
418 строки
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# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Netscape Mailstone utility,
# released March 17, 2000.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Dan Christian <>
# Marcel DePaolis <>
# Jim Salter <>
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
# terms of the GNU Public License (the "GPL"), in which case the
# provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those above.
# If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
# under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use your
# version of this file under the NPL, indicate your decision by
# deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
# and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete
# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
# file under either the NPL or the GPL.
# usage: setup|cleanup|checktime|timesync -m machine_file
# message files are expected to be in ./data/ and end with ".msg"
print "Netscape Mailstone.\nCopyright (c) 1997-2000 Netscape Communications Corp.\n";
$mode = shift; # mode must be first
# this parses the command line for -m machinefile
# also sets many defaults
do ''|| die $@;
parseArgs(); # parse command line
setConfigDefaults(); # setup RSH and RCP
$cpcmd = "cp"; # copy files... dir
$rmcmd = "rm -f"; # remove files...
die "Must specify workload file" unless (@workload);
# Add or change client machines
sub configClients {
print "\n You can enter multiple machines like this: host1,host2\n";
my @d = <bin/*/bin>;
if (@d) {
my @d2;
foreach (@d2 = @d) { s/^bin\/// }
foreach (@d = @d2) { s/\/bin$// }
print " These OS versions are available:\n@d\n";
foreach $section (@workload) {
next unless ($section->{sectionTitle} =~ /CLIENT/o);
my $slist = $section->{sectionParams};
$slist =~ s/HOSTS=\s*//; # strip off initial bit
my $arch = "default OS";
$arch = $section->{ARCH} if ($section->{ARCH});
print "\nWhat is the name of the client(s) for $arch [$slist]: ";
my $ans = <STDIN>; chomp $ans;
if ($ans) {
$ans =~ s/\s//g; # strip any whitespace
fileReplaceText ($params{WORKLOAD}, "<CLIENT", $slist, $ans);
while (1) {
print "\nWhat additional client(s) [none]: ";
my $ans = <STDIN>; chomp $ans;
last unless ($ans); # done
last if ($ans =~ /^none$/i);
$ans =~ s/\s//g; # strip any whitespace
my $block = "\n<CLIENT HOSTS=$ans>\n";
print "What OS type [default]: ";
my $ans = <STDIN>; chomp $ans;
$block .= " Arch\t$ans\n" if ($ans && !($ans =~ /^default$/i));
$block .= "</CLIENT>\n";
fileInsertAfter ($params{WORKLOAD}, "^</CLIENT>", $block);
# Create a user ldif file
sub configUserLdif {
my $name = "conf/$defaultSection->{SERVER}.ldif";
print "\nWhat file to you want to create [$name]? ";
$ans = <STDIN>; chomp $ans;
$name = $ans if ($ans);
my $mode = "users";
print "\nDo you want to create a broadcast account [y]? ";
$ans = <STDIN>;
$mode .= " broadcast" unless ($ans =~ /^n/i);
my $basedn = $defaultSection->{SERVER}; # pick a default
$basedn =~ s/^.*?\.//; # strip off before first dot
$basedn = "o=$basedn";
print "\nWhat is LDAP base DN [$basedn]? ";
$ans = <STDIN>; chomp $ans;
$basedn = $ans if ($ans);
my $args = $params{MAKEUSERSARGS};
print "\n Common additional makeusers arguments:\n";
print "\t-s storeName -x storeCount \tMultiple store partitions\n";
print "\t[-3|-4] \tConfigure for NSMS 3.x or 4.x\n";
print "Any extra arguments to makeusers [$args]? ";
$ans = <STDIN>; chomp $ans;
$args = $ans if ($ans);
my $perlbin = "/usr/bin/perl";
$params{DEBUG} &&
print "$perlbin -Ibin -- bin/ $mode -w $params{WORKLOAD} -b '$basedn' -o $name $args\n";
print "\nGenerating $name (this can take a while)\n";
system "$perlbin -Ibin -- bin/ $mode -w $params{WORKLOAD} -b '$basedn' -o $name $args"
|| warn "$@";
print "LDIF generation complete. See $name\n";
print "\tSee the manual or INSTALL to create users using the LDIF file.\n";
# This uses a match pattern plus text to text replacements.
# Could make all changes and then write out new workload
# You would have to be carefull about sections with multi-line support.
sub configWorkload {
my $ans;
print "\nWhat is the name of the mail host [$defaultSection->{SERVER}]: ";
$ans = <STDIN>; chomp $ans;
if ($ans) {
fileReplaceText ($params{WORKLOAD},
$defaultSection->{SERVER}, $ans);
$defaultSection->{SERVER} = $ans; # needed for ldif generation
print "\nWhat is the user name pattern [$defaultSection->{LOGINFORMAT}]: ";
$ans = <STDIN>; chomp $ans;
if ($ans) {
fileReplaceText ($params{WORKLOAD},
$defaultSection->{LOGINFORMAT}, $ans);
$ans =~ s/%ld/0/; # create smtpMailFrom user
my $olduser = $defaultSection->{SMTPMAILFROM};
$olduser =~ s/@.*$//; # strip off after @
fileReplaceText ($params{WORKLOAD},
$olduser, $ans);
print "\nWhat is the password pattern [$defaultSection->{PASSWDFORMAT}]: ";
$ans = <STDIN>; chomp $ans;
fileReplaceText ($params{WORKLOAD}, "PASSWDFORMAT",
$defaultSection->{PASSWDFORMAT}, $ans);
$defaultSection->{NUMLOGINS} = 100 unless ($defaultSection->{NUMLOGINS});
print "\nHow many users [$defaultSection->{NUMLOGINS}]: ";
$ans = <STDIN>; chomp $ans;
fileReplaceText ($params{WORKLOAD}, "(NUMADDRESSES|NUMLOGINS)",
$defaultSection->{NUMLOGINS}, $ans);
$defaultSection->{FIRSTLOGIN} = 0 unless ($defaultSection->{FIRSTLOGIN});
print "\nWhat is the first user number [$defaultSection->{FIRSTLOGIN}]: ";
$ans = <STDIN>; chomp $ans;
fileReplaceText ($params{WORKLOAD}, "(FIRSTADDRESS|FIRSTLOGIN)",
$defaultSection->{FIRSTLOGIN}, $ans);
unless ($params{NT}) {
configClients ();
print "\nDo you want to view the edited $params{WORKLOAD} [y]? ";
$ans = <STDIN>;
unless ($ans =~ /^n/i) {
print "Here is the edited $params{WORKLOAD}:\n\n";
fileShow ($params{WORKLOAD});
print "\n";
print "\nDo you want to generate a user LDIF file [y]? ";
$ans = <STDIN>;
unless ($ans =~ /^n/i) {
configUserLdif ();
# See if license file has been displayed
if (($mode ne "cleanup") && (! -f ".license" )) {
fileShow ("LICENSE");
print "\nDo you agree to the terms of the license? (yes/no) ";
my $ans = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
unless ($ans =~ /^yes$/i) {
print "License not agreed to.\n";
exit 0;
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime;
open (LIC, ">.license");
printf LIC "%04d$mon$mday$hour$min\n", $year+1900;
close (LIC);
if ($mode eq "config") { # re-run config
configWorkload ();
print "\nMake any additional changes to $params{WORKLOAD} and then re-run 'setup'\n";
exit 0;
} elsif ($mode ne "cleanup") { # check if configured
my $unconf = 0; # see if default values are in use
foreach $section (@workload) {
&& ($section->{SERVER} =~ /example\.com$/)
&& $unconf++;
&& ($section->{SMTPMAILFROM} =~ /example\.com$/)
&& $unconf++;
&& ($section->{ADDRESSFORMAT} =~ /example\.com$/)
&& $unconf++;
last if ($unconf > 0);
if ($unconf > 0) {
print "Server has not been configured ( is an invalid address).\n";
print "Do you want to setup a simple configuration now [y]?";
my $ans = <STDIN>;
if ($ans =~ /^n/i) {
print "Re-run setup when you have edited the configuration.\n";
exit 0;
configWorkload ();
print "\nMake any additional changes to $params{WORKLOAD} and then re-run 'setup'\n";
exit 0;
if ($mode eq "timesync") {
if ($params{NT}) {
print "Timesync has no effect on NT\n";
exit 0;
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime;
$mon += 1; # adjust from 0 based to std
$systime = sprintf ("%02d%02d%02d%02d%04d.%02d",
$mon, $mday, $hour, $min, 1900+$year, $sec);
} elsif ($mode eq "checktime") {
if ($params{NT}) { # if running on NT, then only single client
print "Checktime not needed on NT\n";
exit 0;
mkdir ("$resultbase", 0775);
mkdir ("$tmpbase", 0775);
foreach $section (@workload) {
next unless ($section->{sectionTitle} =~ /CLIENT/o);
my $slist = $section->{sectionParams};
$slist =~ s/HOSTS=\s*//; # strip off initial bit
foreach $cli (split /[\s,]/, $slist) {
open MAKEIT, ">$tmpbase/$cli.tim";
close MAKEIT;
} elsif (($mode eq "setup") || ($mode eq "cleanup")) {
@msgs = <data/*.msg>;
foreach (@files = @msgs) { s/data\/// }
print "Found these message files:\n@files\n\n";
if ($params{NT}) { # handle NT localhost here
exit 0 if ($mode =~ /cleanup$/);
my $clipath = "bin/WINNT4.0/bin/mailclient.exe";
print "Copying $clipath and message files to $cli\n";
system "copy $clipath $params{TEMPDIR}";
foreach $f (@files) {
system "copy $f $params{TEMPDIR}";
exit 0; # without perl:fork, no more to do
# iterate over every client in the testbed, complete the cmd and rsh
foreach $section (@workload) {
next unless ($section->{sectionTitle} =~ /CLIENT/o);
my $slist = $section->{sectionParams};
$slist =~ s/HOSTS=\s*//; # strip off initial bit
foreach $cli (split /[\s,]/, $slist) {
my $rsh = ($section->{RSH}) ? $section->{RSH} : $params{RSH};
my $rcp = ($section->{RCP}) ? $section->{RCP} : $params{RCP};
my $tempdir;
if ($section->{TEMPDIR}) {
$tempdir = $section->{TEMPDIR};
} elsif ($params{TEMPDIR}) {
$tempdir = $params{TEMPDIR};
# most time critical first
if ($mode eq "timesync") {
next if ($cli =~ /^localhost$/i); # don't reset our own time
# run all these in parallel to minimize skew
next if ($section->{ARCH} eq "NT4.0");
forkproc ($rsh, $cli, "date $systime");
elsif ($mode eq "checktime") {
# run all these in parallel to minimize skew
forkproc ($rsh, $cli, ($section->{ARCH} eq "NT4.0")
? "time" : "date",
"/dev/null", "$tmpbase/$cli.tim");
elsif ($mode eq "setup") {
my ($clibin) = split /\s/, (($section->{COMMAND})
? $section->{COMMAND}
: $params{CLIENTCOMMAND});
my $clipath = "bin/$clibin";
if ($section->{ARCH}) {
if (-x "bin/$section->{ARCH}/bin/$clibin") {
} else {
print "Requested OS $section->{ARCH} $cli not found. Using default.\n";
my $rdir = ($tempdir) ? "$tempdir/" : ".";
# chmod so that the remote files can be easily cleaned up
my $rcmd = "chmod g+w @files $clibin; uname -a";
$rcmd = "cd $tempdir; " . $rcmd if ($tempdir);
$rdir =~ s!/!\\!g if ($section->{ARCH} eq "NT4.0");
if ($cli =~ /^localhost$/i) {
die "TEMPDIR must be set for 'localhost'\n"
unless ($tempdir);
die "Invalid local NT copy. Should never get here.\n"
if ($section->{ARCH} eq "NT4.0"); # should never happen
print "Copying $clipath and message files to $rdir\n";
system ("$cpcmd @msgs $clipath $rdir");
system ($rcmd);
} else {
print "$rcp $clipath @msgs $cli:$rdir\n" if ($params{DEBUG});
print "Copying $clipath and message files to $cli:$rdir\n";
system (split (/\s+/, $rcp), $clipath, @msgs, "$cli:$rdir");
next if ($section->{ARCH} eq "NT4.0"); # chmod not valid
print "rcmd='$rcmd'\n" if ($params{DEBUG});
system (split (/\s+/, $rsh), $cli, $rcmd);
print "\n";
elsif ($mode eq "cleanup") {
if ($params{DEBUG}) { # get debug files
print "Cleaning up debug files on $cli\n";
my $rcmd = ($section->{ARCH} eq "NT4.0") ? "DEL" : "$rmcmd";
$rmcmd .= " mstone-debug.[0-9]*";
$rcmd = "cd $tempdir; " . $rcmd if ($tempdir);
$rcmd =~ s/;/&&/g if ($section->{ARCH} eq "NT4.0");
if ($cli =~ /^localhost$/i) {
die "TEMPDIR must be set for 'localhost'\n"
unless ($tempdir);
system ($rcmd);
} else {
system (split (/\s+/, $rsh), $cli, $rcmd);
} else {
print "Cleaning $cli\n";
my $rcmd = ($section->{ARCH} eq "NT4.0") ? "DEL" : "$rmcmd";
$rcmd .= " $clibin @files";
$rcmd = "cd $tempdir; " . $rcmd if ($tempdir);
$rcmd =~ s/;/&&/g if ($section->{ARCH} eq "NT4.0");
if ($cli =~ /^localhost$/i) {
die "TEMPDIR must be set for 'localhost'\n"
unless ($tempdir);
system ($rcmd);
} else {
system (split (/\s+/, $rsh), $cli, $rcmd);
else {
die "Couldn't recognize mode $mode!\n";
# wait for children to finish
if (($mode eq "timesync") || ($mode eq "checktime")) {
$pid = wait();
while ($pid != -1) {
$pid = wait();
# Print the results of the time checks
if ($mode eq "checktime") {
print "Time from each client:\n";
foreach $section (@workload) {
next unless ($section->{sectionTitle} =~ /CLIENT/o);
my $slist = $section->{sectionParams};
$slist =~ s/HOSTS=\s*//; # strip off initial bit
foreach $cli (split /[\s,]/, $slist) {
open TIMEFILE, "$tmpbase/$cli.tim"
|| warn "Counldn't open $tmpbase/$cli.tim\n";
printf "%32s: ", $cli;
while (<TIMEFILE>) { print; last;} # single line (2 on NT)
unlink "$tmpbase/$cli.tim";