
640 строки
26 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use bluetooth_traits::BluetoothRequest;
use canvas_traits::webgl::WebGLPipeline;
use compositing::CompositionPipeline;
use compositing::CompositorProxy;
use compositing::compositor_thread::Msg as CompositorMsg;
use devtools_traits::{DevtoolsControlMsg, ScriptToDevtoolsControlMsg};
use euclid::{TypedSize2D, TypedScale};
use event_loop::EventLoop;
use gfx::font_cache_thread::FontCacheThread;
use ipc_channel::Error;
use ipc_channel::ipc::{self, IpcReceiver, IpcSender};
use ipc_channel::router::ROUTER;
use layout_traits::LayoutThreadFactory;
use metrics::PaintTimeMetrics;
use msg::constellation_msg::{BrowsingContextId, TopLevelBrowsingContextId, PipelineId, PipelineNamespaceId};
use net::image_cache::ImageCacheImpl;
use net_traits::{IpcSend, ResourceThreads};
use net_traits::image_cache::ImageCache;
use profile_traits::mem as profile_mem;
use profile_traits::time;
use script_traits::{ConstellationControlMsg, DiscardBrowsingContext, ScriptToConstellationChan};
use script_traits::{DocumentActivity, InitialScriptState};
use script_traits::{LayoutControlMsg, LayoutMsg, LoadData};
use script_traits::{NewLayoutInfo, SWManagerMsg, SWManagerSenders};
use script_traits::{ScriptThreadFactory, TimerSchedulerMsg, WindowSizeData};
use servo_config::opts::{self, Opts};
use servo_config::prefs::{PREFS, Pref};
use servo_url::ServoUrl;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::process;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::mpsc::Sender;
use style_traits::CSSPixel;
use style_traits::DevicePixel;
use webrender_api;
use webvr_traits::WebVRMsg;
/// A `Pipeline` is the constellation's view of a `Document`. Each pipeline has an
/// event loop (executed by a script thread) and a layout thread. A script thread
/// may be responsible for many pipelines, but a layout thread is only responsible
/// for one.
pub struct Pipeline {
/// The ID of the pipeline.
pub id: PipelineId,
/// The ID of the browsing context that contains this Pipeline.
pub browsing_context_id: BrowsingContextId,
/// The ID of the top-level browsing context that contains this Pipeline.
pub top_level_browsing_context_id: TopLevelBrowsingContextId,
/// The parent pipeline of this one. `None` if this is a root pipeline.
/// TODO: move this field to `BrowsingContext`.
pub parent_info: Option<PipelineId>,
/// The event loop handling this pipeline.
pub event_loop: Rc<EventLoop>,
/// A channel to layout, for performing reflows and shutdown.
pub layout_chan: IpcSender<LayoutControlMsg>,
/// A channel to the compositor.
pub compositor_proxy: CompositorProxy,
/// The most recently loaded URL in this pipeline.
/// Note that this URL can change, for example if the page navigates
/// to a hash URL.
pub url: ServoUrl,
/// Whether this pipeline is currently running animations. Pipelines that are running
/// animations cause composites to be continually scheduled.
pub running_animations: bool,
/// The child browsing contexts of this pipeline (these are iframes in the document).
pub children: Vec<BrowsingContextId>,
/// Whether this pipeline is in private browsing mode.
/// TODO: move this field to `BrowsingContext`.
pub is_private: bool,
/// Whether this pipeline should be treated as visible for the purposes of scheduling and
/// resource management.
pub visible: bool,
/// The Load Data used to create this pipeline.
pub load_data: LoadData,
/// Initial setup data needed to construct a pipeline.
/// *DO NOT* add any Senders to this unless you absolutely know what you're doing, or pcwalton will
/// have to rewrite your code. Use IPC senders instead.
pub struct InitialPipelineState {
/// The ID of the pipeline to create.
pub id: PipelineId,
/// The ID of the browsing context that contains this Pipeline.
pub browsing_context_id: BrowsingContextId,
/// The ID of the top-level browsing context that contains this Pipeline.
pub top_level_browsing_context_id: TopLevelBrowsingContextId,
/// The ID of the parent pipeline and frame type, if any.
/// If `None`, this is the root.
pub parent_info: Option<PipelineId>,
/// A channel to the associated constellation.
pub script_to_constellation_chan: ScriptToConstellationChan,
/// A channel for the layout thread to send messages to the constellation.
pub layout_to_constellation_chan: IpcSender<LayoutMsg>,
/// A channel to schedule timer events.
pub scheduler_chan: IpcSender<TimerSchedulerMsg>,
/// A channel to the compositor.
pub compositor_proxy: CompositorProxy,
/// A channel to the developer tools, if applicable.
pub devtools_chan: Option<Sender<DevtoolsControlMsg>>,
/// A channel to the bluetooth thread.
pub bluetooth_thread: IpcSender<BluetoothRequest>,
/// A channel to the service worker manager thread
pub swmanager_thread: IpcSender<SWManagerMsg>,
/// A channel to the font cache thread.
pub font_cache_thread: FontCacheThread,
/// Channels to the resource-related threads.
pub resource_threads: ResourceThreads,
/// A channel to the time profiler thread.
pub time_profiler_chan: time::ProfilerChan,
/// A channel to the memory profiler thread.
pub mem_profiler_chan: profile_mem::ProfilerChan,
/// Information about the initial window size.
pub window_size: Option<TypedSize2D<f32, CSSPixel>>,
/// Information about the device pixel ratio.
pub device_pixel_ratio: TypedScale<f32, CSSPixel, DevicePixel>,
/// The event loop to run in, if applicable.
pub event_loop: Option<Rc<EventLoop>>,
/// Information about the page to load.
pub load_data: LoadData,
/// The ID of the pipeline namespace for this script thread.
pub pipeline_namespace_id: PipelineNamespaceId,
/// Pipeline visibility to be inherited
pub prev_visibility: Option<bool>,
/// Webrender api.
pub webrender_api_sender: webrender_api::RenderApiSender,
/// The ID of the document processed by this script thread.
pub webrender_document: webrender_api::DocumentId,
/// Whether this pipeline is considered private.
pub is_private: bool,
/// A channel to the WebGL thread.
pub webgl_chan: Option<WebGLPipeline>,
/// A channel to the webvr thread.
pub webvr_chan: Option<IpcSender<WebVRMsg>>,
impl Pipeline {
/// Starts a layout thread, and possibly a script thread, in
/// a new process if requested.
pub fn spawn<Message, LTF, STF>(state: InitialPipelineState) -> Result<Pipeline, Error>
where LTF: LayoutThreadFactory<Message=Message>,
STF: ScriptThreadFactory<Message=Message>
// Note: we allow channel creation to panic, since recovering from this
// probably requires a general low-memory strategy.
let (pipeline_chan, pipeline_port) = ipc::channel()
.expect("Pipeline main chan");
let (layout_content_process_shutdown_chan, layout_content_process_shutdown_port) =
ipc::channel().expect("Pipeline layout content shutdown chan");
let device_pixel_ratio = state.device_pixel_ratio;
let window_size =|size| {
WindowSizeData {
initial_viewport: size,
device_pixel_ratio: device_pixel_ratio,
let url = state.load_data.url.clone();
let script_chan = match state.event_loop {
Some(script_chan) => {
let new_layout_info = NewLayoutInfo {
parent_info: state.parent_info,
browsing_context_id: state.browsing_context_id,
top_level_browsing_context_id: state.top_level_browsing_context_id,
load_data: state.load_data.clone(),
window_size: window_size,
pipeline_port: pipeline_port,
content_process_shutdown_chan: Some(layout_content_process_shutdown_chan.clone()),
layout_threads: PREFS.get("layout.threads").as_u64().expect("count") as usize,
if let Err(e) = script_chan.send(ConstellationControlMsg::AttachLayout(new_layout_info)) {
warn!("Sending to script during pipeline creation failed ({})", e);
None => {
let (script_chan, script_port) = ipc::channel().expect("Pipeline script chan");
// Route messages coming from content to devtools as appropriate.
let script_to_devtools_chan = state.devtools_chan.as_ref().map(|devtools_chan| {
let (script_to_devtools_chan, script_to_devtools_port) = ipc::channel()
.expect("Pipeline script to devtools chan");
let devtools_chan = (*devtools_chan).clone();
ROUTER.add_route(script_to_devtools_port.to_opaque(), Box::new(move |message| {
match<ScriptToDevtoolsControlMsg>() {
Err(e) => error!("Cast to ScriptToDevtoolsControlMsg failed ({}).", e),
Ok(message) => if let Err(e) = devtools_chan.send(DevtoolsControlMsg::FromScript(message)) {
warn!("Sending to devtools failed ({})", e)
let (script_content_process_shutdown_chan, script_content_process_shutdown_port) =
ipc::channel().expect("Pipeline script content process shutdown chan");
let unprivileged_pipeline_content = UnprivilegedPipelineContent {
browsing_context_id: state.browsing_context_id,
top_level_browsing_context_id: state.top_level_browsing_context_id,
parent_info: state.parent_info,
script_to_constellation_chan: state.script_to_constellation_chan.clone(),
scheduler_chan: state.scheduler_chan,
devtools_chan: script_to_devtools_chan,
bluetooth_thread: state.bluetooth_thread,
swmanager_thread: state.swmanager_thread,
font_cache_thread: state.font_cache_thread,
resource_threads: state.resource_threads,
time_profiler_chan: state.time_profiler_chan,
mem_profiler_chan: state.mem_profiler_chan,
window_size: window_size,
layout_to_constellation_chan: state.layout_to_constellation_chan,
script_chan: script_chan.clone(),
load_data: state.load_data.clone(),
script_port: script_port,
opts: (*opts::get()).clone(),
prefs: PREFS.cloned(),
pipeline_port: pipeline_port,
pipeline_namespace_id: state.pipeline_namespace_id,
layout_content_process_shutdown_chan: layout_content_process_shutdown_chan,
layout_content_process_shutdown_port: layout_content_process_shutdown_port,
script_content_process_shutdown_chan: script_content_process_shutdown_chan,
script_content_process_shutdown_port: script_content_process_shutdown_port,
webrender_api_sender: state.webrender_api_sender,
webrender_document: state.webrender_document,
webgl_chan: state.webgl_chan,
webvr_chan: state.webvr_chan,
// Spawn the child process.
// Yes, that's all there is to it!
if opts::multiprocess() {
let _ = unprivileged_pipeline_content.spawn_multiprocess()?;
} else {
unprivileged_pipeline_content.start_all::<Message, LTF, STF>(false);
/// Creates a new `Pipeline`, after the script and layout threads have been
/// spawned.
pub fn new(id: PipelineId,
browsing_context_id: BrowsingContextId,
top_level_browsing_context_id: TopLevelBrowsingContextId,
parent_info: Option<PipelineId>,
event_loop: Rc<EventLoop>,
layout_chan: IpcSender<LayoutControlMsg>,
compositor_proxy: CompositorProxy,
is_private: bool,
url: ServoUrl,
visible: bool,
load_data: LoadData)
-> Pipeline {
let pipeline = Pipeline {
id: id,
browsing_context_id: browsing_context_id,
top_level_browsing_context_id: top_level_browsing_context_id,
parent_info: parent_info,
event_loop: event_loop,
layout_chan: layout_chan,
compositor_proxy: compositor_proxy,
url: url,
children: vec!(),
running_animations: false,
visible: visible,
is_private: is_private,
load_data: load_data,
/// A normal exit of the pipeline, which waits for the compositor,
/// and delegates layout shutdown to the script thread.
pub fn exit(&self, discard_bc: DiscardBrowsingContext) {
debug!("pipeline {:?} exiting",;
// The compositor wants to know when pipelines shut down too.
// It may still have messages to process from these other threads
// before they can be safely shut down.
// It's OK for the constellation to block on the compositor,
// since the compositor never blocks on the constellation.
if let Ok((sender, receiver)) = ipc::channel() {
self.compositor_proxy.send(CompositorMsg::PipelineExited(, sender));
if let Err(e) = receiver.recv() {
warn!("Sending exit message failed ({}).", e);
// Script thread handles shutting down layout, and layout handles shutting down the painter.
// For now, if the script thread has failed, we give up on clean shutdown.
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::ExitPipeline(, discard_bc);
if let Err(e) = self.event_loop.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending script exit message failed ({}).", e);
/// A forced exit of the shutdown, which does not wait for the compositor,
/// or for the script thread to shut down layout.
pub fn force_exit(&self, discard_bc: DiscardBrowsingContext) {
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::ExitPipeline(, discard_bc);
if let Err(e) = self.event_loop.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending script exit message failed ({}).", e);
if let Err(e) = self.layout_chan.send(LayoutControlMsg::ExitNow) {
warn!("Sending layout exit message failed ({}).", e);
/// Notify this pipeline of its activity.
pub fn set_activity(&self, activity: DocumentActivity) {
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::SetDocumentActivity(, activity);
if let Err(e) = self.event_loop.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending activity message failed ({}).", e);
/// The compositor's view of a pipeline.
pub fn to_sendable(&self) -> CompositionPipeline {
CompositionPipeline {
top_level_browsing_context_id: self.top_level_browsing_context_id.clone(),
script_chan: self.event_loop.sender(),
layout_chan: self.layout_chan.clone(),
/// Add a new child browsing context.
pub fn add_child(&mut self, browsing_context_id: BrowsingContextId) {
/// Remove a child browsing context.
pub fn remove_child(&mut self, browsing_context_id: BrowsingContextId) {
match self.children.iter().position(|id| *id == browsing_context_id) {
None => return warn!("Pipeline remove child already removed ({:?}).", browsing_context_id),
Some(index) => self.children.remove(index),
/// Notify the script thread that this pipeline is visible.
fn notify_visibility(&self) {
let script_msg = ConstellationControlMsg::ChangeFrameVisibilityStatus(, self.visible);
let compositor_msg = CompositorMsg::PipelineVisibilityChanged(, self.visible);
let err = self.event_loop.send(script_msg);
if let Err(e) = err {
warn!("Sending visibility change failed ({}).", e);
/// Change the visibility of this pipeline.
pub fn change_visibility(&mut self, visible: bool) {
if visible == self.visible {
self.visible = visible;
/// Creating a new pipeline may require creating a new event loop.
/// This is the data used to initialize the event loop.
/// TODO: simplify this, and unify it with `InitialPipelineState` if possible.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct UnprivilegedPipelineContent {
id: PipelineId,
top_level_browsing_context_id: TopLevelBrowsingContextId,
browsing_context_id: BrowsingContextId,
parent_info: Option<PipelineId>,
script_to_constellation_chan: ScriptToConstellationChan,
layout_to_constellation_chan: IpcSender<LayoutMsg>,
scheduler_chan: IpcSender<TimerSchedulerMsg>,
devtools_chan: Option<IpcSender<ScriptToDevtoolsControlMsg>>,
bluetooth_thread: IpcSender<BluetoothRequest>,
swmanager_thread: IpcSender<SWManagerMsg>,
font_cache_thread: FontCacheThread,
resource_threads: ResourceThreads,
time_profiler_chan: time::ProfilerChan,
mem_profiler_chan: profile_mem::ProfilerChan,
window_size: Option<WindowSizeData>,
script_chan: IpcSender<ConstellationControlMsg>,
load_data: LoadData,
script_port: IpcReceiver<ConstellationControlMsg>,
opts: Opts,
prefs: HashMap<String, Pref>,
pipeline_port: IpcReceiver<LayoutControlMsg>,
pipeline_namespace_id: PipelineNamespaceId,
layout_content_process_shutdown_chan: IpcSender<()>,
layout_content_process_shutdown_port: IpcReceiver<()>,
script_content_process_shutdown_chan: IpcSender<()>,
script_content_process_shutdown_port: IpcReceiver<()>,
webrender_api_sender: webrender_api::RenderApiSender,
webrender_document: webrender_api::DocumentId,
webgl_chan: Option<WebGLPipeline>,
webvr_chan: Option<IpcSender<WebVRMsg>>,
impl UnprivilegedPipelineContent {
pub fn start_all<Message, LTF, STF>(self, wait_for_completion: bool)
where LTF: LayoutThreadFactory<Message=Message>,
STF: ScriptThreadFactory<Message=Message>
let image_cache = Arc::new(ImageCacheImpl::new(self.webrender_api_sender.create_api()));
let paint_time_metrics = PaintTimeMetrics::new(,
let layout_pair = STF::create(InitialScriptState {
browsing_context_id: self.browsing_context_id,
top_level_browsing_context_id: self.top_level_browsing_context_id,
parent_info: self.parent_info,
control_chan: self.script_chan.clone(),
control_port: self.script_port,
script_to_constellation_chan: self.script_to_constellation_chan.clone(),
layout_to_constellation_chan: self.layout_to_constellation_chan.clone(),
scheduler_chan: self.scheduler_chan,
bluetooth_thread: self.bluetooth_thread,
resource_threads: self.resource_threads,
image_cache: image_cache.clone(),
time_profiler_chan: self.time_profiler_chan.clone(),
mem_profiler_chan: self.mem_profiler_chan.clone(),
devtools_chan: self.devtools_chan,
window_size: self.window_size,
pipeline_namespace_id: self.pipeline_namespace_id,
content_process_shutdown_chan: self.script_content_process_shutdown_chan,
webgl_chan: self.webgl_chan,
webvr_chan: self.webvr_chan,
webrender_document: self.webrender_document,
}, self.load_data.clone());
.as_u64().expect("count") as usize,
if wait_for_completion {
let _ = self.script_content_process_shutdown_port.recv();
let _ = self.layout_content_process_shutdown_port.recv();
#[cfg(all(not(target_os = "windows"), not(target_os = "ios")))]
pub fn spawn_multiprocess(self) -> Result<(), Error> {
use gaol::sandbox::{self, Sandbox, SandboxMethods};
use ipc_channel::ipc::IpcOneShotServer;
use sandboxing::content_process_sandbox_profile;
impl CommandMethods for sandbox::Command {
fn arg<T>(&mut self, arg: T)
where T: AsRef<OsStr> {
fn env<T, U>(&mut self, key: T, val: U)
where T: AsRef<OsStr>, U: AsRef<OsStr> {
self.env(key, val);
// Note that this function can panic, due to process creation,
// avoiding this panic would require a mechanism for dealing
// with low-resource scenarios.
let (server, token) =
.expect("Failed to create IPC one-shot server.");
// If there is a sandbox, use the `gaol` API to create the child process.
if opts::get().sandbox {
let mut command = sandbox::Command::me().expect("Failed to get current sandbox.");
self.setup_common(&mut command, token);
let profile = content_process_sandbox_profile();
let _ = Sandbox::new(profile)
.start(&mut command)
.expect("Failed to start sandboxed child process!");
} else {
let path_to_self = env::current_exe()
.expect("Failed to get current executor.");
let mut child_process = process::Command::new(path_to_self);
self.setup_common(&mut child_process, token);
let _ = child_process.spawn().expect("Failed to start unsandboxed child process!");
let (_receiver, sender) = server.accept().expect("Server failed to accept.");
#[cfg(any(target_os = "windows", target_os = "ios"))]
pub fn spawn_multiprocess(self) -> Result<(), Error> {
error!("Multiprocess is not supported on Windows or iOS.");
fn setup_common<C: CommandMethods>(&self, command: &mut C, token: String) {
C::arg(command, "--content-process");
C::arg(command, token);
if let Ok(value) = env::var("RUST_BACKTRACE") {
C::env(command, "RUST_BACKTRACE", value);
if let Ok(value) = env::var("RUST_LOG") {
C::env(command, "RUST_LOG", value);
pub fn script_to_constellation_chan(&self) -> &ScriptToConstellationChan {
pub fn opts(&self) -> Opts {
pub fn prefs(&self) -> HashMap<String, Pref> {
pub fn swmanager_senders(&self) -> SWManagerSenders {
SWManagerSenders {
swmanager_sender: self.swmanager_thread.clone(),
resource_sender: self.resource_threads.sender()
/// A trait to unify commands launched as multiprocess with or without a sandbox.
trait CommandMethods {
/// A command line argument.
fn arg<T>(&mut self, arg: T)
where T: AsRef<OsStr>;
/// An environment variable.
fn env<T, U>(&mut self, key: T, val: U)
where T: AsRef<OsStr>, U: AsRef<OsStr>;
impl CommandMethods for process::Command {
fn arg<T>(&mut self, arg: T)
where T: AsRef<OsStr> {
fn env<T, U>(&mut self, key: T, val: U)
where T: AsRef<OsStr>, U: AsRef<OsStr> {
self.env(key, val);