@echo off if "%1" == "debug" goto debug if "%1" == "release" goto release echo Usage: build [target] echo Where target is one of the following: debug, release. if "%1" == "" goto default goto next :default echo No target specified. Selecting debug as default target. :debug copy ..\..\..\..\dist\win32_d.obj\bin\*.dll data\Program copy ..\..\..\..\dist\win32_d.obj\bin\trex.exe data\Program copy ..\..\..\..\dist\win32_d.obj\bin\netscape.cfg data\Program goto next :release copy ..\..\..\..\dist\win32_o.obj\bin\*.dll data\Program copy ..\..\..\..\dist\win32_o.obj\bin\trex.exe data\Program copy ..\..\..\..\dist\win32_o.obj\bin\netscape.cfg data\Program :next rem ....Build components... setup\compile setup\setup.rul -g copy setup\setup.ins disk1 copy setup\setup.dbg disk1 copy ..\..\..\..\trex\modules\parser\calxml\res\julian.cal data\ui del data\data.z icomp -i data\*.* data\data.z copy data\data.z disk1 del data\data.z cd setup del setup.pkg packlist setup.lst copy setup.pkg ..\disk1 cd .. copy setup\setup.bmp disk1 del dist\setupex.exe rmdir /s /q dist mkdir dist start /wait exebuild .\build.ini