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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
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* Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* NPL.
* The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
* Reserved.
class CControlSite : public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public IOleClientSite,
public IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless,
public IOleControlSite,
public IAdviseSinkEx,
public IOleItemContainer,
public IDispatch
// Handle to parent window
HWND m_hWndParent;
// Position of the site and the contained object
RECT m_rcObjectPos;
// Flag indicating if client site should be set early or late
BOOL m_bSetClientSiteFirst;
// Flag indicating whether control is visible or not
BOOL m_bVisibleAtRuntime;
// Flag indicating if control is in-place active
BOOL m_bInPlaceActive;
// Flag indicating if control is UI active
BOOL m_bUIActive;
// Flag indicating if control is in-place locked and cannot be deactivated
BOOL m_bInPlaceLocked;
// Flag indicating if the site allows windowless controls
BOOL m_bSupportWindowlessActivation;
// Flag indicating if control is windowless
BOOL m_bWindowless;
// Raw pointer to the object
CComPtr<IUnknown> m_spObject;
// Pointer to objects IViewObject interface
CComQIPtr<IViewObject, &IID_IViewObject> m_spIViewObject;
// Pointer to object's IOleObject interface
CComQIPtr<IOleObject, &IID_IOleObject> m_spIOleObject;
// Pointer to object's IOleInPlaceObject interface
CComQIPtr<IOleInPlaceObject, &IID_IOleInPlaceObject> m_spIOleInPlaceObject;
// Pointer to object's IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless interface
CComQIPtr<IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless, &IID_IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless> m_spIOleInPlaceObjectWindowless;
// Name of this control
tstring m_szName;
// CLSID of the control
CLSID m_clsid;
// Parameter list
PropertyList m_ParameterList;
// List of controls
static std::list<CControlSite *> m_cControlList;
// Double buffer drawing variables used for windowless controls
// Area of buffer
RECT m_rcBuffer;
// Bitmap to buffer
HBITMAP m_hBMBuffer;
// Bitmap to buffer
HBITMAP m_hBMBufferOld;
// Device context
HDC m_hDCBuffer;
// Clipping area of site
HRGN m_hRgnBuffer;
// Flags indicating how the buffer was painted
DWORD m_dwBufferFlags;
// Ambient properties
// Locale ID
LCID m_nAmbientLocale;
// Foreground colour
COLORREF m_clrAmbientForeColor;
// Background colour
COLORREF m_clrAmbientBackColor;
// Flag indicating if control should hatch itself
bool m_bAmbientShowHatching;
// Flag indicating if control should have grab handles
bool m_bAmbientShowGrabHandles;
// Flag indicating if control is in edit/user mode
bool m_bAmbientUserMode;
virtual ~CControlSite();
COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(IID_IOleInPlaceSite, IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless)
COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(IID_IOleInPlaceSiteEx, IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless)
COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(IID_IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless, IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless)
COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(IID_IParseDisplayName, IOleItemContainer)
COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(IID_IOleContainer, IOleItemContainer)
COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(IID_IOleItemContainer, IOleItemContainer)
virtual HRESULT Create(REFCLSID clsid, PropertyList &pl, const tstring szName = _T(""));
virtual HRESULT Attach(HWND hwndParent, const RECT &rcPos, IUnknown *pInitStream);
virtual HRESULT Detach();
virtual HRESULT GetControlUnknown(IUnknown **ppObject);
virtual HRESULT SetPosition(const RECT &rcPos);
virtual HRESULT Draw(HDC hdc);
virtual HRESULT DoVerb(LONG nVerb, LPMSG lpMsg = NULL);
virtual const CLSID &GetObjectCLSID() const
return m_clsid;
virtual const tstring &GetObjectName() const
return m_szName;
virtual HWND GetParentWindow() const
return m_hWndParent;
virtual BOOL IsInPlaceActive() const
return m_bInPlaceActive;
// IDispatch
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount(/* [out] */ UINT __RPC_FAR *pctinfo);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo(/* [in] */ UINT iTInfo, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [out] */ ITypeInfo __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppTInfo);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames(/* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [size_is][in] */ LPOLESTR __RPC_FAR *rgszNames, /* [in] */ UINT cNames, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [size_is][out] */ DISPID __RPC_FAR *rgDispId);
virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke(/* [in] */ DISPID dispIdMember, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [in] */ WORD wFlags, /* [out][in] */ DISPPARAMS __RPC_FAR *pDispParams, /* [out] */ VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pVarResult, /* [out] */ EXCEPINFO __RPC_FAR *pExcepInfo, /* [out] */ UINT __RPC_FAR *puArgErr);
// IAdviseSink implementation
virtual /* [local] */ void STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnDataChange(/* [unique][in] */ FORMATETC __RPC_FAR *pFormatetc, /* [unique][in] */ STGMEDIUM __RPC_FAR *pStgmed);
virtual /* [local] */ void STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnViewChange(/* [in] */ DWORD dwAspect, /* [in] */ LONG lindex);
virtual /* [local] */ void STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnRename(/* [in] */ IMoniker __RPC_FAR *pmk);
virtual /* [local] */ void STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnSave(void);
virtual /* [local] */ void STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnClose(void);
// IAdviseSink2
virtual /* [local] */ void STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnLinkSrcChange(/* [unique][in] */ IMoniker __RPC_FAR *pmk);
// IAdviseSinkEx implementation
virtual /* [local] */ void STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnViewStatusChange(/* [in] */ DWORD dwViewStatus);
// IOleWindow implementation
virtual /* [input_sync] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetWindow(/* [out] */ HWND __RPC_FAR *phwnd);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ContextSensitiveHelp(/* [in] */ BOOL fEnterMode);
// IOleClientSite implementation
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMoniker(/* [in] */ DWORD dwAssign, /* [in] */ DWORD dwWhichMoniker, /* [out] */ IMoniker __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppmk);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetContainer(/* [out] */ IOleContainer __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppContainer);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnShowWindow(/* [in] */ BOOL fShow);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE RequestNewObjectLayout(void);
// IOleInPlaceSite implementation
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CanInPlaceActivate(void);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnInPlaceActivate(void);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetWindowContext(/* [out] */ IOleInPlaceFrame __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppFrame, /* [out] */ IOleInPlaceUIWindow __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppDoc, /* [out] */ LPRECT lprcPosRect, /* [out] */ LPRECT lprcClipRect, /* [out][in] */ LPOLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO lpFrameInfo);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Scroll(/* [in] */ SIZE scrollExtant);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnUIDeactivate(/* [in] */ BOOL fUndoable);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnInPlaceDeactivate(void);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DiscardUndoState(void);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DeactivateAndUndo(void);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnPosRectChange(/* [in] */ LPCRECT lprcPosRect);
// IOleInPlaceSiteEx implementation
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnInPlaceActivateEx(/* [out] */ BOOL __RPC_FAR *pfNoRedraw, /* [in] */ DWORD dwFlags);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnInPlaceDeactivateEx(/* [in] */ BOOL fNoRedraw);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE RequestUIActivate(void);
// IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless implementation
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CanWindowlessActivate(void);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetCapture(/* [in] */ BOOL fCapture);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetFocus(/* [in] */ BOOL fFocus);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetDC(/* [in] */ LPCRECT pRect, /* [in] */ DWORD grfFlags, /* [out] */ HDC __RPC_FAR *phDC);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ReleaseDC(/* [in] */ HDC hDC);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE InvalidateRect(/* [in] */ LPCRECT pRect, /* [in] */ BOOL fErase);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE InvalidateRgn(/* [in] */ HRGN hRGN, /* [in] */ BOOL fErase);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ScrollRect(/* [in] */ INT dx, /* [in] */ INT dy, /* [in] */ LPCRECT pRectScroll, /* [in] */ LPCRECT pRectClip);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AdjustRect(/* [out][in] */ LPRECT prc);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnDefWindowMessage(/* [in] */ UINT msg, /* [in] */ WPARAM wParam, /* [in] */ LPARAM lParam, /* [out] */ LRESULT __RPC_FAR *plResult);
// IOleControlSite implementation
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnControlInfoChanged(void);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE LockInPlaceActive(/* [in] */ BOOL fLock);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetExtendedControl(/* [out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppDisp);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE TransformCoords(/* [out][in] */ POINTL __RPC_FAR *pPtlHimetric, /* [out][in] */ POINTF __RPC_FAR *pPtfContainer, /* [in] */ DWORD dwFlags);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE TranslateAccelerator(/* [in] */ MSG __RPC_FAR *pMsg, /* [in] */ DWORD grfModifiers);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnFocus(/* [in] */ BOOL fGotFocus);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ShowPropertyFrame( void);
// IParseDisplayName implementation
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ParseDisplayName(/* [unique][in] */ IBindCtx __RPC_FAR *pbc, /* [in] */ LPOLESTR pszDisplayName, /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pchEaten, /* [out] */ IMoniker __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppmkOut);
// IOleContainer implementation
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE EnumObjects(/* [in] */ DWORD grfFlags, /* [out] */ IEnumUnknown __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppenum);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE LockContainer(/* [in] */ BOOL fLock);
// IOleItemContainer implementation
virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetObject(/* [in] */ LPOLESTR pszItem, /* [in] */ DWORD dwSpeedNeeded, /* [unique][in] */ IBindCtx __RPC_FAR *pbc, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [iid_is][out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject);
virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetObjectStorage(/* [in] */ LPOLESTR pszItem, /* [unique][in] */ IBindCtx __RPC_FAR *pbc, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [iid_is][out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvStorage);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsRunning(/* [in] */ LPOLESTR pszItem);
typedef CComObject<CControlSite> CControlSiteInstance;