSpaceManager, proto, &desc); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!contentDefinedProperty && desc.object() && !desc.value().isUndefined() && !JS_DefineUCProperty(cx, global, mData->mNameUTF16, NS_strlen(mData->mNameUTF16), desc.value(), // Descriptors never store JSNatives for accessors: // they have either JSFunctions or JSPropertyOps. desc.attributes() | JSPROP_PROPOP_ACCESSORS, JS_PROPERTYOP_GETTER(desc.getter()), JS_PROPERTYOP_SETTER(desc.setter()))) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } return NS_OK; } // static nsIClassInfo * NS_GetDOMClassInfoInstance(nsDOMClassInfoID aID) { if (aID >= eDOMClassInfoIDCount) { NS_ERROR("Bad ID!"); return nullptr; } nsresult rv = RegisterDOMNames(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, nullptr); if (!sClassInfoData[aID].mCachedClassInfo) { nsDOMClassInfoData& data = sClassInfoData[aID]; data.mCachedClassInfo = data.u.mConstructorFptr(&data); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(data.mCachedClassInfo, nullptr); NS_ADDREF(data.mCachedClassInfo); } NS_ASSERTION(!IS_EXTERNAL(sClassInfoData[aID].mCachedClassInfo), "This is bad, internal class marked as external!"); return sClassInfoData[aID].mCachedClassInfo; } // static nsIClassInfo * nsDOMClassInfo::GetClassInfoInstance(nsDOMClassInfoData* aData) { NS_ASSERTION(IS_EXTERNAL(aData->mCachedClassInfo) || !aData->mCachedClassInfo, "This is bad, external class marked as internal!"); if (!aData->mCachedClassInfo) { if (aData->u.mExternalConstructorFptr) { aData->mCachedClassInfo = aData->u.mExternalConstructorFptr(aData->mName); } else { aData->mCachedClassInfo = nsDOMGenericSH::doCreate(aData); } NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aData->mCachedClassInfo, nullptr); NS_ADDREF(aData->mCachedClassInfo); aData->mCachedClassInfo = MARK_EXTERNAL(aData->mCachedClassInfo); } return GET_CLEAN_CI_PTR(aData->mCachedClassInfo); } // static void nsDOMClassInfo::ShutDown() { if (sClassInfoData[0].u.mConstructorFptr) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < eDOMClassInfoIDCount; i++) { NS_IF_RELEASE(sClassInfoData[i].mCachedClassInfo); } } sConstructor_id = JSID_VOID; sWrappedJSObject_id = JSID_VOID; NS_IF_RELEASE(sXPConnect); sIsInitialized = false; } static nsresult BaseStubConstructor(nsIWeakReference* aWeakOwner, const nsGlobalNameStruct *name_struct, JSContext *cx, JS::Handle obj, const JS::CallArgs &args) { MOZ_ASSERT(obj); MOZ_ASSERT(cx == nsContentUtils::GetCurrentJSContext()); nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr native; if (name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassConstructor) { rv = NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } else if (name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalConstructor) { native = do_CreateInstance(name_struct->mCID, &rv); } else if (name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalConstructorAlias) { native = do_CreateInstance(name_struct->mAlias->mCID, &rv); } else { native = do_CreateInstance(*name_struct->mData->mConstructorCID, &rv); } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_ERROR("Failed to create the object"); return rv; } js::AssertSameCompartment(cx, obj); return WrapNative(cx, native, true, args.rval()); } static nsresult DefineInterfaceConstants(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle obj, const nsIID *aIID) { nsCOMPtr iim(do_GetService(NS_INTERFACEINFOMANAGER_SERVICE_CONTRACTID)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(iim, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); nsCOMPtr if_info; nsresult rv = iim->GetInfoForIID(aIID, getter_AddRefs(if_info)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && if_info, rv); uint16_t constant_count; if_info->GetConstantCount(&constant_count); if (!constant_count) { return NS_OK; } nsCOMPtr parent_if_info; rv = if_info->GetParent(getter_AddRefs(parent_if_info)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && parent_if_info, rv); uint16_t parent_constant_count, i; parent_if_info->GetConstantCount(&parent_constant_count); JS::Rooted v(cx); for (i = parent_constant_count; i < constant_count; i++) { nsXPIDLCString name; rv = if_info->GetConstant(i, &v, getter_Copies(name)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), rv); if (!::JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, name, v, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_READONLY | JSPROP_PERMANENT, JS_STUBGETTER, JS_STUBSETTER)) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } return NS_OK; } class nsDOMConstructor MOZ_FINAL : public nsIDOMDOMConstructor { protected: nsDOMConstructor(const char16_t* aName, bool aIsConstructable, nsPIDOMWindow* aOwner) : mClassName(aName), mConstructable(aIsConstructable), mWeakOwner(do_GetWeakReference(aOwner)) { } ~nsDOMConstructor() {} public: static nsresult Create(const char16_t* aName, const nsDOMClassInfoData* aData, const nsGlobalNameStruct* aNameStruct, nsPIDOMWindow* aOwner, nsDOMConstructor** aResult); NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIDOMDOMCONSTRUCTOR nsresult PreCreate(JSContext *cx, JSObject *globalObj, JSObject **parentObj); nsresult Construct(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JS::Handle obj, const JS::CallArgs &args, bool *_retval); nsresult HasInstance(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JS::Handle obj, const jsval &val, bool *bp, bool *_retval); nsresult ResolveInterfaceConstants(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle obj); private: const nsGlobalNameStruct *GetNameStruct() { if (!mClassName) { NS_ERROR("Can't get name"); return nullptr; } const nsGlobalNameStruct *nameStruct; #ifdef DEBUG nsresult rv = #endif GetNameStruct(nsDependentString(mClassName), &nameStruct); NS_ASSERTION(NS_FAILED(rv) || nameStruct, "Name isn't in hash."); return nameStruct; } static nsresult GetNameStruct(const nsAString& aName, const nsGlobalNameStruct **aNameStruct) { *aNameStruct = nullptr; nsScriptNameSpaceManager *nameSpaceManager = GetNameSpaceManager(); if (!nameSpaceManager) { NS_ERROR("Can't get namespace manager."); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } *aNameStruct = nameSpaceManager->LookupName(aName); // Return NS_OK here, aName just isn't a DOM class but nothing failed. return NS_OK; } static bool IsConstructable(const nsDOMClassInfoData *aData) { if (IS_EXTERNAL(aData->mCachedClassInfo)) { const nsExternalDOMClassInfoData* data = static_cast(aData); return data->mConstructorCID != nullptr; } return false; } static bool IsConstructable(const nsGlobalNameStruct *aNameStruct) { return (aNameStruct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassConstructor && IsConstructable(&sClassInfoData[aNameStruct->mDOMClassInfoID])) || (aNameStruct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalClassInfo && IsConstructable(aNameStruct->mData)) || aNameStruct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalConstructor || aNameStruct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalConstructorAlias; } const char16_t* mClassName; const bool mConstructable; nsWeakPtr mWeakOwner; }; //static nsresult nsDOMConstructor::Create(const char16_t* aName, const nsDOMClassInfoData* aData, const nsGlobalNameStruct* aNameStruct, nsPIDOMWindow* aOwner, nsDOMConstructor** aResult) { *aResult = nullptr; // Prevent creating a constructor if aOwner is inner window which doesn't have // an outer window. If the outer window doesn't have an inner window or the // caller can't access the outer window's current inner window then try to use // the owner (so long as it is, in fact, an inner window). If that doesn't // work then prevent creation also. nsPIDOMWindow* outerWindow = aOwner->GetOuterWindow(); nsPIDOMWindow* currentInner = outerWindow ? outerWindow->GetCurrentInnerWindow() : aOwner; if (!currentInner || (aOwner != currentInner && !nsContentUtils::CanCallerAccess(currentInner) && !(currentInner = aOwner)->IsInnerWindow())) { return NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR; } bool constructable = aNameStruct ? IsConstructable(aNameStruct) : IsConstructable(aData); *aResult = new nsDOMConstructor(aName, constructable, currentInner); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(*aResult, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); NS_ADDREF(*aResult); return NS_OK; } NS_IMPL_ADDREF(nsDOMConstructor) NS_IMPL_RELEASE(nsDOMConstructor) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN(nsDOMConstructor) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMDOMConstructor) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsISupports) if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIClassInfo))) { #ifdef DEBUG { const nsGlobalNameStruct *name_struct = GetNameStruct(); NS_ASSERTION(!name_struct || mConstructable == IsConstructable(name_struct), "Can't change constructability dynamically!"); } #endif foundInterface = NS_GetDOMClassInfoInstance(mConstructable ? eDOMClassInfo_DOMConstructor_id : eDOMClassInfo_DOMPrototype_id); if (!foundInterface) { *aInstancePtr = nullptr; return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } else NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END nsresult nsDOMConstructor::PreCreate(JSContext *cx, JSObject *globalObj, JSObject **parentObj) { nsCOMPtr owner(do_QueryReferent(mWeakOwner)); if (!owner) { // Can't do anything. return NS_OK; } nsGlobalWindow *win = static_cast(owner.get()); return SetParentToWindow(win, parentObj); } nsresult nsDOMConstructor::Construct(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext * cx, JS::Handle obj, const JS::CallArgs &args, bool *_retval) { MOZ_ASSERT(obj); const nsGlobalNameStruct *name_struct = GetNameStruct(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(name_struct, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); if (!IsConstructable(name_struct)) { // ignore return value, we return false anyway return NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; } return BaseStubConstructor(mWeakOwner, name_struct, cx, obj, args); } nsresult nsDOMConstructor::HasInstance(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext * cx, JS::Handle obj, const jsval &v, bool *bp, bool *_retval) { // No need to look these up in the hash. *bp = false; if (v.isPrimitive()) { return NS_OK; } JS::Rooted dom_obj(cx, v.toObjectOrNull()); NS_ASSERTION(dom_obj, "nsDOMConstructor::HasInstance couldn't get object"); // This might not be the right object, if there are wrappers. Unwrap if we can. JSObject *wrapped_obj = js::CheckedUnwrap(dom_obj, /* stopAtOuter = */ false); if (wrapped_obj) dom_obj = wrapped_obj; const JSClass *dom_class = JS_GetClass(dom_obj); if (!dom_class) { NS_ERROR("nsDOMConstructor::HasInstance can't get class."); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } const nsGlobalNameStruct *name_struct; nsresult rv = GetNameStruct(NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(dom_class->name), &name_struct); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } if (!name_struct) { // This isn't a normal DOM object, see if this constructor lives on its // prototype chain. JS::Rooted desc(cx); if (!JS_GetPropertyDescriptor(cx, obj, "prototype", &desc)) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } if (!desc.object() || desc.hasGetterOrSetter() || !desc.value().isObject()) { return NS_OK; } JS::Rooted dot_prototype(cx, &desc.value().toObject()); JS::Rooted proto(cx, dom_obj); for (;;) { if (!JS_GetPrototype(cx, proto, &proto)) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } if (!proto) { break; } if (proto == dot_prototype) { *bp = true; break; } } return NS_OK; } if (name_struct->mType != nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassConstructor && name_struct->mType != nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalClassInfo && name_struct->mType != nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalConstructorAlias) { // Doesn't have DOM interfaces. return NS_OK; } const nsGlobalNameStruct *class_name_struct = GetNameStruct(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(class_name_struct, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); if (name_struct == class_name_struct) { *bp = true; return NS_OK; } nsScriptNameSpaceManager *nameSpaceManager = GetNameSpaceManager(); NS_ASSERTION(nameSpaceManager, "Can't get namespace manager?"); const nsIID *class_iid; if (class_name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeInterface || class_name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassProto) { class_iid = &class_name_struct->mIID; } else if (class_name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassConstructor) { class_iid = sClassInfoData[class_name_struct->mDOMClassInfoID].mProtoChainInterface; } else if (class_name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalClassInfo) { class_iid = class_name_struct->mData->mProtoChainInterface; } else if (class_name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalConstructorAlias) { const nsGlobalNameStruct* alias_struct = nameSpaceManager->GetConstructorProto(class_name_struct); if (!alias_struct) { NS_ERROR("Couldn't get constructor prototype."); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } if (alias_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassConstructor) { class_iid = sClassInfoData[alias_struct->mDOMClassInfoID].mProtoChainInterface; } else if (alias_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalClassInfo) { class_iid = alias_struct->mData->mProtoChainInterface; } else { NS_ERROR("Expected eTypeClassConstructor or eTypeExternalClassInfo."); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } else { *bp = false; return NS_OK; } if (name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalConstructorAlias) { name_struct = nameSpaceManager->GetConstructorProto(name_struct); if (!name_struct) { NS_ERROR("Couldn't get constructor prototype."); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } NS_ASSERTION(name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassConstructor || name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalClassInfo, "The constructor was set up with a struct of the wrong type."); const nsDOMClassInfoData *ci_data = nullptr; if (name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassConstructor && name_struct->mDOMClassInfoID >= 0) { ci_data = &sClassInfoData[name_struct->mDOMClassInfoID]; } else if (name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalClassInfo) { ci_data = name_struct->mData; } nsCOMPtr iim(do_GetService(NS_INTERFACEINFOMANAGER_SERVICE_CONTRACTID)); if (!iim) { NS_ERROR("nsDOMConstructor::HasInstance can't get interface info mgr."); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } nsCOMPtr if_info; uint32_t count = 0; const nsIID* class_interface; while ((class_interface = ci_data->mInterfaces[count++])) { if (class_iid->Equals(*class_interface)) { *bp = true; return NS_OK; } iim->GetInfoForIID(class_interface, getter_AddRefs(if_info)); if (!if_info) { NS_ERROR("nsDOMConstructor::HasInstance can't get interface info."); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } if_info->HasAncestor(class_iid, bp); if (*bp) { return NS_OK; } } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsDOMConstructor::ResolveInterfaceConstants(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle obj) { const nsGlobalNameStruct *class_name_struct = GetNameStruct(); if (!class_name_struct) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; const nsIID *class_iid; if (class_name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeInterface || class_name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassProto) { class_iid = &class_name_struct->mIID; } else if (class_name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassConstructor) { class_iid = sClassInfoData[class_name_struct->mDOMClassInfoID].mProtoChainInterface; } else if (class_name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalClassInfo) { class_iid = class_name_struct->mData->mProtoChainInterface; } else { return NS_OK; } nsresult rv = DefineInterfaceConstants(cx, obj, class_iid); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMConstructor::ToString(nsAString &aResult) { aResult.AssignLiteral("[object "); aResult.Append(mClassName); aResult.Append(char16_t(']')); return NS_OK; } static nsresult GetXPCProto(nsIXPConnect *aXPConnect, JSContext *cx, nsGlobalWindow *aWin, const nsGlobalNameStruct *aNameStruct, nsIXPConnectJSObjectHolder **aProto) { NS_ASSERTION(aNameStruct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassConstructor || aNameStruct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalClassInfo, "Wrong type!"); nsCOMPtr ci; if (aNameStruct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassConstructor) { int32_t id = aNameStruct->mDOMClassInfoID; NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(id >= 0, "Negative DOM classinfo?!?"); nsDOMClassInfoID ci_id = (nsDOMClassInfoID)id; ci = NS_GetDOMClassInfoInstance(ci_id); } else { ci = nsDOMClassInfo::GetClassInfoInstance(aNameStruct->mData); } NS_ENSURE_TRUE(ci, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); nsresult rv = aXPConnect->GetWrappedNativePrototype(cx, aWin->GetGlobalJSObject(), ci, aProto); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); JS::Rooted proto_obj(cx, (*aProto)->GetJSObject()); if (!JS_WrapObject(cx, &proto_obj)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_IF_RELEASE(*aProto); return aXPConnect->HoldObject(cx, proto_obj, aProto); } // Either ci_data must be non-null or name_struct must be non-null and of type // eTypeClassProto. static nsresult ResolvePrototype(nsIXPConnect *aXPConnect, nsGlobalWindow *aWin, JSContext *cx, JS::Handle obj, const char16_t *name, const nsDOMClassInfoData *ci_data, const nsGlobalNameStruct *name_struct, nsScriptNameSpaceManager *nameSpaceManager, JSObject* aDot_prototype, JS::MutableHandle ctorDesc) { JS::Rooted dot_prototype(cx, aDot_prototype); NS_ASSERTION(ci_data || (name_struct && name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassProto), "Wrong type or missing ci_data!"); nsRefPtr constructor; nsresult rv = nsDOMConstructor::Create(name, ci_data, name_struct, aWin, getter_AddRefs(constructor)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); JS::Rooted v(cx); js::AssertSameCompartment(cx, obj); rv = WrapNative(cx, constructor, &NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMDOMConstructor), false, &v); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); FillPropertyDescriptor(ctorDesc, obj, 0, v); // And make sure we wrap the value into the right compartment. Note that we // do this with ctorDesc.value(), not with v, because we need v to be in the // right compartment (that of the reflector of |constructor|) below. if (!JS_WrapValue(cx, ctorDesc.value())) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } JS::Rooted class_obj(cx, &v.toObject()); const nsIID *primary_iid = &NS_GET_IID(nsISupports); if (!ci_data) { primary_iid = &name_struct->mIID; } else if (ci_data->mProtoChainInterface) { primary_iid = ci_data->mProtoChainInterface; } nsCOMPtr if_info; nsCOMPtr parent; const char *class_parent_name = nullptr; if (!primary_iid->Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsISupports))) { JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, class_obj); rv = DefineInterfaceConstants(cx, class_obj, primary_iid); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr iim(do_GetService(NS_INTERFACEINFOMANAGER_SERVICE_CONTRACTID)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(iim, NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE); iim->GetInfoForIID(primary_iid, getter_AddRefs(if_info)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(if_info, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); const nsIID *iid = nullptr; if (ci_data && !ci_data->mHasClassInterface) { if_info->GetIIDShared(&iid); } else { if_info->GetParent(getter_AddRefs(parent)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(parent, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); parent->GetIIDShared(&iid); } if (iid) { if (!iid->Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsISupports))) { if (ci_data && !ci_data->mHasClassInterface) { // If the class doesn't have a class interface the primary // interface is the interface that should be // constructor.prototype.__proto__. if_info->GetNameShared(&class_parent_name); } else { // If the class does have a class interface (or there's no // real class for this name) then the parent of the // primary interface is what we want on // constructor.prototype.__proto__. NS_ASSERTION(parent, "Whoa, this is bad, null parent here!"); parent->GetNameShared(&class_parent_name); } } } } { JS::Rooted winobj(cx, aWin->FastGetGlobalJSObject()); JS::Rooted proto(cx); if (class_parent_name) { JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, winobj); JS::Rooted desc(cx); if (!JS_GetPropertyDescriptor(cx, winobj, CutPrefix(class_parent_name), &desc)) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } if (desc.object() && !desc.hasGetterOrSetter() && desc.value().isObject()) { JS::Rooted obj(cx, &desc.value().toObject()); if (!JS_GetPropertyDescriptor(cx, obj, "prototype", &desc)) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } if (desc.object() && !desc.hasGetterOrSetter() && desc.value().isObject()) { proto = &desc.value().toObject(); } } } if (dot_prototype) { JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, dot_prototype); JS::Rooted xpc_proto_proto(cx); if (!::JS_GetPrototype(cx, dot_prototype, &xpc_proto_proto)) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } if (proto && (!xpc_proto_proto || JS_GetClass(xpc_proto_proto) == sObjectClass)) { if (!JS_WrapObject(cx, &proto) || !JS_SetPrototype(cx, dot_prototype, proto)) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } } else { JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, winobj); if (!proto) { proto = JS_GetObjectPrototype(cx, winobj); } dot_prototype = ::JS_NewObjectWithUniqueType(cx, &sDOMConstructorProtoClass, proto, winobj); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(dot_prototype, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } } v = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(dot_prototype); JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, class_obj); // Per ECMA, the prototype property is {DontEnum, DontDelete, ReadOnly} if (!JS_WrapValue(cx, &v) || !JS_DefineProperty(cx, class_obj, "prototype", v, JSPROP_PERMANENT | JSPROP_READONLY, JS_STUBGETTER, JS_STUBSETTER)) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } return NS_OK; } static bool OldBindingConstructorEnabled(const nsGlobalNameStruct *aStruct, nsGlobalWindow *aWin, JSContext *cx) { MOZ_ASSERT(aStruct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeProperty || aStruct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassConstructor || aStruct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalClassInfo); // Don't expose chrome only constructors to content windows. if (aStruct->mChromeOnly) { bool expose; if (aStruct->mAllowXBL) { expose = IsChromeOrXBL(cx, nullptr); } else { expose = nsContentUtils::IsSystemPrincipal(aWin->GetPrincipal()); } if (!expose) { return false; } } return true; } static nsresult LookupComponentsShim(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle global, nsPIDOMWindow *win, JS::MutableHandle desc); // static bool nsWindowSH::NameStructEnabled(JSContext* aCx, nsGlobalWindow *aWin, const nsAString& aName, const nsGlobalNameStruct& aNameStruct) { const nsGlobalNameStruct* nameStruct = &aNameStruct; if (nameStruct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalClassInfoCreator) { nsresult rv = GetExternalClassInfo(GetNameSpaceManager(), aName, nameStruct, &nameStruct); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !nameStruct) { return false; } } return (nameStruct->mType != nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeProperty && nameStruct->mType != nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassConstructor && nameStruct->mType != nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalClassInfo) || OldBindingConstructorEnabled(nameStruct, aWin, aCx); } #ifdef RELEASE_BUILD #define USE_CONTROLLERS_SHIM #endif #ifdef USE_CONTROLLERS_SHIM static const JSClass ControllersShimClass = { "XULControllers", 0 }; #endif // static nsresult nsWindowSH::GlobalResolve(nsGlobalWindow *aWin, JSContext *cx, JS::Handle obj, JS::Handle id, JS::MutableHandle desc) { if (id == XPCJSRuntime::Get()->GetStringID(XPCJSRuntime::IDX_COMPONENTS)) { return LookupComponentsShim(cx, obj, aWin, desc); } #ifdef USE_CONTROLLERS_SHIM // Note: We use |obj| rather than |aWin| to get the principal here, because // this is called during Window setup when the Document isn't necessarily // hooked up yet. if (id == XPCJSRuntime::Get()->GetStringID(XPCJSRuntime::IDX_CONTROLLERS) && !xpc::IsXrayWrapper(obj) && !nsContentUtils::IsSystemPrincipal(nsContentUtils::ObjectPrincipal(obj))) { if (aWin->GetDoc()) { aWin->GetDoc()->WarnOnceAbout(nsIDocument::eWindow_Controllers); } JS::Rooted shim(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, &ControllersShimClass, JS::NullPtr(), obj)); if (NS_WARN_IF(!shim)) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } FillPropertyDescriptor(desc, obj, JS::ObjectValue(*shim), /* readOnly = */ false); return NS_OK; } #endif nsScriptNameSpaceManager *nameSpaceManager = GetNameSpaceManager(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(nameSpaceManager, NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); // Note - Our only caller is nsGlobalWindow::DoResolve, which checks that // JSID_IS_STRING(id) is true. nsAutoJSString name; if (!name.init(cx, JSID_TO_STRING(id))) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } const char16_t *class_name = nullptr; const nsGlobalNameStruct *name_struct = nameSpaceManager->LookupName(name, &class_name); if (!name_struct) { return NS_OK; } // The class_name had better match our name MOZ_ASSERT(name.Equals(class_name)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(class_name, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalClassInfoCreator) { rv = GetExternalClassInfo(nameSpaceManager, name, name_struct, &name_struct); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !name_struct) { return rv; } } if (name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeNewDOMBinding || name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeInterface || name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassProto || name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassConstructor) { // Lookup new DOM bindings. DefineInterface getOrCreateInterfaceObject = name_struct->mDefineDOMInterface; if (getOrCreateInterfaceObject) { if (name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassConstructor && !OldBindingConstructorEnabled(name_struct, aWin, cx)) { return NS_OK; } ConstructorEnabled* checkEnabledForScope = name_struct->mConstructorEnabled; // We do the enabled check on the current compartment of cx, but for the // actual object we pass in the underlying object in the Xray case. That // way the callee can decide whether to allow access based on the caller // or the window being touched. JS::Rooted global(cx, js::CheckedUnwrap(obj, /* stopAtOuter = */ false)); if (!global) { return NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR; } if (checkEnabledForScope && !checkEnabledForScope(cx, global)) { return NS_OK; } // The DOM constructor resolve machinery interacts with Xrays in tricky // ways, and there are some asymmetries that are important to understand. // // In the regular (non-Xray) case, we only want to resolve constructors // once (so that if they're deleted, they don't reappear). We do this by // stashing the constructor in a slot on the global, such that we can see // during resolve whether we've created it already. This is rather // memory-intensive, so we don't try to maintain these semantics when // manipulating a global over Xray (so the properties just re-resolve if // they've been deleted). // // Unfortunately, there's a bit of an impedance-mismatch between the Xray // and non-Xray machinery. The Xray machinery wants an API that returns a // JSPropertyDescriptor, so that the resolve hook doesn't have to get // snared up with trying to define a property on the Xray holder. At the // same time, the DefineInterface callbacks are set up to define things // directly on the global. And re-jiggering them to return property // descriptors is tricky, because some DefineInterface callbacks define // multiple things (like the Image() alias for HTMLImageElement). // // So the setup is as-follows: // // * The resolve function takes a JSPropertyDescriptor, but in the // non-Xray case, callees may define things directly on the global, and // set the value on the property descriptor to |undefined| to indicate // that there's nothing more for the caller to do. We assert against // this behavior in the Xray case. // // * We make sure that we do a non-Xray resolve first, so that all the // slots are set up. In the Xray case, this means unwrapping and doing // a non-Xray resolve before doing the Xray resolve. // // This all could use some grand refactoring, but for now we just limp // along. if (xpc::WrapperFactory::IsXrayWrapper(obj)) { JS::Rooted interfaceObject(cx); { JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, global); interfaceObject = getOrCreateInterfaceObject(cx, global, id, false); } if (NS_WARN_IF(!interfaceObject)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (!JS_WrapObject(cx, &interfaceObject)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } FillPropertyDescriptor(desc, obj, 0, JS::ObjectValue(*interfaceObject)); } else { JS::Rooted interfaceObject(cx, getOrCreateInterfaceObject(cx, obj, id, true)); if (NS_WARN_IF(!interfaceObject)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // We've already defined the property. We indicate this to the caller // by filling a property descriptor with JS::UndefinedValue() as the // value. We still have to fill in a property descriptor, though, so // that the caller knows the property is in fact on this object. It // doesn't matter what we pass for the "readonly" argument here. FillPropertyDescriptor(desc, obj, JS::UndefinedValue(), false); } return NS_OK; } } if (name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeInterface) { // We're resolving a name of a DOM interface for which there is no // direct DOM class, create a constructor object... nsRefPtr constructor; rv = nsDOMConstructor::Create(class_name, nullptr, name_struct, static_cast(aWin), getter_AddRefs(constructor)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); JS::Rooted v(cx); js::AssertSameCompartment(cx, obj); rv = WrapNative(cx, constructor, &NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMDOMConstructor), false, &v); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); JS::Rooted class_obj(cx, &v.toObject()); // ... and define the constants from the DOM interface on that // constructor object. { JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, class_obj); rv = DefineInterfaceConstants(cx, class_obj, &name_struct->mIID); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } if (!JS_WrapValue(cx, &v)) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } FillPropertyDescriptor(desc, obj, 0, v); return NS_OK; } if (name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassConstructor || name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalClassInfo) { if (!OldBindingConstructorEnabled(name_struct, aWin, cx)) { return NS_OK; } // Create the XPConnect prototype for our classinfo, PostCreateProto will // set up the prototype chain. This will go ahead and define things on the // actual window's global. nsCOMPtr proto_holder; rv = GetXPCProto(nsDOMClassInfo::sXPConnect, cx, aWin, name_struct, getter_AddRefs(proto_holder)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); bool isXray = xpc::WrapperFactory::IsXrayWrapper(obj); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(obj != aWin->GetGlobalJSObject(), isXray); if (!isXray) { // GetXPCProto already defined the property for us FillPropertyDescriptor(desc, obj, JS::UndefinedValue(), false); return NS_OK; } // This is the Xray case. Look up the constructor object for this // prototype. JS::Rooted dot_prototype(cx, proto_holder->GetJSObject()); NS_ENSURE_STATE(dot_prototype); const nsDOMClassInfoData *ci_data; if (name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassConstructor) { ci_data = &sClassInfoData[name_struct->mDOMClassInfoID]; } else { ci_data = name_struct->mData; } return ResolvePrototype(nsDOMClassInfo::sXPConnect, aWin, cx, obj, class_name, ci_data, name_struct, nameSpaceManager, dot_prototype, desc); } if (name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassProto) { // We don't have a XPConnect prototype object, let ResolvePrototype create // one. return ResolvePrototype(nsDOMClassInfo::sXPConnect, aWin, cx, obj, class_name, nullptr, name_struct, nameSpaceManager, nullptr, desc); } if (name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalConstructorAlias) { const nsGlobalNameStruct *alias_struct = nameSpaceManager->GetConstructorProto(name_struct); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(alias_struct, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); // We need to use the XPConnect prototype for the DOM class that this // constructor is an alias for (for example for Image we need the prototype // for HTMLImageElement). nsCOMPtr proto_holder; rv = GetXPCProto(nsDOMClassInfo::sXPConnect, cx, aWin, alias_struct, getter_AddRefs(proto_holder)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); JSObject* dot_prototype = proto_holder->GetJSObject(); NS_ENSURE_STATE(dot_prototype); const nsDOMClassInfoData *ci_data; if (alias_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeClassConstructor) { ci_data = &sClassInfoData[alias_struct->mDOMClassInfoID]; } else if (alias_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalClassInfo) { ci_data = alias_struct->mData; } else { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } return ResolvePrototype(nsDOMClassInfo::sXPConnect, aWin, cx, obj, class_name, ci_data, name_struct, nameSpaceManager, nullptr, desc); } if (name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeExternalConstructor) { nsRefPtr constructor; rv = nsDOMConstructor::Create(class_name, nullptr, name_struct, static_cast(aWin), getter_AddRefs(constructor)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); JS::Rooted val(cx); js::AssertSameCompartment(cx, obj); rv = WrapNative(cx, constructor, &NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMDOMConstructor), true, &val); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); NS_ASSERTION(val.isObject(), "Why didn't we get a JSObject?"); FillPropertyDescriptor(desc, obj, 0, val); return NS_OK; } if (name_struct->mType == nsGlobalNameStruct::eTypeProperty) { if (!OldBindingConstructorEnabled(name_struct, aWin, cx)) return NS_OK; // Before defining a global property, check for a named subframe of the // same name. If it exists, we don't want to shadow it. nsCOMPtr childWin = aWin->GetChildWindow(name); if (childWin) return NS_OK; nsCOMPtr native(do_CreateInstance(name_struct->mCID, &rv)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); JS::Rooted prop_val(cx, JS::UndefinedValue()); // Property value. nsCOMPtr gpi(do_QueryInterface(native)); if (gpi) { rv = gpi->Init(aWin, &prop_val); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } if (prop_val.isPrimitive() && !prop_val.isNull()) { if (aWin->IsOuterWindow()) { nsGlobalWindow *inner = aWin->GetCurrentInnerWindowInternal(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(inner, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); } rv = WrapNative(cx, native, true, &prop_val); } NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!JS_WrapValue(cx, &prop_val)) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } FillPropertyDescriptor(desc, obj, prop_val, false); return NS_OK; } return rv; } struct InterfaceShimEntry { const char *geckoName; const char *domName; }; // We add shims from Components.interfaces.nsIDOMFoo to window.Foo for each // interface that has interface constants that sites might be getting off // of Ci. const InterfaceShimEntry kInterfaceShimMap[] = { { "nsIDOMFileReader", "FileReader" }, { "nsIXMLHttpRequest", "XMLHttpRequest" }, { "nsIDOMDOMException", "DOMException" }, { "nsIDOMNode", "Node" }, { "nsIDOMCSSPrimitiveValue", "CSSPrimitiveValue" }, { "nsIDOMCSSRule", "CSSRule" }, { "nsIDOMCSSValue", "CSSValue" }, { "nsIDOMEvent", "Event" }, { "nsIDOMNSEvent", "Event" }, { "nsIDOMKeyEvent", "KeyEvent" }, { "nsIDOMMouseEvent", "MouseEvent" }, { "nsIDOMMouseScrollEvent", "MouseScrollEvent" }, { "nsIDOMMutationEvent", "MutationEvent" }, { "nsIDOMSimpleGestureEvent", "SimpleGestureEvent" }, { "nsIDOMUIEvent", "UIEvent" }, { "nsIDOMHTMLMediaElement", "HTMLMediaElement" }, { "nsIDOMMediaError", "MediaError" }, { "nsIDOMOfflineResourceList", "OfflineResourceList" }, { "nsIDOMRange", "Range" }, { "nsIDOMSVGLength", "SVGLength" }, { "nsIDOMNodeFilter", "NodeFilter" }, { "nsIDOMXPathResult", "XPathResult" } }; static nsresult LookupComponentsShim(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle global, nsPIDOMWindow *win, JS::MutableHandle desc) { // Keep track of how often this happens. Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::COMPONENTS_SHIM_ACCESSED_BY_CONTENT, true); // Warn once. nsCOMPtr doc = win->GetExtantDoc(); if (doc) { doc->WarnOnceAbout(nsIDocument::eComponents, /* asError = */ true); } // Create a fake Components object. JS::Rooted components(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, nullptr, JS::NullPtr(), global)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(components, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); // Create a fake interfaces object. JS::Rooted interfaces(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, nullptr, JS::NullPtr(), global)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(interfaces, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); bool ok = JS_DefineProperty(cx, components, "interfaces", interfaces, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_PERMANENT | JSPROP_READONLY, JS_STUBGETTER, JS_STUBSETTER); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(ok, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); // Define a bunch of shims from the Ci.nsIDOMFoo to window.Foo for DOM // interfaces with constants. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(kInterfaceShimMap); ++i) { // Grab the names from the table. const char *geckoName = kInterfaceShimMap[i].geckoName; const char *domName = kInterfaceShimMap[i].domName; // Look up the appopriate interface object on the global. JS::Rooted v(cx, JS::UndefinedValue()); ok = JS_GetProperty(cx, global, domName, &v); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(ok, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); if (!v.isObject()) { NS_WARNING("Unable to find interface object on global"); continue; } // Define the shim on the interfaces object. ok = JS_DefineProperty(cx, interfaces, geckoName, v, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_PERMANENT | JSPROP_READONLY, JS_STUBGETTER, JS_STUBSETTER); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(ok, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } FillPropertyDescriptor(desc, global, JS::ObjectValue(*components), false); return NS_OK; } // EventTarget helper NS_IMETHODIMP nsEventTargetSH::PreCreate(nsISupports *nativeObj, JSContext *cx, JSObject *aGlobalObj, JSObject **parentObj) { JS::Rooted globalObj(cx, aGlobalObj); DOMEventTargetHelper* target = DOMEventTargetHelper::FromSupports(nativeObj); nsCOMPtr native_parent; target->GetParentObject(getter_AddRefs(native_parent)); *parentObj = native_parent ? native_parent->GetGlobalJSObject() : globalObj; return *parentObj ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsEventTargetSH::AddProperty(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsid id, jsval *vp, bool *_retval) { nsEventTargetSH::PreserveWrapper(GetNative(wrapper, obj)); return NS_OK; } void nsEventTargetSH::PreserveWrapper(nsISupports *aNative) { DOMEventTargetHelper* target = DOMEventTargetHelper::FromSupports(aNative); target->PreserveWrapper(aNative); } // nsIDOMEventListener::HandleEvent() 'this' converter helper NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN(nsEventListenerThisTranslator) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIXPCFunctionThisTranslator) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsISupports) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END NS_IMPL_ADDREF(nsEventListenerThisTranslator) NS_IMPL_RELEASE(nsEventListenerThisTranslator) NS_IMETHODIMP nsEventListenerThisTranslator::TranslateThis(nsISupports *aInitialThis, nsISupports **_retval) { nsCOMPtr event(do_QueryInterface(aInitialThis)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(event, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); nsCOMPtr target = event->InternalDOMEvent()->GetCurrentTarget(); target.forget(_retval); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMConstructorSH::PreCreate(nsISupports *nativeObj, JSContext *cx, JSObject *aGlobalObj, JSObject **parentObj) { JS::Rooted globalObj(cx, aGlobalObj); nsDOMConstructor *wrapped = static_cast(nativeObj); #ifdef DEBUG { nsCOMPtr is_constructor = do_QueryInterface(nativeObj); NS_ASSERTION(is_constructor, "How did we not get a constructor?"); } #endif return wrapped->PreCreate(cx, globalObj, parentObj); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMConstructorSH::Resolve(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *aObj, jsid aId, bool *resolvedp, bool *_retval) { JS::Rooted obj(cx, aObj); JS::Rooted id(cx, aId); // For regular DOM constructors, we have our interface constants defined on // us by nsWindowSH::GlobalResolve. However, XrayWrappers can't see these // interface constants (as they look like expando properties) so we have to // specially resolve those constants here, but only for Xray wrappers. if (!ObjectIsNativeWrapper(cx, obj)) { return NS_OK; } JS::Rooted nativePropsObj(cx, xpc::XrayUtils::GetNativePropertiesObject(cx, obj)); nsDOMConstructor *wrapped = static_cast(wrapper->Native()); nsresult rv = wrapped->ResolveInterfaceConstants(cx, nativePropsObj); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Now re-lookup the ID to see if we should report back that we resolved the // looked-for constant. Note that we don't have to worry about infinitely // recurring back here because the Xray wrapper's holder object doesn't call // Resolve hooks. bool found; if (!JS_HasPropertyById(cx, nativePropsObj, id, &found)) { *_retval = false; return NS_OK; } if (found) { *resolvedp = true; } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMConstructorSH::Call(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *aObj, const JS::CallArgs &args, bool *_retval) { JS::Rooted obj(cx, aObj); MOZ_ASSERT(obj); nsDOMConstructor *wrapped = static_cast(wrapper->Native()); #ifdef DEBUG { nsCOMPtr is_constructor = do_QueryWrappedNative(wrapper); NS_ASSERTION(is_constructor, "How did we not get a constructor?"); } #endif return wrapped->Construct(wrapper, cx, obj, args, _retval); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMConstructorSH::Construct(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *aObj, const JS::CallArgs &args, bool *_retval) { JS::Rooted obj(cx, aObj); MOZ_ASSERT(obj); nsDOMConstructor *wrapped = static_cast(wrapper->Native()); #ifdef DEBUG { nsCOMPtr is_constructor = do_QueryWrappedNative(wrapper); NS_ASSERTION(is_constructor, "How did we not get a constructor?"); } #endif return wrapped->Construct(wrapper, cx, obj, args, _retval); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMConstructorSH::HasInstance(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx, JSObject *aObj, JS::Handle val, bool *bp, bool *_retval) { JS::Rooted obj(cx, aObj); nsDOMConstructor *wrapped = static_cast(wrapper->Native()); #ifdef DEBUG { nsCOMPtr is_constructor = do_QueryWrappedNative(wrapper); NS_ASSERTION(is_constructor, "How did we not get a constructor?"); } #endif return wrapped->HasInstance(wrapper, cx, obj, val, bp, _retval); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNonDOMObjectSH::GetFlags(uint32_t *aFlags) { // This is NOT a DOM Object. Use this helper class for cases when you need // to do something like implement nsISecurityCheckedComponent in a meaningful // way. *aFlags = nsIClassInfo::MAIN_THREAD_ONLY | nsIClassInfo::SINGLETON_CLASSINFO; return NS_OK; }