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<!-- Manpage converted by man2html 3.0.1 -->
<B>import</B> <B>com.sleepycat.db.*;</B>
<B>public</B> <B>static</B> <B>DbLog</B> <B>open(String</B> <B>dir,</B> <B>int</B> <B>flags,</B> <B>int</B> <B>mode,</B> <B>DbEnv</B> <B>dbenv)</B>
<B>throws</B> <B>DbException;</B>
<B>public</B> <B>void</B> <B>close()</B>
<B>throws</B> <B>DbException;</B>
<B>public</B> <B>static</B> <B>int</B> <B>compare(DbLsn</B> <B>lsn0,</B> <B>DbLsn</B> <B>lsn1);</B>
<B>public</B> <B>String</B> <B>file(DbLsn</B> <B>lsn)</B>
<B>throws</B> <B>DbException;</B>
<B>public</B> <B>void</B> <B>flush(DbLsn</B> <B>lsn)</B>
<B>throws</B> <B>DbException;</B>
<B>public</B> <B>void</B> <B>get(DbLsn</B> <B>lsn,</B> <B>Dbt</B> <B>data,</B> <B>int</B> <B>flags)</B>
<B>throws</B> <B>DbException;</B>
<B>public</B> <B>void</B> <B>put(DbLsn</B> <B>lsn,</B> <B>Dbt</B> <B>data,</B> <B>int</B> <B>flags)</B>
<B>throws</B> <B>DbException;</B>
<B>public</B> <B>DbLogStat</B> <B>stat()</B>
<B>throws</B> <B>DbException;</B>
<B>public</B> <B>int</B> <B>db</B>_<B>register(Db</B> <B>dbp,</B> <B>String</B> <B>name,</B> <B>int</B> <B>dbtype)</B>
<B>throws</B> <B>DbException;</B>
<B>public</B> <B>void</B> <B>db</B>_<B>unregister(int</B> <B>fid)</B>
<B>throws</B> <B>DbException;</B>
<B>public</B> <B>static</B> <B>void</B> <B>unlink(String</B> <B>dir,</B> <B>int</B> <B>force,</B> <B>DbEnv</B> <B>dbenv)</B>
<B>throws</B> <B>DbException;</B>
The DB library is a family of classes that provides a
modular programming interface to transactions and record-
oriented file access. The library includes support for
transactions, locking, logging and file page caching, as
well as various indexed access methods. Many of the
classes (e.g., the file page caching class) are useful
independent of the other DB classes, although some classes
are explicitly based on other classes (e.g., transactions
and logging). For a general description of the DB
package, see <B><A HREF="db_intro.html">db_intro(3)</A></B>.
This manual page describes the specific details of the log
This class provide a general-purpose logging facility
sufficient for transaction management. Logs can be shared
by multiple processes.
The DB transaction log is represented by a directory
containing a set of files. The log is a record-oriented,
append-only file, with records identified and accessed via
DbLsn's (database log sequence numbers).
DbLsn's are returned on each DbLog.put operation, and only
those DbLsn's returned by DbLog.put can later be used to
retrieve records from the log.
The method returns a log identified by the
<B>directory</B> dir.
If the dbenv argument to was initialized using
DbEnv.appinit, dir is interpreted as described by
<B><A HREF="DbEnv.j.html">DbEnv(3)</A></B>.
Otherwise, if dir is not null, it is interpreted relative
to the current working directory of the process. If dir
is null, the following environment variables are checked
in order: ``TMPDIR'', ``TEMP'', and ``TMP''. If one of
them is set, log files are created relative to the
directory it specifies. If none of them are set, the
first possible one of the following directories is used:
/var/tmp, /usr/tmp, /temp, /tmp, C:/temp and C:/tmp.
All files associated with the log are created in this
directory. This directory must already exist when is called. If the log already exists, the
process must have permission to read and write the
existing files. If the log does not already exist, it is
optionally created and initialized.
If the log region is being created and log files are
already present, the log files are ``recovered'' and
subsequent log writes are appended to the end of the log.
The log is stored in one or more files in the specified
directory. Each file is named using the format
where ``NNNNN'' is the sequence number of the file within
the log.
The flags and mode arguments specify how files will be
opened and/or created when they don't already exist. The
flags value is specified by <B>or</B>'ing together one or more of
the following values:
Create any underlying files, as necessary. If the
files do not already exist and the DB_CREATE flag is
not specified, the call will fail.
Cause the DbLog handle returned by the
method to be useable by multiple threads within a
single address space, i.e., to be ``free-threaded''.
Threading is assumed in the Java API, so no special
flags are required, and DB functions will always
behave as if the DB_THREAD flag was specified.
All files created by the log subsystem are created with
mode mode (as described in <B>chmod(2)</B>) and modified by the
process' umask value at the time of creation (see
<B>umask(2)</B>). The group ownership of created files is based
on the system and directory defaults, and is not further
specified by DB.
The logging subsystem is configured based on which set
methods have been used. It is expected that applications
will use a single DbEnv object as the argument to all of
the subsystems in the DB package. The fields of the DbEnv
object used by are described below. As
references to the DbEnv object may be maintained by, it is necessary that the DbEnv object and
memory it references be valid until the object is
destroyed. Any of the DbEnv fields that are not
explicitly set will default to appropriate values.
The following fields in the DbEnv object may be
initialized, using the appropriate set method, before
DbErrcall db_errcall;
String db_errpfx;
int db_verbose;
The error fields of the DbEnv behave as described for
<B><A HREF="DbEnv.j.html">DbEnv(3)</A></B>. void *(*db_errcall)(char *db_errpfx, char
FILE *db_errfile;
const char *db_errpfx;
int db_verbose;
The error fields of the DB_ENV behave as described
for <B><A HREF="db_appinit.html">db_appinit(3)</A></B>.
int lg_max;
The maximum size of a single file in the log.
Because DbLsn file offsets are unsigned 4-byte
values, lg_max may not be larger than the maximum
unsigned 4-byte value.
If lg_max is 0, a default value is used.
See the section "LOG FILE LIMITS" below, for further
The method throws a <B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> that
encapsulates an errno on failure.
The DbLog.close method closes the log associated with the
DbLog object.
In addition, if the dir argument to was null
and dbenv was not initialized using DbEnv.appinit, all
files created for this shared region will be removed, as
if DbLog.unlink were called.
When multiple threads are using the DbLog handle
concurrently, only a single thread may call the
DbLog.close method.
The DbLog.close method throws a <B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> that
encapsulates an errno on failure.
The DbLog.flush method guarantees that all log records
whose DbLsns are less than or equal to the lsn parameter
have been written to disk. If lsn is null, all records in
the log are flushed.
The DbLog.flush method throws a <B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> that
encapsulates an errno on failure.
The DbLog.get method implements a cursor inside of the
log, retrieving records from the log according to the lsn
and flags parameters.
The data field of the data object is set to the record
retrieved and the size field indicates the number of bytes
in the record. See <B><A HREF="Dbt.j.html">Dbt(3)</A></B> for a description of other
fields in the data object. <B>When</B> <B>multiple</B> <B>threads</B> <B>are</B>
<B>using</B> <B>the</B> <B>returned</B> <B>DbLog</B> <B>handle</B> <B>concurrently,</B> <B>either</B> <B>the</B>
<B>DB</B>_<B>DBT</B>_<B>MALLOC</B> <B>or</B> <B>DB</B>_<B>DBT</B>_<B>USERMEM</B> <B>flags</B> <B>must</B> <B>be</B> <B>specified</B>
<B>for</B> <B>any</B> <B>Dbt</B> <B>used</B> <B>for</B> <B>data</B> <B>retrieval.</B>
The flags parameter must be set to exactly one of the
following values:
The last record written with the DB_CHECKPOINT flag
specified to the DbLog.put method is returned in the
data argument. The lsn argument is overwritten with
the DbLsn of the record returned. If no record has
been previously written with the DB_CHECKPOINT flag
specified, the first record in the log is returned.
If the log is empty the DbLog.get method will return
The first record from any of the log files found in
the log directory is returned in the data argument.
The lsn argument is overwritten with the DbLsn of the
record returned.
If the log is empty the DbLog.get method will return
The last record in the log is returned in the data
argument. The lsn argument is overwritten with the
DbLsn of the record returned.
If the log is empty, the DbLog.get method will return
The current log position is advanced to the next
record in the log and that record is returned in the
data argument. The lsn argument is overwritten with
the DbLsn of the record returned.
If the pointer has not been initialized via DB_FIRST,
DB_LAST, DB_SET, DB_NEXT, or DB_PREV, DbLog.get will
return the first record in the log. If the last log
record has already been returned or the log is empty,
the DbLog.get method will return DB_NOTFOUND.
If the log was opened with the DB_THREAD flag set,
calls to DbLog.get with the DB_NEXT flag set will
return EINVAL.
The current log position is moved to the previous
record in the log and that record is returned in the
data argument. The lsn argument is overwritten with
the DbLsn of the record returned.
If the pointer has not been initialized via DB_FIRST,
DB_LAST, DB_SET, DB_NEXT, or DB_PREV, DbLog.get will
return the last record in the log. If the first log
record has already been returned or the log is empty,
the DbLog.get method will return DB_NOTFOUND.
If the log was opened with the DB_THREAD flag set,
calls to DbLog.get with the DB_PREV flag set will
return EINVAL.
Return the log record currently referenced by the
If the log pointer has not been initialized via
the log was opened with the DB_THREAD flag set,
DbLog.get will return EINVAL.
Retrieve the record specified by the lsn argument.
If the specified DbLsn is invalid (e.g., does not
appear in the log) DbLog.get will return EINVAL.
Otherwise, the DbLog.get method throws a <B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B>
that encapsulates an errno on failure,
The method allows the caller to compare two
DbLsn's. returns 0 if the two DbLsn's are
equal, 1 if lsn0 is greater than lsn1, and -1 if lsn0 is
less than lsn1.
The DbLog.file method maps DbLsn's to file names. The
DbLog.file method returns the name of the file containing
the record named by lsn. (This mapping of DbLsn to file
is needed for database administration. For example, a
transaction manager typically records the earliest DbLsn
needed for restart, and the database administrator may
want to archive log files to tape when they contain only
DbLsn's before the earliest one needed for restart.)
The DbLog.file method throws a <B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> that
encapsulates an errno on failure.
The DbLog.put method appends records to the log. The
DbLsn of the put record is returned in the lsn parameter.
The flags parameter may be set to one of the following
The log should write a checkpoint record, recording
any information necessary to make the log structures
recoverable after a crash.
The DB_LSN of the next record to be put is returned
in the lsn parameter.
The log is forced to disk after this record is
written, guaranteeing that all records with DbLsns
less than or equal to the one being put are on disk
before this method returns (this function is most
often used for a transaction commit, see Db.Txn in Db
The caller is responsible for providing any necessary
structure to data. (For example, in a write-ahead logging
protocol, the application must understand what part of
data is an operation code, what part is redo information,
and what part is undo information. In addition, most
transaction managers will store in data the DbLsn of the
previous log record for the same transaction, to support
chaining back through the transaction's log records during
The DbLog.put method throws a <B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> that
encapsulates an errno on failure.
The DbLog.unlink method destroys the log region identified
by the directory dir, removing all files used to implement
the log region. (The directory dir is not removed.) If
there are processes that have called without
calling DbLog.close (i.e., there are processes currently
using the log region), DbLog.unlink will fail without
further action, unless the force flag is set, in which
case DbLog.unlink will attempt to remove the log region
files regardless of any processes still using the log
The result of attempting to forcibly destroy the region
when a process has the region open is unspecified.
Processes using a shared memory region maintain an open
file descriptor for it. On UNIX systems, the region
removal should succeed and processes that have already
joined the region should continue to run in the region
without change, however processes attempting to join the
log region will either fail or attempt to create a new
region. On other systems, e.g., WNT, where the <B>unlink(2)</B>
system call will fail if any process has an open file
descriptor for the file, the region removal will fail.
In the case of catastrophic or system failure, database
recovery must be performed (see <B><A HREF="db_recover.html">db_recover(1)</A></B> or the
<B><A HREF="DbEnv.j.html">DbEnv.appinit(3)</A></B>). Alternatively, if recovery is not
required because no database state is maintained across
failures, it is possible to clean up a log region by
removing all of the files in the directory specified to
the method, as log region files are never
created in any directory other than the one specified to Note, however, that this has the potential to
remove files created by the other DB subsystems in this
database environment.
The DbLog.unlink method throws a <B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> that
encapsulates an errno on failure.
The DbLog.archive method creates and returns an array of
log or database file names.
By default, DbLog.archive returns the names of all of the
log files that are no longer in use (e.g., no longer
involved in active transactions), and that may be archived
for catastrophic recovery and then removed from the
system. If there were no file names to return, list will
be set to null.
The flags argument is specified by <B>or</B>'ing together one or
more of the following values:
All pathnames are returned as absolute pathnames,
instead of relative to the database home directory.
Return the database files that need to be archived in
order to recover the database from catastrophic
failure. If any of the database files have not been
accessed during the lifetime of the current log
files, DbLog.archive will not include them in this
list. It is also possible that some of the files
referenced in the log have since been deleted from
the system.
Return all the log file names regardless of whether
or not they are in use.
The DB_ARCH_DATA and DB_ARCH_LOG flags are mutually
The DbLog.archive method throws a <B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> that
encapsulates an errno on failure.
The DbLog.archive method is based on the C log_archive
function, which is the underlying function used by the
<B><A HREF="db_archive.html">db_archive(1)</A></B> utility. See the source code for the
db_archive utility for an example of using log_archive in
a UNIX environment. See the <B><A HREF="db_archive.html">db_archive(1)</A></B> manual page for
more information on database archival procedures.
The DbLog.db_register method registers a file name with
the log manager and returns a file identification number.
This file identification number should be used in all
subsequent log messages that refer to operations on this
file. The log manager records all file name to file
identification number mappings at each checkpoint so that
a recovery process can identify the file to which a record
in the log refers.
The DbLog.db_register method is called when an access
method registers the open of a file. The dbp parameter
should be a Db object which is being returned by the
access method.
The type parameter should be one of the Db types specified
in (<B><A HREF="seeDb.html">seeDb(3)</A></B>), e.g., DB_HASH.
The DbLog.db_register method throws a <B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> that
encapsulates an errno on failure.
The DbLog.db_unregister method disassociates the file name
to file identification number mapping for the file
identification number specified by the fid parameter. The
file identification number may then be reused.
The DbLog.db_unregister method throws a <B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B>
that encapsulates an errno on failure.
The DbLog.stat function creates a statistical structure
and returns it to the caller.
The log statistics are stored in a DbLogStat object. Data
fields in DbLogStat can be accessed via get methods.
int get_st_magic();
The magic number that identifies a file as a log
int get_st_version();
The version of the log file type.
int get_st_refcnt();
The number of references to the region.
int get_st_regsize();
The size of the region.
int get_st_mode();
The mode of any created log files.
int get_st_lg_max();
The maximum size of any individual file comprising
the log.
int get_st_written();
The total number of bytes written to this log.
int get_st_written_chkpt();
The number of bytes written since the last
int get_st_region_wait();
The number of times that a process was able to obtain
the region lock without waiting.
int get_st_region_nowait();
The number of times that a process was forced to wait
before obtaining the region lock.
Log file sizes impose a time limit on the length of time a
database may be accessed under transaction protection,
before it needs to be dumped and reloaded (see <B><A HREF="db_dump.html">db_dump(3)</A></B>
and <B><A HREF="db_load.html">db_load(3)</A></B>). Unfortunately, the limits are
potentially difficult to calculate.
The log file name consists of "log." followed by 5 digits,
resulting in a maximum of 99,999 log files. Consider an
application performing 600 transactions per second, for 15
hours a day, logged into 10Mb log files, where each
transaction is logging approximately 100 bytes of data.
The calculation:
(10 * 2^20 * 99999) /
(600 * 60 * 60 * 15 * 100) = 323.63
indicates that the system will run out of log file space
in roughly 324 days. If we increase the maximum size of
the files from 10Mb to 100Mb, the same calculation
indicates that the application will run out of log file
space in roughly 9 years.
There is no way to reset the log file name space in
Berkeley DB. If your application is reaching the end of
its log file name space, you should:
1. Archive your databases as if to prepare for
catastrophic failure (see <B><A HREF="db_archive.html">db_archive(1)</A></B> for more
2. Dump and re-load <B>all</B> your databases (see <B><A HREF="db_dump.html">db_dump(1)</A></B>
and <B><A HREF="db_load.html">db_load(1)</A></B> for more information).
3. Remove all of the log files from the database
environment (see <B><A HREF="db_archive.html">db_archive(1)</A></B> for more information).
4. Restart your applications.
The following environment variables affect the execution
of db_log:
If the dbenv argument to was initialized
using db_appinit, the environment variable DB_HOME
may be used as the path of the database home for the
interpretation of the dir argument to, as
described in <B><A HREF="db_appinit.html">db_appinit(3)</A></B>. Specifically,
is affected by the configuration string value of
If the dbenv argument to was null or not
initialized using db_appinit, the environment
variable TMPDIR may be used as the directory in which
to create the log, as described in the
section above.
The method may fail and throw a <B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B>
for any of the errors specified for the following DB and
library functions: <B><A HREF="DbLog.j.html">DbLog.close(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbLog.j.html">DbLog.unlink(3)</A></B>,
<B>atoi(3)</B>, <B>close(2)</B>, <B><A HREF="db_appinit.html">db_version(3)</A></B>, <B>fcntl(2)</B>, <B>fflush(3)</B>,
<B>lseek(2)</B>, <B>malloc(3)</B>, <B>memcpy(3)</B>, <B>memset(3)</B>, <B>mmap(2)</B>,
<B>munmap(2)</B>, <B>open(2)</B>, <B>opendir(3)</B>, <B>read(2)</B>, <B>readdir(3)</B>,
<B>realloc(3)</B>, <B>sigfillset(3)</B>, <B>sigprocmask(2)</B>, <B>stat(2)</B>,
<B>strchr(3)</B>, <B>strcpy(3)</B>, <B>strdup(3)</B>, <B>strerror(3)</B>, <B>strlen(3)</B>,
<B>strncmp(3)</B>, <B>unlink(2)</B>, and <B>write(2)</B>.
In addition, the method may fail and throw a
<B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> encapsulating an errno for the following
The shared memory region was locked and (repeatedly)
An invalid flag value or parameter was specified.
The DB_THREAD flag was specified and spinlocks are
not implemented for this architecture.
The specified file size was too large.
The DbLog.close method may fail and throw a <B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B>
for any of the errors specified for the following DB and
library functions: <B>close(2)</B>, <B>fcntl(2)</B>, <B>fflush(3)</B>,
<B>munmap(2)</B>, and <B>strerror(3)</B>.
The DbLog.flush method may fail and throw a <B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B>
for any of the errors specified for the following DB and
library functions: <B>close(2)</B>, <B>fcntl(2)</B>, <B>fflush(3)</B>,
<B>fsync(2)</B>, <B>lseek(2)</B>, <B>malloc(3)</B>, <B>memcpy(3)</B>, <B>memset(3)</B>,
<B>open(2)</B>, <B>sigfillset(3)</B>, <B>sigprocmask(2)</B>, <B>stat(2)</B>,
<B>strcpy(3)</B>, <B>strdup(3)</B>, <B>strerror(3)</B>, <B>strlen(3)</B>, <B>unlink(2)</B>,
and <B>write(2)</B>.
In addition, the DbLog.flush method may fail and throw a
<B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> encapsulating an errno for the following
An invalid flag value or parameter was specified.
The DbLog.get method may fail and throw a <B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B>
for any of the errors specified for the following DB and
library functions: <B>atoi(3)</B>, <B>close(2)</B>, <B>fcntl(2)</B>, <B>fflush(3)</B>,
<B>lseek(2)</B>, <B>malloc(3)</B>, <B>memcpy(3)</B>, <B>memset(3)</B>, <B>open(2)</B>,
<B>opendir(3)</B>, <B>read(2)</B>, <B>readdir(3)</B>, <B>realloc(3)</B>,
<B>sigfillset(3)</B>, <B>sigprocmask(2)</B>, <B>stat(2)</B>, <B>strchr(3)</B>,
<B>strcpy(3)</B>, <B>strdup(3)</B>, <B>strerror(3)</B>, <B>strlen(3)</B>, <B>strncmp(3)</B>,
and <B>unlink(2)</B>.
In addition, the DbLog.get method may fail and throw a
<B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> encapsulating an errno for the following
An invalid flag value or parameter was specified.
The DB_FIRST flag was specified and no log files were
The DbLog.file method may fail and throw a <B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B>
for any of the errors specified for the following DB and
library functions: <B>close(2)</B>, <B>fcntl(2)</B>, <B>fflush(3)</B>,
<B>malloc(3)</B>, <B>memcpy(3)</B>, <B>memset(3)</B>, <B>open(2)</B>, <B>sigfillset(3)</B>,
<B>sigprocmask(2)</B>, <B>stat(2)</B>, <B>strcpy(3)</B>, <B>strdup(3)</B>,
<B>strerror(3)</B>, <B>strlen(3)</B>, and <B>unlink(2)</B>.
In addition, the DbLog.file method may fail and throw a
<B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> encapsulating an errno for the following
The supplied buffer was too small to hold the log
file name.
The DbLog.put method may fail and throw a <B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B>
for any of the errors specified for the following DB and
library functions: <B>close(2)</B>, <B>fcntl(2)</B>, <B>fflush(3)</B>,
<B>fsync(2)</B>, <B>lseek(2)</B>, <B>malloc(3)</B>, <B>memcpy(3)</B>, <B>memset(3)</B>,
<B>open(2)</B>, <B>sigfillset(3)</B>, <B>sigprocmask(2)</B>, <B>stat(2)</B>,
<B>strcpy(3)</B>, <B>strdup(3)</B>, <B>strerror(3)</B>, <B>strlen(3)</B>, <B>time(3)</B>,
<B>unlink(2)</B>, and <B>write(2)</B>.
In addition, the DbLog.put method may fail and throw a
<B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> encapsulating an errno for the following
An invalid flag value or parameter was specified.
The record to be logged is larger than the maximum
log record.
The DbLog.unlink method may fail and throw a
<B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> for any of the errors specified for the
following DB and library functions: <B>close(2)</B>, <B>fcntl(2)</B>,
<B>fflush(3)</B>, <B>malloc(3)</B>, <B>memcpy(3)</B>, <B>memset(3)</B>, <B>mmap(2)</B>,
<B>munmap(2)</B>, <B>open(2)</B>, <B>sigfillset(3)</B>, <B>sigprocmask(2)</B>,
<B>stat(2)</B>, <B>strcpy(3)</B>, <B>strdup(3)</B>, <B>strerror(3)</B>, <B>strlen(3)</B>, and
In addition, the DbLog.unlink method may fail and throw a
<B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> encapsulating an errno for the following
The shared memory region was in use and the force
flag was not set.
The DbLog.archive method may fail and throw a
<B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> for any of the errors specified for the
following DB and library functions: <B><A HREF="DbLog.j.html"></A></B>,
<B><A HREF="DbLog.j.html">DbLog.get(3)</A></B>, <B>close(2)</B>, <B>fcntl(2)</B>, <B>fflush(3)</B>, <B>getcwd(3)</B>,
<B>malloc(3)</B>, <B>memcpy(3)</B>, <B>memset(3)</B>, <B>open(2)</B>, <B>qsort(3)</B>,
<B>realloc(3)</B>, <B>sigfillset(3)</B>, <B>sigprocmask(2)</B>, <B>stat(2)</B>,
<B>strchr(3)</B>, <B>strcmp(3)</B>, <B>strcpy(3)</B>, <B>strdup(3)</B>, <B>strerror(3)</B>,
<B>strlen(3)</B>, and <B>unlink(2)</B>.
In addition, the DbLog.archive method may fail and throw a
<B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> encapsulating an errno for the following
An invalid flag value or parameter was specified.
The log was corrupted.
The DbLog.db_register method may fail and throw a
<B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> for any of the errors specified for the
following DB and library functions: <B>close(2)</B>, <B>fcntl(2)</B>,
<B>fflush(3)</B>, <B>fsync(2)</B>, <B>lseek(2)</B>, <B>malloc(3)</B>, <B>memcmp(3)</B>,
<B>memcpy(3)</B>, <B>memset(3)</B>, <B>open(2)</B>, <B>realloc(3)</B>, <B>sigfillset(3)</B>,
<B>sigprocmask(2)</B>, <B>stat(2)</B>, <B>strcpy(3)</B>, <B>strdup(3)</B>,
<B>strerror(3)</B>, <B>strlen(3)</B>, <B>time(3)</B>, <B>unlink(2)</B>, and <B>write(2)</B>.
In addition, the DbLog.db_register method may fail and
throw a <B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> encapsulating an errno for the
following conditions:
An invalid flag value or parameter was specified.
The DbLog.db_unregister method may fail and throw a
<B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> for any of the errors specified for the
following DB and library functions: <B>close(2)</B>, <B>fcntl(2)</B>,
<B>fflush(3)</B>, <B>fsync(2)</B>, <B>lseek(2)</B>, <B>malloc(3)</B>, <B>memcpy(3)</B>,
<B>memset(3)</B>, <B>open(2)</B>, <B>sigfillset(3)</B>, <B>sigprocmask(2)</B>,
<B>stat(2)</B>, <B>strcpy(3)</B>, <B>strdup(3)</B>, <B>strerror(3)</B>, <B>strlen(3)</B>,
<B>time(3)</B>, <B>unlink(2)</B>, and <B>write(2)</B>.
In addition, the DbLog.db_unregister method may fail and
throw a <B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B> encapsulating an errno for the
following conditions:
An invalid flag value or parameter was specified.
The log files are not machine architecture independent.
Specifically, their metadata are not stored in a fixed
byte order.
<B><A HREF="db_archive.html">db_archive(1)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="db_checkpoint.html">db_checkpoint(1)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="db_deadlock.html">db_deadlock(1)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="db_dump.html">db_dump(1)</A></B>,
<B><A HREF="db_load.html">db_load(1)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="db_recover.html">db_recover(1)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="db_stat.html">db_stat(1)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="db_intro.html">db_intro(3)</A></B>,
<B><A HREF="db_internal.html">db_internal(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="db_thread.html">db_thread(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="Db.j.html">Db(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="Dbc.j.html">Dbc(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbEnv.j.html">DbEnv(3)</A></B>,
<B><A HREF="DbException.j.html">DbException(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbInfo.j.html">DbInfo(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbLock.j.html">DbLock(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbLockTab.j.html">DbLockTab(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbLog.j.html">DbLog(3)</A></B>,
<B><A HREF="DbLsn.j.html">DbLsn(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbMpool.j.html">DbMpool(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="Dbt.j.html">Dbt(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbTxn.j.html">DbTxn(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbTxnMgr.j.html">DbTxnMgr(3)</A></B>
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