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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
* Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
#include "Fundamentals.h"
#include "InterfaceDispatchTable.h"
#include "LogModule.h"
// A TypeKind describes the basic kind of a Java value.
// See also Value.h.
enum TypeKind
{ // Size Primitive kind? Final?
tkVoid, // 0 yes yes
tkBoolean, // 1 yes yes
tkUByte, // 1 yes yes
tkByte, // 1 yes yes
tkChar, // 2 yes yes
tkShort, // 2 yes yes
tkInt, // 4 yes yes
tkLong, // 8 yes yes
tkFloat, // 4 yes yes
tkDouble, // 8 yes yes
tkObject, // 4 no sometimes // Java objects
tkSpecial, // 4 no yes // Internal, non-java objects; not used at this time
tkArray, // 4 no sometimes // Java arrays
tkInterface // 4 no no // Java interfaces
const uint nPrimitiveTypeKinds = tkDouble + 1;
const uint nTypeKinds = tkInterface + 1;
inline bool NS_EXTERN isPrimitiveKind(TypeKind tk) {return tk <= tkDouble;}
inline bool NS_EXTERN isNonVoidPrimitiveKind(TypeKind tk) {return tk >= tkBoolean && tk <= tkDouble;}
inline bool NS_EXTERN isDoublewordKind(TypeKind tk) {return tk == tkLong || tk == tkDouble;}
inline int NS_EXTERN getTypeKindSize(TypeKind tk);
inline int NS_EXTERN getLgTypeKindSize(TypeKind tk);
inline int NS_EXTERN nTypeKindSlots(TypeKind tk);
inline bool NS_EXTERN getTypeKindFromDescriptor(char c, TypeKind &tk);
#ifdef DEBUG
// Flags for dumping objects and arrays
#define PRINT_OBJECT_TYPE 0x02
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct Type;
struct Class;
struct Interface;
struct Package;
struct Field;
struct Method;
struct Constructor;
class ClassCentral;
class ClassFileSummary;
// A JavaObject is the header of any Java object.
// It contains just one field -- a pointer to the object's type.
// An actual Java object's fields follow after the end of the JavaEnd structure.
struct NS_EXTERN JavaObject
const Type* type; // Pointer to the object's type
Int32 state; // contains lock and gc state, and possibly hash id
explicit JavaObject(const Type &type): type(&type), state(0x3) {}
inline const Type &getType() const { return *type; }
inline const Class &getClass() const;
#ifdef DEBUG
void printValue(LogModuleObject &f,
int maxRecursion = 0,
Uint32 printFlags = PRINT_DEFAULT_FLAGS,
const char *newlineString = NULL,
Vector<JavaObject *> *printedObjects = NULL);
const Int32 objectTypeOffset = 0; // Offset from object address to its type pointer word
typedef JavaObject *obj;
typedef const JavaObject *cobj;
inline ptr objToPtr(obj o) {return reinterpret_cast<ptr>(o);}
inline cptr objToPtr(cobj o) {return reinterpret_cast<cptr>(o);}
inline obj ptrToObj(ptr o) {return reinterpret_cast<obj>(o);}
inline cobj ptrToObj(cptr o) {return reinterpret_cast<cobj>(o);}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A JavaArray is the header of any Java array.
// It contains only two field -- a pointer to the object's type and a
// number of elements.
// An actual Java array's elements follow after the end of the JavaArray structure.
struct NS_EXTERN JavaArray: JavaObject
const Uint32 length; // Number of elements in this array
JavaArray(const Type &type, Uint32 length): JavaObject(type), length(length) {}
JavaObject *get(Int32 index);
Int8 getBoolean(Int32 index);
char getByte(Int32 index);
Int16 getChar(Int32 index);
Int16 getShort(Int32 index);
Int32 getInt(Int32 index);
Int64 getLong(Int32 index);
Flt32 getFloat(Int32 index);
Flt64 getDouble(Int32 index);
void set(Int32 index, JavaObject *obj);
void setBoolean(Int32 index, Int8 value);
void setByte(Int32 index, char value);
void setChar(Int32 index, Int16 value);
void setShort(Int32 index, Int16 value);
void setInt(Int32 index, Int32 value);
void setLong(Int32 index, Int64 value);
void setFloat(Int32 index, Flt32 value);
void setDouble(Int32 index, Flt64 value);
void *getRaw(Int32 index);
bool isPrimitive();
// Offset from array address to its length word
const Int32 arrayLengthOffset = offsetof(JavaArray, length);
// Offset from array address to its first element, equivalent to arrayEltsOffset(tkObject)
const Int32 arrayObjectEltsOffset = sizeof(JavaArray);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A vtable contains two kinds of entries:
// Method pointers that point to code (either actual code or stubs that
// load the actual code);
// Class pointers that point to superclasses.
// The method pointers are used for dispatching methods inherited from
// superclasses. The Class pointers are used for quickly determining
// whether an object belongs to a particular class.
union VTableEntry
void *codePtr; // Pointer to method
Class *classPtr; // Pointer to superclass
void *classOrCodePtr; // One of the above
struct Array;
class InterfaceDispatchTable;
// A Type describes the contents of a Java object.
// It's also itself a special kind of Java object.
struct NS_EXTERN Type: JavaObject
const TypeKind typeKind ENUM_8; // Kind of objects described here
const bool final BOOL_8; // True if this type cannot have any subtypes. Note that, by this
// definition, an array type is final if its element type is final.
const Uint32 nVTableSlots; // Number of vtable slots for this class; zero if there is no vtable
const VTableOffset *interfaceVIndexTable; // Table for mapping interface to first VIndex in interface's VTable
const Uint16 *interfaceAssignableTable; // Table for determining if instance is assignable to an interface type
Uint16 assignableMatchValue; // Used to compare with entry in interfaceAssignableTable
mutable const Array *arrayType; // Type of arrays whose components have this Type or null if none declared yet
protected: // This is an abstract class
Type(const Type &metaType, const Type *superType, TypeKind typeKind, bool final, Uint32 nVTableSlots,
VTableOffset *interfaceVIndexTable = 0, Uint16 *interfaceAssignableTable = 0):
JavaObject(metaType), typeKind(typeKind), final(final), nVTableSlots(nVTableSlots),
arrayType(0), superType(superType) {}
const Type *superType;
const Array &getArrayType() const;
const Type *getSuperType() const {return superType;};
const Type *getSuperClass() const;
Uint32 getInterfaceNumber() const;
VTableEntry &getVTableEntry(Uint32 vIndex) const;
void setVTableEntry(Uint32 vIndex, void *classOrCodePtr);
// Returns true if the current class object describes an interface.
bool isInterface() const {return (typeKind == tkInterface);}
bool isArray() const {return (typeKind == tkArray);}
// Returns true if this class describes a primitive type
bool isPrimitive() const {return isPrimitiveKind(typeKind); }
// Returns true if the type represented by the specified Class parameter
// can be converted to the type represented by this class object.
bool isAssignableFrom(const Type &from) const;
// Returns true if the object represented by obj is an instance of this class
bool isInstance(JavaObject &obj) const {return (&obj.getType() == this ||
// Returns the modifiers (access flags) for this class object.
Uint32 getModifiers() const;
// Returns the fully qualified name of the class; unlike toString(),
// does not prepend "class " in front of the name
const char *getName() const;
#ifdef DEBUG_LOG
int printRef(LogModuleObject &f) const;
inline Type &asType(JavaObject &o);
bool implements(const Type &sub, const Type &super);
// A Type for void, boolean, ubyte, byte, char, short, int, long, float, or double.
struct NS_EXTERN PrimitiveType: Type
static const PrimitiveType *primitiveTypes[nPrimitiveTypeKinds];
// Only initPrimitiveTypes can construct PrimitiveType instances.
PrimitiveType(const Type &metaType, TypeKind typeKind): Type(metaType, NULL, typeKind, true, 0, 0) { }
static const PrimitiveType &obtain(TypeKind tk);
static const PrimitiveType *getClass(const char* className);
static void staticInit();
const char *getName() const;
char getSignatureEncoding() const;
inline const PrimitiveType &asPrimitiveType(const Type &t)
return *static_cast<const PrimitiveType *>(&t);
// A Type for any array.
struct NS_EXTERN Array: Type
const Type &componentType; // Type of components of this array
mutable const char *fullName; // Fully qualified name of the array
// Unique serial number among all interfaces and arrays of interfaces
Uint32 interfaceNumber;
InterfaceDispatchTable *interfaceDispatchTable;
static const Array *primitiveArrays[nPrimitiveTypeKinds];
explicit Array(const Type &componentType, const Type &superType,
Uint32 nVTableSlots);
void buildAssignabilityTableForInterfaces();
static Array &make(const Type &componentType);
static const Array &obtain(TypeKind elementKind);
const Type &getElementType() const;
const Type &getElementType(int &numDimensions) const;
const Type &getComponentType() const {return componentType;};
// Used for arrays of interfaces
Uint32 getInterfaceNumber() const {
assert(getElementType().typeKind == tkInterface);
return interfaceNumber;
#ifdef DEBUG
void printValue(LogModuleObject &f, JavaArray *array,
int maxRecursion = 0,
Uint32 printFlags = PRINT_DEFAULT_FLAGS,
const char *newlineString = NULL,
Vector<JavaObject *> *printedObjects = NULL) const;
// Returns the fully qualified name of the class; unlike toString(),
// does not prepend "class " in front of the name
const char *getName() const;
#ifdef DEBUG_LOG
int printRef(LogModuleObject &f) const;
static void staticInit();
inline const Array &asArray(const Type &t) {
assert(t.typeKind == tkArray);
return *static_cast<const Array*>(&t);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// An abstract class that contains information common to Class and
// Interface objects.
struct NS_EXTERN ClassOrInterface: Type
Package &package; // The package that defines this class or interface
const char * /*const*/ name; // Unqualified name of the class or interface (stored in the ClassWorld's pool)
mutable const char *fullName; // Fully qualified name of the class or interface
mutable const char *declName; // Class declaration, as returned by toString()
const Uint32 nInterfaces; // Number of interfaces implemented directly by this class or interface
Interface **interfaces; // Array of nInterfaces interfaces implemented directly by this class or interface
static ClassCentral *central; // Repository of loaded classes
ClassFileSummary *summary; // Class loader for this class, NULL if none
bool initialized;
// Run all the static initializers of this class
void runStaticInitializers();
bool isInitialized() { return initialized; }
ClassOrInterface(const Type &metaType, TypeKind typeKind,
const Class *parent,
bool final,
Uint32 nVTableSlots, Package &package,
const char *name, Uint32 nInterfaces,
Interface **interfaces,
ClassFileSummary *summary,
VTableOffset *interfaceVIndexTable = 0,
Uint16 *interfaceAssignableTable = 0);
#ifdef DEBUG_LOG
int printRef(LogModuleObject &f) const;
// Set the value of the ClassCentral object. This should be done
// only once.
static void setCentral(ClassCentral *c) { central = c; }
// Returns fully qualified name of the class/interface in the form
// "class <classname>" or "interface <interfacename>"
const char *toString() const;
// Returns the fully qualified name of the class; unlike toString(),
// does not prepend "class " in front of the name
const char *getName() const;
// Returns the modifiers (access flags) for this class object.
Uint32 getModifiers() const;
// Returns the class loader object for this class. Need to think about
// this a little bit.
// ClassLoader getClassLoader() const;
// Returns summaries for the interfaces of this class.
// If this class object represents a class, returns an array containing
// objects representing the interfaces directly implemented by the class.
// If this Class object represents an interface, returns an array
// containing objects representing the direct superinterfaces of the
// interface. Returns number of array interfaces actually returned.
// This number could be zero, if the class is a primitive type or
// implements no interfaces.
Int32 getInterfaces(Interface **&summaries) const;
// If this class or interface is a member of another class, returns the
// class object representing the class of which it is a member. If this is
// not the case, returns NULL. Hmmm. Need to think about how to implement
// this.
// Class *getDeclaringClass();
// Returns an array containing class objects representing all the public
// classes and interfaces that are members of the class represented by this
// class object. Returns number of class objects returned.
Int32 getClasses(Class **&summaries);
// Returns an array containing information about the public fields of this
// object. Returns number of fields in object.
Int32 getFields(const Field **&fields);
// Returns an array containing information about the public methods of
// this object. Returns number of fields in object.
Int32 getMethods(const Method **&methods);
// Returns an array containing information about the public constructors of
// this object. Returns number of constructors.
Int32 getConstructors(const Constructor **&constructors);
// Look up fields/methods/constructors. These methods search through
// publicly accessible fields/methods/constructors. They throw a
// runtimeError on failure.
Field &getField(const char *name);
Method &getMethod(const char *name, const Type *parameterTypes[],
Int32 numParams);
// Look up a method based on its name and signature. This routine searches
// only in the current class, and does not search in superclasses.
// If publicOrProtected is true, only public and protected methods are searched;
// otherwise, all declared methods are examined. If the method was not found,
// returns NULL.
Method *getMethod(const char *name, const char *sig, bool publicOrProtcted);
Constructor &getConstructor(const Type *parameterTypes[],
Int32 numParams);
// The following functions deal with *all* declared fields, methods, or
// constructors, be they public, protected, or private.
Int32 getDeclaredClasses(Class **&summaries);
Int32 getDeclaredFields(const Field **&fields);
Int32 getDeclaredMethods(const Method **&methods);
Int32 getDeclaredConstructors(const Constructor **&constructors);
Field &getDeclaredField(const char *name);
Method &getDeclaredMethod(const char *name, const Type *parameterTypes[],
Int32 numParams);
Constructor &getDeclaredConstructor(const Type *parameterTypes[],
Int32 numParams);
void getFullNames() const;
// Runtime reflection information about a class, such as its inheritance
// hierarchy, fields and field layout, etc.
// A Class remains in memory as long as a class is alive. It does
// not keep track of a class's constant pool, etc.
struct NS_EXTERN Class: ClassOrInterface
Uint32 instanceSize; // Size of instance objects in bytes
Class(Package &package, const char *name, const Class *parent, Uint32 nInterfaces, Interface **interfaces,
ClassFileSummary *summary, bool final, Uint32 instanceSize, Uint32 nVTableSlots,
VTableOffset *interfaceVOffsetTable, Uint16 *interfaceAssignableTable);
Class(bool isOwnClass, const char *name, Uint32 instanceSize, Uint32 nVTableSlots);
static Class &make(Package &package, const char *name, const Class *parent, Uint32 nInterfaces, Interface **interfaces,
ClassFileSummary *summary, bool final, Uint32 extraSize, Uint32 nExtraVTableSlots,
VTableOffset *interfaceVOffsetTable,
Uint16 *interfaceAssignableTable);
// Given a fully qualified className, attempts to load and link the class
// and returns the corresponding Class object. The name could be of
// the form java/lang/Object or java.lang.Object .
static Class &forName(const char *className);
// Ensure that the object obj is a primitive class and
// return the raw primitive value corresponding to the class,
// converted to a Uint32.
static Uint32 getPrimitiveValue(JavaObject &obj);
// Creates an instance of the class if the class is instantiable.
JavaObject &newInstance();
static JavaObject &makePrimitiveObject(TypeKind tk, void *address);
JavaObject *clone(JavaObject &inObj) const;
#ifdef DEBUG
void printValue(LogModuleObject &f, JavaObject *obj,
int maxRecursion = 0,
Uint32 printFlags = PRINT_DEFAULT_FLAGS,
const char *newlineString = NULL,
Vector<JavaObject *> *printedObjects = NULL);
static Class &makeSpecial(bool isOwnClass, const char *name, Uint32 instanceSize, Uint32 nVTableSlots);
void setParent(const Class &p);
const Class *getParent() const;
bool implements(const Class &c) const;
bool implements(const Interface &i) const;
friend class Standard; // Standard needs to call makeSpecial and explicitly set the parents of the first few classes created
// for bootstrapping reasons.
inline const Class &asClass(const Type &t);
const Uint32 vTableOffset = sizeof(Class); // Offset from a Type to beginning of its vtable
inline Int32 vTableIndexToOffset(Uint32 vIndex) {return (Int32)(vTableOffset + vIndex*sizeof(VTableEntry));}
struct NS_EXTERN Interface: ClassOrInterface
// Unique serial number among all interfaces and arrays of interfaces
Uint32 interfaceNumber;
Interface(Package &package, const char *name, Uint32 nInterfaces,
Interface **interfaces,
ClassFileSummary *summary);
bool implements(const Interface &i) const;
void addInterfaceArraysToAssignableTable(InterfaceDispatchTable *interfaceDispatchTable,
int numDimensions);
Uint32 getInterfaceNumber() const {return interfaceNumber;};
inline const Interface &asInterface(const Type &t);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Standard objects
// Standard classes
enum StandardClass {
cObject, // java.lang.Object
cPrimitiveType, // internal variant of java.lang.Class
cPrimitiveArray, // internal variant of java.lang.Class
cObjectArray, // internal variant of java.lang.Class
cClass, // internal variant of java.lang.Class
cInterface, // internal variant of java.lang.Class
cField, // internal variant of java.lang.Field
cMethod, // internal variant of java.lang.Method
cConstructor, // internal variant of java.lang.Constructor
cThrowable, // java.lang.Throwable
cException, // java.lang.Exception
cRuntimeException, // java.lang.RuntimeException
cArithmeticException, // java.lang.ArithmeticException
cArrayStoreException, // java.lang.ArrayStoreException
cClassCastException, // java.lang.ClassCastException
cIllegalMonitorStateException, // java.lang.illegalMonitorStateException
cArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,// java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
cNegativeArraySizeException, // java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
cNullPointerException, // java.lang.NullPointerException
cError, // java.lang.Error
cThreadDeath, // java.lang.ThreadDeath
cBoolean, // java.lang.Boolean
cByte, // java.lang.Byte
cCharacter, // java.lang.Character
cShort, // java.lang.Short
cInteger, // java.lang.Integer
cLong, // java.lang.Long
cFloat, // java.lang.Float
cDouble, // java.lang.Double
cString, // java.lang.String
cInterruptedException // java.lang.InterruptedException
const uint nStandardClasses = cString + 1;
const uint firstOrdinaryStandardClass = cThrowable;
// Standard interfaces
enum StandardInterface {
iCloneable // java.lang.Cloneable
const uint nStandardInterfaces = iCloneable + 1;
// Standard objects
enum StandardObject {
oArithmeticException, // new java.lang.ArithmeticException()
oArrayStoreException, // new java.lang.ArrayStoreException()
oClassCastException, // new java.lang.ClassCastException()
oIllegalMonitorStateException, // new java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
oArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,// new java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException()
oNegativeArraySizeException, // new java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException()
oNullPointerException, // new java.lang.NullPointerException()
oInterruptedException // new java.lang.InterruptedException()
const uint nStandardObjects = oNullPointerException + 1;
class NS_EXTERN Standard
static const Class *standardClasses[nStandardClasses];
static const Interface *standardInterfaces[nStandardInterfaces];
static const JavaObject *standardObjects[nStandardObjects];
static bool isPrimitiveWrapperClass(const Class &clazz, TypeKind *tk = 0);
static bool isDoubleWordPrimitiveWrapperClass(const Class &clazz);
static const Class &get(StandardClass sc) {assert(standardClasses[sc]); return *standardClasses[sc];}
static const Interface &get(StandardInterface si) {assert(standardInterfaces[si]); return *standardInterfaces[si];}
static const JavaObject &get(StandardObject so) {assert(standardObjects[so]); return *standardObjects[so];}
static void initStandardObjects(ClassCentral &c);
// --- INLINES ----------------------------------------------------------------
extern const NS_EXTERN Int8 typeKindSizes[nTypeKinds];
// Return the number of bytes taken by a value that has the given TypeKind.
inline int getTypeKindSize(TypeKind tk)
assert((uint)tk < nTypeKinds);
return typeKindSizes[tk];
extern const NS_EXTERN Int8 lgTypeKindSizes[nTypeKinds];
// Return the base-2 logarithm of the number of bytes taken by a value
// that has the given TypeKind.
inline int getLgTypeKindSize(TypeKind tk)
assert((uint)tk < nTypeKinds);
return lgTypeKindSizes[tk];
extern const Int8 typeKindNSlots[nTypeKinds];
// Return the number of environment slots taken by a value that has the
// given TypeKind.
inline int nTypeKindSlots(TypeKind tk)
assert((uint)tk < nTypeKinds);
return typeKindNSlots[tk];
// If c is the descriptor for a primitive type, sets tk to the
// typeKind of c and returns true. Else, returns false.
inline bool getTypeKindFromDescriptor(char c, TypeKind &tk)
bool ret = true;
switch (c) {
case 'B':
tk = tkByte;
case 'C':
tk = tkChar;
case 'D':
tk = tkDouble;
case 'F':
tk = tkFloat;
case 'I':
tk = tkInt;
case 'J':
tk = tkLong;
case 'S':
tk = tkShort;
case 'Z':
tk = tkBoolean;
ret = false;
return ret;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return the type of arrays whose elements have this Type.
inline const Array &Type::getArrayType() const
if (arrayType)
return *arrayType;
arrayType = &Array::make(*this);
return *arrayType;
// Assert that this JavaObject is really a Type and return that Type.
inline Type &asType(JavaObject &o)
const Type *type = &o.getType();
assert(type &&
(type == &Standard::get(cPrimitiveType) ||
type == &Standard::get(cPrimitiveArray) ||
type == &Standard::get(cObjectArray) ||
type == &Standard::get(cClass) ||
type == &Standard::get(cInterface)));
return *static_cast<Type *>(&o);
inline Type &asType(const Array &o) {
return *static_cast<Type *>(const_cast<Array *>(&o));
inline Type &asType(const Class &o) {
return *static_cast<Type *>(const_cast<Class *>(&o));
// Return the primitive type corresponding to the given TypeKind.
inline const PrimitiveType &PrimitiveType::obtain(TypeKind tk)
assert(isPrimitiveKind(tk) && primitiveTypes[tk]);
return *primitiveTypes[tk];
// Return a PrimitiveArray corresponding to the given TypeKind.
inline const Array &Array::obtain(TypeKind elementKind)
assert(isNonVoidPrimitiveKind(elementKind) && primitiveArrays[elementKind]);
return *primitiveArrays[elementKind];
// Return the offset from an array's address to its first element.
inline int arrayEltsOffset(TypeKind tk)
assert((uint)tk < nTypeKinds);
int lgtks = lgTypeKindSizes[tk];
// Round up address so elements are aligned
return (((sizeof(JavaArray) + typeKindSizes[tk] - 1) >> lgtks) << lgtks);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assert that this Type is really a Class and return that Class.
inline const Class &asClass(const Type &t)
assert(t.typeKind == tkObject);
return *static_cast<const Class *>(&t);
inline const Class &JavaObject::getClass() const {
return asClass(getType());
// Assert that this Type is really an Interface and return that Interface.
inline const Interface &asInterface(const Type &t)
assert(t.typeKind == tkInterface);
return *static_cast<const Interface *>(&t);
// Initialize a new ClassOrInterface object. metaType is the type of
// the ClassOrInterface object -- either cClass or cInterface.
// size is the size of instances of this class; size is zero if this is Interface
// instead of a Class.
// package is the package that defined this class or interface, name is the unqualified
// name of this class or interface, and interfaces is an array of nInterfaces elements
// that lists all interfaces from which this class or interface derives except that,
// if this is a Class, the interfaces array does not include interfaces from which
// the parent class derives.
inline ClassOrInterface::ClassOrInterface(const Type &metaType,
TypeKind typeKind,
const Class *parent, bool final,
Uint32 nVTableSlots,
Package &package, const char *name,
Uint32 nInterfaces,
Interface **interfaces,
ClassFileSummary *summary,
VTableOffset *interfaceVOffsetTable,
Uint16 *interfaceAssignableTable):
Type(metaType, &asType(*parent), typeKind, final, nVTableSlots, interfaceVOffsetTable, interfaceAssignableTable),
{ }
// Get this class's parent. Return nil if this class is Object.
inline const Class *Class::getParent() const
// Make sure that we've set the parent already.
assert(superType || this == &Standard::get(cObject));
return static_cast<const Class *>(getSuperClass());
// Get the vtable entry at the given index.
inline VTableEntry &Type::getVTableEntry(Uint32 vIndex) const
assert(vIndex < nVTableSlots);
assert((typeKind == tkObject) || (typeKind == tkArray));
return *(VTableEntry *)((ptr)this + vTableIndexToOffset(vIndex));
// Set the vtable entry at the given index to point either to a Class or to a
// method's code.
inline void Type::setVTableEntry(Uint32 vIndex, void *classOrCodePtr)
assert(vIndex < nVTableSlots);
assert((typeKind == tkObject) || (typeKind == tkArray));
VTableEntry *vTableEntry = (VTableEntry *)((ptr)this + vTableIndexToOffset(vIndex));
vTableEntry->classOrCodePtr = classOrCodePtr;
#ifdef DEBUG
void printValue(LogModuleObject &f, void *valPtr, const Type &type,
int maxRecursionLevel = 0,
Uint32 printFlags = PRINT_DEFAULT_FLAGS,
const char *newlineString = NULL,
Vector<JavaObject *> *printedObjects = NULL);
void dump(JavaObject *obj, int maxRecursion = 0, Uint32 printFlags = PRINT_DEFAULT_FLAGS,
const char *newlineString = "\n");