/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "DocumentTimeline.h" #include "mozilla/dom/DocumentTimelineBinding.h" #include "AnimationUtils.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsDOMMutationObserver.h" #include "nsDOMNavigationTiming.h" #include "nsIPresShell.h" #include "nsPresContext.h" #include "nsRefreshDriver.h" namespace mozilla { namespace dom { NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INHERITED(DocumentTimeline, AnimationTimeline, mDocument) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRACE_BEGIN_INHERITED(DocumentTimeline, AnimationTimeline) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRACE_END NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INHERITED(DocumentTimeline) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END_INHERITING(AnimationTimeline) NS_IMPL_ADDREF_INHERITED(DocumentTimeline, AnimationTimeline) NS_IMPL_RELEASE_INHERITED(DocumentTimeline, AnimationTimeline) JSObject* DocumentTimeline::WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle aGivenProto) { return DocumentTimelineBinding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto); } Nullable DocumentTimeline::GetCurrentTime() const { return ToTimelineTime(GetCurrentTimeStamp()); } TimeStamp DocumentTimeline::GetCurrentTimeStamp() const { nsRefreshDriver* refreshDriver = GetRefreshDriver(); TimeStamp refreshTime = refreshDriver ? refreshDriver->MostRecentRefresh() : TimeStamp(); // Always return the same object to benefit from return-value optimization. TimeStamp result = !refreshTime.IsNull() ? refreshTime : mLastRefreshDriverTime; // If we don't have a refresh driver and we've never had one use the // timeline's zero time. if (result.IsNull()) { RefPtr timing = mDocument->GetNavigationTiming(); if (timing) { result = timing->GetNavigationStartTimeStamp(); // Also, let this time represent the current refresh time. This way // we'll save it as the last refresh time and skip looking up // navigation timing each time. refreshTime = result; } } if (!refreshTime.IsNull()) { mLastRefreshDriverTime = refreshTime; } return result; } Nullable DocumentTimeline::ToTimelineTime(const TimeStamp& aTimeStamp) const { Nullable result; // Initializes to null if (aTimeStamp.IsNull()) { return result; } RefPtr timing = mDocument->GetNavigationTiming(); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!timing)) { return result; } result.SetValue(aTimeStamp - timing->GetNavigationStartTimeStamp()); return result; } void DocumentTimeline::NotifyAnimationUpdated(Animation& aAnimation) { AnimationTimeline::NotifyAnimationUpdated(aAnimation); if (!mIsObservingRefreshDriver) { nsRefreshDriver* refreshDriver = GetRefreshDriver(); if (refreshDriver) { refreshDriver->AddRefreshObserver(this, Flush_Style); mIsObservingRefreshDriver = true; } } } void DocumentTimeline::WillRefresh(mozilla::TimeStamp aTime) { MOZ_ASSERT(mIsObservingRefreshDriver); MOZ_ASSERT(GetRefreshDriver(), "Should be able to reach refresh driver from within WillRefresh"); bool needsTicks = false; nsTArray animationsToRemove(mAnimations.Count()); nsAutoAnimationMutationBatch mb(mDocument); for (Animation* animation = mAnimationOrder.getFirst(); animation; animation = animation->getNext()) { // Skip any animations that are longer need associated with this timeline. if (animation->GetTimeline() != this) { // If animation has some other timeline, it better not be also in the // animation list of this timeline object! MOZ_ASSERT(!animation->GetTimeline()); animationsToRemove.AppendElement(animation); continue; } needsTicks |= animation->NeedsTicks(); // Even if |animation| doesn't need future ticks, we should still // Tick it this time around since it might just need a one-off tick in // order to dispatch events. animation->Tick(); if (!animation->IsRelevant() && !animation->NeedsTicks()) { animationsToRemove.AppendElement(animation); } } for (Animation* animation : animationsToRemove) { RemoveAnimation(animation); } if (!needsTicks) { // We already assert that GetRefreshDriver() is non-null at the beginning // of this function but we check it again here to be sure that ticking // animations does not have any side effects that cause us to lose the // connection with the refresh driver, such as triggering the destruction // of mDocument's PresShell. MOZ_ASSERT(GetRefreshDriver(), "Refresh driver should still be valid at end of WillRefresh"); GetRefreshDriver()->RemoveRefreshObserver(this, Flush_Style); mIsObservingRefreshDriver = false; } } void DocumentTimeline::NotifyRefreshDriverCreated(nsRefreshDriver* aDriver) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mIsObservingRefreshDriver, "Timeline should not be observing the refresh driver before" " it is created"); if (!mAnimationOrder.isEmpty()) { aDriver->AddRefreshObserver(this, Flush_Style); mIsObservingRefreshDriver = true; } } void DocumentTimeline::NotifyRefreshDriverDestroying(nsRefreshDriver* aDriver) { if (!mIsObservingRefreshDriver) { return; } aDriver->RemoveRefreshObserver(this, Flush_Style); mIsObservingRefreshDriver = false; } TimeStamp DocumentTimeline::ToTimeStamp(const TimeDuration& aTimeDuration) const { TimeStamp result; RefPtr timing = mDocument->GetNavigationTiming(); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!timing)) { return result; } result = timing->GetNavigationStartTimeStamp() + aTimeDuration; return result; } nsRefreshDriver* DocumentTimeline::GetRefreshDriver() const { nsIPresShell* presShell = mDocument->GetShell(); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!presShell)) { return nullptr; } nsPresContext* presContext = presShell->GetPresContext(); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!presContext)) { return nullptr; } return presContext->RefreshDriver(); } } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla