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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT
* WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
* language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.]
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Adobe System Incorporated. Portions created
* by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)[ 1993-2006 ] Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights
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* Contributor(s): Adobe AS3 Team
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU
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***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#include <math.h>
#include "avmplus.h"
#include "BigInteger.h"
#define X86_MATH
namespace avmplus
void BigInteger::setFromDouble(double value)
int e;
uint64 mantissa = MathUtils::frexp(value,&e); // value = mantissa*2^e, mantissa and e are integers.
numWords = (2 + ((e > 0 ? e : -e) /32));
AvmAssert(numWords <= kMaxBigIntegerBufferSize);
wordBuffer[1] = (uint32)(mantissa >> 32);
wordBuffer[0] = (uint32)(mantissa & 0xffffffff);
numWords = (wordBuffer[1] == 0 ? 1 : 2);
if(e < 0)
void BigInteger::setFromBigInteger(const BigInteger* from, int32 offset, int32 amount)
numWords = amount;
AvmAssert(numWords <= kMaxBigIntegerBufferSize);
memcpy( (byte*)wordBuffer,
double BigInteger::doubleValueOf() const
// todo: there's got to be a quicker/smaller code alg for this.
if (numWords == 1)
return (double)wordBuffer[0];
// determine how many of bits are used by the top word
int bitsInTopWord=1;
for(uint32 topWord = wordBuffer[numWords-1]; topWord > 1; topWord >>= 1)
// start result with top word. We will accumulate the most significant 53 bits of data into it.
int nextWord = numWords-1;
// used for rounding:
bool bit53 = false;
bool bit54 = false;
bool rest = false;
const uint64 ONEL = 1UL;
uint64 resultMantissa = 0;
uint64 w = 0;
int pos = 53;
int bits = bitsInTopWord;
int wshift = 0;
while(pos > 0)
// extract word and | it in
w = wordBuffer[nextWord--];
resultMantissa |= (w >> wshift);
pos -= bits;
if (pos > 0)
if (nextWord > -1)
// ready for next word
bits = (pos > 31) ? 32 : pos;
wshift = (pos > 31) ? 0 : 32-bits;
resultMantissa <<= bits;
break; // not enough data for full 53 bits
// rounding
if (pos > 0)
; // insufficient data for rounding
bit53 = ( resultMantissa & 0x1 ) ? true : false;
if (bits == 32)
// last extract was exactly 32 bits, so rest of bits are in next word if there is one
if (nextWord > -1)
w = wordBuffer[nextWord--];
bit54 = ( w & (ONEL<<31) ) ? true : false;
rest = ( w & ((ONEL<<31)-1) ) ? true : false;
// we know bit54 is in this word but the rest of the data may be in the next
AvmAssert(bits < 32 && wshift > 0);
bit54 = ( w & (ONEL<<(wshift-1)) ) ? true : false;
if (wshift > 1)
rest = ( w & ((ONEL<<(wshift-1))-1) ) ? true : false;
// pick up any residual bits
if (nextWord > -1)
rest = rest || (wordBuffer[nextWord--] != 0);
* ieee rounding is to nearest even value (bit54 is 2^-1)
* x...1 1.. -> round up since odd (but53 set)
* x...0 1...1.. -> round up since value > 1/2
if (bit54 && (bit53 || rest))
resultMantissa += 1;
double result=0;
int32 expBase2 = lg2() + 1 - 53; // if negative, then we've already captured all the data in the mantissaResult and we can ignore.
result = (double)resultMantissa;
if (expBase2 > 0)
if (expBase2 < 64)
uint64 uint64_1 = 1;
result *= (double)(uint64_1 << expBase2);
result *= MathUtils::pow(2,expBase2);
return result;
// Compare this vs other, return -1 if this < other, 0 if this == other, or 1 if this > other.
// (todo: optimization for D2A would be to check if comparison was larger than an argument value
// currently, we add the argument to this and compare the result with other).
int32 BigInteger::compare(const BigInteger *other) const
// if a is bigger than other, subtract has to be positive (assuming unsigned value)
int result = 0;
if (numWords > other->numWords)
result = 1;
else if (numWords < other->numWords)
result = -1;
// otherwise, they are they same number of uint32 words. need to check numWords by numWords
for(int x = numWords-1; x > -1 ; x--)
if (wordBuffer[x] != other->wordBuffer[x])
result = (wordBuffer[x] < other->wordBuffer[x]) ? -1 : 1;
return result;
// Multiply by an integer factor and add an integer increment. The addition is essentially free,
// use this with a zero second argument for basic multiplication.
void BigInteger::multAndIncrementBy(int32 factor, int32 addition)
uint64 opResult;
// perform mult op, moving carry forward.
uint64 carry = addition; // init cary with first addition
int x;
for(x=0; x < numWords; x++)
opResult = (uint64)wordBuffer[x] * (uint64)factor + carry;
carry = opResult >> 32;
wordBuffer[x] = (uint32)(opResult & 0xffffffff);
// if carry goes over the existing top, may need to expand wordBuffer
if (carry)
wordBuffer[x] = (uint32)carry;
// Multiply by another BigInteger. If optional arg result is not null, reuse it for
// result, else allocate a new result.
// (note, despite the name "smallerNum", argument does not need to be smaller than this).
BigInteger* BigInteger::mult(const BigInteger* smallerNum, BigInteger* result) const
// Need to know which is the bigger number in terms of number of words.
const BigInteger *biggerNum = this;
if (biggerNum->numWords < smallerNum->numWords)
const BigInteger *temp = biggerNum;
biggerNum = smallerNum;
smallerNum = temp;
// Make sure result is big enough, initialize with zeros
int maxNewNumWords = biggerNum->numWords + smallerNum->numWords;
result->setNumWords(maxNewNumWords); // we'll trim the excess at the end.
// wipe entire buffer (initToZero flag in setNumWords only sets new elements to zero)
for(int x = 0; x < maxNewNumWords; x++)
result->wordBuffer[x] = 0;
// do the math like gradeschool. To optimize, use an FFT (
for(int x = 0; x < smallerNum->numWords; x++)
uint64 factor = (uint64) smallerNum->wordBuffer[x];
if (factor) // if 0, nothing to do.
uint32* pResult = result->wordBuffer+x; // each pass we rewrite elements of result offset by the pass iteration
uint64 product;
uint64 carry = 0;
for(int y = 0; y < biggerNum->numWords; y++)
product = (biggerNum->wordBuffer[y] * factor) + *pResult + carry;
carry = product >> 32;
*pResult++ = (uint32)(product & 0xffffffff);
*pResult = (uint32)carry;
// remove leading zeros
return result;
// Divide this by divisor, put the remainder (i.e. this % divisor) into residual. If optional third argument result
// is not null, use it to store the result of the div, else allocate a new BigInteger for the result.
// Note: this has been hard to get right. If bugs do show up, use divideByReciprocalMethod instead
// Note2: this is optimized for the types of numerator/denominators generated by D2A. It will not work when
// the result would be a value bigger than 9. For general purpose BigInteger division, use divideByReciprocalMethod.
BigInteger* BigInteger::quickDivMod(const BigInteger* divisor, BigInteger* residual, BigInteger* result)
// handle easy cases where divisor is >= this
int compareTo = this->compare(divisor);
if (compareTo == -1)
return result;
else if (compareTo == 0)
return result;
int dWords = divisor->numWords;
/* this section only necessary for true division instead of special case division needed by D2A. We are
assuming the result is a single digit value < 10 and > -1
int next = this->numWords - dWords;
residual->copyFrom(this, next, dWords); // residual holds a divisor->numWords sized chunk of this.
BigInteger decrement;
result->setNumWords(divisor->numWords, true);
uint64 factor;
//do // need to loop over dword chunks of residual to make this handle division of any arbitrary bigIntegers
// guess largest factor that * divisor will fit into residual
factor = (uint64)(residual->wordBuffer[residual->numWords-1]) / divisor->wordBuffer[dWords-1];
if ( ((factor <= 0) || (factor > 10)) // over estimate of 9 could be 10
&& residual->numWords > 1 && dWords > 1)
uint64 bigR = ( ((uint64)residual->wordBuffer[residual->numWords-1]) << 32)
+ (residual->wordBuffer[residual->numWords-2]);
factor = bigR / divisor->wordBuffer[dWords-1];
if (factor > 9)
{ // Note: This only works because of the relative size of the two operands
// which the D2A class produces. todo: try generating a numerator out of the
// the top 32 significant bits of residual (may have to get bits from two seperate words)
// and a denominator out of the top 24 significant bits of divisor and use them for
// the factor guess. Same principal as above applied to 8 bit units.
factor = 9;
return divideByReciprocalMethod(divisor, residual, result);
if (factor)
decrement.multAndIncrementBy( (uint32)factor,0);
// check for overestimate
// fix bug 121952: must check for larger overestimate, which
// can occur despite the checks above in some rare cases.
// To see this case, use:
// this=4398046146304000200000000
// divisor=439804651110400000000000
while ( == 1 && factor > 0)
// reduce dividend (aka residual) by factor*divisor, leave remainder in residual
// check for factor 0 underestimate
int comparedTo = residual->compare(divisor);
if (comparedTo == 1) // correct guess if its an off by one estimate
result->wordBuffer[0] = (uint32)factor;
/* The above works for the division requirements of D2A, where divisor is always around 10 larger
than the dividend and the result is always a digit 1-9.
To make this routine work for general division, the following would need to be fleshed out /debugged.
// While we have more words to divide by and the residual has less words than the
// divisor,
if (--next >= 0)
result->lshiftBy(32); // shift current result over by a word
residual->lshiftBy(32);// shift remainder over by a word
residual->wordBuffer[0] = this->wordBuffer[next]; // drop next word of "this" into bottom word of remainder
while(residual->numWords < dWords);
} while(next >= 0);
// trim zeros off top of residual
return result;
/* Was hoping dividing via a Newton's approximation of the reciprocal would be faster, but
its not (makes D2A about twice as slow!). Its not the 32bit divide above that's slow,
its how many times you have to iterate over entire BigIntegers. Below uses a shift,
and three multiplies:
BigInteger* BigInteger::divideByReciprocalMethod(const BigInteger* divisor, BigInteger* residual, BigInteger* result)
// handle easy cases where divisor is >= this
int compareTo = this->compare(divisor);
if (compareTo == -1)
return result;
else if (compareTo == 0)
return result;
uint32 d2Prec = divisor->lg2();
uint32 e = 1 + d2Prec;
uint32 ag = 1;
uint32 ar = 31 + this->lg2() - d2Prec;
BigInteger u;
BigInteger ush;
BigInteger usq;
while (1)
u.lshift(e + 1,&ush);
divisor->mult(&u,&usq); // usq = divisor*u^2
ush.subtract(&usq, &u); // u = ush - usq;
int32 ush2 = u.lg2(); // ilg2(u);
e *= 2;
ag *= 2;
int32 usq2 = 4 + ag;
ush2 -= usq2; // BigInteger* diff = ush->subtract(usq); // ush -= usq; ush > 0
if (ush2 > 0) // (ush->compare(usq) == 1)
u.rshiftBy(ush2); // u >>= ush;
e -= ush2;
if (ag > ar)
result = this->mult(&u,result); // mult by reciprocal (scaled by e)
result->rshiftBy(e); // remove scaling
BigInteger temp;
divisor->mult(result, &temp); // compute residual as this - divisor*result
this->subtract(&temp,residual); // todo: should be a more optimal way of doing this
// ... doesn't work, e is the wrong scale for this (too large)....
// residual = this->lshift(e,residual); // residual = (this*2^e - result) / 2^e
// residual->decrementBy(result);
// residual->rshiftBy(e); // remove scaling
// q = this->divBy(divisor) is equilvalent to: q = this->quickDivMod(divisor,remainderResult); this = remainderResult;
BigInteger* BigInteger::divBy(const BigInteger* divisor, BigInteger* divResult)
BigInteger tempInt;
quickDivMod(divisor, &tempInt, divResult); // this has been hard to get right. If bugs do show up,
//divResult = divideByReciprocalMethod(divisor,tempInt,divResult); // try this version instead Its slower, but less likely to be buggy
return divResult;
uint32 BigInteger::lg2() const
uint32 powersOf2 = (numWords-1)*32;
for(uint32 topWord = wordBuffer[numWords-1]; topWord > 1; topWord >>= 1)
return powersOf2;
// Shift a BigInteger by <shiftBy> bits to left. If
// result is not NULL, write result into it, else allocate a new BigInteger.
BigInteger* BigInteger::lshift(uint32 shiftBy, BigInteger* result) const
// calculate how much larger the result will be
int numNewWords = shiftBy >> 5; // i.e. div by 32
int totalWords = numNewWords + numWords + 1; // overallocate by 1, trim if necessary at end.
// make sure we don't create more words for 0
if ( numWords == 1 && wordBuffer[0] == 0 )
result->setValue(0); // 0 << num is still 0
return result;
const uint32* pSourceBuff = wordBuffer;
uint32* pResultBuff = result->wordBuffer;
for(int x = 0; x < numNewWords; x++)
*pResultBuff++ = 0;
// move bits from wordBuffer into result's wordBuffer shifted by (shiftBy % 32)
shiftBy &= 0x1f;
if (shiftBy) {
uint32 carry = 0;
int shiftCarry = 32 - shiftBy;
for(int x=0; x < numWords; x++)
*pResultBuff++ = *pSourceBuff << shiftBy | carry;
carry = *pSourceBuff++ >> shiftCarry;
*pResultBuff = carry; // final carry may add a word
if (*pResultBuff)
++totalWords; // prevent trim of overallocated extra word
else for(int x=0; x < numWords; x++) // shift was by a clean multiple of 32, just move words
*pResultBuff++ = *pSourceBuff++;
result->numWords = totalWords - 1; // trim over allocated extra word
return result;
// Shift a BigInteger by <shiftBy> bits to right. If
// result is not NULL, write result into it, else allocate a new BigInteger.
// (todo: might be possible to combine rshift and lshift into a single function
// with argument specifying which direction to shift, but result might be messy/harder to get right)
BigInteger* BigInteger::rshift(uint32 shiftBy, BigInteger* result) const
int numRemovedWords = shiftBy >> 5; // i.e. div by 32
// calculate how much larger the result will be
int totalWords = numWords - numRemovedWords;
// check for underflow
if (numRemovedWords > numWords)
return result;
// move bits from wordBuffer into result's wordBuffer shifted by (shiftBy % 32)
uint32* pResultBuff = &(result->wordBuffer[totalWords-1]);
const uint32* pSourceBuff = &(wordBuffer[numWords-1]);
shiftBy &= 0x1f;
if (shiftBy)
int shiftCarry = 32 - shiftBy;
uint32 carry = 0;
for(int x=totalWords-1; x > -1; x--)
*pResultBuff-- = *pSourceBuff >> shiftBy | carry;
carry = *pSourceBuff-- << shiftCarry;
else for(int x=totalWords-1; x > -1; x--) // shift was by a clean multiple of 32, just move words
*pResultBuff-- = *pSourceBuff--;
result->numWords = totalWords;
result->trimLeadingZeros(); // shrink numWords down to correct value
return result;
// Add or subtract two BigIntegers. If subtract, we assume the argument is smaller than this since we
// don't support negative numbers. If optional third argument result is not null, reuse it for result
// else allocate a new BigInteger for the result.
BigInteger *BigInteger::addOrSubtract(const BigInteger* smallerNum, bool isAdd, BigInteger* result) const
// figure out which operand is the biggest in terms of number of words.
int comparedTo = compare(smallerNum);
const BigInteger* biggerNum = this;
if (comparedTo < 0)
const BigInteger* temp = biggerNum;
biggerNum = smallerNum;
smallerNum = temp;
AvmAssert(isAdd || comparedTo >= 0); // the d2a/a2d code should never subtract a larger from a smaller.
// all of the BigInteger code assumes positive numbers. Proper
// handling would be to create a negative result here (and check for
// negative results everywhere).
result->setNumWords(biggerNum->numWords+1, true);
if (!isAdd && !comparedTo) // i.e. this - smallerNum == 0
return result;
// do the math: loop over common words of both numbers, performing - or + and carrying the
// overflow/borrow forward to next word.
uint64 borrow = 0;
uint64 x;
int index;
for( index = 0; index < smallerNum->numWords; index++)
if (isAdd)
x = ((uint64)biggerNum->wordBuffer[index]) + smallerNum->wordBuffer[index] + borrow;
x = ((uint64)biggerNum->wordBuffer[index]) - smallerNum->wordBuffer[index] - borrow; // note x is unsigned. Ok even if result would be negative however
borrow = x >> 32 & (uint32)1;
result->wordBuffer[index] = (uint32)(x & 0xffffffff);
// loop over remaining words of the larger number, carying borrow/overflow forward
for( ; index < biggerNum->numWords; index++)
if (isAdd)
x = ((uint64)biggerNum->wordBuffer[index]) + borrow;
x = ((uint64)biggerNum->wordBuffer[index]) - borrow;
borrow = x >> 32 & (uint32)1;
result->wordBuffer[index] = (uint32)(x & 0xffffffff);
// handle final overflow if this is add
if (isAdd && borrow)
result->wordBuffer[index] = (uint32)(borrow & 0xffffffff);
// loop backwards over result, removing leading zeros from our numWords count
while( !(result->wordBuffer[--index]) )
result->numWords = index+1;
return result;