
1124 строки
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const { tokenize } = ChromeUtils.import(
* RecipeExecutor is the core feature engineering pipeline for the in-browser
* personalization work. These pipelines are called "recipes". A recipe is an
* array of objects that define a "step" in the recipe. A step is simply an
* object with a field "function" that specifies what is being done in the step
* along with other fields that are semantically defined for that step.
* There are two types of recipes "builder" recipes and "combiner" recipes. Builder
* recipes mutate an object until it matches some set of critera. Combiner
* recipes take two objects, (a "left" and a "right"), and specify the steps
* to merge the right object into the left object.
* A short nonsense example recipe is:
* [ {"function": "get_url_domain", "path_length": 1, "field": "url", "dest": "url_domain"},
* {"function": "nb_tag", "fields": ["title", "description"]},
* {"function": "conditionally_nmf_tag", "fields": ["title", "description"]} ]
* Recipes are sandboxed by the fact that the step functions must be explicitly
* whitelisted. Functions whitelisted for builder recipes are specifed in the
* RecipeExecutor.ITEM_BUILDER_REGISTRY, while combiner functions are whitelisted
* in RecipeExecutor.ITEM_COMBINER_REGISTRY .
this.RecipeExecutor = class RecipeExecutor {
constructor(nbTaggers, nmfTaggers) {
nb_tag: this.naiveBayesTag,
conditionally_nmf_tag: this.conditionallyNmfTag,
accept_item_by_field_value: this.acceptItemByFieldValue,
tokenize_url: this.tokenizeUrl,
get_url_domain: this.getUrlDomain,
tokenize_field: this.tokenizeField,
copy_value: this.copyValue,
keep_top_k: this.keepTopK,
scalar_multiply: this.scalarMultiply,
elementwise_multiply: this.elementwiseMultiply,
vector_multiply: this.vectorMultiply,
scalar_add: this.scalarAdd,
vector_add: this.vectorAdd,
make_boolean: this.makeBoolean,
whitelist_fields: this.whitelistFields,
filter_by_value: this.filterByValue,
l2_normalize: this.l2Normalize,
prob_normalize: this.probNormalize,
set_default: this.setDefault,
lookup_value: this.lookupValue,
copy_to_map: this.copyToMap,
scalar_multiply_tag: this.scalarMultiplyTag,
apply_softmax_tags: this.applySoftmaxTags,
combiner_add: this.combinerAdd,
combiner_max: this.combinerMax,
combiner_collect_values: this.combinerCollectValues,
this.nbTaggers = nbTaggers;
this.nmfTaggers = nmfTaggers;
* Determines the type of a field. Valid types are:
* string
* number
* array
* map (strings to anything)
_typeOf(data) {
let t = typeof data;
if (t === "object") {
if (data === null) {
return "null";
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
return "array";
return "map";
return t;
* Returns a scalar, either because it was a constant, or by
* looking it up from the item. Allows for a default value if the lookup
* fails.
_lookupScalar(item, k, dfault) {
if (this._typeOf(k) === "number") {
return k;
} else if (
this._typeOf(k) === "string" &&
k in item &&
this._typeOf(item[k]) === "number"
) {
return item[k];
return dfault;
* Simply appends all the strings from a set fields together. If the field
* is a list, then the cells of the list are append.
_assembleText(item, fields) {
let textArr = [];
for (let field of fields) {
if (field in item) {
let type = this._typeOf(item[field]);
if (type === "string") {
} else if (type === "array") {
for (let ele of item[field]) {
} else {
return textArr.join(" ");
* Runs the naive bayes text taggers over a set of text fields. Stores the
* results in new fields:
* nb_tags: a map of text strings to probabilites
* nb_tokens: the tokenized text that was tagged
* Config:
* fields: an array containing a list of fields to concatenate and tag
naiveBayesTag(item, config) {
let text = this._assembleText(item, config.fields);
let tokens = tokenize(text);
let tags = {};
let extended_tags = {};
for (let nbTagger of this.nbTaggers) {
let result = nbTagger.tagTokens(tokens);
if (result.label !== null && result.confident) {
extended_tags[result.label] = result;
tags[result.label] = Math.exp(result.logProb);
item.nb_tags = tags;
item.nb_tags_extended = extended_tags;
item.nb_tokens = tokens;
return item;
* Selectively runs NMF text taggers depending on which tags were found
* by the naive bayes taggers. Writes the results in into new fields:
* nmf_tags_parent_weights: map of pareent tags to probabilites of those parent tags
* nmf_tags: map of strings to maps of strings to probabilities
* nmf_tags_parent map of child tags to parent tags
* Config:
* Not configurable
conditionallyNmfTag(item, config) {
let nestedNmfTags = {};
let parentTags = {};
let parentWeights = {};
if (!("nb_tags" in item) || !("nb_tokens" in item)) {
return null;
Object.keys(item.nb_tags).forEach(parentTag => {
let nmfTagger = this.nmfTaggers[parentTag];
if (nmfTagger !== undefined) {
nestedNmfTags[parentTag] = {};
parentWeights[parentTag] = item.nb_tags[parentTag];
let nmfTags = nmfTagger.tagTokens(item.nb_tokens);
Object.keys(nmfTags).forEach(nmfTag => {
nestedNmfTags[parentTag][nmfTag] = nmfTags[nmfTag];
parentTags[nmfTag] = parentTag;
item.nmf_tags = nestedNmfTags;
item.nmf_tags_parent = parentTags;
item.nmf_tags_parent_weights = parentWeights;
return item;
* Checks a field's value against another value (either from another field
* or a constant). If the test passes, then the item is emitted, otherwise
* the pipeline is aborted.
* Config:
* field Field to read the value to test. Left side of operator.
* op one of ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=
* rhsValue Constant value to compare against. Right side of operator.
* rhsField Field to read value to compare against. Right side of operator.
* NOTE: rhsValue takes precidence over rhsField.
acceptItemByFieldValue(item, config) {
if (!(config.field in item)) {
return null;
let rhs = null;
if ("rhsValue" in config) {
rhs = config.rhsValue;
} else if ("rhsField" in config && config.rhsField in item) {
rhs = item[config.rhsField];
if (rhs === null) {
return null;
if (
// eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
(config.op === "==" && item[config.field] == rhs) ||
// eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
(config.op === "!=" && item[config.field] != rhs) ||
(config.op === "<" && item[config.field] < rhs) ||
(config.op === "<=" && item[config.field] <= rhs) ||
(config.op === ">" && item[config.field] > rhs) ||
(config.op === ">=" && item[config.field] >= rhs)
) {
return item;
return null;
* Splits a URL into text-like tokens.
* Config:
* field Field containing a URL
* dest Field to write the tokens to as an array of strings
* NOTE: Any initial 'www' on the hostname is removed.
tokenizeUrl(item, config) {
if (!(config.field in item)) {
return null;
let url = new URL(item[config.field]);
let domain = url.hostname;
if (domain.startsWith("www.")) {
domain = domain.substring(4);
let toks = tokenize(domain);
let pathToks = tokenize(
decodeURIComponent(url.pathname.replace(/\+/g, " "))
for (let tok of pathToks) {
for (let pair of url.searchParams.entries()) {
let k = tokenize(decodeURIComponent(pair[0].replace(/\+/g, " ")));
for (let tok of k) {
if (pair[1] !== null && pair[1] !== "") {
let v = tokenize(decodeURIComponent(pair[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")));
for (let tok of v) {
item[config.dest] = toks;
return item;
* Gets the hostname (minus any initial "www." along with the left most
* directories on the path.
* Config:
* field Field containing the URL
* dest Field to write the array of strings to
* path_length OPTIONAL (DEFAULT: 0) Number of leftmost subdirectories to include
getUrlDomain(item, config) {
if (!(config.field in item)) {
return null;
let url = new URL(item[config.field]);
let domain = url.hostname.toLocaleLowerCase();
if (domain.startsWith("www.")) {
domain = domain.substring(4);
item[config.dest] = domain;
let pathLength = 0;
if ("path_length" in config) {
pathLength = config.path_length;
if (pathLength > 0) {
item[config.dest] += url.pathname
.slice(0, pathLength + 1)
return item;
* Splits a field into tokens.
* Config:
* field Field containing a string to tokenize
* dest Field to write the array of strings to
tokenizeField(item, config) {
if (!(config.field in item)) {
return null;
item[config.dest] = tokenize(item[config.field]);
return item;
* Deep copy from one field to another.
* Config:
* src Field to read from
* dest Field to write to
copyValue(item, config) {
if (!(config.src in item)) {
return null;
item[config.dest] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item[config.src]));
return item;
* Converts a field containing a map of strings to a map of strings
* to numbers, to a map of strings to numbers containing at most k elements.
* This operation is performed by first, promoting all the subkeys up one
* level, and then taking the top (or bottom) k values.
* Config:
* field Points to a map of strings to a map of strings to numbers
* k Maximum number of items to keep
* descending OPTIONAL (DEFAULT: True) Sorts score in descending order
* (i.e. keeps maximum)
keepTopK(item, config) {
if (!(config.field in item)) {
return null;
let k = this._lookupScalar(item, config.k, 1048576);
let descending = !("descending" in config) || config.descending !== false;
// we can't sort by the values in the map, so we have to convert this
// to an array, and then sort.
let sortable = [];
Object.keys(item[config.field]).forEach(outerKey => {
let innerType = this._typeOf(item[config.field][outerKey]);
if (innerType === "map") {
Object.keys(item[config.field][outerKey]).forEach(innerKey => {
key: innerKey,
value: item[config.field][outerKey][innerKey],
} else {
sortable.push({ key: outerKey, value: item[config.field][outerKey] });
sortable.sort((a, b) => {
if (descending) {
return b.value - a.value;
return a.value - b.value;
// now take the top k
let newMap = {};
let i = 0;
for (let pair of sortable) {
if (i >= k) {
newMap[pair.key] = pair.value;
item[config.field] = newMap;
return item;
* Scalar multiplies a vector by some constant
* Config:
* field Points to:
* a map of strings to numbers
* an array of numbers
* a number
* k Either a number, or a string. If it's a number then This
* is the scalar value to multiply by. If it's a string,
* the value in the pointed to field is used.
* default OPTIONAL (DEFAULT: 0), If k is a string, and no numeric
* value is found, then use this value.
scalarMultiply(item, config) {
if (!(config.field in item)) {
return null;
let k = this._lookupScalar(item, config.k, config.dfault);
let fieldType = this._typeOf(item[config.field]);
if (fieldType === "number") {
item[config.field] *= k;
} else if (fieldType === "array") {
for (let i = 0; i < item[config.field].length; i++) {
item[config.field][i] *= k;
} else if (fieldType === "map") {
Object.keys(item[config.field]).forEach(key => {
item[config.field][key] *= k;
} else {
return null;
return item;
* Elementwise multiplies either two maps or two arrays together, storing
* the result in left. If left and right are of the same type, results in an
* error.
* Maps are special case. For maps the left must be a nested map such as:
* { k1: { k11: 1, k12: 2}, k2: { k21: 3, k22: 4 } } and right needs to be
* simple map such as: { k1: 5, k2: 6} . The operation is then to mulitply
* every value of every right key, to every value every subkey where the
* parent keys match. Using the previous examples, the result would be:
* { k1: { k11: 5, k12: 10 }, k2: { k21: 18, k22: 24 } } .
* Config:
* left
* right
elementwiseMultiply(item, config) {
if (!(config.left in item) || !(config.right in item)) {
return null;
let leftType = this._typeOf(item[config.left]);
if (leftType !== this._typeOf(item[config.right])) {
return null;
if (leftType === "array") {
if (item[config.left].length !== item[config.right].length) {
return null;
for (let i = 0; i < item[config.left].length; i++) {
item[config.left][i] *= item[config.right][i];
} else if (leftType === "map") {
Object.keys(item[config.left]).forEach(outerKey => {
let r = 0.0;
if (outerKey in item[config.right]) {
r = item[config.right][outerKey];
Object.keys(item[config.left][outerKey]).forEach(innerKey => {
item[config.left][outerKey][innerKey] *= r;
} else if (leftType === "number") {
item[config.left] *= item[config.right];
} else {
return null;
return item;
* Vector multiplies (i.e. dot products) two vectors and stores the result in
* third field. Both vectors must either by maps, or arrays of numbers with
* the same length.
* Config:
* left A field pointing to either a map of strings to numbers,
* or an array of numbers
* right A field pointing to either a map of strings to numbers,
* or an array of numbers
* dest The field to store the dot product.
vectorMultiply(item, config) {
if (!(config.left in item) || !(config.right in item)) {
return null;
let leftType = this._typeOf(item[config.left]);
if (leftType !== this._typeOf(item[config.right])) {
return null;
let destVal = 0.0;
if (leftType === "array") {
if (item[config.left].length !== item[config.right].length) {
return null;
for (let i = 0; i < item[config.left].length; i++) {
destVal += item[config.left][i] * item[config.right][i];
} else if (leftType === "map") {
Object.keys(item[config.left]).forEach(key => {
if (key in item[config.right]) {
destVal += item[config.left][key] * item[config.right][key];
} else {
return null;
item[config.dest] = destVal;
return item;
* Adds a constant value to all elements in the field. Mathematically,
* this is the same as taking a 1-vector, scalar multiplying it by k,
* and then vector adding it to a field.
* Config:
* field A field pointing to either a map of strings to numbers,
* or an array of numbers
* k Either a number, or a string. If it's a number then This
* is the scalar value to multiply by. If it's a string,
* the value in the pointed to field is used.
* default OPTIONAL (DEFAULT: 0), If k is a string, and no numeric
* value is found, then use this value.
scalarAdd(item, config) {
let k = this._lookupScalar(item, config.k, config.dfault);
if (!(config.field in item)) {
return null;
let fieldType = this._typeOf(item[config.field]);
if (fieldType === "array") {
for (let i = 0; i < item[config.field].length; i++) {
item[config.field][i] += k;
} else if (fieldType === "map") {
Object.keys(item[config.field]).forEach(key => {
item[config.field][key] += k;
} else if (fieldType === "number") {
item[config.field] += k;
} else {
return null;
return item;
* Adds two vectors together and stores the result in left.
* Config:
* left A field pointing to either a map of strings to numbers,
* or an array of numbers
* right A field pointing to either a map of strings to numbers,
* or an array of numbers
vectorAdd(item, config) {
if (!(config.left in item)) {
return this.copyValue(item, { src: config.right, dest: config.left });
if (!(config.right in item)) {
return null;
let leftType = this._typeOf(item[config.left]);
if (leftType !== this._typeOf(item[config.right])) {
return null;
if (leftType === "array") {
if (item[config.left].length !== item[config.right].length) {
return null;
for (let i = 0; i < item[config.left].length; i++) {
item[config.left][i] += item[config.right][i];
return item;
} else if (leftType === "map") {
Object.keys(item[config.right]).forEach(key => {
let v = 0;
if (key in item[config.left]) {
v = item[config.left][key];
item[config.left][key] = v + item[config.right][key];
return item;
return null;
* Converts a vector from real values to boolean integers. (i.e. either 1/0
* or 1/-1).
* Config:
* field Field containing either a mpa of strings to numbers or
* an array of numbers to convert.
* threshold OPTIONAL (DEFAULT: 0) Values above this will be replaced
* with 1.0. Those below will be converted to 0.
* keep_negative OPTIONAL (DEFAULT: False) If true, values below the
* threshold will be converted to -1 instead of 0.
makeBoolean(item, config) {
if (!(config.field in item)) {
return null;
let threshold = this._lookupScalar(item, config.threshold, 0.0);
let type = this._typeOf(item[config.field]);
if (type === "array") {
for (let i = 0; i < item[config.field].length; i++) {
if (item[config.field][i] > threshold) {
item[config.field][i] = 1.0;
} else if (config.keep_negative) {
item[config.field][i] = -1.0;
} else {
item[config.field][i] = 0.0;
} else if (type === "map") {
Object.keys(item[config.field]).forEach(key => {
let value = item[config.field][key];
if (value > threshold) {
item[config.field][key] = 1.0;
} else if (config.keep_negative) {
item[config.field][key] = -1.0;
} else {
item[config.field][key] = 0.0;
} else if (type === "number") {
let value = item[config.field];
if (value > threshold) {
item[config.field] = 1.0;
} else if (config.keep_negative) {
item[config.field] = -1.0;
} else {
item[config.field] = 0.0;
} else {
return null;
return item;
* Removes all keys from the item except for the ones specified.
* fields An array of strings indicating the fields to keep
whitelistFields(item, config) {
let newItem = {};
for (let ele of config.fields) {
if (ele in item) {
newItem[ele] = item[ele];
return newItem;
* Removes all keys whose value does not exceed some threshold.
* Config:
* field Points to a map of strings to numbers
* threshold Values must exceed this value, otherwise they are removed.
filterByValue(item, config) {
if (!(config.field in item)) {
return null;
let threshold = this._lookupScalar(item, config.threshold, 0.0);
let filtered = {};
Object.keys(item[config.field]).forEach(key => {
let value = item[config.field][key];
if (value > threshold) {
filtered[key] = value;
item[config.field] = filtered;
return item;
* Rewrites a field so that its values are now L2 normed.
* Config:
* field Points to a map of strings to numbers, or an array of numbers
l2Normalize(item, config) {
if (!(config.field in item)) {
return null;
let data = item[config.field];
let type = this._typeOf(data);
if (type === "array") {
let norm = 0.0;
for (let datum of data) {
norm += datum * datum;
norm = Math.sqrt(norm);
if (norm !== 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
data[i] /= norm;
} else if (type === "map") {
let norm = 0.0;
Object.keys(data).forEach(key => {
norm += data[key] * data[key];
norm = Math.sqrt(norm);
if (norm !== 0) {
Object.keys(data).forEach(key => {
data[key] /= norm;
} else {
return null;
item[config.field] = data;
return item;
* Rewrites a field so that all of its values sum to 1.0
* Config:
* field Points to a map of strings to numbers, or an array of numbers
probNormalize(item, config) {
if (!(config.field in item)) {
return null;
let data = item[config.field];
let type = this._typeOf(data);
if (type === "array") {
let norm = 0.0;
for (let datum of data) {
norm += datum;
if (norm !== 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
data[i] /= norm;
} else if (type === "map") {
let norm = 0.0;
Object.keys(item[config.field]).forEach(key => {
norm += item[config.field][key];
if (norm !== 0) {
Object.keys(item[config.field]).forEach(key => {
item[config.field][key] /= norm;
} else {
return null;
return item;
* Stores a value, if it is not already present
* Config:
* field field to write to if it is missing
* value value to store in that field
setDefault(item, config) {
let val = this._lookupScalar(item, config.value, config.value);
if (!(config.field in item)) {
item[config.field] = val;
return item;
* Selctively promotes an value from an inner map up to the outer map
* Config:
* haystack Points to a map of strings to values
* needle Key inside the map we should promote up
* dest Where we should write the value of haystack[needle]
lookupValue(item, config) {
if (config.haystack in item && config.needle in item[config.haystack]) {
item[config.dest] = item[config.haystack][config.needle];
return item;
* Demotes a field into a map
* Config:
* src Field to copy
* dest_map Points to a map
* dest_key Key inside dest_map to copy src to
copyToMap(item, config) {
if (config.src in item) {
if (!(config.dest_map in item)) {
item[config.dest_map] = {};
item[config.dest_map][config.dest_key] = item[config.src];
return item;
* Config:
* field Points to a string to number map
* k Scalar to multiply the values by
* log_scale Boolean, if true, then the values will be transformed
* by a logrithm prior to multiplications
scalarMultiplyTag(item, config) {
let EPSILON = 0.000001;
if (!(config.field in item)) {
return null;
let k = this._lookupScalar(item, config.k, 1);
let type = this._typeOf(item[config.field]);
if (type === "map") {
Object.keys(item[config.field]).forEach(parentKey => {
Object.keys(item[config.field][parentKey]).forEach(key => {
let v = item[config.field][parentKey][key];
if (config.log_scale) {
v = Math.log(v + EPSILON);
item[config.field][parentKey][key] = v * k;
} else {
return null;
return item;
* Independently applies softmax across all subtags.
* Config:
* field Points to a map of strings with values being another map of strings
applySoftmaxTags(item, config) {
let type = this._typeOf(item[config.field]);
if (type !== "map") {
return null;
let abort = false;
let softmaxSum = {};
Object.keys(item[config.field]).forEach(tag => {
if (this._typeOf(item[config.field][tag]) !== "map") {
abort = true;
if (abort) {
softmaxSum[tag] = 0;
Object.keys(item[config.field][tag]).forEach(subtag => {
if (this._typeOf(item[config.field][tag][subtag]) !== "number") {
abort = true;
let score = item[config.field][tag][subtag];
softmaxSum[tag] += Math.exp(score);
if (abort) {
return null;
Object.keys(item[config.field]).forEach(tag => {
Object.keys(item[config.field][tag]).forEach(subtag => {
item[config.field][tag][subtag] =
Math.exp(item[config.field][tag][subtag]) / softmaxSum[tag];
return item;
* Vector adds a field and stores the result in left.
* Config:
* field The field to vector add
combinerAdd(left, right, config) {
if (!(config.field in right)) {
return left;
let type = this._typeOf(right[config.field]);
if (!(config.field in left)) {
if (type === "map") {
left[config.field] = {};
} else if (type === "array") {
left[config.field] = [];
} else if (type === "number") {
left[config.field] = 0;
} else {
return null;
if (type !== this._typeOf(left[config.field])) {
return null;
if (type === "map") {
Object.keys(right[config.field]).forEach(key => {
if (!(key in left[config.field])) {
left[config.field][key] = 0;
left[config.field][key] += right[config.field][key];
} else if (type === "array") {
for (let i = 0; i < right[config.field].length; i++) {
if (i < left[config.field].length) {
left[config.field][i] += right[config.field][i];
} else {
} else if (type === "number") {
left[config.field] += right[config.field];
} else {
return null;
return left;
* Stores the maximum value of the field in left.
* Config:
* field The field to vector add
combinerMax(left, right, config) {
if (!(config.field in right)) {
return left;
let type = this._typeOf(right[config.field]);
if (!(config.field in left)) {
if (type === "map") {
left[config.field] = {};
} else if (type === "array") {
left[config.field] = [];
} else if (type === "number") {
left[config.field] = 0;
} else {
return null;
if (type !== this._typeOf(left[config.field])) {
return null;
if (type === "map") {
Object.keys(right[config.field]).forEach(key => {
if (
!(key in left[config.field]) ||
right[config.field][key] > left[config.field][key]
) {
left[config.field][key] = right[config.field][key];
} else if (type === "array") {
for (let i = 0; i < right[config.field].length; i++) {
if (i < left[config.field].length) {
if (left[config.field][i] < right[config.field][i]) {
left[config.field][i] = right[config.field][i];
} else {
} else if (type === "number") {
if (left[config.field] < right[config.field]) {
left[config.field] = right[config.field];
} else {
return null;
return left;
* Associates a value in right with another value in right. This association
* is then stored in a map in left.
* For example: If a sequence of rights is:
* { 'tags': {}, 'url_domain': '', 'time': 41 }
* { 'tags': {}, 'url_domain': '', 'time': 21 }
* { 'tags': {}, 'url_domain': '', 'time': 34 }
* Then assuming a 'sum' operation, left can build a map that would look like:
* {
* '': 75,
* '': 21,
* }
* Fields:
* left_field field in the left to store / update the map
* right_key_field Field in the right to use as a key
* right_value_field Field in the right to use as a value
* operation One of "sum", "max", "overwrite", "count"
combinerCollectValues(left, right, config) {
let op;
if (config.operation === "sum") {
op = (a, b) => a + b;
} else if (config.operation === "max") {
op = (a, b) => (a > b ? a : b);
} else if (config.operation === "overwrite") {
op = (a, b) => b;
} else if (config.operation === "count") {
op = (a, b) => a + 1;
} else {
return null;
if (!(config.left_field in left)) {
left[config.left_field] = {};
if (
!(config.right_key_field in right) ||
!(config.right_value_field in right)
) {
return left;
let key = right[config.right_key_field];
let rightValue = right[config.right_value_field];
let leftValue = 0.0;
if (key in left[config.left_field]) {
leftValue = left[config.left_field][key];
left[config.left_field][key] = op(leftValue, rightValue);
return left;
* Executes a recipe. Returns an object on success, or null on failure.
executeRecipe(item, recipe) {
let newItem = item;
for (let step of recipe) {
let op = this.ITEM_BUILDER_REGISTRY[step.function];
if (op === undefined) {
return null;
newItem =, newItem, step);
if (newItem === null) {
return newItem;
* Executes a recipe. Returns an object on success, or null on failure.
executeCombinerRecipe(item1, item2, recipe) {
let newItem1 = item1;
for (let step of recipe) {
let op = this.ITEM_COMBINER_REGISTRY[step.function];
if (op === undefined) {
return null;
newItem1 =, newItem1, item2, step);
if (newItem1 === null) {
return newItem1;
const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["RecipeExecutor"];