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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "ScrollSnap.h"
#include "FrameMetrics.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_layout.h"
#include "nsLineLayout.h"
namespace mozilla {
using layers::ScrollSnapInfo;
* Keeps track of the current best edge to snap to. The criteria for
* adding an edge depends on the scrolling unit.
class CalcSnapPoints final {
CalcSnapPoints(ScrollUnit aUnit, ScrollSnapFlags aSnapFlags,
const nsPoint& aDestination, const nsPoint& aStartPos);
void AddHorizontalEdge(nscoord aEdge);
void AddVerticalEdge(nscoord aEdge);
void AddEdge(nscoord aEdge, nscoord aDestination, nscoord aStartPos,
nscoord aScrollingDirection, nscoord* aBestEdge,
nscoord* aSecondBestEdge, bool* aEdgeFound);
nsPoint GetBestEdge() const;
nscoord XDistanceBetweenBestAndSecondEdge() const {
return std::abs(
NSCoordSaturatingSubtract(mSecondBestEdge.x, mBestEdge.x, nscoord_MAX));
nscoord YDistanceBetweenBestAndSecondEdge() const {
return std::abs(
NSCoordSaturatingSubtract(mSecondBestEdge.y, mBestEdge.y, nscoord_MAX));
const nsPoint& Destination() const { return mDestination; }
ScrollUnit mUnit;
ScrollSnapFlags mSnapFlags;
nsPoint mDestination; // gives the position after scrolling but before
// snapping
nsPoint mStartPos; // gives the position before scrolling
nsIntPoint mScrollingDirection; // always -1, 0, or 1
nsPoint mBestEdge; // keeps track of the position of the current best edge
nsPoint mSecondBestEdge; // keeps track of the position of the current
// second best edge on the opposite side of the best
// edge
bool mHorizontalEdgeFound; // true if mBestEdge.x is storing a valid
// horizontal edge
bool mVerticalEdgeFound; // true if mBestEdge.y is storing a valid vertical
// edge
CalcSnapPoints::CalcSnapPoints(ScrollUnit aUnit, ScrollSnapFlags aSnapFlags,
const nsPoint& aDestination,
const nsPoint& aStartPos) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aSnapFlags != ScrollSnapFlags::Disabled);
mUnit = aUnit;
mSnapFlags = aSnapFlags;
mDestination = aDestination;
mStartPos = aStartPos;
nsPoint direction = aDestination - aStartPos;
mScrollingDirection = nsIntPoint(0, 0);
if (direction.x < 0) {
mScrollingDirection.x = -1;
if (direction.x > 0) {
mScrollingDirection.x = 1;
if (direction.y < 0) {
mScrollingDirection.y = -1;
if (direction.y > 0) {
mScrollingDirection.y = 1;
mBestEdge = aDestination;
// We use NSCoordSaturatingSubtract to calculate the distance between a given
// position and this second best edge position so that it can be an
// uninitialized value as the maximum possible value, because the first
// distance calculation would always be nscoord_MAX.
mSecondBestEdge = nsPoint(nscoord_MAX, nscoord_MAX);
mHorizontalEdgeFound = false;
mVerticalEdgeFound = false;
nsPoint CalcSnapPoints::GetBestEdge() const {
return nsPoint(mVerticalEdgeFound ? mBestEdge.x : mStartPos.x,
mHorizontalEdgeFound ? mBestEdge.y : mStartPos.y);
void CalcSnapPoints::AddHorizontalEdge(nscoord aEdge) {
AddEdge(aEdge, mDestination.y, mStartPos.y, mScrollingDirection.y,
&mBestEdge.y, &mSecondBestEdge.y, &mHorizontalEdgeFound);
void CalcSnapPoints::AddVerticalEdge(nscoord aEdge) {
AddEdge(aEdge, mDestination.x, mStartPos.x, mScrollingDirection.x,
&mBestEdge.x, &mSecondBestEdge.x, &mVerticalEdgeFound);
void CalcSnapPoints::AddEdge(nscoord aEdge, nscoord aDestination,
nscoord aStartPos, nscoord aScrollingDirection,
nscoord* aBestEdge, nscoord* aSecondBestEdge,
bool* aEdgeFound) {
if (mSnapFlags & ScrollSnapFlags::IntendedDirection) {
// In the case of intended direction, we only want to snap to points ahead
// of the direction we are scrolling.
if (aScrollingDirection == 0 ||
(aEdge - aStartPos) * aScrollingDirection <= 0) {
// The scroll direction is neutral - will not hit a snap point, or the
// edge is not in the direction we are scrolling, skip it.
if (!*aEdgeFound) {
*aBestEdge = aEdge;
*aEdgeFound = true;
const bool isOnOppositeSide =
((aEdge - aDestination) > 0) != ((*aBestEdge - aDestination) > 0);
// A utility function to update the best and the second best edges in the
// given conditions.
// |aIsCloserThanBest| True if the current candidate is closer than the best
// edge.
// |aIsCloserThanSecond| True if the current candidate is closer than
// the second best edge.
auto updateBestEdges = [&](bool aIsCloserThanBest, bool aIsCloserThanSecond) {
if (aIsCloserThanBest) {
// Replace the second best edge with the current best edge only if the new
// best edge (aEdge) is on the opposite side of the current best edge.
if (isOnOppositeSide) {
*aSecondBestEdge = *aBestEdge;
*aBestEdge = aEdge;
} else if (aIsCloserThanSecond) {
if (isOnOppositeSide) {
*aSecondBestEdge = aEdge;
if (mUnit == ScrollUnit::DEVICE_PIXELS || mUnit == ScrollUnit::LINES ||
mUnit == ScrollUnit::WHOLE) {
nscoord distance = std::abs(aEdge - aDestination);
distance < std::abs(*aBestEdge - aDestination),
distance < std::abs(NSCoordSaturatingSubtract(
*aSecondBestEdge, aDestination, nscoord_MAX)));
} else if (mUnit == ScrollUnit::PAGES) {
// distance to the edge from the scrolling destination in the direction of
// scrolling
nscoord overshoot = (aEdge - aDestination) * aScrollingDirection;
// distance to the current best edge from the scrolling destination in the
// direction of scrolling
nscoord curOvershoot = (*aBestEdge - aDestination) * aScrollingDirection;
nscoord secondOvershoot =
NSCoordSaturatingSubtract(*aSecondBestEdge, aDestination, nscoord_MAX) *
// edges between the current position and the scrolling destination are
// favoured to preserve context
if (overshoot < 0) {
updateBestEdges(overshoot > curOvershoot || curOvershoot >= 0,
overshoot > secondOvershoot || secondOvershoot >= 0);
// if there are no edges between the current position and the scrolling
// destination the closest edge beyond the destination is used
if (overshoot > 0) {
updateBestEdges(overshoot < curOvershoot, overshoot < secondOvershoot);
} else {
NS_ERROR("Invalid scroll mode");
static void ProcessSnapPositions(CalcSnapPoints& aCalcSnapPoints,
const ScrollSnapInfo& aSnapInfo) {
for (const auto& target : aSnapInfo.mSnapTargets) {
nsPoint snapPoint(target.mSnapPositionX ? *target.mSnapPositionX
: aCalcSnapPoints.Destination().x,
target.mSnapPositionY ? *target.mSnapPositionY
: aCalcSnapPoints.Destination().y);
nsRect snappedPort = nsRect(snapPoint, aSnapInfo.mSnapportSize);
// Ignore snap points if snapping to the point would leave the snap area
// outside of the snapport.
if (!snappedPort.Intersects(target.mSnapArea)) {
if (target.mSnapPositionX) {
if (target.mSnapPositionY) {
Maybe<nsPoint> ScrollSnapUtils::GetSnapPointForDestination(
const ScrollSnapInfo& aSnapInfo, ScrollUnit aUnit,
ScrollSnapFlags aSnapFlags, const nsRect& aScrollRange,
const nsPoint& aStartPos, const nsPoint& aDestination) {
if (aSnapInfo.mScrollSnapStrictnessY == StyleScrollSnapStrictness::None &&
aSnapInfo.mScrollSnapStrictnessX == StyleScrollSnapStrictness::None) {
return Nothing();
if (!aSnapInfo.HasSnapPositions()) {
return Nothing();
CalcSnapPoints calcSnapPoints(aUnit, aSnapFlags, aDestination, aStartPos);
ProcessSnapPositions(calcSnapPoints, aSnapInfo);
// If the distance between the first and the second candidate snap points
// is larger than the snapport size and the snapport is covered by larger
// elements, any points inside the covering area should be valid snap
// points.
// NOTE: |aDestination| sometimes points outside of the scroll range, e.g.
// by the APZC fling, so for the overflow checks we need to clamp it.
nsPoint clampedDestination = aScrollRange.ClampPoint(aDestination);
for (auto range : aSnapInfo.mXRangeWiderThanSnapport) {
if (range.IsValid(clampedDestination.x, aSnapInfo.mSnapportSize.width) &&
calcSnapPoints.XDistanceBetweenBestAndSecondEdge() >
aSnapInfo.mSnapportSize.width) {
for (auto range : aSnapInfo.mYRangeWiderThanSnapport) {
if (range.IsValid(clampedDestination.y, aSnapInfo.mSnapportSize.height) &&
calcSnapPoints.YDistanceBetweenBestAndSecondEdge() >
aSnapInfo.mSnapportSize.height) {
bool snapped = false;
nsPoint finalPos = calcSnapPoints.GetBestEdge();
nscoord proximityThreshold =
proximityThreshold = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(proximityThreshold);
if (aSnapInfo.mScrollSnapStrictnessY ==
StyleScrollSnapStrictness::Proximity &&
std::abs(aDestination.y - finalPos.y) > proximityThreshold) {
finalPos.y = aDestination.y;
} else {
snapped = true;
if (aSnapInfo.mScrollSnapStrictnessX ==
StyleScrollSnapStrictness::Proximity &&
std::abs(aDestination.x - finalPos.x) > proximityThreshold) {
finalPos.x = aDestination.x;
} else {
snapped = true;
return snapped ? Some(finalPos) : Nothing();
} // namespace mozilla