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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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import copy
from taskgraph.task import Task
from voluptuous import Required
from ..util.attributes import sorted_unique_list
from ..util.schema import Schema
schema = Schema(
Required("primary-dependency", "primary dependency task"): Task,
"dictionary of dependent tasks, keyed by kind",
): {str: Task},
# Define a collection of group_by functions
def group_by(name):
def wrapper(func):
GROUP_BY_MAP[name] = func
return func
return wrapper
def loader(kind, path, config, params, loaded_tasks):
Load tasks based on the jobs dependant kinds, designed for use as
multiple-dependent needs.
Required ``group-by-fn`` is used to define how we coalesce the
multiple deps together to pass to transforms, e.g. all kinds specified get
collapsed by platform with `platform`
Optional ``primary-dependency`` (ordered list or string) is used to determine
which upstream kind to inherit attrs from. See ``get_primary_dep``.
The `only-for-build-platforms` kind configuration, if specified, will limit
the build platforms for which a job will be created. Alternatively there is
'not-for-build-platforms' kind configuration which will be consulted only after
'only-for-build-platforms' is checked (if present), and omit any jobs where the
build platform matches.
Optional ``job-template`` kind configuration value, if specified, will be used to
pass configuration down to the specified transforms used.
job_template = config.get("job-template")
for dep_tasks in group_tasks(config, loaded_tasks):
job = {"dependent-tasks": dep_tasks}
job["primary-dependency"] = get_primary_dep(config, dep_tasks)
if job_template:
# copy shipping_product from upstream
product = job["primary-dependency"].attributes.get(
"shipping_product", job["primary-dependency"].task.get("shipping-product")
if product:
job.setdefault("shipping-product", product)
job.setdefault("attributes", {})["required_signoffs"] = sorted_unique_list(
task.attributes.get("required_signoffs", [])
for task in dep_tasks.values()
yield job
def skip_only_or_not(config, task):
"""Return True if we should skip this task based on only_ or not_ config."""
only_platforms = config.get("only-for-build-platforms")
not_platforms = config.get("not-for-build-platforms")
only_attributes = config.get("only-for-attributes")
not_attributes = config.get("not-for-attributes")
task_attrs = task.attributes
if only_platforms or not_platforms:
platform = task_attrs.get("build_platform")
build_type = task_attrs.get("build_type")
if not platform or not build_type:
return True
combined_platform = f"{platform}/{build_type}"
if only_platforms and combined_platform not in only_platforms:
return True
elif not_platforms and combined_platform in not_platforms:
return True
if only_attributes:
if not set(only_attributes) & set(task_attrs):
# make sure any attribute exists
return True
if not_attributes:
if set(not_attributes) & set(task_attrs):
return True
return False
def group_tasks(config, tasks):
group_by_fn = GROUP_BY_MAP[config["group-by"]]
groups = group_by_fn(config, tasks)
for combinations in groups.values():
kinds = [f.kind for f in combinations]
error_msg=(" should have filtered down to one task per kind"),
dependencies = {t.kind: copy.deepcopy(t) for t in combinations}
yield dependencies
def platform_grouping(config, tasks):
groups = {}
for task in tasks:
if task.kind not in config.get("kind-dependencies", []):
if skip_only_or_not(config, task):
platform = task.attributes.get("build_platform")
build_type = task.attributes.get("build_type")
product = task.attributes.get(
"shipping_product", task.task.get("shipping-product")
groups.setdefault((platform, build_type, product), []).append(task)
return groups
def single_locale_grouping(config, tasks):
"""Split by a single locale (but also by platform, build-type, product)
The locale can be `None` (en-US build/signing/repackage), a single locale,
or multiple locales per task, e.g. for l10n chunking. In the case of a task
with, say, five locales, the task will show up in all five locale groupings.
This grouping is written for non-partner-repack beetmover, but might also
be useful elsewhere.
groups = {}
for task in tasks:
if task.kind not in config.get("kind-dependencies", []):
if skip_only_or_not(config, task):
platform = task.attributes.get("build_platform")
build_type = task.attributes.get("build_type")
product = task.attributes.get(
"shipping_product", task.task.get("shipping-product")
task_locale = task.attributes.get("locale")
chunk_locales = task.attributes.get("chunk_locales")
locales = chunk_locales or [task_locale]
for locale in locales:
locale_key = (platform, build_type, product, locale)
groups.setdefault(locale_key, [])
if task not in groups[locale_key]:
return groups
def chunk_locale_grouping(config, tasks):
"""Split by a chunk_locale (but also by platform, build-type, product)
This grouping is written for mac signing with notarization, but might also
be useful elsewhere.
groups = {}
for task in tasks:
if task.kind not in config.get("kind-dependencies", []):
if skip_only_or_not(config, task):
platform = task.attributes.get("build_platform")
build_type = task.attributes.get("build_type")
product = task.attributes.get(
"shipping_product", task.task.get("shipping-product")
chunk_locales = tuple(sorted(task.attributes.get("chunk_locales", [])))
chunk_locale_key = (platform, build_type, product, chunk_locales)
groups.setdefault(chunk_locale_key, [])
if task not in groups[chunk_locale_key]:
return groups
def partner_repack_ids_grouping(config, tasks):
"""Split by partner_repack_ids (but also by platform, build-type, product)
This grouping is written for release-{eme-free,partner}-repack-signing.
groups = {}
for task in tasks:
if task.kind not in config.get("kind-dependencies", []):
if skip_only_or_not(config, task):
platform = task.attributes.get("build_platform")
build_type = task.attributes.get("build_type")
product = task.attributes.get(
"shipping_product", task.task.get("shipping-product")
partner_repack_ids = tuple(
sorted(task.task.get("extra", {}).get("repack_ids", []))
partner_repack_ids_key = (platform, build_type, product, partner_repack_ids)
groups.setdefault(partner_repack_ids_key, [])
if task not in groups[partner_repack_ids_key]:
return groups
def assert_unique_members(kinds, error_msg=None):
if len(kinds) != len(set(kinds)):
raise Exception(error_msg)
def get_primary_dep(config, dep_tasks):
"""Find the dependent task to inherit attributes from.
If ``primary-dependency`` is defined in ``kind.yml`` and is a string,
then find the first dep with that task kind and return it. If it is
defined and is a list, the first kind in that list with a matching dep
is the primary dependency. If it's undefined, return the first dep.
primary_dependencies = config.get("primary-dependency")
if isinstance(primary_dependencies, str):
primary_dependencies = [primary_dependencies]
if not primary_dependencies:
assert len(dep_tasks) == 1, "Must define a primary-dependency!"
return list(dep_tasks.values())[0]
primary_dep = None
for primary_kind in primary_dependencies:
for dep_kind in dep_tasks:
if dep_kind == primary_kind:
assert (
primary_dep is None
), "Too many primary dependent tasks in dep_tasks: {}!".format(
[t.label for t in dep_tasks]
primary_dep = dep_tasks[dep_kind]
if primary_dep is None:
raise Exception(
"Can't find dependency of {}: {}".format(
config["primary-dependency"], config
return primary_dep