
2120 строки
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_HTMLEditUtils_h
#define mozilla_HTMLEditUtils_h
* This header declares/defines static helper methods as members of
* HTMLEditUtils. If you want to create or look for helper trivial classes for
* HTMLEditor, see HTMLEditHelpers.h.
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/EditorBase.h"
#include "mozilla/EditorDOMPoint.h"
#include "mozilla/EditorForwards.h"
#include "mozilla/EditorUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/EnumSet.h"
#include "mozilla/IntegerRange.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/AbstractRange.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/AncestorIterator.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Selection.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Text.h"
#include "nsContentUtils.h"
#include "nsCRT.h"
#include "nsGkAtoms.h"
#include "nsHTMLTags.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
class nsAtom;
class nsPresContext;
namespace mozilla {
class HTMLEditUtils final {
using AbstractRange = dom::AbstractRange;
using Element = dom::Element;
using Selection = dom::Selection;
using Text = dom::Text;
static constexpr char16_t kNewLine = '\n';
static constexpr char16_t kCarriageReturn = '\r';
static constexpr char16_t kTab = '\t';
static constexpr char16_t kSpace = ' ';
static constexpr char16_t kNBSP = 0x00A0;
static constexpr char16_t kGreaterThan = '>';
* IsSimplyEditableNode() returns true when aNode is simply editable.
* This does NOT means that aNode can be removed from current parent nor
* aNode's data is editable.
static bool IsSimplyEditableNode(const nsINode& aNode) {
return aNode.IsEditable();
* IsNeverContentEditableElementByUser() returns true if the element's content
* is never editable by user. E.g., the content is always replaced by
* native anonymous node or something.
static bool IsNeverElementContentsEditableByUser(const nsIContent& aContent) {
return aContent.IsElement() &&
(!HTMLEditUtils::IsContainerNode(aContent) ||
nsGkAtoms::applet, nsGkAtoms::colgroup, nsGkAtoms::frameset,
nsGkAtoms::head, nsGkAtoms::html, nsGkAtoms::iframe,
nsGkAtoms::meter, nsGkAtoms::picture, nsGkAtoms::progress,
nsGkAtoms::select, nsGkAtoms::textarea));
* IsNonEditableReplacedContent() returns true when aContent is an inclusive
* descendant of a replaced element whose content shouldn't be editable by
* user's operation.
static bool IsNonEditableReplacedContent(const nsIContent& aContent) {
for (Element* element : aContent.InclusiveAncestorsOfType<Element>()) {
if (element->IsAnyOfHTMLElements(nsGkAtoms::select, nsGkAtoms::option,
nsGkAtoms::optgroup)) {
return true;
return false;
* IsRemovalNode() returns true when parent of aContent is editable even
* if aContent isn't editable.
* This is a valid method to check it if you find the content from point
* of view of siblings or parents of aContent.
* Note that padding `<br>` element for empty editor and manual native
* anonymous content should be deletable even after `HTMLEditor` is destroyed
* because they are owned/managed by `HTMLEditor`.
static bool IsRemovableNode(const nsIContent& aContent) {
return EditorUtils::IsPaddingBRElementForEmptyEditor(aContent) ||
aContent.IsRootOfNativeAnonymousSubtree() ||
(aContent.GetParentNode() &&
aContent.GetParentNode()->IsEditable() &&
&aContent != aContent.OwnerDoc()->GetBody() &&
&aContent != aContent.OwnerDoc()->GetDocumentElement());
* IsRemovableFromParentNode() returns true when aContent is editable, has a
* parent node and the parent node is also editable.
* This is a valid method to check it if you find the content from point
* of view of descendants of aContent.
* Note that padding `<br>` element for empty editor and manual native
* anonymous content should be deletable even after `HTMLEditor` is destroyed
* because they are owned/managed by `HTMLEditor`.
static bool IsRemovableFromParentNode(const nsIContent& aContent) {
return EditorUtils::IsPaddingBRElementForEmptyEditor(aContent) ||
aContent.IsRootOfNativeAnonymousSubtree() ||
(aContent.IsEditable() && aContent.GetParentNode() &&
aContent.GetParentNode()->IsEditable() &&
&aContent != aContent.OwnerDoc()->GetBody() &&
&aContent != aContent.OwnerDoc()->GetDocumentElement());
* CanContentsBeJoined() returns true if aLeftContent and aRightContent can be
* joined. At least, Node.nodeName must be same when this returns true.
enum class StyleDifference {
// Ignore style information so that callers may join different styled
// contents.
// Compare style information when the contents are any elements.
// Compare style information only when the contents are <span> elements.
static bool CanContentsBeJoined(const nsIContent& aLeftContent,
const nsIContent& aRightContent,
StyleDifference aStyleDifference);
* IsBlockElement() returns true if aContent is an element and it should
* be treated as a block. (This does not refer style information.)
static bool IsBlockElement(const nsIContent& aContent);
* IsInlineElement() returns true if aElement is an element node but
* shouldn't be treated as a block or aElement is not an element.
* XXX This name is wrong. Must be renamed to IsInlineContent() or something.
static bool IsInlineElement(const nsIContent& aContent) {
return !IsBlockElement(aContent);
static bool IsInlineStyle(nsINode* aNode);
* IsDisplayOutsideInline() returns true if display-outside value is
* "inside". This does NOT flush the layout.
static bool IsDisplayOutsideInline(const Element& aElement);
* IsRemovableInlineStyleElement() returns true if aElement is an inline
* element and can be removed or split to in order to modifying inline
* styles.
static bool IsRemovableInlineStyleElement(Element& aElement);
static bool IsFormatNode(const nsINode* aNode);
static bool IsNodeThatCanOutdent(nsINode* aNode);
static bool IsHeader(nsINode& aNode);
static bool IsListItem(const nsINode* aNode);
static bool IsTable(nsINode* aNode);
static bool IsTableRow(nsINode* aNode);
static bool IsAnyTableElement(const nsINode* aNode);
static bool IsAnyTableElementButNotTable(nsINode* aNode);
static bool IsTableCell(const nsINode* aNode);
static bool IsTableCellOrCaption(nsINode& aNode);
static bool IsAnyListElement(const nsINode* aNode);
static bool IsPre(const nsINode* aNode);
static bool IsImage(nsINode* aNode);
static bool IsLink(nsINode* aNode);
static bool IsNamedAnchor(const nsINode* aNode);
static bool IsMozDiv(nsINode* aNode);
static bool IsMailCite(const Element& aElement);
static bool IsFormWidget(const nsINode* aNode);
static bool SupportsAlignAttr(nsINode& aNode);
static bool CanNodeContain(const nsINode& aParent, const nsIContent& aChild) {
switch (aParent.NodeType()) {
case nsINode::ELEMENT_NODE:
return HTMLEditUtils::CanNodeContain(*aParent.NodeInfo()->NameAtom(),
return false;
static bool CanNodeContain(const nsINode& aParent, nsAtom& aChildNodeName) {
switch (aParent.NodeType()) {
case nsINode::ELEMENT_NODE:
return HTMLEditUtils::CanNodeContain(*aParent.NodeInfo()->NameAtom(),
return false;
static bool CanNodeContain(nsAtom& aParentNodeName,
const nsIContent& aChild) {
switch (aChild.NodeType()) {
case nsINode::TEXT_NODE:
case nsINode::ELEMENT_NODE:
return HTMLEditUtils::CanNodeContain(aParentNodeName,
return false;
// XXX Only this overload does not check the node type. Therefore, only this
// treat Document, Comment, CDATASection, etc.
static bool CanNodeContain(nsAtom& aParentNodeName, nsAtom& aChildNodeName) {
nsHTMLTag childTagEnum;
// XXX Should this handle #cdata-section too?
if (&aChildNodeName == nsGkAtoms::textTagName) {
childTagEnum = eHTMLTag_text;
} else {
childTagEnum = nsHTMLTags::AtomTagToId(&aChildNodeName);
nsHTMLTag parentTagEnum = nsHTMLTags::AtomTagToId(&aParentNodeName);
return HTMLEditUtils::CanNodeContain(parentTagEnum, childTagEnum);
* CanElementContainParagraph() returns true if aElement can have a <p>
* element as its child or its descendant.
static bool CanElementContainParagraph(const Element& aElement) {
if (HTMLEditUtils::CanNodeContain(aElement, *nsGkAtoms::p)) {
return true;
// Even if the element cannot have a <p> element as a child, it can contain
// <p> element as a descendant if it's one of the following elements.
if (aElement.IsAnyOfHTMLElements(nsGkAtoms::ol, nsGkAtoms::ul,
nsGkAtoms::dl, nsGkAtoms::table,
nsGkAtoms::thead, nsGkAtoms::tbody,
nsGkAtoms::tfoot, nsGkAtoms::tr)) {
return true;
// XXX Otherwise, Chromium checks the CSS box is a block, but we don't do it
// for now.
return false;
* IsContainerNode() returns true if aContent is a container node.
static bool IsContainerNode(const nsIContent& aContent) {
nsHTMLTag tagEnum;
// XXX Should this handle #cdata-section too?
if (aContent.IsText()) {
tagEnum = eHTMLTag_text;
} else {
// XXX Why don't we use nsHTMLTags::AtomTagToId? Are there some
// difference?
tagEnum = nsHTMLTags::StringTagToId(aContent.NodeName());
return HTMLEditUtils::IsContainerNode(tagEnum);
* IsSplittableNode() returns true if aContent can split.
static bool IsSplittableNode(const nsIContent& aContent) {
if (!EditorUtils::IsEditableContent(aContent,
EditorUtils::EditorType::HTML) ||
!HTMLEditUtils::IsRemovableFromParentNode(aContent)) {
return false;
if (aContent.IsElement()) {
// XXX Perhaps, instead of using container, we should have "splittable"
// information in the DB. E.g., `<template>`, `<script>` elements
// can have children, but shouldn't be split.
return HTMLEditUtils::IsContainerNode(aContent) &&
!aContent.IsAnyOfHTMLElements(nsGkAtoms::body, nsGkAtoms::head,
return aContent.IsText() && aContent.Length() > 0;
* See execCommand spec:
static bool IsNonListSingleLineContainer(nsINode& aNode);
static bool IsSingleLineContainer(nsINode& aNode);
* IsVisibleTextNode() returns true if aText has visible text. If it has
* only white-spaces and they are collapsed, returns false.
static bool IsVisibleTextNode(const Text& aText);
* IsInVisibleTextFrames() returns true if all text in aText is in visible
* text frames. Callers have to guarantee that there is no pending reflow.
static bool IsInVisibleTextFrames(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
const Text& aText);
* IsVisibleBRElement() and IsInvisibleBRElement() return true if aContent is
* a visible HTML <br> element, i.e., not a padding <br> element for making
* last line in a block element visible, or an invisible <br> element.
static bool IsVisibleBRElement(const nsIContent& aContent) {
if (!aContent.IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::br)) {
return false;
// If followed by a block boundary without visible content, it's invisible
// <br> element.
return !HTMLEditUtils::GetElementOfImmediateBlockBoundary(
aContent, WalkTreeDirection::Forward);
static bool IsInvisibleBRElement(const nsIContent& aContent) {
return aContent.IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::br) &&
* IsVisiblePreformattedNewLine() and IsInvisiblePreformattedNewLine() return
* true if the point is preformatted linefeed and it's visible or invisible.
* If linefeed is immediately before a block boundary, it's invisible.
* @param aFollowingBlockElement [out] If the node is followed by a block
* boundary, this is set to the element
* creating the block boundary.
template <typename EditorDOMPointType>
static bool IsVisiblePreformattedNewLine(
const EditorDOMPointType& aPoint,
Element** aFollowingBlockElement = nullptr) {
if (aFollowingBlockElement) {
*aFollowingBlockElement = nullptr;
if (!aPoint.IsInTextNode() || aPoint.IsEndOfContainer() ||
!aPoint.IsCharPreformattedNewLine()) {
return false;
// If there are some other characters in the text node, it's a visible
// linefeed.
if (!aPoint.IsAtLastContent()) {
if (EditorUtils::IsWhiteSpacePreformatted(*aPoint.ContainerAsText())) {
return true;
const nsTextFragment& textFragment =
for (uint32_t offset = aPoint.Offset() + 1;
offset < textFragment.GetLength(); ++offset) {
char16_t ch = textFragment.CharAt(AssertedCast<int32_t>(offset));
if (nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(ch) && ch != HTMLEditUtils::kNewLine) {
continue; // ASCII white-space which is collapsed into the linefeed.
return true; // There is a visible character after it.
// If followed by a block boundary without visible content, it's invisible
// linefeed.
Element* followingBlockElement =
*aPoint.ContainerAsText(), WalkTreeDirection::Forward);
if (aFollowingBlockElement) {
*aFollowingBlockElement = followingBlockElement;
return !followingBlockElement;
template <typename EditorDOMPointType>
static bool IsInvisiblePreformattedNewLine(
const EditorDOMPointType& aPoint,
Element** aFollowingBlockElement = nullptr) {
if (!aPoint.IsInTextNode() || aPoint.IsEndOfContainer() ||
!aPoint.IsCharPreformattedNewLine()) {
if (aFollowingBlockElement) {
*aFollowingBlockElement = nullptr;
return false;
return !IsVisiblePreformattedNewLine(aPoint, aFollowingBlockElement);
* ShouldInsertLinefeedCharacter() returns true if the caller should insert
* a linefeed character instead of <br> element.
static bool ShouldInsertLinefeedCharacter(EditorDOMPoint& aPointToInsert,
const Element& aEditingHost);
* IsEmptyNode() returns false if aNode has some visible content nodes,
* list elements or table elements.
* @param aPresContext Must not be nullptr if
* EmptyCheckOption::SafeToAskLayout is set.
* @param aNode The node to check whether it's empty.
* @param aOptions You can specify which type of elements are visible
* and/or whether this can access layout information.
* @param aSeenBR [Out] Set to true if this meets an <br> element
* before meething visible things.
enum class EmptyCheckOption {
IgnoreEditableState, // TODO: Change to "TreatNonEditableContentAsVisible"
using EmptyCheckOptions = EnumSet<EmptyCheckOption, uint32_t>;
static bool IsEmptyNode(nsPresContext* aPresContext, const nsINode& aNode,
const EmptyCheckOptions& aOptions = {},
bool* aSeenBR = nullptr);
static bool IsEmptyNode(const nsINode& aNode,
const EmptyCheckOptions& aOptions = {},
bool* aSeenBR = nullptr) {
return IsEmptyNode(nullptr, aNode, aOptions, aSeenBR);
* IsEmptyInlineContent() returns true if aContent is an inline node and it
* does not have meaningful content.
static bool IsEmptyInlineContent(const nsIContent& aContent) {
return HTMLEditUtils::IsInlineElement(aContent) &&
HTMLEditUtils::IsContainerNode(aContent) &&
aContent, {EmptyCheckOption::TreatSingleBRElementAsVisible});
* IsEmptyBlockElement() returns true if aElement is a block level element
* and it doesn't have any visible content.
static bool IsEmptyBlockElement(const Element& aElement,
const EmptyCheckOptions& aOptions) {
return HTMLEditUtils::IsBlockElement(aElement) &&
HTMLEditUtils::IsEmptyNode(aElement, aOptions);
* IsEmptyOneHardLine() returns true if aArrayOfContents does not represent
* 2 or more lines and have meaningful content.
static bool IsEmptyOneHardLine(
nsTArray<OwningNonNull<nsIContent>>& aArrayOfContents) {
if (NS_WARN_IF(aArrayOfContents.IsEmpty())) {
return true;
bool brElementHasFound = false;
for (OwningNonNull<nsIContent>& content : aArrayOfContents) {
if (!EditorUtils::IsEditableContent(content,
EditorUtils::EditorType::HTML)) {
if (content->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::br)) {
// If there are 2 or more `<br>` elements, it's not empty line since
// there may be only one `<br>` element in a hard line.
if (brElementHasFound) {
return false;
brElementHasFound = true;
if (!HTMLEditUtils::IsEmptyInlineContent(content)) {
return false;
return true;
* IsPointAtEdgeOfLink() returns true if aPoint is at start or end of a
* link.
template <typename PT, typename CT>
static bool IsPointAtEdgeOfLink(const EditorDOMPointBase<PT, CT>& aPoint,
Element** aFoundLinkElement = nullptr) {
if (aFoundLinkElement) {
*aFoundLinkElement = nullptr;
if (!aPoint.IsInContentNode()) {
return false;
if (!aPoint.IsStartOfContainer() && !aPoint.IsEndOfContainer()) {
return false;
// XXX Assuming it's not in an empty text node because it's unrealistic edge
// case.
bool maybeStartOfAnchor = aPoint.IsStartOfContainer();
for (EditorRawDOMPoint point(aPoint.ContainerAsContent());
point.IsSet() && (maybeStartOfAnchor ? point.IsStartOfContainer()
: point.IsAtLastContent());
point = point.ParentPoint()) {
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsLink(point.GetContainer())) {
// Now, we're at start or end of <a href>.
if (aFoundLinkElement) {
*aFoundLinkElement = do_AddRef(point.ContainerAsElement()).take();
return true;
return false;
* IsContentInclusiveDescendantOfLink() returns true if aContent is a
* descendant of a link element.
* Note that this returns true even if editing host of aContent is in a link
* element.
static bool IsContentInclusiveDescendantOfLink(
nsIContent& aContent, Element** aFoundLinkElement = nullptr) {
if (aFoundLinkElement) {
*aFoundLinkElement = nullptr;
for (Element* element : aContent.InclusiveAncestorsOfType<Element>()) {
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsLink(element)) {
if (aFoundLinkElement) {
*aFoundLinkElement = do_AddRef(element).take();
return true;
return false;
* IsRangeEntirelyInLink() returns true if aRange is entirely in a link
* element.
* Note that this returns true even if editing host of the range is in a link
* element.
template <typename EditorDOMRangeType>
static bool IsRangeEntirelyInLink(const EditorDOMRangeType& aRange,
Element** aFoundLinkElement = nullptr) {
if (aFoundLinkElement) {
*aFoundLinkElement = nullptr;
nsINode* commonAncestorNode =
aRange.StartRef().GetContainer(), aRange.EndRef().GetContainer());
if (NS_WARN_IF(!commonAncestorNode) || !commonAncestorNode->IsContent()) {
return false;
return IsContentInclusiveDescendantOfLink(*commonAncestorNode->AsContent(),
* Get adjacent content node of aNode if there is (even if one is in different
* parent element).
* @param aNode The node from which we start to walk the DOM
* tree.
* @param aOptions See WalkTreeOption for the detail.
* @param aAncestorLimiter Ancestor limiter element which these methods
* never cross its boundary. This is typically
* the editing host.
enum class WalkTreeOption {
IgnoreNonEditableNode, // Ignore non-editable nodes and their children.
IgnoreDataNodeExceptText, // Ignore data nodes which are not text node.
IgnoreWhiteSpaceOnlyText, // Ignore text nodes having only white-spaces.
StopAtBlockBoundary, // Stop waking the tree at a block boundary.
using WalkTreeOptions = EnumSet<WalkTreeOption>;
static nsIContent* GetPreviousContent(
const nsINode& aNode, const WalkTreeOptions& aOptions,
const Element* aAncestorLimiter = nullptr) {
if (&aNode == aAncestorLimiter ||
(aAncestorLimiter &&
!aNode.IsInclusiveDescendantOf(aAncestorLimiter))) {
return nullptr;
return HTMLEditUtils::GetAdjacentContent(aNode, WalkTreeDirection::Backward,
aOptions, aAncestorLimiter);
static nsIContent* GetNextContent(const nsINode& aNode,
const WalkTreeOptions& aOptions,
const Element* aAncestorLimiter = nullptr) {
if (&aNode == aAncestorLimiter ||
(aAncestorLimiter &&
!aNode.IsInclusiveDescendantOf(aAncestorLimiter))) {
return nullptr;
return HTMLEditUtils::GetAdjacentContent(aNode, WalkTreeDirection::Forward,
aOptions, aAncestorLimiter);
* And another version that takes a point in DOM tree rather than a node.
template <typename PT, typename CT>
static nsIContent* GetPreviousContent(
const EditorDOMPointBase<PT, CT>& aPoint, const WalkTreeOptions& aOptions,
const Element* aAncestorLimiter = nullptr);
* And another version that takes a point in DOM tree rather than a node.
* Note that this may return the child at the offset. E.g., following code
* causes infinite loop.
* EditorRawDOMPoint point(aEditableNode);
* while (nsIContent* content =
* GetNextContent(point, {WalkTreeOption::IgnoreNonEditableNode})) {
* // Do something...
* point.Set(content);
* }
* Following code must be you expected:
* while (nsIContent* content =
* GetNextContent(point, {WalkTreeOption::IgnoreNonEditableNode}) {
* // Do something...
* DebugOnly<bool> advanced = point.Advanced();
* MOZ_ASSERT(advanced);
* point.Set(point.GetChild());
* }
template <typename PT, typename CT>
static nsIContent* GetNextContent(const EditorDOMPointBase<PT, CT>& aPoint,
const WalkTreeOptions& aOptions,
const Element* aAncestorLimiter = nullptr);
* GetPreviousSibling() and GetNextSibling() return the nearest sibling of
* aContent which does not match with aOption.
static nsIContent* GetPreviousSibling(const nsIContent& aContent,
const WalkTreeOptions& aOptions) {
for (nsIContent* sibling = aContent.GetPreviousSibling(); sibling;
sibling = sibling->GetPreviousSibling()) {
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsContentIgnored(*sibling, aOptions)) {
if (aOptions.contains(WalkTreeOption::StopAtBlockBoundary) &&
HTMLEditUtils::IsBlockElement(*sibling)) {
return nullptr;
return sibling;
return nullptr;
static nsIContent* GetNextSibling(const nsIContent& aContent,
const WalkTreeOptions& aOptions) {
for (nsIContent* sibling = aContent.GetNextSibling(); sibling;
sibling = sibling->GetNextSibling()) {
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsContentIgnored(*sibling, aOptions)) {
if (aOptions.contains(WalkTreeOption::StopAtBlockBoundary) &&
HTMLEditUtils::IsBlockElement(*sibling)) {
return nullptr;
return sibling;
return nullptr;
* GetLastChild() and GetFirstChild() return the first or last child of aNode
* which does not match with aOption.
static nsIContent* GetLastChild(const nsINode& aNode,
const WalkTreeOptions& aOptions) {
for (nsIContent* child = aNode.GetLastChild(); child;
child = child->GetPreviousSibling()) {
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsContentIgnored(*child, aOptions)) {
if (aOptions.contains(WalkTreeOption::StopAtBlockBoundary) &&
HTMLEditUtils::IsBlockElement(*child)) {
return nullptr;
return child;
return nullptr;
static nsIContent* GetFirstChild(const nsINode& aNode,
const WalkTreeOptions& aOptions) {
for (nsIContent* child = aNode.GetFirstChild(); child;
child = child->GetNextSibling()) {
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsContentIgnored(*child, aOptions)) {
if (aOptions.contains(WalkTreeOption::StopAtBlockBoundary) &&
HTMLEditUtils::IsBlockElement(*child)) {
return nullptr;
return child;
return nullptr;
static bool IsLastChild(const nsIContent& aContent,
const WalkTreeOptions& aOptions) {
nsINode* parentNode = aContent.GetParentNode();
if (!parentNode) {
return false;
return HTMLEditUtils::GetLastChild(*parentNode, aOptions) == &aContent;
static bool IsFirstChild(const nsIContent& aContent,
const WalkTreeOptions& aOptions) {
nsINode* parentNode = aContent.GetParentNode();
if (!parentNode) {
return false;
return HTMLEditUtils::GetFirstChild(*parentNode, aOptions) == &aContent;
* GetAdjacentContentToPutCaret() walks the DOM tree to find an editable node
* near aPoint where may be a good point to put caret and keep typing or
* deleting.
* @param aPoint The DOM point where to start to search from.
* @return If found, returns non-nullptr. Otherwise, nullptr.
* Note that if found node is in different table structure
* element, this returns nullptr.
enum class WalkTreeDirection { Forward, Backward };
template <typename PT, typename CT>
static nsIContent* GetAdjacentContentToPutCaret(
const EditorDOMPointBase<PT, CT>& aPoint,
WalkTreeDirection aWalkTreeDirection, const Element& aEditingHost) {
nsIContent* editableContent = nullptr;
if (aWalkTreeDirection == WalkTreeDirection::Backward) {
editableContent = HTMLEditUtils::GetPreviousContent(
aPoint, {WalkTreeOption::IgnoreNonEditableNode}, &aEditingHost);
if (!editableContent) {
return nullptr; // Not illegal.
} else {
editableContent = HTMLEditUtils::GetNextContent(
aPoint, {WalkTreeOption::IgnoreNonEditableNode}, &aEditingHost);
if (NS_WARN_IF(!editableContent)) {
// Perhaps, illegal because the node pointed by aPoint isn't editable
// and nobody of previous nodes is editable.
return nullptr;
// scan in the right direction until we find an eligible text node,
// but don't cross any breaks, images, or table elements.
// XXX This comment sounds odd. editableContent may have already crossed
// breaks and/or images if they are non-editable.
while (editableContent && !editableContent->IsText() &&
!editableContent->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::br) &&
!HTMLEditUtils::IsImage(editableContent)) {
if (aWalkTreeDirection == WalkTreeDirection::Backward) {
editableContent = HTMLEditUtils::GetPreviousContent(
*editableContent, {WalkTreeOption::IgnoreNonEditableNode},
if (NS_WARN_IF(!editableContent)) {
return nullptr;
} else {
editableContent = HTMLEditUtils::GetNextContent(
*editableContent, {WalkTreeOption::IgnoreNonEditableNode},
if (NS_WARN_IF(!editableContent)) {
return nullptr;
// don't cross any table elements
if ((!aPoint.IsInContentNode() &&
*editableContent)) ||
(HTMLEditUtils::GetInclusiveAncestorAnyTableElement(*editableContent) !=
*aPoint.ContainerAsContent()))) {
return nullptr;
// otherwise, ok, we have found a good spot to put the selection
return editableContent;
* GetLastLeafContent() returns rightmost leaf content in aNode. It depends
* on aLeafNodeTypes whether this which types of nodes are treated as leaf
* nodes.
enum class LeafNodeType {
// Even if there is a child block, keep scanning a leaf content in it.
// If there is a child block, return it too. Note that this does not
// mean that block siblings are not treated as leaf nodes.
// If there is a non-editable element if and only if scanning from editable
// node, return it too.
// Ignore non-editable content at walking the tree.
using LeafNodeTypes = EnumSet<LeafNodeType>;
static nsIContent* GetLastLeafContent(
nsINode& aNode, const LeafNodeTypes& aLeafNodeTypes,
const Element* aAncestorLimiter = nullptr) {
// editor shouldn't touch child nodes which are replaced with native
// anonymous nodes.
if (aNode.IsElement() &&
*aNode.AsElement())) {
return nullptr;
for (nsIContent* content = aNode.GetLastChild(); content;) {
if (aLeafNodeTypes.contains(LeafNodeType::OnlyEditableLeafNode) &&
EditorUtils::EditorType::HTML)) {
content = HTMLEditUtils::GetPreviousContent(
*content, {WalkTreeOption::IgnoreNonEditableNode},
if (aLeafNodeTypes.contains(LeafNodeType::LeafNodeOrChildBlock) &&
HTMLEditUtils::IsBlockElement(*content)) {
return content;
if (!content->HasChildren() ||
HTMLEditUtils::IsNeverElementContentsEditableByUser(*content)) {
return content;
if (aLeafNodeTypes.contains(LeafNodeType::LeafNodeOrNonEditableNode) &&
aNode.IsEditable() && !content->IsEditable()) {
return content;
content = content->GetLastChild();
return nullptr;
* GetFirstLeafContent() returns leftmost leaf content in aNode. It depends
* on aLeafNodeTypes whether this scans into a block child or treat block as a
* leaf.
static nsIContent* GetFirstLeafContent(
const nsINode& aNode, const LeafNodeTypes& aLeafNodeTypes,
const Element* aAncestorLimiter = nullptr) {
// editor shouldn't touch child nodes which are replaced with native
// anonymous nodes.
if (aNode.IsElement() &&
*aNode.AsElement())) {
return nullptr;
for (nsIContent* content = aNode.GetFirstChild(); content;) {
if (aLeafNodeTypes.contains(LeafNodeType::OnlyEditableLeafNode) &&
EditorUtils::EditorType::HTML)) {
content = HTMLEditUtils::GetNextContent(
*content, {WalkTreeOption::IgnoreNonEditableNode},
if (aLeafNodeTypes.contains(LeafNodeType::LeafNodeOrChildBlock) &&
HTMLEditUtils::IsBlockElement(*content)) {
return content;
if (!content->HasChildren() ||
HTMLEditUtils::IsNeverElementContentsEditableByUser(*content)) {
return content;
if (aLeafNodeTypes.contains(LeafNodeType::LeafNodeOrNonEditableNode) &&
aNode.IsEditable() && !content->IsEditable()) {
return content;
content = content->GetFirstChild();
return nullptr;
* GetNextLeafContentOrNextBlockElement() returns next leaf content or
* next block element of aStartContent inside aAncestorLimiter.
* Note that the result may be a contet outside aCurrentBlock if
* aStartContent equals aCurrentBlock.
* @param aStartContent The start content to scan next content.
* @param aCurrentBlock Must be ancestor of aStartContent. Dispite
* the name, inline content is allowed if
* aStartContent is in an inline editing host.
* @param aLeafNodeTypes See LeafNodeType.
* @param aAncestorLimiter Optional, setting this guarantees the
* result is in aAncestorLimiter unless
* aStartContent is not a descendant of this.
static nsIContent* GetNextLeafContentOrNextBlockElement(
const nsIContent& aStartContent, const nsIContent& aCurrentBlock,
const LeafNodeTypes& aLeafNodeTypes,
const Element* aAncestorLimiter = nullptr) {
if (&aStartContent == aAncestorLimiter) {
return nullptr;
nsIContent* nextContent = aStartContent.GetNextSibling();
if (!nextContent) {
if (!aStartContent.GetParentElement()) {
NS_WARNING("Reached orphan node while climbing up the DOM tree");
return nullptr;
for (Element* parentElement : aStartContent.AncestorsOfType<Element>()) {
if (parentElement == &aCurrentBlock) {
return nullptr;
if (parentElement == aAncestorLimiter) {
NS_WARNING("Reached editing host while climbing up the DOM tree");
return nullptr;
nextContent = parentElement->GetNextSibling();
if (nextContent) {
if (!parentElement->GetParentElement()) {
NS_WARNING("Reached orphan node while climbing up the DOM tree");
return nullptr;
// We have a next content. If it's a block, return it.
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsBlockElement(*nextContent)) {
return nextContent;
if (aLeafNodeTypes.contains(LeafNodeType::LeafNodeOrNonEditableNode) &&
aStartContent.IsEditable() && !nextContent->IsEditable()) {
return nextContent;
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsContainerNode(*nextContent)) {
// Else if it's a container, get deep leftmost child
if (nsIContent* child = HTMLEditUtils::GetFirstLeafContent(
*nextContent, aLeafNodeTypes)) {
return child;
// Else return the next content itself.
return nextContent;
* Similar to the above method, but take a DOM point to specify scan start
* point.
template <typename PT, typename CT>
static nsIContent* GetNextLeafContentOrNextBlockElement(
const EditorDOMPointBase<PT, CT>& aStartPoint,
const nsIContent& aCurrentBlock, const LeafNodeTypes& aLeafNodeTypes,
const Element* aAncestorLimiter = nullptr) {
"Not implemented yet");
if (!aStartPoint.IsInContentNode()) {
return nullptr;
if (aStartPoint.IsInTextNode()) {
return HTMLEditUtils::GetNextLeafContentOrNextBlockElement(
*aStartPoint.ContainerAsText(), aCurrentBlock, aLeafNodeTypes,
if (!HTMLEditUtils::IsContainerNode(*aStartPoint.ContainerAsContent())) {
return HTMLEditUtils::GetNextLeafContentOrNextBlockElement(
*aStartPoint.ContainerAsContent(), aCurrentBlock, aLeafNodeTypes,
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> nextContent = aStartPoint.GetChild();
if (!nextContent) {
if (aStartPoint.GetContainer() == &aCurrentBlock) {
// We are at end of the block.
return nullptr;
// We are at end of non-block container
return HTMLEditUtils::GetNextLeafContentOrNextBlockElement(
*aStartPoint.ContainerAsContent(), aCurrentBlock, aLeafNodeTypes,
// We have a next node. If it's a block, return it.
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsBlockElement(*nextContent)) {
return nextContent;
if (aLeafNodeTypes.contains(LeafNodeType::LeafNodeOrNonEditableNode) &&
aStartPoint.GetContainer()->IsEditable() &&
!nextContent->IsEditable()) {
return nextContent;
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsContainerNode(*nextContent)) {
// else if it's a container, get deep leftmost child
if (nsIContent* child = HTMLEditUtils::GetFirstLeafContent(
*nextContent, aLeafNodeTypes)) {
return child;
// Else return the node itself
return nextContent;
* GetPreviousLeafContentOrPreviousBlockElement() returns previous leaf
* content or previous block element of aStartContent inside
* aAncestorLimiter.
* Note that the result may be a contet outside aCurrentBlock if
* aStartContent equals aCurrentBlock.
* @param aStartContent The start content to scan previous content.
* @param aCurrentBlock Must be ancestor of aStartContent. Dispite
* the name, inline content is allowed if
* aStartContent is in an inline editing host.
* @param aLeafNodeTypes See LeafNodeType.
* @param aAncestorLimiter Optional, setting this guarantees the
* result is in aAncestorLimiter unless
* aStartContent is not a descendant of this.
static nsIContent* GetPreviousLeafContentOrPreviousBlockElement(
const nsIContent& aStartContent, const nsIContent& aCurrentBlock,
const LeafNodeTypes& aLeafNodeTypes,
const Element* aAncestorLimiter = nullptr) {
"Not implemented yet");
if (&aStartContent == aAncestorLimiter) {
return nullptr;
nsIContent* previousContent = aStartContent.GetPreviousSibling();
if (!previousContent) {
if (!aStartContent.GetParentElement()) {
NS_WARNING("Reached orphan node while climbing up the DOM tree");
return nullptr;
for (Element* parentElement : aStartContent.AncestorsOfType<Element>()) {
if (parentElement == &aCurrentBlock) {
return nullptr;
if (parentElement == aAncestorLimiter) {
NS_WARNING("Reached editing host while climbing up the DOM tree");
return nullptr;
previousContent = parentElement->GetPreviousSibling();
if (previousContent) {
if (!parentElement->GetParentElement()) {
NS_WARNING("Reached orphan node while climbing up the DOM tree");
return nullptr;
// We have a next content. If it's a block, return it.
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsBlockElement(*previousContent)) {
return previousContent;
if (aLeafNodeTypes.contains(LeafNodeType::LeafNodeOrNonEditableNode) &&
aStartContent.IsEditable() && !previousContent->IsEditable()) {
return previousContent;
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsContainerNode(*previousContent)) {
// Else if it's a container, get deep rightmost child
if (nsIContent* child = HTMLEditUtils::GetLastLeafContent(
*previousContent, aLeafNodeTypes)) {
return child;
// Else return the next content itself.
return previousContent;
* Similar to the above method, but take a DOM point to specify scan start
* point.
template <typename PT, typename CT>
static nsIContent* GetPreviousLeafContentOrPreviousBlockElement(
const EditorDOMPointBase<PT, CT>& aStartPoint,
const nsIContent& aCurrentBlock, const LeafNodeTypes& aLeafNodeTypes,
const Element* aAncestorLimiter = nullptr) {
"Not implemented yet");
if (!aStartPoint.IsInContentNode()) {
return nullptr;
if (aStartPoint.IsInTextNode()) {
return HTMLEditUtils::GetPreviousLeafContentOrPreviousBlockElement(
*aStartPoint.ContainerAsText(), aCurrentBlock, aLeafNodeTypes,
if (!HTMLEditUtils::IsContainerNode(*aStartPoint.ContainerAsContent())) {
return HTMLEditUtils::GetPreviousLeafContentOrPreviousBlockElement(
*aStartPoint.ContainerAsContent(), aCurrentBlock, aLeafNodeTypes,
if (aStartPoint.IsStartOfContainer()) {
if (aStartPoint.GetContainer() == &aCurrentBlock) {
// We are at start of the block.
return nullptr;
// We are at start of non-block container
return HTMLEditUtils::GetPreviousLeafContentOrPreviousBlockElement(
*aStartPoint.ContainerAsContent(), aCurrentBlock, aLeafNodeTypes,
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> previousContent =
if (NS_WARN_IF(!previousContent)) {
return nullptr;
// We have a prior node. If it's a block, return it.
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsBlockElement(*previousContent)) {
return previousContent;
if (aLeafNodeTypes.contains(LeafNodeType::LeafNodeOrNonEditableNode) &&
aStartPoint.GetContainer()->IsEditable() &&
!previousContent->IsEditable()) {
return previousContent;
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsContainerNode(*previousContent)) {
// Else if it's a container, get deep rightmost child
if (nsIContent* child = HTMLEditUtils::GetLastLeafContent(
*previousContent, aLeafNodeTypes)) {
return child;
// Else return the node itself
return previousContent;
* Get previous/next editable point from start or end of aContent.
enum class InvisibleWhiteSpaces {
Ignore, // Ignore invisible white-spaces, i.e., don't return middle of
// them.
Preserve, // Preserve invisible white-spaces, i.e., result may be start or
// end of a text node even if it begins or ends with invisible
// white-spaces.
enum class TableBoundary {
Ignore, // May cross any table element boundary.
NoCrossTableElement, // Won't cross `<table>` element boundary.
NoCrossAnyTableElement, // Won't cross any table element boundary.
template <typename EditorDOMPointType>
static EditorDOMPointType GetPreviousEditablePoint(
nsIContent& aContent, const Element* aAncestorLimiter,
InvisibleWhiteSpaces aInvisibleWhiteSpaces,
TableBoundary aHowToTreatTableBoundary);
template <typename EditorDOMPointType>
static EditorDOMPointType GetNextEditablePoint(
nsIContent& aContent, const Element* aAncestorLimiter,
InvisibleWhiteSpaces aInvisibleWhiteSpaces,
TableBoundary aHowToTreatTableBoundary);
* GetAncestorElement() and GetInclusiveAncestorElement() return
* (inclusive) block ancestor element of aContent whose time matches
* aAncestorTypes.
enum class AncestorType {
IgnoreHRElement, // Ignore ancestor <hr> element since invalid structure
using AncestorTypes = EnumSet<AncestorType>;
constexpr static AncestorTypes
ClosestEditableBlockElementOrInlineEditingHost = {
constexpr static AncestorTypes ClosestBlockElement = {
constexpr static AncestorTypes ClosestEditableBlockElement = {
AncestorType::ClosestBlockElement, AncestorType::EditableElement};
constexpr static AncestorTypes ClosestEditableBlockElementExceptHRElement = {
AncestorType::ClosestBlockElement, AncestorType::IgnoreHRElement,
static Element* GetAncestorElement(const nsIContent& aContent,
const AncestorTypes& aAncestorTypes,
const Element* aAncestorLimiter = nullptr);
static Element* GetInclusiveAncestorElement(
const nsIContent& aContent, const AncestorTypes& aAncestorTypes,
const Element* aAncestorLimiter = nullptr);
* GetClosestAncestorTableElement() returns the nearest inclusive ancestor
* <table> element of aContent.
static Element* GetClosestAncestorTableElement(const nsIContent& aContent) {
// TODO: the method name and its documentation clash with the
// implementation. Split this method into
// `GetClosestAncestorTableElement` and
// `GetClosestInclusiveAncestorTableElement`.
if (!aContent.GetParent()) {
return nullptr;
for (Element* element : aContent.InclusiveAncestorsOfType<Element>()) {
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsTable(element)) {
return element;
return nullptr;
static Element* GetInclusiveAncestorAnyTableElement(
const nsIContent& aContent) {
for (Element* parent : aContent.InclusiveAncestorsOfType<Element>()) {
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsAnyTableElement(parent)) {
return parent;
return nullptr;
static Element* GetClosestAncestorAnyListElement(const nsIContent& aContent);
* GetClosestAncestorListItemElement() returns a list item element if
* aContent or its ancestor in editing host is one. However, this won't
* cross table related element.
static Element* GetClosestAncestorListItemElement(
const nsIContent& aContent, const Element* aAncestorLimit = nullptr) {
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsListItem(&aContent)) {
return const_cast<Element*>(aContent.AsElement());
for (Element* parentElement : aContent.AncestorsOfType<Element>()) {
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsAnyTableElement(parentElement)) {
return nullptr;
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsListItem(parentElement)) {
return parentElement;
if (parentElement == aAncestorLimit) {
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
* GetRangeSelectingAllContentInAllListItems() returns a range which selects
* from start of the first list item to end of the last list item of
* aListElement. Note that the result may be in different list element if
* aListElement has child list element(s) directly.
template <typename EditorDOMRangeType>
static EditorDOMRangeType GetRangeSelectingAllContentInAllListItems(
const Element& aListElement) {
Element* firstListItem =
Element* lastListItem = HTMLEditUtils::GetLastListItemElement(aListElement);
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(firstListItem, lastListItem);
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!firstListItem, !lastListItem);
if (!firstListItem || !lastListItem) {
return EditorDOMRangeType();
return EditorDOMRangeType(
typename EditorDOMRangeType::PointType(
firstListItem->GetFirstChild() &&
? firstListItem->GetFirstChild()
: static_cast<nsIContent*>(firstListItem),
lastListItem->GetLastChild() &&
? *lastListItem->GetFirstChild()
: static_cast<nsIContent&>(*lastListItem)));
* GetFirstListItemElement() returns the first list item element in the
* pre-order tree traversal of the DOM.
static Element* GetFirstListItemElement(const Element& aListElement) {
for (nsIContent* maybeFirstListItem = aListElement.GetFirstChild();
maybeFirstListItem = maybeFirstListItem->GetNextNode(&aListElement)) {
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsListItem(maybeFirstListItem)) {
return maybeFirstListItem->AsElement();
return nullptr;
* GetLastListItemElement() returns the last list item element in the
* post-order tree traversal of the DOM. I.e., returns the last list
* element whose close tag appears at last.
static Element* GetLastListItemElement(const Element& aListElement) {
for (nsIContent* maybeLastListItem = aListElement.GetLastChild();
maybeLastListItem;) {
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsListItem(maybeLastListItem)) {
return maybeLastListItem->AsElement();
if (maybeLastListItem->HasChildren()) {
maybeLastListItem = maybeLastListItem->GetLastChild();
if (maybeLastListItem->GetPreviousSibling()) {
maybeLastListItem = maybeLastListItem->GetPreviousSibling();
for (Element* parent = maybeLastListItem->GetParentElement(); parent;
parent = parent->GetParentElement()) {
maybeLastListItem = nullptr;
if (parent == &aListElement) {
return nullptr;
if (parent->GetPreviousSibling()) {
maybeLastListItem = parent->GetPreviousSibling();
return nullptr;
* GetMostDistantAncestorInlineElement() returns the most distant ancestor
* inline element between aContent and the aEditingHost. Even if aEditingHost
* is an inline element, this method never returns aEditingHost as the result.
static nsIContent* GetMostDistantAncestorInlineElement(
const nsIContent& aContent, const Element* aEditingHost = nullptr) {
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsBlockElement(aContent)) {
return nullptr;
// If aNode is the editing host itself, there is no modifiable inline
// parent.
if (&aContent == aEditingHost) {
return nullptr;
// If aNode is outside of the <body> element, we don't support to edit
// such elements for now.
// XXX This should be MOZ_ASSERT after fixing bug 1413131 for avoiding
// calling this expensive method.
if (aEditingHost && !aContent.IsInclusiveDescendantOf(aEditingHost)) {
return nullptr;
if (!aContent.GetParent()) {
return const_cast<nsIContent*>(&aContent);
// Looks for the highest inline parent in the editing host.
nsIContent* topMostInlineContent = const_cast<nsIContent*>(&aContent);
for (nsIContent* content : aContent.AncestorsOfType<nsIContent>()) {
if (content == aEditingHost ||
!HTMLEditUtils::IsInlineElement(*content)) {
topMostInlineContent = content;
return topMostInlineContent;
* GetMostDistantAnscestorEditableEmptyInlineElement() returns most distant
* ancestor which only has aEmptyContent or its ancestor, editable and
* inline element.
static Element* GetMostDistantAnscestorEditableEmptyInlineElement(
const nsIContent& aEmptyContent, const Element* aEditingHost = nullptr) {
nsIContent* lastEmptyContent = const_cast<nsIContent*>(&aEmptyContent);
for (Element* element = aEmptyContent.GetParentElement();
element && element != aEditingHost &&
HTMLEditUtils::IsInlineElement(*element) &&
element = element->GetParentElement()) {
if (element->GetChildCount() > 1) {
for (const nsIContent* child = element->GetFirstChild(); child;
child = child->GetNextSibling()) {
if (child == lastEmptyContent || child->IsComment()) {
return lastEmptyContent != &aEmptyContent
? lastEmptyContent->AsElement()
: nullptr;
lastEmptyContent = element;
return lastEmptyContent != &aEmptyContent ? lastEmptyContent->AsElement()
: nullptr;
* GetElementIfOnlyOneSelected() returns an element if aRange selects only
* the element node (and its descendants).
static Element* GetElementIfOnlyOneSelected(const AbstractRange& aRange) {
return GetElementIfOnlyOneSelected(EditorRawDOMRange(aRange));
template <typename EditorDOMPointType>
static Element* GetElementIfOnlyOneSelected(
const EditorDOMRangeBase<EditorDOMPointType>& aRange) {
if (!aRange.IsPositioned() || aRange.Collapsed()) {
return nullptr;
const auto& start = aRange.StartRef();
const auto& end = aRange.EndRef();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!start.IsSetAndValid()) ||
NS_WARN_IF(!end.IsSetAndValid()) ||
start.GetContainer() != end.GetContainer()) {
return nullptr;
nsIContent* childAtStart = start.GetChild();
if (!childAtStart || !childAtStart->IsElement()) {
return nullptr;
// If start child is not the last sibling and only if end child is its
// next sibling, the start child is selected.
if (childAtStart->GetNextSibling()) {
return childAtStart->GetNextSibling() == end.GetChild()
? childAtStart->AsElement()
: nullptr;
// If start child is the last sibling and only if no child at the end,
// the start child is selected.
return !end.GetChild() ? childAtStart->AsElement() : nullptr;
static Element* GetTableCellElementIfOnlyOneSelected(
const AbstractRange& aRange) {
Element* element = HTMLEditUtils::GetElementIfOnlyOneSelected(aRange);
return element && HTMLEditUtils::IsTableCell(element) ? element : nullptr;
* GetFirstSelectedTableCellElement() returns a table cell element (i.e.,
* `<td>` or `<th>` if and only if first selection range selects only a
* table cell element.
static Element* GetFirstSelectedTableCellElement(
const Selection& aSelection) {
if (!aSelection.RangeCount()) {
return nullptr;
const nsRange* firstRange = aSelection.GetRangeAt(0);
if (NS_WARN_IF(!firstRange) || NS_WARN_IF(!firstRange->IsPositioned())) {
return nullptr;
return GetTableCellElementIfOnlyOneSelected(*firstRange);
* GetInclusiveFirstChildWhichHasOneChild() returns the deepest element whose
* tag name is one of `aFirstElementName` and `aOtherElementNames...` if and
* only if the elements have only one child node. In other words, when
* this method meets an element which does not matches any of the tag name
* or it has no children or 2+ children.
* XXX This method must be implemented without treating edge cases. So, the
* behavior is odd. E.g., why can we ignore non-editable node at counting
* each children? Why do we dig non-editable aNode or first child of its
* descendants?
template <typename FirstElementName, typename... OtherElementNames>
static Element* GetInclusiveDeepestFirstChildWhichHasOneChild(
const nsINode& aNode, const WalkTreeOptions& aOptions,
FirstElementName aFirstElementName,
OtherElementNames... aOtherElementNames) {
if (!aNode.IsElement()) {
return nullptr;
Element* parentElement = nullptr;
for (nsIContent* content = const_cast<nsIContent*>(aNode.AsContent());
content && content->IsElement() &&
content->IsAnyOfHTMLElements(aFirstElementName, aOtherElementNames...);
// XXX Why do we scan only the first child of every element? If it's
// not editable, why do we ignore it when aOptions specifies so.
content = content->GetFirstChild()) {
if (HTMLEditUtils::CountChildren(*content, aOptions) != 1) {
return content->AsElement();
parentElement = content->AsElement();
return parentElement;
* IsInTableCellSelectionMode() returns true when Gecko's editor thinks that
* selection is in a table cell selection mode.
* Note that Gecko's editor traditionally treats selection as in table cell
* selection mode when first range selects a table cell element. I.e., even
* if `nsFrameSelection` is not in table cell selection mode, this may return
* true.
static bool IsInTableCellSelectionMode(const Selection& aSelection) {
return GetFirstSelectedTableCellElement(aSelection) != nullptr;
static EditAction GetEditActionForInsert(const nsAtom& aTagName);
static EditAction GetEditActionForRemoveList(const nsAtom& aTagName);
static EditAction GetEditActionForInsert(const Element& aElement);
static EditAction GetEditActionForFormatText(const nsAtom& aProperty,
const nsAtom* aAttribute,
bool aToSetStyle);
static EditAction GetEditActionForAlignment(const nsAString& aAlignType);
* GetPreviousNonCollapsibleCharOffset() returns offset of previous
* character which is not collapsible white-space characters.
enum class WalkTextOption {
using WalkTextOptions = EnumSet<WalkTextOption>;
static Maybe<uint32_t> GetPreviousNonCollapsibleCharOffset(
const EditorDOMPointInText& aPoint,
const WalkTextOptions& aWalkTextOptions = {}) {
return GetPreviousNonCollapsibleCharOffset(
*aPoint.ContainerAsText(), aPoint.Offset(), aWalkTextOptions);
static Maybe<uint32_t> GetPreviousNonCollapsibleCharOffset(
const Text& aTextNode, uint32_t aOffset,
const WalkTextOptions& aWalkTextOptions = {}) {
const bool isWhiteSpaceCollapsible =
const bool isNewLineCollapsible =
const bool isNBSPCollapsible =
isWhiteSpaceCollapsible &&
const nsTextFragment& textFragment = aTextNode.TextFragment();
MOZ_ASSERT(aOffset <= textFragment.GetLength());
for (uint32_t i = aOffset; i; i--) {
// TODO: Perhaps, nsTextFragment should have scanner methods because
// the text may be in per-one-byte storage or per-two-byte storage,
// and `CharAt` needs to check it everytime.
switch (textFragment.CharAt(i - 1)) {
case HTMLEditUtils::kSpace:
case HTMLEditUtils::kCarriageReturn:
case HTMLEditUtils::kTab:
if (!isWhiteSpaceCollapsible) {
return Some(i - 1);
case HTMLEditUtils::kNewLine:
if (!isNewLineCollapsible) {
return Some(i - 1);
case HTMLEditUtils::kNBSP:
if (!isNBSPCollapsible) {
return Some(i - 1);
MOZ_ASSERT(!nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(textFragment.CharAt(i - 1)));
return Some(i - 1);
return Nothing();
* GetNextNonCollapsibleCharOffset() returns offset of next character which is
* not collapsible white-space characters.
static Maybe<uint32_t> GetNextNonCollapsibleCharOffset(
const EditorDOMPointInText& aPoint,
const WalkTextOptions& aWalkTextOptions = {}) {
return GetNextNonCollapsibleCharOffset(*aPoint.ContainerAsText(),
aPoint.Offset(), aWalkTextOptions);
static Maybe<uint32_t> GetNextNonCollapsibleCharOffset(
const Text& aTextNode, uint32_t aOffset,
const WalkTextOptions& aWalkTextOptions = {}) {
return GetInclusiveNextNonCollapsibleCharOffset(aTextNode, aOffset + 1,
* GetInclusiveNextNonCollapsibleCharOffset() returns offset of inclusive next
* character which is not collapsible white-space characters.
static Maybe<uint32_t> GetInclusiveNextNonCollapsibleCharOffset(
const EditorDOMPointInText& aPoint,
const WalkTextOptions& aWalkTextOptions = {}) {
return GetInclusiveNextNonCollapsibleCharOffset(
*aPoint.ContainerAsText(), aPoint.Offset(), aWalkTextOptions);
static Maybe<uint32_t> GetInclusiveNextNonCollapsibleCharOffset(
const Text& aTextNode, uint32_t aOffset,
const WalkTextOptions& aWalkTextOptions = {}) {
const bool isWhiteSpaceCollapsible =
const bool isNewLineCollapsible =
const bool isNBSPCollapsible =
isWhiteSpaceCollapsible &&
const nsTextFragment& textFragment = aTextNode.TextFragment();
MOZ_ASSERT(aOffset <= textFragment.GetLength());
for (uint32_t i = aOffset; i < textFragment.GetLength(); i++) {
// TODO: Perhaps, nsTextFragment should have scanner methods because
// the text may be in per-one-byte storage or per-two-byte storage,
// and `CharAt` needs to check it everytime.
switch (textFragment.CharAt(i)) {
case HTMLEditUtils::kSpace:
case HTMLEditUtils::kCarriageReturn:
case HTMLEditUtils::kTab:
if (!isWhiteSpaceCollapsible) {
return Some(i);
case HTMLEditUtils::kNewLine:
if (!isNewLineCollapsible) {
return Some(i);
case HTMLEditUtils::kNBSP:
if (!isNBSPCollapsible) {
return Some(i);
return Some(i);
return Nothing();
* GetFirstWhiteSpaceOffsetCollapsedWith() returns first collapsible
* white-space offset which is collapsed with a white-space at the given
* position. I.e., the character at the position must be a collapsible
* white-space.
static uint32_t GetFirstWhiteSpaceOffsetCollapsedWith(
const EditorDOMPointInText& aPoint,
const WalkTextOptions& aWalkTextOptions = {}) {
return GetFirstWhiteSpaceOffsetCollapsedWith(
*aPoint.ContainerAsText(), aPoint.Offset(), aWalkTextOptions);
static uint32_t GetFirstWhiteSpaceOffsetCollapsedWith(
const Text& aTextNode, uint32_t aOffset,
const WalkTextOptions& aWalkTextOptions = {}) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aOffset < aTextNode.TextLength());
EditorRawDOMPoint(&aTextNode, aOffset)
EditorRawDOMPoint(&aTextNode, aOffset).IsCharCollapsibleASCIISpace());
if (!aOffset) {
return 0;
Maybe<uint32_t> previousVisibleCharOffset =
GetPreviousNonCollapsibleCharOffset(aTextNode, aOffset,
return previousVisibleCharOffset.isSome()
? previousVisibleCharOffset.value() + 1
: 0;
* GetPreviousPreformattedNewLineInTextNode() returns a point which points
* previous preformatted linefeed if there is and aPoint is in a text node.
* If the node's linefeed characters are not preformatted or aPoint is not
* in a text node, this returns unset DOM point.
template <typename EditorDOMPointType, typename ArgEditorDOMPointType>
static EditorDOMPointType GetPreviousPreformattedNewLineInTextNode(
const ArgEditorDOMPointType& aPoint) {
if (!aPoint.IsInTextNode() || aPoint.IsStartOfContainer() ||
!EditorUtils::IsNewLinePreformatted(*aPoint.ContainerAsText())) {
return EditorDOMPointType();
Text* textNode = aPoint.ContainerAsText();
const nsTextFragment& textFragment = textNode->TextFragment();
MOZ_ASSERT(aPoint.Offset() <= textFragment.GetLength());
for (uint32_t offset = aPoint.Offset(); offset; --offset) {
if (textFragment.CharAt(offset - 1) == HTMLEditUtils::kNewLine) {
return EditorDOMPointType(textNode, offset - 1);
return EditorDOMPointType();
* GetInclusiveNextPreformattedNewLineInTextNode() returns a point which
* points inclusive next preformatted linefeed if there is and aPoint is in a
* text node. If the node's linefeed characters are not preformatted or aPoint
* is not in a text node, this returns unset DOM point.
template <typename EditorDOMPointType, typename ArgEditorDOMPointType>
static EditorDOMPointType GetInclusiveNextPreformattedNewLineInTextNode(
const ArgEditorDOMPointType& aPoint) {
if (!aPoint.IsInTextNode() || aPoint.IsEndOfContainer() ||
!EditorUtils::IsNewLinePreformatted(*aPoint.ContainerAsText())) {
return EditorDOMPointType();
Text* textNode = aPoint.ContainerAsText();
const nsTextFragment& textFragment = textNode->TextFragment();
for (uint32_t offset = aPoint.Offset(); offset < textFragment.GetLength();
++offset) {
if (textFragment.CharAt(offset) == HTMLEditUtils::kNewLine) {
return EditorDOMPointType(textNode, offset);
return EditorDOMPointType();
* GetGoodCaretPointFor() returns a good point to collapse `Selection`
* after handling edit action with aDirectionAndAmount.
* @param aContent The content where you want to put caret
* around.
* @param aDirectionAndAmount Muse be one of eNext, eNextWord, eToEndOfLine,
* ePrevious, ePreviousWord and eToBeggingOfLine.
* Set the direction of handled edit action.
template <typename EditorDOMPointType>
static EditorDOMPointType GetGoodCaretPointFor(
nsIContent& aContent, nsIEditor::EDirection aDirectionAndAmount) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aDirectionAndAmount == nsIEditor::eNext ||
aDirectionAndAmount == nsIEditor::eNextWord ||
aDirectionAndAmount == nsIEditor::ePrevious ||
aDirectionAndAmount == nsIEditor::ePreviousWord ||
aDirectionAndAmount == nsIEditor::eToBeginningOfLine ||
aDirectionAndAmount == nsIEditor::eToEndOfLine);
const bool goingForward = (aDirectionAndAmount == nsIEditor::eNext ||
aDirectionAndAmount == nsIEditor::eNextWord ||
aDirectionAndAmount == nsIEditor::eToEndOfLine);
// XXX Why don't we check whether the candidate position is enable or not?
// When the result is not editable point, caret will be enclosed in
// the non-editable content.
// If we can put caret in aContent, return start or end in it.
if (aContent.IsText() || HTMLEditUtils::IsContainerNode(aContent) ||
NS_WARN_IF(!aContent.GetParentNode())) {
return EditorDOMPointType(&aContent,
goingForward ? 0 : aContent.Length());
// If we are going forward, put caret at aContent itself.
if (goingForward) {
return EditorDOMPointType(&aContent);
// If we are going backward, put caret to next node unless aContent is an
// invisible `<br>` element.
// XXX Shouldn't we put caret to first leaf of the next node?
if (!HTMLEditUtils::IsInvisibleBRElement(aContent)) {
EditorDOMPointType ret(EditorDOMPointType::After(aContent));
NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(ret.IsSet(), "Failed to set after aContent");
return ret;
// Otherwise, we should put caret at the invisible `<br>` element.
return EditorDOMPointType(&aContent);
* GetBetterInsertionPointFor() returns better insertion point to insert
* aContentToInsert.
* @param aContentToInsert The content to insert.
* @param aPointToInsert A candidate point to insert the node.
* @param aEditingHost The editing host containing aPointToInsert.
* @return Better insertion point if next visible node
* is a <br> element and previous visible node
* is neither none, another <br> element nor
* different block level element.
template <typename EditorDOMPointType, typename EditorDOMPointTypeInput>
static EditorDOMPointType GetBetterInsertionPointFor(
const nsIContent& aContentToInsert,
const EditorDOMPointTypeInput& aPointToInsert,
const Element& aEditingHost);
* Content-based query returns true if <aProperty aAttribute=aValue> effects
* aNode. If <aProperty aAttribute=aValue> contains aNode, but
* <aProperty aAttribute=SomeOtherValue> also contains aNode and the second is
* more deeply nested than the first, then the first does not effect aNode.
* @param aNode The target of the query
* @param aProperty The property that we are querying for
* @param aAttribute The attribute of aProperty, example: color in
* <FONT color="blue"> May be null.
* @param aValue The value of aAttribute, example: blue in
* <FONT color="blue"> May be null. Ignored if aAttribute
* is null.
* @param aOutValue [OUT] the value of the attribute, if aIsSet is true
* @return true if <aProperty aAttribute=aValue> effects
* aNode.
* The nsIContent variant returns aIsSet instead of using an out parameter.
static bool IsInlineStyleSetByElement(const nsIContent& aContent,
const nsAtom& aProperty,
const nsAtom* aAttribute,
const nsAString* aValue,
nsAString* aOutValue = nullptr) {
for (Element* element : aContent.InclusiveAncestorsOfType<Element>()) {
if (&aProperty != element->NodeInfo()->NameAtom()) {
if (!aAttribute) {
return true;
nsAutoString value;
element->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, aAttribute, value);
if (aOutValue) {
*aOutValue = value;
if (!value.IsEmpty()) {
if (!aValue) {
return true;
if (aValue->Equals(value, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator)) {
return true;
// We found the prop with the attribute, but the value doesn't match.
return false;
return false;
static bool CanNodeContain(nsHTMLTag aParentTagId, nsHTMLTag aChildTagId);
static bool IsContainerNode(nsHTMLTag aTagId);
static bool CanCrossContentBoundary(nsIContent& aContent,
TableBoundary aHowToTreatTableBoundary) {
const bool cannotCrossBoundary =
(aHowToTreatTableBoundary == TableBoundary::NoCrossAnyTableElement &&
HTMLEditUtils::IsAnyTableElement(&aContent)) ||
(aHowToTreatTableBoundary == TableBoundary::NoCrossTableElement &&
return !cannotCrossBoundary;
static bool IsContentIgnored(const nsIContent& aContent,
const WalkTreeOptions& aOptions) {
if (aOptions.contains(WalkTreeOption::IgnoreNonEditableNode) &&
EditorUtils::EditorType::HTML)) {
return true;
if (aOptions.contains(WalkTreeOption::IgnoreDataNodeExceptText) &&
!EditorUtils::IsElementOrText(aContent)) {
return true;
if (aOptions.contains(WalkTreeOption::IgnoreWhiteSpaceOnlyText) &&
aContent.IsText() &&
const_cast<Text*>(aContent.AsText())->TextIsOnlyWhitespace()) {
return true;
return false;
static uint32_t CountChildren(const nsINode& aNode,
const WalkTreeOptions& aOptions) {
uint32_t count = 0;
for (nsIContent* child = aNode.GetFirstChild(); child;
child = child->GetNextSibling()) {
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsContentIgnored(*child, aOptions)) {
if (aOptions.contains(WalkTreeOption::StopAtBlockBoundary) &&
HTMLEditUtils::IsBlockElement(*child)) {
return count;
* Helper for GetPreviousContent() and GetNextContent().
static nsIContent* GetAdjacentLeafContent(
const nsINode& aNode, WalkTreeDirection aWalkTreeDirection,
const WalkTreeOptions& aOptions,
const Element* aAncestorLimiter = nullptr);
static nsIContent* GetAdjacentContent(
const nsINode& aNode, WalkTreeDirection aWalkTreeDirection,
const WalkTreeOptions& aOptions,
const Element* aAncestorLimiter = nullptr);
* GetElementOfImmediateBlockBoundary() returns a block element if its
* block boundary and aContent may be first visible thing before/after the
* boundary. And it may return a <br> element only when aContent is a
* text node and follows a <br> element because only in this case, the
* start white-spaces are invisible. So the <br> element works same as
* a block boundary.
static Element* GetElementOfImmediateBlockBoundary(
const nsIContent& aContent, const WalkTreeDirection aDirection);
* DefinitionListItemScanner() scans given `<dl>` element's children.
* Then, you can check whether `<dt>` and/or `<dd>` elements are in it.
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS DefinitionListItemScanner final {
using Element = dom::Element;
DefinitionListItemScanner() = delete;
explicit DefinitionListItemScanner(Element& aDLElement) {
for (nsIContent* child = aDLElement.GetFirstChild(); child;
child = child->GetNextSibling()) {
if (child->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::dt)) {
mDTFound = true;
if (mDDFound) {
if (child->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::dd)) {
mDDFound = true;
if (mDTFound) {
bool DTElementFound() const { return mDTFound; }
bool DDElementFound() const { return mDDFound; }
bool mDTFound = false;
bool mDDFound = false;
* SelectedTableCellScanner() scans all table cell elements which are selected
* by each selection range. Note that if 2nd or later ranges do not select
* only one table cell element, the ranges are just ignored.
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS SelectedTableCellScanner final {
using Element = dom::Element;
using Selection = dom::Selection;
SelectedTableCellScanner() = delete;
explicit SelectedTableCellScanner(const Selection& aSelection) {
Element* firstSelectedCellElement =
if (!firstSelectedCellElement) {
return; // We're not in table cell selection mode.
const uint32_t rangeCount = aSelection.RangeCount();
for (const uint32_t i : IntegerRange(1u, rangeCount)) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aSelection.RangeCount() == rangeCount);
nsRange* range = aSelection.GetRangeAt(i);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(NS_WARN_IF(!range)) ||
MOZ_UNLIKELY(NS_WARN_IF(!range->IsPositioned()))) {
continue; // Shouldn't occur in normal conditions.
// Just ignore selection ranges which do not select only one table
// cell element. This is possible case if web apps sets multiple
// selections and first range selects a table cell element.
if (Element* selectedCellElement =
HTMLEditUtils::GetTableCellElementIfOnlyOneSelected(*range)) {
explicit SelectedTableCellScanner(const AutoRangeArray& aRanges) {
if (aRanges.Ranges().IsEmpty()) {
Element* firstSelectedCellElement =
if (!firstSelectedCellElement) {
return; // We're not in table cell selection mode.
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < aRanges.Ranges().Length(); i++) {
nsRange* range = aRanges.Ranges()[i];
if (NS_WARN_IF(!range) || NS_WARN_IF(!range->IsPositioned())) {
continue; // Shouldn't occur in normal conditions.
// Just ignore selection ranges which do not select only one table
// cell element. This is possible case if web apps sets multiple
// selections and first range selects a table cell element.
if (Element* selectedCellElement =
HTMLEditUtils::GetTableCellElementIfOnlyOneSelected(*range)) {
bool IsInTableCellSelectionMode() const {
return !mSelectedCellElements.IsEmpty();
const nsTArray<OwningNonNull<Element>>& ElementsRef() const {
return mSelectedCellElements;
* GetFirstElement() and GetNextElement() are stateful iterator methods.
* This is useful to port legacy code which used old `nsITableEditor` API.
Element* GetFirstElement() const {
mIndex = 0;
return !mSelectedCellElements.IsEmpty() ? mSelectedCellElements[0].get()
: nullptr;
Element* GetNextElement() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(mIndex < mSelectedCellElements.Length());
return ++mIndex < mSelectedCellElements.Length()
? mSelectedCellElements[mIndex].get()
: nullptr;
AutoTArray<OwningNonNull<Element>, 16> mSelectedCellElements;
mutable size_t mIndex = 0;
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // #ifndef mozilla_HTMLEditUtils_h