
318 строки
22 KiB

#pragma once
// IWYU pragma: private, include "rlbox.hpp"
// IWYU pragma: friend "rlbox_.*\.hpp"
#include <cstring>
#include <type_traits>
#include "rlbox_conversion.hpp"
#include "rlbox_helpers.hpp"
#include "rlbox_types.hpp"
#include "rlbox_wrapper_traits.hpp"
namespace rlbox::detail {
template<typename T, typename T_Sbx, typename T_Enable = void>
struct convert_to_sandbox_equivalent_helper;
template<typename T, typename T_Sbx>
struct convert_to_sandbox_equivalent_helper<
using type = typename rlbox_sandbox<
T_Sbx>::template convert_to_sandbox_equivalent_nonclass_t<T>;
template<typename T, typename T_Sbx>
using convert_to_sandbox_equivalent_t =
typename convert_to_sandbox_equivalent_helper<T, T_Sbx>::type;
#define helper_create_converted_field(fieldType, fieldName, isFrozen) \
typename detail::convert_to_sandbox_equivalent_t<fieldType, T_Sbx> fieldName;
#define helper_no_op()
#define sandbox_equivalent_specialization(T, libId) \
template<typename T_Sbx> \
struct Sbx_##libId##_##T \
{ \
sandbox_fields_reflection_##libId##_class_##T( \
helper_create_converted_field, \
helper_no_op) \
}; \
/* add convert_to_sandbox_equivalent_t specialization for new struct */ \
namespace detail { \
template<typename T_Template, typename T_Sbx> \
struct convert_to_sandbox_equivalent_helper< \
T_Template, \
T_Sbx, \
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T_Template, T>>> \
{ \
using type = Sbx_##libId##_##T<T_Sbx>; \
}; \
#define helper_create_tainted_field(fieldType, fieldName, isFrozen) \
tainted<fieldType, T_Sbx> fieldName;
#define helper_create_tainted_v_field(fieldType, fieldName, isFrozen) \
tainted_volatile<fieldType, T_Sbx> fieldName;
#define helper_convert_type(fieldType, fieldName, isFrozen) \
::rlbox::detail::convert_type<T_Sbx, Direction>( \
lhs.fieldName, rhs.fieldName, example_unsandboxed_ptr);
#define tainted_data_specialization(T, libId) \
template<typename T_Sbx> \
class tainted_volatile<T, T_Sbx> \
{ \
private: \
inline Sbx_##libId##_##T<T_Sbx>& get_sandbox_value_ref() noexcept \
{ \
return *reinterpret_cast<Sbx_##libId##_##T<T_Sbx>*>(this); \
} \
inline const Sbx_##libId##_##T<T_Sbx>& get_sandbox_value_ref() const \
noexcept \
{ \
return *reinterpret_cast<const Sbx_##libId##_##T<T_Sbx>*>(this); \
} \
inline T get_raw_value() const noexcept \
{ \
T lhs; \
auto& rhs = get_sandbox_value_ref(); \
constexpr auto Direction = \
detail::adjust_type_direction::TO_APPLICATION; \
/* This is a tainted_volatile, so its address is a valid for use as */ \
/* example_unsandboxed_ptr */ \
const void* example_unsandboxed_ptr = &rhs; \
sandbox_fields_reflection_##libId##_class_##T(helper_convert_type, \
helper_no_op) \
return lhs; \
} \
/* get_raw_sandbox_value has to return a custom struct to deal with the \
* adjusted machine model, to ensure */ \
inline Sbx_##libId##_##T<T_Sbx> get_raw_sandbox_value() const noexcept \
{ \
auto ret_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const Sbx_##libId##_##T<T_Sbx>*>(this); \
return *ret_ptr; \
} \
inline std::remove_cv_t<T> get_raw_value() noexcept \
{ \
rlbox_detail_forward_to_const(get_raw_value, std::remove_cv_t<T>); \
} \
inline std::remove_cv_t<Sbx_##libId##_##T<T_Sbx>> \
get_raw_sandbox_value() noexcept \
{ \
rlbox_detail_forward_to_const( \
get_raw_sandbox_value, std::remove_cv_t<Sbx_##libId##_##T<T_Sbx>>); \
} \
tainted_volatile() = default; \
tainted_volatile(const tainted_volatile<T, T_Sbx>& p) = default; \
public: \
sandbox_fields_reflection_##libId##_class_##T( \
helper_create_tainted_v_field, \
helper_no_op) \
inline tainted<T*, T_Sbx> \
operator&() noexcept \
{ \
auto ref_cast = reinterpret_cast<T*>(&get_sandbox_value_ref()); \
auto ret = tainted<T*, T_Sbx>::internal_factory(ref_cast); \
return ret; \
} \
inline auto UNSAFE_unverified() { return get_raw_value(); } \
inline auto UNSAFE_sandboxed() { return get_raw_sandbox_value(); } \
inline auto UNSAFE_unverified() const { return get_raw_value(); } \
inline auto UNSAFE_sandboxed() const { return get_raw_sandbox_value(); } \
T copy_and_verify(std::function<T(tainted<T, T_Sbx>)> verifier) \
{ \
tainted<T, T_Sbx> val(*this); \
return verifier(val); \
} \
/* Can't define this yet due, to mutually dependent definition between \
tainted and tainted_volatile for structs */ \
inline tainted_volatile<T, T_Sbx>& operator=( \
const tainted<T, T_Sbx>&& rhs); \
}; \
template<typename T_Sbx> \
class tainted<T, T_Sbx> \
{ \
private: \
inline T& get_raw_value_ref() noexcept \
{ \
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(this); \
} \
inline const T& get_raw_value_ref() const noexcept \
{ \
return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(this); \
} \
inline T get_raw_value() const noexcept \
{ \
auto ret_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(this); \
return *ret_ptr; \
} \
/* get_raw_sandbox_value has to return a custom struct to deal with the \
* adjusted machine model, to ensure */ \
inline Sbx_##libId##_##T<T_Sbx> get_raw_sandbox_value() const noexcept \
{ \
Sbx_##libId##_##T<T_Sbx> lhs; \
auto& rhs = get_raw_value_ref(); \
constexpr auto Direction = detail::adjust_type_direction::TO_SANDBOX; \
/* Since direction is TO_SANDBOX, we don't need a */ \
/* example_unsandboxed_ptr */ \
const void* example_unsandboxed_ptr = nullptr; \
sandbox_fields_reflection_##libId##_class_##T(helper_convert_type, \
helper_no_op) \
return lhs; \
} \
inline std::remove_cv_t<T> get_raw_value() noexcept \
{ \
rlbox_detail_forward_to_const(get_raw_value, std::remove_cv_t<T>); \
} \
inline std::remove_cv_t<Sbx_##libId##_##T<T_Sbx>> \
get_raw_sandbox_value() noexcept \
{ \
rlbox_detail_forward_to_const( \
get_raw_sandbox_value, std::remove_cv_t<Sbx_##libId##_##T<T_Sbx>>); \
} \
public: \
sandbox_fields_reflection_##libId##_class_##T(helper_create_tainted_field, \
helper_no_op) \
tainted() = default; \
tainted(const tainted<T, T_Sbx>& p) = default; \
tainted(const tainted_volatile<T, T_Sbx>& p) \
{ \
auto& lhs = get_raw_value_ref(); \
auto& rhs = p.get_sandbox_value_ref(); \
constexpr auto Direction = \
detail::adjust_type_direction::TO_APPLICATION; \
/* This is a tainted_volatile, so its address is a valid for use as */ \
/* example_unsandboxed_ptr */ \
const void* example_unsandboxed_ptr = &rhs; \
sandbox_fields_reflection_##libId##_class_##T(helper_convert_type, \
helper_no_op) \
} \
inline tainted_opaque<T, T_Sbx> to_opaque() \
{ \
return *reinterpret_cast<tainted_opaque<T, T_Sbx>*>(this); \
} \
inline auto UNSAFE_unverified() { return get_raw_value(); } \
inline auto UNSAFE_sandboxed() { return get_raw_sandbox_value(); } \
inline auto UNSAFE_unverified() const { return get_raw_value(); } \
inline auto UNSAFE_sandboxed() const { return get_raw_sandbox_value(); } \
T copy_and_verify(std::function<T(tainted<T, T_Sbx>)> verifier) \
{ \
return verifier(*this); \
} \
}; \
/* Had to delay the definition due, to mutually dependence between \
tainted and tainted_volatile for structs */ \
template<typename T_Sbx> \
inline tainted_volatile<T, T_Sbx>& tainted_volatile<T, T_Sbx>::operator=( \
const tainted<T, T_Sbx>&& rhs_wrap) \
{ \
auto& lhs = get_sandbox_value_ref(); \
auto& rhs = rhs_wrap.get_raw_value_ref(); \
constexpr auto Direction = detail::adjust_type_direction::TO_SANDBOX; \
/* Since direction is TO_SANDBOX, we don't need a */ \
/* example_unsandboxed_ptr*/ \
const void* example_unsandboxed_ptr = nullptr; \
sandbox_fields_reflection_##libId##_class_##T(helper_convert_type, \
helper_no_op) \
return *this; \
} \
namespace detail { \
template<typename T_Sbx, \
detail::adjust_type_direction Direction, \
typename T_From> \
class convert_type_class<T_Sbx, Direction, T, T_From> \
{ \
public: \
static inline void run(T& lhs, \
const T_From& rhs, \
const void* example_unsandboxed_ptr) \
{ \
sandbox_fields_reflection_##libId##_class_##T(helper_convert_type, \
helper_no_op) \
} \
}; \
template<typename T_Sbx, \
detail::adjust_type_direction Direction, \
typename T_From> \
class convert_type_class<T_Sbx, \
Direction, \
Sbx_##libId##_##T<T_Sbx>, \
T_From> \
{ \
public: \
static inline void run(Sbx_##libId##_##T<T_Sbx>& lhs, \
const T_From& rhs, \
const void* example_unsandboxed_ptr) \
{ \
sandbox_fields_reflection_##libId##_class_##T(helper_convert_type, \
helper_no_op) \
} \
}; \
// clang-format off
#define rlbox_load_structs_from_library(libId) \
namespace rlbox { \
namespace detail { \
struct markerStruct \
{}; \
} \
/* check that this macro is called in a global namespace */ \
static_assert( \
::rlbox::detail::is_member_of_rlbox_detail<detail::markerStruct>, \
"Invoke rlbox_load_structs_from_library in the global namespace"); \
sandbox_fields_reflection_##libId##_allClasses( \
sandbox_equivalent_specialization) \
sandbox_fields_reflection_##libId##_allClasses( \
tainted_data_specialization) \
} \
// clang-format on