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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef nsStaticAtom_h__
#define nsStaticAtom_h__
#include <stdint.h>
#include "nsAtom.h"
#include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
// Static atoms are structured carefully to satisfy a lot of constraints.
// - We have ~2700 static atoms. They are divided across ~4 classes, with the
// majority in nsGkAtoms.
// - We want them to be constexpr so they end up in .rodata, and thus shared
// between processes, minimizing memory usage.
// - We need them to be in an array, so we can iterate over them (for
// registration and lookups).
// - Each static atom has a string literal associated with it. We can't use a
// pointer to the string literal because then the atoms won't end up in
// .rodata. Therefore the string literals and the atoms must be arranged in a
// way such that a numeric index can be used instead. This numeric index
// (nsStaticAtom::mStringOffset) must be computable at compile-time to keep
// the static atom constexpr. It should also not be too large (a uint32_t is
// reasonable).
// - Each static atom stores the hash value of its associated string literal;
// it's used in various ways. The hash value must be computed at
// compile-time, to keep the static atom constexpr.
// - As well as accessing each static atom via array indexing, we need an
// individual pointer, e.g. nsGkAtoms::foo. Ideally this would be constexpr
// so it doesn't take up any space in memory. Unfortunately MSVC's constexpr
// support is buggy and so this isn't possible yet. See bug 1449787.
// - The array of static atoms can't be in a .h file, because it's a huge
// constexpr expression, which would blow out compile times. But the
// individual pointers for the static atoms must be in a .h file so they are
// public.
// The macros below are used to define static atoms in a way that satisfies
// these constraints. They are used in conjunction with a .h file that defines
// the names and values of the atoms.
// For example, the .h file might be called MyAtomList.h and look like this:
// MY_ATOM(one, "one")
// MY_ATOM(two, "two")
// MY_ATOM(three, "three")
// The code defining the static atoms should look something like the following.
// ("<<<"/"---"/">>>" markers are used below to indicate what the macros look
// like before and after expansion.)
// ====> MyAtoms.h <====
// // A `detail` namespace is used because the things within it aren't
// // directly referenced by external users of these static atoms.
// namespace detail {
// // This `detail` class contains the atom strings and the atom objects.
// // Because they are together in a class, the mStringOffset field of the
// // atoms will be small and can be initialized at compile time.
// struct MyAtoms
// {
// <<<
// #define MY_ATOM(name_, value_) NS_STATIC_ATOM_DECL_STRING(name_, value_)
// #include "MyAtomList.h"
// #undef MY_ATOM
// ---
// const char16_t one_string[4];
// const char16_t two_string[4];
// const char16_t three_string[6];
// >>>
// enum class Atoms {
// <<<
// #define MY_ATOM(name_, value_) NS_STATIC_ATOM_ENUM(name_)
// #include "MyAtomList.h"
// #undef MY_ATOM
// ---
// one,
// two,
// three,
// >>>
// AtomsCount
// };
// const nsStaticAtom mAtoms[static_cast<size_t>(Atoms::AtomsCount)];
// };
// } // namespace detail
// // This class holds the pointers to the individual atoms.
// class nsMyAtoms
// {
// private:
// // This is a useful handle to the array of atoms, used below and also
// // possibly by Rust code.
// static const nsStaticAtom* const sAtoms;
// // The number of atoms, used below.
// static constexpr size_t sAtomsLen =
// static_cast<size_t>(detail::MyAtoms::Atoms::AtomsCount);
// public:
// // The type is not `nsStaticAtom* const` -- even though these atoms are
// // immutable -- because they are often passed to functions with
// // `nsAtom*` parameters, i.e. that can be passed both dynamic and
// // static.
// <<<
// #define MY_ATOM(name_, value_) NS_STATIC_ATOM_DECL_PTR(nsStaticAtom, name_)
// #include "MyAtomList.h"
// #undef MY_ATOM
// ---
// static nsStaticAtom* one;
// static nsStaticAtom* two;
// static nsStaticAtom* three;
// >>>
// };
// ====> MyAtoms.cpp <====
// namespace detail {
// // Need to suppress some MSVC warning weirdness with WrappingMultiply().
// // Because this is `constexpr` it ends up in read-only memory where it can
// // be shared between processes.
// static constexpr MyAtoms gMyAtoms = {
// <<<
// #define MY_ATOM(name_, value_) NS_STATIC_ATOM_INIT_STRING(value_)
// #include "MyAtomList.h"
// #undef MY_ATOM
// ---
// u"one",
// u"two",
// u"three",
// >>>
// {
// <<<
// #define MY_ATOM(name_, value_) NS_STATIC_ATOM_INIT_ATOM(nsStaticAtom, MyAtoms, name_, value_)
// #include "MyAtomList.h"
// #undef MY_ATOM
// ---
// nsStaticAtom(
// u"one", 3,
// offsetof(MyAtoms, mAtoms[static_cast<size_t>(MyAtoms::Atoms::one)]) -
// offsetof(MyAtoms, one_string)),
// nsStaticAtom(
// u"two", 3,
// offsetof(MyAtoms, mAtoms[static_cast<size_t>(MyAtoms::Atoms::two)]) -
// offsetof(MyAtoms, two_string)),
// nsStaticAtom(
// u"three", 3,
// offsetof(MyAtoms, mAtoms[static_cast<size_t>(MyAtoms::Atoms::three)]) -
// offsetof(MyAtoms, three_string)),
// >>>
// }
// };
// } // namespace detail
// const nsStaticAtom* const nsMyAtoms::sAtoms =
// mozilla::detail::gMyAtoms.mAtoms;
// <<<
// #define MY_ATOM(name_, value_) NS_STATIC_ATOM_DEFN_PTR(nsStaticAtom, detail::MyAtoms, detail::gMyAtoms, nsMyAtoms, name_)
// #include "MyAtomList.h"
// #undef MY_ATOM
// ---
// nsStaticAtom* nsMyAtoms::one =
// const_cast<nsStaticAtom*>(&detail::gMyAtoms.mAtoms[
// static_cast<size_t>(detail::MyAtoms::Atoms::one)]);
// nsStaticAtom* nsMyAtoms::two =
// const_cast<nsStaticAtom*>(&detail::gMyAtoms.mAtoms[
// static_cast<size_t>(detail::MyAtoms::Atoms::two)]);
// nsStaticAtom* nsMyAtoms::three =
// const_cast<nsStaticAtom*>(&detail::gMyAtoms.mAtoms[
// static_cast<size_t>(detail::MyAtoms::Atoms::three)]);
// >>>
// When NS_RegisterStaticAtoms(sAtoms, sAtomsLen) is called it iterates
// over the atoms, inserting them into the atom table.
// The declaration of the atom's string.
#define NS_STATIC_ATOM_DECL_STRING(name_, value_) \
const char16_t name_##_string[sizeof(value_)];
// The enum value for the atom.
#define NS_STATIC_ATOM_ENUM(name_) \
// The declaration of the pointer to the static atom. `type_` must be
// `nsStaticAtom` or a subclass thereof.
// XXX: Eventually this should be combined with NS_STATIC_ATOM_DEFN_PTR and the
// pointer should be made `constexpr`. See bug 1449787.
#define NS_STATIC_ATOM_DECL_PTR(type_, name_) \
static type_* name_;
// The initialization of the atom's string.
#define NS_STATIC_ATOM_INIT_STRING(value_) \
u"" value_,
// The initialization of the atom itself. `type_` must be `nsStaticAtom` or a
// subclass thereof.
// Note that |value_| is an 8-bit string, and so |sizeof(value_)| is equal
// to the number of chars (including the terminating '\0'). The |u""| prefix
// converts |value_| to a 16-bit string.
#define NS_STATIC_ATOM_INIT_ATOM(type_, detailClass_, name_, value_) \
type_(u"" value_, \
sizeof(value_) - 1, \
offsetof(detailClass_, \
mAtoms[static_cast<size_t>(detailClass_::Atoms::name_)]) - \
offsetof(detailClass_, name_##_string)),
// Definition of the pointer to the static atom. `type_` must be `nsStaticAtom`
// or a subclass thereof.
#define NS_STATIC_ATOM_DEFN_PTR(type_, detailClass_, detailObj_, class_, name_) \
type_* class_::name_ = const_cast<type_*>( \
// Register an array of static atoms with the atom table.
NS_RegisterStaticAtoms(const nsStaticAtom* aAtoms, size_t aAtomsLen);
// This class holds basic operations on arrays of static atoms.
class nsStaticAtomUtils {
static mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t> Lookup(nsAtom* aAtom,
const nsStaticAtom* aAtoms,
uint32_t aCount)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aCount; i++) {
if (aAtom == &aAtoms[i]) {
return mozilla::Some(i);
return mozilla::Nothing();
static bool IsMember(nsAtom* aAtom, const nsStaticAtom* aAtoms,
uint32_t aCount)
return Lookup(aAtom, aAtoms, aCount).isSome();