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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
//! A partial implementation of CORS
//! For now this library is XHR-specific.
//! For stuff involving `<img>`, `<iframe>`, `<form>`, etc please check what
//! the request mode should be and compare with the fetch spec
//! This library will eventually become the core of the Fetch crate
//! with CORSRequest being expanded into FetchRequest (etc)
use hyper::client::Request;
use hyper::header::{AccessControlAllowHeaders, AccessControlRequestHeaders};
use hyper::header::{AccessControlAllowMethods, AccessControlRequestMethod};
use hyper::header::{AccessControlAllowOrigin, AccessControlMaxAge};
use hyper::header::{ContentType, Host};
use hyper::header::{HeaderView, Headers};
use hyper::method::Method;
use hyper::mime::{Mime, SubLevel, TopLevel};
use hyper::status::StatusClass::Success;
use net_traits::{AsyncResponseListener, Metadata, ResponseAction};
use network_listener::{NetworkListener, PreInvoke};
use script_task::ScriptChan;
use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
use std::borrow::ToOwned;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use time::{self, Timespec, now};
use unicase::UniCase;
use url::{SchemeData, Url};
use util::mem::HeapSizeOf;
use util::task::spawn_named;
/// Interface for network listeners concerned with CORS checks. Proper network requests
/// should be initiated from this method, based on the response provided.
pub trait AsyncCORSResponseListener {
fn response_available(&self, response: CORSResponse);
#[derive(Clone, HeapSizeOf)]
pub struct CORSRequest {
pub origin: Url,
pub destination: Url,
pub mode: RequestMode,
pub method: Method,
#[ignore_heap_size_of = "Defined in hyper"]
pub headers: Headers,
/// CORS preflight flag (
/// Indicates that a CORS preflight request and/or cache check is to be performed
pub preflight_flag: bool
/// This only covers some of the request modes. The
/// `same-origin` and `no CORS` modes are unnecessary for XHR.
#[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone, HeapSizeOf)]
pub enum RequestMode {
ForcedPreflight // CORS-with-forced-preflight
impl CORSRequest {
/// Creates a CORS request if necessary. Will return an error when fetching is forbidden
pub fn maybe_new(referer: Url, destination: Url, mode: RequestMode,
method: Method, headers: Headers) -> Result<Option<CORSRequest>, ()> {
if referer.scheme == destination.scheme && == &&
referer.port() == destination.port() {
return Ok(None); // Not cross-origin, proceed with a normal fetch
match &*destination.scheme {
// TODO: If the request's same origin data url flag is set (which isn't the case for XHR)
// we can fetch a data URL normally. about:blank can also be fetched by XHR
"http" | "https" => {
let mut req = CORSRequest::new(referer, destination, mode, method, headers);
req.preflight_flag = !is_simple_method(&req.method) || mode == RequestMode::ForcedPreflight;
if req.headers.iter().all(|h| is_simple_header(&h)) {
req.preflight_flag = true;
_ => Err(()),
fn new(mut referer: Url, destination: Url, mode: RequestMode, method: Method,
headers: Headers) -> CORSRequest {
match referer.scheme_data {
SchemeData::Relative(ref mut data) => data.path = vec!(),
_ => {}
referer.fragment = None;
referer.query = None;
CORSRequest {
origin: referer,
destination: destination,
mode: mode,
method: method,
headers: headers,
preflight_flag: false
pub fn http_fetch_async(&self,
listener: Box<AsyncCORSResponseListener + Send>,
script_chan: Box<ScriptChan + Send>) {
struct CORSContext {
listener: Box<AsyncCORSResponseListener + Send>,
response: RefCell<Option<CORSResponse>>,
// This is shoe-horning the CORSReponse stuff into the rest of the async network
// framework right now. It would be worth redesigning http_fetch to do this properly.
impl AsyncResponseListener for CORSContext {
fn headers_available(&self, _metadata: Metadata) {
fn data_available(&self, _payload: Vec<u8>) {
fn response_complete(&self, _status: Result<(), String>) {
let response = self.response.borrow_mut().take().unwrap();
impl PreInvoke for CORSContext {}
let context = CORSContext {
listener: listener,
response: RefCell::new(None),
let listener = NetworkListener {
context: Arc::new(Mutex::new(context)),
script_chan: script_chan,
// TODO: this exists only to make preflight check non-blocking
// perhaps should be handled by the resource task?
let req = self.clone();
spawn_named("cors".to_owned(), move || {
let response = req.http_fetch();
let mut context = listener.context.lock();
let context = context.as_mut().unwrap();
*context.response.borrow_mut() = Some(response);
/// This method assumes that the CORS flag is set
/// This does not perform the full HTTP fetch, rather it handles part of the CORS filtering
/// if self.mode is ForcedPreflight, then the CORS-with-forced-preflight
/// fetch flag is set as well
pub fn http_fetch(&self) -> CORSResponse {
let response = CORSResponse::new();
// Step 2: Handle service workers (unimplemented)
// Step 3
// Substep 1: Service workers (unimplemented )
// Substep 2
let cache = &mut CORSCache(vec!()); // XXXManishearth Should come from user agent
if self.preflight_flag &&
!cache.match_method(self, &self.method) &&
!self.headers.iter().all(|h| is_simple_header(&h) && cache.match_header(self, {
if !is_simple_method(&self.method) || self.mode == RequestMode::ForcedPreflight {
return self.preflight_fetch();
// Everything after this is part of XHR::fetch()
// Expect the organization of code to improve once we have a fetch crate
fn preflight_fetch(&self) -> CORSResponse {
let error = CORSResponse::new_error();
let mut cors_response = CORSResponse::new();
let mut preflight = self.clone(); // Step 1
preflight.method = Method::Options; // Step 2
preflight.headers = Headers::new(); // Step 3
// Step 4
// Step 5 - 7
let mut header_names = vec!();
for header in self.headers.iter() {
// Step 8 unnecessary, we don't use the request body
// Step 9, 10 unnecessary, we're writing our own fetch code
// Step 11
let preflight_request = Request::new(preflight.method, preflight.destination);
let mut req = match preflight_request {
Ok(req) => req,
Err(_) => return error
let host = req.headers().get::<Host>().unwrap().clone();
*req.headers_mut() = preflight.headers.clone();
let stream = match req.start() {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(_) => return error
let response = match stream.send() {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(_) => return error
// Step 12
match response.status.class() {
Success => {}
_ => return error
cors_response.headers = response.headers.clone();
// Substeps 1-3 (parsing rules:
let methods_substep4 = [self.method.clone()];
let mut methods = match response.headers.get() {
Some(&AccessControlAllowMethods(ref v)) => &**v,
_ => return error
let headers = match response.headers.get() {
Some(&AccessControlAllowHeaders(ref h)) => h,
_ => return error
// Substep 4
if methods.is_empty() || preflight.mode == RequestMode::ForcedPreflight {
methods = &methods_substep4;
// Substep 5
if !is_simple_method(&self.method) &&
!methods.iter().any(|m| m == &self.method) {
return error;
// Substep 6
for h in self.headers.iter() {
if is_simple_header(&h) {
if !headers.iter().any(|ref h2| {
return error;
// Substep 7, 8
let max_age = match response.headers.get() {
Some(&AccessControlMaxAge(num)) => num,
None => 0
// Substep 9: Impose restrictions on max-age, if any (unimplemented)
// Substeps 10-12: Add a cache (partially implemented, XXXManishearth)
// This cache should come from the user agent, creating a new one here to check
// for compile time errors
let cache = &mut CORSCache(vec!());
for m in methods {
let cache_match = cache.match_method_and_update(self, m, max_age);
if !cache_match {
cache.insert(CORSCacheEntry::new(self.origin.clone(), self.destination.clone(),
max_age, false, HeaderOrMethod::MethodData(m.clone())));
for h in response.headers.iter() {
let cache_match = cache.match_header_and_update(self,, max_age);
if !cache_match {
cache.insert(CORSCacheEntry::new(self.origin.clone(), self.destination.clone(),
max_age, false, HeaderOrMethod::HeaderData(h.to_string())));
pub struct CORSResponse {
pub network_error: bool,
pub headers: Headers
impl CORSResponse {
fn new() -> CORSResponse {
CORSResponse {
network_error: false,
headers: Headers::new()
fn new_error() -> CORSResponse {
CORSResponse {
network_error: true,
headers: Headers::new()
// CORS Cache stuff
/// A CORS cache object. Anchor it somewhere to the user agent.
pub struct CORSCache(Vec<CORSCacheEntry>);
/// Union type for CORS cache entries
/// Each entry might pertain to a header or method
pub enum HeaderOrMethod {
impl HeaderOrMethod {
fn match_header(&self, header_name: &str) -> bool {
match *self {
HeaderOrMethod::HeaderData(ref s) => s.eq_ignore_ascii_case(header_name),
_ => false
fn match_method(&self, method: &Method) -> bool {
match *self {
HeaderOrMethod::MethodData(ref m) => m == method,
_ => false
// An entry in the CORS cache
pub struct CORSCacheEntry {
pub origin: Url,
pub url: Url,
pub max_age: u32,
pub credentials: bool,
pub header_or_method: HeaderOrMethod,
created: Timespec
impl CORSCacheEntry {
fn new(origin: Url,
url: Url,
max_age: u32,
credentials: bool,
header_or_method: HeaderOrMethod) -> CORSCacheEntry {
CORSCacheEntry {
origin: origin,
url: url,
max_age: max_age,
credentials: credentials,
header_or_method: header_or_method,
created: time::now().to_timespec()
impl CORSCache {
fn clear(&mut self, request: &CORSRequest) {
let CORSCache(buf) = self.clone();
let new_buf: Vec<CORSCacheEntry> =
.filter(|e| e.origin == request.origin && request.destination == e.url)
*self = CORSCache(new_buf);
// Remove old entries
fn cleanup(&mut self) {
let CORSCache(buf) = self.clone();
let now = time::now().to_timespec();
let new_buf: Vec<CORSCacheEntry> = buf.into_iter()
.filter(|e| now.sec > e.created.sec + e.max_age as i64)
*self = CORSCache(new_buf);
fn find_entry_by_header<'a>(&'a mut self,
request: &CORSRequest,
header_name: &str) -> Option<&'a mut CORSCacheEntry> {
let CORSCache(ref mut buf) = *self;
// Credentials are not yet implemented here
let entry = buf.iter_mut().find(|e| e.origin.scheme == request.origin.scheme && == &&
e.origin.port() == request.origin.port() &&
e.url == request.destination &&
fn match_header(&mut self, request: &CORSRequest, header_name: &str) -> bool {
self.find_entry_by_header(request, header_name).is_some()
fn match_header_and_update(&mut self, request: &CORSRequest, header_name: &str, new_max_age: u32) -> bool {
self.find_entry_by_header(request, header_name).map(|e| e.max_age = new_max_age).is_some()
fn find_entry_by_method<'a>(&'a mut self,
request: &CORSRequest,
method: &Method) -> Option<&'a mut CORSCacheEntry> {
// we can take the method from CORSRequest itself
let CORSCache(ref mut buf) = *self;
// Credentials are not yet implemented here
let entry = buf.iter_mut().find(|e| e.origin.scheme == request.origin.scheme && == &&
e.origin.port() == request.origin.port() &&
e.url == request.destination &&
fn match_method(&mut self, request: &CORSRequest, method: &Method) -> bool {
self.find_entry_by_method(request, method).is_some()
fn match_method_and_update(&mut self, request: &CORSRequest, method: &Method, new_max_age: u32) -> bool {
self.find_entry_by_method(request, method).map(|e| e.max_age = new_max_age).is_some()
fn insert(&mut self, entry: CORSCacheEntry) {
let CORSCache(ref mut buf) = *self;
fn is_simple_header(h: &HeaderView) -> bool {
//FIXME: use<HeaderType>() when AcceptLanguage and
//ContentLanguage headers exist
match &* {
"accept" | "accept-language" | "content-language" => true,
"content-type" => match h.value() {
Some(&ContentType(Mime(TopLevel::Text, SubLevel::Plain, _))) |
Some(&ContentType(Mime(TopLevel::Application, SubLevel::WwwFormUrlEncoded, _))) |
Some(&ContentType(Mime(TopLevel::Multipart, SubLevel::FormData, _))) => true,
_ => false
_ => false
fn is_simple_method(m: &Method) -> bool {
match *m {
Method::Get | Method::Head | Method::Post => true,
_ => false
/// Perform a CORS check on a header list and CORS request
pub fn allow_cross_origin_request(req: &CORSRequest, headers: &Headers) -> bool {
match headers.get::<AccessControlAllowOrigin>() {
Some(&AccessControlAllowOrigin::Any) => true, // Not always true, depends on credentials mode
Some(&AccessControlAllowOrigin::Value(ref url)) => req.origin.serialize() == *url,
Some(&AccessControlAllowOrigin::Null) |
None => false