
305 строки
8.7 KiB

MochiKit.Format 1.4
See <> for documentation, downloads, license, etc.
(c) 2005 Bob Ippolito. All rights Reserved.
if (typeof(dojo) != 'undefined') {
if (typeof(MochiKit) == 'undefined') {
MochiKit = {};
if (typeof(MochiKit.Format) == 'undefined') {
MochiKit.Format = {};
MochiKit.Format.NAME = "MochiKit.Format";
MochiKit.Format.VERSION = "1.4";
MochiKit.Format.__repr__ = function () {
return "[" + this.NAME + " " + this.VERSION + "]";
MochiKit.Format.toString = function () {
return this.__repr__();
MochiKit.Format._numberFormatter = function (placeholder, header, footer, locale, isPercent, precision, leadingZeros, separatorAt, trailingZeros) {
return function (num) {
num = parseFloat(num);
if (typeof(num) == "undefined" || num === null || isNaN(num)) {
return placeholder;
var curheader = header;
var curfooter = footer;
if (num < 0) {
num = -num;
} else {
curheader = curheader.replace(/-/, "");
var me = arguments.callee;
var fmt = MochiKit.Format.formatLocale(locale);
if (isPercent) {
num = num * 100.0;
curfooter = fmt.percent + curfooter;
num = MochiKit.Format.roundToFixed(num, precision);
var parts = num.split(/\./);
var whole = parts[0];
var frac = (parts.length == 1) ? "" : parts[1];
var res = "";
while (whole.length < leadingZeros) {
whole = "0" + whole;
if (separatorAt) {
while (whole.length > separatorAt) {
var i = whole.length - separatorAt;
//res = res + fmt.separator + whole.substring(i, whole.length);
res = fmt.separator + whole.substring(i, whole.length) + res;
whole = whole.substring(0, i);
res = whole + res;
if (precision > 0) {
while (frac.length < trailingZeros) {
frac = frac + "0";
res = res + fmt.decimal + frac;
return curheader + res + curfooter;
/** @id MochiKit.Format.numberFormatter */
MochiKit.Format.numberFormatter = function (pattern, placeholder/* = "" */, locale/* = "default" */) {
// | 0 | leading or trailing zeros
// | # | just the number
// | , | separator
// | . | decimal separator
// | % | Multiply by 100 and format as percent
if (typeof(placeholder) == "undefined") {
placeholder = "";
var match = pattern.match(/((?:[0#]+,)?[0#]+)(?:\.([0#]+))?(%)?/);
if (!match) {
throw TypeError("Invalid pattern");
var header = pattern.substr(0, match.index);
var footer = pattern.substr(match.index + match[0].length);
if ( == -1) {
header = header + "-";
var whole = match[1];
var frac = (typeof(match[2]) == "string" && match[2] != "") ? match[2] : "";
var isPercent = (typeof(match[3]) == "string" && match[3] != "");
var tmp = whole.split(/,/);
var separatorAt;
if (typeof(locale) == "undefined") {
locale = "default";
if (tmp.length == 1) {
separatorAt = null;
} else {
separatorAt = tmp[1].length;
var leadingZeros = whole.length - whole.replace(/0/g, "").length;
var trailingZeros = frac.length - frac.replace(/0/g, "").length;
var precision = frac.length;
var rval = MochiKit.Format._numberFormatter(
placeholder, header, footer, locale, isPercent, precision,
leadingZeros, separatorAt, trailingZeros
var m = MochiKit.Base;
if (m) {
var fn = arguments.callee;
var args = m.concat(arguments);
rval.repr = function () {
return [
map(m.repr, args).join(", "),
return rval;
/** @id MochiKit.Format.formatLocale */
MochiKit.Format.formatLocale = function (locale) {
if (typeof(locale) == "undefined" || locale === null) {
locale = "default";
if (typeof(locale) == "string") {
var rval = MochiKit.Format.LOCALE[locale];
if (typeof(rval) == "string") {
rval = arguments.callee(rval);
MochiKit.Format.LOCALE[locale] = rval;
return rval;
} else {
return locale;
/** @id MochiKit.Format.twoDigitAverage */
MochiKit.Format.twoDigitAverage = function (numerator, denominator) {
if (denominator) {
var res = numerator / denominator;
if (!isNaN(res)) {
return MochiKit.Format.twoDigitFloat(numerator / denominator);
return "0";
/** @id MochiKit.Format.twoDigitFloat */
MochiKit.Format.twoDigitFloat = function (someFloat) {
var sign = (someFloat < 0 ? '-' : '');
var s = Math.floor(Math.abs(someFloat) * 100).toString();
if (s == '0') {
return s;
if (s.length < 3) {
while (s.charAt(s.length - 1) == '0') {
s = s.substring(0, s.length - 1);
return sign + '0.' + s;
var head = sign + s.substring(0, s.length - 2);
var tail = s.substring(s.length - 2, s.length);
if (tail == '00') {
return head;
} else if (tail.charAt(1) == '0') {
return head + '.' + tail.charAt(0);
} else {
return head + '.' + tail;
/** @id MochiKit.Format.lstrip */
MochiKit.Format.lstrip = function (str, /* optional */chars) {
str = str + "";
if (typeof(str) != "string") {
return null;
if (!chars) {
return str.replace(/^\s+/, "");
} else {
return str.replace(new RegExp("^[" + chars + "]+"), "");
/** @id MochiKit.Format.rstrip */
MochiKit.Format.rstrip = function (str, /* optional */chars) {
str = str + "";
if (typeof(str) != "string") {
return null;
if (!chars) {
return str.replace(/\s+$/, "");
} else {
return str.replace(new RegExp("[" + chars + "]+$"), "");
/** @id MochiKit.Format.strip */
MochiKit.Format.strip = function (str, /* optional */chars) {
var self = MochiKit.Format;
return self.rstrip(self.lstrip(str, chars), chars);
/** @id MochiKit.Format.truncToFixed */
MochiKit.Format.truncToFixed = function (aNumber, precision) {
aNumber = Math.floor(aNumber * Math.pow(10, precision));
var res = (aNumber * Math.pow(10, -precision)).toFixed(precision);
if (res.charAt(0) == ".") {
res = "0" + res;
return res;
/** @id MochiKit.Format.roundToFixed */
MochiKit.Format.roundToFixed = function (aNumber, precision) {
return MochiKit.Format.truncToFixed(
aNumber + 0.5 * Math.pow(10, -precision),
/** @id MochiKit.Format.percentFormat */
MochiKit.Format.percentFormat = function (someFloat) {
return MochiKit.Format.twoDigitFloat(100 * someFloat) + '%';
MochiKit.Format.EXPORT = [
MochiKit.Format.LOCALE = {
en_US: {separator: ",", decimal: ".", percent: "%"},
de_DE: {separator: ".", decimal: ",", percent: "%"},
fr_FR: {separator: " ", decimal: ",", percent: "%"},
"default": "en_US"
MochiKit.Format.EXPORT_OK = [];
MochiKit.Format.EXPORT_TAGS = {
':all': MochiKit.Format.EXPORT,
':common': MochiKit.Format.EXPORT
MochiKit.Format.__new__ = function () {
// MochiKit.Base.nameFunctions(this);
var base = this.NAME + ".";
var k, v, o;
for (k in this.LOCALE) {
o = this.LOCALE[k];
if (typeof(o) == "object") {
o.repr = function () { return this.NAME; };
o.NAME = base + "LOCALE." + k;
for (k in this) {
o = this[k];
if (typeof(o) == 'function' && typeof(o.NAME) == 'undefined') {
try {
o.NAME = base + k;
} catch (e) {
// pass
if (typeof(MochiKit.Base) != "undefined") {
MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this, MochiKit.Format);
} else {
(function (globals, module) {
if ((typeof(JSAN) == 'undefined' && typeof(dojo) == 'undefined')
|| (MochiKit.__export__ === false)) {
var all = module.EXPORT_TAGS[":all"];
for (var i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
globals[all[i]] = module[all[i]];
})(this, MochiKit.Format);