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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_dom_responsiveimageselector_h__
#define mozilla_dom_responsiveimageselector_h__
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include "nsIContent.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
class nsMediaQuery;
class nsCSSValue;
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
class ResponsiveImageCandidate;
class ResponsiveImageSelector
friend class ResponsiveImageCandidate;
explicit ResponsiveImageSelector(nsIContent* aContent);
// The best candidate is selected lazily when GetSelectedImage*() is
// called, or when SelectImage() is called explicitly. This result
// is then cached until either invalidated by further Set*() calls,
// or explicitly by replaced by SelectImage(aReselect = true).
// Because the selected image depends on external variants like
// viewport size and device pixel ratio, the time at which image
// selection occurs can affect the result.
// Given a srcset string, parse and replace current candidates (does not
// replace default source)
bool SetCandidatesFromSourceSet(const nsAString & aSrcSet);
// Fill the source sizes from a valid sizes descriptor. Returns false if
// descriptor is invalid.
bool SetSizesFromDescriptor(const nsAString & aSizesDescriptor);
// Set the default source, treated as the least-precedence 1.0 density source.
nsresult SetDefaultSource(const nsAString & aSpec);
void SetDefaultSource(nsIURI *aURL);
uint32_t NumCandidates(bool aIncludeDefault = true);
nsIContent *Content() { return mContent; }
// Get the url and density for the selected best candidate. These
// implicitly cause an image to be selected if necessary.
already_AddRefed<nsIURI> GetSelectedImageURL();
double GetSelectedImageDensity();
// Runs image selection now if necessary. If an image has already
// been choosen, takes no action unless aReselect is true.
// aReselect - Always re-run selection, replacing the previously
// choosen image.
// return - true if the selected image result changed.
bool SelectImage(bool aReselect = false);
virtual ~ResponsiveImageSelector();
// Append a candidate unless its selector is duplicated by a higher priority
// candidate
void AppendCandidateIfUnique(const ResponsiveImageCandidate &aCandidate);
// Append a default candidate with this URL. Does not check if the array
// already contains one, use SetDefaultSource instead.
void AppendDefaultCandidate(nsIURI *aURL);
// Get index of best candidate
int GetBestCandidateIndex();
// Compute a density from a Candidate width. Returns false if sizes were not
// specified for this selector.
// aContext is the presContext to use for current viewport sizing, null will
// use the associated content's context.
bool ComputeFinalWidthForCurrentViewport(int32_t *aWidth);
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> mContent;
// If this array contains an eCandidateType_Default, it should be the last
// element, such that the Setters can preserve/replace it respectively.
nsTArray<ResponsiveImageCandidate> mCandidates;
int mBestCandidateIndex;
nsTArray< nsAutoPtr<nsMediaQuery> > mSizeQueries;
nsTArray<nsCSSValue> mSizeValues;
class ResponsiveImageCandidate {
ResponsiveImageCandidate(nsIURI *aURL, double aDensity);
void SetURL(nsIURI *aURL);
// Set this as a default-candidate. This behaves the same as density 1.0, but
// has a differing type such that it can be replaced by subsequent
// SetDefaultSource calls.
void SetParameterDefault();
// Set this candidate as a by-density candidate with specified density.
void SetParameterAsDensity(double aDensity);
void SetParameterAsComputedWidth(int32_t aWidth);
// Fill from a valid candidate descriptor. Returns false descriptor is
// invalid.
bool SetParamaterFromDescriptor(const nsAString & aDescriptor);
// Check if our parameter (which does not include the url) is identical
bool HasSameParameter(const ResponsiveImageCandidate & aOther) const;
already_AddRefed<nsIURI> URL() const;
// Compute and return the density relative to a selector.
double Density(ResponsiveImageSelector *aSelector) const;
// If the width is already known. Useful when iterating over candidates to
// avoid having each call re-compute the width.
double Density(int32_t aMatchingWidth) const;
// If this selector is computed from the selector's matching width.
bool IsComputedFromWidth() const;
enum eCandidateType {
// Treated as 1.0 density, but a separate type so we can update the
// responsive candidates and default separately
eCandidateType Type() const { return mType; }
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mURL;
eCandidateType mType;
union {
double mDensity;
int32_t mWidth;
} mValue;
} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // mozilla_dom_responsiveimageselector_h__