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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef StartupCache_h_
#define StartupCache_h_
#include <utility>
#include "nsClassHashtable.h"
#include "nsComponentManagerUtils.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsZipArchive.h"
#include "nsITimer.h"
#include "nsIMemoryReporter.h"
#include "nsIObserverService.h"
#include "nsIObserver.h"
#include "nsIObjectOutputStream.h"
#include "nsIFile.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/AutoMemMap.h"
#include "mozilla/Compression.h"
#include "mozilla/EnumSet.h"
#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
#include "mozilla/Mutex.h"
#include "mozilla/Omnijar.h"
#include "mozilla/Result.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtrExtensions.h"
* The StartupCache is a persistent cache of simple key-value pairs,
* where the keys are null-terminated c-strings and the values are
* arbitrary data, passed as a (char*, size) tuple.
* Clients should use the GetSingleton() static method to access the cache. It
* will be available from the end of XPCOM init (NS_InitXPCOM3 in
* XPCOMInit.cpp), until XPCOM shutdown begins. The GetSingleton() method will
* return null if the cache is unavailable. The cache is only provided for
* libxul builds -- it will fail to link in non-libxul builds. The XPCOM
* interface is provided only to allow compiled-code tests; clients should avoid
* using it.
* The API provided is very simple: GetBuffer() returns a buffer that was
* previously stored in the cache (if any), and PutBuffer() inserts a buffer
* into the cache. GetBuffer returns a new buffer, and the caller must take
* ownership of it. PutBuffer will assert if the client attempts to insert a
* buffer with the same name as an existing entry. The cache makes a copy of the
* passed-in buffer, so client retains ownership.
* InvalidateCache() may be called if a client suspects data corruption
* or wishes to invalidate for any other reason. This will remove all existing
* cache data. Additionally, the static method IgnoreDiskCache() can be called
* if it is believed that the on-disk cache file is itself corrupt. This call
* implicitly calls InvalidateCache (if the singleton has been initialized) to
* ensure any data already read from disk is discarded. The cache will not load
* data from the disk file until a successful write occurs.
* Finally, getDebugObjectOutputStream() allows debug code to wrap an
* objectstream with a debug objectstream, to check for multiply-referenced
* objects. These will generally fail to deserialize correctly, unless they are
* stateless singletons or the client maintains their own object data map for
* deserialization.
* Writes before the final-ui-startup notification are placed in an intermediate
* cache in memory, then written out to disk at a later time, to get writes off
* the startup path. In any case, clients should not rely on being able to
* GetBuffer() data that is written to the cache, since it may not have been
* written to disk or another client may have invalidated the cache. In other
* words, it should be used as a cache only, and not a reliable persistent
* store.
* Some utility functions are provided in StartupCacheUtils. These functions
* wrap the buffers into object streams, which may be useful for serializing
* objects. Note the above caution about multiply-referenced objects, though --
* the streams are just as 'dumb' as the underlying buffers about
* multiply-referenced objects. They just provide some convenience in writing
* out data.
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
class ContentParent;
namespace ipc {
class GeckoChildProcessHost;
} // namespace ipc
namespace scache {
class StartupCacheChild;
#ifdef XP_UNIX
// Please see bug 1440207 about improving the problem of random fixed FDs,
// which the addition of the below constant exacerbates.
static const int kStartupCacheFd = 11;
// We use INT_MAX here just to simplify the sorting - we want to push
// unrequested entries to the back, and have requested entries in the order
// they came in.
static const int kStartupCacheEntryNotRequested = INT_MAX;
static const int kStartupcacheEntryNotInSharedData = -1;
// Keys must be of length `kStartupCacheKeyLengthCap - 1` or shorter, which
// will bring them to `kStartupCacheKeyLengthCap` or shorter with a null
// terminator.
static const int kStartupCacheKeyLengthCap = 1024;
// StartupCache entries can be backed by a buffer which they allocate as
// soon as they are requested, into which they decompress the contents out
// of the memory mapped file, *or* they can be backed by a contiguous buffer
// which we allocate up front and decompress into, in order to share it with
// child processes. This class is a helper class to hold a buffer which the
// entry itself may or may not own.
// Side note: it may be appropriate for StartupCache entries to never own
// their underlying buffers. We explicitly work to ensure that anything the
// StartupCache returns to a caller survives for the lifetime of the
// application, so it may be preferable to have a set of large contiguous
// buffers which we allocate on demand, and fill up with cache entry contents,
// but at that point we're basically implementing our own hacky pseudo-malloc,
// for relatively uncertain performance gains. For the time being, we just
// keep the existing model unchanged.
class MaybeOwnedCharPtr {
char* mPtr;
bool mOwned;
~MaybeOwnedCharPtr() {
if (mOwned) {
delete[] mPtr;
// MaybeOwnedCharPtr(const MaybeOwnedCharPtr& other);
// MaybeOwnedCharPtr& operator=(const MaybeOwnedCharPtr& other);
MaybeOwnedCharPtr(MaybeOwnedCharPtr&& other)
: mPtr(std::exchange(other.mPtr, nullptr)),
mOwned(std::exchange(other.mOwned, false)) {}
MaybeOwnedCharPtr& operator=(MaybeOwnedCharPtr&& other) {
std::swap(mPtr, other.mPtr);
std::swap(mOwned, other.mOwned);
return *this;
MaybeOwnedCharPtr& operator=(decltype(nullptr)) {
if (mOwned) {
delete[] mPtr;
mPtr = nullptr;
mOwned = false;
return *this;
operator char*() const { return mPtr; }
explicit operator bool() const { return !!mPtr; }
char* get() const { return mPtr; }
bool IsOwned() const { return mOwned; }
explicit MaybeOwnedCharPtr(char* aBytes) : mPtr(aBytes), mOwned(false) {}
explicit MaybeOwnedCharPtr(UniquePtr<char[]>&& aBytes)
: mPtr(aBytes.release()), mOwned(true) {}
explicit MaybeOwnedCharPtr(size_t size)
: mPtr(new char[size]), mOwned(true) {}
size_t SizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const {
if (!mOwned) {
return 0;
return mallocSizeOf(mPtr);
struct StartupCacheKeyHasher {
using Key = MaybeOwnedCharPtr;
using Lookup = const char*;
static HashNumber hash(const Lookup& aLookup) { return HashString(aLookup); }
static bool match(const Key& aKey, const Lookup& aLookup) {
return strcmp(aKey.get(), aLookup) == 0;
enum class StartupCacheEntryFlags {
// We want to track whether code outside the StartupCache has requested
// and gotten access to a pointer to this item's underlying buffer, and
// this flag is the mechanism for doing that.
struct StartupCacheEntry {
MaybeOwnedCharPtr mData;
uint32_t mOffset;
uint32_t mCompressedSize;
uint32_t mUncompressedSize;
int32_t mSharedDataOffset;
int32_t mHeaderOffsetInFile;
int32_t mRequestedOrder;
EnumSet<StartupCacheEntryFlags> mFlags;
MOZ_IMPLICIT StartupCacheEntry(uint32_t aOffset, uint32_t aCompressedSize,
uint32_t aUncompressedSize,
EnumSet<StartupCacheEntryFlags> aFlags)
: mData(nullptr),
mFlags(aFlags) {}
StartupCacheEntry(UniquePtr<char[]> aData, size_t aLength,
int32_t aRequestedOrder,
EnumSet<StartupCacheEntryFlags> aFlags)
: mData(std::move(aData)),
mFlags(aFlags) {}
struct Comparator {
using Value = std::pair<const MaybeOwnedCharPtr*, StartupCacheEntry*>;
bool Equals(const Value& a, const Value& b) const {
// This is a bit ugly. Here and below, just note that we want entries
// with the RequestedByChild flag to be sorted before any other entries,
// because we're going to want to decompress them and send them down to
// child processes pretty early during startup.
return a.second->mFlags.contains(
StartupCacheEntryFlags::RequestedByChild) ==
StartupCacheEntryFlags::RequestedByChild) &&
a.second->mRequestedOrder == b.second->mRequestedOrder;
bool LessThan(const Value& a, const Value& b) const {
bool requestedByChildA =
bool requestedByChildB =
if (requestedByChildA == requestedByChildB) {
return a.second->mRequestedOrder < b.second->mRequestedOrder;
} else {
return requestedByChildA;
// We don't want to refcount StartupCache, and ObserverService wants to
// refcount its listeners, so we'll let it refcount this instead.
class StartupCacheListener final : public nsIObserver {
~StartupCacheListener() = default;
// This mirrors a bit of logic in the script preloader. Basically, there's
// certainly some overhead in child processes sending us lists of requested
// startup cache items, so we want to limit that. Accordingly, we only
// request to be notified of requested cache items for the first occurrence
// of each process type, enumerated below.
enum class ProcessType : uint8_t {
class StartupCache : public nsIMemoryReporter {
friend class StartupCacheListener;
friend class StartupCacheChild;
using Table =
HashMap<MaybeOwnedCharPtr, StartupCacheEntry, StartupCacheKeyHasher>;
// StartupCache methods. See above comments for a more detailed description.
// true if the archive has an entry for the buffer or not.
bool HasEntry(const char* id);
// Returns a buffer that was previously stored, caller does not take ownership
nsresult GetBuffer(const char* id, const char** outbuf, uint32_t* length);
// Stores a buffer. Caller yields ownership.
nsresult PutBuffer(const char* id, UniquePtr<char[]>&& inbuf, uint32_t length,
bool isFromChildProcess = false);
void InvalidateCache();
// For use during shutdown - this will write the startupcache's data
// to disk if the timer hasn't already gone off.
void MaybeInitShutdownWrite();
// For use during shutdown - ensure we complete the shutdown write
// before shutdown, even in the FastShutdown case.
void EnsureShutdownWriteComplete();
// Signal that data should not be loaded from the cache file
static void IgnoreDiskCache();
// In DEBUG builds, returns a stream that will attempt to check for
// and disallow multiple writes of the same object.
nsresult GetDebugObjectOutputStream(nsIObjectOutputStream* aStream,
nsIObjectOutputStream** outStream);
static ProcessType GetChildProcessType(const nsACString& remoteType);
static StartupCache* GetSingleton();
// This will get the StartupCache up and running to get cached entries, but
// it won't init some of the deferred things which require later services
// to be up and running.
static nsresult PartialInitSingleton(nsIFile* aProfileLocalDir);
// If the startup cache singleton exists (initialized via
// PartialInitSingleton), this will ensure that all of the ancillary
// requirements of the startup cache are met.
static nsresult FullyInitSingleton();
static nsresult InitChildSingleton(char* aScacheHandleStr,
char* aScacheSizeStr);
static void DeleteSingleton();
static void InitContentChild(dom::ContentParent& parent);
void AddStartupCacheCmdLineArgs(ipc::GeckoChildProcessHost& procHost,
const nsACString& aRemoteType,
std::vector<std::string>& aExtraOpts);
nsresult ParseStartupCacheCmdLineArgs(char* aScacheHandleStr,
char* aScacheSizeStr);
// This measures all the heap memory used by the StartupCache, i.e. it
// excludes the mapping.
size_t HeapSizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;
bool ShouldCompactCache();
nsresult ResetStartupWriteTimer();
bool StartupWriteComplete();
virtual ~StartupCache();
friend class StartupCacheInfo;
Result<Ok, nsresult> LoadArchive();
nsresult PartialInit(nsIFile* aProfileLocalDir);
nsresult FullyInit();
nsresult InitChild(StartupCacheChild* cacheChild);
// Removes the cache file.
void InvalidateCacheImpl(bool memoryOnly = false);
nsresult ResetStartupWriteTimerCheckingReadCount();
nsresult ResetStartupWriteTimerImpl();
// Returns a file pointer for the cache file with the given name in the
// current profile.
Result<nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>, nsresult> GetCacheFile(const nsAString& suffix);
// Opens the cache file for reading.
Result<Ok, nsresult> OpenCache();
// Writes the cache to disk
Result<Ok, nsresult> WriteToDisk();
Result<Ok, nsresult> DecompressEntry(StartupCacheEntry& aEntry);
Result<Ok, nsresult> LoadEntriesOffDisk();
Result<Ok, nsresult> LoadEntriesFromSharedMemory();
void WaitOnPrefetchThread();
void StartPrefetchMemoryThread();
static void WriteTimeout(nsITimer* aTimer, void* aClosure);
static void SendEntriesTimeout(nsITimer* aTimer, void* aClosure);
void MaybeWriteOffMainThread();
static void ThreadedPrefetch(void* aClosure);
EnumSet<ProcessType> mInitializedProcesses{};
nsCString mContentStartupFinishedTopic;
Table mTable;
// owns references to the contents of tables which have been invalidated.
// In theory grows forever if the cache is continually filled and then
// invalidated, but this should not happen in practice.
nsTArray<decltype(mTable)> mOldTables;
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> mFile;
loader::AutoMemMap mCacheData;
loader::AutoMemMap mSharedData;
UniqueFileHandle mSharedDataHandle;
// This lock must protect a few members of the StartupCache. Essentially,
// we want to protect everything accessed by GetBuffer and PutBuffer. This
// includes:
// - mTable
// - mCacheData
// - mDecompressionContext
// - mCurTableReferenced
// - mOldTables
// - mWrittenOnce
// - gIgnoreDiskCache
// - mFile
// - mWriteTimer
// - mStartupWriteInitiated
mutable Mutex mLock;
nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> mObserverService;
RefPtr<StartupCacheListener> mListener;
nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mWriteTimer;
nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mSendEntriesTimer;
Atomic<bool> mDirty;
Atomic<bool> mWrittenOnce;
Atomic<bool> mStartupFinished;
bool mCurTableReferenced;
bool mLoaded;
bool mFullyInitialized;
uint32_t mRequestedCount;
uint32_t mPrefetchSize;
uint32_t mSharedDataSize;
size_t mCacheEntriesBaseOffset;
static StaticRefPtr<StartupCache> gStartupCache;
static bool gIgnoreDiskCache;
static bool gFoundDiskCacheOnInit;
Atomic<StartupCacheChild*> mChildActor;
PRThread* mPrefetchThread;
UniquePtr<Compression::LZ4FrameDecompressionContext> mDecompressionContext;
#ifdef DEBUG
nsTHashtable<nsISupportsHashKey> mWriteObjectMap;
// This debug outputstream attempts to detect if clients are writing multiple
// references to the same object. We only support that if that object
// is a singleton.
#ifdef DEBUG
class StartupCacheDebugOutputStream final : public nsIObjectOutputStream {
~StartupCacheDebugOutputStream() = default;
StartupCacheDebugOutputStream(nsIObjectOutputStream* binaryStream,
nsTHashtable<nsISupportsHashKey>* objectMap)
: mBinaryStream(binaryStream), mObjectMap(objectMap) {}
bool CheckReferences(nsISupports* aObject);
nsCOMPtr<nsIObjectOutputStream> mBinaryStream;
nsTHashtable<nsISupportsHashKey>* mObjectMap;
#endif // DEBUG
} // namespace scache
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // StartupCache_h_