
688 строки
17 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl --
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
# under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bonsai CVS tool.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998
# Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
require '';
require '';
use Date::Parse;
$CVS_ROOT = $form{"cvsroot"};
require '';
require '';
$| = 1;
$sm_font_tag = "<font face='Arial,Helvetica' size=-2>";
my $generateBackoutCVSCommands = 0;
if (defined $form{'generateBackoutCVSCommands'}) {
$generateBackoutCVSCommands = 1;
if (!$generateBackoutCVSCommands) {
print "Content-type: text/html
print "$script_str";
#print "<pre>";
$CVS_REPOS_SUFIX =~ s/\//_/g;
$CHECKIN_DATA_FILE = "data/checkinlog${CVS_REPOS_SUFIX}";
# Log the query
open( LOG, ">>data/querylog.txt");
$t = time;
# build a module map
$query_module = $form{'module'};
# allow ?file=/a/b/c/foo.c to be synonymous with ?dir=/a/b/c&file=foo.c
if ( $form{'dir'} eq '' ) {
if ($form{'file'} =~ m@(.*?/)([^/]*)$@) {
$form{'dir'} = $1;
$form{'file'} = $2;
# build a directory map
@query_dirs = split(/[;, \t]+/, $form{'dir'});
$query_file = $form{'file'};
$query_filetype = $form{'filetype'};
$query_logexpr = $form{'logexpr'};
# date
$query_date_type = $form{'date'};
if( $query_date_type eq 'hours' ){
$query_date_min = time - $form{'hours'}*60*60;
elsif( $query_date_type eq 'day' ){
$query_date_min = time - 24*60*60;
elsif( $query_date_type eq 'week' ){
$query_date_min = time - 7*24*60*60;
elsif( $query_date_type eq 'month' ){
$query_date_min = time - 30*24*60*60;
elsif( $query_date_type eq 'all' ){
$query_date_min = 0;
elsif( $query_date_type eq 'explicit' ){
if ($form{'mindate'} ne "") {
$query_date_min = parse_date($form{'mindate'});
if ($form{'maxdate'} ne "") {
$query_date_max = parse_date($form{'maxdate'});
else {
$query_date_min = time-60*60*2;
# who
$query_who = $form{'who'};
$query_whotype = $form{'whotype'};
$show_raw = $form{'raw'} ne '';
# branch
$query_branch = $form{'branch'};
if (!defined $query_branch) {
$query_branch = 'HEAD';
$query_branchtype = $form{'branchtype'};
# tags
$query_begin_tag = $form{'begin_tag'};
$query_end_tag = $form{'end_tag'};
# Get the query in english and print it.
$t = $e = &query_to_english;
$t =~ s/<[^>]*>//g;
$query_debug = $form{'debug'};
$result= &query_checkins( $mod_map );
for $i (@{$result}) {
$w{"$i->[$CI_WHO]\@$userdomain"} = 1;
@p = sort keys %w;
$pCount = @p;
$s = join(",%20", @p);
$e =~ s/Checkins in/In/;
my $menu = "
<p align=center>$e
<p align=left>
<a href=cvsqueryform.cgi?$ENV{QUERY_STRING}>Modify Query</a>
<br><a href=mailto:$s>Mail everyone on this page</a>
<NOBR>($pCount people)</NOBR>
<br><a href=cvsquery.cgi?$ENV{QUERY_STRING}&generateBackoutCVSCommands=1>I want to back out these changes</a>
if (defined $form{'generateBackoutCVSCommands'}) {
print "Content-type: text/plain
# This page can be saved as a shell script and executed. It should be
# run at the top of your CVS work area. It will update your workarea to
# backout the changes selected by your query.
foreach my $ci (@{$result}) {
if ($ci->[$CI_REV] eq "") {
print "echo 'Changes made to $ci->[$CI_DIR]/$ci->[$CI_FILE] need to be backed out by hand'\n";
my $prev_revision = PrevRev($ci->[$CI_REV]);
print "cvs update -j$ci->[$CI_REV] -j$prev_revision $ci->[$CI_DIR]/$ci->[$CI_FILE]\n";
EmitHtmlTitleAndHeader($t, "CVS Checkins", "$menu");
# Test code to print the results
if( !$show_raw ) {
if( $form{"sortby"} eq "Who" ){
$result = [sort {
$a->[$CI_WHO] cmp $b->[$CI_WHO]
|| $b->[$CI_DATE] <=> $a->[$CI_DATE]
} @{$result}] ;
$head_who = $SORT_HEAD;
elsif( $form{"sortby"} eq "File" ){
$result = [sort {
$a->[$CI_FILE] cmp $b->[$CI_FILE]
|| $b->[$CI_DATE] <=> $a->[$CI_DATE]
|| $a->[$CI_DIRECTORY] cmp $b->[$CI_DIRECTORY]
} @{$result}] ;
$head_file = $SORT_HEAD;
elsif( $form{"sortby"} eq "Directory" ){
$result = [sort {
|| $a->[$CI_FILE] cmp $b->[$CI_FILE]
|| $b->[$CI_DATE] <=> $a->[$CI_DATE]
} @{$result}] ;
$head_directory = $SORT_HEAD;
elsif( $form{"sortby"} eq "Change Size" ){
$result = [sort {
<=> ($a->[$CI_LINES_ADDED]- $a->[$CI_LINES_REMOVED])
#|| $b->[$CI_DATE] <=> $a->[$CI_DATE]
} @{$result}] ;
$head_delta = $SORT_HEAD;
$result = [sort {$b->[$CI_DATE] <=> $a->[$CI_DATE]} @{$result}] ;
$head_date = $SORT_HEAD;
else {
print "<pre>";
for $ci (@$result) {
$ci->[$CI_LOG] = '';
$s = join("|",@$ci);
print "$s\n";
# code to debug the modules_map
#print "<PRE>\n";
#while( ($k,$v) = each(%{$mod_map})) {
# print "$k=$v\n";
sub print_tcl {
local($result) = @_;
local($t, $count,$first,$i, $k, $files);
$t = time;
print TCLOUT "set treeopen 0\n" .
"set lastgoodtimestamp $t\n" .
"set closetimestamp $t\n";
$count = 0;
$first = 0;
$i = 1;
$max = @{$result}+1;
while( $i < $max ){
$c1 = $result->[$first];
$c2 = $result->[$i];
if( $i == $max-1
|| $c1->[$CI_DATE] != $c2->[$CI_DATE]
|| $c1->[$CI_DIR] ne $c2->[$CI_DIR]
|| $c1->[$CI_WHO] ne $c2->[$CI_WHO]
) {
$files = '{';
$fu = '{';
$k = $first;
while( $k < $i ){
$files .= $result->[$k][$CI_FILE] . " ";
$fu .= &make_fullinfo( $result->[$k] );
$files .= '}';
$fu .= '}';
print TCLOUT "set ci-${count}(date) $c1->[$CI_DATE]\n" .
"set ci-${count}(dir) $c1->[$CI_DIR]\n" .
"set ci-${count}(person) $c1->[$CI_WHO]\n" .
"set ci-${count}(files) $files\n" .
"set ci-${count}(fullinfo) $fu\n" .
"set ci-${count}(log) \{$c1->[$CI_LOG]\}\n" .
"set ci-${count}(treeopen) 1\n";
$first = $i;
sub make_fullinfo{
local( $ci ) = @_;
local( $s );
$a = &tcl_value( $ci->[$CI_FILE] );
$b = &tcl_value( $ci->[$CI_REV] );
$c = &tcl_value( $ci->[$CI_LINES_ADDED] );
$d = &tcl_value( $ci->[$CI_LINES_REMOVED] );
$e = &tcl_value( $ci->[$CI_STICKY] );
return "{$a $b $c $d $e}";
sub tcl_value {
local( $a ) = @_;
if( $a eq '' ){
return '{}';
else {
return $a;
sub print_result {
local($result) = @_;
local($ci,$i,$k,$j,$max, $l, $span);
$i = 20;
$k = 0;
$max = @{$result};
while( $k < $max ){
$ci = $result->[$k];
$span = 1;
if( ($l = $ci->[$CI_LOG]) ne '' ){
# Calculate the number of consequitive logs that are
# the same and nuke them
$j = $k+1;
while( $j < $max && $result->[$j]->[$CI_LOG] eq $l ){
$result->[$j]->[$CI_LOG] = '';
# Make sure we don't break over a description block
$span = $j-$k;
if( $span-1 > $i ){
$i = $j-$k;
&print_ci( $ci, $span );
if( $i <= 0 ){
$i = 20;
print "</TABLE><TABLE border cellspacing=2>\n";
else {
sub print_ci {
local($ci, $span) = @_;
($sec,$minute,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime( $ci->[$CI_DATE] );
$t = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%02d&nbsp;%02d:%02d",$mon+1,$mday,$year,$hour,$minute);
$log = &html_log($ci->[$CI_LOG]);
$rev = $ci->[$CI_REV];
print "<tr>\n";
print "<TD>${sm_font_tag}$t</font>";
print "<TD><a href='../registry/who.cgi?email=$ci->[$CI_WHO]' "
. "onClick=\"return js_who_menu('$ci->[$CI_WHO]','',event);\" >"
. "$ci->[$CI_WHO]</a>\n";
print "<TD><a href='cvsview2.cgi?subdir=$ci->[$CI_DIR]&files=$ci->[$CI_FILE]\&command=DIRECTORY&branch=$query_branch&root=$CVS_ROOT'\n"
. " onclick=\"return js_file_menu('$CVS_ROOT', '$ci->[$CI_DIR]','$ci->[$CI_FILE]','$ci->[$CI_REV]','$query_branch',event)\">\n";
# if( (length $ci->[$CI_FILE]) + (length $ci->[$CI_DIR]) > 30 ){
# $d = $ci->[$CI_DIR];
# if( (length $ci->[$CI_DIR]) > 30 ){
# $d =~ s/([^\n]*\/)(classes\/)/$1classes\/<br>&nbsp;&nbsp/;
# # Insert a <BR> before any directory named
# # 'classes.'
# }
# print " $d/<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;$ci->[$CI_FILE]<a>\n";
# }
# else{
# print " $ci->[$CI_DIR]/$ci->[$CI_FILE]<a>\n";
# }
$d = "$ci->[$CI_DIR]/$ci->[$CI_FILE]";
if( $query_module eq 'allrepositories' ){ $d = "$ci->[$CI_REPOSITORY]/$d"; }
$d =~ s:/:/ :g; # Insert a whitespace after any slash, so that
# we'll break long names at a reasonable place.
print "$d\n";
if( $rev ne '' ){
$prevrev = &PrevRev( $rev );
print "<TD>${sm_font_tag}<a href='cvsview2.cgi?diff_mode=".
$ci->[$CI_DIR] . "\&command=DIFF_FRAMESET\&file=" .
$ci->[$CI_FILE] . "\&rev1=$prevrev&rev2=$rev&root=$CVS_ROOT'>$rev</a></font>\n";
else {
print "<TD>\&nbsp;\n";
if( !$query_branch_head ){
print "<TD><TT><FONT SIZE=-1>$ci->[$CI_BRANCH]&nbsp</FONT></TT>\n";
print "<TD>${sm_font_tag}$ci->[$CI_LINES_ADDED]/$ci->[$CI_LINES_REMOVED]</font>&nbsp\n";
if( $log ne '' ){
eval ('$log =~ s@\d{4,6}@' . $BUGSYSTEMEXPR . '@g;');
$log =~ s/([ #\t])([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])([^0-9])/$1<a href='http:\/\/\/bugsplat\/show_bug.cgi?id=$2'>$2<\/a>$3/g;
# Makes numbers into links to bugsplat.
$log =~ s/\n/<BR>/g;
# Makes newlines into <BR>'s
if( $span > 1 ){
print "<TD VALIGN=TOP ROWSPAN=$span>$log\n";
else {
print "<TD VALIGN=TOP>$log\n";
print "</tr>\n";
sub print_head {
if ($versioninfo ne "") {
print "<FORM action='multidiff.cgi' method=post>";
print "<INPUT TYPE='HIDDEN' name='allchanges' value = '$versioninfo'>";
print "<INPUT TYPE='HIDDEN' name='cvsroot' value = '$CVS_ROOT'>";
print "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE='Show me ALL the Diffs'>";
print "</FORM>";
print "<tt>(+$lines_added/$lines_removed)</tt> Lines changed.";
$anchor = $ENV{QUERY_STRING};
$anchor =~ s/\&sortby\=[A-Za-z\ \+]*//g;
$anchor = "<a href=cvsquery.cgi?$anchor";
print "
<TABLE border cellspacing=2>
<TH width=2% $head_date>$anchor>When</a>
<TH width=2% $head_who>${anchor}&sortby=Who>Who</a>
<TH width=45% $head_file>${anchor}&sortby=File>File</a>
<TH width=2%>Rev
$descwidth = 47;
if( !$query_branch_head ){
print "<TH width=2%>Branch\n";
$descwidth -= 2;
print "
<TH width=2% $head_delta>${anchor}&sortby=Change+Size>+/-</a>
<TH WIDTH=$descwidth%>Description
sub print_foot {
print "</TABLE>";
print "<br><br>";
sub html_log {
local( $log ) = @_;
$log =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
$log =~ s/</&lt;/g;
return $log;
sub PrevRev {
local( $rev ) = @_;
local( $i, $j, $ret, @r );
@r = split( /\./, $rev );
$i = @r-1;
if( $r[$i] == 0 ){
$i -= 2;
$j = 0;
while( $j < $i ){
$ret .= "$r[$j]\.";
$ret .= $r[$i];
sub parse_date {
my($d) = @_;
my($result) = str2time($d);
if (defined $result) {
return $result;
} elsif ($d > 7000000) {
return $d;
return 0;
sub setup_script {
$script_str =<<'ENDJS';
var event = 0; // Nav3.0 compatibility
function js_who_menu(n,extra,d) {
if( parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 4 ){
return true;
l = document.layers['popup'];
if( > window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset - l.clip.height) { = (window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset - l.clip.height);
} else { = - 6;
l.left = - 6;
return false;
function js_file_menu(repos,dir,file,rev,branch,d) {
var fileName="";
if( parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 4 ){
return true;
for (var i=0;i<;i++)
if (!=" ") {;
l = document.layers['popup'];
l.src="../registry/file.cgi?cvsroot="+repos+"&file="+file+"&dir="+dir+"&rev="+rev+"&branch="+branch+"&linked_text="+fileName; = - 6;
l.left = - 6;
if( l.left + l.clipWidth > window.width ){
l.left = window.width - l.clipWidth;
return false;
<layer name="popup" onMouseOut="this.visibility='hide';" left=0 top=0 bgcolor="#ffffff" visibility="hide">
# Actually do the query
sub query_to_english {
my $english = 'Checkins ';
if( $query_module eq 'allrepositories' ){
$english .= "to <i>All Repositories</i> ";
elsif( $query_module ne 'all' && @query_dirs == 0 ){
$english .= "to module <i>$query_module</i> ";
elsif( $form{dir} ne "" ) {
my $word = "directory";
if (@query_dirs > 1) {
$word = "directories";
$english .= "to $word <i>$form{dir}</i> ";
if ($query_file ne "") {
if ($english ne 'Checkins ') {
$english .= "and ";
$english .= "to file $query_file ";
if( ! ($query_branch =~ /^[ ]*HEAD[ ]*$/i) ){
if($query_branch eq '' ){
$english .= "on all branches ";
else {
$english .= "on branch <i>$query_branch</i> ";
if( $query_who ne '' ){
$english .= "by $query_who ";
$query_date_type = $form{'date'};
if( $query_date_type eq 'hours' ){
$english .="in the last $form{hours} hours";
elsif( $query_date_type eq 'day' ){
$english .="in the last day";
elsif( $query_date_type eq 'week' ){
$english .="in the last week";
elsif( $query_date_type eq 'month' ){
$english .="in the last month";
elsif( $query_date_type eq 'all' ){
$english .="since the beginning of time";
elsif( $query_date_type eq 'explicit' ){
if ( $form{mindate} ne "" && $form{maxdate} ne "" ) {
$w1 = "between";
$w2 = "and" ;
else {
$w1 = "since";
$w2 = "before";
if( $form{'mindate'} ne "" ){
$dd = &parse_date($form{'mindate'});
($sec,$minute,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime( $dd );
$t = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%02d&nbsp;%02d:%02d",$mon+1,$mday,$year,$hour,$minute);
$english .= "$w1 <i>$t</i> ";
if( $form{'maxdate'} ne "" ){
$dd = &parse_date($form{'maxdate'});
($sec,$minute,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime( $dd );
$t = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%02d&nbsp;%02d:%02d",$mon+1,$mday,$year,$hour,$minute);
$english .= "$w2 <i>$t</i> ";
return $english . ":";