
287 строки
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is Doctor.
# Contributor(s): Frédéric Buclin <>
# Initialisation #
use strict;
# Go to the directory where is.
# We require Perl 5.6.1 on Linux (where File::Basename is part of
# the core), and 5.8.1 on Windows (which also has CGI 2.93).
# CGI 2.93 fixes important issues such as handling UTF-8 in Perl 5.8
# correctly and also to work with mod_perl.
if ($^O =~ /MSWin32/i) {
require 5.008001; # for CGI 2.93 or higher
require 5.006_001;
use File::Basename;
chdir dirname($0);
use lib qw(.);
# First of all, make sure all required Perl modules are installed. #
print "\nChecking Perl modules ...\n";
# Subroutine to compare versions.
sub vers_cmp {
if (@_ < 2) { die "not enough parameters for vers_cmp" }
if (@_ > 2) { die "too many parameters for vers_cmp" }
my ($a, $b) = @_;
my (@A) = ($a =~ /(\.|\d+|[^\.\d]+)/g);
my (@B) = ($b =~ /(\.|\d+|[^\.\d]+)/g);
my ($A,$B);
while (@A and @B) {
$A = shift @A;
$B = shift @B;
if ($A eq "." and $B eq ".") {
} elsif ( $A eq "." ) {
return -1;
} elsif ( $B eq "." ) {
return 1;
} elsif ($A =~ /^\d+$/ and $B =~ /^\d+$/) {
return $A <=> $B if $A <=> $B;
} else {
$A = uc $A;
$B = uc $B;
return $A cmp $B if $A cmp $B;
@A <=> @B;
# Make sure the module is installed and is recent enough, and display
# the result on the screen.
sub have_vers {
my ($pkg, $wanted) = @_;
my ($msg, $vnum, $vstr);
no strict 'refs';
printf("Checking for %15s %-12s ", $pkg, !$wanted?'(any)':"(v$wanted)");
# Modules may change $SIG{__DIE__} and $SIG{__WARN__}, so localise them here
# so that later errors display 'normally'
local $::SIG{__DIE__};
local $::SIG{__WARN__};
eval "require $pkg;";
# do this twice to avoid a "used only once" error for these vars
$vnum = ${"${pkg}::VERSION"} || ${"${pkg}::Version"} || 0;
$vnum = ${"${pkg}::VERSION"} || ${"${pkg}::Version"} || 0;
$vnum = -1 if $@;
# CGI's versioning scheme went 2.75, 2.751, 2.752, 2.753, 2.76
# That breaks the standard version tests, so we need to manually correct
# the version
if ($pkg eq 'CGI' && $vnum =~ /(2\.7\d)(\d+)/) {
$vnum = $1 . "." . $2;
if ($vnum eq "-1") { # string compare just in case it's non-numeric
$vstr = "not found";
elsif (vers_cmp($vnum,"0") > -1) {
$vstr = "found v$vnum";
else {
$vstr = "found unknown version";
my $vok = (vers_cmp($vnum,$wanted) > -1);
print ((($vok) ? "ok: " : " "), "$vstr\n");
return $vok;
# Check versions of dependencies. '0' for version = any version acceptable.
my $modules = [
name => 'CGI',
version => '2.93'
name => 'AppConfig',
version => '1.52'
name => 'Template',
version => '2.08'
name => 'File::Temp',
version => '0'
name => 'Text::Diff',
version => '0'
name => 'Email::Valid',
version => '0'
name => 'MIME::Entity',
version => '0'
my $missing_modules = 0;
foreach my $module (@$modules) {
unless (have_vers($module->{name}, $module->{version})) {
$missing_modules = 1;
if ($missing_modules) {
print "There are some missing modules or modules that are too old.\n" .
"Please see the list above and install or update them accordingly.\n";
# If we're running on Windows, reset the input line terminator so that
# console input works properly - loading CGI tends to mess it up.
if ($^O =~ /MSWin/i) {
$/ = "\015\012";
# Now make sure that all required directories are created, have #
# appropriate permissions on them and that all .htaccess files are #
# correctly configured. #
foreach my $dir ('.', 'Doctor', 'templates') {
unless (-d $dir) {
mkdir $dir, 0700;
if (!-e "$dir/.htaccess") {
print "Creating $dir/.htaccess...\n";
open HTACCESS, '>', "$dir/.htaccess";
if ($dir eq '.') {
print HTACCESS <<'END';
# Do not allow people to retrieve non-CGI executable files or our private data
<FilesMatch ^(.*\.pm|.*\.pl|.*\.conf~?)$>
deny from all
else {
print HTACCESS <<'END2';
# Nothing in this directory is retrievable unless overridden by an .htaccess
# in a subdirectory;
deny from all
chmod 0600, "$dir/.htaccess";
# Copy sample.conf as doctor.conf if this one doesn't exist yet. #
# #
if (!-e 'doctor.conf' && -e 'sample.conf') {
require File::Copy;
File::Copy::copy('sample.conf', 'doctor.conf');
print "\nYou have to edit doctor.conf to set parameters correctly.\n\n";
# At this point, all directories and files have been created. #
# We can now set the correct permissions on files and directories. #
sub fixPerms {
my ($file_pattern, $group, $umask, $do_dirs) = @_;
my @files = glob($file_pattern);
my $execperm = 0777 & ~ $umask;
my $normperm = 0666 & ~ $umask;
foreach my $file (@files) {
next if (!-e $file);
# Do not change permissions on directories here
# unless $do_dirs is set.
if (!-d $file) {
chown $<, $group, $file;
# Check if the file is executable.
if ($file =~ /(\.cgi|\.pl)$/) {
# printf ("Changing $file to %o\n", $execperm);
chmod $execperm, $file;
} else {
# printf ("Changing $file to %o\n", $normperm);
chmod $normperm, $file;
elsif ($do_dirs) {
chown $<, $group, $file;
# printf ("Changing $file to %o\n", $execperm);
chmod $execperm, $file;
fixPerms("$file/.htaccess", $group, $umask, $do_dirs);
# do the contents of the directory
fixPerms("$file/*", $group, $umask, $do_dirs);
# Only change permissions if we are not running Windows.
if ($^O !~ /MSWin32/i) {
my $gid;
my ($gr, $grw, $grwx, $gdata);
print "\nEnter the name of the web server group (default: apache): ";
my $webservergroup = <STDIN>;
# Use 'apache' if no group is given.
$webservergroup ||= 'apache';
if ($webservergroup) {
# Make sure the webserver group is valid.
$gid = getgrnam($webservergroup)
|| die("no such group: $webservergroup");
$gr = 027;
$grw = 017;
$grwx = 007;
$gdata = 0771;
} else {
print "\nNo webserver group has been given.\n" .
"Your installation will be pretty unsecure.\n" .
"Please provide one and re-run\n\n";
# Get the current gid from the $( list.
$gid = (split(" ", $())[0];
$gr = 022;
$grw = 011;
$grwx = 000;
$gdata = 0777;
fixPerms('.htaccess', $gid, $gr); # glob('*') doesn't catch dotfiles
fixPerms('*', $gid, $gr);
fixPerms('Doctor', $gid, $gr, 1);
fixPerms('templates', $gid, $gr, 1);