Directory Structure : ================================ public - public header file src - source directory of charset converter manager and utility tests - tests program and application for charset converter The following directory are used to put different charset converter ucvam - Armenian charsets ucvar - Arabic charsets ucvcn - Simplified chinese charsets- GB2312, HZ, ISO-2022-CN ucvcy - Cyrillic charsets - ISO-8859-5, CP1251, KOI8-R, KOI8-U, Mac Cyrillic ucvgr - Greek charsets - ISO-8859-7, CP1253 ucvhr - Hebrew charsets ucvja - Japanese charsets Set 1 - Shift-JIS ucvja2 - Japanese charsets Set 2 - ISO-2022-JP , EUC-JP ucvko - Korean charsets - ISO-2022-KR, EUC-KR ucvlatin - Latin charsets - ISO-8859-1,2,3,4,9,14,15, CP1250,1252,1254, Mac Roman, Central European, Romanian, Icelandic, etc ucvth - Thai charsets ucvtw - Traditional Chinese charsets Set 1 - Big5 ucvtw2 - Traditional Chinese charsets Set 2 - EUC-TW, ISO-2022-CN, ucvutf - UTF-8, UTF-7 ucvvt - Vietnamese charsets The following directory are obsolete and should not be used: ufromam ufromar ufromcn ufromcy ufromgr ufromhr ufromja ufromja2 ufromko ufroml ufromtw ufromtw2 ufromutf ufromvt utoam utoar utocn utocy utogr utohr utoja utoja2 utoko utol utotw utotw2 utoutf utovt