
107 строки
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add_task(function*() {
yield new Promise(resolve => waitForFocus(resolve, window));
const kPageURL = "";
yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({
url: kPageURL
}, function*(aBrowser) {
yield ContentTask.spawn(aBrowser, {}, function*() {
var window = content.window.wrappedJSObject;
var document = window.document;
// Note: Using the with keyword, we would have been able to write this as:
// with (window) {
// Screenshots = {};
// // so on
// }
// However, browser-chrome tests are somehow forced to run in strict mode,
// which doesn't permit the usage of the with keyword, turning the following
// into the ugliest test you've ever seen. :(
var LTRRef = document.getElementById("ltr-ref");
var RTLRef = document.getElementById("rtl-ref");
window.Screenshots = {};
// generate the reference screenshots = "";
window.Screenshots.ltr = window.snapshotWindow(window);
LTRRef.parentNode.removeChild(LTRRef); = "";
window.Screenshots.rtl = window.snapshotWindow(window);
window.Screenshots.get = function(dir, flip) {
if (flip) {
return this[dir == "rtl" ? "ltr" : "rtl"];
} else {
return this[dir];
function simulateCtrlShiftX(aBrowser) {
// In e10s, the keypress event will be dispatched to the content process,
// but in non-e10s it is handled by the browser UI code and hence won't
// reach the web page. As a result, we need to observe the event in
// the content process only in e10s mode.
var waitForKeypressContent = BrowserTestUtils.waitForContentEvent(aBrowser, "keypress");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("x", {accelKey: true, shiftKey: true});
if (gMultiProcessBrowser) {
return waitForKeypressContent;
return Promise.resolve();
function* testDirection(initialDir, aBrowser) {
yield ContentTask.spawn(aBrowser, {initialDir}, function({initialDir}) {
var window = content.window.wrappedJSObject;
var document = window.document;
var t = window.t = document.createElement("textarea");
t.setAttribute("dir", initialDir);
t.value = "test.";
window.inputEventCount = 0;
t.oninput = function() { window.inputEventCount++; };
var s1 = window.snapshotWindow(window);
ok(window.compareSnapshots(s1, window.Screenshots.get(initialDir, false), true)[0],
"Textarea should appear correctly before switching the direction (" + initialDir + ")");
is(window.inputEventCount, 0, "input event count must be 0 before");
yield simulateCtrlShiftX(aBrowser);
yield ContentTask.spawn(aBrowser, {initialDir}, function({initialDir}) {
var window = content.window.wrappedJSObject;
is(window.t.getAttribute("dir"), initialDir == "ltr" ? "rtl" : "ltr", "The dir attribute must be correctly updated");
is(window.inputEventCount, 1, "input event count must be 1 after");
var s2 = window.snapshotWindow(window);
ok(window.compareSnapshots(s2, window.Screenshots.get(initialDir, true), true)[0],
"Textarea should appear correctly after switching the direction (" + initialDir + ")");
is(window.inputEventCount, 1, "input event count must be 1 before");
yield simulateCtrlShiftX(aBrowser);
yield ContentTask.spawn(aBrowser, {initialDir}, function({initialDir}) {
var window = content.window.wrappedJSObject;
is(window.inputEventCount, 2, "input event count must be 2 after");
is(window.t.getAttribute("dir"), initialDir == "ltr" ? "ltr" : "rtl", "The dir attribute must be correctly updated");
var s3 = window.snapshotWindow(window);
ok(window.compareSnapshots(s3, window.Screenshots.get(initialDir, false), true)[0],
"Textarea should appear correctly after switching back the direction (" + initialDir + ")");
yield testDirection("ltr", aBrowser);
yield testDirection("rtl", aBrowser);