
919 строки
22 KiB
Executable File

#! /tools/ns/bin/perl5.004
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
# Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# NPL.
# The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
# Reserved.
# file:
# A random iCalendar file generator for testing the icalendar parser.
# Set the DATE_CMD environment variable if you are on Windows or Mac
# to point to the unix 'date' equivalent program.
# I have arbitrarily defined 3 categories of randomness that determine
# whether or not a property or parameter appears in the output. These
# are:
# $MAY_prop_chances # defaults to 5%
# $SHOULD_prop_chances # defaults to 65%
# $MUST_prop_chances # defaults to 95%
# You can vary these chances with command line options.
# sman
# 29-May-1998
# Arrays for populating properties and parameters
@cnFirst = ("Steve", "Joe", "Eric", "John", "Greg", "Terry",
"Dave", "Scott", "Kevin", "Poindexter" );
@cnLast = ("Smith", "Jones", "Washington", "DuBois", "Wells",
"Vaughn", "Flintstone", "Simpson", "Smithers", "Gumble");
@cutypeparm = ("INDIVIDUAL", "GROUP", "RESOURCE", "ROOM", "UNKNOWN",
"X-TOKEN" );
"DELEGATED", "x-name" );
@resources = ("CAR", "TRUCK", "THEATER", "COUNTRY", "MILITARY",
@transparm = ("OPAQUE","TRANSPARENT");
@rrules = (
@exrules = (
@return_codes = (
"2.0", "2.1", "2.2", "2.3", "2.4", "2.5", "2.6",
"2.7", "2.8", "2.9", "2.10", "2.11",
"3.0", "3.1", "3.2", "3.3", "3.4", "3.5", "3.6", "3.7",
"3.8", "3.9", "3.10", "3.11", "3.12", "3.13", "3.14",
"5.0", "5.1", "5.2", "5.3"
# Varios buttons and nobs that can tweek the output...
$recur = 0; # flag: allow recurring params
$rand_component_count = 0; # flag: allow random number of components per ical obj
$date_cmd = "date"; # the date command
$hostname = "host";
$domain = "";
$bad_key_words = 0; # 0 = no bad keywords, 1 = may generate bad keywords
$component_type = 1; # component type to generate
$max_comp_type = 2; # 1-Events,2-Freebusy
$SHOULD_prop_chances = 65; # 0 - 100, % chance that SHOULD properties will appear
$MUST_prop_chances = 95; # 0 - 100, % chance that MUST properties will appear
$MAY_prop_chances = 10; # 0 - 100, % chance that MAY properties will appear
$RUIN_prop_chances = 10; # 0 - 100, only valid when $bad_key_words is 1.
# it is the % chance that a keword will be bad
$max_fb_dur_hrs = 4; # maximum number of hours that a busy time can be
# the larger this number, the less the chances
# of multiple busy times per day.
if ($component_type == 2)
# 0 = Publish, 5 = Reply
$itip_method = $method[ ((int(rand(2)) == 0) ? 0 : 5) ];
$itip_method = $method[int(rand(1 + $#method))];
printf("Content-Type:text/calendar; method=%s; charset=US-ASCII\n",$itip_method);
printf("Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n");
printf("%s:%s\n", &ruin_keyword("BEGIN"), &ruin_keyword("VCALENDAR") );
printf("%s:-//seasnake/RandomICALgenerator//EN\n", &ruin_keyword("PRODID") );
if ($component_type == 1)
$numevents = 1;
$numevents += int(rand(7)) if (1 == $rand_component_count);
for ($iouter = 0; $iouter < $numevents; $iouter++)
elsif ($component_type == 2)
printf("%s:%s\n", &ruin_keyword("END"), &ruin_keyword("VCALENDAR"));
sub process_args
while (@ARGV) {
$arg = shift @ARGV;
if ($arg eq '-d')
$debug = 1;
print STDERR "Debug turned on...\n";
elsif ($arg eq '-r')
$recur = 1;
print STDERR "Recur turned on...\n" if ($debug == 1);
elsif ($arg eq '-rcc')
$rand_component_count = 1;
print STDERR "Random component count turned on...\n" if ($debug == 1);
elsif ($arg eq '-bkw')
$bad_key_words = 1;
print STDERR "component_type = 2, freebusy...\n" if ($debug == 1);
elsif( $arg eq '-may')
$arg = shift @ARGV;
$MAY_prop_chances = $arg;
$MAY_prop_chances = 0 if ($MAY_prop_chances < 0);
$MAY_prop_chances = 100 if ($MAY_prop_chances > 100);
printf( STDERR "MAY_prop_chances = %d\n",$MAY_prop_chances)
if ($debug == 1);
elsif( $arg eq '-must')
$arg = shift @ARGV;
$MUST_prop_chances = $arg;
$MUST_prop_chances = 0 if ($MUST_prop_chances < 0);
$MUST_prop_chances = 100 if ($MUST_prop_chances > 100);
printf( STDERR "MUST_prop_chances = %d\n",$MUST_prop_chances)
if ($debug == 1);
elsif( $arg eq '-ruin')
$arg = shift @ARGV;
$RUIN_prop_chances = $arg;
$RUIN_prop_chances = 0 if ($RUIN_prop_chances < 0);
$RUIN_prop_chances = 100 if ($RUIN_prop_chances > 100);
printf( STDERR "RUIN_prop_chances = %d\n",$RUIN_prop_chances)
if ($debug == 1);
elsif( $arg eq '-should')
$arg = shift @ARGV;
$SHOULD_prop_chances = $arg;
$SHOULD_prop_chances = 0 if ($SHOULD_prop_chances < 0);
$SHOULD_prop_chances = 100 if ($SHOULD_prop_chances > 100);
printf( STDERR "SHOULD_prop_chances = %d\n",$SHOULD_prop_chances)
if ($debug == 1);
elsif ($arg eq '-fb')
$component_type = 2;
print STDERR "component_type = 2, freebusy...\n" if ($debug == 1);
elsif ($arg eq '-fbdh')
$arg = shift @ARGV;
$max_fb_dur_hrs = $arg;
$max_fb_dur_hrs = 4 if ($max_fb_dur_hrs < 1);
printf(STDERR "max_fb_dur_hrs = %d\n",$max_fb_dur_hrs)
if ($debug == 1);
push(@mailto, $arg);
sub init
$uname = `uname -a`;
if ($uname =~ /Windows/)
$date_cmd = "";
$date_cmd = $ENV{'DATE_CMD'} if ($ENV{'DATE_CMD'} =~ /date/);
$hostname = $ENV{'COMPUTERNAME'} unless !($ENV{'COMPUTERNAME'});
chop($hostname = `hostname`);
chop($domain = `domainname`);
# Build an indexed array. The index is the property name,
# the value is the property value.
sub check_for_cgi_buttons
@parms = split('&',$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
# printf("<p>\n");
foreach $val (@parms)
($p, $v) = split('=',$val);
#printf("%s<br>\n", $val);
#printf("p = %s, v = %s<br>\n", $p, $v);
# this filtering is a very cheap hack
$v =~ s/(%40)/@/g;
$v =~ s/\+/ /g;
$v =~ s/%0D/\r/g;
$v =~ s/%0A/\n /g;
$vals{$p} = $v;
# Now treat the button name just like the command line options...
$component_type = 2 if ( $vals{'btnFreeBusy'} eq "Random Freebusy" )
# Event
# The SUMMARY may exceed 80 characters.
# The end time may come before the start time.
sub add_event
printf("%s:%s\n",&ruin_keyword("BEGIN"), &ruin_keyword("VEVENT"));
printf("%s:%s\n", &ruin_keyword("END"), &ruin_keyword("VEVENT"));
sub add_freebusy
printf("%s:%s\n", &ruin_keyword("BEGIN"), &ruin_keyword("VFREEBUSY"));
&attendee(1) if ($itip_method eq "REPLY");
printf("%s:%s\n", &ruin_keyword("END"), &ruin_keyword("VFREEBUSY"));
sub attendee
($n) = @_;
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
printf( "%s", &ruin_keyword("ATTENDEE") );
printf( ":mailto:user$i\\n" );
sub attach
printf("%s:",&ruin_keyword("ATTACH"),int(rand(100)) )
if ( int(rand(100)) < $SHOULD_prop_chances);
sub categories
printf("%s:%s\n", &ruin_keyword("CATEGORIES"), $categories[int(rand(1 + $#categories))] )
if ( int(rand(100)) < $SHOULD_prop_chances);
sub class
printf("%s:%s\n", &ruin_keyword("CLASS"), $class[int(rand(1 + $#class))] )
if ( int(rand(100)) < $SHOULD_prop_chances);
sub comment
printf("%s:You are a weasel\n",&ruin_keyword("COMMENT") )
if ( int(rand(100)) < $SHOULD_prop_chances);
sub common_name
if ( int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances )
printf(";%s=\"%s\"", &ruin_keyword("CN"), &common_person_name());
sub common_person_name
$cnFirst[int(rand(1 + $#cnFirst))]." ".$cnLast[int(rand(1 + $#cnLast))];
sub contact
local($r) = 1 + int(rand(100));
if ( int(rand(100)) < 5 )
if ( 1 <= $r && $r < 33)
printf(":Jim Dolittle\\, ABC Industries\\, +1-919-555-1234\n");
elsif (33 <= $r && $r < 67)
printf(";ALTREP=\"CID=<part3.msg430523948750293487\>\":Jim Dolittle\\, ABC Industries\\, +1-919-555-1234\n");
printf(";ALTREP=\"\":Jim Dolittle\\, ABC Industries\\, +1-919-555-1234\n");
sub created
&rand_date(&ruin_keyword("CREATED")) if ( int(rand(100)) < $SHOULD_prop_chances );
sub cutype
printf( ";%s=%s",&ruin_keyword("CUTYPE"),$cutypeparm[int(rand(1 + $#cutypeparm))] )
if (int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances);
sub delegate
if ( int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances )
printf( ";%s=\"mailto:user%d\\"",
&ruin_keyword("DELEGATED-FROM"), int(rand(25)) );
printf( ";%s=\"mailto:user%d\\"",
&ruin_keyword("DELEGATED-TO"), int(rand(25)) );
sub description
if ( int(rand(100)) < $SHOULD_prop_chances )
$roll = int(rand(20));
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $roll; $i++)
printf("%sThis is the description line %d\n", ($i != 0) ? " " : "", $i);
if (0 == $roll)
sub dir
if ( int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances )
printf(";%s=\"%s\"", &ruin_keyword("DIR"), &dir_name());
sub dir_name
sub dtstamp
if ($date_cmd =~ /date/)
$ENV{'TZ'} = "GMT0";
printf("%s:%s", &ruin_keyword("DTSTAMP"), `$date_cmd +19%y%m%dT%H%M%SZ`);
$ENV{'TZ'} = "PST8PDT";
sub dtstart_dtend_duration
# 30% chance of a duration, otherwise it's dtend
if ( int(rand(100)) < 30 )
local($d) = int(rand(2));
# if ($w > 0)
# {
# printf("%dW",$d);
# }
$d = int(rand(3));
if ($d > 0)
int(rand(40)), # hours
int(rand(70)), # minutes
sub fbtypeparam
if ( int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances )
if ( int(rand(100)) < 30 )
$fbtype = $fbtypeparm[int(rand(1 + $#fbtypeparm))];
$r = int(rand(1000));
$fbtype = "X-" . "$r";
printf(";%s=%s", &ruin_keyword("FBTYPE"), $fbtype );
sub freebusy
# first compute DTSTART
$year = 1998;
$month = 1 + int(rand(12));
$day = 1 + int(rand(28));
$dur_wk = 0;
$dur_day = 0;
$dur_hr = int(rand(24));
$dur_min = int(rand(60));
$year, $month, $day,
$hour, $min
--$hour if ($hour > 1);
# The first busy time need not fall on DTSTART...
if ($SHOULD_prop_chances > 10)
# yea, the stuff below is a real hack...
$min += $dur_min + int(rand(60));
$hour += int($min / 60);
$min %= 60;
$hour += dur_hr + int(rand(24));
$day += int($hour / 24);
$hour %= 24;
$day += dur_day + int(rand(29));
$month += int($day/28);
$day %= 28;
$year += int($month / 12);
$month %= 12;
print &ruin_keyword("FREEBUSY");
print &fbtypeparam();
print ":";
# printf("%s%s:", &ruin_keyword("FREEBUSY"), &fbtypeparam() );
$count = 1 + int(rand(10));
$j = 0;
for ( $i= 0; $i < $count; $i++)
$daycount = 0;
while ($daycount == 0 || $hour < 23)
$dur_hr = int(rand(8));
$dur_min = int(rand(60));
# printf("%s%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d00Z/P%dW%dDT%dH%dM",
($j == 0) ? "" : " ,",
$year, $month, $day,
$hour, $min,
# $dur_wk,
$dur_hr, $dur_min
$hour += int(rand(3)) + $dur_hr;
$min += int(rand(45)) + $dur_min;
$hour += int($min/60);
$min = $min % 60;
++$j; # the number of periods printed
# yea, the stuff below is a real hack...
$min += $dur_min + int(rand(60));
$hour += int($min / 60);
$min %= 60;
$hour += dur_hr + int(rand(24));
$hour += dur_hr + int(rand(24));
$day += int($hour / 24);
$hour %= 24;
$day += dur_day + int(rand(29));
$month += int($day/28);
$day %= 28;
$year += int($month / 12);
$month %= 12;
# printf("\n");
$year, $month, $day,
$hour, $min
sub geo
printf("%s:%f,%f\n", &ruin_keyword("GEO"), rand(360), rand(360))
if ( int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances );
sub language
printf( ";%s=en",&ruin_keyword("LANGUAGE") )
if ( int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances );
sub last_modified
if ( int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances );
sub location
printf("%s:Conference Room %d\n", &ruin_keyword("LOCATION"), rand(10)+1 )
if ( int(rand(100)) < $SHOULD_prop_chances );
sub member
printf( ";%s=\"mailto:group%d\\"",
&ruin_keyword("MEMBER"),int(rand(25)) )
if ( int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances );
sub organizer
if ( int(rand(100)) < $MUST_prop_chances )
printf( &ruin_keyword("ORGANIZER"));
&sentby() if ( int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances );
printf("%s", &common_name())
if ( int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances );
printf(";DIR=\"%s\"", &dir_name())
if ( int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances );
printf("%s", &language()) if ( int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances );
printf("%s", &x_param()) if ( int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances );
printf( ":mailto:user%d\\n",int(rand(100)) );
sub partstat
printf( ";%s=%s",&ruin_keyword("PARTSTAT"),$partstatparm[int(rand(1 + $#partstatparm))] )
if (int(rand(100)) < $SHOULD_prop_chances);
sub priority
printf("%s:%d\n", &ruin_keyword("PRIORITY"), 1 + int(rand(12)))
if (int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances);
sub rand_date
1998 + int(rand(3)), # yr: 1998 - 2001
1 + int(rand(12)), # mon: 1 - 12
1 + int(rand(28)), # day: 1 - 28
int(rand(24)), # hr: 0 - 23
int(rand(60)), # min: 0 - 59
int(rand(60)) # sec: 0 - 59
sub recurrence
if ($recur != 0)
if ( int(rand(100)) < 50 )
printf("%s:%s\n",&ruin_keyword("RRULE"),$rrules[int(rand(1 + $#rrules))]);
if ( int(rand(100)) < 50 )
printf("%s:%s\n",&ruin_keyword("EXRULE"),$exrules[int(rand(1 + $#exrules))]);
if ( int(rand(100)) < 50 )
$roll = int(rand(20));
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $roll; $i++)
if ( int(rand(100)) < 50 )
$roll = int(rand(20));
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $roll; $i++)
sub relatedto
printf("%s:%s\n", &ruin_keyword("RELATED-TO"), &unique_id())
if (int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances);
sub request_status
$request_codes[int(rand(1 + $#request_codes))])
if (int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances );
sub resources
printf("%s:%s\n", &ruin_keyword("RESOURCES"), $resources[int(rand($#resources))] )
if (int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances );
sub role
printf( ";%s=%s",&ruin_keyword("ROLE"), $roleparm[int(rand(1 + $#roleparm))] )
if (int(rand(100)) < $SHOULD_prop_chances);
sub rsvp
printf( ";RSVP=%s", (int(rand(100)) < 50) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")
if (int(rand(100)) < $MUST_prop_chances);
sub sentby
printf( ";%s=\"mailto:user%d\\"",
&ruin_keyword("SENT-BY"), int(rand(25)) )
if ( int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances );
sub sequence
printf( "%s:0\n",&ruin_keyword("SEQUENCE"));
sub status
printf("%s:%s\n", &ruin_keyword("STATUS"),$status[int(rand(1 + $#status))] )
if (int(rand(100)) < $SHOULD_prop_chances );
sub summary
printf("%s:This is a ",&ruin_keyword("SUMMARY"));
$roll = int(rand(15));
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $roll; $i++)
printf("really ");
printf("stupid %s\n",@_);
sub transp
printf("%s:%s\n", &ruin_keyword("TRANSP"),$transparm[int(rand(1 + $#transparm))] )
if (int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances );
sub uid
printf( "%s:%s\n", &ruin_keyword("UID"),&unique_id() )
if ( int(rand(100)) < $MUST_prop_chances );
sub unique_id
if ($date_cmd =~ /date/)
chop($d = `$date_cmd +%y%m%d%H%M%S` );
$d = rand(711771);
$r = int(rand(100000));
sub url
printf( "%s:\n",
$cnLast[int(rand(1 + $#cnLast))] )
if (int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances );
sub x_param
$r = int(rand(1000));
sub xparam
printf(";%s%d=%d", &ruin_keyword("X-PARAM"), int(rand(100)), int(rand(100)))
if ( int(rand(100)) < $MAY_prop_chances );
sub xprop
if (int(rand(100)) < 5 )
$n = 1 +int(rand(20));
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
printf("blah ");
sub ruin_keyword
local($k) = @_;
if (1 == $bad_key_words)
local($i) = int(rand(100));
$r = "QQ";
if (int(rand(100)) < $RUIN_prop_chances)
if ( $i < 50 )
$k .= $r;
$k = $r . $k;