/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is mozilla.org code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): */ %{ /* For flex. Requires support for 8-bit characters and case independence. */ #include "cssI.h" #include "csstab.h" #undef YY_INPUT #define YY_INPUT(buf, result, max_size) css_GetBuf(buf, &result, max_size) #if !defined(__cplusplus) && !(__STDC__) && !defined(__TURBOC__) /* Stuff from stdlib.h -- needed by win16 */ #define YY_MALLOC_DECL \ extern void free (void *); \ extern void *malloc (size_t size); \ extern void *realloc (void *, size_t); #endif static int input(void); /* We never take input off of the command line. */ #define YY_NEVER_INTERACTIVE 1 #ifdef CSS_PARSE_DEBUG #define RETURN(x) {printf("lex returns %d for '%s'\n",x,css_text);return(x);} #else #define RETURN(x) return(x) #endif %} unicode \\[0-9a-f]{1,4} latin1 [¡-ÿ] escape {unicode}|\\[ -~¡-ÿ] stringchar {escape}|{latin1}|[ !#$%&(-~] nmstrt [a-z]|{latin1}|{escape} nmchar [-a-z0-9]|{latin1}|{escape} ident {nmstrt}{nmchar}* name {nmchar}+ d [0-9] notnm [^-a-z0-9\\]|{latin1} w [ \t\n]* num {d}+|{d}*\.{d}+ string \"({stringchar}|\')*\"|\'({stringchar}|\")*\' hex [0-9a-f] hex3 [0-9a-f]{3} hex6 [0-9a-f]{6} %x css_comment %x css_ignore %x css_property %x css_value %x css_bg %x css_font %x css_line_height %x css_list_style %x css_border %x css_font_size %s css_after_ident %% %{ /* CSS1 17 December 1996, with the following changes: * 1. Expand whitespace definition in the rules section. * 2. Change default rule action to be silent. * 3. Require class names to be an IDENT. * 4. Require id names to be an IDENT. * 5. Return '.' as a separate lexical token; * add DOT and DOT_AFTER_IDENT; remove CLASS and CLASS_AFTER_IDENT * 6. Return '#' as a separate lexical token; * remove HASH and HASH_AFTER_IDENT. * 7. Gut the use of AFTER_IDENT tokens for pseudoclasses and pseudoelements. * 8. Provide a definition for HEXCOLOR token. * move { and } out into state triggers * 9. Gave up on preserving any heritage and made use of exclusive states. */ /* These state variables can be on the stack because their state is not * useful across a token return. They should always be set to 0 before * starting a new input file. */ short int css_prior_state = 0; short int css_nest_count = 0; %} \<\!\-\- {BEGIN(0); RETURN(CDO);} \-\-\> {BEGIN(0); RETURN(CDC);} ":"link {BEGIN(0);RETURN(LINK_PSCLASS);} ":"visited {BEGIN(0);RETURN(VISITED_PSCLASS);} ":"active {BEGIN(0);RETURN(ACTIVE_PSCLASS);} "." {BEGIN(0);RETURN(DOT_AFTER_IDENT);} {ident} {BEGIN(css_after_ident); RETURN(IDENT);} ":"link {BEGIN(0);RETURN(LEADING_LINK_PSCLASS);} ":"visited {BEGIN(0);RETURN(LEADING_VISITED_PSCLASS);} ":"active {BEGIN(0);RETURN(LEADING_ACTIVE_PSCLASS);} ":"first-line {BEGIN(0);RETURN(FIRST_LINE);} ":"first-letter {BEGIN(0);RETURN(FIRST_LETTER);} "." {BEGIN(0);RETURN(DOT);} [,#;] {BEGIN(0);return (*css_text);} [ \t\f\v\r\n]+ {BEGIN(0);} @import {BEGIN(0); RETURN(IMPORT_SYM);} @fontdef {BEGIN(0); RETURN(FONTDEF);} url\({w}{string}{w}\) | url\({w}([^ \n\'\")]|\\\ |\\\'|\\\"|\\\))+{w}\) {RETURN(URL);} {string} {RETURN(STRING);} @{ident} {BEGIN(css_ignore); css_nest_count=0;} {string} | [^;{}]* { /* unrecognized @rules are ignored. */} ";" {if (0 == css_nest_count) BEGIN(0);} "{" {css_nest_count++;} "}" {if (0 >= --css_nest_count) BEGIN(0);} <*>"/*" {if (css_comment != YY_START) { /* Comments cannot be nested. */ css_prior_state = YY_START;} BEGIN(css_comment);} [^*]* | "*"+[^*/]* {/* Comments function as whitespace. */} "*"+"/" {BEGIN(css_prior_state);} [ \t\f\v\r\n]+ {/* whitespace can separate tokens */} "}" {BEGIN(0); return (*css_text);} [;] {BEGIN(css_property); return (*css_text);} "!"{w}important {RETURN(IMPORTANT_SYM);} "{" {BEGIN(css_property); return (*css_text);} [:] {BEGIN(css_value); return (*css_text);} [-/+;,#] {return (*css_text);} "background" {BEGIN(css_bg); RETURN(BACKGROUND);} font {BEGIN(css_font); RETURN(FONT);} list-style {BEGIN(css_list_style); RETURN(LIST_STYLE);} border {BEGIN(css_border); RETURN(BORDER);} font-size {BEGIN(css_font_size); RETURN(FONT_SIZE_PROPERTY);} {ident} {RETURN(IDENT);} italic|oblique {RETURN(FONT_STYLE);} small-caps {RETURN(FONT_VARIANT);} bold|bolder|lighter {RETURN(FONT_WEIGHT);} 100|200|300|400|500|600|700|800|900 {RETURN(FONT_WEIGHT);} normal {RETURN(FONT_NORMAL);} xx-small|x-small|small|medium {RETURN(FONT_SIZE);} large|x-large|xx-large|larger|smaller {RETURN(FONT_SIZE);} {num}"%" {BEGIN(css_font); RETURN(PERCENTAGE);} 0 | {num}pt/{notnm} | {num}mm/{notnm} | {num}cm/{notnm} | {num}pc/{notnm} | {num}in/{notnm} | {num}px/{notnm} {BEGIN(css_font); RETURN(LENGTH);} {num}em/{notnm} {BEGIN(css_font); RETURN(EMS);} {num}ex/{notnm} {BEGIN(css_font); RETURN(EXS);} "/" {BEGIN(css_line_height); return (*css_text);} [-+] {return (*css_text);} {num} {BEGIN(css_font); RETURN(NUMBER);} normal {BEGIN(css_font); RETURN(LINE_HEIGHT);} {ident} {RETURN(IDENT);} {string} {RETURN(STRING);} [:,+] {return (*css_text);} disc|circle|square|decimal|lower-roman|upper-roman|lower-alpha|upper-alpha {RETURN(LS_TYPE);} none {RETURN(LS_NONE);} inside|outside {RETURN(LS_POSITION);} transparent {RETURN(BG_COLOR);} none {RETURN(BG_IMAGE);} repeat|repeat-x|repeat-y|no-repeat {RETURN(BG_REPEAT);} scroll|fixed {RETURN(BG_ATTACHMENT);} left|right|top|center|bottom {RETURN(BG_POSITION);} [-/+,#:] {return (*css_text);} {ident} {RETURN(IDENT);} [)(] {RETURN(IDENT); /* quick b2 hack */} {string} {RETURN(STRING);} "#"{hex3} | "#"{hex6} {RETURN(HEXCOLOR);} rgb\({w}{num}%?{w}\,{w}{num}%?{w}\,{w}{num}%?{w}\) {RETURN(RGB);} url\({w}{string}{w}\) | url\({w}([^ \n\'\")]|\\\ |\\\'|\\\"|\\\))+{w}\) {RETURN(URL);} {num}"%" {RETURN(PERCENTAGE);} 0 | {num}pt/{notnm} | {num}mm/{notnm} | {num}cm/{notnm} | {num}pc/{notnm} | {num}in/{notnm} | {num}px/{notnm} {RETURN(LENGTH);} {num}em/{notnm} {RETURN(EMS);} {num}ex/{notnm} {RETURN(EXS);} {num} {RETURN(NUMBER);} none|dotted|dashed|solid|double | groove|ridge|inset|outset {RETURN(BORDER_STYLE);} thin|medium|thick {RETURN(BORDER_WIDTH);} {ident} {RETURN(IDENT);} <> {BEGIN (0); yyterminate();} <*>. {RETURN(WILD);} %%