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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include <stdint.h> // for uint16_t
#include <stdio.h> // for FILE
#include <algorithm> // for swap
#include "ContentHost.h" // for ContentHost
#include "TiledLayerBuffer.h" // for TiledLayerBuffer, etc
#include "CompositableHost.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h" // for MOZ_ASSERT, etc
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h" // for override
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h" // for RefPtr
#include "mozilla/gfx/MatrixFwd.h" // for Matrix4x4
#include "mozilla/gfx/Point.h" // for Point
#include "mozilla/gfx/Rect.h" // for Rect
#include "mozilla/gfx/Types.h" // for SamplingFilter
#include "mozilla/layers/CompositorTypes.h" // for TextureInfo, etc
#include "mozilla/layers/LayersSurfaces.h" // for SurfaceDescriptor
#include "mozilla/layers/LayersTypes.h" // for LayerRenderState, etc
#include "mozilla/layers/TextureHost.h" // for TextureHost
#include "mozilla/layers/TextureClient.h"
#include "mozilla/mozalloc.h" // for operator delete
#include "nsRegion.h" // for nsIntRegion
#include "nscore.h" // for nsACString
namespace mozilla {
namespace layers {
class Compositor;
class ISurfaceAllocator;
class Layer;
class ThebesBufferData;
class TextureReadLock;
struct EffectChain;
class TileHost {
// Constructs a placeholder TileHost. See the comments above
// TiledLayerBuffer for more information on what this is used for;
// essentially, this is a sentinel used to represent an invalid or blank
// tile.
// Constructs a TileHost from a TextureReadLock and TextureHost.
TileHost(TextureReadLock* aSharedLock,
TextureHost* aTextureHost,
TextureHost* aTextureHostOnWhite,
TextureSource* aSource,
TextureSource* aSourceOnWhite)
: mTextureHost(aTextureHost)
, mTextureHostOnWhite(aTextureHostOnWhite)
, mTextureSource(aSource)
, mTextureSourceOnWhite(aSourceOnWhite)
TileHost(const TileHost& o) {
mTextureHost = o.mTextureHost;
mTextureHostOnWhite = o.mTextureHostOnWhite;
mTextureSource = o.mTextureSource;
mTextureSourceOnWhite = o.mTextureSourceOnWhite;
mTilePosition = o.mTilePosition;
TileHost& operator=(const TileHost& o) {
if (this == &o) {
return *this;
mTextureHost = o.mTextureHost;
mTextureHostOnWhite = o.mTextureHostOnWhite;
mTextureSource = o.mTextureSource;
mTextureSourceOnWhite = o.mTextureSourceOnWhite;
mTilePosition = o.mTilePosition;
return *this;
bool operator== (const TileHost& o) const {
return mTextureHost == o.mTextureHost;
bool operator!= (const TileHost& o) const {
return mTextureHost != o.mTextureHost;
bool IsPlaceholderTile() const { return mTextureHost == nullptr; }
void Dump(std::stringstream& aStream) {
aStream << "TileHost(...)"; // fill in as needed
void DumpTexture(std::stringstream& aStream, TextureDumpMode /* aCompress, ignored for host tiles */) {
// TODO We should combine the OnWhite/OnBlack here an just output a single image.
CompositableHost::DumpTextureHost(aStream, mTextureHost);
* This does a linear tween of the passed opacity (which is assumed
* to be between 0.0 and 1.0). The duration of the fade is controlled
* by the 'layers.tiles.fade-in.duration-ms' preference. It is enabled
* via 'layers.tiles.fade-in.enabled'
float GetFadeInOpacity(float aOpacity);
CompositableTextureHostRef mTextureHost;
CompositableTextureHostRef mTextureHostOnWhite;
mutable CompositableTextureSourceRef mTextureSource;
mutable CompositableTextureSourceRef mTextureSourceOnWhite;
// This is not strictly necessary but makes debugging whole lot easier.
TileIntPoint mTilePosition;
TimeStamp mFadeStart;
class TiledLayerBufferComposite
: public TiledLayerBuffer<TiledLayerBufferComposite, TileHost>
friend class TiledLayerBuffer<TiledLayerBufferComposite, TileHost>;
bool UseTiles(const SurfaceDescriptorTiles& aTileDescriptors,
HostLayerManager* aLayerManager,
ISurfaceAllocator* aAllocator);
void Clear();
TileHost GetPlaceholderTile() const { return TileHost(); }
// Stores the absolute resolution of the containing frame, calculated
// by the sum of the resolutions of all parent layers' FrameMetrics.
const CSSToParentLayerScale2D& GetFrameResolution() { return mFrameResolution; }
void SetTextureSourceProvider(TextureSourceProvider* aProvider);
void AddAnimationInvalidation(nsIntRegion& aRegion);
CSSToParentLayerScale2D mFrameResolution;
* ContentHost for tiled PaintedLayers. Since tiled layers are special snow
* flakes, we have a unique update process. All the textures that back the
* tiles are added in the usual way, but Updated is called on the host side
* in response to a message that describes the transaction for every tile.
* Composition happens in the normal way.
* TiledContentHost has a TiledLayerBufferComposite which keeps hold of the tiles.
* Each tile has a reference to a texture host. During the layers transaction, we
* receive a list of descriptors for the client-side tile buffer tiles
* (UseTiledLayerBuffer). If we receive two transactions before a composition,
* we immediately unlock and discard the unused buffer.
* When the content host is composited, we first validate the TiledLayerBuffer
* (Upload), which calls Updated on each tile's texture host to make sure the
* texture data has been uploaded. For single-buffered tiles, we unlock at this
* point, for double-buffered tiles we unlock and discard the last composited
* buffer after compositing a new one. Rendering takes us to RenderTile which
* is similar to Composite for non-tiled ContentHosts.
class TiledContentHost : public ContentHost
explicit TiledContentHost(const TextureInfo& aTextureInfo);
// Generate effect for layerscope when using hwc.
virtual already_AddRefed<TexturedEffect> GenEffect(const gfx::SamplingFilter aSamplingFilter) override;
virtual bool UpdateThebes(const ThebesBufferData& aData,
const nsIntRegion& aUpdated,
const nsIntRegion& aOldValidRegionBack) override
NS_ERROR("N/A for tiled layers");
return false;
const nsIntRegion& GetValidLowPrecisionRegion() const
return mLowPrecisionTiledBuffer.GetValidRegion();
const nsIntRegion& GetValidRegion() const
return mTiledBuffer.GetValidRegion();
virtual void SetTextureSourceProvider(TextureSourceProvider* aProvider) override
bool UseTiledLayerBuffer(ISurfaceAllocator* aAllocator,
const SurfaceDescriptorTiles& aTiledDescriptor);
virtual void Composite(Compositor* aCompositor,
LayerComposite* aLayer,
EffectChain& aEffectChain,
float aOpacity,
const gfx::Matrix4x4& aTransform,
const gfx::SamplingFilter aSamplingFilter,
const gfx::IntRect& aClipRect,
const nsIntRegion* aVisibleRegion = nullptr,
const Maybe<gfx::Polygon>& aGeometry = Nothing()) override;
virtual CompositableType GetType() override { return CompositableType::CONTENT_TILED; }
virtual TiledContentHost* AsTiledContentHost() override { return this; }
virtual void Attach(Layer* aLayer,
TextureSourceProvider* aProvider,
AttachFlags aFlags = NO_FLAGS) override;
virtual void Detach(Layer* aLayer = nullptr,
AttachFlags aFlags = NO_FLAGS) override;
virtual void Dump(std::stringstream& aStream,
const char* aPrefix="",
bool aDumpHtml=false) override;
virtual void PrintInfo(std::stringstream& aStream, const char* aPrefix) override;
virtual void AddAnimationInvalidation(nsIntRegion& aRegion) override;
void RenderLayerBuffer(TiledLayerBufferComposite& aLayerBuffer,
Compositor* aCompositor,
const gfx::Color* aBackgroundColor,
EffectChain& aEffectChain,
float aOpacity,
const gfx::SamplingFilter aSamplingFilter,
const gfx::IntRect& aClipRect,
nsIntRegion aMaskRegion,
gfx::Matrix4x4 aTransform,
const Maybe<gfx::Polygon>& aGeometry);
// Renders a single given tile.
void RenderTile(TileHost& aTile,
Compositor* aCompositor,
EffectChain& aEffectChain,
float aOpacity,
const gfx::Matrix4x4& aTransform,
const gfx::SamplingFilter aSamplingFilter,
const gfx::IntRect& aClipRect,
const nsIntRegion& aScreenRegion,
const gfx::IntPoint& aTextureOffset,
const gfx::IntSize& aTextureBounds,
const gfx::Rect& aVisibleRect,
const Maybe<gfx::Polygon>& aGeometry);
void EnsureTileStore() {}
TiledLayerBufferComposite mTiledBuffer;
TiledLayerBufferComposite mLowPrecisionTiledBuffer;
} // namespace layers
} // namespace mozilla