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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is OEone Calendar Code, released October 31st, 2001.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* OEone Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): Garth Smedley <>
* Mike Potter <>
* Colin Phillips <>
* Karl Guertin <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
* DayView Class subclass of CalendarView
* Calendar day view class
// Make DayView inherit from CalendarView
DayView.prototype = new CalendarView();
DayView.prototype.constructor = DayView;
* DayView Constructor.
* calendarWindow - the owning instance of CalendarWindow.
function DayView( calendarWindow )
// call super
this.superConstructor( calendarWindow );
//set the time on the left hand side labels
//need to do this in JavaScript to preserve formatting
for( var i = 0; i < 24; i++ )
var TimeToFormat = new Date();
TimeToFormat.setHours( i );
TimeToFormat.setMinutes( "0" );
var FormattedTime = calendarWindow.dateFormater.getFormatedTime( TimeToFormat );
var Label = document.getElementById( "day-view-hour-"+i );
Label.setAttribute( "value", FormattedTime );
var dayViewEventSelectionObserver =
onSelectionChanged : function( EventSelectionArray )
for( i = 0; i < EventSelectionArray.length; i++ )
gCalendarWindow.dayView.selectBoxForEvent( EventSelectionArray[i] );
calendarWindow.EventSelection.addObserver( dayViewEventSelectionObserver );
* Redraw the events for the current month
DayView.prototype.refreshEvents = function( )
this.kungFooDeathGripOnEventBoxes = new Array();
// remove old event boxes
var eventBoxList = document.getElementsByAttribute( "eventbox", "dayview" );
for( var eventBoxIndex = 0; eventBoxIndex < eventBoxList.length; ++eventBoxIndex )
var eventBox = eventBoxList[ eventBoxIndex ];
eventBox.parentNode.removeChild( eventBox );
//get the all day box.
var AllDayBox = document.getElementById( "all-day-content-box" );
AllDayBox.setAttribute( "collapsed", "true" );
//remove all the text from the all day content box.
while( AllDayBox.hasChildNodes() )
AllDayBox.removeChild( AllDayBox.firstChild );
//shrink the day's content box.
document.getElementById( "day-view-content-box" ).removeAttribute( "allday" );
//make the text node that will contain the text for the all day box.
//var TextNode = document.getElementById( "all-day-content-box-text" );
//if ( TextNode == null )
HtmlNode = document.createElement( "description" );
HtmlNode.setAttribute( "class", "all-day-content-box-text-title" );
TextNode = document.createTextNode( "All-Day Events" );
HtmlNode.appendChild( TextNode );
document.getElementById( "all-day-content-box" ).appendChild( HtmlNode );
//TextNode.setAttribute( "value", "All-Day Events: " );
// get the events for the day and loop through them
var dayEventList = this.calendarWindow.eventSource.getEventsForDay( this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate() );
//refresh the array and the current spot.
for ( i = 0; i < dayEventList.length; i++ )
dayEventList[i].OtherSpotArray = new Array('0');
dayEventList[i].CurrentSpot = 0;
dayEventList[i].NumberOfSameTimeEvents = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < dayEventList.length; i++ )
var calendarEventDisplay = dayEventList[i];
//check to make sure that the event is not an all day event...
if ( calendarEventDisplay.event.allDay != true )
//see if there's another event at the same start time.
for ( j = 0; j < dayEventList.length; j++ )
thisCalendarEventDisplay = dayEventList[j];
//if this event overlaps with another event...
if ( ( ( thisCalendarEventDisplay.displayDate >= calendarEventDisplay.displayDate &&
thisCalendarEventDisplay.displayDate.getTime() < calendarEventDisplay.event.end.getTime() ) ||
( calendarEventDisplay.displayDate >= thisCalendarEventDisplay.displayDate &&
calendarEventDisplay.displayDate.getTime() < thisCalendarEventDisplay.event.end.getTime() ) ) && != &&
thisCalendarEventDisplay.event.allDay != true )
//get the spot that this event will go in.
var ThisSpot = thisCalendarEventDisplay.CurrentSpot;
calendarEventDisplay.OtherSpotArray.push( ThisSpot );
if ( ThisSpot > calendarEventDisplay.CurrentSpot )
calendarEventDisplay.CurrentSpot = ThisSpot;
SortedOtherSpotArray = new Array();
SortedOtherSpotArray = calendarEventDisplay.OtherSpotArray.sort( this.calendarWindow.compareNumbers );
LowestNumber = this.calendarWindow.getLowestElementNotInArray( SortedOtherSpotArray );
//this is the actual spot (0 -> n) that the event will go in on the day view.
calendarEventDisplay.CurrentSpot = LowestNumber;
calendarEventDisplay.NumberOfSameTimeEvents = SortedOtherSpotArray.length;
for ( var eventIndex = 0; eventIndex < dayEventList.length; ++eventIndex )
calendarEventDisplay = dayEventList[ eventIndex ];
//if its an all day event, don't show it in the hours stack.
if ( calendarEventDisplay.event.allDay == true )
// build up the text to show for this event
var eventText = calendarEventDisplay.event.title;
if( calendarEventDisplay.event.location )
eventText += " " + calendarEventDisplay.event.location;
if( calendarEventDisplay.event.description )
eventText += " " + calendarEventDisplay.event.description;
//show the all day box
AllDayBox.removeAttribute( "collapsed" );
//shrink the day's content box.
document.getElementById( "day-view-content-box" ).setAttribute( "allday", "true" );
//note the use of the AllDayText Attribute.
//This is used to remove the text when the day is changed.
newTextNode = document.createElement( "label" );
newTextNode.setAttribute( "value", eventText );
newTextNode.calendarEventDisplay = calendarEventDisplay;
newTextNode.setAttribute( "onmouseover", "gCalendarWindow.mouseOverInfo( calendarEventDisplay, event )" );
newTextNode.setAttribute( "onclick", "dayEventItemClick( this, event )" );
newTextNode.setAttribute( "ondblclick", "dayEventItemDoubleClick( this, event )" );
newTextNode.setAttribute( "tooltip", "savetip" );
newTextNode.setAttribute( "AllDayText", "true" );
newImage = document.createElement("image");
newImage.setAttribute( "class", "all-day-event-class" );
newImage.calendarEventDisplay = calendarEventDisplay;
newImage.setAttribute( "onmouseover", "gCalendarWindow.mouseOverInfo( calendarEventDisplay, event )" );
newImage.setAttribute( "onclick", "dayEventItemClick( this, event )" );
newImage.setAttribute( "ondblclick", "dayEventItemDoubleClick( this, event )" );
newImage.setAttribute( "tooltip", "savetip" );
//newImage.setAttribute( "AllDayText", "true" );
AllDayBox.appendChild( newImage );
AllDayBox.appendChild( newTextNode );
eventBox = this.createEventBox( calendarEventDisplay );
//add the box to the stack.
document.getElementById( "day-view-content-board" ).appendChild( eventBox );
// select the hour of the selected item, if there is an item whose date matches
// mark the box as selected, if the event is
if( this.calendarWindow.EventSelection.isSelectedEvent( calendarEventDisplay.event ) )
this.selectBoxForEvent( calendarEventDisplay.event );
* This creates an event box for the day view
DayView.prototype.createEventBox = function ( calendarEventDisplay )
// build up the text to show for this event
var eventText = calendarEventDisplay.event.title;
var eventStartDate = calendarEventDisplay.displayDate;
var startHour = eventStartDate.getHours();
var startMinutes = eventStartDate.getMinutes();
var eventEndDateTime = new Date( 2000, 1, 1, calendarEventDisplay.event.end.hour, calendarEventDisplay.event.end.minute, 0 );
var eventStartDateTime = new Date( 2000, 1, 1, eventStartDate.getHours(), eventStartDate.getMinutes(), 0 );
var eventDuration = new Date( eventEndDateTime - eventStartDateTime );
var hourDuration = eventDuration / (3600000);
/*if( calendarEventDisplay.event.location )
eventText += "\n" + calendarEventDisplay.event.location;
if( calendarEventDisplay.event.description )
eventText += "\n" + calendarEventDisplay.event.description;
var eventBox = document.createElement( "hbox" );
var topHeight = eval( ( startHour*kDayViewHourHeight ) + ( ( startMinutes/60 ) * kDayViewHourHeight ) );
topHeight = Math.round( topHeight ) - 1;
eventBox.setAttribute( "top", topHeight );
eventBox.setAttribute( "height", Math.round( ( hourDuration*kDayViewHourHeight ) + 1 ) );
var daywidth = parseInt(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById("day-tree-item-0"), "").getPropertyValue("width"));
var width = Math.round( ( daywidth-kDayViewHourLeftStart ) / calendarEventDisplay.NumberOfSameTimeEvents );
eventBox.setAttribute( "width", width );
var left = eval( ( ( calendarEventDisplay.CurrentSpot - 1 ) * width ) + kDayViewHourLeftStart );
left = left - ( 1 * ( calendarEventDisplay.CurrentSpot - 1 ));
eventBox.setAttribute( "left", Math.round( left ) );
//eventBox.setAttribute( "style", "border: 1px solid red; width: "+width+"px; max-width: "+width+"px;max-height: "+eventBox.getAttribute( "height" )+"px;overflow: never;" );
//eventBox.setAttribute( "style", "border: 1px solid red;" );
eventBox.setAttribute( "class", "day-view-event-class" );
eventBox.setAttribute( "flex", "1" );
eventBox.setAttribute( "eventbox", "dayview" );
eventBox.setAttribute( "onclick", "dayEventItemClick( this, event )" );
eventBox.setAttribute( "ondblclick", "dayEventItemDoubleClick( this, event )" );
eventBox.setAttribute( "onmouseover", "gCalendarWindow.mouseOverInfo( calendarEventDisplay, event )" );
eventBox.setAttribute( "tooltip", "savetip" );
eventBox.setAttribute( "name", "day-view-event-box-" );
if( calendarEventDisplay.event.categories && calendarEventDisplay.event.categories != "" )
eventBox.setAttribute( calendarEventDisplay.event.categories, "true" );
var eventHTMLElement = document.createElement( "label" );
eventHTMLElement.setAttribute( "id", "day-view-event-html" );
var eventTextElement = document.createTextNode( eventText );
//eventHTMLElement.setAttribute( "class", "day-view-event-text-class" );
eventHTMLElement.appendChild( eventTextElement );
eventHTMLElement.setAttribute( "flex", "1" );
eventHTMLElement.setAttribute( "crop", "end" );
eventBox.appendChild( eventHTMLElement );
// add a property to the event box that holds the calendarEvent that the
// box represents
eventBox.calendarEventDisplay = calendarEventDisplay;
this.kungFooDeathGripOnEventBoxes.push( eventBox );
return( eventBox );
* Called when the user switches from a different view
DayView.prototype.switchFrom = function( )
* Called when the user switches to the day view
DayView.prototype.switchTo = function( )
// disable/enable view switching buttons
var weekViewButton = document.getElementById( "week_view_command" );
var monthViewButton = document.getElementById( "month_view_command" );
var dayViewButton = document.getElementById( "day_view_command" );
monthViewButton.removeAttribute( "disabled" );
weekViewButton.removeAttribute( "disabled" );
dayViewButton.setAttribute( "disabled", "true" );
// switch views in the deck
var calendarDeckItem = document.getElementById( "calendar-deck" );
calendarDeckItem.selectedIndex = 2;
* Redraw the display, but not the events
DayView.prototype.refreshDisplay = function( )
// update the title
var dayName = this.calendarWindow.dateFormater.getDayName( this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getDay() );
if (this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getDay() < 2)
if (this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getDay() == 0)
var dayNamePrev1 = this.calendarWindow.dateFormater.getDayName( this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getDay() + 6 );
var dayNamePrev2 = this.calendarWindow.dateFormater.getDayName( this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getDay() + 5 );
var dayNamePrev1 = this.calendarWindow.dateFormater.getDayName( this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getDay() - 1 );
var dayNamePrev2 = this.calendarWindow.dateFormater.getDayName( this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getDay() + 5 );
var dayNamePrev1 = this.calendarWindow.dateFormater.getDayName( this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getDay() - 1 );
var dayNamePrev2 = this.calendarWindow.dateFormater.getDayName( this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getDay() - 2 );
if (this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getDay() > 4)
if (this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getDay() == 6)
var dayNameNext1 = this.calendarWindow.dateFormater.getDayName( this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getDay() - 6);
var dayNameNext2 = this.calendarWindow.dateFormater.getDayName( this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getDay() - 5);
var dayNameNext1 = this.calendarWindow.dateFormater.getDayName( this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getDay() + 1);
var dayNameNext2 = this.calendarWindow.dateFormater.getDayName( this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getDay() - 5);
var dayNameNext1 = this.calendarWindow.dateFormater.getDayName( this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getDay() + 1);
var dayNameNext2 = this.calendarWindow.dateFormater.getDayName( this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getDay() + 2);
var monthName = this.calendarWindow.dateFormater.getMonthName( this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getMonth() );
var dateString = monthName + " " + this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getDate() + " " + this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate().getFullYear();
var dayTextItemPrev2 = document.getElementById( "-2-day-title" );
var dayTextItemPrev1 = document.getElementById( "-1-day-title" );
var dayTextItem = document.getElementById( "0-day-title" );
var dayTextItemNext1 = document.getElementById( "1-day-title" );
var dayTextItemNext2 = document.getElementById( "2-day-title" );
var daySpecificTextItem = document.getElementById( "0-day-specific-title" );
dayTextItemPrev2.setAttribute( "value" , dayNamePrev2 );
dayTextItemPrev1.setAttribute( "value" , dayNamePrev1 );
dayTextItem.setAttribute( "value" , dayName );
dayTextItemNext1.setAttribute( "value" , dayNameNext1 );
dayTextItemNext2.setAttribute( "value" , dayNameNext2 );
daySpecificTextItem.setAttribute( "value" , dateString );
/** PUBLIC -- monthview only
* Called when an event box item is single clicked
DayView.prototype.clickEventBox = function( eventBox, event )
this.calendarWindow.EventSelection.replaceSelection( eventBox.calendarEventDisplay.event );
// Do not let the click go through, suppress default selection
if ( event )
* This is called when we are about the make a new event
* and we want to know what the default start date should be for the event.
DayView.prototype.getNewEventDate = function( )
var start = new Date( this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate() );
start.setHours( start.getHours() );
start.setMinutes( Math.ceil( start.getMinutes() / 5 ) * 5 );
start.setSeconds( 0 );
return start;
* Go to the next day.
DayView.prototype.goToNext = function(goDays)
if (goDays)
var nextDay = new Date( this.calendarWindow.selectedDate.getFullYear(), this.calendarWindow.selectedDate.getMonth(), this.calendarWindow.selectedDate.getDate() + goDays );
this.goToDay( nextDay );
var nextDay = new Date( this.calendarWindow.selectedDate.getFullYear(), this.calendarWindow.selectedDate.getMonth(), this.calendarWindow.selectedDate.getDate() + 1 );
this.goToDay( nextDay );
* Go to the previous day.
DayView.prototype.goToPrevious = function( goDays )
if (goDays)
var prevDay = new Date( this.calendarWindow.selectedDate.getFullYear(), this.calendarWindow.selectedDate.getMonth(), this.calendarWindow.selectedDate.getDate() - goDays );
this.goToDay( prevDay );
var prevDay = new Date( this.calendarWindow.selectedDate.getFullYear(), this.calendarWindow.selectedDate.getMonth(), this.calendarWindow.selectedDate.getDate() - 1 );
this.goToDay( prevDay );
DayView.prototype.selectBoxForEvent = function( calendarEvent )
var EventBoxes = document.getElementsByAttribute( "name", "day-view-event-box-" );
for ( j = 0; j < EventBoxes.length; j++ )
EventBoxes[j].setAttribute( "eventselected", "true" );
* clear the selected event by taking off the selected attribute.
DayView.prototype.clearSelectedEvent = function( )
var ArrayOfBoxes = document.getElementsByAttribute( "eventselected", "true" );
for( i = 0; i < ArrayOfBoxes.length; i++ )
ArrayOfBoxes[i].removeAttribute( "eventselected" );
DayView.prototype.clearSelectedDate = function( )
DayView.prototype.getVisibleEvent = function( calendarEvent )
eventBox = document.getElementById( "day-view-event-box-" );
if ( eventBox )
return eventBox;
return null;
** This function is needed because it may be called after the end of each day.
DayView.prototype.hiliteTodaysDate = function( )
var gStartDate = null;
var gEndDate = null;
var dayEventEndObserver = {
getSupportedFlavours : function () {
var flavours = new FlavourSet();
return flavours;
onDragOver: function (evt,flavour,session){ "draggedover", "true" );
onDrop: function (evt,dropdata,session){
gEndDate = new Date( gStartDate.getTime() );
gEndDate.setHours( "hour" ) );
if( gEndDate.getTime() < gStartDate.getTime() )
var Temp = gEndDate;
gEndDate = gStartDate;
gStartDate = Temp;
newEvent( gStartDate, gEndDate );
var allDraggedElements = document.getElementsByAttribute( "draggedover", "true" );
for( var i = 0; i < allDraggedElements.length; i++ )
allDraggedElements[i].removeAttribute( "draggedover" );
var dayEventStartObserver = {
onDragStart: function (evt, transferData, action){
gStartDate = new Date( gCalendarWindow.getSelectedDate() );
gStartDate.setHours( "hour" ) );
gStartDate.setMinutes( 0 );
gStartDate.setSeconds( 0 ); TransferData();"text/unicode",0);