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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
// This tests are for a sessionstore.js atomic backup.
// Each test will wait for a write to the Session Store
// before executing.
var OS = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", {}).OS;
var {File, Constants, Path} = OS;
const PREF_SS_INTERVAL = "browser.sessionstore.interval";
const Paths = SessionFile.Paths;
// A text decoder.
var gDecoder = new TextDecoder();
// Global variables that contain sessionstore.jsonlz4 and sessionstore.baklz4 data for
// comparison between tests.
var gSSData;
var gSSBakData;
function promiseRead(path) {
return, {encoding: "utf-8", compression: "lz4"});
async function reInitSessionFile() {
await SessionFile.wipe();
add_task(async function init() {
// Make sure that we are not racing with SessionSaver's time based
// saves.
Services.prefs.setIntPref(PREF_SS_INTERVAL, 10000000);
registerCleanupFunction(() => Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_SS_INTERVAL));
add_task(async function test_creation() {
// Cancel all pending session saves so they won't get in our way.
// Create dummy sessionstore backups
let OLD_BACKUP = Path.join(Constants.Path.profileDir, "sessionstore.baklz4");
let OLD_UPGRADE_BACKUP = Path.join(Constants.Path.profileDir, "sessionstore.baklz4-0000000");
await File.writeAtomic(OLD_BACKUP, "sessionstore.bak");
await File.writeAtomic(OLD_UPGRADE_BACKUP, "sessionstore upgrade backup");
await reInitSessionFile();
// Ensure none of the sessionstore files and backups exists
for (let k of Paths.loadOrder) {
ok(!(await File.exists(Paths[k])), "After wipe " + k + " sessionstore file doesn't exist");
ok(!(await File.exists(OLD_BACKUP)), "After wipe, old backup doesn't exist");
ok(!(await File.exists(OLD_UPGRADE_BACKUP)), "After wipe, old upgrade backup doesn't exist");
// Open a new tab, save session, ensure that the correct files exist.
let URL_BASE = "" + Math.random();
let URL = URL_BASE + "?first_write";
let tab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, URL);
info("Testing situation after a single write");
await promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
await TabStateFlusher.flush(tab.linkedBrowser);
ok((await File.exists(Paths.recovery)), "After write, recovery sessionstore file exists again");
ok(!(await File.exists(Paths.recoveryBackup)), "After write, recoveryBackup sessionstore doesn't exist");
ok((await promiseRead(Paths.recovery)).includes(URL), "Recovery sessionstore file contains the required tab");
ok(!(await File.exists(Paths.clean)), "After first write, clean shutdown " +
"sessionstore doesn't exist, since we haven't shutdown yet");
// Open a second tab, save session, ensure that the correct files exist.
info("Testing situation after a second write");
let URL2 = URL_BASE + "?second_write";
BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(tab.linkedBrowser, URL2);
await promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
await TabStateFlusher.flush(tab.linkedBrowser);
ok((await File.exists(Paths.recovery)), "After second write, recovery sessionstore file still exists");
ok((await promiseRead(Paths.recovery)).includes(URL2), "Recovery sessionstore file contains the latest url");
ok((await File.exists(Paths.recoveryBackup)), "After write, recoveryBackup sessionstore now exists");
let backup = await promiseRead(Paths.recoveryBackup);
ok(!backup.includes(URL2), "Recovery backup doesn't contain the latest url");
ok(backup.includes(URL), "Recovery backup contains the original url");
ok(!(await File.exists(Paths.clean)), "After first write, clean shutdown " +
"sessionstore doesn't exist, since we haven't shutdown yet");
info("Reinitialize, ensure that we haven't leaked sensitive files");
await; // Reinitializes SessionFile
ok(!(await File.exists(Paths.clean)), "After second write, clean shutdown " +
"sessionstore doesn't exist, since we haven't shutdown yet");
ok(!(await File.exists(Paths.upgradeBackup)), "After second write, clean " +
"shutdown sessionstore doesn't exist, since we haven't shutdown yet");
ok(!(await File.exists(Paths.nextUpgradeBackup)), "After second write, clean " +
"shutdown sessionstore doesn't exist, since we haven't shutdown yet");
var promiseSource = async function(name) {
let URL = "" + Math.random() + "&name=" + name;
let tab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, URL);
await promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
await TabStateFlusher.flush(tab.linkedBrowser);
let SOURCE = await promiseRead(Paths.recovery);
await SessionFile.wipe();
return SOURCE;
add_task(async function test_recovery() {
await reInitSessionFile();
info("Attempting to recover from the recovery file");
// Create Paths.recovery, ensure that we can recover from it.
let SOURCE = await promiseSource("Paths.recovery");
await File.makeDir(Paths.backups);
await File.writeAtomic(Paths.recovery, SOURCE, {encoding: "utf-8", compression: "lz4"});
is((await, SOURCE, "Recovered the correct source from the recovery file");
info("Corrupting recovery file, attempting to recover from recovery backup");
SOURCE = await promiseSource("Paths.recoveryBackup");
await File.makeDir(Paths.backups);
await File.writeAtomic(Paths.recoveryBackup, SOURCE, {encoding: "utf-8", compression: "lz4"});
await File.writeAtomic(Paths.recovery, "<Invalid JSON>", {encoding: "utf-8", compression: "lz4"});
is((await, SOURCE, "Recovered the correct source from the recovery file");
add_task(async function test_recovery_inaccessible() {
// Can't do chmod() on non-UNIX platforms, we need that for this test.
if (AppConstants.platform != "macosx" && AppConstants.platform != "linux") {
await reInitSessionFile();
info("Making recovery file inaccessible, attempting to recover from recovery backup");
let SOURCE_RECOVERY = await promiseSource("Paths.recovery");
let SOURCE = await promiseSource("Paths.recoveryBackup");
await File.makeDir(Paths.backups);
await File.writeAtomic(Paths.recoveryBackup, SOURCE, {encoding: "utf-8", compression: "lz4"});
// Write a valid recovery file but make it inaccessible.
await File.writeAtomic(Paths.recovery, SOURCE_RECOVERY, {encoding: "utf-8", compression: "lz4"});
await File.setPermissions(Paths.recovery, { unixMode: 0 });
is((await, SOURCE, "Recovered the correct source from the recovery file");
await File.setPermissions(Paths.recovery, { unixMode: 0o644 });
add_task(async function test_clean() {
await reInitSessionFile();
let SOURCE = await promiseSource("Paths.clean");
await File.writeAtomic(Paths.clean, SOURCE, {encoding: "utf-8", compression: "lz4"});
is((await promiseRead(Paths.cleanBackup)), SOURCE, "After first read/write, " +
"clean shutdown file has been moved to cleanBackup");
* Tests loading of sessionstore when format version is known.
add_task(async function test_version() {
info("Preparing sessionstore");
let SOURCE = await promiseSource("Paths.clean");
// Check there's a format version number
is(JSON.parse(SOURCE).version[0], "sessionrestore", "Found sessionstore format version");
// Create Paths.clean file
await File.makeDir(Paths.backups);
await File.writeAtomic(Paths.clean, SOURCE, {encoding: "utf-8", compression: "lz4"});
info("Attempting to recover from the clean file");
// Ensure that we can recover from Paths.recovery
is((await, SOURCE, "Recovered the correct source from the clean file");
* Tests fallback to previous backups if format version is unknown.
add_task(async function test_version_fallback() {
await reInitSessionFile();
info("Preparing data, making sure that it has a version number");
let SOURCE = await promiseSource("Paths.clean");
let BACKUP_SOURCE = await promiseSource("Paths.cleanBackup");
is(JSON.parse(SOURCE).version[0], "sessionrestore", "Found sessionstore format version");
is(JSON.parse(BACKUP_SOURCE).version[0], "sessionrestore", "Found backup sessionstore format version");
await File.makeDir(Paths.backups);
info("Modifying format version number to something incorrect, to make sure that we disregard the file.");
let parsedSource = JSON.parse(SOURCE);
parsedSource.version[0] = "bookmarks";
await File.writeAtomic(Paths.clean, JSON.stringify(parsedSource), {encoding: "utf-8", compression: "lz4"});
await File.writeAtomic(Paths.cleanBackup, BACKUP_SOURCE, {encoding: "utf-8", compression: "lz4"});
is((await, BACKUP_SOURCE, "Recovered the correct source from the backup recovery file");
info("Modifying format version number to a future version, to make sure that we disregard the file.");
parsedSource = JSON.parse(SOURCE);
parsedSource.version[1] = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
await File.writeAtomic(Paths.clean, JSON.stringify(parsedSource), {encoding: "utf-8", compression: "lz4"});
await File.writeAtomic(Paths.cleanBackup, BACKUP_SOURCE, {encoding: "utf-8", compression: "lz4"});
is((await, BACKUP_SOURCE, "Recovered the correct source from the backup recovery file");
add_task(async function cleanup() {
await reInitSessionFile();