gecko-dev/java/webclient/classes_spec 78325dd028 a=edburns
bug: pressing BACK hangs webclient

Files touched

File:	Status: Locally Modified

Made the constants final so they can be used in a
switch statement

File:    	Status: Locally Modified

Modified eventDispatched() so it doesn't call any webclient
events.  This was causing the hang.  Took advantage of
the newly implemented ability to pass a string from the
mozilla event handler into java.

File: DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.cpp	Status: Locally Modified

Create a jstring from the url in the OnStartDocumentLoad event.
Pass it on to java.

File: jni_util.cpp	Status: Locally Modified

Wrapped JNU_GetEnv in BAL stuff so it works from Star.

File:	Status: Locally Modified

Added comment to eventDispatched.
2000-04-22 02:01:20 +00:00
org/mozilla/webclient a=edburns 2000-04-22 02:01:20 +00:00
Makefile.unix a=edburns 2000-03-07 22:03:57 +00:00 a=edburns 2000-03-04 01:10:58 +00:00