/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications * Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Simon Fraser */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Patricia D.R. Morrison's "Practical Algorithm To Retrieve Information Coded in Alphanumeric" This implementation geared towards the storage of data that is indexed through arbitrary-length binary keys (e.g. sequence data). It also only deals with the case where every key is unique; duplicate keys are not entered into the tree, although you may do some processing on duplicates in the ReplaceFunction passed to PatriciaInsert. There is no function to remove nodes from the tree at present. The implementation is modular, in the sense that all tree data structures are declared in this file, and are not intended to be accessed externally. You should only use the functions prototyped in patricia.h, all of which start with 'Patricia', and should consider the tree as an opaque data structure. Ref: Donald R. Morrison. PATRICIA -- practical algorithm to retrieve information coded in alphanumeric. Journal of the ACM, 15(4):514-534, October 1968 See Sedgewick, R. Algorithms, 2nd Ed. (1988) for implemenation details. -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include //#include "utils.h" #include "patricia.h" #include "nsAEDefs.h" // for AE_ASSERT /* Uncomment to print verbose logging on tree activity */ //#define VERBOSE /* Data structures */ typedef struct TNodeTag { unsigned char *key; /* The node's key value in an array of chars */ short bit; /* The bit that is examined at this node */ long nodeID; /* Unique ID for each node, used for debugging */ struct TNodeTag *left; /* Pointer to left child node */ struct TNodeTag *right; /* Pointer to right child node */ void *data; /* Pointer to user-defined data structure */ } TNode; typedef struct { TNode* headNode; /* Pointer to dummy head node */ long numKeyBits; /* Size of keys, in bits */ long keySize; /* Size of keys, in chars (assumed to be 8 bits each) */ long numNodes; /* Number of nodes in tree */ } TPatriciaTree; /* These macros assume that key is a *[unsigned] char, and that a char is 8 bits big */ #define TestKeyBit(key, bit) ( (key[bit >> 3] & (1 << (bit & 7))) != 0 ) #define CompareKeyBits(key1, key2, bit) ( (key1[bit >> 3] & (1 << (bit & 7))) == (key2[bit >> 3] & (1 << (bit & 7))) ) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- MakeNewNode Allocates a new node as an object on the heap, and initializes the key and bit values to those supplied. Entry: key binary key data bit bit value nodeData user data for this node, if any. Exit: return value pointer to the new node, or NULL on error -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static TNode *MakeNewNode(TPatriciaTree *tree, const unsigned char *key, short bit, void *nodeData) { static long nodeID = 0; TNode *newNode; newNode = (TNode *)calloc(1, sizeof(TNode)); if (newNode == NULL) return NULL; newNode->key = (unsigned char *)calloc(tree->keySize + 1, 1); //last bit must be zero if (newNode->key == NULL) { free(newNode); return NULL; } memcpy(newNode->key, key, tree->keySize); newNode->bit = bit; newNode->data = nodeData; newNode->nodeID = nodeID; nodeID ++; return newNode; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- MakeHeadNode Allocates the dummy head node of the tree, which is initialized to key field = 000000... bits = numKeyBits left & right = point to self data = NULL Exit: return value pointer to the new node, or NULL on error -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static TNode *MakeHeadNode(TPatriciaTree *tree) { TNode *newNode; newNode = (TNode *)calloc(1, sizeof(TNode)); if (newNode == NULL) return NULL; newNode->key = (unsigned char *)calloc(tree->keySize + 1, 1); //last bit must be zero if (newNode->key == NULL) { free(newNode); return NULL; } memset(newNode->key, 0, tree->keySize); newNode->bit = tree->numKeyBits; newNode->data = NULL; newNode->nodeID = -1; /* Both self-pointers for the head node */ newNode->left = newNode; newNode->right = newNode; return newNode; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- InternalSearch Search the tree for a node with the given key, starting at startNode. Entry: tree pointer to a tree key binary key data startNode node to start the search (must NOT be NULL) Exit: return value: pointer to found node, or node with upward link. The caller must verify whether this is the node wanted by comparing keys. -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static TNode *InternalSearch(TPatriciaTree *tree, TNode *x, const unsigned char *key) { TNode *p; AE_ASSERT(x, "No node"); do { p = x; if (TestKeyBit(key, x->bit)) x = x->right; else x = x->left; } while (p->bit > x->bit); return x; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- InternalTraverse A traverse routine used internally. Entry: tree pointer to a tree key binary key data x node to start the search (must NOT be NULL) traverseFunc function called on each node, like this: (*traverseFunc)(x->data, x->key, arg1, arg2); Exit: return value: 0 if everything OK Non-zero value on error -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int InternalTraverse(TPatriciaTree *tree, TNode *x, NodeTraverseFunction traverseFunc, void *arg1, void *arg2) { TNode *p; int err = 0; AE_ASSERT(x, "No node"); AE_ASSERT(x->left && x->right, "Left or right child missing"); #ifdef VERBOSE printf("Visiting node %ld with left %ld and right %ld\n", x->nodeID, x->left->nodeID, x->right->nodeID); #endif if (x != tree->headNode) { err = (*traverseFunc)(x->data, x->key, arg1, arg2); if (err != 0) return err; } p = x->left; if (p->bit < x->bit) err = InternalTraverse(tree, p, traverseFunc, arg1, arg2); if (err != 0) return err; p = x->right; if (p->bit < x->bit) err = InternalTraverse(tree, p, traverseFunc, arg1, arg2); return err; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- TraverseAndFree A traverse routine used internall. Entry: tree pointer to a tree key binary key data x node to start the search (must NOT be NULL) traverseFunc function called on each node, like this: (*traverseFunc)(x->data, x->key, arg1, arg2); Exit: return value: 0 if everything OK Non-zero value on error -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int TraverseAndFree(TPatriciaTree *tree, TNode *x, NodeFreeFunction freeFunc, void *refCon) { TNode *p; int err = 0; AE_ASSERT(x, "No node"); AE_ASSERT(x->left && x->right, "Left or right child missing"); p = x->left; if (p->bit < x->bit) { err = TraverseAndFree(tree, p, freeFunc, refCon); if (err != 0) return err; } p = x->right; if (p->bit < x->bit) { err = TraverseAndFree(tree, p, freeFunc, refCon); if (err != 0) return err; } err = (*freeFunc)(x->data, x->key, refCon); #ifdef VERBOSE printf("Freeing node %ld\n", x->nodeID); #endif free(x->key); free(x); return err; } #pragma mark - /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- InitPatriciaTree Allocate and initialize a new, empty PatriciaTree. Entry: keySize length of the keys, in bits Exit: return value A reference to the created PatriciaTree, or NULL on error. -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PatriciaTreeRef PatriciaInitTree(long numKeyBits) { TPatriciaTree *tree = NULL; tree = (TPatriciaTree *)calloc(1, sizeof(TPatriciaTree)); if (tree == NULL) return NULL; tree->numKeyBits = numKeyBits; tree->keySize = (numKeyBits >> 3) + ((numKeyBits & 7) != 0); tree->numNodes = 0; tree->headNode = MakeHeadNode(tree); if (tree->headNode == NULL) { free(tree); return NULL; } return (PatriciaTreeRef)tree; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- PatriciaFreeTree Free a Patricia tree and all associate data structures. freeFunc is called on each node's node->data. If no freeFunc is supplied, then the node->data will NOT be freed. Entry: treeRef reference to a previously allocated PatriciaTree freeFunc a function that is called on each node->data arg pointer to data that is also passed to the free function. The free function is called like this: (*freeFunc)(node->data, node->key, arg) -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void PatriciaFreeTree(PatriciaTreeRef treeRef, NodeFreeFunction freeFunc, void *refCon) { TPatriciaTree *tree = (TPatriciaTree *)treeRef; if (tree == NULL) return; /* Traverse the tree and free the data */ TraverseAndFree(tree, tree->headNode, freeFunc, refCon); free(tree); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- PatriciaSearch Search the tree for the node with the given key. Entry: key pointer to binary key data data pointer to placeholder for returned data If you pass NULL in this argument, no value will be returned (i.e. I don't deference 0). Exit: return value 1 if key found (data returned in *data) 0 if key not found (NULL returned in *data) -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int PatriciaSearch(PatriciaTreeRef treeRef, const unsigned char *key, void **data) { TPatriciaTree *tree = (TPatriciaTree *)treeRef; TNode *foundNode; AE_ASSERT(tree, "Where is my tree?"); foundNode = InternalSearch(tree, tree->headNode, key); AE_ASSERT(foundNode, "Should have found node"); if (memcmp(foundNode->key, key, tree->keySize) == 0) { if (data != NULL) *data = foundNode->data; return 1; } else return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- PatriciaInsert Insert a node into the tree with the given key and data. Entry: key pointer to binary key data replaceFunc function executed when a node with the key we are inserting is found in the tree. data pointer to node data structure Exit: return value 0 if insertion successful 1 if key already exists -1 if some other error -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int PatriciaInsert(PatriciaTreeRef treeRef, NodeReplaceFunction replaceFunc, const unsigned char *key, void *data, void *refCon) { TPatriciaTree *tree = (TPatriciaTree *)treeRef; TNode *x, *t, *p; short i; x = tree->headNode; t = InternalSearch(tree, x, key); AE_ASSERT(t, "Should have found node"); if (memcmp(t->key, key, tree->keySize) == 0) { if (replaceFunc) (*replaceFunc)(&t->data, t->key, data, refCon); return 1; /* It's already there */ } i = tree->numKeyBits - 1; while (CompareKeyBits(key, t->key, i)) i --; do { p = x; x = (TestKeyBit(key, x->bit)) ? x->right : x->left; } while (x->bit > i && p->bit > x->bit); t = MakeNewNode(tree, key, i, data); if (t == NULL) return -1; if (TestKeyBit(key, t->bit)) { t->right = t; t->left = x; } else { t->right = x; t->left = t; } if (TestKeyBit(key, p->bit)) p->right = t; else p->left = t; #ifdef VERBOSE printf("Inserted node %ld with left %ld and right %ld\n", t->nodeID, t->left->nodeID, t->right->nodeID); #endif tree->numNodes ++; return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- PatriciaTraverse Traverse the tree, executing traverseFunc for each node. It's called like this: (*traverseFunc)(node->data, node->key, arg1, arg2); traverseFunc should return 0 if it completes successfully, or any other value if there is an error. In this case, the traverse is abruptly terminated. Entry: treeRef reference to a Patricia tree traverseFunc function to be called on each node arg1, arg2 arguments passed to traverseFunc Exit: return value 0 if traverse competed successfully -1 if something caused the traverse to terminate. -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int PatriciaTraverse(PatriciaTreeRef treeRef, NodeTraverseFunction traverseFunc, void *arg, void *refCon) { TPatriciaTree *tree = (TPatriciaTree *)treeRef; return InternalTraverse(tree, tree->headNode, traverseFunc, arg, refCon); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- PatriciaGetNumNodes Return the number of nodes in the tree -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ long PatriciaGetNumNodes(PatriciaTreeRef treeRef) { return ((TPatriciaTree *)treeRef)->numNodes; }