/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; // settings.js loads this file when the HUD setting is enabled. const DEVELOPER_HUD_LOG_PREFIX = 'DeveloperHUD'; const CUSTOM_HISTOGRAM_PREFIX = 'DEVTOOLS_HUD_CUSTOM_'; const APPNAME_IDX = 3; const HISTNAME_IDX = 4; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, 'devtools', function() { const {devtools} = Cu.import('resource://devtools/shared/Loader.jsm', {}); return devtools; }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, 'DebuggerClient', function() { return devtools.require('devtools/shared/client/main').DebuggerClient; }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, 'WebConsoleUtils', function() { return devtools.require('devtools/shared/webconsole/utils').Utils; }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, 'EventLoopLagFront', function() { return devtools.require('devtools/shared/fronts/eventlooplag').EventLoopLagFront; }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, 'PerformanceEntriesFront', function() { return devtools.require('devtools/server/actors/performance-entries').PerformanceEntriesFront; }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, 'MemoryFront', function() { return devtools.require('devtools/server/actors/memory').MemoryFront; }); var _telemetryDebug = false; function telemetryDebug(...args) { if (_telemetryDebug) { args.unshift('[AdvancedTelemetry]'); console.log(...args); } } /** * The Developer HUD is an on-device developer tool that displays widgets, * showing visual debug information about apps. Each widget corresponds to a * metric as tracked by a metric watcher (e.g. consoleWatcher). */ var developerHUD = { _histograms: new Set(), _customHistograms: new Set(), _client: null, _conn: null, _watchers: [], _logging: true, _telemetry: false, /** * This method registers a metric watcher that will watch one or more metrics * on app frames that are being tracked. A watcher must implement the * `trackTarget(target)` and `untrackTarget(target)` methods, register * observed metrics with `target.register(metric)`, and keep them up-to-date * with `target.update(metric, message)` when necessary. */ registerWatcher(watcher) { this._watchers.unshift(watcher); }, init() { if (this._client) { return; } if (!DebuggerServer.initialized) { RemoteDebugger.initServer(); } // We instantiate a local debugger connection so that watchers can use our // DebuggerClient to send requests to tab actors (e.g. the consoleActor). // Note the special usage of the private _serverConnection, which we need // to call connectToChild and set up child process actors on a frame we // intend to track. These actors will use the connection to communicate with // our DebuggerServer in the parent process. let transport = DebuggerServer.connectPipe(); this._conn = transport._serverConnection; this._client = new DebuggerClient(transport); for (let w of this._watchers) { if (w.init) { w.init(this._client); } } SettingsListener.observe('hud.logging', this._logging, enabled => { this._logging = enabled; }); SettingsListener.observe('hud.telemetry.logging', _telemetryDebug, enabled => { _telemetryDebug = enabled; }); SettingsListener.observe('metrics.selectedMetrics.level', "", level => { this._telemetry = (level === 'Enhanced'); }); }, uninit() { if (!this._client) { return; } this._client.close(); delete this._client; }, log(message) { if (this._logging) { dump(DEVELOPER_HUD_LOG_PREFIX + ': ' + message + '\n'); } } }; /** * A Target object represents all there is to know about a Firefox OS app frame * that is being tracked, e.g. a pointer to the frame, current values of watched * metrics, and how to notify the front-end when metrics have changed. */ function Target(frame, actor) { this.frame = frame; this.actor = actor; this.metrics = new Map(); this._appName = null; } Target.prototype = { get manifest() { return this.frame.appManifestURL; }, get appName() { if (this._appName) { return this._appName; } let manifest = this.manifest; if (!manifest) { let msg = DEVELOPER_HUD_LOG_PREFIX + ': Unable to determine app for telemetry metric. src: ' + this.frame.src; console.error(msg); return null; } // "communications" apps are a special case if (manifest.indexOf('communications') === -1) { let start = manifest.indexOf('/') + 2; let end = manifest.indexOf('.', start); this._appName = manifest.substring(start, end).toLowerCase(); } else { let src = this.frame.src; if (src) { // e.g., `app://communications.gaiamobile.org/contacts/index.html` let parts = src.split('/'); let APP = 3; let EXPECTED_PARTS_LENGTH = 5; if (parts.length === EXPECTED_PARTS_LENGTH) { this._appName = parts[APP]; } } } return this._appName; }, /** * Register a metric that can later be updated. Does not update the front-end. */ register(metric) { this.metrics.set(metric, 0); }, /** * Modify one of a target's metrics, and send out an event to notify relevant * parties (e.g. the developer HUD, automated tests, etc). */ update(metric, message) { if (!metric.name) { throw new Error('Missing metric.name'); } if (!metric.value) { metric.value = 0; } let metrics = this.metrics; if (metrics) { metrics.set(metric.name, metric.value); } let data = { metrics: [], // FIXME(Bug 982066) Remove this field. manifest: this.manifest, metric: metric, message: message }; // FIXME(Bug 982066) Remove this loop. if (metrics && metrics.size > 0) { for (let name of metrics.keys()) { data.metrics.push({name: name, value: metrics.get(name)}); } } if (message) { developerHUD.log('[' + data.manifest + '] ' + data.message); } this._send(data); }, /** * Nicer way to call update() when the metric value is a number that needs * to be incremented. */ bump(metric, message) { metric.value = (this.metrics.get(metric.name) || 0) + 1; this.update(metric, message); }, /** * Void a metric value and make sure it isn't displayed on the front-end * anymore. */ clear(metric) { metric.value = 0; this.update(metric); }, /** * Tear everything down, including the front-end by sending a message without * widgets. */ destroy() { delete this.metrics; this._send({metric: {skipTelemetry: true}}); }, _send(data) { let frame = this.frame; shell.sendEvent(frame, 'developer-hud-update', Cu.cloneInto(data, frame)); this._logHistogram(data.metric); }, _getAddonHistogram(item) { let appName = this._getAddonHistogramName(item, APPNAME_IDX); let histName = this._getAddonHistogramName(item, HISTNAME_IDX); return Services.telemetry.getAddonHistogram(appName, CUSTOM_HISTOGRAM_PREFIX + histName); }, _getAddonHistogramName(item, index) { let array = item.split('_'); return array[index].toUpperCase(); }, _clearTelemetryData() { developerHUD._histograms.forEach(function(item) { Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById(item).clear(); }); developerHUD._customHistograms.forEach(item => { this._getAddonHistogram(item).clear(); }); }, _sendTelemetryData() { if (!developerHUD._telemetry) { return; } telemetryDebug('calling sendTelemetryData'); let frame = this.frame; let payload = { keyedHistograms: {}, addonHistograms: {} }; // Package the hud histograms. developerHUD._histograms.forEach(function(item) { payload.keyedHistograms[item] = Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById(item).snapshot(); }); // Package the registered hud custom histograms developerHUD._customHistograms.forEach(item => { let appName = this._getAddonHistogramName(item, APPNAME_IDX); let histName = CUSTOM_HISTOGRAM_PREFIX + this._getAddonHistogramName(item, HISTNAME_IDX); let addonHist = Services.telemetry.getAddonHistogram(appName, histName).snapshot(); if (!(appName in payload.addonHistograms)) { payload.addonHistograms[appName] = {}; } // Do not include histograms with sum of 0. if (addonHist.sum > 0) { payload.addonHistograms[appName][histName] = addonHist; } }); shell.sendEvent(frame, 'advanced-telemetry-update', Cu.cloneInto(payload, frame)); }, _logHistogram(metric) { //method left as no-op as histograms are not in use anymore. } }; /** * The Console Watcher tracks the following metrics in apps: reflows, warnings, * and errors, with security errors reported separately. */ var consoleWatcher = { _client: null, _targets: new Map(), _watching: { reflows: false, warnings: false, errors: false, security: false }, _security: [ 'Mixed Content Blocker', 'Mixed Content Message', 'CSP', 'Invalid HSTS Headers', 'Invalid HPKP Headers', 'Insecure Password Field', 'SSL', 'CORS' ], _reflowThreshold: 0, init(client) { this._client = client; this.consoleListener = this.consoleListener.bind(this); let watching = this._watching; for (let key in watching) { let metric = key; SettingsListener.observe('hud.' + metric, watching[metric], watch => { // Watch or unwatch the metric. if (watching[metric] = watch) { return; } // If unwatched, remove any existing widgets for that metric. for (let target of this._targets.values()) { target.clear({name: metric}); } }); } SettingsListener.observe('hud.reflows.duration', this._reflowThreshold, threshold => { this._reflowThreshold = threshold; }); client.addListener('logMessage', this.consoleListener); client.addListener('pageError', this.consoleListener); client.addListener('consoleAPICall', this.consoleListener); client.addListener('reflowActivity', this.consoleListener); }, trackTarget(target) { target.register('reflows'); target.register('warnings'); target.register('errors'); target.register('security'); this._client.request({ to: target.actor.consoleActor, type: 'startListeners', listeners: ['LogMessage', 'PageError', 'ConsoleAPI', 'ReflowActivity'] }, (res) => { this._targets.set(target.actor.consoleActor, target); }); }, untrackTarget(target) { this._client.request({ to: target.actor.consoleActor, type: 'stopListeners', listeners: ['LogMessage', 'PageError', 'ConsoleAPI', 'ReflowActivity'] }, (res) => { }); this._targets.delete(target.actor.consoleActor); }, consoleListener(type, packet) { let target = this._targets.get(packet.from); let metric = {}; let output = ''; switch (packet.type) { case 'pageError': let pageError = packet.pageError; if (pageError.warning || pageError.strict) { metric.name = 'warnings'; output += 'Warning ('; } else { metric.name = 'errors'; output += 'Error ('; } if (this._security.indexOf(pageError.category) > -1) { metric.name = 'security'; // Telemetry sends the security error category not the // count of security errors. target._logHistogram({ name: 'security_category', value: pageError.category }); // Indicate that the 'hud' security metric (the count of security // errors) should not be sent as a telemetry metric since the // security error category is being sent instead. metric.skipTelemetry = true; } let {errorMessage, sourceName, category, lineNumber, columnNumber} = pageError; output += category + '): "' + (errorMessage.initial || errorMessage) + '" in ' + sourceName + ':' + lineNumber + ':' + columnNumber; break; case 'consoleAPICall': switch (packet.message.level) { case 'error': metric.name = 'errors'; output += 'Error (console)'; break; case 'warn': metric.name = 'warnings'; output += 'Warning (console)'; break; case 'info': this.handleTelemetryMessage(target, packet); // Currently, informational log entries are tracked only by // telemetry. Nonetheless, for consistency, we continue here // and let the function return normally, when it concludes 'info' // entries are not being watched. metric.name = 'info'; break; default: return; } break; case 'reflowActivity': metric.name = 'reflows'; let {start, end, sourceURL, interruptible} = packet; metric.interruptible = interruptible; let duration = Math.round((end - start) * 100) / 100; // Record the reflow if the duration exceeds the threshold. if (duration < this._reflowThreshold) { return; } output += 'Reflow: ' + duration + 'ms'; if (sourceURL) { output += ' ' + this.formatSourceURL(packet); } // Telemetry also records reflow duration. target._logHistogram({ name: 'reflow_duration', value: Math.round(duration) }); break; default: return; } if (developerHUD._telemetry) { // Always record telemetry for these metrics. if (metric.name === 'errors' || metric.name === 'warnings' || metric.name === 'reflows') { let value = target.metrics.get(metric.name); metric.value = (value || 0) + 1; target._logHistogram(metric); // Telemetry has already been recorded. metric.skipTelemetry = true; // If the metric is not being watched, persist the incremented value. // If the metric is being watched, `target.bump` will increment the value // of the metric and will persist the incremented value. if (!this._watching[metric.name]) { target.metrics.set(metric.name, metric.value); } } } if (!this._watching[metric.name]) { return; } target.bump(metric, output); }, formatSourceURL(packet) { // Abbreviate source URL let source = WebConsoleUtils.abbreviateSourceURL(packet.sourceURL); // Add function name and line number let {functionName, sourceLine} = packet; source = 'in ' + (functionName || '') + ', ' + source + ':' + sourceLine; return source; }, handleTelemetryMessage(target, packet) { if (!developerHUD._telemetry) { return; } // If this is a 'telemetry' log entry, create a telemetry metric from // the log content. let separator = '|'; let logContent = packet.message.arguments.toString(); if (logContent.indexOf('telemetry') < 0) { return; } let telemetryData = logContent.split(separator); // Positions of the components of a telemetry log entry. let TELEMETRY_IDENTIFIER_IDX = 0; let NAME_IDX = 1; let VALUE_IDX = 2; let TYPE_IDX = 2; let MIN_IDX = 3; let MAX_IDX = 4; let BUCKETS_IDX = 5; let MAX_CUSTOM_ARGS = 6; let MIN_CUSTOM_ARGS = 3; if (telemetryData[TELEMETRY_IDENTIFIER_IDX] != 'telemetry' || telemetryData.length < MIN_CUSTOM_ARGS || telemetryData.length > MAX_CUSTOM_ARGS) { return; } let metric = { name: telemetryData[NAME_IDX] }; if (metric.name === 'MGMT') { metric.value = telemetryData[VALUE_IDX]; if (metric.value === 'TIMETOSHIP') { telemetryDebug('Received a Ship event'); target._sendTelemetryData(); } else if (metric.value === 'CLEARMETRICS') { target._clearTelemetryData(); } } else { if (telemetryData.length === MIN_CUSTOM_ARGS) { metric.value = telemetryData[VALUE_IDX]; } else if (telemetryData.length === MAX_CUSTOM_ARGS) { metric.type = telemetryData[TYPE_IDX]; metric.min = telemetryData[MIN_IDX]; metric.max = telemetryData[MAX_IDX]; metric.buckets = telemetryData[BUCKETS_IDX]; } metric.custom = true; target._logHistogram(metric); } } }; developerHUD.registerWatcher(consoleWatcher); var eventLoopLagWatcher = { _client: null, _fronts: new Map(), _active: false, init(client) { this._client = client; SettingsListener.observe('hud.jank', false, this.settingsListener.bind(this)); }, settingsListener(value) { if (this._active == value) { return; } this._active = value; // Toggle the state of existing fronts. let fronts = this._fronts; for (let target of fronts.keys()) { if (value) { fronts.get(target).start(); } else { fronts.get(target).stop(); target.clear({name: 'jank'}); } } }, trackTarget(target) { target.register('jank'); let front = new EventLoopLagFront(this._client, target.actor); this._fronts.set(target, front); front.on('event-loop-lag', time => { target.update({name: 'jank', value: time}, 'Jank: ' + time + 'ms'); }); if (this._active) { front.start(); } }, untrackTarget(target) { let fronts = this._fronts; if (fronts.has(target)) { fronts.get(target).destroy(); fronts.delete(target); } } }; developerHUD.registerWatcher(eventLoopLagWatcher); /* * The performanceEntriesWatcher determines the delta between the epoch * of an app's launch time and the epoch of the app's performance entry marks. * When it receives an "appLaunch" performance entry mark it records the * name of the app being launched and the epoch of when the launch ocurred. * When it receives subsequent performance entry events for the app being * launched, it records the delta of the performance entry opoch compared * to the app-launch epoch and emits an "app-start-time-" * event containing the delta. * * Additionally, while recording the "app-start-time" for a performance mark, * USS memory at the time of the performance mark is also recorded. */ var performanceEntriesWatcher = { _client: null, _fronts: new Map(), _appLaunch: new Map(), _supported: [ 'contentInteractive', 'navigationInteractive', 'navigationLoaded', 'visuallyLoaded', 'fullyLoaded', 'mediaEnumerated', 'scanEnd' ], init(client) { this._client = client; let setting = 'devtools.telemetry.supported_performance_marks'; let defaultValue = this._supported.join(','); SettingsListener.observe(setting, defaultValue, supported => { this._supported = supported.split(','); }); }, trackTarget(target) { // The performanceEntries watcher doesn't register a metric because // currently the metrics generated are not displayed in // in the front-end. let front = new PerformanceEntriesFront(this._client, target.actor); this._fronts.set(target, front); // User timings are always gathered; there is no setting to enable/ // disable. front.start(); front.on('entry', detail => { // Only process performance marks. if (detail.type !== 'mark') { return; } let name = detail.name; let epoch = detail.epoch; // If this is an "app launch" mark, record the app that was // launched and the epoch of when it was launched. if (name.indexOf('appLaunch') !== -1) { let CHARS_UNTIL_APP_NAME = 7; // '@app://' let startPos = name.indexOf('@app') + CHARS_UNTIL_APP_NAME; let endPos = name.indexOf('.'); let appName = name.slice(startPos, endPos); this._appLaunch.set(appName, epoch); return; } // Only process supported performance marks if (this._supported.indexOf(name) === -1) { return; } let origin = detail.origin; origin = origin.slice(0, origin.indexOf('.')); let appLaunchTime = this._appLaunch.get(origin); // Sanity check: ensure we have an app launch time for the app // corresponding to this performance mark. if (!appLaunchTime) { return; } let time = epoch - appLaunchTime; let eventName = 'app_startup_time_' + name; // Events based on performance marks are for telemetry only, they are // not displayed in the HUD front end. target._logHistogram({name: eventName, value: time}); memoryWatcher.front(target).residentUnique().then(value => { // bug 1215277, need 'v2' for app-memory histograms eventName = 'app_memory_' + name + '_v2'; target._logHistogram({name: eventName, value: value}); }, err => { console.error(err); }); }); }, untrackTarget(target) { let fronts = this._fronts; if (fronts.has(target)) { fronts.get(target).destroy(); fronts.delete(target); } } }; developerHUD.registerWatcher(performanceEntriesWatcher); /** * The Memory Watcher uses devtools actors to track memory usage. */ var memoryWatcher = { _client: null, _fronts: new Map(), _timers: new Map(), _watching: { uss: false, appmemory: false, jsobjects: false, jsstrings: false, jsother: false, dom: false, style: false, other: false }, _active: false, init(client) { this._client = client; let watching = this._watching; for (let key in watching) { let category = key; SettingsListener.observe('hud.' + category, false, watch => { watching[category] = watch; this.update(); }); } }, update() { let watching = this._watching; let active = watching.appmemory || watching.uss; if (this._active) { for (let target of this._fronts.keys()) { if (!watching.appmemory) target.clear({name: 'memory'}); if (!watching.uss) target.clear({name: 'uss'}); if (!active) clearTimeout(this._timers.get(target)); } } else if (active) { for (let target of this._fronts.keys()) { this.measure(target); } } this._active = active; }, measure(target) { let watch = this._watching; let format = this.formatMemory; if (watch.uss) { this.front(target).residentUnique().then(value => { target.update({name: 'uss', value: value}, 'USS: ' + format(value)); }, err => { console.error(err); }); } if (watch.appmemory) { front.measure().then(data => { let total = 0; let details = []; function item(name, condition, value) { if (!condition) { return; } let v = parseInt(value); total += v; details.push(name + ': ' + format(v)); } item('JS objects', watch.jsobjects, data.jsObjectsSize); item('JS strings', watch.jsstrings, data.jsStringsSize); item('JS other', watch.jsother, data.jsOtherSize); item('DOM', watch.dom, data.domSize); item('Style', watch.style, data.styleSize); item('Other', watch.other, data.otherSize); // TODO Also count images size (bug #976007). target.update({name: 'memory', value: total}, 'App Memory: ' + format(total) + ' (' + details.join(', ') + ')'); }, err => { console.error(err); }); } let timer = setTimeout(() => this.measure(target), 2000); this._timers.set(target, timer); }, formatMemory(bytes) { var prefix = ['','K','M','G','T','P','E','Z','Y']; var i = 0; for (; bytes > 1024 && i < prefix.length; ++i) { bytes /= 1024; } return (Math.round(bytes * 100) / 100) + ' ' + prefix[i] + 'B'; }, trackTarget(target) { target.register('uss'); target.register('memory'); this._fronts.set(target, MemoryFront(this._client, target.actor)); if (this._active) { this.measure(target); } }, untrackTarget(target) { let front = this._fronts.get(target); if (front) { front.destroy(); clearTimeout(this._timers.get(target)); this._fronts.delete(target); this._timers.delete(target); } }, front(target) { return this._fronts.get(target); } }; developerHUD.registerWatcher(memoryWatcher);