
279 строки
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#! /usr/local/bin/perl
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Table of tag names; it doesn't have to be sorted because code
# below will do it. However, for the sake of ease of additions, keep
# it sorted so that its easy to tell where to add a new tag and that
# the tag hasn't already been added.
$i = 0;
$tags[$i++] = "action";
$tags[$i++] = "attach";
$tags[$i++] = "attendee";
$tags[$i++] = "begin";
$tags[$i++] = "calscale";
$tags[$i++] = "categories";
$tags[$i++] = "class";
$tags[$i++] = "comment";
$tags[$i++] = "completed";
$tags[$i++] = "contact";
$tags[$i++] = "created";
$tags[$i++] = "daylight";
$tags[$i++] = "description";
$tags[$i++] = "dtend";
$tags[$i++] = "dtstart";
$tags[$i++] = "dtstamp";
$tags[$i++] = "due";
$tags[$i++] = "duration";
$tags[$i++] = "end";
$tags[$i++] = "exdate";
$tags[$i++] = "exrule";
$tags[$i++] = "freebusy";
$tags[$i++] = "geo";
$tags[$i++] = "last_modified";
$tags[$i++] = "location";
$tags[$i++] = "method";
$tags[$i++] = "organizer";
$tags[$i++] = "percent_complete";
$tags[$i++] = "priority";
$tags[$i++] = "prodid";
$tags[$i++] = "rdate";
$tags[$i++] = "rrule";
$tags[$i++] = "recurrence_id";
$tags[$i++] = "related_to";
$tags[$i++] = "repeat";
$tags[$i++] = "request_status";
$tags[$i++] = "resources";
$tags[$i++] = "sequence";
$tags[$i++] = "standard";
$tags[$i++] = "status";
$tags[$i++] = "summary";
$tags[$i++] = "transp";
$tags[$i++] = "trigger";
$tags[$i++] = "tzid";
$tags[$i++] = "tzname";
$tags[$i++] = "tzoffsetfrom";
$tags[$i++] = "tzoffsetto";
$tags[$i++] = "tzurl";
$tags[$i++] = "uid";
$tags[$i++] = "url";
$tags[$i++] = "valarm";
$tags[$i++] = "vcalendar";
$tags[$i++] = "version";
$tags[$i++] = "vevent";
$tags[$i++] = "vfreebusy";
$tags[$i++] = "vjournal";
$tags[$i++] = "vtimezone";
$tags[$i++] = "vtodo";
# These are not tags; rather they are extra values to place into the
# tag enumeration after the normal tags. These do not need to be sorted
# and they do not go into the tag table, just into the tag enumeration.
$extra = 0;
$extra_tags[$extra++] = "text";
$extra_tags[$extra++] = "whitespace";
$extra_tags[$extra++] = "newline";
$extra_tags[$extra++] = "entity";
$extra_tags[$extra++] = "userdefined";
# Sort the tag table before using it
@tags = sort @tags;
$copyright = "/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.0 (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
* the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
* Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998
* Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
/* Do not edit - generated by */
$file_base = @ARGV[0];
# Generate the header file first
open(HEADER_FILE, ">$file_base.h");
# Print out copyright and do not edit notice
print HEADER_FILE $copyright;
print HEADER_FILE "#ifndef " . $file_base . "_h___\n";
print HEADER_FILE "#define " . $file_base . "_h___\n";
print HEADER_FILE "#include \"nscalicalendarpars.h\"\n";
# Print out enum's for the tag symbols
print HEADER_FILE "enum nsCalICalendarTag {\n";
print HEADER_FILE " /* this enum must be first and must be zero */\n";
print HEADER_FILE " eCalICalendarTag_unknown=0,\n\n";
print HEADER_FILE " /* begin tag enums */\n ";
$width = 2;
print HEADER_FILE $str;
for ($j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) {
$lower = $tags[$j];
$lower =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$str = "eCalICalendarTag_" . $lower . "=" . ($j + 1);
$str = $str . ", ";
$len = length($str);
if ($width + $len > 78) {
print HEADER_FILE "\n ";
$width = 2;
print HEADER_FILE $str;
$width = $width + $len;
print HEADER_FILE "\n\n /* The remaining enums are not for tags */\n ";
# Print out extra enum's that are not in the tag table
$width = 2;
for ($k = 0; $k < $extra; $k++) {
$lower = $extra_tags[$k];
$lower =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$str = "eCalICalendarTag_" . $lower . "=" . ($j + $k + 1);
if ($k < $extra - 1) {
$str = $str . ", ";
$len = length($str);
if ($width + $len > 78) {
print HEADER_FILE "\n ";
$width = 2;
print HEADER_FILE $str;
$width = $width + $len;
print HEADER_FILE "\n};\n#define NS_CALICALENDAR_TAG_MAX " . $j . "\n\n";
print HEADER_FILE "extern NS_CALICALENDARPARS nsCalICalendarTag NS_CalICalendarTagToEnum(const char* aTag);\n";
print HEADER_FILE "extern NS_CALICALENDARPARS const char* NS_CalICalendarEnumToTag(nsCalICalendarTag aEnum);\n\n";
print HEADER_FILE "#endif /* " . $file_base . "_h___ */\n";
# Generate the source file
open(CPP_FILE, ">$file_base.cpp");
print CPP_FILE $copyright;
print CPP_FILE "#include \"nsCRT.h\"\n";
print CPP_FILE "#include \"$file_base.h\"\n\n";
# Print out table of tag names
print CPP_FILE "static char* tagTable[] = {\n ";
$width = 2;
for ($j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) {
$upper = $tags[$j];
$upper =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$upper =~ s/_/-/;
$str = "\"" . $upper . "\"";
if ($j < $i - 1) {
$str = $str . ", ";
$len = length($str);
if ($width + $len > 78) {
print CPP_FILE "\n ";
$width = 2;
print CPP_FILE $str;
$width = $width + $len;
print CPP_FILE "\n};\n";
# Finally, dump out the search routine that takes a char* and finds it
# in the table.
print CPP_FILE "
nsCalICalendarTag NS_CalICalendarTagToEnum(const char* aTag) {
int low = 0;
while (low <= high) {
int middle = (low + high) >> 1;
int result = nsCRT::strcasecmp(aTag, tagTable[middle]);
if (result == 0)
return (nsCalICalendarTag) (middle + 1);
if (result < 0)
high = middle - 1;
low = middle + 1;
return eCalICalendarTag_userdefined;
const char* NS_CalICalendarEnumToTag(nsCalICalendarTag aTagID) {
if ((int(aTagID) <= 0) || (int(aTagID) > NS_CALICALENDAR_TAG_MAX)) {
return 0;
return tagTable[int(aTagID) - 1];
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
#include <stdio.h>
class nsCalICalendarTestTagTable {
nsCalICalendarTestTagTable() {
const char *tag;
nsCalICalendarTag id;
// Make sure we can find everything we are supposed to
for (int i = 0; i < NS_CALICALENDAR_TAG_MAX; i++) {
tag = tagTable[i];
id = NS_CalICalendarTagToEnum(tag);
NS_ASSERTION(id != eCalICalendarTag_userdefined, \"can't find tag id\");
const char* check = NS_CalICalendarEnumToTag(id);
NS_ASSERTION(check == tag, \"can't map id back to tag\");
// Make sure we don't find things that aren't there
id = NS_CalICalendarTagToEnum(\"@\");
NS_ASSERTION(id == eCalICalendarTag_userdefined, \"found @\");
id = NS_CalICalendarTagToEnum(\"zzzzz\");
NS_ASSERTION(id == eCalICalendarTag_userdefined, \"found zzzzz\");
tag = NS_CalICalendarEnumToTag((nsCalICalendarTag) 0);
NS_ASSERTION(0 == tag, \"found enum 0\");
tag = NS_CalICalendarEnumToTag((nsCalICalendarTag) -1);
NS_ASSERTION(0 == tag, \"found enum -1\");
tag = NS_CalICalendarEnumToTag((nsCalICalendarTag) (NS_CALICALENDAR_TAG_MAX + 1));
NS_ASSERTION(0 == tag, \"found past max enum\");
nsCalICalendarTestTagTable validateTagTable;