/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/BasicEvents.h" #include "mozilla/EventDispatcher.h" #include "mozilla/EventStates.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLFieldSetElement.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLFieldSetElementBinding.h" #include "nsContentList.h" #include "nsQueryObject.h" NS_IMPL_NS_NEW_HTML_ELEMENT(FieldSet) namespace mozilla::dom { HTMLFieldSetElement::HTMLFieldSetElement( already_AddRefed&& aNodeInfo) : nsGenericHTMLFormElement(std::move(aNodeInfo), NS_FORM_FIELDSET), mElements(nullptr), mFirstLegend(nullptr), mInvalidElementsCount(0) { //
is always barred from constraint validation. SetBarredFromConstraintValidation(true); // We start out enabled and valid. AddStatesSilently(NS_EVENT_STATE_ENABLED | NS_EVENT_STATE_VALID); } HTMLFieldSetElement::~HTMLFieldSetElement() { uint32_t length = mDependentElements.Length(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { mDependentElements[i]->ForgetFieldSet(this); } } NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INHERITED(HTMLFieldSetElement, nsGenericHTMLFormElement, mValidity, mElements) NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INHERITED(HTMLFieldSetElement, nsGenericHTMLFormElement, nsIConstraintValidation) NS_IMPL_ELEMENT_CLONE(HTMLFieldSetElement) bool HTMLFieldSetElement::IsDisabledForEvents(WidgetEvent* aEvent) { return IsElementDisabledForEvents(aEvent, nullptr); } // nsIContent void HTMLFieldSetElement::GetEventTargetParent(EventChainPreVisitor& aVisitor) { // Do not process any DOM events if the element is disabled. aVisitor.mCanHandle = false; if (IsDisabledForEvents(aVisitor.mEvent)) { return; } nsGenericHTMLFormElement::GetEventTargetParent(aVisitor); } nsresult HTMLFieldSetElement::AfterSetAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID, nsAtom* aName, const nsAttrValue* aValue, const nsAttrValue* aOldValue, nsIPrincipal* aSubjectPrincipal, bool aNotify) { if (aNameSpaceID == kNameSpaceID_None && aName == nsGkAtoms::disabled) { // This *has* to be called *before* calling FieldSetDisabledChanged on our // controls, as they may depend on our disabled state. UpdateDisabledState(aNotify); if (nsINode::GetFirstChild()) { if (!mElements) { mElements = new nsContentList(this, MatchListedElements, nullptr, nullptr, true); } uint32_t length = mElements->Length(true); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { static_cast(mElements->Item(i)) ->FieldSetDisabledChanged(aNotify); } } } return nsGenericHTMLFormElement::AfterSetAttr( aNameSpaceID, aName, aValue, aOldValue, aSubjectPrincipal, aNotify); } void HTMLFieldSetElement::GetType(nsAString& aType) const { aType.AssignLiteral("fieldset"); } /* static */ bool HTMLFieldSetElement::MatchListedElements(Element* aElement, int32_t aNamespaceID, nsAtom* aAtom, void* aData) { nsCOMPtr formControl = do_QueryInterface(aElement); return formControl; } nsIHTMLCollection* HTMLFieldSetElement::Elements() { if (!mElements) { mElements = new nsContentList(this, MatchListedElements, nullptr, nullptr, true); } return mElements; } // nsIFormControl nsresult HTMLFieldSetElement::Reset() { return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP HTMLFieldSetElement::SubmitNamesValues(HTMLFormSubmission* aFormSubmission) { return NS_OK; } nsresult HTMLFieldSetElement::InsertChildBefore(nsIContent* aChild, nsIContent* aBeforeThis, bool aNotify) { bool firstLegendHasChanged = false; if (aChild->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::legend)) { if (!mFirstLegend) { mFirstLegend = aChild; // We do not want to notify the first time mFirstElement is set. } else { // If mFirstLegend is before aIndex, we do not change it. // Otherwise, mFirstLegend is now aChild. int32_t index = aBeforeThis ? ComputeIndexOf(aBeforeThis) : GetChildCount(); if (index <= ComputeIndexOf(mFirstLegend)) { mFirstLegend = aChild; firstLegendHasChanged = true; } } } nsresult rv = nsGenericHTMLFormElement::InsertChildBefore(aChild, aBeforeThis, aNotify); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (firstLegendHasChanged) { NotifyElementsForFirstLegendChange(aNotify); } return rv; } void HTMLFieldSetElement::RemoveChildNode(nsIContent* aKid, bool aNotify) { bool firstLegendHasChanged = false; if (mFirstLegend && aKid == mFirstLegend) { // If we are removing the first legend we have to found another one. nsIContent* child = mFirstLegend->GetNextSibling(); mFirstLegend = nullptr; firstLegendHasChanged = true; for (; child; child = child->GetNextSibling()) { if (child->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::legend)) { mFirstLegend = child; break; } } } nsGenericHTMLFormElement::RemoveChildNode(aKid, aNotify); if (firstLegendHasChanged) { NotifyElementsForFirstLegendChange(aNotify); } } void HTMLFieldSetElement::AddElement(nsGenericHTMLFormElement* aElement) { mDependentElements.AppendElement(aElement); // If the element that we are adding aElement is a fieldset, then all the // invalid elements in aElement are also invalid elements of this. HTMLFieldSetElement* fieldSet = FromNode(aElement); if (fieldSet) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < fieldSet->mInvalidElementsCount; i++) { UpdateValidity(false); } return; } // We need to update the validity of the fieldset. nsCOMPtr cvElmt = do_QueryObject(aElement); if (cvElmt && cvElmt->IsCandidateForConstraintValidation() && !cvElmt->IsValid()) { UpdateValidity(false); } #if DEBUG int32_t debugInvalidElementsCount = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mDependentElements.Length(); i++) { HTMLFieldSetElement* fieldSet = FromNode(mDependentElements[i]); if (fieldSet) { debugInvalidElementsCount += fieldSet->mInvalidElementsCount; continue; } nsCOMPtr cvElmt = do_QueryObject(mDependentElements[i]); if (cvElmt && cvElmt->IsCandidateForConstraintValidation() && !(cvElmt->IsValid())) { debugInvalidElementsCount += 1; } } MOZ_ASSERT(debugInvalidElementsCount == mInvalidElementsCount); #endif } void HTMLFieldSetElement::RemoveElement(nsGenericHTMLFormElement* aElement) { mDependentElements.RemoveElement(aElement); // If the element that we are removing aElement is a fieldset, then all the // invalid elements in aElement are also removed from this. HTMLFieldSetElement* fieldSet = FromNode(aElement); if (fieldSet) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < fieldSet->mInvalidElementsCount; i++) { UpdateValidity(true); } return; } // We need to update the validity of the fieldset. nsCOMPtr cvElmt = do_QueryObject(aElement); if (cvElmt && cvElmt->IsCandidateForConstraintValidation() && !cvElmt->IsValid()) { UpdateValidity(true); } #if DEBUG int32_t debugInvalidElementsCount = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mDependentElements.Length(); i++) { HTMLFieldSetElement* fieldSet = FromNode(mDependentElements[i]); if (fieldSet) { debugInvalidElementsCount += fieldSet->mInvalidElementsCount; continue; } nsCOMPtr cvElmt = do_QueryObject(mDependentElements[i]); if (cvElmt && cvElmt->IsCandidateForConstraintValidation() && !(cvElmt->IsValid())) { debugInvalidElementsCount += 1; } } MOZ_ASSERT(debugInvalidElementsCount == mInvalidElementsCount); #endif } void HTMLFieldSetElement::NotifyElementsForFirstLegendChange(bool aNotify) { /** * NOTE: this could be optimized if only call when the fieldset is currently * disabled. * This should also make sure that mElements is set when we happen to be here. * However, this method shouldn't be called very often in normal use cases. */ if (!mElements) { mElements = new nsContentList(this, MatchListedElements, nullptr, nullptr, true); } uint32_t length = mElements->Length(true); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { static_cast(mElements->Item(i)) ->FieldSetFirstLegendChanged(aNotify); } } void HTMLFieldSetElement::UpdateValidity(bool aElementValidity) { if (aElementValidity) { --mInvalidElementsCount; } else { ++mInvalidElementsCount; } MOZ_ASSERT(mInvalidElementsCount >= 0); // The fieldset validity has just changed if: // - there are no more invalid elements ; // - or there is one invalid elmement and an element just became invalid. if (!mInvalidElementsCount || (mInvalidElementsCount == 1 && !aElementValidity)) { UpdateState(true); } // We should propagate the change to the fieldset parent chain. if (mFieldSet) { mFieldSet->UpdateValidity(aElementValidity); } } EventStates HTMLFieldSetElement::IntrinsicState() const { EventStates state = nsGenericHTMLFormElement::IntrinsicState(); if (mInvalidElementsCount) { state |= NS_EVENT_STATE_INVALID; } else { state |= NS_EVENT_STATE_VALID; } return state; } JSObject* HTMLFieldSetElement::WrapNode(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle aGivenProto) { return HTMLFieldSetElement_Binding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto); } } // namespace mozilla::dom