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Executable File

# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Dawn Endico <>
# Terry Weissman <>
# Chris Yeh <>
package Bug;
use strict;
use RelationSet;
use vars qw($unconfirmedstate $legal_keywords @legal_platform
@legal_priority @legal_severity @legal_opsys @legal_bugs_status
@settable_resolution %components %versions %target_milestone
@enterable_products %milestoneurl %prodmaxvotes);
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use Attachment;
use Bugzilla::Config;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Flag;
use Bugzilla::FlagType;
use Bugzilla::User;
use Bugzilla::Util;
sub fields {
# Keep this ordering in sync with bugzilla.dtd
my @fields = qw(bug_id alias creation_ts short_desc delta_ts
reporter_accessible cclist_accessible
product component version rep_platform op_sys
bug_status resolution
bug_file_loc status_whiteboard keywords
priority bug_severity target_milestone
dependson blocked votes
reporter assigned_to qa_contact cc
if (Param('timetrackinggroup')) {
push @fields, qw(estimated_time remaining_time actual_time);
return @fields;
my %ok_field;
foreach my $key (qw(error groups
longdescs milestoneurl attachments
isopened isunconfirmed
flag_types num_attachment_flag_types
show_attachment_flags use_keywords any_flags_requesteeble
fields()) {
# create a new empty bug
sub new {
my $type = shift();
my %bug;
# create a ref to an empty hash and bless it
my $self = {%bug};
bless $self, $type;
# construct from a hash containing a bug's info
if ($#_ == 1) {
} else {
confess("invalid number of arguments \($#_\)($_)");
# bless as a Bug
return $self;
# dump info about bug into hash unless user doesn't have permission
# user_id 0 is used when person is not logged in.
sub initBug {
my $self = shift();
my ($bug_id, $user_id) = (@_);
$bug_id = trim($bug_id);
my $old_bug_id = $bug_id;
# If the bug ID isn't numeric, it might be an alias, so try to convert it.
$bug_id = &::BugAliasToID($bug_id) if $bug_id !~ /^[1-9][0-9]*$/;
if ((! defined $bug_id) || (!$bug_id) || (!detaint_natural($bug_id))) {
# no bug number given or the alias didn't match a bug
$self->{'bug_id'} = $old_bug_id;
$self->{'error'} = "InvalidBugId";
return $self;
# default userid 0, or get DBID if you used an email address
unless (defined $user_id) {
$user_id = 0;
else {
if ($user_id =~ /^\@/) {
$user_id = &::DBname_to_id($user_id);
$self->{'whoid'} = $user_id;
my $query = "
bugs.bug_id, alias, bugs.product_id,, version,
rep_platform, op_sys, bug_status, resolution, priority,
bug_severity, bugs.component_id,, assigned_to,
reporter, bug_file_loc, short_desc, target_milestone,
qa_contact, status_whiteboard,
DATE_FORMAT(creation_ts,'%Y.%m.%d %H:%i'),
delta_ts, sum(votes.count),
reporter_accessible, cclist_accessible,
estimated_time, remaining_time
from bugs left join votes using(bug_id),
products, components
where bugs.bug_id = $bug_id
AND = bugs.product_id
AND = bugs.component_id
group by bugs.bug_id";
my @row = ();
if ((@row = &::FetchSQLData()) && &::CanSeeBug($bug_id, $self->{'whoid'})) {
my $count = 0;
my %fields;
foreach my $field ("bug_id", "alias", "product_id", "product", "version",
"rep_platform", "op_sys", "bug_status", "resolution",
"priority", "bug_severity", "component_id", "component",
"assigned_to", "reporter", "bug_file_loc", "short_desc",
"target_milestone", "qa_contact", "status_whiteboard",
"creation_ts", "delta_ts", "votes",
"reporter_accessible", "cclist_accessible",
"estimated_time", "remaining_time")
$fields{$field} = shift @row;
if (defined $fields{$field}) {
$self->{$field} = $fields{$field};
} elsif (@row) {
$self->{'bug_id'} = $bug_id;
$self->{'error'} = "NotPermitted";
return $self;
} else {
$self->{'bug_id'} = $bug_id;
$self->{'error'} = "NotFound";
return $self;
$self->{'assigned_to'} = new Bugzilla::User($self->{'assigned_to'});
$self->{'reporter'} = new Bugzilla::User($self->{'reporter'});
if (Param('useqacontact') && $self->{'qa_contact'} > 0) {
$self->{'qa_contact'} = new Bugzilla::User($self->{'qa_contact'});
my $ccSet = new RelationSet;
$ccSet->mergeFromDB("select who from cc where bug_id=$bug_id");
my @cc = $ccSet->toArrayOfStrings();
if (@cc) {
$self->{'cc'} = \@cc;
if (@::legal_keywords) {
FROM keyworddefs, keywords
WHERE keywords.bug_id = $bug_id
AND = keywords.keywordid
my @list;
while (&::MoreSQLData()) {
push(@list, &::FetchOneColumn());
if (@list) {
$self->{'keywords'} = join(', ', @list);
$self->{'attachments'} = Attachment::query($self->{bug_id});
# The types of flags that can be set on this bug.
# If none, no UI for setting flags will be displayed.
my $flag_types =
Bugzilla::FlagType::match({ 'target_type' => 'bug',
'product_id' => $self->{'product_id'},
'component_id' => $self->{'component_id'} });
foreach my $flag_type (@$flag_types) {
$flag_type->{'flags'} =
Bugzilla::Flag::match({ 'bug_id' => $self->{bug_id},
'type_id' => $flag_type->{'id'},
'target_type' => 'bug' });
$self->{'flag_types'} = $flag_types;
$self->{'any_flags_requesteeble'} = grep($_->{'is_requesteeble'}, @$flag_types);
# The number of types of flags that can be set on attachments to this bug
# and the number of flags on those attachments. One of these counts must be
# greater than zero in order for the "flags" column to appear in the table
# of attachments.
my $num_attachment_flag_types =
Bugzilla::FlagType::count({ 'target_type' => 'attachment',
'product_id' => $self->{'product_id'},
'component_id' => $self->{'component_id'},
'is_active' => 1 });
my $num_attachment_flags =
Bugzilla::Flag::count({ 'target_type' => 'attachment',
'bug_id' => $self->{bug_id} });
= $num_attachment_flag_types || $num_attachment_flags;
$self->{'milestoneurl'} = $::milestoneurl{$self->{product}};
$self->{'isunconfirmed'} = ($self->{bug_status} eq $::unconfirmedstate);
$self->{'isopened'} = &::IsOpenedState($self->{bug_status});
my @depends = EmitDependList("blocked", "dependson", $bug_id);
if (@depends) {
$self->{'dependson'} = \@depends;
my @blocked = EmitDependList("dependson", "blocked", $bug_id);
if (@blocked) {
$self->{'blocked'} = \@blocked;
return $self;
sub actual_time {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'actual_time'} if exists $self->{'actual_time'};
if (&::UserInGroup(Param("timetrackinggroup"))) {
&::SendSQL("SELECT SUM(work_time)
FROM longdescs WHERE longdescs.bug_id=$self->{bug_id}");
$self->{'actual_time'} = &::FetchSQLData();
return $self->{'actual_time'};
sub longdescs {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'longdescs'} if exists $self->{'longdescs'};
$self->{'longdescs'} = &::GetComments($self->{bug_id});
return $self->{'longdescs'};
sub use_keywords {
return @::legal_keywords;
sub use_votes {
my ($self) = @_;
return Param('usevotes')
&& $::prodmaxvotes{$self->{product}} > 0;
sub groups {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'groups'} if exists $self->{'groups'};
my @groups;
# Some of this stuff needs to go into Bugzilla::User
# For every group, we need to know if there is ANY bug_group_map
# record putting the current bug in that group and if there is ANY
# user_group_map record putting the user in that group.
# The LEFT JOINs are checking for record existence.
&::SendSQL("SELECT DISTINCT, name, description," .
" bug_group_map.group_id IS NOT NULL," .
" user_group_map.group_id IS NOT NULL," .
" isactive, membercontrol, othercontrol" .
" FROM groups" .
" LEFT JOIN bug_group_map" .
" ON bug_group_map.group_id =" .
" AND bug_id = $self->{'bug_id'}" .
" LEFT JOIN user_group_map" .
" ON user_group_map.group_id =" .
" AND user_id = $::userid" .
" AND NOT isbless" .
" LEFT JOIN group_control_map" .
" ON group_control_map.group_id =" .
" AND group_control_map.product_id = " . $self->{'product_id'} .
" WHERE isbuggroup");
while (&::MoreSQLData()) {
my ($groupid, $name, $description, $ison, $ingroup, $isactive,
$membercontrol, $othercontrol) = &::FetchSQLData();
$membercontrol ||= 0;
# For product groups, we only want to use the group if either
# (1) The bit is set and not required, or
# (2) The group is Shown or Default for members and
# the user is a member of the group.
if ($ison ||
($isactive && $ingroup
&& (($membercontrol == CONTROLMAPDEFAULT)
|| ($membercontrol == CONTROLMAPSHOWN))
my $ismandatory = $isactive
&& ($membercontrol == CONTROLMAPMANDATORY);
push (@groups, { "bit" => $groupid,
"name" => $name,
"ison" => $ison,
"ingroup" => $ingroup,
"mandatory" => $ismandatory,
"description" => $description });
$self->{'groups'} = \@groups;
return $self->{'groups'};
sub user {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'user'} if exists $self->{'user'};
$self->{'user'} = {};
my $movers = Param("movers");
$movers =~ s/\s?,\s?/|/g;
$movers =~ s/@/\@/g;
$self->{'user'}->{'canmove'} = Param("move-enabled")
&& (defined $::COOKIE{"Bugzilla_login"})
&& ($::COOKIE{"Bugzilla_login"} =~ /$movers/);
# In the below, if the person hasn't logged in ($::userid == 0), then
# we treat them as if they can do anything. That's because we don't
# know why they haven't logged in; it may just be because they don't
# use cookies. Display everything as if they have all the permissions
# in the world; their permissions will get checked when they log in
# and actually try to make the change.
$self->{'user'}->{'canedit'} = $::userid == 0
|| $::userid == $self->{'reporter'}{'id'}
|| ($self->{'qa_contact'} && $::userid == $self->{'qa_contact'}{'id'})
|| $::userid == $self->{'assigned_to'}{'id'}
|| &::UserInGroup("editbugs");
$self->{'user'}->{'canconfirm'} = ($::userid == 0)
|| &::UserInGroup("canconfirm")
|| &::UserInGroup("editbugs");
return $self->{'user'};
sub choices {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'choices'} if exists $self->{'choices'};
$self->{'choices'} = {};
# Fiddle the product list.
my $seen_curr_prod;
my @prodlist;
foreach my $product (@::enterable_products) {
if ($product eq $self->{'product'}) {
# if it's the product the bug is already in, it's ALWAYS in
# the popup, period, whether the user can see it or not, and
# regardless of the disallownew setting.
$seen_curr_prod = 1;
push(@prodlist, $product);
if (!&::CanEnterProduct($product)) {
# If we're using bug groups to restrict entry on products, and
# this product has an entry group, and the user is not in that
# group, we don't want to include that product in this list.
push(@prodlist, $product);
# The current product is part of the popup, even if new bugs are no longer
# allowed for that product
if (!$seen_curr_prod) {
push (@prodlist, $self->{'product'});
@prodlist = sort @prodlist;
# Hack - this array contains "". See bug 106589.
my @res = grep ($_, @::settable_resolution);
$self->{'choices'} =
'product' => \@prodlist,
'rep_platform' => \@::legal_platform,
'priority' => \@::legal_priority,
'bug_severity' => \@::legal_severity,
'op_sys' => \@::legal_opsys,
'bug_status' => \@::legal_bugs_status,
'resolution' => \@res,
'component' => $::components{$self->{product}},
'version' => $::versions{$self->{product}},
'target_milestone' => $::target_milestone{$self->{product}},
return $self->{'choices'};
sub EmitDependList {
my ($myfield, $targetfield, $bug_id) = (@_);
my @list;
&::SendSQL("select dependencies.$targetfield, bugs.bug_status
from dependencies, bugs
where dependencies.$myfield = $bug_id
and bugs.bug_id = dependencies.$targetfield
order by dependencies.$targetfield");
while (&::MoreSQLData()) {
my ($i, $stat) = (&::FetchSQLData());
push @list, $i;
return @list;
use vars qw($AUTOLOAD);
my $attr = $AUTOLOAD;
$attr =~ s/.*:://;
return unless $attr=~ /[^A-Z]/;
confess ("invalid bug attribute $attr") unless $ok_field{$attr};
no strict 'refs';
*$AUTOLOAD = sub {
my $self = shift;
if (defined $self->{$attr}) {
return $self->{$attr};
} else {
return '';
goto &$AUTOLOAD;