
74 строки
1.9 KiB

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "fstream.h"
#include "direct.h"
#include <Winbase.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include "comp.h"
#include "ib.h"
extern CString rootPath;// = GetGlobal("Root");
extern CString configName;// = GetGlobal("CustomizationList");
extern CString configPath;// = rootPath + "Configs\\" + configName;
extern CString cdPath ;// = configPath + "\\CD";
extern CString workspacePath;// = configPath + "\\Workspace";
extern CString cdshellPath;
//CString CDout="CD_output";
void CreateHelpMenu (void)
CString root = GetGlobal("Root");
CString config = GetGlobal("CustomizationList");
CString file1 = root + "\\help1.txt";
CString file2 = root + "\\help2.txt";
CString HelpPath = root + "\\Configs\\" + config + "\\Temp\\";
ifstream help1(file1);
ifstream help2(file2);
_mkdir (HelpPath);
CString HelpMenuFile = HelpPath +"helpMenu.rdf";
ofstream Hlp(HelpMenuFile);
CString HelpMenuName = GetGlobal("HelpMenuCommandName");
CString HelpMenuUrl = GetGlobal("HelpMenuCommandURL");
if (HelpMenuName.IsEmpty())
HelpMenuName = config + "-Help";
char jsprefname[200];
if(!help1) {
cout << "cannot open the file \n";
while (!help1.eof()) {
Hlp <<jsprefname<<"\n";
Hlp <<" <RDF:li resource=\"urn:helpmenu:customizedHelp\" />\n";
// Hlp <<"<menuitem position=\"7\" value=\""<<HelpMenuName<<"\"\n\t";
// Hlp <<"oncommand=\"openTopWin('"<<HelpMenuUrl<<"')\" /> \n\t";
// Hlp <<"<menuseparator position=\"9\" /> \n";
if(!help2) {
cout << "cannot open the file \n";
while (!help2.eof()) {
Hlp <<jsprefname<<"\n";
Hlp <<"<RDF:Description about=\"urn:helpmenu:customizedHelp\">\n";
Hlp <<" <NC:level>1</NC:level> \n";
Hlp <<" <NC:title>"<<HelpMenuName<<"</NC:title> \n";
Hlp <<" <NC:content>openTopWin('"<<HelpMenuUrl<<"')</NC:content>\n";
Hlp <<"</RDF:Description>\n";
Hlp <<"</RDF:RDF>\n";