#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w # Perl script to analyze the xpcom output file # # To create xpcom output file : # # setenv NSPR_LOG_MODULES nsComponentManager:5 # setenv NSPR_LOG_FILE xpcom.out # ./mozilla # # Also to try to convert CID -> contractID this program looks for # a file reg.out in the current directory. To generate this file # # $ regExport > reg.out # # Usage: analyze-xpcom-log.pl < xpcom.out # [does better if ./reg.out is available] # # Suresh Duddi use strict; # forward declarations sub getContractID($); sub sum($); # hash of cid -> contractid my %contractid; my %contractid_n; my %failedContractid_n; # count of instances of objects created my (%objs, %failedObjs) = (); # dlls loaded my @dlls; # Print all ? my $all = 0; # temporaries my ($cid, $n, $str); while (<>) { chomp; # dlls loaded if (/loading \"(.*)\"/) { push @dlls, $1; next; } # FAILED ContractIDToClassID if (/ContractIDToClassID\((.*)\).*\[FAILED\]/) { $failedContractid_n{$1}++; next; } # ContractIDToClassID if (/ContractIDToClassID\((.*)\).*\{(.*)\}/) { $contractid{$2} = $1; $contractid_n{$2}++; next; } # CreateInstance() if (/CreateInstance\(\{(.*)\}\) succeeded/) { $objs{$1}++; next; } # FAILED CreateInstance() if (/CreateInstance\(\{(.*)\}\) FAILED/) { $failedObjs{$1}++; next; } } # if there is a file named reg.out in the current dir # then use that to fill in the ContractIDToClassID mapping. my $REG; open REG, ") { chomp; if (/contractID - (.*)$/) { my $id = $1; $cid = ; chomp($cid); $cid =~ s/^.*\{(.*)\}.*$/$1/; $contractid{$cid} = $id; } } # print results # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # dlls loaded print "dlls loaded [", scalar @dlls, "]\n"; print "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; for ($n = 0; $n < scalar @dlls; $n++) { printf "%2d. %s\n", $n+1, $dlls[$n]; } print "\n"; # Objects created print "Object creations [", sum(\%objs), "]\n"; print "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; foreach $cid (sort {$objs{$b} <=> $objs{$a} } keys %objs) { last if (!$all && $objs{$cid} < 50); printf "%5d. %s - %s\n", $objs{$cid}, $cid, getContractID($cid); } print "\n"; # FAILED Objects created print "FAILED Objects creations [", sum(\%failedObjs), "]\n"; print "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; foreach $cid (sort {$failedObjs{$b} <=> $failedObjs{$a} } keys %failedObjs) { last if (!$all && $failedObjs{$cid} < 50); printf "%5d. %s - %s", $failedObjs{$cid}, $cid, getContractID($cid); } print "\n"; # ContractIDToClassID calls print "ContractIDToClassID() calls [", sum(\%contractid_n),"]\n"; print "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; foreach $cid (sort {$contractid_n{$b} <=> $contractid_n{$a} } keys %contractid_n) { last if (!$all && $contractid_n{$cid} < 50); printf "%5d. %s - %s\n", $contractid_n{$cid}, $cid, getContractID($cid); } print "\n"; # FAILED ContractIDToClassID calls print "FAILED ContractIDToClassID() calls [", sum(\%failedContractid_n), "]\n"; print "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; foreach $cid (sort {$failedContractid_n{$b} <=> $failedContractid_n{$a} } keys %failedContractid_n) { last if (!$all && $failedContractid_n{$cid} < 50); printf "%5d. %s\n", $failedContractid_n{$cid}, $cid; } print "\n"; # Subroutines sub getContractID($) { my $cid = shift; my $ret = ""; $ret = $contractid{$cid} if (exists $contractid{$cid}); return $ret; } sub sum($) { my $hash_ref = shift; my %hash = %$hash_ref; my $total = 0; my $key; foreach $key (keys %hash) { $total += $hash{$key}; } return $total; }